The work program of the discipline is the organization of service at public catering establishments. The working program of the academic discipline. organization of service in the restaurant

Author's training program in the discipline "Technology of service at enterprises Catering» is designed to train managers in the specialty 100114 "Organization of service in public catering organizations." The academic discipline "Technology of service at public catering establishments" is a general professional discipline that establishes basic knowledge for mastering special disciplines. The purpose of studying the discipline is the acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of service engineering.



"Engels Polytechnic"



By discipline

for specialty 100114 "Organization of service

Engels, 2011

Technical school specialties

in catering organizations"

Deputy Director for SD

L.N. Kotenko



(initials, full surname, position, place of work)

Explanatory note.

"Students must:


be able to:

No. p / p

Name of sections and topics






The student must:

have an idea


service methods.

The student must:


be able to:

  1. Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures;

Section 3

The student must:


be able to:

Independent work students:

  1. Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures;

Practical lesson №1 on this topic " Service Preparation Technique»

Practice #2 on this topic " Service Preparation Technique»

Section 4

The student must:


be able to:

Independent work.

2. Drawing up a summary on the topic: “Techniques for serving food in various ways».

3. Complete an essay on the topic "Professional waiter - the "face" of the restaurant."

4. Make a sequence of serving snacks, meals and drinks.

Practice #3 on this topic " Customer service technology»

Practice #4 on this topic " Customer service technology»

3. Working out the technique of serving cold dishes and snacks by all ways of serving: "Russian", "French", "English", "European" and mixed.

Practice #5 on this topic " Customer service technology»

Practice #6 on this topic " Customer service technology»

Section 5 Construction Technique effective work with consumers

The student must:

know: how to win the trust of guests, how to behave and behave when meeting visitors and when taking an order, how to negotiate; what is included in the concept of quality service and how to avoid conflicts;

be able to: establish contact and trusting relationships with visitors, behave properly and behave with guests in accordance with ethics; skillfully and competently negotiate when taking an order and choosing drinks and dishes; provide quality service to visitors; avoid and avoid conflict situations.

The art of serving in a restaurant. Professional quality waiter. Professional ethics waiter. Necessary instructions for successful negotiation when accepting an order. Councils for conducting negotiations. Quality of service. Avoiding conflicts when working as a waiter. Memo to the waiter "how to earn the trust of guests"

Independent work.

1. Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures.

2. Compose a summary of lectures on the topic "Quality of Service".

3. Complete an essay on the topic "Professional ethics in the work of a waiter"

Scroll practical work

Practice No. 1

1. Development of techniques for receiving and preparing table linen, crockery, appliances for service.

2. Refinement of the technique of polishing dishes and appliances.

3. Working out the technique of working with a tray;

4. Working out the technique of transferring dishes.

Practice #2

1. Working out the technique of setting tables with tablecloths; replacing the tablecloth with a clean one.

2. Practicing techniques for folding napkins.

3. Working out table setting techniques for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Practice #3

1. Working out the technique of meeting visitors, serving menus and wine lists, recommendations for choosing drinks and dishes.

2. Development of the order acceptance technique; serving an aperitif.

Practice #4

1. Refinement of the table serving technique according to the accepted order.

2. Development of order fulfillment techniques: supply of service bar products.

3. Development of the technique of serving cold dishes and snacks by all ways of serving: "Russian", "French", "English", "European" and mixed.

Practice #5

1. Working out the technique of serving cold appetizers.

2. Working out the technique of serving soups by all ways of serving: "Russian", "French", "English", "European" and mixed.

Practice #6

1. Working out the technique of serving second hot dishes by all ways of serving: "Russian", "French", "English", "European" and mixed.

2. Working out the technique of serving sweet dishes; cold and hot drinks.

3. Working out the technique of calculating with visitors.

Extracurricular independent work of students in the discipline "Service Engineering"

Name of sections and topics



Student's independent work

Section 1. Introduction. Subject, goals and objectives of the service

Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures; Studying the standard GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. General requirements".

Section 2. Classification requirements for a waiter

Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures; Make a summary on the topic "Characteristics of the work of waiters 3, 4, 5 categories." Draw up diagrams "Structure of service personnel" (on the instructions of the teacher). Complete an essay on the topic "Analysis of the services of public catering enterprises: safety, environmental friendliness, ergonomics, comfort, aesthetics, information content."

Section 3 Preparing for Service Techniques

Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures; Filling in the standard form No. 74 of the act of combat, scrap, loss of dishes and appliances.

Section 4. Visitor Service Techniques

Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures. Drawing up a summary on the topic: "Technique for serving dishes in various ways." Complete an essay on the topic "Professional waiter - the" face "of the restaurant." Make a sequence of serving snacks, meals and drinks.

Section 5. Technique for building effective work with consumers

Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures. 2. Compose a summary of lectures on the topic "Quality of Service". Complete an essay on the topic "Professional ethics in the work of a waiter"

Sources used.

Federal laws and regulations

1. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (dated 01/09/96 with amendments and additions from 12/17/99 FZ-212)

2. Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food" 02.01.2000.

3. Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" 30.03.1999.

4. Rules for the provision of public catering services. (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.08.97 No. 1036 with amendments and additions of 06.21.2001 No. 389)

5. GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Enterprise classification»

6. GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. General requirements".

7. GOST R 50935-96 “Public catering. Service requirements


8. GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and Definitions".


1. Kucher L.S., Shkuratova L.M. Organization of service at enterprises

Catering. - M .: Business literature, 2002.


1. Akhrapotkova N.B. "Handbook of the waiter, bartender". – M.; Academy, 2005

2. Beloshapka M.I. "Technology of restaurant service". – M.; Academy, 2007 3. Inga Wolf. Modern etiquette. – M.; Publishing House"Christina" 2009.

4. Orobeiko E.S. Organization of service: restaurants and bars. Moscow: Eksmo, 2006.

5. Pally M. The Perfect Restaurant Owner's Handbook: 100 Ideas for Competitive Excellence. – M.; Modern restaurants and retail technologies, 2006. 6. Selezneva I.B. "An invitation to the table." – M.; Sunday, 2008

7. Horst Hanisch. The art of serving. – M.; Niola - Press, 2008.

8. Magazines: "Nutrition and Society", "Restaurant", "Restaurant Business",

"Restaurant Vedomosti", "You and your restaurant", "Gastronom".

No. p / p


Internet resource


Internet resource


Internet resource

Website " HoReCa: hotel, restaurant, cafe

News, articles, materials on the activities of public catering enterprises and the hospitality industry.

All-Russian portal " Restaurant

Information and reference materials on the organization and management of public catering enterprises.

The site of the company " Restcon: restaurant consulting”

Articles, reviews, seminars, etc. on the main directions of activity of public catering enterprises.

Portal “News and technologies of the restaurant business”

One of the leading Runet sites dedicated to news and technologies in the field of catering. Articles from leading business publications devoted to various aspects of the activities of public catering enterprises.

Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers

The most important tasks of the Federation are to represent the interests of the hospitality industry in State bodies, participation in development normative documents regulating the work of the industry, creating a favorable image of the food and hospitality industry, organizing the market for restaurant and hotel services.

Information retrieval system

The site provides complete information about restaurants, clubs, casinos in Moscow.

Community of Restaurant Business Professionals

Information and search portal for goods and services presented on the Russian restaurant market.


Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region

State budgetary educational institution

Saratov region of secondary vocational education

"Engels Polytechnic"



By discipline

"Technology of service at public catering establishments"

Engels, 2011

Approved Compiled in accordance with

TsMK___________________ with state requirements

PROTOCOL ______ No. ________ to the minimum content and level

CHAIRMAN______ Graduate Training

Technical school specialties

100114 "Organization of service

in catering organizations"

Deputy Director for SD

L.N. Kotenko



(initials, full surname, position, place of work)



(initials, full surname, position, place of work)

Explanatory note.

The author's curriculum for the discipline "Technology of service at public catering establishments" is intended for training managers in the specialty 100114 "Organization of service in public catering establishments".

The academic discipline "Technology of service at public catering establishments" is a general professional discipline that establishes basic knowledge for the development of special disciplines. The purpose of studying the discipline is the acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of service engineering.

All issues of the program are considered taking into account the problems of optimization and modern requirements for a specialist manager, which will ensure the professional competence of future specialists.

Working programm compiled on the basis of the requirements of the State Educational Standard.

The aim of teaching this course is:
- the formation of students' ideas about the technique and technology of service; - acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of service engineering; - preparing students to use the skills they have acquired in their future work activities.

The program of the subject provides for the study of forms and methods of service, acquaintance with the qualification characteristics of service personnel, preparing them for service; equipment for preparing retail premises for maintenance; technique of meeting guests, taking orders; technology and technology for serving food and drinks; quality service rules.

The study of theoretical material is planned to be combined with practical classes, during which issues are considered that ensure that students acquire the necessary skills in the field of technology and technology for servicing consumers of public catering services.

As a result of studying the course "Service technology in catering establishments"Students must:


- safety precautions in the work of the waiter; requirements fire safety; requirements for sanitation and hygiene; personal hygiene of the waiter; requirements to qualifications waiter service security requirements; reservation of places on POP;

- the technique of meeting guests and the basic rules of quality service; table reservation technique; technique of successful negotiation when accepting an order; technique of settlement with consumers;

– technique of storage and accounting of tableware, cutlery, table linen; the technique of preparing tableware, appliances, linen for service; tray technique; methods and techniques for transferring appliances, utensils; general rules and table setting techniques; equipment and technology for serving food and drinks;

be able to:

- to use theoretical knowledge in professional activity;

- follow the safety rules at work; comply with fire safety requirements; comply with the requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene; prevent accidents with staff and visitors;

– qualitatively carry out the preparation of commercial premises for maintenance; set tables with tablecloths, carry out preliminary table setting and additional table setting according to the accepted order;

- make reservations; greet guests and take orders for service; successfully negotiate when accepting an order;

receive and prepare table linen, dishes, appliances for service; fill in the register of cutlery and cutlery; draw up an act of battle, scrap, loss of dishes and appliances;

- fold napkins work with a tray; make a menu; to make table setting according to various types of menu; serve dishes "To carry", "To the table", "English way", serve I, II, dishes; sweet dishes; fruits; alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.

- Accounting for visitors.

When studying the discipline, interdisciplinary connections with the disciplines were taken into account: "Organization of service", "Personnel management", "Psychology and ethics of professional activity", etc.

The methodology for studying the discipline is based on a combination of theoretical and practical training, attention is paid to the organization of students' independent work, which contributes to the formation of skills and abilities of organizing creative work, deepening professional training, and self-education.

Practical classes are held in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge on the relevant topics of the discipline.

In order to control the level of assimilation of the program material, independent work of students is provided in the form of performing abstracts, compiling abstracts on topics. At the end of the course, a test is carried out in the form of testing, covering the main content of the topics of the discipline and allowing to draw a conclusion about the level of its assimilation by students.

Thematic plan academic discipline for the 3rd course of distance learning in the specialty 100114 "Organization of service in public catering organizations".

No. p / p

Name of sections and topics


Number of classroom hours for distance learning

Student's independent work




Section 1. Introduction. Subject, goals and objectives of the service

Section 2. Classification requirements for a waiter

Section 3 Preparing for Service Techniques

Section 4. Visitor Service Techniques

Section 5. Technique for building effective work with consumers


Section 1. Introduction. Goals and tasks of service.

The student must:

have an idea: about development and improvement trends

modern technologies service;

know : basic concepts, subject, goals and objectives of the discipline,

intersubject communications; classification of catering services; forms and

service methods.

Introduction. Subject, goals, objectives and structure of the discipline. Interdisciplinary

connections. Organizational forms conducting classes.

Key concepts: service, service process, service quality, method

and form of service, attendants.

Goals and tasks of service. Basic rules and regulations. Services of public catering establishments: classification, types, characteristics. Mandatory requirements for safety, environmental friendliness, compatibility and interchangeability of services. Methods and forms of service, their classification. Features of the organization of service in enterprises of various types and classes.

Independent work of students

2. Study of the standard GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. General requirements".

Section 2. Qualification requirements for a waiter

The student must:

know: requirements for waiters depending on qualifications; safety requirements in the work of the waiter; requirements and rules of sanitation and hygiene, personal hygiene of the waiter; fire safety requirements; service security requirements.

be able to: comply with safety requirements at work; rules of sanitation and hygiene; comply with fire safety rules; provide quality catering services.

Requirements for the qualification of waiters 3, 4, 5 categories. Characteristics of the work of waiters 3, 4, 5 categories. Requirement to comply with safety regulations; compliance with the norms and rules of sanitation and personal hygiene. Fire safety requirement. Personal preparation of the waiter for service. appearance requirements.

General requirements for the quality of services. Structure of service personnel.

Independent work of students:

  1. Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures;
  2. Make a summary on the topic "Characteristics of the work of waiters 3, 4, 5 categories."
  3. Draw up diagrams "Structure of service personnel" (on the instructions of the teacher).
  4. Complete an essay on the topic "Analysis of the services of public catering enterprises: safety, environmental friendliness, ergonomics, comfort, aesthetics, information content."

Section 3 Preparing for Service Techniques

The student must:

know: the technique of booking places in a restaurant or cafe; technique for placing guests at the table; equipment and rules for storage, accounting of tableware, cutlery, table linen; technique of transferring dishes, appliances; the sequence and procedure for conducting the preparatory stage for maintenance; table settings and table setting.

be able to:

accept an order for booking seats; place guests at the table; receive and prepare table linen, crockery and cutlery for service; work with a tray; keep a log of cutlery and cutlery; draw up an act of battle, scrap, loss of dishes and appliances; cleaning the hall, arranging furniture; fold napkins; cover and change the tablecloth during service; make table setting depending on the type of service (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Seat reservation. Technique and rules for placing guests. Cleaning of the hall, arrangement of furniture; technique of setting tables with a tablecloth; tablecloth replacement technique during service.

Technique for receiving and preparing table linen, dishes, appliances for service; technique for polishing dishes, appliances, glass. Technique for transferring dishes, appliances; filling in the register of tableware, appliances; drawing up an act of battle, loss and scrap of tableware, cutlery, table linen. Table setting technique.

Independent work of students:

  1. Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures;
  2. Filling in the standard form No. 74 of the act of combat, scrap, loss of dishes and appliances.

Practice #1 on this topic " Service Preparation Technique»

1. Development of techniques for receiving and preparing table linen, crockery, appliances for service.

2. Refinement of the technique of polishing dishes and appliances.

3. Working out the technique of working with a tray;

4. Working out the technique of transferring dishes.

Practice #2 on this topic " Service Preparation Technique»

1. Working out the technique of setting tables with tablecloths; replacing the tablecloth with a clean one.

2. Practicing techniques for folding napkins.

3. Working out table setting techniques for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The student must:

know: equipment and technology of service in enterprises different types and classes; sequence, technique and rules for serving dishes and drinks; the final stage of service, technique and forms of settlement with visitors;

be able to: organize the process of serving visitors in compliance with the sequence of all service elements and the rules for serving food and drinks; serve dishes in the Russian way "to the table", "English way", "French way" and "European way".

Organization of the service process in restaurants of various types and classes. Service technique: meeting guests, placing them in the hall, offering menus and wine lists, aperitifs; technique of receiving and placing an order; table serving technique in accordance with the order; transfer of an order for production, serving drinks, snacks and meals; settlement with guests. Sequence and technique of serving dishes and drinks. Technique for serving products of the service bar. Technique of serving dishes in various ways: French (in a "carry-out"), English (using a side table or trolley), Russian (using service elements), European (with serving dishes on the guest's individual plate), combined. The sequence and technique of serving cold dishes and snacks. Technique for replacing used utensils and appliances. Table service technique. Technique for serving hot snacks.

Soup technique. Methods and techniques for serving second courses. Technique for preparing the table for serving dessert. Technique for serving hot and cold sweet dishes, fruits and berries.

Technique for serving hot and cold drinks, confectionery. The final stage of service. Technique of settlement with consumers. Table cleaning after service.

Independent work.

1. Work with educational and methodical literature, lectures.

2. Drawing up a summary

Working programm professional module“Organization of service in public catering organizations” was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education 100114 “Organization of service in public catering”.

Organization - developer: GOU SPO "Saratov College of Culinary Arts"


Bugaenko E.V., master of industrial training of the first qualification category

Grinina N.V., lecturer

Ketko N.E., teacher of the highest qualification category, honorary worker NGO, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work

Matiyko N.V., master of industrial training of the second qualification category

Slepova T.P., teacher of the highest qualification category, honorary worker of secondary vocational education, deputy director for academic work

Somova K.M., deputy director for educational and production work, teacher of the highest qualification category, honorary worker of NGO

Conclusion of the Expert Council No. ____________ dated "____" _______ 20___



2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE


4 conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE

5. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity)

1. Professional Module Program Passport

PM.02 "Catering in catering organizations"

1.1. Scope of the program

The work program of the professional module "Organization of service in catering organizations" is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 100114 "Organization of service in catering" in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD) -

Organization of service in public catering organizations

and relevant professional competencies (PC)

PC 2.1. Organize and control the preparation of public catering organizations for the reception of consumers.

PC 2.2. Manage the work of waiters, bartenders, sommeliers and other customer service workers.

PC 2.3. Determine the number of employees involved in servicing, in accordance with the order and established requirements

PC 2.4. To carry out information support of the service process in public catering organizations.

PC 2.5. Analyze the effectiveness of customer service

PC 2.6. Develop and submit proposals to improve the quality of service

The work program of the professional module "Organization of service in public catering organizations" can be used when mastering the profession of a worker (waiter) within the specialty 100114 "Organization of service in public catering". Work experience is not required.

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Voronezh region

"Rossosh Technical School of Agricultural and Construction Transport"


Deputy Director for PPO Director GBPOU VO "RTSiST"

_________L.V. throat _________________В.А. Silakov

"_____" _________________2017 "_____" _________________2017

working programm


for professions of secondary vocational education

according to the program for the training of skilled workers, employees by profession (PPKRS)

01/43/09 Cook, confectioner

Work program reviewed

at a meeting of the subject - cyclic commission

dated "______" ________________2017, protocol No. _______

Chairman of the PCC ______________L.G. Mytsikova

settlement Youth,2017

Work program of the disciplineOrganization of service at catering establishments developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard SPO (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) of secondary vocational education under the training program for skilled workers serving by profession01/43/09 Cook, confectioner

Organization-developer: State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the Voronezh Region "Rossosh Technical School of Agricultural and Construction Transport"


Polovinkina I.V. - Deputy Director for TMR

Full name, position,

Mytsikova L.G. - Chairman of the PCC

Full name, position,





  1. STRUCTURE and content of the DISCIPLINE

  1. conditions for the implementation of the discipline program

  1. Control and evaluation of the results Mastering the discipline


VCh.04 Organization of service at public catering establishments

name of the discipline

    1. Scope of the program.

The work program of the discipline is part of the main professional educational program for the training of skilled workers, employees in accordance with GEF SPOby profession 01/43/09 Cook, confectioner

The work program of the discipline can be used in additional vocational education ( professional development and retraining programs) and vocational training Occupation: chef, confectioner

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The discipline is included in the variable part

indicate the belonging of the discipline to the educational cycle

1.3. The goals and objectives of the discipline are the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:

U.1 - organize maintenance and provision of services, taking into account the needs of various categories of consumers, using modern technologies, forms and methods of service;

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should know:

Z.1 - basic concepts, terms and definitions in the field of service organization;

Z.2 - classification of catering services and General requirements to them; methods, forms, means of service;

Z.3 - types and characteristics of commercial premises, furniture, dishes, appliances, table linen;

Z.4 - rules for compiling and designing menus, wine lists and cocktails;

Z.5 - characteristics of the preparatory, main and final stages of customer service in enterprises of various types and classes;

Z.6 - the procedure for providing various services;

Z.7 - requirements for service personnel

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.

The result of mastering the discipline program is the mastering of the elements of competencies by students:

Name of competencies


(formation indicators)

Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity, in relation to different contexts.

Recognition difficult problems ny situations in different contexts

Conducting an analysis difficult situations when solving problems of professional activity.

Determination of the stages of solving the problem.

Determining the need for information.

Implementation of an effective search.

Identification of all possible sources of the necessary resources, including obvious ones.

Development of a detailed action plan.

Risk assessment at every step.

Assesses the pros and cons of the

of its result, its plan and its implementation, offers evaluation criteria and recommendations for improving the plan.

Recognize a task or problem in a professional social context

Analyze a task or problem and highlight its component parts.

Correctly identify and efficiently search for information needed to solve a problem or problem.

Make an action plan.

Determine the required resources.

Own actual methods of work in professional and related fields.

Implement the plan.

Evaluate the result and consequences of your actions

(on your own or with the help of a mentor).

Actual professional social context in which one has to work and live

The main sources of information and resources for solving problems and problems in a professional or social context.

Algorithms for performing work in a professional

Noah and related areas.

Methods of work in a professional

noah and related areas.

The structure of the plan for solving problems.

The procedure for evaluating the results of solving problems of professional activity.

Search, analyze and interpret the information necessary to fulfill the tasks of professional activity.

Planning information retrieval from a wide range of sources necessary to perform professional tasks.

Conducting an analysis of the information received, highlighting the main aspects in it.

Structure the selected information in accordance with the search parameters.

Interpretation of the received information in the context of professional activity.

Determine the objectives of information retrieval.

Determine the necessary source of information.

Plan your search process.

Structure the information you receive.

Highlight the most significant in the list of information.

Evaluate the practical significance of search results.

Arrange search results.

Nomenclature of information sources used in professional activities.

Techniques for structuring information.

Format of presentation of information search results.

Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

Use of up-to-date regulatory and legal documentation for the profession.

Application of modern scientific professional terminology.

Trajectory definition professional development and self-education

Determine the relevance of regulatory documentation in professional activities.

Build trajectories of professional and personal development.

Modern scientific and professional terminology.

Possible trajectories of professional development and self-education.

Work in a team and team, effectively interact with colleagues, management, clients.

Participation in business communication for the effective solution of business problems.

Planning of professional activity.

Organize the work of the team and team.

Collaborate with colleagues, management, clients.

Psychology of the team.

Psychology of Personality.

Basics project activities.

To carry out oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural context.

Competently orally and in writing express their thoughts on professional topics at the state

Showing tolerance in the workplace.

Express your thoughts in the state language.

Prepare documents.

Features of the social cultural context.

Documentation rules.

Demonstrate a civil and patriotic position, demonstrate conscious behavior based on traditional universal human values

Understanding the importance of your profession.

Demonstration of behavior based on universal values.

Describe the importance of your profession.

Present the structure of professional activity by profession.

The essence of the civil-patriotic position.

Human values.

Rules of conduct in the course of professional activity.

Promote conservation environment, resource saving, effectively act in emergency situations.

Compliance with the rules of environmental safety in the course of professional activities

Ensure resource conservation in the workplace

Comply with environmental safety standards.

Determine the directions of resource saving within the framework of professional activities by profession.

Effectively apply rules of conduct in emergency situations.

Rules of environmental safety in the conduct of professional activities.

The main resources involved in professional activities.

Ways to ensure resource saving.

Know the rules of conduct in emergency situations

Use information Technology in professional activities.

The use of informatization tools and information technologies for the implementation of professional activities.

Apply information technology tools to solve professional problems.

Use modern software

Modern means and informatization devices, the procedure for their use and software in professional activities.

Use professional documentation in the state and foreign language.

The use of professional activity in regulatory and accounting and reporting documents in the state and foreign languages.

Competently use normative and draw up accounting and reporting documentation for solving professional problems.

Types of accounting and reporting documentation used in professional activities

Plan business activities in the professional field.

Determining the investment attractiveness of commercial ideas in the framework of professional activities.

Drawing up a business plan.

Ability to present a business idea.

Identification of funding sources.

A competent choice of credit products for opening a business.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea.

Present ideas for starting your own business

in professional activities.

make out business plan.

Calculate loan payments.

Basics entrepreneurial activity.

Fundamentals of financial literacy.

Rules for the development of business plans.

Order of presentation.

Types of credit banking products.

1.4. The number of hours for mastering the discipline program:

obligatory classroom teaching load of a student - 86 hours


2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work

Intermediate certification in the form of a differentiated test

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the discipline VCh.04 Organization of service at public catering establishments

Name of sections and topics

Watch Volume

Section 1.

Topic 1.1General characteristics of the service process

Basic concepts: service, service process, service quality, methods and forms

service, service personnel. Services of catering establishments:

classification, types, characteristics. Mandatory requirements: safety, environmental friendliness, compatibility and interchangeability of services. Methods and forms of service, their classification.

Features of the organization of service in enterprises of various types and classes.

Service personnel: categories, functions, general requirements for it. New professions for service personnel. Service culture: concept, factors influencing the level of service culture.

Introduction. Basic concepts.

Features of the organization of service in enterprises of various types and classes

Service personnel: categories, functions, general requirements for it

Topic 1.2. Characteristics of commercial premises

Commercial premises for consumer service: types, purpose, characteristics.

Auxiliary premises: service, washing tableware. Appointment, characteristics, organization of work.

Service - bar: concept, purpose, characteristics.

Bread slicer: appointment, organization of work. The relationship of halls, production, auxiliary premises.

Requirements for lighting and ventilation, color design of the halls

Development of the concept of registration of the enterprise. Modern directions creating an interior.

Form style. Hall equipment. Modern requirements for furniture. Comfort furniture, lightweight constructions. Characteristics, types, purpose. Standards for equipping halls with furniture

Commercial premises for consumer service

Auxiliary premises

Service - bar

Bread slicer: purpose, organization of work

Development of the concept of registration of the enterprise

Practical lesson No. 1 on the topic: Excursion to a restaurant

Independent work of students:

Performance homework

Section 2. Tableware, cutlery, linen

Topic 2.1. Tableware, cutlery

Tableware, cutlery: their purpose, classification. Requirements for

utensils, utensils. Standards for equipping catering establishments with cutlery, cutlery,

underwear. Rules of storage and accounting.

Types of tableware

Standards for equipping catering establishments with cutlery, cutlery,

Storage and accounting rules

Topic 2.2. Characteristics of porcelain, faience and ceramic dishes

Porcelain, faience, ceramic dishes: types, purpose, capacity, dimensions, characteristics.



Ceramic tableware

Doing homework

Systematic study of class notes, educational and special literature

Preparation for practical work using guidelines teacher, design of practical work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Topic 2.3.Characteristics of crystal and glassware

Crystal and glassware: types, purpose, capacity, dimensions, characteristics.

Modern requirements for the shape, pattern and color of glassware.

crystal tableware


Topic 2.4. Characteristics of metal utensils

Metal utensils and serving utensils: types, purpose, capacity, dimensions, characteristics. Caring for metal utensils

Metal utensils and serving utensils

Caring for metal utensils

Topic 2.5. Characteristics of wooden and plastic utensils and cutlery

Wooden and plastic utensils: types, purpose, capacity, dimensions, characteristics.

The use of dishes made of arcopal, arcoron and other modern materials in restaurants, bars

wooden utensils

plastic utensils

Topic 2.6. Cutlery

Content of educational material

Types of cutlery. Basic cutlery. Cutlery for original dishes. Appliances for serving and cutting dishes. Serving and cutlery and accessories. Complete cutlery and cutlery. Determining the need for cutlery and cutlery

Types of cutlery

Basic cutlery

Cutlery for original dishes.

Devices for serving and cutting dishes

Serving and cutlery and accessories

Complete cutlery and cutlery

Determining the need for cutlery and cutlery


Practical lesson No. 2 on the topic: "Selection and distribution of porcelain, glass, metal utensils for their intended purpose"


Practical lesson No. 3 on the topic: "Selection and distribution of cutlery for its intended purpose"


Practical lesson No. 4 on the topic: "Preparing tableware for work"


Practical lesson No. 5 on the topic: “Preparing cutlery for work”

Topic 2.7. Table linen

Content of educational material

Table linen: types, sizes, purpose, characteristics. The use of table linen made of natural and synthetic fabrics, neutral materials in the restaurant service.

Characteristics of molton, naperon. Brand of table linen (tablecloths, napkins, handbrake) as a means of advertising.


Types of table linen. Tablecloths

Linen napkins

Paper napkins

Determining the need for table linen.


Practical lesson number 6 on the topic: "Folding napkins in simple and complex ways"

Independent work of students:

Doing homework

Systematic study of class notes, educational and special literature

Preparation for practical work using the teacher's methodological recommendations, registration of practical work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Section 3. Menu and wine list

Topic 3.1. compiling and designing the menu

Purpose and principles of compiling menus and price lists. Menu types. Designing menus and price lists

Sequence in the price list of portioned dishes and menus of snacks, meals and drinks

Menu compilation. Menu types


Practical lesson No. 7 on the topic: “Compiling various kinds menu"


Practical lesson No. 8 on the topic: "Creating a menu for various types of enterprises"

Topic 3.2. Wine list and cocktail menu

Content educational material

Making a wine list. Making a cocktail card.

Making a wine list.

Making a cocktail card

Independent work of students:

Doing homework

Systematic study of class notes, educational and special literature

Preparation for practical work using the teacher's methodological recommendations, registration of practical work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Section 4: Preparing for Customer Service

Topic 4.1. Preparation for service and table setting

Content of educational material

Preparation trading floor. Arrangement of furniture.

Preparation of dishes, cutlery, table linen. Table service.

Training of personnel for service. Conducting a briefing. Exam

Shop floor preparation. Furniture arrangement

Preparation of dishes, cutlery, table linen. Table setting

Training of personnel for service. Conducting a briefing.


Practice #9



2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE


3. STRUCTURE and content of the professional module


4 conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program


5. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity )


1. passport of the working PROGRAM


1.1. Scope of the program

The working program of the professional module is part of the working basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the specialty SPO 43.02.01 Organization of catering services in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD):

Organization of service in public catering organizations

and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 2.1. Organize and supervise the preparation of public catering organizations for the reception of consumers.

PC 2.2. Manage the work of waiters, bartenders, sommeliers and other customer service workers.

PC 2.3. Determine the number of employees involved in the service, in accordance with the order and established requirements.

PC 2.4. Realize Information Support service process in public catering organizations.

PC 2.5. Analyze the effectiveness of customer service.

PC 2.6. Develop and submit proposals to improve the quality of service.
The work program of the professional module can be used in the development of programs in additional professional education for advanced training and retraining of personnel for the food industry in the specialty "Organization of service in public catering".

On the basis of secondary (complete) general education and vocational education. Work experience is not required.
1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:
have practical experience:

  • organizing and checking the preparation of the service hall for receiving guests;

  • managing the work of waiters, bartenders, sommeliers and other customer service workers;

  • identifying needs for workforce required for maintenance;

  • selection, design and use of information resources (menus, wine and cocktail cards) in the service process;

  • analysis of production situations,

  • assessment of the quality of service and preparation of proposals for its improvement;

be able to:

  • organize, implement and control the process of preparation for service;

  • select types of equipment, furniture, utensils, appliances, linen and calculate their required number in accordance with the type and class of public catering organization;

  • organize, implement and control the service process using various methods and techniques for serving dishes and drinks, techniques for serving products from a service bar, methods for collecting used dishes and appliances;

  • make settlements with visitors;

  • make rational management decisions;

  • apply the techniques of business and managerial communication in professional activities;

  • manage conflict situations in the organization;

  • determine the number of employees involved in servicing, in accordance with the order and established requirements;

  • choose, design and use informational resources necessary to ensure the service process in public catering organizations;

  • compose and design menus, wine and cocktail cards, consult consumers;

  • determine and analyze service performance indicators (profit, profitability, repeat attendance);

  • select and define indicators of service quality, develop and submit proposals for improving the quality of service;

  • goals, objectives, means, methods and forms of service; classification of catering services;

  • stages of the maintenance process;

  • features of preparation and service in public catering organizations of various types and classes;

  • special types of services and forms of service, special equipment for servicing in public catering organizations;

  • characteristics of methods and forms of serving consumers in the service hall, methods and techniques for serving dishes and drinks, techniques for serving products from a service bar, methods for collecting used dishes and appliances, requirements for conducting settlements with visitors;

  • goals, objectives, categories, functions, types and psychology of management, principles and styles of team management, the process of adoption and implementation management decisions, optimization methods, the basics of organizing the work of the team;

  • psychological properties of the individual, the psychology of labor in professional activities, the psychology of the team and management, the psychological aspects of managing professional behavior;

  • requirements for service personnel, features of service in public catering organizations of various types and classes;

  • special types of services and forms of service;

  • information support for catering services: resources (menus, wine and cocktail cards, advertising media), their selection, design and use;

  • customer service performance indicators (profit, profitability, repeat attendance) and their definition;

  • criteria and indicators of service quality
1.3. Recommended number of hours for mastering the professional module program:

total -1050 hours, including:

maximum student workload - 798 hours, including:

compulsory classroom teaching load of a student - 532 hours;

student's independent work – 266 hours;

educational and industrial practice- 252 hours.