Photo chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. Photos of the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War Front-line photographs of 1941 1945 tank crews

The third part of a collection of photographs from the Second World War. It is worth talking about those photographers who left these photos for future generations. After all, it is thanks to them that we still do not forget, remember and sacredly honor that holy war against. Photography and videography have left us with visual evidence of the existing military actions directed against peace throughout the world.

Who were these photographers? Undoubtedly, brave and determined people. They walked into the fiery heat with the soldiers and sat in a trench under fire. How many of them died on the battlefields, and what motives prompted them to such courageous actions, we will never know. Most of the photographs presented here were taken in and subsequent collections photographers Natalya Bode, G. Markov, Y. Ryumkin, M. Savin, E. Khaldey, but there were many others, those whose names are forever forgotten by people, but the memory in photographs has already remained. Just like the faces in their black and white photos, unknown soldiers with weapons in their hands.

Another solid portion of retro photos in the project 20th century in color photographs.
Today we will look at what the world was like many years ago. More precisely, not the world, but .

In general, there are a lot of color photographs from 1941. The Germans shot on Agfa film (Agfacolor), the Americans and British - on Kodachrome. Soviet color photographs of the Great Patriotic War are not known.

As you know, the German attack on the USSR was immediately preceded by a blitzkrieg against Yugoslavia. The operation lasted from April 6 to April 17, 1941 and ended on April 17 with the surrender of this Balkan kingdom.

Units of the 14th Motorized Corps of the Wehrmacht in the Serbian city of Nis, April 1941:

At the same time, the Germans captured Greece in April 1941. Raising the Nazi flag over the Acropolis:

In 1941, the so-called “ Battle of Britain" - air war between Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force (RAF).

I captured some scenes of this war famous photographer Robert Capa.
Here we see the damaged British Blenheim bomber, which managed to make an emergency landing on its territory:

The Anglo-German war also took place at sea.
The German battleship Scharnhorst at the end of Operation Berlin, during which 8 British were sunk transport ships in the North Atlantic, March 1941:

Outside of Europe, from the very beginning of 1941, fighting took place in the African theater. Back in December 1940, the British from Egypt went on the offensive against the Italian group in Libya and inflicted a significant defeat on it.
During February 1941, German troops under the command of General Rommel were transferred to Libya, which led to a halt in the further advance of the British. And already at the end of March, Rommel’s units went on the offensive.

Column of German troops in Paris, 1941. photographer Andre Zucca:

The Germans stage a parade with captured French tanks in Paris, 1941:

Hitler and the generals inspect the 800 mm Fat Gustav gun in 1941:

The Fat Gustav gun weighed 1,344 tons and required dismantling of some parts to move it along railroad tracks. The gun was the height of a four-story building, had a width of 6 meters and a length of 42 meters. The maintenance of the Fat Gustav gun was carried out by a team of 500 people under the command of a high-ranking army official. The team needed almost three days to prepare the gun for firing.
A high-explosive shell from this cannon could hit a target at a distance of 45 kilometers.

May 1941. Equipment of the 6th German Panzer Division in East Prussia before the invasion of the USSR:

German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop at a press conference in Berlin announces the start of war against Soviet Union:

In 1941, the Wehrmacht had something like one and a half million cameras in its backpacks.
German soldiers, officers and photojournalists meticulously recorded every step on Soviet soil. Of course, they especially liked to take pictures of trophies and broken equipment of the Red Army.

Soviet T-28 tank:

The Nazis inspect soviet tank T-34:

Soviet KV-2 tank destroyed in the battle for the city of Ostrov, July 1941:

Battlefield near Ostrov, early July 1941:

Damaged Soviet fighter I-16:

Damaged Soviet fighters I-153 "Chaika":

The Finns also filmed in their sector of the front, often in color.

Burnt out Soviet armored car on the Karelian Isthmus, 1941:

Germans in Grodno, June 1941:

Germans in Lithuania, June 1941:

The bell tower will be restored only in 1973.

July 41st:

Soviet prisoners of war:

In September 41, the Germans captured Kyiv:

In the 20th of September the enemy took Peterhof:

On October 2, 1941, Petrozavodsk was occupied by the Finnish Karelian Army and renamed Äänislinna:

Advanced German units of the 11th Panzer Division near Volokolamsk, November 1941:

Here came the end of their Blitzkrieg.

Now a small gallery of satellites of Nazi Germany in 1941.

Soldiers of the Spanish “Blue Division”, which fought against the USSR near Novgorod and Leningrad, 1941:

Soldiers of the French Volunteer Legion, 1941:

Having defeated Yugoslavia, the Germans created on part of its territory the puppet “Independent State of Croatia”, whose army became one of Hitler’s most zealous satellites.
In this photo, the commander of the Croatian ground forces, General Slavko Stancer, 1941:

On December 7, the Japanese army launched a surprise attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. World War II opened a new theater on the Pacific Ocean.
A light boat takes part in the rescue of the crew of the battleship West Virginia, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941:

According to Hawaiian tradition, American sailors honor the memory of their fallen comrades after the shelling of Pearl Harbor, 1941:

Since December 41, the Japanese waged a simultaneous war against the Americans, British and Chinese. The war with the latter began back in 1937.
The Japanese didn’t have color film, so you’ll have to be content with colored pictures.

Japanese light tank Type 97 Te-Ke against the backdrop of a burning house in China, 1941:

Operating over an unimaginably vast area, the Japanese captured French Indochina and the Dutch East Indies (now the territory of Indonesia) in 1941.

Soldiers of the Japanese 5th Infantry Division in occupied Saigon, December 1941:

Japanese battleship Hiei2 at sunset in Saeki Bay, 1941:

Second World War (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) - the war of two world military-political coalitions, which became the largest war in human history. 61 states out of 73 existing at that time (80% of the world's population) participated in it. The fighting took place on the territory of three continents and in the waters of four oceans. This is the only conflict in which nuclear weapons were used.

At the top: 1941. Belarus, a German reporter eats a cucumber offered by a peasant woman

1941. Artillerymen of the 2nd battery of the 833rd heavy artillery battalion of the Wehrmacht are preparing to fire a 600-mm self-propelled mortar “Karl” (Karl Gerät 040 Nr.III “Odin”) in the Brest area.

1941. Battle of Moscow. Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism or LVZ (638 Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment)

1941. Battle of Moscow. German soldiers dressed for the weather during battle

1941. Battle of Moscow. German soldiers captured Russian prisoners of war in a trench

1941. Waffen-SS

1941. Lieutenant Yakov Dzhugashvili among prisoners of war during the battle for Smolensk

1941. Leningrad, Colonel General Erich Hoepner and Major General Franz Landgraf

1941. Minsk, German soldiers in an occupied city

1941. Murmansk, Mountain Riflemen made a stop along the way

1941. German artillerymen inspect the remains of the heavy artillery tractor “Voroshilovets”

1941. German prisoners of war guarded by Russian soldiers

1941. German soldiers in position. Behind them in the ditch are Russian prisoners of war.

1941. Odessa, Romanian soldiers inspect captured property of the Soviet army

1941. Novgorod, awarding of German soldiers

1941. Russian soldiers inspect trophies taken from the Germans and discover potatoes in a gas mask case

1941. Red Army soldiers studying war trophies

1941. Sonderkraftfahrzeug 10 tractor and soldiers of the Reich SS division drive through the village

1941. Ukraine, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler talks with peasants

1941. Ukraine, column of Russian prisoners of war including women

1941. Ukraine, Soviet prisoner of war before execution on charges of being an agent of the GPU

1941. Two Russian prisoners of war talk with German soldiers from the Waffen-SS

1941.Moscow, Germans in the vicinity of the city

1941.German traffic controllers

1941.Ukraine, a German soldier accepts an offered glass of milk

1942. Two German sentries on the Eastern Front

1942. Leningrad region, a column of German prisoners of war in a besieged city

1942. Leningrad region, German troops at a checkpoint on the outskirts of the city

1942. Leningrad region, one of the first Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger

1942. German troops cross the Don

1942. German soldiers clear the road after a snowfall

1942. Pechory, German officers are photographed with clergy

1942. Russia, corporal checks documents of peasant women

1942. Russia, a German gives a cigarette to a Russian prisoner of war

1942. Russia, German soldiers leave a burning village

1942. Stalingrad, the remains of a German He-111 bomber among the city ruins

1942. Terek Cossacks from self-defense units.

1942. Non-commissioned officer Helmut Kolke of the 561st Wehrmacht Brigade with the crew on his Marder II self-propelled gun, the next day he received the German Cross in gold and the Honor Buckle

1942. Leningrad region

1942. Leningrad region, Volkhov Front, a German gives a piece of bread to a child

1942. Stalingrad, a German soldier cleans a K98 Mauser during a break between battles

1943. Belgorod region, German soldiers talk with women and children

1943. Belgorod region, Russian prisoners of war

1943. A peasant woman tells Soviet intelligence officers about the location of enemy units. North of the city of Orel

1943. German soldiers have just caught a Soviet soldier

1943. Russia, two German prisoners of war

1943. Russian Cossacks in the Wehrmacht during a blessing (priests in the foreground)

1943. Sappers neutralize German anti-tank mines

1943. Snipers of the unit of senior lieutenant F.D. Lunina fire volleys at enemy aircraft

1943. Stalingrad, a column of German prisoners of war on the edge of the city

1943. Stalingrad, column of German, Romanian and Italian prisoners of war

1943. Stalingrad, German prisoners of war pass by a woman with empty buckets. There will be no luck.

1943. Stalingrad, captured German officers

1943. Ukraine, Znamenka, the driver of the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger looks through the hatch of the car at a tank stuck in the mud on the river bank

1943.Stalingrad, city center on the day of the surrender of German troops

1944. Commander of the 4th Air Command, Luftwaffe Colonel General Otto Desloch and commander of II./StG2, Major Dr. Maxsimilian Otte (shortly before his death)

1944. Crimea, capture of German soldiers by Soviet sailors

1944. Leningrad region, column of German troops

1944. Leningrad region, German prisoners of war

1944. Moscow. Passage of 57,000 German prisoners of war on the streets of the capital.

1944. Lunch of prisoners German officers in Krasnogorsk special camp No. 27

1944. Romania. German units evacuated from Crimea

1945. Poland, a column of German prisoners of war crosses the bridge over the Oder towards Ukraine

Without date. Two Soviet partisans inspect a captured German MG-34 machine gun

Without date. German soldiers clean their personal weapons. One of the soldiers has a captured Soviet PPSh submachine gun

Without date. German court martial

Without date. The Germans are taking away livestock from the population.

Without date. A Luftwaffe non-commissioned officer poses with a bottle while sitting on the head of a bust of I.V. Stalin

A series of documentary photographs for Victory Day in the Second World War 1941-1945. A selection of 95 rare photographs military equipment and participants in the Second World War. Unique photo from the scenes of events of 1941-1945, military actions in history black and white photography. We look at online documentary photos of the Second World War 1941-1945.

Junior Sergeant Konstantin Aleksandrovich Shuty (06/18/1926-12/27/2004) (left), brother of Mikhail Shuty, with a fellow soldier, also a junior sergeant.

Junior sergeant, mortarman - Nikolai Polikarpov at a firing position near Kiev. 1st Ukrainian Front.

A US 5th Division Marine killed by a Japanese sniper, shot in the head (a bullet hole is visible on his helmet).

Sailors of the Soviet destroyer Project 7 “Crushing” with the ship’s pet, area of ​​the bow torpedo tubes, bow view.

The German dive bomber Junkers Ju-87 "Stuka" being repaired at a field airfield.

The beginning of a counterattack by one of the units of the 270th Rifle Division of the Soviet 7th Guards Army on the Kursk Bulge.

The head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), the future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the Victory Parade.

Head of Communications of the 51st MTAP V.V. Bykov instructs gunners-radio operators before the flight Kolberg (Germany) - Pernov (Estonia). From left to right Mikhalev, Karpov, Archakov, Shishkin, Volkov, Chekanov, Bykov.

Unknown partisans of the 1st Proletarian Brigade of the NOAU, armed with Czech light machine guns ZB vz. 26. The village of Zharkovo near Belgrade on the eve of the battles for the city.

Unidentified Soviet female snipers near the dugout. They are wearing sergeant's shoulder straps and holding a Mosin rifle with a PU optical sight (Short Sight).

An unknown American soldier of the US 87th Infantry Division, killed by a German sniper in the spring of 1945 in the city of Koblenz, Germany. The soldier's weapon is the BAR automatic rifle.

The German 105-mm self-propelled gun "Wespe" (Sd.Kfz.124 Wespe) from the 74th self-propelled artillery regiment of the 2nd tank division of the Wehrmacht, passes next to an abandoned Soviet 76-mm ZIS-3 gun in the area of ​​​​the city of Orel.

German self-propelled gun "Vespe" after being hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German self-propelled gun "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery near the city of Lvov in July 1944.

German self-propelled gun Marder II in an ambush, between houses, in a Ukrainian village.

German quad 20-mm anti-aircraft self-propelled gun (ZSU) "Werbelwind" based on the Pz.Kpfw tank. IV, destroyed by a direct hit from a large-caliber shell.

German rangers at an MG-34 machine gun on the Eastern Front.

German officers captured by French soldiers during the liberation of Paris. Hotel Majestic, favored by the Wehrmacht during the occupation.

German infantrymen and tank crews select bottles of alcoholic drinks in a warehouse.

German soldiers in a captured Soviet T-34 tank. The car is ready to be sent to Germany for testing. On the front sheet the inscription “O.K.H.Wa. Prvf. 6" (military acceptance 6).

German soldiers inspect the captured positions of Soviet troops.

June 22, 1941. Announcement of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
Moscow, 25th October street.
Photo by E. Khaldei

Soldiers of the Red Army go to the front.

Photo TASS

Soldiers go to the front from the Moscow Hippodrome.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Soldiers of the N-unit at the forefront.

Photo by M. Alpert

Actor I. V. Ilyinsky at the defense circle classes at the Maly Theater. Moscow.

Photo by B. Vdovenko

The best gun crew of Captain Khlebnikov's unit fires from a closed position. On the right is the gun commander, junior sergeant Komsomol member D. Kalyakin.

Photo by E. Khaikin

During the break between fights.

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

Concert of front-line brigade artists in the active army.

Photo by V. Malyshev

The harvest of the first year of the war.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Junior Lieutenant S.G. Malovsky interrogates the captured fascist intelligence officer Vanker Helmut.

Photographer unknown

Red Army soldiers in the village.

Photo by B. Vdovenko

A detachment of the N unit crosses the river.

Western direction.

Photo by M. Redkin

Soldiers of the N-ship at the moment of a combat chemical alarm.

Northern Fleet.

Photo by E. Khaldei

On the enemy - fire!

Photo by D. Baltermants

At the firing position.

Photo by G. Konovalov

Construction of fortifications.

On the approaches to Moscow.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Combat training of workers on the streets of Moscow.

Photo by N. Kubeev

Marines near Moscow.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Residents of Rostov-on-Don are building barricades.

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

Women partisans.

In the occupied area of ​​the Moscow region.

Photo by M. Bachurin

The soldiers are fighting on the front line of defense.

Photo by N. Granovsky and A. Shaikhet

Fighter pilots head to the airfield.

Photo by S. Mazaev

Aircraft repair.

Photo by A. Ustinov

In ambush.

Photo by G. Zelma

Manufacturing parts for projectiles at a defense plant. Moscow.

Photo by Y. Khalip

Skiers from Lieutenant Malkov's unit on the march.

Photo by N. Kubeev

The Siberians are going on the attack.

Near Moscow.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Senior Lieutenant V.S. Efremov before a night flight deep behind enemy lines.

Photo by K. Leshko

The downed fascist plane Yu-88 is burning out.

Photographer unknown

Manufacturing warheads for high-power rocket artillery shells at a defense plant.

Photo by Y. Khalip

Clearing ice from the main caliber gun turret of the battleship Paris Commune.

Black Sea Fleet.

Photo by A. Mezhuev

Cleaning drinking water in the front laboratory.

Photo by L. Dorensky

Artillerymen who receive new military weapons take a solemn oath.

Photo by M. Markov-Grinberg

In the rest house for commanders.

Photo by B. Vdovenko

Loading shells onto an armored train.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Captured command vehicle. It contained a banner, lingerie, a hammock, a table clock, and staff documents.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Service dog handlers are sent to the battle line.

Photo TASS

Competitions in bayonet fighting at the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky.

Photographer unknown

Calculation, for battle!

Photo by D. Baltermants

Defense of Sevastopol.

Marine combat operations.

Photographer unknown

The first trophies of the combat units of the Southern Front (more than 60 bicycles).

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

The crew of Sergeant A. S. Kotikov’s “listeners” at work.

Photo by Yu. Solovyov

The gun crew of Lieutenant Zuev leads the gun through the forest thickets to a new firing line.

Photo by G. Konovalov

A diving team checking a submarine before going on a combat operation. Northern Fleet.

Photo by E. Khaldei

Photo by D. Baltermants

Commander of the 122nd Tank Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Ivanovich Rudoy (left) and tank commander Ivan Vasilievich Vlaskin.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Tanks are firing.

Photo by D. Baltermants


Photo by N. Bode

In defense of the Motherland.

Photo by S. Strunnikov

The partisans gather for combat reconnaissance.

Leningrad region.

Photo by S. Loskutov


Photo by E. Evzerikhin

Stalingrad fountain.

Photo by E. Evzerikhin

Photo by D. Baltermants


Photo by N. Bode

Prisoners from the “cauldron” near Kalach.

Photo by N. Bode

Stalingrad. Fight for the house.

Photo by G. Lipskerov

Fight on the territory of a German airfield.

Photo by G. Kapustensky

Stalingrad. Fight in the workshops of the Red October plant.

Photo by G. Samsonov

Stalingrad. For them, the war is already over.

Photo by G. Lipskerov

Stalingrad. Prisoners.

The Russian frost will be remembered for a long time.

Photo by G. Lipskerov

Liberation of Kharkov.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Marine landing. Northern Fleet.

Photo by R. Diament

Partisan attack.

Photo by M. Trakhman

Undercover PTR crew of Sergeant Pavel Tarasov smoke screen gets closer to enemy tanks.

Photo by M. Savin

Soviet soldiers overcome barbed wire barriers.

Photo by Yu. Solovyov

Unit of the N unit on the march.

Photographer unknown

Artillerymen carry shells to their battery.

Photographer unknown

Fight to the death!

Photo by E. Evzerikhin

Kursk Bulge. How the Tigers were beaten. Through and through and even deeper! The tank commander, the brave Lieutenant B.V. Smelov, knocked out the Tiger tank. Comrade Smelov shows Lieutenant Likhnyakevich (who knocked out 2 fascist tank) hole in the Tiger turret. It was fired by an ordinary armor-piercing shell from a 76-mm tank gun. The Tiger's turret is full of cracks from several hits from our shells.

Photo by N. Bode

Photo by M. Savin

The machine gunner and his "Maxim".

Photo by A. Egorov

Children of war. Village near Belgorod.

Photo by N. Bode

On the heels of the enemy.

Photo by G. Lipskerov


Photo by N. Bode

The crew of the armored vehicle of Lieutenant V.N. Kokhmansky repairing the railway track.

Photo by Yu. Solovyov

Guard Lieutenant Sviridov is the best signalman.

On the front line.

Photographer unknown

In polar latitudes.

Little bear Masha is a pupil of the North Sea residents.

Photo by S. Shimansky

Leningrad. Nevsky.

Photo by S. Shimansky

On the street of the city of Berdichev.

Photo by P. Troshkin

Residents of liberated Kirovograd meet their liberators, soldiers and officers of the Red Army.

Photo by G. Omelchuk

Photo leaflet dedicated to the lifting of the siege of Leningrad.

Photographer unknown

Delivery of ammunition by dogs. Karelia.

Photo by S. Konovalov

Artillery crew crossing.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Crossing of Sivash.

Photo by A. Ustinov

At the crossing.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Carts at the parade of the Horse Guards of the Guard of Lieutenant General N. S. Kulikovsky.

Photo by I. Utkin

Motorized reconnaissance.


Photo by Y. Ryumkin

Transportation of weapons and shells to the line of fire.

Photo by N. Shestakov

On the approaches to East Prussia, machine gunners clear the lake shore of Germans.

Photo by M. Savin

Fight with the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of Warsaw, Prague.

Photo by Y. Ryumkin

Street fight.

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

Fight on the streets of Belgrade.

Photo by E. Khaldei

The best crew of the attack aircraft hunter “Alexander Suvorov” is junior lieutenant V.T. Aleksukhin and gunner A.D. Gamayunov.

Photo by S. Guraria


Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

Forced march.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Photo by D. Baltermants

Let the soldiers get some sleep...


Photo by G. Lipskerov

Destroyed and burned houses in Warsaw.

Photo by Y. Ryumkin

Street fight in Mühlhausen.

East Germany.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

There is silence on the Oder. Germany.

Photo by D. Baltermants

The soldiers pull out the car.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Traffic controller Tanya - Artemyeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

Photo by M. Redkin

American soldiers demonstrate the Willis' weapons.

On the Elbe.

Photo by A. Ustinov

They give up.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov before signing the Act of Surrender of Germany. Berlin.

Photo by E. Khaldei

Fraternization of Soviet and American soldiers.

Photo by N. Shestakov

Victory Parade on Red Square.