The cheapest franchises: inexpensive business. The cheapest franchises: inexpensive business Repair company "Uyut Expert"

Many people dream of having their own business, but obstacles on the way to this are cash. Or rather, their complete absence or a completely small amount in stock. Indeed, with such investments one can only dream of owning one’s own business, but this does not apply to franchising offers. On the Internet you can find a selection of franchises, even starting from 50,000 rubles.

Franchise catalog

Let us dwell in more detail on franchises up to 100,000 rubles. In the franchise catalog you can find inexpensive franchising offers for every taste.

Repair company "Uyut Expert"

This is a franchise up to 50,000 rubles. The company specializes in real estate inspections. Develops design projects, deals with repairs (cosmetic, capital), finishing of apartments, office premises, cottages, carries out plumbing and electrical work. When working, only high-quality materials are used, and the work performed is monitored every day at each stage of construction work.

  • Investments – approximately 8,000 rubles.
  • Entry fee (lump sum) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Advertising fees are not required.
  • Royalties (company contributions) – no.
  • The payback of the project is a maximum of 1 month.
  • Net profit – 270,000 rubles. monthly.

Holiday agency, “Lavka Miracles”

Its franchise can be classified as a cheap franchise. The company organizes and conducts holidays and already has a wealth of experience in holding such events. Each event is unique and designed individually, taking into account the wishes and financial resources customer. The agency has a presenter, DJ, photo and video operator on its staff.

  • Investments - within 1000-5000 rubles. (price depends on the contract format).
  • Lump sum payment – ​​ranges from 40,000 to 110,000 rubles. (depending on the format of the contract).
  • Royalties - no.
  • Payback – in 3 months.
  • Profit – from 170,000 rubles. every month.
  • Required staff – 1-3 people (quite enough).
  • Requirements for the room format – 15 sq. m.

How social payments affect the ability to work of Russians

A mobile application that Lately is gaining popularity, especially among young people. The application allows you to be aware of all events, discounts of various retail outlets, which makes it popular among the younger generation. In fact, this application- advertising tool. This is the most complete and voluminous catalog of the best goods and all kinds of services in your city, discounts and sales. The user does not need to buy anything to receive discounts from the company; simply being a user of this application is enough.

  • Initial deposit – 5,000 rubles. (approximate amount).
  • Investments – approximately 50,000 rubles. (minimum cost).
  • Lump sum payment – ​​45,000 rubles. (one-time use).
  • Royalty – 6,000 rub. (from the 2nd month from the launch of the project).
  • Payback – as a rule, “plus” comes out at the end of the 2nd month.
  • Profit – 145,000 rub. monthly.
  • Office requirements – minimum 12 sq. m.

Franchise business model up to 50,000 rubles. The company provides advertising services on video stands. The investment amount includes the cost of two video stands, a website, full business package - all this is no less than 105,000 rubles, and rent is mall 2 sq. m. will cost approximately 15,000 rubles (but this amount is determined by the cost of real estate in the city).

  • Investments – 49,000-490,000 rubles. (the cost is dictated by the format of the contract).
  • There is no lump sum fee.
  • Royalties - no.
  • The payback of the project is after three months of work.
  • Profit – 130,000 rubles. every month.
  • Staff – 1-2 people are enough.
  • There are no office requirements.

The franchisee receives:

  • the logo of this brand and the opportunity to work under this logo;
  • commercial offers (landlord and advertiser);
  • agreements allowing the provision of advertising services;
  • acts, specifications, prices;
  • presentation videos;
  • step-by-step support until profitability RUB 130,000;
  • provision of presentation and marketing materials;
  • competent, highly professional staff - 2 people involved in the production of videos. One will work remotely, and the other directly in your city;
  • assistance in implementation e-mail newsletters in your city.
  • site for sale plus group in social network(contact).

Differences between opening a business as a franchise of pick-up points and starting a business yourself


franchise of product development services in the field of mobile marketing for business. The buyer does not need to have knowledge in this area; knowledge of software languages ​​is welcome, but if they do not have it, then this is also not a problem - you can learn in the company.

  • Investments - within 30,000-60,000 rubles.
  • No initial (lump sum) payment is required.
  • There are no royalties.
  • The return on investment for the franchise is a maximum of six months after launch.
  • Profit - on average 60,000 rubles. monthly.
  • Staff – 1-5 people are enough.
  • Requirements (mandatory) for office size – 2-20 sq. m.

Franchise of printed products “Guide to Anapa”

This unique magazine entered the market relatively recently - in 2016, and the company almost immediately launched a franchise. The magazine is published every month and is an advertising and information publication. In it you can find useful information, local posters and advertising that will be useful to vacationers. The publication is distributed at train stations, shops, cafes and restaurants, and hotels.

With the purchase of this franchise for up to 100 thousand rubles, the franchisee receives a ready-made, tested and operating business model, the income of which is constantly growing. When purchasing a franchise, the company provides all necessary documentation, layout of numbers and support throughout the partner’s work. The magazine is made in color, glossy. In length – from 20 to 40 pages.

Attention! It is important. There is absolutely no competition.

  • Investments are officially absent (sometimes they ask for 1,000 rubles, this price is posted on some sites).
  • Lump sum payment (initial) – minimum RUB 30,000. (to be entered once).
  • Royalty – approximately 3,000 rubles. (one month after launch).
  • Payback – maximum in six months.
  • Income – 50,000 rubles. monthly (income for the first month of work, and then, after 3 months, you can reach 80,000-100,000 rubles).
  • Staff – 3 people are enough.
  • Requirements for room area – 10 square meters. m.
  • One franchise per city (mandatory condition).

Simple ways to save money on heating

Some expenses:

  • for printing – 29,000-52,000 rubles. (paid only after receiving money from the customer - advertiser);
  • for distribution with the help of promoters - approximately 3,000 rubles;
  • for personnel - none;
  • for an office – within 1,000 or 3,000 rubles. (dictated pricing policy city ​​real estate).


An original franchise for promoting regional regional or regional companies using social networks (in particular Instagram). Simple, convenient and successful business, which does not require renting premises and a large staff of employees, which can be carried out from anywhere in the world, the main thing is that there is access to the network. Ideal for those who want to start from scratch. Profitability depends on how well the entrepreneur can offer or sell the service to the client.

  • Investments – approximately 1,400 rubles. every month.
  • Lump sum payment - on average 19,000 rubles. (one-time).
  • Royalty – 5% every month.
  • Business payback can be expected after one month of work.
  • Profit (income) – minimum 50,000 or maximum 540,000 rubles.
  • Staff – enough for up to 5 people.
  • Requirements for room size – 10-40 sq. m.

Some additional costs:

  • every month deductions for advertising;
  • average bill - between 4,200-6,200 rubles. (no competition).


Franchise of a mobile application for calling a taxi "Owocar", working online, allowing you to call a car with just one light touch. The platform of this mobile application allows you to quick search, call and pay for a taxi without resorting to the help of a dispatcher. Such a taxi is much cheaper than calling with the help of a dispatcher, since the latter is forced to include in the cost of the order the price for renting premises, depreciation of transport and personnel costs.

In this material:

Is it possible to start a business with 50 thousand rubles? Some people think that this amount will not be enough to open their own business, but this is a mistaken opinion. You can open a business almost free of charge by registering with the tax service as individual entrepreneur. Registration will cost less than 1 thousand rubles. After completing this procedure, the business is considered open. But is it possible without starting investments or start earning money with a minimum capital of 50,000 rubles?

Solution concept

The answer to this question is yes. An amount such as 50,000 rubles may be quite enough to start a successful project, which will soon bring its owner about 100 thousand rubles. and more. And it's not about the existence of a secret business idea.

If you take a close look at any business project, it turns out that the main thing in it is not the production of goods or the provision of services, but the search regular customers and increasing their number.

Whichever High Quality there was no product or service offered, if their sale is carried out poorly, the project will incur losses. Conversely, if a product or service is of average quality, but is effectively promoted, the business project will bring good profits.

This does not mean that you need to sell second-rate services or products. Please note that you can find many enterprises that will agree to farm out advertising and product promotion for a high percentage of transactions. They have already done everything: rented or built premises, purchased and installed equipment, hired staff, set up production, but sales are weak. So all that remains is to focus on getting sales going.

Thus, the business proposed for opening will be in essence advertising agency. To open it you will need a computer, a printer, a rented office (the latter is not necessary, because meetings can be held at the customer’s place). If necessary, you can organize your work in an anti-cafe, subscription fee in which it will be lower than rent for the office. Such points can be found for 7-10 tr. per month even in large cities.

Whatever field of activity you choose, similar enterprises already exist. All that remains is to visit them, meet the owner, and talk to him about his business. You don’t need to think that an entrepreneur will necessarily turn such visitors out the door.

He rarely has anyone sincerely interested in questions about how he started, what difficulties he experienced before, and what his enterprise needs now.

You should prepare for such a visit and have several options for commercial proposals (or at least one) for cooperation. It will be very useful for you to start not with organizing production, but with sales themselves. Try to realize what you want to produce. The entrepreneur will be pleased because he receives an additional sales channel. To do this, he only needs to conclude an agency agreement.

Once you have an agreement with the business owner, start making sales. Take a closer look at different business plans: it is planned to spend 30-50 thousand rubles on advertising. You have them - take action!

Examples of real projects

All business ideas described below will be promoted according to the same scheme. You will need a website on which the service will be sold. To create such a site, contextual advertising online you will have to spend from 30 thousand rubles.

You can open a “wedding agency” business project without much expense if you use existing wedding salons, cars, cafes and restaurants, as well as the offered services of a photographer and toastmaster. The point is to offer the bride and groom a completely turnkey wedding.

After receiving the order, all that remains is to organize the timely provision of all necessary services those getting married. Organizing such a project will require good communication skills, the ability to convince people and find innovative solutions. All this more than compensates for the lack of your own salon, restaurant or limousine.

You can start a construction business immediately after registering an individual entrepreneur. The only condition is the presence of professional qualified personnel. All equipment and tools can be rented or leased. An office is not really needed at the start. Competently composed Commercial offer it is necessary to present it to the heads of large construction organizations that win tenders for the construction of significant facilities. They are not able to carry out the entire volume of work on their own, and they will need small construction companies that are ready to take on small volumes of construction.

The created website will attract private customers who need to build own house, make repairs to it. Having received the order, Building company purchases with the customer's money necessary materials and begins to carry out work. Such a company does not need any large investments; 50,000 rubles will be enough.

You can open an advertising agency in the same way as construction company or a wedding agency. The site will already attract customers, meetings will be held at their place, and if necessary, you can rent a meeting room for a few hours in an anti-cafe or in an office center. The main thing in this project is the idea. It is necessary to offer the customer a range of services that would promote his business. Here we will print flyers, booklets, banners, place them and distribute them, create a website, sales funnels, launch an online advertising campaign, etc.

You can easily find direct performers. Someone has already made a website for you, finding a seal is not a problem. Having received an order, simply follow the already drawn up algorithm, place the client’s order with those performers you have decided on in advance or look for them.

Using the same scheme, an enterprise is opened that specializes in providing legal services. After the customer has agreed to your terms, you refer him to a lawyer whom you hired or promised to provide with orders.

Such schemes are suitable for different kinds business. But there are also segments that do not fit into such a work algorithm. For example, the toilet business. 50 thousand rubles will also be enough for it. You can rent cabins for 3-4 thousand rubles. per month, rent 4 cabins, hire transport for 10-15 thousand rubles per month, which would take them to places that still need to be chosen correctly.

The issue of places will have to be resolved with the local authorities. It will not be possible to attract clients here through the website. The key to success lies in the right location. One booth brings 15-25 thousand rubles. profits monthly. All current expenses are paid from incoming funds. Within a few months you can collect enough money to buy your own vehicle, with the help of which the booths are transported.

How to increase the initial amount by 1.5-2 times?

If you have your own 50 tr. to start your own business, this amount can be increased by 1.5-2 times due to subsidies from the state for opening an enterprise.

To do this you need:

  • register as unemployed with the employment service;
  • submit a statement of intent to start your own business;
  • open a bank account;
  • draw up a business plan and defend it;
  • get money and spend it on business;
  • submit a report on the funds spent, providing contracts, checks and receipts.

The minimum subsidy from the state is 25 thousand rubles, but they willingly give out 50-70 thousand rubles. If you take a creative approach to starting your own business, consider all available possibilities, you can start a project with a small budget, without waiting for large-scale investments.

Investment: Investment 75,000 ₽

We have been producing unique "Norwegian houses" for 5 years. We invite you to open the production of “Norwegian Houses” in your region and earn 2.5 million rubles. in year! The uniqueness of "Norwegian Houses": A residential 2-storey house for permanent residence, with an area of ​​33 sq.m., is installed in 1 day and costs only 590,000 rubles! The house is manufactured in a factory, ready to be transported and installed...

Investments: Investments 8,000,000 - 10,000,000 rubles.

The Butcher Burger Bar project represents the LFR Family restaurant chain - a stable, actively developing chain that is in the service market Catering 10 years already. The company is represented by more than 30 restaurants: Sushimin restaurants of pan-Asian cuisine, New York American diners, Mixtura Bar party bar, night club The Top Club, Italian restaurant IL TEMPO, coffee chain Coffee Cake, Georgian...

Investments: Investments from RUB 5,000,000.

DEMA centers pride themselves on an integrated approach to rehabilitation, using specially selected therapeutic physical exercises using rehabilitation equipment - kinesitherapy. We assess the clinical condition of each patient, his habits and lifestyle, functional reserves of the body, risk factors for rehabilitation measures. Only then do we form individual program rehabilitation, including physical therapy, massage, manual therapy, osteopathy, nutritional advice and...

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,700,000 rubles.

The Sushi Mag chain of stores is a dynamically developing chain of sushi shops. The first store was opened in 2011, during which time we opened 40 stores in the chain, including franchisee outlets. The network territory is St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. The sushi format of the Sushi Mag store makes it attractive to both schoolchildren and white-collar workers. We are one of the first to...

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 800,000 rubles.

Fabretti is a fashionable area for women, where any buyer can choose stylish accessories and leather goods for any time of year. In 20 years successful work on Russian market We have debugged all business processes that affect the success of retail. Fashion collections, superior product quality, flexible price policy, use of all modern methods attracting clients and, most importantly, understanding...

Investments: Investments 1,000,000 - 9,000,000 rubles.

In 1909, Richard Shearman opened the first hostel in Germany, changing the way travelers could find affordable accommodation. The idea, born during a night thunderstorm on August 26, 1909, became one of the German inventions that became popular throughout the world. We hope that our hostels will forever change the perception of what…

Investments: Investments 200,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

We are one of the largest wholesale companies in the Republic of Tatarstan in the children's goods market. We are a dealer or exclusive representative of manufacturers of child car seats and direct suppliers of other large goods in our region. The main share of sales is occupied by strollers, high chairs, cribs, car seats, walkers, etc. Availability of two warehouses in Naberezhnye Chelny (Republic of Tatarstan) and…

Investments: Investments from RUB 321,000.

Good Way is a service that allows you to quickly call a trusted specialist to carry out all work around the home and office and any assignments, as well as guarantee the quality of services. The portal, whose mission is to unite performers throughout the country and create a system for assessing their professionalism, is doomed to success in the absence of competition and thoughtfulness in all nuances. How…


Good Way is a service that allows you to quickly call a trusted specialist to carry out all work around the home and office and any assignments, as well as guarantee the quality of services. The portal, whose mission is to unite performers throughout the country and create a system for assessing their professionalism, is doomed to success in the absence of competition and thoughtfulness of all the nuances. How it works? Use...

Investments: No data

There are many opportunities for discovery in Russia own business by franchise. But the question arises: what is the best thing to do? Looking at the increase in population and the number of new buildings in each city, the answer suggests itself - you need to offer clients things for home improvement. This category includes high-quality and comfortable furniture, as well as other items, without…

Investment: Not for sale

Investments: From 299,000 rubles

A franchise of up to 50,000 is extremely popular among Russian entrepreneurs. And this is not surprising, because purchasing a more expensive one is not always advisable. It is better to use a cheap, but already proven option.

A franchise worth 50,000 implies the development of all necessary technical documentation, as well as the purchase of equipment at the expense of the organization that provides it.

About the advantages of such a franchise

This type of franchising has advantages, including:

  • Using an already promoted product brand;
  • Permanent financial interest of the franchisor;
  • Doing business by marketing plan, developed in advance.

Now about the disadvantages. Franchisees are often forced to purchase trial batches finished products at a loss. In addition, such activities may be seasonal.

If you decide to take a risk, then clarify the development strategy of the franchisor organization you are interested in and the method of communication with it. Inquire about the consequences for franchisees in the event of bankruptcy. Think in advance about ways to exit the business (basically, everything happens at a formal level, and your deposit is returned in full).