What you need for an electronic diary. What is an electronic student diary. Documents required for the provision of the Electronic Diary service

The State Services Portal was created in such a way that you can register on it only after receiving a passport. However, at the same time, parents can register their children with a doctor through the portal, apply for them to obtain a passport or residence permit. The range of services that are available to parents is quite large, but there are also specific ones among them. For example, viewing an electronic diary of progress.

Electronic diary progress is an analogue of a regular school diary. Only it is filled with special care. Here you can see:

  • Schedule of classes for the week;
  • Subject grades with teachers' comments;
  • Teachers' comments on the student's behavior and performance;
  • Sign the diary with electronic signature as confirmation of familiarization with the information.

With the help of this tool, it becomes much easier to track student progress. And parents can learn about all significant events directly, and not through the child.

Please note that this system is currently only valid for Moscow, as well as a limited number of other regions, since in most regions there is no technical possibility to transfer everything online.

It is also worth noting that the electronic diary is only access to the grades of your child. There is such a system as the "Electronic Journal", where you can see information on the grades and passes of the entire class. In both cases, the data in the diary is filled in by the teachers.

Where can I get the username and password to enter the diary?

The login and password for the electronic diary of progress must be provided by the class teacher or another teacher who deals with organizational issues. Information is provided only to the legal representative of the student at his personal request.

Previously, the opportunity to get a login and password to enter was also available on the State Services portal. To date, you can find the way in which the service was provided, however, its end result will not be the login and password from the student's diary, but the registration of the diary itself, which is impossible without authorization data.

How to register?

You can register to gain access to a student's progress on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow www.mos.ru. First of all, you need to log in to your personal account. If the parent does not yet have an account on this resource, it is worth creating one.

After the user clicks the "Register" button, a form opens in front of him to fill out:

  • Email;
  • Login (any combination of the user's choice, but this is not a required field);
  • Password;
  • Phone number;

Security question and answer to it to ensure security when restoring access.

Registration confirmation ends with the introduction of a code that comes in the form of SMS to the phone number. In the future, you will need to fill in the settings and other data that will provide more convenient work with the site.

  • Education / Popular in the section;

  • Next, click on the "Get Service" button

Here you will need to fill in the registration data. Login and password allow you to create one account. This means that if a parent has 2 or more children who attend the school, you will need to register for viewing by the number of children and registration data.

First of all, "New Account" is selected, after which the parent needs to give it a name. It is entirely left to the discretion of the guardians. Below are the login and password fields.

Many schools duplicate the name of the login and password. This is a digital designation, where a combination of numbers is made in a certain way for each child. That is, for students of the same class, the first digits of the login will be the same.

After entering the registration data, you should click "Continue" and almost immediately "Finish". This completes the access procedure and the parent will be granted access to the electronic diary.

Please note that changing the login and password from the electronic diary will lead to the need to create another student account. Since after changing the data, the old record becomes inaccessible.

How to enter the electronic diary through the State Services?

On the State Services portal itself, there is no way to view the progress of schoolchildren. However, you can go through the branches:

  • Service catalog;

Schools by region that are connected to the electronic diary system will be listed here. However, information about grades will not be here, but there will be information on where to look for the electronic diary form. In most cases, this is the official website of the mayor of Moscow. However, there may be other resources.

Please note that for users who have an account on the portal, they can enter the website of the Mayor of Moscow without registering on the resource, but using the login and password from the Gosuslug portal.

You can view information on assessments in real time. The diary also offers two-way communication between the teacher and the parent in the form of online correspondence.


The Internet is relentlessly simplifying our lives. Without leaving your home, you can no longer only order movie tickets and sushi. At home, you can view the grades of your beloved child and monitor his successes and failures at school, communicate with teachers.

The good news for parents is that you no longer have to go to school after work to listen to teachers' comments, and your child will no longer erase a bad grade and tear out a page from the diary. The reason for this is the transition of schools to electronic diaries.

What is an electronic diary?

This software, which combines a school diary, a teacher's journal and a report card.

Its benefits for parents:

  • Allows you to see the entire learning process, the progress of the child, almost on-line.
  • Estimates, comments, absenteeism are posted on the same day.
  • You can interact with the teacher and respond to his comments.
  • Supervise the completion of homework in all subjects.
  • Control the overall school attendance and the most frequent absenteeism of the first and last lessons - parents have access to the schedule.
  • See all jobs. This excludes questions about missed material when the child was sick or absent from class for other reasons.
  • Monitor your child's grade point average.
  • Look at the graph for the dynamics of success for each subject and the general one.
  • The ability to solve current educational and organizational issues with teachers without visiting schools, through correspondence.

Benefits for the student:

  • An up-to-date schedule with lesson replacements is always available.
  • Availability of vision and control of their overall performance in subjects and periods.
  • Checking your GPA.
  • Possibility to receive Additional information subject electronically.

Benefits for teachers:

  • the opportunity to convey more information about students to parents through direct communication;
  • automated reports that make the teacher's job easier;
  • opportunity to conduct tests, surveys.

How to enter an electronic diary - popular resources

It's not so much anymore new topic, and there are quite a few offers from developer companies on the market:
"Owl", ballov.net, 1dnevnik.ru, dnevnik.ru, klasnaocinka.com.ua, web2edu.ru.

How to enter the electronic diary?

  • Your school must be a user of the program. An agreement is concluded between the school and the developers for the connection and maintenance of the program.
  • The school notifies parents to which electronic diary it is connected, gives parents the username and password of the child's page. If there are several children, each will have a separate page, login and password.
  • Passwords given to parents are temporary. Within 30 days, they must change them to permanent ones.
  • Logging into the electronic diary is simple - you need to enter a username and password, as in a social network or email.

Why can't you enter the diary - common mistakes?

  • Enter your login and password incorrectly. It is necessary to clarify with the teacher the input font - Cyrillic or Latin.
  • Not registered.
  • The numbers must be entered from the numeric keypad, do not confuse zero with the letter O.
  • Do not take into account the case of letters - large and small letters are not only capital letters, but are sometimes found in the password text.
  • The temporary password has expired. You need to contact your teacher for help. After logging in using the password issued at the school, you need to replace it with your own.
  • Forgot your password or login. You can restore them via email or phone number. As a last resort, contact your administrator.

An electronic diary is an easy-to-use program. It's easy to learn on your own. Entry errors are often mechanical and associated with haste. Parents, as a rule, sit down for him in the evening, after work. You can’t enter or figure it out - leave it for a while or try it in the morning. And you will succeed.

Modern technologies penetrate deeper and deeper into human life. The educational sphere is no exception, where such an innovative device as a student's electronic diary has recently been used. The task of the diary is to bring parents, teachers and students closer together.

Why do you need an electronic diary

Almost every home is connected to the Internet, and innovative digital technologies are an important part of human life. Students are increasingly using e-books, and to record lessons and educational material using a laptop or tablet.

According to its functions, an electronic diary is an electronic service or software that allows you to control the implementation of the school curriculum by students. Comfort for every student is obvious.

The functionality of the device electronic form is:

  • Control of progress and implementation of the school curriculum.
  • Control of attendance of lessons.
  • Informing parents about the achievements of children in the learning process.
  • Creating a portfolio for a student.
  • Reducing the load on educational institution.
  • Creation of a school-wide social network.

As a result, it is possible to minimize the need for a familiar paper diary. The electronic version ensures that parents are aware of their child's school activities.

For some parameters and functions electronic services similar, but with different capabilities. Electronic journals are accounting tools that allow you to:

  1. Monitor student progress and attendance.
  2. Facilitate the implementation of educational and pedagogical workload.
  3. Communicate learning outcomes to all stakeholders.

Advantages and disadvantages of a diary

Benefits for Parents

Doing this way of assessing academic performance has the following advantages for parents:

  • 24/7 access to student progress information.
  • View the lesson schedule, information about school events.
  • The opportunity to communicate with the teacher of the child, with the leadership of the educational institution.

Benefits for students

The program allows the student not to worry about the timely recording of homework, about the changes that have occurred in the schedule. All information and important information will appear on the log screen in a timely manner. It is also convenient for schoolchildren who for some reason were not in the classroom.

The introduction of innovative development in the educational process will allow:

  • See grades obtained in different periods of study.
  • Find out performance.
  • Check out what's happening in educational institution events.

The benefits of electronic diaries for teachers

The use of a diary by a teacher provides a number of advantages:

  • Establishes contact with students' parents.
  • It turns out to quickly calculate the data on the progress of students.
  • It is possible to conduct remote consultations.

Disadvantages of a Diary

The level of reliability of the information in the e-journal may be outdated and may not reflect real information about the progress of the student. This is due to the forgetfulness of the teacher or his workload.

As a result, there is a need to explain to the teaching staff about the advantages of an electronic journal and about the correct use of innovative development.

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Can a student delete or correct grades on their own?

Deleting or correcting grades by a student is possible if the teacher forgot to close the system. The student can get into it and make changes. Such interference is likely to be detected, and then the student will be punished.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that children are literate Internet users, so a student, when assisting a teacher with a computer, can quietly correct the grades in the system.

The reason for possible unauthorized access to the electronic journal is the setting of simple passwords or the lack of data protection software. In general, it is possible to achieve a significant level of security.

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It should be taken into account that electronic journals, like other software, is developed by specialists. They try to ensure the safety of data with various levels of protection. It may be that among the students there is a talented young programmer who can bypass the established protection systems and penetrate the magazine. This can be done from anywhere personal computer. In this case, not only the change in ratings is obvious, but also the infection of files with malware.

Step 1. Register on the site portal

To use the "Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild" service, you and your child must register on the site. The child and parent must have separate personal accounts. To register, fill in with your last name, first name, patronymic, email address and mobile phone number.

When registering, make sure that your personal account contains the current phone number and email address that you use. If these details are incorrect, you will not be able to access the service. You can read more about registering on the portal in ours.

Step 2 Submit your details to the school

Pass class teacher your data and the data of your child, specified during registration on the portal site:

  • E-mail address;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) (optional).

Please note that the child and parent must have different accounts on the site.

After the personal data is processed, you and your child will get access to the electronic diary, to enter which you must enter the login and password from the website.

2. How to enter the electronic diary?

After that, you will be taken to the dnevnik.site website, where you can see the child's progress, his homework and check how he attends school.

3. How to give access to an electronic diary to a trusted person?

If your relative or other trusted person, such as a nanny, is registered on the site portal, you can give him access to the child's electronic diary. For this:

  • after authorization in the service, follow the link and click the "Add trusted" button, or immediately select "Grant access to the electronic diary and information about the visit and nutrition of the child" in the service catalog to the site.
  • select the service to which you want to give access to a trusted representative, and the last name, first name, patronymic of the child whose diary you want to allow to view;
  • indicate the last name, SNILS or mobile phone of the person you want to invite.

The authorized person will see an invitation in their personal account to the site (section ). Access will open within 24 hours after the invitation is accepted by a trusted person.

The modern school differs in its capabilities from those in which the mothers and fathers of today's children studied. Interactive whiteboards, computers, the Internet, media resources, electronic diaries have become part of the practice of most Russian schools. The latter will be discussed here.

On the territory of Russia there are several functional services that provide this service to schools and schoolchildren. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, there is an electronic diary of MRKO (Moscow Register of Education Quality) on the portal pgu mos.ru, since 2015 all schools in Moscow and most of the region have been connected to it.

In other regions of Russia, they use the Dnevnik.ru service. and Elzhur (eljur.ru.). Between these services there is some difference in design, number of functions, available to users, but they all have common features:

  • Their use is free.
  • It does not require the provision of certificates or other documents.
  • Valid for the duration of the school year.
  • Owned by one child, records his grades, class attendance, etc.
  • Access to it is provided only to the student and his parents (legal representatives of the child). No one else sees the grades and notes of the teacher in this diary. The child's personal data is protected.

Access to the electronic diary is provided by an individual login and a temporary password, which are given to parents by the class teacher. But in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in order to use it, parents need to be registered on the PSU mos.ru portal, where they need to enter the “Education, Study” service and then to the desired service.

Residents of the Tambov region can enter Dnevnik.ru through the public services portal. For all other schoolchildren in Russia, this service does not yet have a connection with the public service portal.

Residents of Moscow, Moscow and Tambov regions need:

  • When registering on the portal public services enter your personal data, including passport data, SNILS number. The introduction of the SNILS number should be taken especially carefully, since it will become your main identifier on this portal.
  • After registration, log in and find the desired service, enter it. For Dnevnik.ru, your profile must already be activated there. For the MRKO diary, the system will automatically redirect it to the authorization page.

After registering and creating your personal account on the portal, you will be able to enter the electronic diary through it.

How to enter an electronic diary, step by step instructions

Here we will consider how to go to parents in the electronic diary of a student, regardless of whether this happens through pg mos.ru, or directly in Diary RU. Although there are certain differences, but general principles steps match.

  • Enter in the appropriate fields Login and Password the login and password given by the class teacher.

  • Entering and/or verifying personal data. Click "Finish" (Next). For Moscow, this is where it all ends and you end up in Personal Area parent.

  • In Dnevnik.ru, you will have to fill in the “Security Settings”, where you indicate your email and mobile phone number, which will allow you to recover your password in case of loss and provide better protection.

  • After the first entry to the pages of Dnevnik.ru, you get the opportunity to change the password given at school to another one of your choice.
  • Both in the MRKO diary and in Dnevnik.ru, it is possible for a parent in their parent account to link the accounts of several children to one of their profiles in order to see information for each child, even if they study in different classes and schools.

Features of the electronic diary

Why should parents and students learn this electronic resource? Parents and students who already use electronic diaries are convinced that it is really noticeably more convenient and has additional useful qualities that the traditional one does not have.

  • Today, a parent anywhere (at home, at work, on a business trip) and at any time of the day, having access to the Internet, can find out how things are going with his children's studies, their grades and attending classes.
  • Grades appear on the electronic pages on the same day as they are posted by the teacher. In addition, you can track progress by subject, quarter and academic year, and the constant derivation of average grades helps to evaluate weak spots in the child's education, requiring special attention. This opportunity makes the child more aware of the effectiveness of his work in the classroom, giving an additional incentive to learning activity.
  • Sometimes a student forgets to write or writes inaccurately homework, an electronic diary where the teacher enters them himself, allows the student and his parents to know exactly what needs to be done. This helps to keep abreast of the topics being studied even if the child is absent from school due to illness or other reasons.
  • Here we see information about changes in the schedule, the introduction of quarantine, competitions, comments from the teacher and other important news.

If you can't access your email

If you can’t enter the electronic diary, then this usually happens due to the fact that you forgot the correct username or password. In this case, you do not have the opportunity to register again, as the system stores your personal data in memory and does not allow you to create another profile with the same information. To recover a forgotten login or password, a parent of a Moscow student must contact the class teacher to restore them.

Dnevnik.ru users have the opportunity to deal with this problem themselves. Specify your problem at the entrance - “I don’t remember my login” / “I don’t remember my password” and then follow the instructions. Since you indicated your contacts during registration, you will receive links to them to restore the forgotten ones.

If the entrance is complicated for other reasons, then these services have a technical support service that will help. Also, the service administrator at the school can also help you.