Slides for the presentation are the coolest cool. The coolest class teacher. Business card

Form of implementation: Municipal competition "The coolest class teacher"

Equipment: projector, screen, soundtracks of songs, crafts made by the hands of the teacher and children, a model of the school, baskets with flowers.

Participants: class teacher, 9th grade students, graduates, parents.

Progress of the event

On the stage is a model of the Berezovsky secondary school. The soundtrack of the song “What They Teach at School” plays.

On the stage, on both sides, a mother and her first-grader daughter and a teacher are walking towards each other. Mom straightens her daughter’s bows and apron, helps her put on her backpack, gives her a bouquet of flowers and hands it to the teacher. The bell rings and the teacher sits the girl at her desk.

Teacher. This is how I ended up in my first school family. ( Annex 1, Slide 2)

As it is well said: “The teacher of children who does not remember his childhood is a bad teacher.”

I remember my Atamanov school very well. We played hockey, skied, horse riding, and went on nature excursions.

I remember all my cool brothers and sisters and my cool mothers: Tatyana Viktorovna, Polina Ivanovna, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, who are now present in this hall. (Slide 3, 4)

And my mother told me
“Daughter, dear, study!
At school you will gain knowledge
This is the road to life.”

I chose my profession right away and entered the Volgograd Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History.

Phonogram of the song “Soar with fires...”

Teacher. My pedagogical activity I started as a senior pioneer counselor. (Slide 5, 6)

The squad is my second pioneer family. Years have passed under the motto “Be prepared!” "Always ready!"

Be an honest and loyal comrade, always boldly stand for the truth.

And then I moved to Berezovsky elementary school.

And now I am the first school teacher.

“Auntie is a teacher! Mother!" – that’s what my first-graders called me at first. (Slide 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

Teacher. And then things worked out when we were all together: me, the children and the parents.

(9th grade parents come on stage).

A song is sung with parents.

We can't live in this world,
We can't live in this world
No problem, no problem.
There were little children
There were little children
And now, and now.

We simply got lost in children's problems,
Sasha began to smoke, and Olya fell in love again.
Well, Petya suddenly didn’t want to study,
Help us tell us what should we do?

I will help you as much as I can,
I will help you as much as I can
Again - me, again - me.
We will overcome all problems,
We will overcome all problems.
We are friends, we are friends.

We'll figure out children's problems together,
We will explain everything so that they will obey, and we will achieve it.
Let's pay more attention to them
And then we will achieve understanding together.

Teacher. The children have grown up and left our school, but we still maintain close friendships.

They are already inviting people to weddings, ( Slide 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)
I'm already called grandma.
But it doesn’t matter when I meet
It involuntarily evokes sadness.
I'm glad for their success
I always look forward to their visit,
I'll meet my parents
I'll ask them about the children.

And now I’ve been with the new class for the fifth year. Now it's 9 "a".

And then comes right time (Slide 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
And a new class is on the doorstep.
The kids are standing
And you are happy with them from the bottom of your heart.
And you are a “second mother” for them
Everything must be done without deception.
They need an eye, yes an eye
The class trusted you.
They run to you with trouble,
They will always share food.
Open your heart to them
Bury your grievances and tears.
My class in friendship is very faithful
Although I’m not the first to study.
If you need help somewhere,
Everyone doesn't mind working.
Take out the trash, dig up,
Clean the classroom clean
Glue, paint, nail,
This suits everyone.
There are no health problems
The appetite is enviable.
We walk, we jump, we play
We temper our body.

I myself am a keen person, I have several hobbies.

I'll take knitting needles or a hook, ( Slide 24, 25)
I'll take any thread
And after a couple of hours,
A skeleton will appear in your hands.
Make some more jokes
And something can surprise you.

This is how I crocheted a Monomakh hat and give it to our head of RONO.

I give Monomakh's hat as a souvenir
And at the same time I say these words
The king was crowned with the original hat,
And in our education, there is a regional sovereign!

And I was able to pass on this hobby to my children; several girls and two boys are engaged in knitting and beading. This winter, for warmth, they knitted woolen covers for all the chairs, the only ones in the entire school.

I like to do housework ( Slide 26, 27, 28, 29)
And in the summer, instead of islands,
I water and plant
And I don’t dream about the Canaries.

In the classroom with our flower growers, we designed a flower slide.

The most common hobby of the children in my class is drawing. They took part in regional and regional competitions drawings and took prizes. ( Slide 30)

The entire class is members of the local history club “Search,” which I have led for many years.

Therefore, most often their drawings are about the Motherland.

(9th grade students come on stage, they read poems one line at a time and raise up drawings above the school model: the sun, the sky, ears of corn, leaves.)

I'll draw a bright sun!
I'll paint a blue sky!
I'll draw a light in the window!
I'll draw ears of bread!
I'll draw autumn leaves,
School, stream, restless friends.
Then I'll raise the pictures higher
So that everyone can see them,
So that everyone can hear today
The voice of young citizens of the earth.

Teacher. What do I want for my children?

Good friendly families, who could be my assistant and together we would surround each child care And love.

I would really like to see my children healthy, strong, strong and hardworking.

And then they will settle in their lives beauty And good.

(As the speech progresses, flowers with the words: family, care, love, health, work, beauty, goodness are attached to the model of the school.)
3 little girls enter the hall with baskets and hand out daisies with the same words to everyone, and at this time the teacher reads poetry.

I wish you that in every home
Peace and kindness reigned
Care, affection and attention
They settled there forever.
So that in the year of the family this daisy,
A simple, simple flower
Kept the world for many years
Gave a stream of happiness.

The melody “Small Country” plays and little girls dance to this music, and against this background the student says the words.

Pupil. Svetlana Petrovna found her calling in her work,

Love from children and respect from colleagues. (Slide 31)
Her care, affection and attention
May they never end.
Let there never be disappointment
In once chosen fate
Forever peace, love and understanding in the family
And at school there is a recognition of love from children.
What else does a person dream of?

Phonogram "Small Country".

All the children on stage join hands and sing a song together with the teacher and parents.

We call our school
"Little country"
There are people with kind eyes there,
Life there is full of children,
Children can have fun there
There is no evil or grief there
Good friends young faces
They give hope light.


Star's hard journey
Just don't forget!
Light and warmth of a high star
Hurry to return it to the children.

No, it's not easy being a star in the sky
Shine on your children,
Every morning, every evening
Give them all the sun,
To fall and shine again over them,
So that they can
Also strive for this sky
Music and love.


  1. “Memory of the Heart” / ed.-comp. Zhuk L.I. – Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2008. – 128 p. – (Holiday at school)
  2. “Little Country” / words and music by I. Nikolaeva, song performer Natasha Koroleva
  3. “We cannot live in this world” / J. Peters, I. Shaferan - R. Pauls.

Presentation of work experience



Hello, my name is Smertina Valentina Nikolaevna. (Slide 2 EDUCATION). I am a class teacher of the 8th grade, presenting my work experience: CREDO OF A CLASS TEACHER OR “JUST A CLASS TEACHER ORGANIZING THE EDUCATION PROCESS”

We all come from childhood. Remembering childhood, every adult often reproduces events related to his life during his school years. A good memory remains of that teacher with whom there were joyful moments of communication, who helped in solving problems, in choosing a life path, and was an interesting person. Most often, this is the class teacher. He really is the closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school. (Slide 3 FUNCTIONS key. hands.)

The children are respected by a class teacher who is spiritually rich, fair, has his own principles, and knows how to protect the interests of his class and his own interests. An important quality my students consider having a sense of humor, the ability to not lead a situation to conflict, and providing pedagogical support.

Socrates said: “Every person has the sun, just let it shine.” How to open the sun in a little person, how to help him shine? These questions concern me, and I try to solve these questions for myself every day. (Slide 4 principles of class manual.)

Having studied the characteristics of the class, the social composition of families, the conditions for raising children in the family, the individuality of each child, I identified a range of problems that our class team had to solve together with parents and school teachers.

Problems of health, behavior, study, relationships with classmates, subject teachers, organization of leisure time for schoolchildren and much more are the areas of concern of the class teacher.

In my work I focused on four areas of activity: (Slide 5. With diagram)



Patriotic education

"Healthy lifestyle"

And of course working with parents.

Only together with parents, through common efforts, can we ensure that the child discovers his abilities, loves work, is able to enjoy the beauty of the world around him, is able to love and be loved.

My parents and I are partners in raising a child, and this means equality of parties, mutual respect, and interest in successful cooperation. This required meetings: parent meetings, meetings of parent committees. We all know how difficult it is to gather parents in middle and high school. Some parents had to call. Then she wrote invitations in diaries. And one day an idea just came to me: to show a presentation of photographs “From meeting to meeting.” Interested. Attendance at parent meetings is high. The forms of parental participation in class life are varied and effective; they provide an opportunity for informal connections between parents and teachers and serve as a means feedback, provides objective information about the work of the class, the interests and needs of the family.

A class is a collective where a sense of “we” is formed, consisting of individuals “I”, these concepts are based on principles of self-government in our class. (Slide __ self-government diagram)

The entire educational system of working with the classroom team is based on the principles thematic weeks. (Slide__ goals of the week) The educational and developmental effect of one event is disproportionately inferior to a thematic week. Organizing such weeks makes it possible to create favorable conditions for successful development the personality of each child.

A thematic week is not only a traditional form of organizing extracurricular activities, it is a multi-purpose unity of events united by common goals. (Slide __ types of weeks)

Types of thematic weeks: subject, project, educational, introductory, week of achievements.

Subject week includes thematic weeks on various academic subjects. The children are actively making fountains and drawing posters for the week of exact sciences, mathematics and physics. Participate in holding matinees for weeks Primary school. They compete with other classes during the weeks of History, Russian Language and Literature.

During the project week The guys conduct research and formulate them into projects. The guys' favorite projects were those related to their family. In the 5th grade I remember a project dedicated to the day mother "My mother." The guys learned a lot of new things about their beloved mothers, which brought them even closer. In 7th grade, the children’s favorite project was “My Pedigree.” The guys approached the question creatively and each ended up with an excellent family tree. For the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, children made a project “Defenders of the Motherland in my family”, “Names of heroes on the streets of the city”.

Educational themed week During this week, a child can try his hand at various types activities: solve problems and examples, compose, write, sing, recite, craft, fantasize, put forward ideas, implement them, draw, participate in theatrical productions, make (invent) and solve your own and existing problems and riddles, prepare and perform with reports.

In addition to the children's performances, during the week we visit the Izobilnensky Museum of History, the library, the Regional Drama Theater named after. M.Yu. Lermontov, we go to the skating rink, we go to the cinema.

Introductory week. IN Lately During these weeks I conduct career guidance work. Since I am in 8th grade and they have elective exams ahead of them, they need to decide in which direction they would like to take their life path.

A week of achievements. Here we show our creative achievements, for example, my children’s exhibits decorate exhibitions of applied and technical creativity. At the end of the quarter, summing up our progress, we do not forget about the best class hours, memorable meetings and amateur performances. Drawing a peculiar line, the guys are preparing a final concert, where parents are often guests. (Slide __ design of the week)

The external expression of the educational system of the class is reflected in the classroom corner, so it turns out to be a “Portfolio on display.” Students' achievements and past events are reflected in the class newspaper.

Children enjoy preparing each episode.

Such a “portfolio on display” stimulates and encourages new achievements; makes the result more visible.

School years leave a deep imprint on a person’s consciousness. They are remembered later not only by the interesting lessons of the best teachers. Fascinating school excursions and trips, school evenings, bright reports come to mind, and the intimate conversations of the class teacher and his friendly support in difficult times are not forgotten. Many students do not break ties with their favorite class teachers even after graduation. (Slide __ CLASS TEACHER)

The work of the class teacher is based on his recognition of the need to form both himself and his children a positive “I-concept” and the ability to live “Here and Now”. This is the credo of the class teacher.

I am the class teacher Tatyana Gennadievna Tkacheva, a history and social studies teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 14, village. Sokolovsky Gulkevichsky district Krasnodar region; class teacher of 8th grade. Labor omnia vincit improbus - hard work conquers everything. A little bit about yourself. I am Tkacheva Tatyana Gennadievna. Born in 1960 in Armavir. She studied at secondary school No. 14. She graduated from high school in 1977 in Krasnovodsk. In 1979 she entered the Turkmen University State University named after A.M. Gorky at the Faculty of History. I chose the teaching profession consciously; my example for me was the class teacher and literature teacher Vera Borisovna Ilchenko. I started working with her. I remember how it all began..

  • Started working at secondary school No. 1 named after. V.I. Lenin in Krasnovodsk in 1978 as a senior pioneer leader.
  • She worked as a history and social studies teacher, OVVR.
  • Since 1992 I have been working at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 14.
  • I have been a class teacher for all these years.
Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life. / V. G. Belinsky /
  • It would seem one and the same
  • what day, what year.
  • But again, as in my youth, it worries
  • next day arrival.
  • And I can’t contain my excitement in the morning,
  • as if in these everyday life you
  • you are waiting for an opening, and a revelation,
  • and dreams come true.
  • Any lesson, any meeting
  • More valuable than all the treasures on earth
  • because every school moment is marked
  • its uniqueness.
Basic operating principles
  • The goal of education should be to create an active personality in the best ideals of social life, in the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty” /V. Bekhterev/
  • I base my work as a class teacher on the principles of moral improvement of the individual.
  • I use methods of a personal approach in education.
Tasks educational work
  • Development of cognitive interest, increasing the intellectual level of students;
  • Introduction of new pedagogical technologies /activity method technology/;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of work on civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education;
  • Increased initiative, independence, sense of responsibility;
  • Creating conditions of psychological comfort for education and training;
  • Involving parents in the educational process of the school.
A person’s life is measured by what he did and felt in it... / S. Smiles /
  • While working at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 14, I am preparing for my third graduation.
  • Looking back over the past years, we can say the following:
  • I graduated 48 students into big life.
  • - 30 students received higher education or continue to study.
  • - 16 people received specialized secondary education in technical schools.
  • - 2 people received professions through special courses.
  • - Everyone who received an education works in the cities of the region and the country, many have families and children.
  • - Socially adapted students emerged from the school walls who were not lost in the ocean of life.
  • - They often come to school.
Analysis of educational work

1. The study of the motivational sphere and cognitive level of students showed that

that the majority have formed an attitude towards themselves as a schoolchild and observe

positive external social motivation for learning.

Class diagnostics show that the team is at the “flickering” stage

lighthouse,” which does not burn constantly, but periodically “throws out beams of light.”

The desire to work together and help each other prevails. There are 7 people in the class,

who are leaders with good organizational skills: in

sports, studies, extracurricular activities.

2. Educational work in a team is focused on nurturing self-realization

a developing personality, independent, creative, adapted to the conditions

modern world. Work is carried out according to directions.

3.For tracking personal growth I use various techniques: observational

research, questionnaires, diagnostics, individual conversations, attending classes and

families of students.

4. Personal growth is observed in all schoolchildren. Self-skill diagnostics

Verification showed that growth can be seen in 9 people, decline in 4 people. This

associated with the age characteristics of adolescents.

Results of pedagogical observations

  • During my pedagogical observation of students’ development, I discovered:
  • The level of education has increased significantly.
  • There is an increase in learning motivation.
  • The level of acceptance of moral values ​​has increased significantly.
Adolescent employment – ​​100%

Last name, first name

Sport sections

Mugs thin Directions

Participation in the scientific society

Davydova Maria


Digtyarenko Dmitry

Evtyukhina Elena


Zhukova Victoria


Ivanov Mikhail

Kasmynin Andrey

Kvasova Violetta


Kovacheva Vera


Kostrichev Nikolay

Thin self at recreation center

Meleshko Vadim

Nikolaev Alexey


Pigarev Mikhail

Thin self at recreation center

Plotnikova Anastasia

Thin self at recreation center

Rybina Tatyana


Art school

Terekov Ivan

Usoyan Alik

Fidler Andrey

Thin self at recreation center

Shagalov Alexey

Shestirko Anastasia

Thin self at recreation center

Yakovleva Yulia

Thin self at recreation center

Best events Direction “Love and Cherish”
  • Lessons on citizenship and patriotism: “Kuban is the steppe daughter of Russia”, “ New law on the protection of childhood”, “How Taman was populated”.
Work results:
  • Schoolchildren have a highly developed sense of patriotism; they feel like citizens of their country and know about basic rights and responsibilities.
  • They love their land and study its history.
  • Elena Evtyukhina took prizes at the Olympiad in Kuban studies.
Events Direction “Happy Childhood”
  • Cool hours from the series “Be merciful”, “Goodness does not tolerate delay”, “The first shoots of our friendship”, holding holidays.
  • Work results:
  • -children actively participate in holidays;
  • - provide assistance to war veterans;
  • They value friendship and good relationships with comrades.
Events Direction “Raising a Patriot”
  • Class hour using the project methodology “The country in which I would like to live” (drawing a guidebook).
  • Information clock loving “Time, events, people.”
Work results:

Students are able to prepare and find the necessary

necessary information for cool hours, inte-

are affected by events in the country and the world, often

work according to the project methodology.

Activities in the areas Direction “Healthy Generation” Work results:

  • In this direction, I often conduct events with active methods of working to develop a healthy lifestyle in children; fighting bad habits.
  • I use multimedia presentations“I smoke”, healthy lifestyle.”
  • Class hours: “Be able to say: “no,” “Mind games.”
  • Most of the students in the class participate in sports clubs.
  • Every year they participate in competitions and events “Children of Kuban against drugs”.
  • No one smokes in the class.
Activities Direction “Young Generation” Work results:
  • In this direction, work is being done to instill diligence, career guidance, and instilling respect for working people.
  • Class hours: “Me and the sea of ​​professions”, “Professions of our parents”, “Who to be?”
  • Schoolchildren take care of their school grounds.
  • They work actively and conscientiously during cleanup days.
  • They participate in labor actions to assist the patronage enterprise SPK PZK “Our Motherland”.
  • 12 people have already decided on their future profession.
Activities Direction “Strong family” Work results:
  • It has become a tradition in the class for children and parents to spend their holidays together together.
  • Development hour “My family coat of arms.”
  • Carrying out “Show care and attention to the elderly” campaigns.
  • Class hour - journey “We all come from childhood.”
  • Respect for elders, parents, and their interests.
  • There are no families with an authoritarian method of education.
  • Teenagers are instilled with family values ​​and understand the importance of family in the modern world. What does the moral well-being of a family depend on?
Working with parents Topics for parent meetings in 8th grade:
  • "Life Goals of Teenagers"
  • "How to help your teenager gain self-confidence."
  • "On the difficulties of teaching."
  • "How to protect a teenager from violence."
  • Work results:
  • Parents of students are happy to attend parent meetings, consultations, and seek help themselves if problems arise. difficult situations. Attend a parent lecture.
  • In my practice, it is constant to conduct thematic consultations for parents “Pedagogical educational program”.
  • Parents actively participate in the life of the school and class.
  • The Parents' Committee is my first help in overcoming difficulties.
  • Parents understand their responsibility for raising their children.
Results of working with the class

The class I teach often

wins in

school events, activities

May prizes.

Students are active in sports

feminine performances,

educational activities.

Class teacher through the eyes of students

Tatyana Gennadievna is very

kind, but to some even

too much. She helps us

in olympiads, lessons, competitions

sah. She is very smart. Wants

teach us as much as possible

what will be useful to us in

Tatyana Gennadievna Trebova

Teaches not only the subject, but

and psychology, rules of life

wants us to grow up

normal people.

She teaches us to be careful

Decency and patience.

Davydova Maria

Every year I include a cycle of psychological hours in the educational work plan:

  • "I am in peace, peace is in me"
  • "Moral Commandments"
  • "Know yourself and you will know the world"
  • "Conflicts in our lives"
  • "My moral choice"
Social work
  • I am the head of the methodological association class teachers.
  • I participate in practical seminars.
  • She led the team for two years intellectual game"What? Where? When?”, which took first place in the region and was awarded a trip to the sea.
My hobbies:
  • Psychology
  • Reading books
  • Computer
  • Knitting
  • Embroidery
  • and much more that you can do with your own hands.

Give me the strength to change this

what can I change.

Give me the courage to bear it

that I can't change.

And give me wisdom to distinguish

the first from the second.

I am the class teacher. I am the class teacher. Class teacher. Classroom teacher. Our class teacher. MO of class teachers. Activities of the class teacher. Class teacher's folder. Methodological association class teachers. Seminar for class teachers. Modern class teacher.

Meeting of the MO of class teachers. Guidelines class teachers. Class teacher (self-presentation). Contents of the class teacher's activities. MO of class teachers (1. Task of the class teacher. Effective class teacher. Monitoring the activities of the class teacher.

Interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers. The role of the class teacher in the formation of the class team. Meeting of the class teachers' school of education. Course "Class teacher". Self-presentation of the class teacher. Innovation activity class teacher. Cooperation between the class teacher and the family.

Regulatory and legal support for the activities of the class teacher. The role of the class teacher in the formation of the class team and his influence on the formation of the personality of each student. Career guidance activities of the class teacher. Leading roles of the class teacher. The role of the class teacher in the prevention of delinquency among minors.

The class teacher is a key figure in the educational process. The role of the class teacher in a modern school. Mission: class teacher. Workbook class teacher. How to achieve success and avoid failures in the educational activities of the class teacher.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Business card Oorzhak Alena Alekseevna class teacher 11th grade MBOU Secondary School No. 1 urban settlement. Kaa-Khem I am the mother of two charming children, I am a beloved wife and woman, I am a devoted friend, I am a teacher and a cool mother, who goes on excursions with them, to tourist events and to the gym, who holds parties, who throws a ball, who stands up for them with a mountain, Who loves them like family, Who sometimes doesn’t sleep at night, Doesn’t regret weekends, Who forces them to study, And prepare for the Unified State Exam, Happy birthday Who always, everywhere?! I thought and decided, If my class is the best, That means I am also the best. The coolest, coolest. Our class values: IndependenceResponsibility Hard work Equality Perseverance Friendliness Independence Sincerity Honesty UnanimityConsciousnessCreativityBelief in victoryResponsivenessCOOPERATION
I try to educate a person who is capable of leading a creative, healthy lifestyle, has an active civic position, has economic literacy, spiritual culture, and knows how to make up his mind and adapt in the conditions of the modern information society. Purpose of education: I am their class teacher - And their demon, and theirs guardian! I scold them for their pranks and always protect them from adversity! And here is my class: cheerful, smart; perky, sporty; victorious everywhere; winning prizes in studies, sports, everywhere and always. But my girls are Mysterious. Beautiful. Moderately serious and bitchy. Favorite object is a mirror. They like to solve difficult problems, the main one of which is what to wear to school tomorrow? They also enjoy shooting exercises: they shoot mercilessly with their eyes right and left. They finish off their victims with edged weapons - sharp tongues, which they master perfectly. Gentle, impressionable, kind and sociable. May patience and hard work bring them luck. Active, athletic, moderately creative and progressive. Favorite things to do are recess, a bench and sports. During lessons they fall into long hibernation, or indulge in deep reflection on various topics. They will most likely become great scientists and inventors, since it has long been known that laziness is the main driver scientific and technological progress. Attentive to everyone. Cheerful. They never lose heart, they smile all the time. All the girls like them. But here are my boys. And here are the parents - my allies and helpers. I call for help at school and rush to help at the same hour. Parental control - “special forces”! Our motto: “It’s not for nothing that our class family made us related, we are school friends, and this is our strength.” Teacher’s Day is a bright holiday Help for veterans Cleanup Social work Every day I fulfill my Mission, I don’t lose my heart of Kindness. After all, being a class teacher is not a profession, It’s an image life, the light of my soul. Being a class teacher, of course, is difficult! Being good is even more difficult. And only through hard work can one overcome that difficulty and raise worthy mothers and fathers. And if children share their secrets, They come to you for help and advice, Then at that moment I understand clearly, That I didn’t choose my path in vain. Why is it cool to be cool…. Thank you for your attention. I wish you good luck and creative successes, dear colleagues!