How to open a service center for repairing power tools. Registration and licensing of the service center. Personnel decides everything

Today there are no problems with buying ready-made clothes, but most people still prefer custom tailoring. And this is not surprising, because custom-made clothes always fit better than store-bought ones. In addition, having sewed a dress or suit in the studio, you will definitely be sure that they are in one copy. Demand, as we know, gives rise to supply, and many people who know how and love to sew are thinking about their own business. How to open a studio? Let's understand the issue.

Atelier as a business

Let's start with the fact that you shouldn't expect big profits from the studio at the initial stage. First, you will need to equip your sewing workshop with everything you need, and this will not be so cheap. Costs depend on what you plan to do and what equipment you decide to purchase or lease. But, in any case, the investment will amount to a fairly impressive amount. Moreover, the project will pay for itself in about a year, since this business is not one of the most profitable areas.

If we are talking only about clothing repair, then you can get by with a small room and a couple of sewing machines. After all, in order to replace a zipper, shorten trousers, or adjust a dress to fit your body, you don’t need a large staff of workers or special equipment. So it’s better to think about how to open a mini studio, because when organizing such a repair shop, the main thing is to choose the right place and provide services of proper quality. Then you can count on a stable income in the range of 75 – 90 thousand rubles monthly.

Well, if we talk about a full-fledged atelier, then it’s worth clarifying first: it will be a wide-profile atelier or a narrow-profile workshop that will specialize in only one area (for example, sewing uniforms). A wide-profile atelier will require a greater variety of professional equipment, as well as different specialists: seamstresses, cutters, fashion designers. To increase the profitability of an atelier, experts recommend combining several types of services (for example, sewing outerwear, clothing repair, sewing bags and sewing uniforms) and attracting generalist specialists.

We prepare documents

So, once you have decided on the specialization of the studio and thought about all the production issues, you need to draw up documents. This must be done in the following order:

  1. Decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, rent or purchase premises and go through state registration. But before that, you should decide what you will register: or individual entrepreneurship. In this case, it is more expedient, since it is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to maintain accounting and tax reporting.
  2. Choose . The choice depends on what exactly you plan to do: sewing, repair, or several areas. As mentioned above, it is better to choose a mixed direction, which means the codes should be as follows: 93.5 Providing other personal services to the population (main), 8.2 Production of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories, 18.21 - production of workwear, 18.22 - production of outerwear, 18.24 - production of other clothing and accessories, 52.74 - repair of household products and personal items not included in other groups.
  3. Register in territorial body Pension Fund.
  4. Obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Obtain permission to work in a specific premises of the State Fire Inspectorate.
  6. Purchase or rent equipment.
  7. Find staff (if, of course, you plan to use hired workers).
  8. Organize advertising.

Where will the studio be: assessing the actual locations

Even at the stage of business planning, it is worth looking for a suitable premises for the studio. If you choose between buying and leasing, then at first it is better to prefer leasing, since you do not know how the business will go. You need to rent a room in a place where there is a constant flow of potential clients. For example, in a shopping center. Or you can do the opposite and open a clothing repair shop or a small workshop in a residential area. A good option is to open a studio near fabric or clothing stores.

As for the area, at first you can get by with a small room (about 15-20 square meters), which can be located on the ground floor of a residential building, next to a shoe repair or key making workshop. The proximity of other workshops can play into your hands, because people who come to repair shoes can stop at the studio along the way.

So when choosing a location, you need to be guided by two criteria: the rental price (it should not be too high, the best option is 40-50 thousand rubles for 15-20 square meters) and the high traffic volume of potential clients.

Necessary equipment

As for equipment for the studio, today there are a lot of necessary and modern devices on sale. But there is no point in purchasing them all. It’s worth clearly defining the list of equipment that you can’t do without, and purchasing (or better yet, renting) only what you need. In order to get started, you will need:

  • a straight-stitch sewing machine, which will be used for basic sewing and repair work (you should choose professional models that perform twenty or more operations). Such equipment will cost approximately 18-20 thousand rubles;
  • overlock for finishing edges and seams. Buying a high-quality overlocker will cost about 12-14 thousand rubles;
  • hemming machine, which is used for hemming the bottom of trousers and skirts;
  • an ironing board and a good steam iron (over time, if business goes well, you can also purchase an ironing press);
  • fitting room (it is better to choose a screen or simply fence off a corner of the room with a curtain and hang a mirror there);
  • cutting table;
  • accessories: cutting scissors, rippers, needles, patterns, rulers, threads, zippers, thimbles, measuring tapes, etc.

When purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to its reliability and versatility. If you decide to purchase a used sewing machine, be prepared to pay for repairs and adjustments.

Other equipment

Do not forget that if you decide to open a tailoring studio, then in addition to professional sewing equipment you will also need some furniture and, of course, lighting. As for furniture, you need to pay attention to comfortable chairs for seamstresses and furniture for rest areas for staff and visitors, as well as hangers, hangers, mannequins (if you are going to sew clothes from scratch).

You will definitely need high-quality lamps that need to be installed at workplaces, bright ceiling lamps and, of course, fire extinguishers (their number depends on the area of ​​the room).

You also need to take care of forms with continuous numbering, which will replace cash machine. After all, when receiving money for services from clients, you will have to issue receipts.

Personnel decides everything

A crafts vendor embroiders a woman’s name on a bonnet being purchased during the Apple Blossom Festival at South Mountain Fairground, Route 234, Arendtsville PA. 2008-05-03.

When asking the question: is it profitable to open an atelier, most individual entrepreneurs understand that a lot depends on the level of the craftsmen who will work in it. Therefore, you need to pay maximum attention to personnel selection. Most the best option– experienced people you know well who can not only sew well, but also communicate with clients. If there are none, you can hire employees on the recommendation of your colleagues or good friends. If there are problems with this, then it is worth posting information about the vacancy where those who are interested in you can see it, for example, in a college where seamstresses are trained. There is no need to be afraid to hire newcomers; they often demonstrate good level mastery of the profession. But when recruiting unfamiliar employees, it is still better to set a probationary period for them.

As for the number of seamstresses, it all depends on the direction of the atelier’s activity. If we are talking about repairs, adjustments and individual tailoring, then for starters it is better to hire two people and set them a minimum salary and an additional payment - a percentage of the studio’s revenue. Gradually, if business goes well, it will be possible to expand the staff.

We have opened!

Before the opening, you need to hang up a bright sign that will attract attention, and post advertising posters on the nearest streets. It would be a good idea to organize the distribution of flyers offering a discount to first customers. This will be enough for a start, but what you should think about carefully is the operating time.

As a rule, ateliers are open from 9.00 to 20.00 so that people can go to the establishment on their way from work. But it’s better to focus on your potential consumer. Most clothing repair shops accept 10-15 orders per day (the cost of one repair order is from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work, and individual tailoring will cost 1500-3000 per item). But, of course, it matters where the studio is located. To increase the influx of customers, you can agree with nearby clothing stores so that, if necessary, consultants recommend your atelier to those who need customization of ready-made clothes. This will only benefit everyone: the store will sell goods and receive revenue, and your atelier will customize the purchased clothes and also receive revenue.

Price issue

Having decided on all the components of the business, you can make simple calculations to understand how much it costs to open an atelier, and how profitable such a business is. So, you open a small atelier, occupying one room with an area of ​​​​about 20 square meters, which employs two seamstresses, a cutter and manager/hostess (with the function of chief accountant). Let's start with the costs:

Now let's calculate the planned income:

Based on the calculations, it is clear that all costs will be recouped within the first year of operation. Of course, this calculation is approximate, because the success of a business depends on the demand and quality of services. As for the initial investment, it will be:

So, let’s summarize: creating a small studio will require 170,000 rubles, and the project will pay off in about a year.

Are you thinking about how to open a phone repair shop? Detailed instructions, calculation tables and useful tips for you in this article.

♦ Capital investments – 150,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–8 months

Mobile phones have long ceased to be luxury items and have become a necessity accessible to everyone. Today, a mobile phone can be found in anyone’s pocket.

Since the price of mobile phones varies, it is clear that cheap models will break.

Few people, having discovered that their mobile phone is broken, will immediately throw it away and go to the store for another one. Most will first go to a repair shop and pay for the repair.

If you understand the devices of mobile phones, and friends often turn to you about this, then why not think about how to open a phone repair service center.

You don’t have to invest a lot of money in launching a startup, and you can earn relatively well each month.

Are there any reasons to open a phone repair center?

This business has many advantages:

  • Minimal capital investment and the opportunity to save on many stages of starting a business.
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist (or you have hired such specialists) and are able to fix any breakdown, you can set any prices for your services.
  • An opportunity to develop your business in the future, for example, to repair laptops, tablets and other equipment.
    You can also combine services: repair service + sale of batteries, chargers, accessories for mobile phones, etc.
  • Minimal monetary risk.
    Firstly, you don't have to invest a lot of money into your business.
    Secondly, if you earn less than you wanted, you can always cover your workshop by putting up tools for sale.
    You don’t have to pay suppliers for unsold goods or sell leftovers for a long time in order to get back at least some of the money invested.
  • Demand for phone repair services among the population.
    No matter how many service centers operate in your city, it always makes sense to open another one.

Are there any reasons not to open a phone repair shop?

If we talk about the shortcomings of this business, then among the most obvious:

  • high level of competition in this sector;
  • relatively small monthly income;
  • business relies on specialists, and if your competitors managed to hire a technician who can easily fix any breakdown, but you don’t have one, then people will visit the competitor’s service center, not yours.

In what cases should you open a phone repair center?

It makes sense to enter this business:

    Highly qualified specialists who have been repairing phones, laptops and other equipment for a long time as a hobby or as an employee.

    Why not open your own business?

    Managers who can make any startup profitable.

    If you are looking for a promising idea in which to invest money, then you should think about opening a repair shop.
    You just need to find a good specialist and start earning money.

What should you do first to open a service center?

Launching a startup involves completing several mandatory steps at the preparatory stage:
  1. Thinking through all the pros and cons (you must find reinforced concrete arguments why you should open this particular business and not another).
  2. with specific calculations.
  3. Theoretical study of this field of activity.
  4. Search for the main components of your future business: premises, a telephone repairman, if you are going to serve as a manager. Only after this can you begin to register the case.

Two forms of opening a service center

This business is good because it allows entrepreneurs to choose what exactly to open:

    Legal service center.

    You register as an individual entrepreneur, rent an office with a specific legal address, pay taxes, etc.
    This method is suitable for both craftsmen who intend to repair phones themselves, and managers who want to perform only an intermediary function.

    Illegal workshop.

    Let's say you are good at repairing phones and other equipment.
    Friends and acquaintances know this and regularly give you work, agreeing to pay for it.
    All renovation work can be carried out right at home, and look for clients using word of mouth.
    This method is not suitable for managers.

Two types of phone repair service center

All workshops are divided into two types:

    You cooperate with a specific manufacturer, order spare parts from them, report on the work done, perform warranty service for phones, etc.

    You are not accountable to anyone and undertake to repair any phone models that clients bring to you.
    In this case, difficulties may arise when ordering spare parts, and there will be no one to get advice from.

How to advertise a phone repair service center?

Big advertising campaign such a modest business does not require.

All you need is:

  • distribute business cards to all your potential and existing clients;
  • provide information on your page in in social networks that you have opened a workshop, and ask your friends to spread this information;
  • register on a local forum and tell the residents of your city that such a service is now available to them.

If you can fix most cell phone breakdowns and charge a reasonable price for it, then you can be sure that you will soon have a lot of customers.

Schedule for opening a phone repair service center

The preparatory stage of opening a workshop will not take you too much time.

In fact, the most difficult thing that awaits you is the registration procedure, which, due to bureaucratic delays, can last for several months.

If you can speed it up, then you can rent and arrange the premises and purchase tools quickly enough.

Things will go even faster if you don’t need a phone repairman, but you are going to perform his functions yourself.

Registration and obtaining necessary permits
Rent of premises and repairs therein (if necessary)
Purchasing tools for craftsmen’s work
Advertising campaign

Business plan for opening a phone repair service center

To understand how much money you need to start a service center and what steps you need to take care of, check out this business plan.

Let's say you decide to open a workshop in one of the big cities.

You are going to repair the equipment yourself, so you will not hire a technician.


Interesting fact:
The most popular phone was and remains the Nokia 1100, which was owned by 250,000,000 people. The phone has been available in all stores since 2003.

Register as an individual entrepreneur, choosing the form of taxation - UTII.

It is better to start the registration procedure not immediately after the idea arises, but to work illegally for a while.

And only when you realize that you are able to bring broken phones back to life and you have formed at least a small client base, you can submit documents for registration.


To open a repair shop, you do not need a large premises. A room of 20–30 square meters is enough. meters.

Open your center where it will be easy for customers to find it: in the city center or in a densely populated residential area.

You don’t have to worry about the decor of the room, since clients will be interested in your qualifications, and not the color of the office walls.

If you are going to cooperate with a master on a fee basis, and leave the functions of a manager to yourself, then a reasonable step would be to open a business in one of the popular shopping centers your city.

All you need is a small corner where you can sell spare parts and accessories for phones and accept broken models for repair.

The master will be able to bring already repaired models once a day and pick them up new job. Thus, a specialist will be able to work at home, and you will be able to save on rent and expand the range of services of your business.

Workshop tools and equipment

We remember that our room is small, which means we shouldn’t clutter it with unnecessary furniture.

To work properly, you just need to purchase:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:55,000 rub.
8 000
Chair or work chair
1 500
Table lamp
1 000
18 000
10 000
Telephone set
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings
5 000
Rack or shelf for storing tools and spare parts
3 000
Other7 700

You will also need a minimum set of tools to perform standard phone repair work.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:35,000 rub.
Soldering station with hair dryer
4 000
Ultrasonic bath
2 000
UFS-3 box + HWK programmer with cable set
6 000
power unit
2 000
Digital oscilloscope
8 000
Vacuum tweezers
1 000
A set of miniature tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, etc.)
5 000
Other7 000


In the first stages of work, until you form a client base and promote your business, you can do without staff at all.

If you want, you can hire a part-time cleaner and part-time accountant.

Once your phone repair service center becomes popular, you should consider hiring a sales rep.

How much does it cost to open a phone repair center?

You really don't need huge amounts of money to launch this startup.

It is enough to have 150,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses in this type of business are small and will mainly go towards renting premises, taxes, internet and purchasing tools.

You can easily meet the amount of 30–40,000 rubles.

How much can you earn with a phone repair shop?

It is impossible to name the exact amount.

The formula for making money is simple: the more orders you have, the more money you can earn every month.

Form a reasonable pricing policy, but not at a loss. When telling your client the price, add 100% to the parts you used to fix the phone.

If you serve at least 5 clients a day, your daily revenue will be at least 3,000 rubles.

Even working with two days off a week, you can earn about 60,000 rubles a month.

That is, the net profit is about 20,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, we invested 150,000 rubles. In this situation, they will pay for themselves in 7–8 months.

Download a ready-made business plan for a mobile phone salon with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

We also invite you to watch a video about

where to start opening a phone repair service center:

5 tips for those who are planning to open a phone repair shop:

  1. Give realistic time frames for repairs so as not to disappoint the client.
  2. Even taking into account the order of spare parts, the phone repair period should not be more than 14 days.
    If you can't handle the volume of orders, hire an assistant.
  3. Be honest with the client: if the phone cannot be repaired, you should be honest about it.
  4. You should have a minimum set of spare parts and tools, but you should not collect too many “in reserve”.
  5. Do not rush to name the price for phone repair.
    The breakdown may be more serious than you thought at first glance, and if you decide to charge the client more than you initially quoted, he will decide that you are trying to deceive him.

Now you know, how to open a phone repair shop, and if you have necessary knowledge and skills, then take a close look at this type of business.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

In any home today there are many electrical appliances, their users usually do not have the slightest idea about the structure of the equipment, much less how to repair it in the event of a breakdown. Moreover, in most cases, failed equipment can be restored, and repair is much more economically profitable than purchasing a new unit. In this regard, the need for the services of craftsmen among the population is constant; a true professional who can cope with any breakdown will definitely find his client. Build a repair business household appliances It’s relatively simple, but to do this you need to have the appropriate knowledge, and not every master is a universalist, able to work with absolutely any equipment from any manufacturer. But even in this case, you can build your own successful business, which will have many development prospects.

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The biggest problem, perhaps, is the level of competition in this type of business. Due to the simplicity of starting and low costs, there are a large number of players in the market who already have an established client base; they can be found in any area of ​​the city, and competition forces them to constantly reduce prices for their services. Depending on the market situation in the city in which you will work, it can be very difficult to organize your own business, especially if there is already a repair and maintenance workshop nearby. However, thanks to the wide variety of technical products and the differences in their design, many craftsmen do not even compete with each other, but rather collaborate, occupying different niches and offering their clients repairs of various equipment, and a large number of service centers rarely take on the same type of work , one workshop does this. Thus, there is complete differentiation of the services offered, and competition ceases to be intense.

However, the way you organize your household appliance repair business can be different and has two directions. The first method is a mono-brand salon, which offers repair of equipment from only one specific manufacturer, and does not undertake servicing of equipment from others. Which service center often acts as a partner for a household store and provides warranty service for equipment purchased in this store. This method organization has its advantages and disadvantages. If you run your own mono-brand salon and have cooperation with household appliance stores, you can constantly have orders for service, but in this case the store itself or the device manufacturer will pay for the repair of the equipment.

An exception is buyers who have expired the warranty period, but who want to have their equipment repaired by an official technician. In this case you will have to keep high performance quality of work performed, often act at the direction of stores, and the range of possibilities is limited to servicing only one manufacturer, which significantly reduces the number potential consumers. A store that is looking for cooperation with a service center will place high demands on the latter, and often in this case it will be necessary to invest more significant funds in its arrangement. All this should be covered by a stable and large number of orders, but not every manufacturer or store can offer this.

The second way of organizing such a business is opposed to the first, because it involves servicing and repairing a variety of equipment from different manufacturers. Relatively speaking, it is multi-brand, but in fact it does not make any distinctions in the brand of products, but simply troubleshoots. Hence the main difficulty in organizing such a business - craftsmen must be generalists, be able to understand any devices, taking into account their features, and often the design of similar products from different manufacturers differs significantly. But in this case, the repair shop acts independently of other structures, has its own policy and has more opportunities to attract a large number of consumers. With this type of organization there is a considerable risk that demand will fluctuate greatly, but this problem should be smoothed out by the constant request of people to repair products of different brands. It is not worth comparing these two methods of organizing a business, because in each specific case one or the other may be preferable. To do this, it is worth studying the offers of household appliance stores and manufacturers, and then making a decision depending on the conditions offered.

To start your work, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. The need to register entity no, you can remain an individual by registering as an individual entrepreneur. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then it is better to choose the form of a limited liability company, this will make it possible to use a simplified taxation system, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship. However, registering an individual entrepreneur is much simpler and requires significantly lower costs; an individual entrepreneur is responsible for debts with his own property, but in such a business, as a rule, no serious debts arise. It is also worth choosing the right OKVED code, and the activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 95.2 Services for the repair of personal consumption items and household goods, but this grouping includes many provisions, and almost all of them can be suitable for a business repairing household appliances . For mobile phone repair, the definition of personal consumption goods is more appropriate.

The next stage of organizing your business will be to find premises, and in this case you need to first of all focus on ensuring that there are no competing companies nearby. A significant advantage of organizing a business for repairing small equipment is the ability to work in a very small space, one technician with everything necessary equipment can be placed on an area of ​​no more than 10 m2. This includes mobile phones and all small, compact and easily transportable household appliances. If you have to work with large units (refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.), then you won’t be able to get by with a small area and will have to rent significant spaces for your work. This is due at least to the fact that there will be a need for a place to place equipment, including that which is only in the queue, space for the convenience of the foreman and a platform for unloading and loading equipment. The workshop itself may be located in the city center, especially where there is very good traffic, but an enterprise that is located in residential areas can also be successful. Moreover, in some cases, locating in residential areas is more appropriate than in the city center, where there are practically no residential apartments and houses, and this primarily concerns a workshop for the repair and maintenance of large equipment. But even in this case, there is an opportunity to save on rent if you offer home visits to your clients.

Ready ideas for your business

Ideally, the workshop should offer its clients solutions to issues of any complexity, and not all of them can be solved in the client’s apartment, but at first you can limit yourself to only home repair services. In this case, most clients will be able to be helped, and it will be possible to rent a large premises a little later, when there is an established client base. Providing repair services at home almost completely eliminates the need to maintain an office, because if the entrepreneur himself is a master, then he can keep all the equipment at home and accept orders only by phone. For businessmen with limited financial resources, this method of organizing a business is much more preferable, but it is absolutely not suitable in the case of working with stores to provide warranty service for equipment and a specific manufacturer, and is also not very successful in the case of repairing small household appliances and especially mobile phones, because in this case it is assumed that the master takes the equipment to himself. On the other hand, small appliances and phones can be repaired at home.

But even if the business was started by providing services by one person - an entrepreneur, sooner or later in its development it will reach a level where it will require the involvement of additional specialists. In the case of working with large-sized equipment, additional forces will initially have to be involved. Therefore, you need to think about the personnel issue from the very beginning. It is best to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit; only foremen will work directly in the company itself, and all administrative and organizational responsibilities must be performed by the entrepreneur himself. We are looking for experienced specialists who are knowledgeable about the design features of many products. Their number is determined by the enterprise level itself, and at first it may be two people, if not one at all.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition, when working with large equipment, loaders and a driver are involved; this is only necessary when the work is performed directly on the workshop premises. Moreover, in this case it is critically necessary to purchase freight car, but the simplest such representative will cost about 200 thousand rubles. This will be a used car Russian production, but for the first time this will be enough to transport equipment. In addition, the car body can become an advertising platform on which information about the workshop is posted. Considering that the car will move throughout the city, you can count on the fact that a fairly large number of people will learn about the company’s offer.

Working with each type of equipment has its own characteristics; what type of business may not be in demand among the population if the craftsmen offer maintenance and repair of milking books, which are easier to replace than to repair. Therefore, servicing systems or other types of equipment may be different from the point of view of economic attractiveness. The most cost-effective undertaking can be called repairing refrigerators, because this large equipment is easy to repair, and even a less experienced specialist can handle its repair. It is relatively easy to learn how to repair refrigerators, and therefore there are no personnel issues. However, such devices are expensive enough to replace even if they are seriously damaged, and many users are much more likely to call a repairman than go to a hardware store. Refrigerators, compared to other equipment, are not so susceptible to obsolescence; they last quite a long time, so even when the warranty expires, the user continues to use the refrigerator for a long time. Among other large-sized equipment, washing machines can also be noted, but they are more difficult to repair, although in most cases it turns out to be somewhat cheaper than purchasing a new one.

With small equipment, everything is much more complicated, because it costs an order of magnitude cheaper, the price of components is often comparable to the price of a new product, and many users prefer to replace such products even in the event of a minor breakdown. The demand for these types of services will be much lower, and consumers who find out the price will often refuse repairs in favor of purchasing a new product. This issue is especially acute with cell phones, because they become obsolete very quickly, and after the warranty expires, the consumer often no longer needs the phone if it breaks down. Even a person on a limited budget can go to a salon instead of having their phone repaired cellular communications and purchase an inexpensive model for a while, which you will use until you save up money for a new modern phone. In this regard, it is better to carry out repairs of small household appliances and mobile phones as a mono-brand service center that operates at the store and offers warranty service for the products. However, even a multi-brand store can offer its customers simple transactions that are much cheaper than buying a new phone. This includes replacing the display, microphone, speaker, receiver, battery for some models, as well as software flashing and simple services not for repair, but for improving the phone. If you plan to work with mobile phones, then it is not economically profitable to carry out repairs alone, but you need to offer additional services, including applying drawings to the case or changing the backlight.

Depending on the complexity of the services provided, various equipment is purchased, the cost of which can vary significantly. Repairing small household appliances requires special tool kits, as well as soldering stations, ultrasonic baths and computers with special software for reconfiguration electronic systems. The cost of such equipment starts from about 10 thousand rubles, but can be slightly higher when purchasing a more professional and advanced tool. At the same time, not all devices can be useful, and for a mono-brand service center you will have to buy the most advanced equipment. To repair large-sized equipment, you will need the same tools, but also special equipment for each type of device. The most important thing is devices for checking the electrical system. The amount of such equipment may be small if you buy a standard tool, which self-taught craftsmen use. Also, if you plan to transport equipment, special transport devices will be required. Thus, depending on the complexity of the work and the available funds, the master’s arsenal may be different.

Ready ideas for your business

This type of business is characterized by low profitability, because the main part of the cost of repairs for the client is the price of the components themselves. In this regard, when replacement of any parts is not required, the cost of repairs will not be high; otherwise, it is often more profitable for the client to buy new equipment. In general, the cost of the repair shop services themselves rarely exceeds two thousand rubles, and is often within 500. The craftsmen themselves only engage in simple repairs (all for the same reason: it is often easier to replace than to repair), the most profitable business cost will be when there is a large number of small orders. Study complex work unprofitable for either the master or the consumer.

The repair shop must actively promote itself in the market, because without informing the population there will not be enough orders to survive the business. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the advertising campaign, and if necessary, create your own website, which indicates all the services offered and the cost of them. In order to quickly carry out its task, the workshop must have established connections with suppliers and manufacturers of parts; this, of course, is easier to do for a mono-brand salon. This business can be good knowledge for an entrepreneur who is a master himself; otherwise, almost all of your income will go to cover expenses.

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The average cost of a normal set of equipment is approximately 100-200 thousand rubles, a well-equipped service with all additional systems and auxiliary equipment will cost n...

Why shoe repair?

This type of service is one of the most stable in terms of security during crises. Even if the economic situation in the country worsens, at this moment the shoe businessman not only does not risk going bankrupt, on the contrary, he receives additional profit. The poorer the population, the more often shoes will need to be repaired - there is no money for new “boots”!

The master will not be left without work even in the event of general prosperity - the more shoes and boots they buy, the more often they will be sent for repairs. In any case, you can always earn money for your piece of bread and butter.

As practice shows, inspection authorities are not very interested in shoemakers. Although you need to be prepared for the fact that the prosecutor’s office will still have to repair the shoes of the tax inspector and the shoes of the prosecutor. This is an extra plus of the profession, since the government’s too close interest in business often ends in failure.

Another advantage is that the cost is minimal. Basically, the price includes the work of the master. And this concept can be manipulated quite boldly - it all depends on reputation.

Why aren't others doing this?

Probably every successful businessman is perplexed: why don’t other people who complain about poverty think of doing the same thing as him? After all, although it is difficult, it is so profitable! So if you open a shoe repair business, everyone will be overcome by doubts. Standard thoughts: “If it brought in income, everyone would do repairs.”

“I will definitely go broke, since I have never been involved in business.” “I will be ‘eaten up’ by the authorities.” This is all completely wrong. When organizing a small business, you need to act according to the Napoleonic principle: first get into a fight, and then sort it out. You need to think in a positive way. If no one takes on this, then there is a good niche that can be filled.

You also need to take into account that shoe repair is hard daily work. And now it’s fashionable to be a PR specialist, a lawyer, or, at worst, a journalist. And many would prefer to work for pennies in the office and show off their profession than to earn normal money in a serious business.

Why should you read this guide?

Below we will tell you step by step how to organize your own business without losses. The goal is to give the reader detailed and, most importantly, practical advice. Therefore, those who had already gone through all this at one time and gained unique experience were chosen as experts.
It's not in vain folk wisdom says that smart people learn from other people's mistakes.

We tried to cover all aspects: from paperwork to choosing suppliers and the art of marketing. Without this there is nothing to do in the modern market. Get ready for the fact that you will have to urgently acquire new knowledge and restructure your thinking. Let's consider the legislation - so as not to pay extra money.

Marketing - to make the business truly profitable. Economics - to know by what laws your business will develop. It is clear that it is impossible to become a professor after reading one article, but you simply need to know the basics. However, since you have read this far, it means you are ready to learn.

Attention, start!

  • Brief introduction. Review.
  • Beginning: collecting papers.
  • We calculate and invest: prices and costs.
  • Marketing and advertising.
  • Expansion: business expansion.
  • Advice from "experienced" people.
  • When you can’t say “yes” (a brief overview of the legislation).
  • The art of sales increases profits (tips for communicating with clients).
  • Combine and conquer (ideas for selling additional services and products).
  • In the footsteps of the “sharks” (cunning large companies, which can be adopted).
  • Happy End: summing up/

Without a piece of paper - nowhere. Let's become entrepreneurs!

Where do we start? From registration!

In our country, relationships with money, as well as with women, are subject to mandatory registration. Just not in the registry office, but in the relevant authorities.
Nowadays, becoming an entrepreneur is quite easy.

First you need to contact the tax office that is closest to your place of residence. Most likely, you treat her territorially. If you live in one place and are registered in another, officials should tell you the address of the institution where you should apply.

The fact is that you can do business anywhere, but you only need to register an individual entrepreneur with the tax office to which you are “attached.”

Paper details

To receive a treasured certificate, you need to provide the following documents:
Completed application form P2100. Writing it is not the easiest thing, but the tax office usually tells you what to write and what not to write.
The application will need to be certified by a notary.

After the notary, you will need to pay a state fee - pay the state for the right to engage in commerce. Don't forget to check the tax code for the budget classification - it must be indicated when paying. You can pay for registration only at SBR branches.
Next, you should provide the following documents to the tax office: a notarized application, two copies of your passport, a copy of your identification number individual, a check from the bank confirming that the state duty has been paid.

After this you need to wait five days. This is exactly how long the registration of an individual lasts according to the law - individual entrepreneur. The tax office must issue a receipt indicating the list of documents you provided, as well as the date the certificate was received.
When you arrive at the specified time, you will need to show that same receipt, as well as present a passport or other document proving your identity.

3. What's next?

It is advisable to open a bank account for non-cash payments. This will come in handy when it comes time to pay for equipment and materials. After opening a current account, notify the tax office within ten days, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.
In any inspection there are people responsible for mass explanatory work. Do not hesitate to contact them for advice, not only when registering an individual entrepreneur, but also while doing business. This will help you avoid trouble.

Obstacles on the way to the goal

As with any government agency, there are long queues at tax offices throughout the country. Because of this, the procedure may be somewhat delayed. So, immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to spend quite a lot of time: not on the registration itself, but on waiting for an appointment with a specialist.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to stand in the corridor, you should contact specialized companies. For a relatively small amount, they will collect all the documents themselves and bring you a certificate on a “silver platter.”

It is likely that “experienced” acquaintances will convince you that it is best to work illegally. Don't believe it. If you don’t have an uncle in the Presidential Administration or an aunt in the FSB, then sooner or later you will have to pay, and in full. Those who hide taxes are not treated on ceremony (of course, we are talking about small entrepreneurs, not oligarchs).

Investing in business: how not to pay too much:

Lists are the boss of everything

Since you have reached this point, it means that you already have an idea of ​​what you will need on a free commercial voyage. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make an exact list of everything needed: it all depends on the region in which the master lives, as well as on the size of the starting capital.

As practice shows, it is wisest to purchase a used instrument - prices will be an order of magnitude lower. Shoe repair master from Novosibirsk Alexander Mishin has compiled for us a short list of what we can’t start without.
So, to complete your first orders, you need:

  • - Heels,
  • – Overlays,
  • – Heels,
  • – Leather,
  • - Glue,
  • - Nails,
  • - Threads,
  • - “Lightning”,
  • – Soles,
  • - “Patches”,
  • - Arch supports.

Equipment urgently needed:

  • - Sewing machine,
  • – Multifunctional machine,
  • - Lamp,
  • - Hood.

The latter is to prevent glue vapors from putting the master in a hospital bed - the glue is very toxic, despite the sellers’ assurances of its safety.
Also include a table and chair in the equipment cost estimate.

Moreover, there should be at least two tables: on one, repairs are performed, and on the second, receipts are filled out and incoming shoes are inspected.
Shelves are also needed on which the necessary little things will be stored: from “spare parts” to tools.

Where to look for all this?

In the age of the Internet, this is, at first glance, a stupid question. But not everything is on the Internet - it’s much safer to leaf through newspaper advertisements and ask friends - maybe someone has heard something.

The best helpers in this matter are forums. Finding them is quite difficult, they are few in number. But on the other hand, the forum members will explain everything “on their fingers,” and will even put in a good word for you if necessary.

Online shopping is “Russian roulette”. If you don’t study prices and brands, you can buy a batch of goods at a fabulous price, and a week later find out that an unknown Chinese manufacturer makes everything of the same quality, but at half the price.

There are also printed business directories/price lists. For some unknown reason, they turn out to be more effective than the most popular ad sites. And even if they are not as convenient as specialized resources, the main thing is that you can find serious suppliers there.

How much product should I buy?

It all depends on how many clients your business plan is designed for. Please note that the shoes that will be brought in for repair are those for which there are no “spare parts”. This is the standard “law of meanness,” and no one has ever been able to escape its effects. Consider what season it is outside: as soon as it gets warmer, people bring light “boots” for repairs; when it gets cold, everyone remembers warm “boots”.

If your budget allows, it is better to buy everything at once - nothing will be superfluous. According to Alexander Mishin, the most common orders are replacing heels, sewing up holes and “flashing” new shoes. Take this into account.

It is also advisable to find suppliers of auxiliary products: creams, laces, “spoons” and sponges. Moreover, in Lately sales representatives ready to release the goods on credit, “for sale.” Sell ​​- give away the money.

Do you know how to achieve success in business thanks to the experience of successful entrepreneurs?

4. A roof over your head: we rent a room

We are looking for passing places

In order for clients to come more often, you need to look for a lively place to rent premises. Markets are most suitable - here square meters are relatively inexpensive and traffic is good. The advantage is that you don’t have to invest money in renovations: no one expects a shoe workshop to shine like a boutique selling exquisite lingerie.

Another advantageous place is any large supermarket. The trends are such that people, especially in more or less large cities, increasingly prefer large, comfortable stores to the usual “crush” stores. Rental prices here are an order of magnitude higher than in regular stores or stalls.

Moreover, you will have to invest money in attractive renovations - otherwise the administration simply will not give the go-ahead. But the prices here can be raised in comparison with the citywide ones - after all, you are in a convenient, civilized place.

Knowledgeable people also recommend paying attention to bus stops. This does not mean modern open structures, but old brick stops with kiosks attached to them. There are still some of these left around. Such a location will also attract customers, because it’s so convenient to have your shoes repaired while going to work, and then working day pick her up.

You may want to think about building a new pavilion in an attractive location. But is the game worth the candle? It is very difficult to rent city land or buy it - this requires powerful connections and a lot of money.

The construction of the structure itself will also cost a pretty penny - even if you build it yourself, so much hard-earned money will be spent on materials that such a shoe repair shop will take at least ten years to pay for itself. But at this time you will need to eat something, and also feed your family!

"Square Minimum"

Of course, you can repair shoes, as they say, “on your knees.” But it’s best not to engage in masochism, and immediately occupy a normal amount of square meters. To work comfortably and receive visitors, fifteen “squares” will be enough.

This area will have to be visually delimited into zones:

  • 1. Client reception area. Here are comfortable chairs, a clean, beautiful table, a laptop or a solid notepad, and a place to store small money for change.
  • 2. Work area: if it is not fenced, there should be perfect order here. It doesn’t hurt to immediately put several flowers in pots. For some reason, the abundance of decorative greenery inspires confidence in clients.
  • 3. Recreation area. You will need it: due to the peculiarities of human psychology, you will want to spend a few minutes while working, abstracting yourself from routine work. And it’s best if you have a separate comfortable chair for these purposes.

Reducing the area

If rental prices are reasonable, you can arrange your home as you please. And if they demand an obscene amount, you will have to go to furniture specialists and draw the future interior in a 3D editor: now there are many ways to optimize the workspace. If your hands grow from the right place, you can make all these shelves and cabinets yourself.

If your hands are not friendly with the machine and saw, you will have to pay. Although, if the monthly rent is so high, maybe it’s worth thinking about: will it be possible to pay the owner of the territory every month? Even if the location turns out to be profitable, rent can eat up a fair portion of the profit.
There is another option: in the supermarket you can set up not a salon itself, but a shoe collection point.

That is, hire an employee who will accept shoes, issue a receipt and take money. And do the repair itself elsewhere, even at home. The main thing is that there are no problems with transport and the repaired shoes “arrive” exactly on time specified by the receiver.

It makes sense to keep a reception point instead of a workshop if you are confident in the stable large quantities orders. You may have to accept the shoes yourself for several months and repair them in the evenings. But you will know how to more profitably organize the entire procedure of prima “boots”.

5 The art of courting clients

Greeted by uniform

Whatever one may say, people’s stereotypes are standard. In our case, we need to use the following belief: “any repairman must be in uniform.” Everyone is accustomed to working people dressing appropriately.

It is clear that we are not talking about a greasy robe, quilted pants and dirty shoes.

Now they produce workwear for every taste. So why not buy a comfortable, lightweight jumpsuit that you can sew on with your workshop logo? And people will understand that the master is a serious person, and you will be comfortable. What can you do, you cannot disappoint the client in his conviction.

There is probably no need to remind you that clothes should always be neat and have a pleasant smell. At the very least, good cologne.

Let's remember good old Carnegie

If you enter the query “The Art of Selling” into a search engine, about a million links will appear. Moreover, those on the first pages will most likely lead to paid course sites. Of course, nowadays sales are taken very seriously, it’s a whole science.

But really, enough advice from the unforgettable Dale Carnegie. And it is not necessary to read thick books - the author himself says that his recommendations can be placed on the cover of a matchbox. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • – Sincere interest in other people makes you feel good about yourself.
  • – A smile is the easiest way to make a favorable impression.
  • – Call the client by name. This will help build trust.
  • - Listen. The few extra minutes you spend listening to your client’s problems will make him come to you again and again.
  • – Try to find out what the client’s interests are and talk about it. Nothing unites people more than a common love for kittens or dacha chores. But if you don’t understand a hobby, it’s better to remain silent, otherwise you’ll hear about someone else’s hobby until the end of your work shift.
  • – Satisfy the client’s delusions of grandeur. Address people as “you”, regardless of age and appearance. It also happens that people prefer a polite master to a more experienced, but rude one.

Most of the expensive trainings offered on the Internet will tell you the same thing, only in more detail. However, no education has ever been superfluous.

Little tricks of big business

When setting up your workshop, don’t forget about the “tricky little things”. Remember, there is always music playing in supermarkets. Why? Yes, because it makes people spend money. This is all calculated by professional psychologists hired by “business sharks”.

Let a quiet but pleasant melody flow from your speakers - since corporations do not disdain such techniques, then small entrepreneurs should especially not neglect this. You can also order small souvenirs. And give clients, for example, calendars with the workshop logo. It's a small thing, but nice.

For a large order, you can give the client a pen or notebook - such things are usually not thrown away, and the logo will become firmly ingrained in the memory during the use of the souvenir. Which, in fact, is good for you.

You can’t do without bags for packaging - this is an indicator of quality service. And since you have to buy them anyway, why not put your logo on them?

The layout of related products also has its own nuances: according to the laws of merchandising, an expensive product should be at eye level. And whatever is cheaper can be placed down or up. If the products are in one row (for example, shoe care creams), the expensive product should be placed on the left - the shelves are viewed the same way as the text is read, that is, from left to right.

Additional small items can be placed in a cabinet with lockable glass doors so that petty thieves are not tempted to steal a tube.

How important it is for a novice entrepreneur to know all the benefits and benefits of starting a business with a quality franchise:

6 Shoe creative. We increase profits

Promotions are a guarantee of attention

The good thing about stocks is that there is practically no loss from them, but profits can be significantly increased. The main goal of any such event is to tell people about your business. And remind those who know about it.

You don’t have to give away huge discounts and accessories left and right. Evgeniy Strakhov from Omsk, for example, told us that he attracts clients in the following way:

  • – When I feel that the increase in clients is stopping, I place advertisements on local websites that on Tuesdays there is a discount on shoe repairs of minus ten percent. Only a few come for the promotion itself. But many people remember that they have been postponing a visit to the shoemaker for a long time, take shoes or boots, and come to me. I have a business card printed on the back of the receipt so that when the person is about to go again, they can call and find out how much the repair will cost and how long it will take. Little things like this are extremely important for your reputation.

How to conduct promotions?

Like all. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, let them compete in creativity advertising agencies. After all, they charge a lot of money for it. For a shoe repair shop the best option there will be “Discounts of the day”: “Only on Mondays, shoe repair at half price.” Explain to clients that “half price” is a discount for the work of the master; it does not apply to materials.

There are hundreds of options for luring service buyers. For example, every tenth person can be given a shoe sponge. Or a certificate for warranty service (which you must do anyway - there is a law). If you personally liked some promotion of a supermarket or store, feel free to copy it, slightly altering the name. As a rule, time-tested is the best.

Advertising. The radio rules.

Nowadays there is nowhere without advertising. You will have to fork out money and place your block in the media. Advertising on popular radio stations sells services most effectively. The best results are on TV, but the prices there are simply astronomical. If you are creative, try to come up with names for your services.

For example, for expensive shoes you need something like “Elite Repair”, for sneakers – “Sports Repair”, for boots “Express Repair” or “Heel Plus”. It all depends on your imagination. But each service can be presented as exclusive - and this is an additional percentage to the cost.

Advertisements posted around the area still work well. Pillars, walls, bus stops—everywhere people walk. And don’t let pangs of conscience torment you. Everyone is picking on you - why are you worse? All the same, the authorities are not going to install bulletin boards in the required quantity.

7. Business empire: building a network

Briefly about the main thing

You can only expand your business if you already have:

  • A). Wage-earners that you trust.
  • B). Stable income allowing you to make investments.
  • IN). Free time to work on expansion.
  • G). Willpower that allows you to go ahead through numerous obstacles.

A business network is relevant if you have remarkable administrative talents. If you do not have the skills to delegate authority or understand the laws by which business lives and develops, it is better not to get involved with large-scale projects.

Some details

The path described in previous chapters will have to be followed to open each new outlet. Is it possible to re-issue a certificate of individual entrepreneurship you won't have to.

Given that the tax system in the world is not the simplest, it is best to hire an accountant, otherwise the reports will take up all your free time. You will also need good lawyer, who could answer your phone calls at any time, day or night. After all, you never know in advance what “surprise” firefighters, sanitary inspectors or representatives of the Pension Fund will come with.

Accounting, accounting and more accounting

Each new a store should only be opened after careful examination. Everything will have to be taken into account: the crowdedness of the place, the presence of competitors nearby, the standard of living of the area, the reputation of the district authorities. It is quite possible that local deputies will have a “pleasant” habit of cleaning up successful businesses to your hands.

You can conduct a short opinion poll on the street on the topic: “Does this area need a shoe workshop?” At the same time, you will find out what people expect from contacting this kind institution.

Any network works according to the rules that were formed a good half century ago:

  • – The network must be recognizable.
  • – Prices are lower than competitors.
  • – Service is at the highest level.
  • – Advertising and marketing are at the forefront of everything.

8. Legal self-defense

How to avoid becoming a victim

“You may not be a lawyer, but you must know the laws” - this is how you can paraphrase the classic. Why do I have to? Because, having founded a business, the owner must protect it. And current representatives of government agencies are very fond of issuing fines based on decisions made up from thin air.

Either the deadlines are violated, or the documentation does not correspond, or simply the moon is in the wrong phase of Jupiter - and for this there is also a fine.
If you demonstrate to the inspectors your knowledge of the laws, you can be sure that they will no longer find fault with trifles. More valuable to yourself.

Where to begin

To get at least a little up to date, you can read the Tax Code. Not the most interesting literature, but you can understand the basics and learn the terms. A lot of interesting things (and not only in the business sphere) can be found in the Code of Administrative Offences. Find and read the rights and responsibilities of officials that you encounter most often.

This will help when they once again start “teaching life” and “pulling the bagpipes,” hinting at gratitude, which in the Criminal Code is called a bribe.

In addition, it will be useful Civil Code and the Constitution are those regulatory frameworks, with which a sensible official would not argue.
It is also necessary to read the orders of local authorities.

Scandal or peace?

Many believe that it is better not to anger civil servants once again and to comply with all their demands, no matter how stupid they may be. It is not right.
Practice shows that those who can protect themselves have the least trouble. If you make a couple of complaints about your inspector, he will start talking to you in a whisper and using “you” - because he doesn’t want to fly out of work after several penalties.

If appeals to the immediate superiors of the culprit did not bring results, or he is trying to “put pressure,” you need to write to the federal level authorities. They don’t particularly understand whether the official is right or wrong - he will get screwed in any case, even just for the fact of your appeal. Officials, as a rule, are more afraid of their superiors than a snowman of the sun.

And this same boss, in turn, is always happy to report to the top that “the culprits have been punished and measures have been taken.” Guess who will be the last one in this system? That's right, the same civil servant against whom the complaint was received.

Remember: there are always the prosecutor's office and the media. The former are interested in indicators (they receive good bonuses for identifying violations in the public sphere), the latter are always happy to tell people about how bad life is for small businesses due to various kinds of authorities.

If they are really pressing with inspections and fines, there remains the “heavy artillery” - the FSB, the Duma and the Presidential Administration. It is almost impossible to get through to the final authorities, but if you succeed, the result will exceed all expectations.

All these “legal wars” are possible only if you have competent legal support - you don’t have enough knowledge, and spending five years to get the necessary diploma and knowledge is, to put it mildly, not advisable. Nobody goes to medical school to cure their runny nose, does they?

In Christian churches, believers give ten percent of their income to the needs of the parish. This tradition has stood the test of time, so why not make it work for you? So, when calculating net profit, subtract 10% from the total amount.

At first it will seem like pennies, but after three months the stack of bills will grow to a respectable size. After a year, you will be able to take out microloans from yourself, without hassle and extortionate interest rates. The main thing is to treat this money as if it were not yours: do not spend it without reason, make up for the shortfall and do not tell anyone about it - neither your wife nor your friends.

Let the bank work

No matter what they write on the Internet, it is best to keep money in special institutions. Why?

  • A). "Interest is accruing."
  • B). All money transactions can be easily viewed at the end of the month/quarter/year.
  • IN). There is no temptation to go out and spend it all, even if a super-profitable offer arrives.
  • G). Banks teach financial discipline.

Another advantage of banks is that they offer online account management tools. That is, now it is not necessary to go to a branch to transfer money from account to account or find out the balance in the account. All you have to do is send an SMS from your mobile phone and all operations will be performed automatically. In addition, smartphones allow you to install special software, thanks to which financial management is simplified a hundredfold.

It’s up to you to decide what to invest in, what deposit to open and which bank to entrust your hard-earned money to. Experts say that long-term deposits in foreign currency are the most profitable. But in this case, the bank usually prohibits early withdrawal of capital, and in business there should always be an opportunity to withdraw the required amount. It is also profitable and safe to invest money in gold bullion bars - they do not become cheaper, so the deposit will not go bankrupt, and interest will accrue as expected. Unlike the same dollar deposit.

Under no circumstances should you trust so-called credit unions, mutual aid funds and other organizations that promise mountains of gold. They promise huge percentages, but hundreds of criminal cases and thousands of lawsuits throughout the CIS show that these “financiers”, if they help anyone to become richer, are clearly not investors.

PC to help

You can keep records even without accounting education or experience. There are a lot of things on the Internet now free programs, which take into account literally all items of expenses and income. All you have to do is enter the necessary data, and the program itself will summarize how much and on what you earned, and how much and on what you spent.

As a rule, such software is not demanding on computer resources, so an old laptop or cheap tablet is enough to maintain the database. And even if an accountant works for you, it wouldn’t hurt to compare his data and yours at the end of the reporting period - you see, suddenly the numbers don’t add up.

Naturally, the computer must be password protected. And to be on the safe side, you can also password-protect the accounting program itself—almost all of them allow you to do this. It is better not to store personal databases in the workplace - if the data in your personal database differs from the information that you provide to the tax office, this is called “double-entry bookkeeping.” And there is a punishment for this.

10. Summing up

Experience is a gain

Just an example: when you sign up for a lease, most likely you will be asked to draw up two agreements. One is for the tax office, it will say that you pay pennies per square meter.

The second agreement is drawn up to protect the landlord - it specifies the real amount, and he will be able to defend his interests in the event that you do not want to pay. The second contract is renegotiated every month so that the owner of the commercial space has the opportunity to declare that the previous, “minimum” contract is not valid, and you have not paid in a new way.
There are a lot of similar subtleties.

Be patient

If you are hoping that your shoe repair shop will be profitable immediately after opening, you will be disappointed. It will take at least a year for income to become more or less stable. What is this connected with? Unknown. But in practice this is true, and it doesn’t matter what the entrepreneur does: sells socks, repairs shoes or sells elite tea in bulk.

All that remains is to wait for the business to get back on track, and only then can you make some forecasts and think about something new.

Learn while you still have time!

While the business is gaining momentum, you need to read more than a dozen books. We have already talked about marketing and jurisprudence. It is equally important to understand economics - such information will greatly help you when conducting business. If you are going to hire people in the future, be sure to learn the basics of HR management. Motivating staff, working with personnel – all this is extremely important.

For example, someone works well only with a financial incentive. And another person looks at money with contempt, but if you call him “The best employee of the company,” then he will simply move mountains to confirm his title. HR science teaches all this.

Time management will be helpful. This subject will help you manage your time wisely and also tell you how to set priorities correctly.
Since we are talking about business, take care of saving money when studying: it is much cheaper to buy a reader and download books from the Internet than to order paper copies, each of which will cost a pretty penny.

Even though difficult times lie ahead, do not be discouraged: a persistent and talented person(and others don’t even think about business) everything should work out in at its best. And we hope that our advice will be useful and beneficial. If you have something to add, you are welcome to comment, your invaluable experience will be extremely interesting.

You might be interested: Video – “Business idea for shoe repair”:

Service centers that repair equipment are divided into 2 types depending on the type of devices being repaired: single-brand and multi-brand. Multi-brand workshops are, in principle, subsidiaries any manufacturer.

Service centers (SC) for repairing equipment from different manufacturers are completely independent and work relying only on the ingenuity of management and the skill of specialists. In small workshops, the functions of a repairman and a manager are often combined in one person. But even among such services there are slight differences; some repair everything, while others repair only certain types of devices.

But as practice shows, many service centers are gradually moving towards repairing everything, this is more connected with the state of affairs in the market and in the country, where there is not much need to sort through. And working with equipment of one brand and type is unprofitable. As a result, many services are switching to repairing equipment from different manufacturers. But there is also a negative point in this transition, the fact is that citizens will trust more service centers that have been authorized by the manufacturer and display its logo. It is worth noting that obtaining authorization is quite expensive. Consequently, many services do not care about prestige, and repair everything, and focus on increasing their reputation not with logos on signs, but with the impeccable quality of repairs.

The main reason for a service center to cooperate with a manufacturer is the difficulty of importing original parts and components. Cunning manufacturers often shift transportation problems onto the shoulders of the workshop. All this imposes additional costs and significantly increases repair time.

Where to begin?

If you don’t want to waste your money on trifles, it’s best to immediately enter into an agreement with a call center, whose memorable number will be of great help to you. At first, you will have to spend money on advertising, the costs of which usually “eat up” about half of the starting capital.

Another factor that can ensure success in this type of business is the repair time, which is much shorter than that of competitors. Such deadlines are clearly achieved organized delivery spare parts – “fast logistics”. To achieve maximum efficiency in this area, experts recommend acquiring a network of suppliers who will replace each other. A significant expense item that you cannot do without will be a set of test equipment for the types of equipment you will be dealing with. Its cost can reach 100 thousand dollars. However, in some cities, the household appliance repair business thrives with only the most primitive equipment - roughly speaking, a tester and a soldering iron; such a business can be organized almost from scratch. And often such a business turns out to be much more resilient than a business organized according to all the rules of science - these are the paradoxes of reality.

To function fully, the service center will definitely need:

  • reception point;
  • directly to the repair shop;
  • transport for delivery of large equipment to the repair shop.

Negative points

Considering a business idea to open repair business, it is worth keeping in mind that its profitability, according to statistics, is very low - 6%. This is due to the fact that prices for many types of household appliances today are quite low, and it is often more profitable for consumers of repair services to purchase new equipment to replace the old one, which not only requires repair, but is also obsolete. On the other hand, even if a consumer wants to repair a model that is more than 5 years old, he will most likely be faced with the problem of a lack of spare parts. However, all of the above does not apply to refrigerator repairs. These units are not affordable, like players, and do not become obsolete as quickly as computer equipment. At the same time, no family can do without a refrigerator, unlike a player, and repairing a refrigerator is not particularly difficult. Anyone who has any idea about fixing appliances can learn how to fix refrigerators within a month.

What other difficulties?can we collide?

There are a huge number of problems:

  • lack of smart engineers;
  • inadequate requests for salaries from capital craftsmen;
  • high non-competitive prices for spare parts from suppliers;
  • interruptions in own supplies;
  • a huge number of defective spare parts that cannot be returned;
  • violation of repair deadlines;
  • low quality of spare parts and crooked hands of craftsmen, which leads to complaints and claims from customers.

TOWhat documents are needed to open a service center?

Registration of a private entrepreneur is quite enough to get started. No licenses or permits are required.

Whichneededstart-up capital?

To open a small workshop, $10,000 will be enough. The money will be used to purchase equipment, furniture, rent a small room (15-30 sq. m.), advertising, and purchase a minimum warehouse of spare parts.


It all depends on many factors, you can recoup the initial investment in 2 months, or you can go broke and never get that money back. After all, it is important to understand that clients have money, they must come to you and give it to you. But how many clients will contact you in the first month depends on the site, on advertising, on the list of services you provide, etc.