MBA Marketing and Sales Management. MBA in Marketing and Sales. Form of study for the MBA program

1.5 years. In Moscow, face-to-face sessions are held monthly for 3–4 days each. Summer, autumn and winter holidays.

Full-time training is the most prestigious training format.

In addition to knowledge and competencies, you will receive business connections with program participants from Moscow, other regions of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as participants of individual EMAS, who will temporarily join and study with you. Thereby the total number of new face-to-face business contacts by the end of the training will be more than 200.

Full-time students have unlimited free access to the online version of the program, which allows you to review completed modules at any time (online versions are identical to face-to-face ones) and deepen the knowledge gained

Full-time and remote

1.5 years. 3 face-to-face tutor consulting sessions in Moscow + Online training at a time convenient for you anywhere in the world.

MBA program format that provides the ideal combination of price and face-to-face presence. Despite low price EMAS guarantees high quality education, complete knowledge and extensive business connections.

Full-time graduates distance MBA EMAS receive diplomas identical to those of full-time MBA graduates.

Students in the full-time-distance format, in addition to their own full-time sessions, have

Remote (Online)

1 – 1.5 years (optional). Online training at a time convenient for you anywhere in the world.

The most accessible format MBA programs. Despite the low price, EMAS guarantees high quality education, comprehensive knowledge and extensive business connections.

Distance MBA graduates at EMAS receive diplomas identical to those of full-time MBA graduates.

Online modules are online videos of real face-to-face classroom lessons edited - not just lectures by teachers, but also questions, answers, and debriefs. real examples participants. This is the most perfect look online learning , within which it is provided the effect of presence in a face-to-face audience. It is head and shoulders above the so-called “talking head” format, when instead of recording a face-to-face lesson, the listener watches an abstract monologue of the lecturer - without students, real questions and answers to them.

EMAS regularly updates (re-records) video lessons - on average every 1.5 - 2 years. In this way, we ensure that the materials are fully up-to-date and identity of the full-time version of the program.

In addition to video lessons, live thematic webinars are held.

Online students have the right to attend any full-time module in Moscow of your choice*. This is a great and very popular way to make personal connections with fellow full-time students.

* Once a year. In addition to modules on strategic management

The MBA marketing program is aimed at a contingent of certified marketers and other specialists in this field, as well as for graduates of universities in other fields who want to master this specialization.

In most business schools, the program includes four main blocks:

  • Marketing management,
  • Sales management,
  • Communications,
  • Strategic Marketing.

Full-time MBA programs include a mandatory block “General principles of marketing organization”, in which students gain an understanding of the subject as a system for managing the development of a company with a target orientation towards the market. At this stage, students are taught the skills of marketing thinking, vision of the company’s development prospects in environment market.

Marketing Management

The marketing management block provides students with material on which they learn how to create programs and plans marketing research, learn how to organize marketing in a company, including the formation of a divisional structure. In this block, students gain knowledge to manage product category and comprehend the science of pricing in the commodity market. This training takes place if the students have knowledge about general principles company management.

Sales management

The sales management block introduces students to the categories of target customers, distribution channels, sales organization, and sales management. Students of the program will gain an understanding of the sales organization in the company, its structure, the list of specialists in the sales management structure, current sales and methods of planning them.


Marketing communications are presented in the program with basic concepts: the target audience; marketing appeals to her; communication tools. The last component includes the entire set of tools:

  • Advertising;
  • Sales promotion;
  • Public relations;
  • Direct marketing;
  • Branding;
  • Loyalty programs;
  • Sponsorship;
  • Personal selling.

Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing is a graduate degree in the MBA program. This block contains all the elements of MBA, which are presented from the perspective strategic planning and management of them. Students are trained in strategic modeling of marketing processes and strategic decisions based on forecasting the behavior of sales markets.

What the program gives to listeners:

  1. Most of them will form a new standard for the concept of marketer and systematize existing and acquired knowledge into one logical space.
  2. Structure practical experience.
  3. They will increase their value as a specialist.
  4. They will have the opportunity to develop and implement a marketing development strategy for their enterprise.
  5. They will increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

You can get an education in MBA Marketing programs in Moscow alone in 17 educational institutions, most of which are accredited by AMBA, and their graduates receive an international MBA diploma. The most popular of them:

  • Institute of Industry Management (IOM) RANH and GS under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Graduate School Corporate Governance Academy National economy.
  • All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.
  • Moscow MIRBIS (Institute).
  • Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Real Estate Economics.

Throughout Russia, more than thirty higher educational institutions operate the MBA Marketing Program.


In Russia, MBA education has not been regulated by the state since 2012. This means that graduates of educational institutions do not receive a state certificate of completion of the educational institution, and the state does not confirm the MBA degree obtained from the educational institution. But if the educational institution is accredited by the Association of MBAs (London), the graduate receives an international diploma and recognition of the degree received is guaranteed. Therefore, any employer will seriously consider such a candidate to join the middle and senior management of the company. Educational establishments Those who have such accreditation are required to undergo accreditation again every five years.

Specialists with diplomas seek to obtain an education in an MBA program. higher education and those seeking to improve their practical skills in their chosen field of activity. The programs are divided into Full-time MBA and Executive MBA, the latter are designed for in-depth study of the program subjects and are aimed at senior management executives with solid work experience. In addition, there are special mini-MBA programs focused on marketing with in-depth study.

Effective operation of a company in an aggressive business environment and fierce competition is impossible without competent organization of marketing processes and sales planning. In addition to the main general focus, the MBA program includes specializations, including the course “Marketing Strategies in a Complex Environment.” Training will allow you to identify the needs of your consumers and the specifics of the company’s activities, master the techniques of planning and forecasting sales. During the educational process, a full range of issues of increasing demand for products and mechanisms for converting requests from potential buyers into actual purchases are considered.

The target audience:

  • Top sales and distribution managers;
  • Commercial directors;
  • Line managers and technical specialists;
  • Middle managers;
  • Sales managers who want to improve their skills;
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners;
  • Marketing managers with a variety of background training and experience.

Course objectives:

  • Updating and systematizing existing knowledge about marketing;
  • Identification of new trends in this area;
  • Understanding the importance of marketing approaches to successful work organizations and their direct connection with the functions of a manager;
  • Formation of an optimal sales strategy;
  • Building an effective communication scheme between services and departments;
  • Effective management business processes in the field of promoting your product on the market;
  • Establishing relationships with clients and understanding the mechanisms for their expansion;
  • Assessing the effectiveness of the marketing service and finding the optimal way to increase profitability;
  • Fast data-driven decision making marketing analysis;
  • Mastering the technique of choosing and implementing the best sales process for your company;
  • Skill marketing planning aimed at the success of the organization.

Understanding marketing issues will improve your new level the effectiveness of decisions made, use skills and competencies for marketing planning and interaction with potential consumers.

As a result of the training, students will learn:

  • Build and manage marketing processes;
  • Develop and implement effective sales strategies;
  • Engage in forecasting and planning of company activities;
  • Conduct an expert analysis of the effectiveness of the marketing department;
  • Find and implement new methods in the company successful sales;
  • Competently manage operational, tactical and strategic planning tasks;
  • Create a sales funnel and work with the client base;
  • Develop competitive systems aimed at motivating the team;
  • Implement scripts, CRM systems and other sales optimization tools in practice;
  • Accept quality management decisions and predict their consequences.

Main questions of the courses:

  • Satisfying consumer needs;
  • Types purchasing behavior and methods of influence;
  • Segmentation, targeting and positioning;
  • Competitiveness Management;
  • Kinds wholesale sales and their management;
  • Marketing tools in the service sector;
  • Technologies for attracting new clients;
  • Motivation factor and choice of optimal mechanism;
  • Principles of marketing planning.

Features of training

An MBA is the highest degree of professionalism in management and an excellent springboard for your career. Obtain a master's qualification business administration» is prestigious and beneficial for every manager, because this makes him in demand on the labor market and opens up opportunities for development own business or obtaining a prestigious position. Studying at the LINK business school provides the necessary knowledge, practical skills to communicate with specialists and effective tools for decision making. Development curriculum does not require cessation or reduction of core activities thanks to the open system distance learning with support - blended learning. The duration of MBA programs is 2.5-3 years. Upon completion, students receive a prestigious diploma from the International Institute of Management LINK.

The following types of educational activities are provided:

  • tutors, or face-to-face classes in a study group under the guidance of a tutor. Students work together to practice the theoretical material they have covered, discuss real situations and exchange experiences. Case-study situations and real management problems of the assembled listeners allow meetings to be as effective as possible;
  • independent work to study materials according to the students’ work plan for the course, which is aimed at analyzing the existing working situation and finding optimal solutions to improve it;
  • participation in online conferences with a tutor in order to thoroughly master marketing and sales materials at each stage. Each group gets access to an online platform with the opportunity to ask questions to fellow listeners and participate in the discussion;
  • assignments in blocks, involving the completion of a set of small exercises to test educational models and concepts that are directly related to the main activities of the company;
  • written work or exam at the end of the training. The student receives a system for improving the activities of his company in the field of marketing and sales.

To enroll in an MBA program in Moscow, submit an online application, request a call, or contact us by phone. Our specialists are always ready to answer questions regarding admission.

Studying in the MBA program allows you to systematize your existing experience, gain new knowledge and skills, as well as expand your professional capabilities and make useful contacts in the business field. The Institute of Business and Business Administration (IBDA) of RANEPA is accepting students for MBA programs in five current trends. Among them is an MBA program with a specialization in Marketing and Sales Management. In addition, at the RANEPA IBDA, students are given the opportunity to receive a state diploma when choosing additional opportunity"Master of Management", which also has a specialization in "marketing and sales management".

MBA Program Curriculum

The MBA program with a specialization in Marketing and Sales Management at IBDA RANEPA includes several components, including:

  • General disciplines. These include basic and special disciplines, as well as practical management tools. The purpose of the basic disciplines is the formation of fundamental knowledge on which further MBA studies are based. Among the main subjects are “General Management”, “ Financial management», « Strategic management" and others;
  • Disciplines by specialization. Their goal is to develop knowledge in the field of their chosen specialization. The curriculum of the specialization “Marketing and Sales Management” includes such disciplines as “Marketing Management”, “Sales Management”, “Marketing Communications” and others. In addition, digital promotion of the brand and strategies for interaction of the marketing department with other departments are studied.
  • Special courses. They are aimed at studying highly specialized areas such as “Business Etiquette”, “Management in the Coaching Style”, “The Four Roles of a Manager” and others. Each course individually has a small number of academic hours. To successfully complete the program, it is required to attend special courses of at least 60 hours;
  • Foreign training module. Training at this stage is conducted at a European business school. The block is aimed at studying the specifics of management foreign business and involves working with foreign teachers. Obtaining such experience can significantly enrich the thesis;
  • Development of a diploma project. At this stage, the student of the MBA program “Marketing and Sales Management” performs work on preparing a thesis, which should be of a scientific and applied nature. The entire process is controlled by a scientific supervisor selected from among the institute’s teachers and leading practitioners.

Additional opportunity - Master of Management

By enrolling in the MBA - Master of Business Administration program, students have the opportunity to fully complete the MBA program curriculum and the Master's degree curriculum in management in 2 years and 3 months. This allows you to receive, in addition to an MBA diploma, a master's degree in management with the issuance of a state master's diploma of higher education.

The additional semester of the Master of Management project consists of several blocks:

  • Fundamental disciplines. This module involves studying theory and methodology in the field of management. The subjects studied “history of management thought” and “knowledge management” take 36 academic hours;
  • Special courses. They are expected to study the same disciplines as in a regular MBA program. The difference is total duration special courses. To successfully complete the program, at least 90 hours are required;
  • Defense of the master's thesis. Preparation of the work is carried out under the guidance of a curator and is of a research nature. This means that during the defense the student must demonstrate mastery of the theory in the field being studied at a professional level.

Duration of MBA studies

The MBA program with a specialization in marketing and sales management is designed for 21 months. When choosing this direction with an additional master's degree, the period of study is extended for another semester. The full duration of the MBA + Master's program will be 27 months.

Form of study for the MBA program

For convenience, the program provides several forms of training:

  • Evening. Involves meetings with teachers 2–3 times a week (3 hours) and 1–2 Saturdays per month;
  • Modular. Includes several modules of 12 training days and one additional module lasting a week for defending a diploma project;
  • Weekend. Involves meetings with teachers 1–2 times a month;
  • Blended. Includes several modules of 7–14 school days and 4 modules for distance learning.

The result of studying in the MBA program

Upon successful completion of the MBA program with a specialization in marketing and sales management, the student receives a standard diploma with an international MBA degree. A personalized AMBA certificate is also issued. Students who choose to study with an additional master's degree are awarded a state master's diploma in management after completing the additional module.

Studying in MBA programs at IBDA RANEPA is a reliable investment in your professional future and personal growth. University graduates who have completed the MBA program “Marketing and Sales Management” note that the knowledge and experience gained can significantly expand professional competencies and opportunities, which have a positive impact on your career.

Filling out an online application form is required for admission to educational programs.

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