Mineral water bottling workshop, technical section. Business plan for drinking water production: bottling from a well. Bottled water market

The idea is to set up a business to extract, purify and bottle potable water into plastic bottles.

This product is related to food products and is purified filtered artesian water bottled in plastic or glass containers.

The bottled water market in Russia opens up huge opportunities for starting a business. Currently, the level of consumption of this product in Russia is 5-6 times less than in Western countries. Taking into account the deterioration in the quality of tap water, as well as the gradual increase in population incomes, the level of consumption of purified water in plastic containers will increase (according to NABV, the market has increased by 15-17% per year in the last few years).

Production technology

Production process drinking water consists of the following steps:

  1. Drilling wells for artesian water extraction
  2. Cleaning through carbon and sand filters
  3. Mineral loading/mineral depletion
  4. Disinfection with ultraviolet rays
  5. Ozone saturation
  6. Treatment and disinfection of bottles and corks
  7. Bottling

Finished products must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, as well as GOST R 52109-2003

Required premises

The production workshop should consist of the following premises (areas):

  • Water extraction site
  • Multi-stage water treatment area
  • Water bottling area
  • Staff rooms
  • Stock finished products

The workshop premises must comply with SanPin for food production, as well as the requirements fire safety For industrial enterprises.

Required equipment

To organize production you need to purchase:

  1. Water purification equipment
  2. Water bottling equipment
  3. Equipment for making bottles ( this equipment not necessary, but its acquisition will significantly reduce the cost of production)

To determine a specific list of equipment, it is necessary to determine the planned volume, as well as carry out chemical analysis composition of water in the well.

In the section equipment for the production of bottled water, options for completing the production site are presented.

Economics of production

Activities related to the sale of purified drinking water in bottles involve significant seasonality, The period from May to August accounts for an increase in consumption volumes and, as a consequence, this period accounts for maximum size revenue.

The change in revenue and profitability of the enterprise can be clearly seen in the following graph:

The company's revenue consists of sales of its main products, as well as related products (empty bottles, coolers). Buyers are legal entities (share in the sales structure - 90%) and individuals(share in the sales structure - 10%). Organizations pay for goods by transfer to a bank account, mainly upon delivery of products; individuals pay for products in cash upon delivery of products.

The business of purifying and bottling drinking water is highly profitable. Gross profitability is about 700%. Costs included in the cost of production include the cost of purchasing chemical ingredients for cleaning, purchasing material for making bottles, and electricity.

The main costs are total expenses, which is clearly represented in the following graph.

As can be seen from the graph, the average annual profitability of activities before taxes is 20%.

The return on investment in organizing the production of bottled water depends on the available markets, equipment performance, and the purification technology used. On average, payback periods are 24-36 months.

Shop for bottling drinking water into bottles of various sizes:

The diagram below shows bottling shop- option for placing a water bottling line with a maximum capacity of 80 bottles per hour. That is, a thermal tunnel for shrinking caps and a packer for 19 liter bottles in PE bags are optional equipment and are purchased at the request of the customer.

This diagram of the bottling shop is approximate - for a preliminary understanding of the required room dimensions. To order a detailed layout of equipment at production sites for your business,

The diagram below shows an option for placing equipment for filling 19 liter bottles with a capacity of 150 bottles per hour. The basis of this line is QGF-150 WellSpring.

The last diagram shows a placement option with a capacity of 240 bottles per hour.

These diagrams are typical and are shown on our website as an example. Our engineers Service center We will develop a project for placing a bottling line for water and drinks on production areas specifically for your enterprise, taking into account productivity and the supply of communications.

Layout of equipment in the bottling workshop " ":

in a 19 liter bottle, as a rule, includes the following set of equipment:

Automatic filling line (productive) detailed information
1 Automatic machine for removing old plugs

The quite understandable desire of the population of large cities to consume environmentally friendly “living” water is actively supported by its producers, who are setting up production for bottling water and supplying this kind of “fuel” both to offices and to private clients. For organization small business for the production of bottled drinking water (water bottling) is sufficient production premises, in which the entire production process is carried out in two main stages: water purification and water bottling on special equipment, followed by group packaging. You can find out more about the water bottling process in the description of the equipment on our website.

In this material:

Bottling drinking water as a business is very promising direction. After all, the quality of tap water in apartments leaves much to be desired, and it can hardly be called drinkable. It is contaminated with nitrates and pesticides, causing irreparable harm to human health. These factors are why more and more people are choosing to buy bottled water.

Bottled water market prospects

According to RBC experts, the annual growth of the drinking water market will be about 15-16%. This trend is indirectly confirmed by the growing demand for coolers. Today they are increasingly installed not only in office premises, but also at home. Today, the total number of installed coolers has exceeded 3 million units. As a result, the use of PET bottles for last years increased 6 times.

Now bottled water already accounts for 2/3 of the non-alcoholic products market. The service line for delivering water in 5 and 19 liter bottles to an office or apartment is also developing at a faster pace. The growth of this market is 20-30%.

It is expected that the market will slow down its growth and reach the saturation stage only by 2020, when the total number of coolers will reach 10-12 million units. To fill this market capacity, it will be necessary to increase production capacity water 3-4 times. It can be assumed that after saturation the market will develop similar to the European one, about 10% per year.

But when entering the drinking water bottling market, it is worth considering that this segment is one of the highly competitive ones. Every year thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs try their hand at this field. Therefore, before starting this business, it is necessary to carry out marketing research, analyze the activities of competitors and determine your niche in the market (create a unique product offer). We need not only a well-thought-out marketing strategy, but also a business plan that will allow you to calculate upcoming costs.

Business plan for water bottling production

The amount of initial investment in a water bottling business will depend on the format in which it is implemented. This could be opening your own water bottling production line, installing vending machines or kiosks selling drinking water.

Opening your own line for purifying tap water and bottling it into bottles is a fairly common option on the market. On the one hand, it allows you to act according to an understandable developed algorithm, but on the other hand, you will need to think through a strategy for distinguishing yourself from competitors and determine your advantages over them. It could be more low prices, wide range (for example, sale of additional sparkling water), quality service ( free shipping at a certain order amount) or a flexible loyalty program.

When developing a draft business plan for opening a water bottling line, the following parameters must be taken into account. For work small production You will need a water purification plant (or filters), water containers, water collection tanks, and bottling equipment. Filtration installations alone will cost about 100,000 rubles. You will have to pay about another 200,000 rubles for the bottling line. In total, the initial capital investment for production equipment will be about 400,000 rubles. This does not take into account installation services and connecting the facility to electricity and water supply.

We must not forget about the need to obtain permits and conduct examinations of water samples. For this you will need to pay about 10,000-15,000 rubles.

You will need to rent a small workshop with a warehouse. On rent about 30 thousand rubles will be spent monthly.

At least 3 people are required to operate the production. Assuming that their salary will be 20,000 rubles. per month, this will cost 60,000 rubles. To pay for water supply and electricity - about another 20,000 rubles. The business plan needs to take into account funds for advertising support: about 15,000 rubles. monthly. In total, variable costs will be about 150,000 rubles. per month.

When accounting quick start and reaching monthly sales of 250,000 rubles. you can achieve a quick return on investment in production.

The funds can be returned in 6-7 months and all that remains is to make a profit. Whether an entrepreneur can achieve such results depends only on him.

Business plan for bottling water for private consumers

A kiosk where water will be sold is one of the options for organizing sales. To open such a business, you need to find a place to install a kiosk (optimally - dormitory area with a high population density), enter into a lease agreement with the administration, and also find wholesale suppliers of artesian water.

The cost of the kiosk itself with a module for bottling water, a filter and an ozonizer is about 250-400 thousand rubles. They differ in tank capacity and are designed for 500-4000 liters.

An approximate business plan for opening a kiosk can be presented as follows:

  1. Initial investment: RUB 300,000. (buying a kiosk).
  2. Monthly costs - 28,000 rubles, of which rent of space for a kiosk - 1,000 rubles. per month; purchase of artesian water for 2 rubles. for 1 liter (subject to sales of 6000 liters per month) - 12,000 rubles; seller's salary - 15,000 rubles.
  3. Revenue: when selling 1 liter for 10 rubles. will be 60,000 rubles. At the same time, net profit (after paying 6% tax according to the simplified tax system) is 30,080 rubles.

With this option, it will be possible to return the initial investment in 10 months, and then continue to work for profit. When you open several points, your monthly profit will only grow.

A business plan for selling water through a machine may have similar parameters. Its differences will lie in the fact that in this case there is no need to pay salaries to staff: sales will be carried out automatically, without human intervention. The cost of the machine itself is several times cheaper and amounts to about 150 thousand rubles. When selling a similar amount of water, revenue will be 60,000 rubles, and net profit will be 44,180 rubles. The “break-even point” when selling water through a vending machine will be reached within 3 months. The calculation is very approximate, as it does not take into account energy costs and advertising costs.

If the region where you do business has laws to stimulate socially significant areas of work (which include water purification), then the entrepreneur can count on receiving subsidies from the state under one of these programs.

Order a business plan

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It’s unlikely that anyone could have imagined several decades ago that the production of artesian water could become quite profitable view entrepreneurial activity. As a result, today there are many companies operating in this market that deliver their products both to offices and to private consumers.

It is not so easy to give them worthy competition, but it is still possible. Due to the fact that water flowing from ordinary taps is not always safe for human health, more and more people prefer to buy it for cooking.

Where to begin

It is necessary to begin to translate the project into reality with analysis existing market drinking water. As practice shows, about a month is enough for this. This type of business, such as the production of artesian water, can be mastered by almost any entrepreneur, even a beginner.

In this case, there is no need to have any work experience or special education. At the same time, such activities simply cannot be done without significant initial investments and the involvement of qualified personnel.

Choosing a location for a well

One of the most important factors, which affects the quality of the water produced and supplied to customers, is the place of its extraction. Information about its availability is available in the relevant Cadastre. At the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that not every deposit has drinking artesian water.

When choosing a place to drill a well, you should pay attention to clean areas from an environmental point of view. Next, it is necessary to take a water sample from each specific deposit and conduct a series of tests on it. Such analyzes are done exclusively in laboratory conditions using specialized equipment.

After the artesian water receives a positive assessment, you can contact a company that provides exploration and well drilling services. It should be noted that many of them are ready to complete the work from start to finish and prepare all the necessary documents.

Well design

It takes about six months to develop a project for which specialists will provide a detailed description of all the qualities of water and its approximate quantity in the field. As for the cost of these services, it ranges from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, depending on local conditions.

It is very important not only to know what documents are needed for bottling water, but also to complete them in a timely manner. Once the project is approved, it is necessary to agree on the drilling point with the SES. After this, you should register the right to property or lease land plot, as well as obtain a license for the right to use subsoil.

Territorial departments have the right to issue it natural resources. Among other things, you should register as a private entrepreneur or legal entity and register with the tax authorities. In general, to obtain the entire package you need to go through about thirty different authorities. However, as noted above, companies that specialize in exploration of deposits are ready to do all this work themselves for a certain fee.

Water extraction equipment

To raise artesian water for the purpose of its subsequent bottling, it is necessary to purchase special equipment. It includes industrial-type pumps, a bottling production line and a unit for water disinfection. Its installation is almost always carried out by the suppliers themselves.

The equipment of the production workshop depends on the bottling location and the expected production volumes. The best option the bottling shop will be located in close proximity to the well, since otherwise the costs of transportation by tanks will increase. Moreover, this will reduce the amount of contact of water with air and bacteria.

Among other things, in order to organize the production of artesian water and its sale, it is necessary to purchase containers. As practice shows, bottles with a volume of five or six liters are currently very popular, and most in demand They use 19-liter containers that are installed on so-called coolers.

Mandatory costs

In order to calculate how much it costs to build a well for water extraction, it is necessary to take into account that in most cases artesian deposits are located at a depth of up to 300 meters. The cost of drilling one meter is at least 5.5 thousand rubles. Based on this, it can be calculated that for all this work you will have to pay up to 1.65 million rubles. As for the cost of purchasing the line, a high-quality imported installation will cost approximately 50 thousand US dollars. The price of a 19-liter bottle is about $5.


The main workers that should be hired for a business are instrument technicians, drivers, managers, workers, service staff, as well as assistants. The entire staff will be approximately 35 people. As practice shows, it is better to select personnel from residents of a settlement located not far from the well and the bottling shop.

Certain specialists can also be attracted from big cities. Since there are not so many highly qualified workers in this area on the market, it is necessary to attract them with favorable working conditions and decent wages, which, depending on qualifications and job responsibilities employees will be in the range from 200 to 1000 US dollars. It should be noted that many similar enterprises hire managers and dispatchers who are engaged not only in accepting orders, but also in tracking the progress of their implementation and finding new clients.

Potential profit

Judging by the experience of many companies that specialize in this type of business activity, the costs invested in the production of artesian water usually pay off within a period of up to two years. In the future, net income can reach about six million rubles per year (subject to the use of one developed well). As we see, this type business can safely be called attractive.

Any foods and liquids must be good quality so that a person is not at risk of serious poisoning and illness. The requirements for water are even stricter, because without it no life is possible. But there are few reserves of pure natural water that can be drunk without pre-treatment. The tap liquid has to be passed through a filter, settled or boiled. But when you are thirsty, there is no time or desire for such procedures. It’s easier to buy bottled water in a store or order it home through a delivery service. There is never enough drinking water, and demand is growing. This enables the entrepreneur to develop a business plan for the production of drinking water and offer his range on the market.

To understand what investments are needed to implement the idea, it is advisable to prepare a business plan for the production of drinking water with calculations. It can be represented as clear example banks or other partners who decide to help financially.


It is planned to launch the production of carbonated and still drinking water without any additives. The main activity is aimed at the production of soft drinks.

The raw materials will come from a personal well. The deposit was found, the quality and composition of the water was determined in the state laboratory. The well is located in a forested area. There is no opportunity to establish production directly at the source. Therefore, water will be pumped into reservoirs and delivered to production located in the suburbs.

Premises: 2-storey building with adjacent territory. The area of ​​the premises is 300 sq. m. On the 1st floor there will be a workshop and warehouse, on the 2nd floor there will be rooms for staff and administration. The building requires repairs, redevelopment, and communications.

Form of activity: LLC (limited liability company). Activity code No. 11.07 – “Production of soft drinks, various bottled drinking waters.”

Taxation – simplified (STS).

Service list

  • Production of drinking water, carbonated and still.
  • Wholesale trade grocery stores and supermarkets.
  • Targeted delivery to customers upon call.

Production mode

Production: daily from 09.00 to 19.00.

Address delivery service: from 08.00 to 20.00.

Preparation of documents

Based on the fact that the raw materials will be used from your own well, you need to draw up documents for this site. Having received permission and the right to work, we submit the water for testing to a state laboratory. The expert report is in hand. The water does not contain large impurities, which will reduce the number of purification steps. The worse the water, the more expensive it will be to produce and the more difficult it will be to compete with water with better taste.

  • Permission from the administration to open a drinking water plant.
  • Lease agreement for premises in which drinking water production will be located.
  • Conclusion of the SES on the possibility of opening a workshop in the selected area.
  • Conclusion of the fire department on safety conditions.
  • Quality certificates for equipment that will be used at the enterprise.
  • Certificate of quality of water that will be supplied to the consumer. Without this passport, stores will not accept the goods on their shelves.
  • An agreement with a power supply company to connect a high-power line, because the production line is fully automated.
  • Employees must have a health certificate and an employment contract.

Project estimate

Let's move on to the important part of the business plan - calculations. This will allow you to determine the costs that will arise during the preparation phase for launching a bottled water line. Expense items are shown in the table:

Type of expenses Amount of investment, thousand rubles.
Collection of documentation and business registration (water analysis, well registration, approval by inspection agencies, product licensing) 250
Equipment of the production area
Blowing machine plastic bottles volume from 0.5 to 10 l 800
Molds for containers 50
Line for automatic filling of water into containers (up to 3 thousand bottles per hour) 900
Apparatus for gluing labels on bottles and stamps with production date 300
Device for screwing caps on bottles 150
Saturator (apparatus for the formation of gases in water) 300
General PET Film Bottle Packing Machine for Transport 400
Submersible pump for pumping water from a well into a tank 100
Accessories for underground water supply connecting pump and reservoir 500
Water containers 300
Ozonator for disinfection and saturation of water with oxygen 150
Coarse and fine filters 250
Industrial water treatment station 2 500
Total 6 million 150 thousand

These are the costs of equipping a well and a water production workshop with equipment. Additionally, funds will be required for cosmetic finishing, furnishings, and communications.

Investment information is preliminary. Cost of equipment, finishing materials, different services may differ because performers and suppliers have not yet been selected. But first, to launch the production of drinking water, investments of more than 10 million rubles are required. Transportation costs for moving raw materials from the well to the plant, delivering products to customers, and funds for production until the first profit is not taken into account are not taken into account. Let's add 1.5 million rubles to these costs. The final estimate is 11.5 million rubles.

Personnel issue

Manufacturing requires employees to work at the groundwater extraction site and in the plant. For full operation of the complex you will need:

  • Specialists in underground water extraction – 2 people.
  • Driver for transportation of raw materials and bottled water – 2 people.
  • Equipment adjustment engineer – 2 people, each shift work work.
  • Operator for water production line – 2 people. in shifts.
  • Operator for a container blowing machine – 2 people. in shifts.
  • Manager of finished products warehouse – 2 people. in shifts.
  • Sales manager – 1 person, working mode 5/2
  • Dispatcher for receiving individual applications – 2 people. in shifts.
  • Production manager – 1 person.
  • Accountant with HR functions – 1 person.
  • General workers – 4 people.
  • Cleaner of production and office areas – 2 people.

It may be necessary to expand the staff as the plant develops. Costs for wages display in the table:

Employee category Quantity, pcs. units Salary TOTAL
Water extraction specialist 2 15000 30000
Driver 2 18000 36000
Engineer 2 20000 40000
Operator 4 15000 60000
Warehouse Manager 2 10000 20000
Manager 1 20000 20000
Dispatcher 2 10000 20000
Production Manager 1 30000 30000
Accountant 1 25000 25000
Handyman 4 12000 48000
Cleaning woman 2 8000 16000
FZP 23 345000
Contributions 103500
General expenses 448500

The plant provides a shift work schedule for some employees. It's connected with daily work production in order to quickly reach the required profitability of the enterprise.

We are planning preparations for the opening

So that the preparation process does not drag on, we will set a time frame for each stage and follow this plan:

It will take about 6 months for the workshop to operate at full capacity. Perhaps the deadlines will shift due to unforeseen circumstances. It is desirable that water becomes available to consumers in summer season. At this time, the demand for bottled water increases due to high air temperatures and increased thirst. You can quickly make a profit and analyze the profitability of your business.

Range and price level of water

The production is young and has not yet found its client. Therefore, you should not open a line of a wide range of bottled water. The list of products and prices are shown in the table:

As we reach the breakeven point, water for children and mineral water may be added to the range.

What do we get as a result?

Let's calculate the possible profit that water production should bring to an entrepreneur. We will take as a basis the sale of the entire assortment, provided that there will be a daily shipment of 2000 bottles of different sizes.

Product type Quantity, pcs. Price per one. rub. Revenue per day, rub.
Drinking water, still, volume 0.5 l 250 15 3750
Drinking water, still, volume 1 l 250 20 5000
Drinking water, still, volume 1.5 l 300 28 8400
Drinking water, still, volume 5 l 250 80 20000
Drinking water, still, volume 10 l 300 140 42000
Drinking water, carbonated, volume 0.5 l 100 18 1800
Drinking water, carbonated, volume 1 l 200 22 4400
Drinking water, carbonated, volume 1.5 l 200 32 6400
Drinking water, still, volume 2 l 150 40 6000
RESULT 97750

Provided that daily revenue is 98,000 rubles and shipments are made at least 5 times a week, monthly revenue is planned to be 1,960,000 rubles. Now you can calculate the profitability and net profit that will be received per month. Income and expenses are reflected in the table:

At the initial stage, investments were made in the amount of 11.5 million rubles. The company will reach payback in 2.5 years. The deadline may change if the monthly turnover is higher than that taken as the basis for the calculation in the business plan.

We are strengthening our position in the segment

There are many drinking water producers on the market, so there is a serious struggle ahead. You need to think over a strategy to consolidate your position in the market and attract an audience that already buys bottled water. You will need the help of a specialist who knows the state of the niche and the positions of other manufacturers. We will turn our attention to the production side to provide people with quality water.

At the initial stage, our main focus is on delivering water upon individual request, so that local residents learn about our products. For this:

  • Together with the supplier, we will launch a promotion designed for a large volume of supplies. For example, every 3rd bottle is free, or with a one-time payment of 10 bottles of water, a 10% discount on the entire volume.
  • Conduct a water tasting in a supermarket so that consumers evaluate the quality and submit an application.
  • Send electronic and written messages about cooperation with enterprises, offices on favorable conditions.
  • Offer services to kindergartens, schools, and universities at a reduced price for a one-time application of at least 5 bottles.
  • Design a website on which to post information about your production and favorable terms of cooperation for retail and wholesale customers.

Follow pricing policy competitors, so as not to be disrupted by the too high cost of drinking water.


It is possible to earn substantial capital in the production of drinking water if you have the finances for this, a good source of groundwater and territory for a workshop. The investments required are huge, because the process of purifying raw materials requires only a high-quality automated line. Don't be afraid of competition. Consumers usually prefer water from local producers, believing that it is not profitable for a businessman to deceive his fellow countrymen. But you should be prepared for frequent SES checks on the quality and composition of products so that there is no threat to the health of consumers.