Catering - what is it? Public catering What is a catering place

Public catering is an industry that is widely developed in many countries. Currently, there are a huge number of companies that carry out a similar process. And there are a lot of options that these organizations offer. Different types dishes, cuisines and a wide range of culinary products are offered to the consumer in any country. However, in order for this activity to develop successfully, many requirements must be met.

However, these requirements must be followed carefully. What is included in such conditions? And what can happen if you don't follow the rules Catering? detailed information detailed in the current article.

Industry as a service

Today, there are a huge number of catering establishments around the world. This includes bars, all kinds of coffee shops, pizzerias and much, much more. They can also be classified into public and private enterprises. But it should be remembered that public catering is an area of ​​activity that is designed to feed people not only with tasty, but also with high-quality products. In its manifestation, this industry is the provision of services, and they must be performed at the proper level.

Not only the health of a person, but also his life depends on this service. There is a lot of evidence for this opinion, and any adult tries to take it seriously. Of course, there have been cases when harm to health was inflicted not only on adults, but also on children. And for them, in turn, it is much more difficult to endure any diseases or infections. Someone may object, but sometimes a dangerous infection can be contracted through food.

Relationship with trade

Trade and catering are closely related. The thing is that the two industries under consideration are largely dependent on each other, excluding only some options for goods. The main purpose of institutions is to make a profit. Trade also works the same way. Of course, not all trade enterprises you can find food products, but there are many such places. And such a business is relevant at any time.

People have always spent, spend and will spend money on food. Foodservice products in this case are very diverse. Catering establishments offer dishes from almost any cuisine in the world. And watch out proper quality this product is subject to very strict. Otherwise, the institution may not only suffer materially (absence of visitors, imposition of a fine for inadequate quality, etc.), but also close on the strict recommendations of the relevant authorities or authorities.

Complying with GOSTs (30389-2013, 30389-95, etc.)

To carry out the work of public catering and the procedure for passing certification for its services, it is necessary to comply with certain GOST standards. Public catering also undergoes a classification procedure, depending on the nature of the enterprise's activities.

This includes many factors, ranging from service conditions and staff qualifications, ending with the time of service to visitors (consumers) and the range of products sold. Of course, it is also necessary to provide all conditions for preserving the life and health of consumers, to equip access or pedestrian access to the enterprise, to illuminate the surrounding area and improve it. Compliance with these and many more requirements become the way to carry out this activity. Otherwise, the organization of a public catering enterprise will certainly not take place.

Product quality

Naturally, all conditions must be met at the maximum level. This will help not only attract consumers, but also save a lot of time, money and effort to correct defects. Along with this, the quality of the products produced must also be constantly taken into account. Food service products must also be manufactured and meet certain standards. For each catering establishment may vary slightly, but general principle must be respected.

The right conditions for storing, processing, processing and preparing food are the key to success this enterprise. The existing procedure for such actions must be strictly observed. Surely any person will want to use only high-quality products that have all the necessary properties. In situations where the manufacturer manufactures and sells a low-quality product, there is a decrease in its financial performance.

Shortage of specialists

Every company has its own collection of catering. Most cafes and restaurants face a huge problem that prevents them from achieving the desired results. What is it? Despite the fact that there are currently many specialized educational institutions, professional courses for the preparation of high-quality culinary products, not all specialists in this field are close to ideal.

A simple example: a visitor comes to a restaurant and wants to put on the menu not only the name, composition and price of the dish he wants to order. What else does he need if all this is written on the menu? Product calories! In order to prescribe this item on the menu, we need specialists who can correctly compose technological maps. Such employees are able to calculate tables of fats, proteins, carbohydrates that make up meals. This is also an important criterion in the conduct of such a case.

Guidance Document

The catering recipe book is a guiding document. This document contains all the information that the production chefs need to know. It indicates the weight and names of the products included in the dishes, the volume and weight of the finished product (yield), establishes the size and procedure for applying waste standards during thermal and primary processing of products, the consumption of raw materials, the sequence of technological processes, the temperature regimes for the preparation of culinary products and dishes, and much more. other.

Such documents are constantly updated and maintained at the level of changes that occur in the industry. If the product contains any food additives, dyes, preservatives, then the development of their formulation must undergo a mandatory approval procedure with regulatory authorities. It is necessary to indicate contraindications for the use of these additives for certain human diseases.

Clear requirements

The catering recipe is drawn up in a certain way so that the weight norms of the finished product take into account the losses that will occur as a result of processing or cooking the dish. All are also written detailed conditions for thermal processing of vegetables. For some dishes, they must initially be boiled in the skin and only then separated from it, for others, they must first be peeled and then boiled. And this is not all instructions for the preparation and processing of products.

As mentioned earlier, in various enterprises these standards are almost the same, but there are differences. It depends on what specific products are manufactured and sold by these enterprises. Of course, the direct recipe of dishes in different establishments may vary, and the cooking technique may not be the same. The main thing remains exactly how the products are stored, processed, and how accurately they comply with the established standards. For non-compliance with these procedures, a fine is imposed on the institution (enterprise) or another form of liability is applied.

cooking difference

The collection of public catering recipes includes a huge mass of different processes, product compositions, techniques for its preparation and processing. It would seem, why such detailed summaries of rules and regulations? It is clear that any cook knows his business and has certain skills in this activity. And what about a chef who has changed his job? In the previous place, only Soviet-era dishes were prepared (for example), and in the new place they offer guests only gourmet dishes of European or Chinese cuisine.

Perhaps many of the components that make up this or that dish, this cook has never used, does not know how to cook them correctly. Of course, in most cases there are special people who will teach you the necessary skills of cooking or serving a dish, but experience comes with age. If a product is cleaned or processed incorrectly, it is very easy to harm the life and health of the consumer. And this is extremely serious.

Fatal error

Catering is quite painstaking work. This requires full awareness of the rigor of the process and the understanding that food is the most important criterion in this industry. There are cases when owners are forced to pay huge fines, close establishments or even face criminal liability for non-compliance, violation of generally accepted norms. Yes, of course, if a piece of tile fell off at the entrance to the institution - it's not scary. They called a repairman, put him on glue - and that's it.

And what awaits the owner in whom such a situation has occurred: a young man orders an expensive pizza with seafood and he comes across a particle (shard) of a shell? She got there because the cook poorly processed a certain seafood. And the result? Perhaps the worst thing is that the visitor will remain disabled. Why? Everything is very simple - a fragment can easily injure the esophagus, as a result of which the consequences can be very sad. Who will be held responsible for what happened? How exactly will it be paid? And will it be incurred at all? These questions belong to another topic, but the fact of a colossal error is obvious. And the worst thing is that the consumer could not prevent a similar situation, which was allowed by the specialist of the institution.

Personal choice

Yes, a similar case can occur in a private institution, but are they insured? government agencies from such incidents? How many cases are there about mass poisonings in kindergartens and schools? There are a huge number of them! Canteens, of course, adhere to the required recipe of catering establishments, so what's the deal? There may be many options. However, it is clear that such situations should not occur. On such illustrative examples one can very well understand why and why detailed regulatory documents are drawn up. Products must not only be properly prepared, but also stored, processed, processed, and follow the necessary rules.

Many express the opinion that it is safer to prepare and eat food at home, and not risk your health, and still pay money for it. However, you should not take it so categorically. Nevertheless, for the most part, almost all catering establishments try to approach the process with responsibility and make sure that everything is in order: a high-quality selection of the necessary personnel is carried out, only high-quality products for cooking are purchased, all sanitary standards are maintained.

Division into classes

In addition to the fact that there are various types of public catering enterprises, there is also their class difference. Public catering is an industry that also has its own stratification into “thrifty” and “rich”. Classification takes place according to many parameters, such as the level and conditions of customer service, the quality of services provided, the qualifications of personnel, and the range of products offered.

But similar divisions into a certain class occur among restaurants, bars, private enterprises. As a rule, cafes are not divided into classes. What are these classes and what are their differences? The establishment of the first has a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere, a certain choice of services, a range of specialties and drinks of simple preparation. Institutions upper class have a unique and comfortable atmosphere, original branded and custom dishes, original cocktails and drinks. Luxury establishments have a refined atmosphere and a particularly high level of comfort, a wide range of services, characteristic specialties and drinks that are difficult to prepare.

Going on a trip

Of course, the cost of services that were chosen by consumers and visitors also varies from the choice of a particular class. Public catering is an area where the quality of a product largely depends on how much consumers are willing to spend on it. Of course, cheap food can also be tasty and high-quality, but gourmet food always stands out against such a background.

There is a huge variety of tours around the world, they are purchased for a certain cost. Again, the price of these vouchers may vary for different companies, from the conditions that are included in the tour and many other criteria. Such vouchers can also either include meals (a person pays for a voucher, which already includes meals), or not included. In the second case, tourists decide on their own where they want to eat. Is the travel agency responsible for the included food services? Yes, because she is obliged to carefully study this issue.

Way to success

Production in public catering plays a major role. As mentioned above, it is divided into several stages: preparation necessary documentation, the availability and equipment of the necessary areas for cooking, work with the professional skills of the staff. All these and many other aspects are taken to be observed at the proper level, not only for the preservation of people's health, they are also necessary for the development of the institution. In a place where visitors are tried and loved, there will always be guests. It's permanent! And a favorable environment will give good memories not only to customers, but also to employees of this institution.

Today I will tell you in detail about public catering establishments, which establishments belong to them, into what classes they are divided. If you think that catering establishments are just bars, cafes and restaurants, then you are mistaken, now I will tell you why.


Public catering (public catering)— industry National economy, which is engaged in the production and sale of ready-made food products or semi-finished products. Such enterprises include canteens, coffee houses, bars, pastry shops, pizzerias, fast food restaurants, dumplings and many other enterprises.

In other words, we can also say that these are all enterprises that provide catering services, as well as produce culinary products or semi-finished products.

Public catering enterprises are divided into state-owned (canteens in kindergartens, hospitals, schools, state enterprises) and private (cafes, bars, restaurants).

Services provided by catering establishments are divided into:

  • catering services;
  • services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;
  • services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;
  • visitor leisure services;
  • other services.

Public catering enterprises must necessarily comply with the established sanitary and fire safety rules, comply with regulatory and technological documents, and take care of the quality of the services and products provided. It is also the duty of the enterprises to take care of the health and safety of employees and visitors and care for the environment.

Catering establishments are also divided into:

  • blank;
  • pre-cooking;
  • having a complete production cycle.

Procurement enterprises include enterprises that produce confectionery products or semi-finished products from raw materials, which are subsequently used at pre-cooking establishments. As a rule, these are rather large enterprises with a large turnover, their own warehouses, freezers, high-tech equipment, and a fleet of vehicles for delivering products to consumers.

Such enterprises include confectionery, culinary workshops, dairy factories, etc.

And then already pre-preparation enterprises use these products to prepare final food products from semi-finished products and sell them to the population through snack bars, fast foods, cafes, bars, canteens, dumplings, dumplings, beer houses.

For institutions that have completed production cycle include those that have the ability to completely prepare the final product from raw materials and sell it to their visitors, and also have large trading or banquet halls for selling products. It can be quite large pizzerias, cafes or restaurants.

In restaurants, in addition to selling high-quality products and dishes, High Quality services still have to take care of the entertainment of their guests, cultural recreation))

Catering establishments

Restaurant is a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with a highly qualified level of guest service, combined with a stylish and unique design and interior of the premises, as well as organizing entertainment for visitors to the restaurant and cultural recreation.

According to the range of products sold and decoration, restaurants are divided into:

  • specialized,
  • with national cuisine;
  • thematic.

By location - a restaurant at a hotel, railway station, in a recreation area, a dining car, etc.

The staff of the restaurant must employ employees with special education and highly qualified. Waiters, cooks, bartenders must thoroughly know their own, cooking technology, and be able to find mutual language with any guests of the restaurant and serve in such a way that visitors become regular guests.

Often the restaurant staff is dressed in, this gives a certain style to the institution and distinguishes it from the rest with its style.

Furniture in restaurants should be of increased comfort, corresponding to the interior of the room, chairs should be soft and comfortable. Also cutlery and crockery in restaurants should be of high quality. In many luxury establishments, knowledge of foreign languages ​​by waiters is welcome.

Bar - a public catering establishment with a bar counter that sells alcoholic, non-alcoholic, snacks, desserts, confectionery and bakery products.

According to the range and method of preparation of products sold, bars are divided into:

  • dairy;
  • beer;
  • wine;
  • cocktail bars;
  • coffee;
  • grill bars;

According to the specifics of the service, the bars are divided into:

  • variety bar;
  • disco bar;
  • fitness bar;
  • video bar.

Compared to restaurants, bars often lack the ability to prepare complex dishes and offer a much more limited range of dishes. Quite often in bars, in addition to drinks, there can only be sandwiches, pizzas and similar products, since the focus of bars is more on drinks than food.

A cafe is a public catering enterprise that organizes meals and recreation for visitors, but compared to restaurants, it has a smaller assortment of dishes and drinks, a more modest interior, and spaciousness.

However, cafes also sell branded, custom-made, complex dishes, and in some of them the quality of service and the qualifications of the staff can be quite high. There are a large number of small cozy cafes with their own flavor and excellent branded snacks and dishes, they are especially common in resorts, tourist centers or large cities.

In a cafe, in addition to the dining room, there must be a vestibule, a cloakroom and toilet rooms for visitors.

In a cafe, in addition to meals and snacks, they should also provide entertainment to their guests, think over the interior, lighting, and good ventilation of the room. Crockery, furniture and cutlery must also be of a certain level.

Dining room - a public or serving a certain contingent of consumers institution, with a variety of assortments of dishes, confectionery and flour products.

According to the range of products, canteens are divided into dietary and general types. As a rule, dietary ones are located in children's or medical sanatoriums and institutions. Basically, in canteens, the principle of self-service is applied, visitors passing along the distribution choose snacks and drinks, pay off and sit down at a free table.

Crockery and cutlery in canteens are also quite simple and exquisite dishes you will not find in these establishments - everything is simple and home-style.

Exceptions are canteens located in executive committees, regional administrations, ministries and higher government institutions. You can always eat delicious and cheap food there. good conditions)) But getting there is not so easy ((

A diner is a limited-edition, simple-to-cook food outlet for quick service visitors.

Depending on the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into:

  • dumpling;
  • dairy;
  • dumpling;
  • cheburechnaya;
  • dumplings;
  • pie;
  • pancake;
  • sausage;
  • barbecue;
  • pizzeria, etc.

All eateries use the principle of self-service, furniture and cutlery can be the most simple, up to disposable. Due to the simplicity in these establishments, prices are quite affordable.

Buffet - an institution equipped with a counter and a showcase that sells a limited assortment of simple dishes, drinks, flour products that are prepared in other places (canteens, cafes), but only sold here.

Examples of buffets can be seen in in large numbers at bus and railway stations, in hospitals, schools, theaters and in the lobby of concert halls during major concerts.

Catering classes

Depending on the quality of the services provided, the level of service, the qualifications of the staff, the design and decoration of the hall, furniture, decorations and the quality of cutlery, the following classes of catering establishments are distinguished:

  1. Higher
  2. First

The luxury class is characterized by a unique luxurious design and interior of the hall, an increased level of comfort, a large assortment gourmet and specialty dishes, an extensive wine and cocktail list, comfortable furniture, expensive high-quality cutlery and glassware, organization of themed evenings, performances by groups and, in general, the organization of guests' recreation should be given maximum attention.

For the "upper" class - the original interior of the institution, the comfort of furniture, high-quality cutlery and glass, a diverse range of dishes and snacks, the availability of specialties and cocktails, the organization of high-quality leisure time for visitors.

For the "first" class - the comfort of the hall of the institution, the availability of a range of high-quality dishes of complex preparation, specialties, simple cocktails, high-quality cutlery and glass.

I told you about the most common restaurant-oriented enterprises that use the labor of a waiter or bartender. There are also culinary factories, procurement workshops, confectionery factories- they all belong to public catering enterprises, but I will not talk about them in detail.

All establishments restaurant business are important and have their own audience, and this must be taken into account when opening a new institution. The staff of any of the establishments I have described above deserves respect for their work. I have been working in cafes and restaurants for over 20 years and I know how hard work it is. I send a huge hello to all employees of public catering enterprises, we are all one big family!

This is where I will end today's post, I'm waiting for your questions, wishes, suggestions for new publications in the comments.

I would be grateful for the distribution of the note on social networks.

See you!

With respect, Nicholai


Catering company- an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption (GOST R 50647).

Type of catering establishment- type of enterprise characteristic features services, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers.

Catering Class- a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Catering service- the result of the activity of enterprises and citizens-entrepreneurs to meet the consumer's needs for food and leisure activities (GOST R 50764-95).

Cafe catering service is a service for the production and sale of culinary products and purchased goods in a limited range compared to other types of enterprises and mostly simple production, as well as the creation of conditions for their consumption at the enterprise.

Diner food service provides a service for the production of a narrow range of culinary products, including from a certain type of raw material, as well as the creation of conditions for its sale and consumption.

2. Classification of enterprises.

Catering establishments are classified:

  • according to the degree of centralization of production (with a complete production cycle - working on raw materials, on semi-finished products, blank and not having production - distributing);
  • by the nature of the contingent served (with a changing contingent - public, with a constant contingent - catering units at schools, factories, etc.);
  • on the basis of specialization (complex, general type, specialized in the production of certain types of products);
  • according to the method of service (serving by waiters, self-service);
  • by mark-up category and level of service (luxury - restaurants; the highest - restaurants, cafes, bars; the first - restaurants, cafes, specialized enterprises; the second - public canteens, cafes, specialized enterprises, buffets; the third - canteens and buffets serving workers, employees , students and pupils).

Depending on the time of operation, catering establishments can be permanent and seasonal.

Enterprises are also divided into stationary and mobile.

In accordance with GOST 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises ”in the food industry, the following types of enterprises are distinguished: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. As part of these types in last years highly specialized fast-food establishments have gained great popularity.

3. Characteristics of enterprises.

Cafe- a widespread type of catering establishment, which differs from restaurants primarily in the range of products sold and, as a result, in organizational and design features.

Cafe distinguish:

  • in terms of the range of products sold - ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe, puff cafe;
  • according to the contingent of consumers - cafes for youth, children, etc.

The menu of a puff cafe can include a wide range of drinks (hot and cold), flour products - donuts, flour confectionery, desserts, as well as cold appetizers and second hot dishes. Cold and hot appetizers and second hot dishes, as a rule, are not difficult to manufacture, and various semi-finished products are most often used for their production.

Cafes, as well as restaurants, combine the production, sale and organization of consumption of products with the organization of recreation. The range of services provided by a lush cafe can consist of the following list:

  • production of culinary products and confectionery according to consumer orders;
  • organization and service of celebrations (children's birthday parties);
  • sale of culinary products and confectionery products through the store and culinary departments;
  • sale of culinary products outside the enterprise.

The limited range of manufactured and sold products, as well as the simplicity of its manufacture, determine more limited requirements for architectural and planning solutions of the enterprise and its design. So, a signboard is allowed ordinary - without illumination. The design of halls and premises for consumers should create only a unity of style, and the microclimate should be provided by a ventilation system that creates acceptable temperature and humidity parameters.

Mandatory premises for cafe consumers are: a lobby, a wardrobe, a hall, a toilet with a room for washing hands.

The size of the areas for consumers in a cafe is regulated only for the hall and should be at least 1.6 m2 per seat.

The size of the hall is directly related to the form of service - waiters or self-service. When serving by waiters, the size of the halls should be provided for large areas, since it is required to install picking tables and have free passages for serving carts.

A cafe, unlike a snack bar, combines the production, sale and organization of consumption of products with the organization of recreation and entertainment for consumers.

diner- a public catering enterprise with a limited range of simple dishes prepared from a certain type of raw material or semi-finished products, designed to quickly serve consumers.

According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into two categories: general and specialized. The network of specialized eateries is quite wide and includes sausage, dumplings, pancake, patty, donut, barbecue, tea, pizzerias. The specialization of the enterprise is directly related to the predominance of one of the dishes in the assortment, as well as the accompanying hot and cold appetizers, sandwiches, confectionery and a variety of cold and hot drinks.

Most eateries are classified as fast food establishments, which operate a self-service system with a free choice of dishes. To reduce the area of ​​the trading floor and increase throughput, high tables are installed here, at which consumers can eat standing up.

Remote trading is considered rational at special sites adjacent directly to the enterprise. Such work is organized in spring and autumn in recreation areas. On the grounds, tables, chairs and special umbrellas are installed over each table or an awning over the ground.

In large modern supermarkets, a wide network of cafeterias is organized, the products of which are close to snack bars: sandwiches, sausages, pizza, flour confectionery, hot and cold drinks. One or two workplaces are organized in the cafeteria and equipped with microwave ovens, coffee makers, juice coolers, refrigerators. Products, as a rule, are sold in disposable utensils, which does not require washing utensils and significantly reduces the area occupied by the enterprise.

The requirements for architectural and planning solutions for eateries include the presence of a sign with a conventional design and a ventilation system that provides acceptable temperature and humidity parameters.

The composition of premises for consumers is regulated only by the presence of a hall, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be organized at the rate of 1.8 m2 per seat with distribution.

Cafes and eateries, unlike restaurants and bars, which are divided into three classes, are not divided into classes.

Mixed catering establishment. As part of cafes and eateries, it is also possible to design two trading floors with separate entrances. Each of them sells a certain type of product, for example, a puffy cafe - a confectionery cafe, a pancake cafe - a pie cafe, a barbecue cafe - dumplings, etc.

This organization of work makes it possible to divide the flow of consumers of a certain type of product and thus increase throughput enterprises in general.

As can be seen from the above example, the combination of a cafe and a snack bar is based on the production and sale of culinary products that are similar in terms of cooking technology and have the same products based on recipes, such as milk, flour, eggs, flour products, flour confectionery, etc.

4.General requirements for catering establishments.

Restaurants must comply with the requirements normative documents for the security of services:

  • sanitary and hygienic and technological requirements SanPiN 42-123-5777, SanPiN 42-123-4117, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products;
  • requirements for the safety of food raw materials and products - in accordance with the requirements of the MBT 5061;
  • environmental safety - SanPiN 42-123-5777, SNiP 2.08.02;
  • electrical safety - SNiP 11-4.

The architectural and planning solution and structural elements of the building, the technical equipment used must comply with SNiP 2.08.02.

Enterprises of all types and classes must be equipped with water supply systems (domestic, fire-fighting and hot), sewerage, ventilation, heating, electric lighting, telephone network.

In accordance with the design assignment, a building or a group of premises of catering enterprises can be additionally equipped with: air conditioning devices, internal telephone communication, sound and speech amplification installations, alarm and danger warning systems, automation and dispatching systems for engineering equipment, as well as gas supply systems, garbage disposal and dust collectors.

The design of these systems should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents in construction in force in the given territory.

The placement of production facilities and equipment in them should ensure the consistency of the technological process of production and sale of products, as well as compliance with technological, sanitary norms and rules.

Raw materials and foodstuffs used for the production of culinary products, as well as the conditions for its production, storage, sale and organization of consumption must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation (Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, standards SanPiN 42-123-5777-91 and 42-123-4117 -86), as well as sanitary-hygienic, microbiological and biomedical indicators approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia.

The service conditions for the provision of services must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation for the level of noise, vibration, illumination, the state of the microclimate - the requirements of SanPiN 42-123-5777-91, architectural, planning and design solutions, indicators of electrical, fire and explosion safety - the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89.

Commercial and technological and refrigeration equipment, utensils, appliances and inventory, other items of material and technical equipment must be made of materials permitted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia for contact with food products, and meet the requirements of SanPiN 42-123-5777-91, operational documentation of factories - manufacturers and norms of technical equipment of catering establishments.

Production and maintenance personnel must have appropriate special training and ensure compliance with sanitary requirements and rules of personal hygiene in the production, storage, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products.

Requirements for the ventilation system.

The ventilation system in built-in, built-in-attached catering facilities to buildings for various purposes should be designed separately from the systems of these buildings; it is possible to connect them to the control units of these buildings.

Catering facilities built-in or built-in-attached to residential buildings must be equipped with a separate ventilation system with an emission above the ridge of the residential building.

Exhaust ventilation systems should be designed independently for the following premises:

  • premises for consumers (with the exception of latrines and washrooms);
  • hot shops and washing;
  • production (with the exception of hot shops and washing), storage (with the exception of refrigerated chambers: for storing vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, food waste) and administrative premises;
  • restrooms, washrooms and showers;
  • refrigerated chambers for storing vegetables and fruits, meat and fish;
  • refrigerated chambers for storing food waste.

In catering establishments with 50 seats or less, the supply ventilation of the dining hall and the hot shop may be designed as a single system.

When equipped with a ventilation system for a food establishment, the ventilation hood above the equipment must be at least 300 m3 / h if the ventilation goes directly to the street, and at least 700 m3 / h if the ventilation system is connected to the building system.

5. Requirements for cafes and snack bars.

Requirements for cafes and snack bars are divided into the following areas:

Requirements for architectural and planning solutions and design of enterprises.

Requirements for furniture, tableware, appliances, linen.

Enterprise typeBusiness requirements
  1. Tables: polyester coating.
  2. Tableware and cutlery:
    • metal utensils and cutlery made of stainless steel;
    • sorted glassware.
  3. Paper napkins.
  1. Furniture that matches the interior of the premises.
  2. Tables: hygienic mat or tables, stand-up dining brackets.
  3. The availability of tables of different capacities is determined taking into account specific conditions.
  4. Tableware and cutlery:
    • aluminum metal utensils and cutlery;
    • semi-porcelain, earthenware dishes;
    • high-quality glassware without a pattern made of pressed glass;
    • it is allowed to use disposable tableware from aluminum foil, cardboard, etc.
  5. Paper napkins.

1. Definitions.

2. Classification of catering establishments.

3. General requirements applied to catering establishments.


In the public catering system, the following terms and definitions are used in accordance with GOST R 50647-94, GOST 30389-95:

1. Public catering enterprise - an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption.

2. Public catering service - the result of the activities of enterprises and citizens-entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the population in food and leisure activities.

3. Network development standard - an indicator expressed as the ratio of the established number of places in the network of public catering enterprises to the estimated number of consumers.

4. Service process - a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of services in the sale of culinary products and leisure activities.

5. Type of public catering enterprise - a type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers.

6. Class of a public catering enterprise - a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Classification of catering establishments

When determining the type of enterprises, the following factors are taken into account:

The range of products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation;

technical equipment;

Service methods;

Qualification of personnel;

Quality of service;

The range of services provided.

Currently, the following types of catering establishments are distinguished: a restaurant, a bar, a cafe, a canteen, a snack bar, and another type of enterprise.

Restaurant- a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with recreation.

Bar- a catering company with a bar that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods.

Cafe- an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.

Dining room- a public catering enterprise or serving a certain contingent of consumers that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

diner- a public catering enterprise with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers.

restaurants and bars according to the level of service and the range of services provided, they are divided into three classes: deluxe, superior and first, which must meet the following requirements:

Luxury class - interior refinement, high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original, exquisite custom-made and special dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars;

“Higher” class - originality of the interior, choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails - for bars;

Class "first" - harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of specialties, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a selection of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation - for bars.

Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Restaurants are classified according to the following criteria:

The range of products sold - fish, beer, with national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries;

Location - city restaurant, hotel, railway station, etc.;

Bars distinguish:

According to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - beer, dairy, grill bar, salad bar, snack bar, express bar, etc.;

According to the concept - a video bar, a sports bar, an Irish pub, etc.

According to the specifics of customer service (concept) - video bar, sports bar, Irish pub, etc.

Canteens distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - general, dietary, therapeutic and preventive nutrition;

According to the contingent of consumers served - open type or serving a specific contingent of consumers: school, student, etc.;

By location - public, by place of study, etc.

Eateries, or as they are now called fast food establishments, are classified according to the range of products sold (specialized and general). The first type includes: pizzeria, pancake, dumpling, donut, cutlet, varenichnaya, etc.

The classification of public catering enterprises can be based on the following features: functional value, technological stage of processing raw materials, method of production of culinary products, assortment, nature of service and services provided, frequency of consumer demand, type of food, location of the enterprise, served contingent of visitors, seasonality of work , degree of mobility.

1. Depending on the functional purpose in the public catering system, the network is divided into the following groups of enterprises:

Combining the functions of production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products and purchased goods (canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars, snack bars);

Carrying out the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products (preparation enterprises);

Combining the functions of production and sale of culinary products (enterprise for the vacation of meals at home);

Carrying out the implementation of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products (culinary shops and departments of semi-finished products).

2. According to the technological stage processing of raw materials (depending on the production functions performed), the network of public catering enterprises is divided into procurement and pre-preparation enterprises. The function of the production and trading activities of procurement enterprises is aimed at the centralized production of semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, culinary and confectionery products and their supply to public catering enterprises of a closed and open network.

Procurement enterprises include factories - procurement, kitchen factories, specialized workshops for the production of semi-finished products, specialized workshops for the production of culinary products, culinary factories and factories for quick-frozen dishes.

Blanking factories- enterprises intended for the manufacture of a wide range of semi-finished products and their complex supply to enterprises of pre-cooking, retail trade and culinary shops.

Kitchen factories- large mechanized enterprises that produce mainly lunch products, culinary and confectionery products with delivery by specialized transport to pre-cooking enterprises. The most expedient organization of such enterprises is to supply school canteens and other non-commercial enterprises with products.

Culinary Factory and Frozen Food Factory- enterprises manufacturing by industrial methods ready meals with wrapping and packing.

This type of public catering establishments is most appropriate for catering in transport, for supplying retailers.

Specialized workshops for the production of semi-finished products- workshops specializing in the development of a different range of semi-finished products. Most often they are located at enterprises Food Industry.

Specialized culinary workshops- workshops, which are organized, as a rule, as part of large catering enterprises. Their purpose is the manufacture of culinary products from meat, fish, etc. for sale in culinary shops and through other channels for the sale of products.

In-flight catering workshop. The workshop is organized at airports for the preparation, acquisition, short-term storage and delivery of food to aircraft.

School Cooking Factory- a procurement enterprise for the production of culinary products and the supply of school canteens and buffets.

Combine of public catering- an industrial and economic complex of procurement and pre-cooking public catering enterprises with a single technological process for preparing products, a culinary shop and various support services(at factories).

Pre-cooked public catering enterprises produce culinary products from semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, obtained from procurement enterprises or food industry enterprises. They can also perform mechanical processing of raw materials for further use in order to obtain culinary products.

The pre-cooking enterprises include the following types of public catering establishments: restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, snack bars.

3. Depending on the method production culinary products, public catering enterprises can work on raw materials, semi-finished products, raw materials and semi-finished products.

4. Range of products sold in catering establishments can be wide (in canteens, restaurants) and limited (in snack bars, cafes, specialized enterprises).

5. By nature of service and the services provided, enterprises can provide meals with leisure organization (restaurants, bars, cafes), or relatively fast service (canteens, snack bars, buffets).

6. By frequency of consumer demand enterprises can meet daily food needs (canteens, snack bars, buffets), periodic demand for specialized products or products high quality(restaurants, specialized cafes), a rare demand for national culinary products (restaurants and cafes with national cuisine).

7. In accordance with the location and the contingent of visitors served, the network of catering establishments is divided into the following groups:

Serving a certain contingent of the population and located at industrial enterprises, institutions, universities, schools;

Serving all contingents of those eating and located on the streets and squares of the city (public).

8. Depending on seasonality businesses can operate all year round(permanent operation) or periodically (seasonal).

9. According to the degree of mobility enterprises public catering can be stationary and mobile (autobuffets, tonnars, etc.).

Public catering enterprises of various types and classes can be conditionally classified as commercial and non-commercial.

Commercial enterprises are enterprises of various forms of ownership (LLC, JSC, PE, etc.) that operate in the "buyer's market" and are designed, depending on the type and class, for the difference in the consumer segment. All economic, trade, production activities are in the commerce of the enterprises themselves. As a rule, these are open network enterprises. The main task of such enterprises is to provide services necessary for a certain segment of consumers, and receive profit as a result.

Such enterprises include restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes, enterprises fast food different specialization. Commercial catering establishments can work both for the consumer in the high price range and in the middle price range. In accordance with the selected segment of consumers, the concept of the enterprise is developed (from democratic to conceptual).

Non-profit enterprises are enterprises that are on the balance sheet of a structure, serving a certain permanent contingent. Unlike commercial enterprises their main task is to provide social guarantees to certain segments of the population.

These are, first of all, divisions of industrial enterprises that provide food for workers and employees during the working day; schools, secondary educational institutions and universities; sports and entertainment complexes; transport, army and penitentiary institutions.

The obligation to provide catering services in addition to basic services is embedded in all developed countries into the service standards (or work rules) of these industries. At the same time, enterprises that are obliged to provide catering services for the named “industries” (their contingents) usually do not aim to make a profit from the operation of catering services, but strive to provide normal nutrition while breaking even. Among them there are enterprises of a purely social orientation, financed to a large extent from the budget.

IN Lately there is some trend towards the merger of commercial and non-commercial structures. This is due to the following: if you carefully consider the specifics of the work of non-profit catering services, you can see a lot of things that make this work very attractive for investing capital.

Firstly, the “clientele” of non-commercial catering services is to a certain extent constant, “tied” to the catering point (work, study, treatment, etc.). In other words, the load of the enterprise is almost constant, easily calculated and amenable to planning.

Secondly, a non-profit catering service operates in accordance with the requirements and the level of services that are agreed not with the individual client, but with the enterprise in which this service operates. This allows you to set a standard for a service, conclude a long-term contract, including including the cost of food in the overall tariff for a service (for example, in transport), which practically predetermines the volume of production and sales, as well as financial results. All this is easy to plan.

Third, in non-commercial food services - a strictly defined menu and a precisely known number of shifts. This allows you to build rational work schedules that reduce the number of employees.

Fourth, the production of a non-profit service is easier to manage: the number of visitors, as well as the size of portions, is quite predictable. Consequently, it is easier to plan the production process (from the purchase of raw materials to the release and organization of the consumption of culinary products).

Fifth, the working day in non-commercial catering services is strictly rationed; rare overtime work requiring higher pay. Saturday and Sunday are usually days off.

At sixth, the skill level of the main part of the workers (of course, taking into account the type of enterprise) may not be so high, which makes it possible to reduce part of the production costs (going to wages).

Seventh(most importantly), some types of non-commercial food (at least today before the adoption of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) are exempt from taxes. In particular, in school, student canteens, products own production exempted from VAT, as well as in hospitals, preschool institutions, in organizations of the social and cultural sphere, financed from the budget (Instruction of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 11.10.95 No. 39 "On the procedure for calculating and paying VAT"). Moreover, a number of regional authorities exempt enterprises social sphere from income tax. So, for example, in Moscow, income received from the provision of catering services for students of schools, vocational schools, universities, technical schools is exempt from taxation (Law of the City of Moscow of July 18, 1997 No. 19 “On income tax rates and benefits”).

Let's see now how to use the advantages of non-profit catering services in developed countries to organize efficient structures that combine the provision of complete and affordable food with a normal return on capital.

One of the effective directions is the creation of business associations ( legal entities) according to the sectoral principle: otherwise they are called "chains" of enterprises. The goal is to coordinate efforts to increase competitiveness through the unification of management functions.

As a rule, a "chain" is created on the basis of a management company that already has a popular trademark. The company professionally manages the entire "chain", developing marketing strategy, service standards, organization of the supply chain, ensuring constant inspection control to ensure that the associated members of the "chain" comply with service standards. Attracting highly qualified specialists, Management Company creates efficient technologies that improve the quality of services while reducing their cost. The result is an increase in profits.

In developed countries, most catering establishments are part of one of the national or international "chains". How does all this affect non-profit food service businesses?

Entering the "chain" allows you to centralize the supply system, which is extremely important for enterprises that are very dependent on a complex and extensive system of suppliers. In the "chain" they widely use the possibility of centralized production and pre-sale preparation of products at large factories, where modern high-performance technologies are used; this naturally reduces the cost of maintenance. In addition, the "chain" may contain a qualified service of technologists and nutritionists who develop the optimal menu, provide a rational service system and ensure that the industry releases the products needed for production.

In any "chain" there are full members (on the basis of ownership or lease) and associates (they remain independent and self-managed, and take part in the business on the basis of a franchise agreement or are in external management on the basis of a contract).

Representatives of this type are canteens at industrial enterprises, schools, vocational schools, etc.

Public catering establishments of various types and classes can provide the following types of services (according to All-Russian classifier public services OKUN 002-93 and GOST R 50764-95).

Table 1 - List of catering services

Table 1 continued

Code Name
Production of culinary products and confectionery products according to consumer orders, including complex designs and with additional design at public catering establishments
Production of dishes from the customer's raw materials at the enterprise
Cooking services for cooking and culinary products at home
Services of a confectioner for the production of confectionery products at home
Waiter services at home
Dishwasher services at home
Organization of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events
Catering and service for participants of conferences, seminars, meetings, cultural events, in recreation areas, etc.
Delivery of culinary products and confectionery products according to consumer orders, including in banquet performance
Delivery of culinary products, confectionery products and customer service at workplaces
Delivery of culinary products, confectionery products on orders and customer service at home
Delivery of culinary products and confectionery products on orders and customer service along the route of passenger transport (in a compartment, cabin, aircraft cabin)
Delivery of culinary products on orders and room service of hotels

Table 1 continued

Code Name
Reservation of seats in the restaurant hall
Sale of vouchers and season tickets for complete rations
Delivery of culinary products and confectionery, drinks left after serving the celebrations to the consumer's home
Organization of rational, complex nutrition
Completing sets of culinary products on the road, including for tourists, for self-preparation of culinary products
Takeaway lunches
Realization of culinary products and confectionery products through the store and culinary sales departments
Sales of culinary products outside the enterprise
Music Services
Organization of concerts, variety programs and video programs
Provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards
Consultation of specialists in the manufacture, design of culinary products and confectionery, table setting
Consultation of a dietitian on the use of culinary products for various types of diseases in dietary canteens
Organization of culinary training
Rental of table linen, crockery, cutlery, inventory

Table 1 continued

The list of services provided by a public catering enterprise can be expanded depending on its type, class and specifics of the consumer contingent served.

Public catering (catering) - This is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of ready-made food and semi-finished products. Such enterprises include: a restaurant, a cafe, a bar, a canteen, a pizzeria, a coffee shop, culinary and confectionery shops, dumplings, pancakes, as well as different kinds"fast food". All public catering enterprises are divided into: public and private. The above institutions are more typical for private sector institutions. The public sector includes catering establishments for children, schoolchildren, military personnel, the elderly, people undergoing treatment in a hospital and other similar establishments.

Term "public catering" was more used in Soviet times, and today in most countries of the world the concept of "restaurants", "restaurant business", "restaurant business" is used to refer to this industry. But in any case, these are enterprises that provide catering services to the population through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

All establishments of the restaurant industry, depending on the trade production activities, the range of products, the applied forms of customer service, are divided into the following main types: procurement, pre-preparation, and having a complete production cycle.

To blank establishments include enterprises in which raw materials are processed and various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are produced from it to supply them to pre-cooking establishments. These enterprises have at their disposal large warehouses, refrigeration and freezers, specialized vehicles, both refrigerated and uncooled, high performance technological equipment. Such production equipment is necessary for the uninterrupted production, storage, transportation and sale of semi-finished products and finished products which ensures high productivity and product quality. Such enterprises include various culinary, confectionery, flour shops, as well as specialized shops.

TO pre-training establishments include enterprises in which most of the dishes and culinary products are produced from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises and organize customer service. These include snack bars, cafes, bars, individual restaurants.

For institutions that have completed production cycle, include enterprises that have conditions for the processing of raw materials, the production of semi-finished products, lunch, culinary and confectionery products and their sale to the population. These include enterprises that have both production facilities and service trading floors(dining and banquet halls). These are large restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.

A distinctive feature of the restaurant business is that they produce and sell products, as well as organize its consumption in dining rooms, combining it with cultural recreation and entertainment for consumers. This greatly complicates the work of restaurant business establishments and increases the responsibility for servicing, both management and the whole service personnel.

Type of catering establishment- type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. In accordance with the classification of restaurant enterprises, depending on the forms of service, the interior of the dining and banquet hall, location, comfort, type and range of products, all restaurant business establishments are divided into the following types: restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, canteens.

Also, when determining the type of restaurant establishment, such indicators are taken into account as: - the range of finished products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation, - production and technical equipment, architecture, interior design and layout, material base, - quality of service and service, - the level of qualification of the attendants , - methods and forms of service, - the provision of related consumer services, - the contingent of the serving population, - the location of the institution.

Restaurant- a catering company with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service, combined with a stylish and original design and interior of the premises, as well as organizing cultural recreation and entertainment for restaurant visitors. The following restaurants are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold: with national cuisine, with cuisines of the countries of the world (Italian, French, Japanese), as well as a beer restaurant, fish, etc. - by location: a restaurant at a hotel, at a recreation area , at the station, restaurant car, at a sea vessel, etc.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment, with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones. A custom dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and presentation after receiving an order from the consumer.

Signature dishes include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food object. They should differ in original design, successfully combine products according to taste properties. Service in restaurants is carried out by highly qualified waiters and cooks. The owner of the restaurant business is called a restaurateur; both words are derived from the French verb restaurateur(restore, strengthen, feed).

Restaurateur- this is a person on whom the success and future of the restaurant depends, this is a manager who controls any event taking place in the restaurant, and is also in charge of all the affairs of the restaurant, such as:

Organization, planning and coordination of restaurant activities.

Provides a high level of production efficiency, implementation new technology and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

Exercises control over rational use material, financial and labor resources, assessment of the results of production activities and the quality of customer service.

Studying consumer demand for restaurant products.

Makes decisions on personnel matters positions held by restaurant employees;

It applies measures to encourage distinguished employees, controls production and labor discipline, and much more.

Bar is a drink bar with a limited range of products that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, immediate consumption, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and purchased goods. According to the range of products sold, bars are divided into: dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bars, grill bars, fresh bars, etc.; according to the specifics of service: - video bar, variety bar, karaoke bar, etc.; by operating time - day and night. Some bars may be part of a restaurant or hotel.

Term "bar" comes from the name of a specialized counter, behind which alcohol is poured. Most often, behind the bar, out of reach of the client, there are decorative shelves filled with glasses and bottles of alcohol. Sitting right at the bar, you can order various dishes from the menu, even if the bar is part of the restaurant and the main order is placed in another area of ​​the establishment.

In Switzerland, for example, there may be bars such as:

A sports bar frequented by sports fans who come to watch sports and meet other fans.

A cop bar frequented by cops on duty.

Vega bar for yogis, without alcoholic drinks.

A biker bar frequented by bikers,

Cafe- an enterprise for organizing catering and recreation for visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into general enterprises and specialized ones.

General cafe is a public catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery products, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, fermented milk products.

Specialized cafes are created depending on: the range of products sold: an ice cream parlor, a patisserie, a dairy café, a coffee house (hot drinks, mainly coffee), a quick service bistro; by contingent - youth, children's, Internet cafes, etc.
Cafes are also distinguished by the method of service: self-service, individual service by waiters.

Dining room - publicly available or serving a certain contingent of a catering establishment that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week. According to the range of dishes sold, canteens are divided into general type and dietary. According to the serving contingent of consumers - school, student, worker, etc. By location - public, at the place of study, work.

diner- a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation, from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve visitors. According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausages, pancakes, patties, donuts, chebureks, shish kebabs, tea shops, etc.; by type of implementation - snack bar, bistro, cafeteria, etc.

There are also the following types of catering establishments:

Complex catering enterprise: - combining in a single complex of various types of catering establishments, for example: a restaurant, a cafe, a snack bar and a culinary shop; - catering establishments designed to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called "Closed network").

Public catering establishments - mass catering establishments accessible to all groups of the population, in contrast to catering establishments designed to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called “closed network”).

Catering network- a single-managed group of organizationally and technologically interconnected catering enterprises with the necessary related enterprises ("McDonald's").

To date, in the public catering system, there are mark-up categories “luxury”, “highest”, “first”, “second” and “third”. Public catering facilities of the public network belong to the first three categories. The objects of public catering of the third category include canteens of educational institutions and industrial organizations.

The first and second mark-up categories are assigned by the commission of the main department of the consumer market.

Currently, enterprises of the second mark-up category have received priority development - these are public catering facilities, in which the mark-up on products of their own production does not exceed 70%.

Catering Class- a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service. According to the level and methods of service, the range of services provided, technical equipment, the range of products sold and the qualifications of the staff, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: deluxe, superior, first.

Suite- sophistication of the interior, high level of comfort, a wide range of services, a range of original gourmet custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

Higher- originality of the interior, comfort, choice of services, a diverse range of original gourmet custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

First- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of signature dishes, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, including custom-made and branded drinks - for bars. Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.