Military album: Chronicles of the Second World War. Military album: Chronicles of World War II Front photos 1941 1945 in good quality

A series of documentary photographs dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. A selection of 95 rare shots military equipment and participants in the Second World War. A unique photo from the events of 1941-1945, military operations in history black and white photography. Watch online documentary photo of the Second World War 1941-1945.

Junior Sergeant Konstantin Alexandrovich Shuty (06/18/1926-12/27/2004) (left), brother of Mikhail Shutoy, with a fellow soldier, also a junior sergeant.

Junior sergeant, mortar - Nikolai Polikarpov at a firing position near Kiev. 1st Ukrainian Front.

Marine of the US 5th Division, shot in the head by a Japanese sniper (you can see the bullet hole on the helmet).

Sailors of the Soviet destroyer of project 7 "Crushing" with the ship's pet, the area of ​​the bow torpedo tubes, view from the bow.

German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bomber under repair at a field airfield.

The beginning of the counterattack of one of the units of the 270th Infantry Division of the Soviet 7th Guards Army on the Kursk Bulge.

Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the Victory Parade.

Head of Communications of the 51st MTAP Bykov V.V. instructs gunners-radio operators before the flight Kolberg (Germany) - Pernov (Estonia). From left to right Mikhalev, Karpov, Archakov, Shishkin, Volkov, Chekanov, Bykov.

Unidentified female partisans of the 1st Proletarian Brigade of NOAU, armed with Czech light machine guns ZB vz. 26. The village of Zharkovo near Belgrade on the eve of the battles for the city.

Unknown Soviet female snipers at the dugout. On overcoats are sergeant's shoulder straps, in the hands of a Mosin rifle with a PU optical sight (Shortened Sight).

An unknown American soldier of the US 87th Infantry Division, killed by a German sniper in the spring of 1945 in Koblenz, Germany. The soldier's weapon is a BAR automatic rifle.

German 105-mm self-propelled guns "Vespe" (Sd.Kfz.124 Wespe) from the 74th regiment of self-propelled artillery of the 2nd tank division of the Wehrmacht, passes next to an abandoned Soviet 76-mm gun ZIS-3 near the city of Orel.

German self-propelled gun "Vespe" after being hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German self-propelled guns "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery near the city of Lvov in July 1944.

German self-propelled guns Marder II in ambush, between houses, in a Ukrainian village.

German quad 20-mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (ZSU) "Werbelwind" based on the tank Pz.Kpfw. IV, destroyed by a direct hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German huntsmen at the MG-34 machine gun on the Eastern Front.

German officers captured by French soldiers during the liberation of Paris. Hotel "Majestic", chosen by the Wehrmacht during the occupation.

German infantrymen and tankers choose bottles of alcoholic beverages in a warehouse.

German soldiers in a captured Soviet T-34 tank. The machine is ready for shipment to Germany for testing. The inscription “O.K.H.Wa. Prvf. 6" (military acceptance 6).

German soldiers inspect the captured positions of Soviet troops.

A series of documentary photographs dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. A selection of 95 rare photographs of military equipment and participants in the Second World War. A unique photo from the scenes of 1941-1945, military operations in the history of black and white photography. Watch online documentary photo of the Second World War 1941-1945.

Junior Sergeant Konstantin Alexandrovich Shuty (06/18/1926-12/27/2004) (left), brother of Mikhail Shutoy, with a fellow soldier, also a junior sergeant.

Junior sergeant, mortar - Nikolai Polikarpov at a firing position near Kiev. 1st Ukrainian Front.

Marine of the US 5th Division, shot in the head by a Japanese sniper (you can see the bullet hole on the helmet).

Sailors of the Soviet destroyer of project 7 "Crushing" with the ship's pet, the area of ​​the bow torpedo tubes, view from the bow.

German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bomber under repair at a field airfield.

The beginning of the counterattack of one of the units of the 270th Infantry Division of the Soviet 7th Guards Army on the Kursk Bulge.

Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the Victory Parade.

Head of Communications of the 51st MTAP Bykov V.V. instructs gunners-radio operators before the flight Kolberg (Germany) - Pernov (Estonia). From left to right Mikhalev, Karpov, Archakov, Shishkin, Volkov, Chekanov, Bykov.

Unidentified female partisans of the 1st Proletarian Brigade of NOAU, armed with Czech light machine guns ZB vz. 26. The village of Zharkovo near Belgrade on the eve of the battles for the city.

Unknown Soviet female snipers at the dugout. On overcoats are sergeant's shoulder straps, in the hands of a Mosin rifle with a PU optical sight (Shortened Sight).

An unknown American soldier of the US 87th Infantry Division, killed by a German sniper in the spring of 1945 in Koblenz, Germany. The soldier's weapon is a BAR automatic rifle.

German 105-mm self-propelled guns "Vespe" (Sd.Kfz.124 Wespe) from the 74th regiment of self-propelled artillery of the 2nd tank division of the Wehrmacht, passes next to an abandoned Soviet 76-mm gun ZIS-3 near the city of Orel.

German self-propelled gun "Vespe" after being hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German self-propelled guns "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery near the city of Lvov in July 1944.

German self-propelled guns Marder II in ambush, between houses, in a Ukrainian village.

German quad 20-mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (ZSU) "Werbelwind" based on the tank Pz.Kpfw. IV, destroyed by a direct hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German huntsmen at the MG-34 machine gun on the Eastern Front.

German officers captured by French soldiers during the liberation of Paris. Hotel "Majestic", chosen by the Wehrmacht during the occupation.

German infantrymen and tankers choose bottles of alcoholic beverages in a warehouse.

German soldiers in a captured Soviet T-34 tank. The machine is ready for shipment to Germany for testing. The inscription “O.K.H.Wa. Prvf. 6" (military acceptance 6).

German soldiers inspect the captured positions of Soviet troops.

Over the years great war Thousands of photographers have taken millions of pictures. Some of these pictures have sunk into oblivion, others have gone down in history.

Faces of Jewish children in the ghetto of the Polish city of Shidlovets, occupied by the Nazis. December 20, 1940.

The execution of Kyiv Jews by German soldiers near Ivangorod. Ukraine, 1942.

This photograph was sent from the Eastern Front to Germany and intercepted at the post office in Warsaw by a member of the Polish resistance who was collecting documents testifying to Nazi war crimes. The original belongs to Tadeusz Mazur and Jerzy Tomaszewski and is currently in the Historical Archives in Warsaw. Original German inscription on the back of the photo: "Ukraine 1942, Jewish operation, Ivangorod."

In this photograph, which the Associated Press received from a neutral on September 25, 1942, we see a bomb just dropped from an aircraft over Stalingrad.

Three Russian children in the ruins of their father's house. The Germans took the parents prisoner and destroyed the house, leaving the children in the ashes. 1942

Horse among the ruins of Stalingrad. December 1942.

Farewell to a peer, spring 1942.

During the years of the blockade, Leningrad lost about a million of its inhabitants. Most died of starvation. The scarcity of medical equipment and supplies made every illness and injury much more deadly.

Tank cemetery at the site of the Battle of Rzhev, December 21, 1942. They say that there are about two thousand tanks in this cemetery.

A Russian woman looks at a burning house. 1942

German soldiers walk through a destroyed power plant in Stalingrad's factory district. December 28, 1942.

A Soviet T-34 tank races through the Square of the Fallen Fighters in Stalingrad. January 1943.

Soviet infantrymen on the snowy hills around Stalingrad in preparation for an operation to lift the siege of the city. Early 1943.

As a result, the Red Army surrounded the enemy; about 300 thousand German and Romanian soldiers were taken prisoner.

A Soviet soldier guards a German prisoner. February 1943.

A few months after being surrounded by Soviet troops, the remnants of the German Sixth Army capitulated. By this time, about 200 thousand people had died in battles and from starvation.

Soviet soldiers, lying on their backs, shoot at enemy aircraft with rifles. June 1943.

Soldiers of the Red Army in a trench, over which a Russian T-34 tank passes. Battle of Kursk, 1943.

A Soviet lieutenant somewhere near Kursk distributes cigarettes to German prisoners. July 1943.

A unit of B-24s from the US 15th Air Force bombs railroad depots in Salzburg, Austria. December 27, 1944.

The unit operates under the command of Major General Nathan Twining. The smoke from the fires mixes with the smoke from the chimneys.

A heavily armed German soldier carries boxes of ammunition. German counteroffensive in the Ardennes, January 2, 1945.

An infantryman from the airborne division of the 82nd US Army goes on a solo sortie under the cover of comrades. Outskirts of Bra, Belgium, December 24, 1944.

This schoolteacher from the Aosta Valley and her husband are fighting in Italy in the area of ​​the Petit St. Bernard Pass. January 4, 1945.

The activities of the Italian Maquis are little known outside of Italy, although they have been fighting the fascist regime since 1927, under constant danger. Their targets were the Germans and Italian fascists, and the battlefield was the snow-covered Alps on the border of France and Italy.

These photographs show the reaction of a 16-year-old German soldier taken prisoner by US forces. Somewhere in Germany, 1945.

An unidentified American soldier, shot by a German sniper, continues to clutch a rifle and a hand grenade. Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

View from the town hall of Dresden on the Old Town, destroyed by the Allied bombing from 13 to 15 February 1945.

3.6 thousand aircraft dropped more than 3.9 thousand tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary shells on the city. The result was a firestorm that burned nearly 40 square kilometers of the city center and killed more than 22,000 people.

Soviet officers and American soldiers during a friendly meeting on the Elbe River in April 1945.

An elderly Czech woman, overwhelmed by her emotions, kisses a Russian soldier, thanking him for liberation from the Nazis. Prague, May 5, 1945.

The famous photograph of Yevgeny Khaldei "Raising the flag over the Reichstag", taken on May 2, 1945.

In the picture, Soviet soldiers raise the flag Soviet Union on the dome of the Reichstag building after the end of the battle for Berlin. The photograph did not capture the original moment, but a later re-enactment, sparking controversy over the ethics of the reporter and the authenticity of documentary photography.

Victory celebration on Red Square in Moscow. On May 9, 1945, fireworks were arranged, accompanied by flashes of shots and searchlights.

End of World War II. The destroyed Reichstag building with a wrecked German military vehicle in the foreground.

Color photograph of the bombed-out historical part of German Nuremberg in June 1945, after the end of World War II.

From 1927 to 1938, Nuremberg hosted huge Nazi Party conventions. The last event was scheduled for 1939 and canceled at the last minute due to the fact that the invasion of Poland was to start the next day. The city was also the birthplace of the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws, which infringed on the rights of the Jews of Nazi Germany. From 1943 to 1945, more than 90% of the city center was destroyed by bombing and more than 6,000 inhabitants were killed. Soon Nuremberg would once again become famous - it was here that the Nuremberg trials, a series of military tribunals that tried the surviving leaders of Nazi Germany, took place. They were accused of a variety of crimes, including "crimes against humanity" - the deliberate murder of more than 10 million people, including about 6 million Jews.

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Wars should not have a place in a civilized society, but they, large or small, are constantly being waged. We have all seen many photographs of the times of the Great Patriotic War. Photojournalists, risking their lives along with the military, were able to leave us a lot of evidence, thanks to which we can plunge into history ...

Russian prisoners of war. Lithuania, Vilna, June 1941.

War correspondent. Summer, 1941.

But how many of us have seen military evidence from the other side? Are we interested in this? Are we ready to see how the invaders of our land perceived this war? Still, no matter how painful it is to look at some of these pictures, studying them can give a lot to understand that page of our history.

Captured Russian officer. Summer, 1941

Soldiers on a landing boat. Summer, 1942

Captured during Operation Citadel. Summer, 1943

Motorized Squad. Summer, 1943

SS officer. 1944

SS troops at rest. 1944

Rocket mortars. Summer, 1942

Caterpillar tractors and guns. March-April 1944.

German SS cavalry. July 16, 1941.

A column of Russian prisoners. July 1941

Tank officer. Summer 1941.

Tankers. Summer 1941.

Conversing soldiers. Summer 1941.

Himmler in Kharkov. 1942-1943

Himmler with officers. 1942-1943

Soldiers from the ditch fire from a grenade launcher. Summer 1941.

A column of German StuG III assault guns on the march to the Caucasus.

Column of Soviet prisoners of war. In the center is a fleeing soldier - perhaps trying to escape.

Column of tanks of the SS division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" near Kharkov. The third battle for Kharkov.

The commander of the 5th SS Panzer Division "Viking" Standartenführer Johannes-Rudolf Mühlenkamp with a fox terrier in the Kovel area.

The commander distributes cigarettes to his soldiers. Pomerania, late February 1945.

Commander of the Red Army before execution. August-September 1941, Ukraine

Tankers examine the trace of a Soviet shell on the armor of their tank.

The commander of the Finnish squadron at the Utti airfield near the Messerschmitt Bf.109G-2 fighter

German soldiers inspect a Soviet Ar-2 dive bomber shot down near Demyansk. Very rare car (only about 200 pieces were produced).

German soldiers cross state border THE USSR.

German soldiers pose in front of the giant French tank Char 2C.