Sell ​​bed linen of own production. Linen business. Selection of the target audience for the implementation of bed sets

The ability to do something with your own hands was valued at all times. Possession of such skill can bring its owner good earnings. The most important thing in this case is to think carefully future business so that it brings not only money, but also pleasure. Then the work will seem not so difficult and stressful.

For example, why not take up sewing bed linen if you have the skills to sew and make such products? After all, with a competent and thoughtful approach, everything can turn out very, very successfully. You can find out how to do this below. This is a kind of business plan for the production of bed linen.

Why bed linen?

It must be said that this is a very profitable business in general. It has high profitability and very fast payback. This can be said about tailoring in general, and about the manufacture of bed linen.

As in any business, it is extremely important to find your niche, the segment that is currently either not occupied or is represented by a small number of manufacturers. To put it simply, a businessman must offer a service that will be in demand, but the competition in the industry will remain low. Just such a description fits the business of tailoring bedding.

What are its advantages? For example, if you opt for, then it will require a rather large starting capital, and the competition here is very, very high. In addition, there are such problems as manufacturing different sizes according to different patterns, designing future models, studying consumer preferences and other creative moments. In a word, all this is quite problematic.

At this time, with bed linen, everything is much easier. All sizes are standardized, that is, tailoring will need to be done only according to known parameters. Statistics adds its own word to this question.

Thus, the data state that this niche in the Russian consumer market is 70% filled. Moreover, approximately 75% of people prefer to buy bed linen made in their homeland.

Then Turkish and Chinese goods follow. Although the Italian quality is good, in terms of cost, not everyone can afford it.

Some more statistics: for every Russian family there are about 5-7 sets of bed linen. As it became clear, this industry is not going to be in distress.

A fairly obvious plus is that this business is not subject to seasonal surges, as is the case in other industries. A person will always need underwear for sleep, all year round. Therefore, tailoring is always relevant.

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Starting a business

To understand this business and succeed in it, it is necessary to study the addictions of your future buyers. Otherwise, for whom then will the produced goods be calculated?

For example, how much is the average Russian willing to pay for a set of bedding? So, the classification of bedding is as follows: low class (up to 800 Russian rubles), medium (from 800 to 2000 Russian rubles), premium (from 2000 to 7000 Russian rubles), luxury (more than 7000 Russian rubles). The average consumer prefers to buy the middle class, that is, from 800 to 2000 rubles.

In terms of materials, the most preferred natural fabrics: linen, cotton, silk. However, such a fabric as calico is really popular. Tailoring from it is preferred by more than 65% of Russian consumers.

Today's consumer appreciates rationality and thoughtfulness. Therefore, sheets with an elastic band, duvet covers and pillowcases with zippers are in great demand. This is convenient because the linen does not bunch up overnight.

Here, perhaps, are all the main preferences of the future buyer. Now it's time to move on to other points related to starting a business.

To open, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Last legal form suitable if you plan to seriously expand in the future, for example, build a factory or just make a workshop. Also, many stores prefer to deal mainly with LLCs.

The IP form is suitable for a small business that is located at home. By the way, it is recommended to start with similar home ateliers. This will be especially in demand in a small town. In large cities, the niche is quite filled. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, taxation will be much simpler, as well as bookkeeping.

It's time to talk about the technical side of the issue. First you need to buy a sewing machine good quality, overlock, threads, accessories and some other components. All this will cost about 100,000 Russian rubles. Profitability will be 50% (meaning a business at home).

Attachments: from 450 thousand rubles

Payback: from 6 months

Bed linen is essential for everyone. People have always used and will continue to use it. Therefore, its tailoring is the type of business that will quickly pay off and will bring a stable constant income.

business concept

Bed linen is a product that is constantly in demand. People have always bought and will buy sleeping sets for themselves, as a gift, as a dowry. This product will never be superfluous in the house. And underwear, which is sewn by a domestic manufacturer, will be doubly in demand, because people no longer trust Chinese goods, most of which are of poor quality. In addition, the production is not difficult, there is no need for special patterns and fittings.

You can sell textile products to stores that sell bed linen. You can also organize a point of sale in your workshop, where goods are sold at wholesale prices.

What is required for implementation?

First you need to study the bed linen market in your locality. The easiest option is to engage in the production of textiles at home. Costs will be minimal, you will need the following equipment:

  • sewing machine;
  • sewing accessories;
  • fabrics, threads.

You also need to advertise yourself and your product. This can be done through newspapers or the Internet. On the page in social networks, you can upload samples of work. If the prices for bed linen are a little lower than in stores, then customers will appear over time. You can start with relatives and friends.

Opening your own workshop in a big city is quite risky, as it is impossible to compete with large wholesale suppliers. And in a small town you can open a workshop for the production of bed linen.

Study the outlets that sell such goods, find out which products are more in demand. It makes no sense to sew expensive linen from Italian silk if no one will buy it. Mainly popular among the middle class population are fabrics such as cotton or linen. You can sew from satin or silk individually to order.

To open a small sewing workshop with a staff of 5 people, you need a room of 40-50 square meters. It should be well lit and equipped with communications.

From the equipment for the work of the sewing workshop you need:

  • industrial sewing machines;
  • overlock;
  • sewing tools;
  • cutting table;
  • tables for cars;
  • racks for storing fabrics, accessories and ready-made kits;
  • ironing board;
  • steam generator;
  • irons;
  • furniture and Appliances for staff.

You also need to find a fabric supplier. Textiles are usually ordered in Turkey, China. There are good manufacturers in Russia as well. Elite expensive fabrics are delivered from Italy.

Step by step start instructions

So, after you have decided on the trading segment, you have compiled a detailed financial plan, you can start turning the idea into action:

  1. Register the workshop, obtain all the necessary permits and documents.
  2. Rent and equip the premises.
  3. Purchase equipment and consumable. You don't have to save on this. High-quality sewing machines will work properly without failures, and good-quality fabrics will determine your reputation in the future.
  4. Hire staff. You can do administrative and financial work yourself. We also need two cutters and five seamstresses, one person involved in ironing, packaging. In small towns there are vocational schools where future seamstresses are trained. Take students to practice with you, so you can use additional labor for free.
  5. Make yourself an advertisement. Proven marketing moves: advertising in newspapers, the Internet, booklets, flyers, Business Cards. It is very important to find regular customers who will provide you with a job.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Opening a sewing workshop requires rather big investments:

  • 25,000 - business registration;
  • 30,000 - rent of premises;
  • 15,000 - tables for sewing machines;
  • 100,000 - 5 sewing machines;
  • 15,000 - overlock;
  • 7000 - steam generator;
  • 5000 - 2 irons;
  • 10 000 - cutting table;
  • 30,000 - shelving and furniture;
  • 15,000 - sewing tools and accessories;
  • 50,000 - fabrics;
  • 120,000 - salary;
  • 10,000 - advertising;
  • 10,000 - miscellaneous.

To open a small workshop for the production of bed linen, financial investments in the amount of 400-450 thousand rubles are needed.

Monthly expenses

Every month you have to spend:

  • 20,000 - utility and tax payments;
  • 30,000 - rent of premises;
  • 5000 - accessories;
  • 50,000 - fabrics;
  • 120,000 - salary;
  • 5000 - advertising;
  • 10,000 - transportation costs;
  • 5000 - additional costs.

Total: 245 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn?

Profit is obtained from the following calculations. For sewing a half-sleeping set, you need 6 meters of fabric, for a double set - 8 meters. On average, a meter of fabric costs 40 rubles. The average price for underwear: 1.5 - 400 rubles, 2 - 900 rubles.

Each seamstress can sew up to 100 sets of linen per month, in total - 500 one-and-a-half and double sets. You can earn from selling:

  • 250 one-and-a-half sets of 400 rubles each - 100,000;
  • 250 double sets of 900 - 225,000;
  • net profit, taking into account expenses - 80,000 rubles.

Payback periods

Net profit with successful sales can be achieved in the sixth month.

Business risks and cons

The main risk is associated with high competition. It is difficult to compete with sewing shops that are already popular and have their own client base. In addition, many women who have sewing skills and a sewing machine make underwear for themselves and for sale via the Internet.


If we provide possible risks, do not spare financial resources for high-quality raw materials and advertising, then the bedding business will be able to successfully develop and expand.

A person who knows how to sew can earn good money on it without any problems. One of the most profitable and affordable options is tailoring bed linen. This product is always in great demand, so many aspiring entrepreneurs choose such a profitable line of business for themselves. The production and tailoring of bed linen brings a good income. How to organize such a business, we will talk in this article.


In order to organize a business for tailoring bed linen at home, you do not need to have special skills as a cutter. But for large-scale production, such specialists are simply necessary. Therefore, if you decide to open a mini-enterprise, hire experienced professionals to help you organize production.

The sewing process is very simple. Any set can be cut according to special patterns and sewn by hand. This is a great option for how to make money at home for a woman without investment.

The technological process is divided into the following stages:

  • fabric layout;
  • cutting;
  • Tailoring of a product;
  • Ironing.

First, a workpiece is created. To do this, lay the fabric and cut to size. At the next stage, the seamstress collects the cut elements into the finished product. Another stage is the wet-heat treatment of the fabric, after which the sets are packed in PVC film. Finished goods can be sent for sale.

For entrepreneurs who want to organize tailoring of bed linen at home, the business plan is much easier to calculate than for large-scale production. First of all, you need to decide on the volume of products, since the amount of initial financial investments depends on this.


To organize the sewing of bed linen as a business, you must first arrange individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office. After you fill out all the documents and choose a taxation system, your business will be legal. No licenses for this type of activity are provided by law.

Purchase of materials

If you would like to organize profitable business the bed linen that you will produce, first of all, should be of high quality and affordable.

According to experts, domestic consumers prefer to buy sleeping sets made of natural fabrics - coarse calico, linen, cotton, satin or silk. The most demanded is calico underwear. This is a very practical material that does not deform after repeated washes. The pattern applied to such a fabric does not lose its original appearance even after repeated washes. In addition, this material practically does not wrinkle.

Before you set up a business for the production of bed linen, you need to find reliable suppliers of raw materials. Manufacturers can easily cope with this task, as well as large companies who are engaged wholesale sales fabrics in different cities of our country. Tailoring of bed linen as a business is quite profitable, but only on condition that you can properly organize all production processes.


The production of sleeping sets is one of the most profitable business ideas in small town for women without investments. Its main advantage is that for the implementation of such a project it is not necessary to purchase special equipment. If you have a sewing machine and an overlocker at home, you can safely get to work.

Only 8-10 thousand dollars will have to be spent on equipping a small workshop.

For this you need to buy:

  • Industrial sewing machines - from 20 thousand rubles 1 piece;
  • Overlock - about 25 thousand rubles;
  • Loop processing machine - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • Steam irons - from 7 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase the following additional equipment:

  • cutting tables;
  • Special cutting knives;
  • Ironing board;
  • Accessories.

All costs for equipment and materials should be included in the business plan for the production of bed linen in order to roughly calculate the future profit and profitability of the enterprise.


To organize a mini-production for tailoring sleeping sets, you need to rent a workshop with an area of ​​​​at least 150 square meters. meters.

It needs to be divided into several sections:

  • Cutting shop;
  • Ironing department;
  • Sewing factory;
  • Packaging department;
  • Warehouse for finished products;
  • Warehouse for materials and accessories.

Renting such a room will cost 80-100 thousand rubles a month. Pay Special attention to ensure that the shops were warm and bright. They must fully comply with all established requirements.

Product types

A small business may offer customers the following range of products:

  • Sleeping sets for adults;
  • Pillows;
  • Plaids;
  • Bedspreads;
  • Blankets;
  • Mattress covers;
  • Sets for children;
  • 3D sets.

Which direction to choose is up to you. You can produce the entire range of products, but in small volumes. Most profitable business for women - tailoring of children's underwear, but there is a high level of competition in this market segment. IN Lately 3D sets are very popular. If you manage to establish their production, your company will develop successfully.

You can also consider some profitable DIY handmade business ideas. Author's products will help you diversify the assortment and attract potential clients. Alternatively, it can be pillowcases with embroidery or handmade lace. Tailoring of bed linen business is quite profitable and promising. If you approach your work responsibly, over time, a small workshop can turn into a large, highly profitable enterprise.

Costs and profits

Before you open a business for tailoring bed linen, you need to calculate all the costs.

Mandatory costs include:

  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of fabrics and accessories;
  • Development of technology;
  • Advertising;
  • Room rental.

It will take about 50 thousand dollars to organize a small enterprise. With luck, you will be able to reach net income in 6-8 months after the start. According to experts, the profitability of such a business reaches 30-40%.

Advertising and sales

Sales of finished products is the most important point on which the success of your enterprise depends. The business plan for tailoring bed linen should include a clause that describes how the product is marketed. The search for buyers should be done at the planning stage. If you manage to establish a permanent sales, the company will bring stable income otherwise your business will not survive the competition and will suffer serious losses.

To attract the attention of potential customers to your products, you can create a small catalog and distribute it to outlets that sell such products. In addition, bed linen sells well on the Internet. But in this case, you will have to allocate additional funds for the creation and promotion of your own website.


Simplicity technological process allows you to establish tailoring and sale of bed linen as a business at home. Many women do this kind of thing maternity leave to replenish the family budget. Finished products can be sold through friends or on the Internet and get a good stable income from this.

Tailoring of bed linen: advantages and disadvantages + comparison of 2 business formats + 5 reasons for organizing a business + market analysis + assortment formation + production technology + 8 types of fabric + audience selection + sales and advertising + financial calculations.

Sewing skills have been valued at all times, except, of course, during periods of crisis. Therefore, active people who own it can always earn their bread and butter. And if you correctly organize such a type of small business as sewing bed linen, you can not worry about tomorrow.

It is possible to realize the idea in different volumes: at home or on a production scale. We will touch on both areas so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

Advantages and disadvantages of tailoring bed linen

We suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of tailoring bed linen. This will help the future entrepreneur, after weighing all the pros and cons, make a decision - to refuse to implement the idea or to direct all efforts towards its implementation.

Sewing bed sets has the following advantages:

  • small investments at the initial stage (optimization of all production costs);
  • ease of manufacture of linen;
  • different variations of doing business (tailoring at home, opening a workshop, factory);
  • the ability to personally manage the production of products;
  • price policy control;
  • self-realization of creative people;
  • insignificant competitive environment;
  • minimization of risks, since when tailoring to order, the entrepreneur will take an advance payment.

The disadvantages of tailoring bed linen lie in:

  • lack of skilled labor;
  • difficulties in establishing sales and implementation of a trial batch;
  • dependence on fabrics, shortage of domestic raw materials;
  • the need for advance planning (at least six months in advance) of the production of bed linen so that there is no downtime.

Sewing bed linen carries a number of advantages not only for the entrepreneur himself, but also for the buyer. However, only a small part of people understand this. The problem lies in the poor awareness of the population.

Therefore, in front of a person who wants to start a small business, it will be necessary to conduct a good advertising campaign.

Buyers should be convinced that tailor-made bed linen is the best solution when:

  1. It is necessary to choose a product for a bed of non-standard sizes.
  2. The person is allergic and needs hypoallergenic bedding.
  3. There is a need for tailoring bedding from non-standard fabrics.
  4. I want to save money on shopping. Sometimes tailoring products can be cheaper than buying in stores.
  5. We need quality assurance. Making a purchase at point of sale, no one can be sure of the conformity of bed linen to the declared quality. And when tailoring to order, there is confidence that the products will not burst at the seams, will not shed.
  6. There is no desire to buy consumer goods, while you need a one-of-a-kind original version that matches the interior of the room.

Comparison of two directions for tailoring bed linen

The concept of activity is chosen depending on the plans of the entrepreneur, his capabilities. Compare the two business options to see which way to go next.

No. 1. Home sewing.

Much easier to organize. To sew bed linen at home, you do not need to rent a room, hire workers, or incur high equipment costs.

All you need is a standard set:

Threads are also needed. different color, scissors and other tools. In all respects, this form of business requires less hassle and money costs in general. You can completely invest in 100 thousand rubles. and even less.

However, keep in mind that tailoring clothes alone will not bring you much profit, because the large-scale volume home production you won't make it. Even if there are many customers, they will have to wait a long time for their turn.

It is likely that they will not like this, and they will find a less busy master who will sew faster and provide the finished work earlier. In practice, the manufacture of products at home is characterized by instability.

In any case, you will need to register. When sewing at home, it is preferable to choose an IP. But the presence of specific skills that a professional cutter has is not necessary when sewing bed linen at home.

But when, despite the fact that tailoring is enough simple view manual labor, specialists with a diploma will be needed.

Home tailoring of bed linen provides for the optimal arrangement of the workplace. It should be enough to conveniently position the sewing machine, store fabric and other consumables, auxiliary tools.

When sewing double sets of fabric, more will be required, so their layout will take up a lot of space. Also, take care of where you will receive clients, because they need to sit down, look at the catalog of fabrics, etc.

At home, it will be difficult for some seamstresses to tune in to work + dissatisfaction of family members may hinder the process.

No. 2. Tailoring of bed linen of factory type.

This option also has its positive and negative features.

Organization of large-scale production will take you more time, effort, money. But this is the only way you can compete and get a good income.

In this case, it is better to register as a limited liability company. Then you will be able to cooperate with serious suppliers of consumables, and, consequently, receive fabrics at a lower price. This will lead to a decrease in the cost and market price of bed linen. Due to the availability of goods, it will be taken with pleasure, turnover and profits will increase.

And also entity with the status of LLC and with large volumes of tailoring, has the ability to produce bedding sets with its own logo.

Permits are not needed to launch, but GOSTs must be observed. Also, with such a format, it will not be possible to properly establish tailoring without drawing up a clear business plan, for the development of which it is desirable to involve specialists (and these are additional costs).

As you can see, specific features are present in each form of activity. And the final choice is yours. We only note that many experienced entrepreneurs advise starting small.

But we will rely on the large-scale production of bed linen, because here we need to be more information-savvy.

Why is it profitable to tailor bed linen to order?

There are many reasons in favor of the organization of tailoring of bed linen.

For example, it is a more labor-intensive business that requires such investments that not everyone can afford. And the market is saturated, the competition is big. Therefore, most start-up enterprises cease their activities without having functioned even for a year.

So, it is advisable to engage in sewing bed linen, because:

  • this product is in demand;
  • production of bed sets is a highly profitable business (up to 50%);
  • tailoring is carried out according to specified sizes and simple technology, you do not need to develop models;
  • work is performed relatively quickly, which means that we can talk about high productivity;
  • the production of bed linen does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, etc.

Analysis of the consumer market of bed linen

Market monitoring is a top priority when opening an enterprise for sewing bed sets and their further implementation. The study of the market environment, consumer preferences, competitors will allow you to collect detailed information about the relationship between supply and demand.

Based on this information, the businessman will be able to decide on the assortment range, target audience, form pricing, etc.

From 2014 to 2015 tailoring of bed linen in production conditions was reduced. Strengthening of negative trends by 6.5% was noted in 2015. At the beginning of 2016, the dynamics were diverse. Growth in the production of bed linen was observed in the period from February to March (104%-128%).

During the year, the volume of tailoring products amounted to more than 23 million sets worth about 14.3 billion rubles. According to experts, the main reason for this phenomenon was the reduction in incomes of citizens.

With all this, since 2015, the price of sewing bed linen has increased by 18.6%, which is associated with an increase in the cost of consumables that were imported from abroad. Also, the reason for the rise in prices was the increase in the costs incurred for the maintenance of professional imported equipment.

According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, the likelihood that raw materials will become cheaper in 2018 and over the next 2 years is small.

The leading region in the production of bedding sets is the Central Federal District. This district produces at least 87% of linen. The second position is occupied by the Southern Federal District, the share of the total output of which is more than 6%. Volga Federal District (2.2%) and Siberian Federal District (2.8%), respectively, are in third and fourth place.

The following enterprises for tailoring bedding compete with each other:

  • Trekhgornaya manufactory;
  • TDL Textile;
  • Day and night;
  • Monolith;
  • Pillow;
  • Kamyshinsky textiles;
  • SlavTextile;
  • Tradition;
  • Textile Capital;
  • Magic of tenderness;
  • Shuya chintz;
  • Jardin and others.

The further situation on the market will largely be dictated by general position affairs in light industry. In the next 6 months a $1.4 billion government program to support the industry will do its bit.

No new products expected to enter the market foreign companies engaged in tailoring bedding. The growth rate of imported products during 2018-2019 will not exceed 4%.

Moreover, the population prefers underwear of domestic production, and only then Turkish, Chinese sets (thanks to their budget) and, last but not least, expensive Italian ones.

More statistics show that one family has about 5-7 sets of bed linen. After analyzing all the information, we can safely say that the industry for tailoring sleeping sets will not live in poverty.

1) Formation of the range of bed linen.

Regular bed set includes:

  • pillowcase (2 pcs.),
  • sheet (1 unit),
  • duvet cover (1 unit)

You can sew linen of different sizes (depending on the size of the mattress).

Kits are produced:

  • one and a half,
  • double,
  • euro standard,
  • single,
  • family,
  • non-standard (for kids).

The standard set of bed linen with sizes looks like this:

Bed linen is divided into types and according to the density of the fabric. This parameter is usually indicated on bed sets.

GOST 31307-2005 states that duvet covers can be of a household type and have subtypes B1 (square), B2 (rectangular with 2 cutouts).

Type B duvet covers are sewn without a cutout, but with a fastener.

It is allowed to tailor duvet covers in a different form, coordinating this issue with the client. Their dimensions in width / length must correspond to those placed on the plate.

At the request of the client, it is possible to produce bedding with a duvet cover of an excellent size. GOST requirements for sheet sizes are given below:

The entrepreneur has the opportunity to produce products of the following types:

Standard top/bottom pillowcase sizes:

Some craftswomen offer their customers not ready-made sets, but individual items, giving them the opportunity to choose their own set.

Experts advise small firms to work highly specialized, focusing on one niche. You choose the direction in the assortment individually, based on the preferences and needs of consumers.

2) Selection of the target audience for the implementation of bed sets.

Conduct a search for potential consumers at the time of planning activities for tailoring.

Sell finished products Can:

  • hospitals
  • children's institutions (holiday camps, kindergartens, boarding schools, indoor sports complexes),
  • sanatoriums.

You can also take orders for tailoring bedding for hostels, hotels, hotels, army, hostels. If you organize, sales will take place mainly to private individuals.

What technology is used for tailoring bed linen?

To carry out tailoring of bed linen, you need to have special patterns. They are laid out on consumables, then the threads are cut in the longitudinal direction. Those. at the first stage, a seamstress makes a blank.

The fabric is placed on a large table, after which it is cut depending on the required dimensions. The resulting elements are collected in one piece. Next, the worker performs tailoring, processing the edges of the future bedding.

The procedure ends with the ironing of the finished linen. Wet-heat treatment must be carried out without fail. Only after it, you can carefully pack the bed set in the selected package, for example, PVC, kraft paper.

Packaging can be made by yourself or ordered ready-made with the company's logo. It must have an attractive design. Inside put a business card, aromatic sachet. Then the client will be more than satisfied.

In the picture you can see exemplary sample bedding patterns:

Please note that after sewing, a tag must be attached to the product, which indicates the operational requirements, which are shown below:

Raw materials used in the manufacture of bed linen.

When sewing bed linen, according to the requirements of the State Standard, fabrics that have certain indicators of breathability and hygroscopicity can be used.

Tailoring of bed sets made from natural fabrics is ordered more readily, especially coarse calico. This material is practical, does not fade in color, does not deform, does not wrinkle.

Also used for tailoring:

  • cotton,
  • chintz,
  • satin,
  • silk.

Coarse calico bed linen is purchased by about 60% of citizens, 20% of the population prefer linen products, satin linen attracts 15% of respondents.

Terry, silk, satin, cambric sleeping products are bought mainly as a gift or wealthy consumers. Sometimes there may be orders for tailoring from velor, jacquard, tapestry. These materials belong to the luxury class.

Bed sets for everyday use require the presence of such linens as:

Try to produce bedding from such a fabric so that the final price is affordable for the buyer. This is the hottest item. Make expensive tailoring exclusively by order.

Where to buy fabric?

Be serious about buying fabrics. In order for the enterprise to be profitable, wholesalers supplying textile fabrics should be carefully selected. You need to find Best offer according to 2 criteria: reasonable price, high quality.

You can immediately throw out specialized stores from your head, there the prices are “awful”. If you do tailoring at home, factories will not work. They are guided by large manufacturers of bed linen. Therefore, you should resort to wholesale bases.

Requirements for the premises for the enterprise for the tailoring of bed linen and its equipment

To open a bed linen sewing workshop, it is necessary to rent a room that meets the requirements of the fire service and SES, with an area of ​​​​at least 150 square meters. m. The search for a suitable area is usually carried out outside the city. Many choose the countryside for this.

With regard to enterprises providing services for tailoring sleeping sets within Russian capital, they are located in the Moscow region. This is convenient, since the metropolis is not far away, and work force in these parts it is cheaper for the entrepreneur.

First-class bed sets can only be made with good quality fabrics and good industrial equipment. It is not worth saving on them, because tailoring products High Quality- the main task of the entrepreneur.

A bedding business, unlike a home-made one, needs several electric-type sewing machines. Their exact number depends on how much linen you plan to produce.

In addition, you need:

  • finishing tables where cutting work will be performed;
  • overlocks;
  • ironing machines;
  • loop processing equipment.

There is a need for shelving to accommodate fabrics, accessories, tools (cut knives).

The arrangement of the enterprise for tailoring linen requires seats for workers. A separate room is allocated as a service room, where seamstresses will change clothes and have lunch. It needs to be filled with hangers, cabinets, dining table, microwave oven, refrigerator.

Plan the space with the help of experts in the industry.

But keep in mind that it is divided into such departments:

The sewing workshop must have good lighting and a heating system. A ventilation system must also be installed, as textile dust is flammable. Power supply requires mandatory grounding and three-phase voltage.

Required staff.

Stable tailoring at a small enterprise will be provided by 5-6 workers per shift. For sewing, women aged 30-55 are usually hired. Ironers, cutters, packers are also involved in the production of bed linen.

With a limited budget, some workers may have multiple responsibilities. So, cutting does not provide for the worker to have special skills.

If you are not strong in accounting, you will have to use the services of an accountant. It will be convenient to use outsourcing. Maintaining documentation in this way will cost 5 thousand rubles.

You can hire a person who will take orders if you are not able to do it yourself.

Sewing bed linen: how to sell finished products?

If you manage to convince them to buy a batch of bed linen, and it starts to be in demand, you can subsequently agree on cooperation on more favorable terms for both parties.

Internet sales are a promising direction for the implementation of kits. Just look at the impressive number of requests for the purchase of bed linen:

If you spend a certain amount on creating an online store, the chances of success will increase significantly. The cost of designing such a web resource exceeds 30 thousand rubles. Every month he will need promotion (for this you can add another 25 thousand rubles.)

Believe me, the expenses will not be in vain! You will see for yourself that they pay off. More use social media. By creating groups there, you can find clients. Think about special offers (promotions, discounts). This will help increase turnover.

To obtain competitive advantages, you can offer customers tailoring of linen for specific needs: for newlyweds, as a gift for any holiday.

The production of bed sets with a 3D effect (print) is no longer a novelty. But such products continue to be in demand, some make an order for sewing linen with images of themselves or animals. To implement such an idea, it is necessary to provide production with special technologies.

Large batches can only be made by machine. Another option is to do the painting by hand, which is very difficult and expensive. We'll have to buy safe dyes.

Since holiday sets are sewn from expensive material, their cost will exceed the total cost of making bed linen for everyday use. But on such products you can make good money. However, remember that at first it would be wise to tailor it to order.

The owner of the studio Ekaterina Bogorovskaya about
how to start your own business.

How to become an entrepreneur? Opening Tips
atelier for tailoring children's bed linen.

Calculations of the cost of tailoring bedding and projected profits

Let's calculate the conditional costs for mass production:

  • rent and repair of premises - 160-200 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - from 45 thousand rubles;
  • documentary registration with the ensuing overhead costs - up to 55 thousand rubles;
  • fabric and accessories - 400-500 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - from 700 thousand rubles;
  • creation of an online store - from 50 thousand rubles. (with rich functionality - up to 300 thousand rubles);
  • promotion for six months - 150-600 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 150 thousand rubles.

If everything is summed up, including taxes, the investment will amount to about 1.5 million rubles. But in practice, figures exceeding 3 million rubles are more realistic.

The daily productivity of the enterprise with such investments should reach at least 30-50 sets. With a tailoring volume of 200 sets per day, twice as much investment will be required.

It will be possible to recoup the costs in the first year of work, if you establish a large wholesale. The price for tailoring one set depends on various criteria: the type and cost of fabric, sizes, so it will have to be calculated individually. This is where the difficulty in calculating profit comes from. But you can look at the approximate values ​​​​of competitors.

The cost of one bed set, tailoring of which was carried out in the process of home work, can be from 250 rubles. taking into account the extra charge of 25% (wholesale). If you sell at retail, the starting price can be set at the level of 300-500 rubles.

From tailoring each set of linen sold at retail, you can get about 300 rubles. At home, with full activity, it is realistic to reach 200 bed sets per month.

Profit will vary within 40-50 thousand rubles. And if you are engaged in sewing exclusive sets from expensive material, the sale can take place at a price of 800-1500 rubles. (linen, coarse calico), which will increase net profit by 1.5-2 times.

A better fabric at the output will cost about 2-4.5 thousand rubles. And premium products are generally estimated at 7 thousand rubles. and above (silk underwear - from 10 thousand rubles).

If the entrepreneur does everything right, the costs will pay off in a relatively short time. When sewing at home, a month is enough. Profitability can be as high as 50%.

Note: experienced entrepreneurs reduce the cost of tailoring bed linen. In addition to the main production, they produce other garments from scraps and excess fittings.

You can follow their example and increase your income by producing bonnets, scarves and other children's products, handkerchiefs, pot holders, furniture covers, aprons, handbags.

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