Ecological game for teachers “Brain Ring. Extracurricular activity on ecology. "Ecological brain ring."The fate of nature is our destiny" Intellectual brain ring games presentations on ecology

The nature of our region is amazing and diverse. Looking at the map of the Volgograd region, we see that the outlines of its borders are very reminiscent of a heart in shape. The nature of the region in which we live is a single living organism, in which rivers are blood, they carry life to different corners. On the territory of our region there are different natural zones - steppes, semi-deserts, and forests. And, of course, diverse and unique species of plants and animals live everywhere. Unfortunately, due to illiterate human activity, many unique natural objects began to disappear. You know that Volgograd biologists have created the Red Book, which lists rare and endangered species of plants and animals. Guys, you know a lot of interesting things about your native nature. Today, the team that knows our region better than others will win our game. This team will receive the title “Experts of the Land”.

Competition 1. “Defense of emblems” Steppe Eagle. This bird can be identified by its slender body, the presence of “pants” on its legs, and its pointed and downward-curved beak. This bird is depicted on the emblem, since our region is located in the steppe zone. The steppe eagle is a rare bird species listed in the Red Book of the Volgograd region. Poplar. A widespread tree typical of our region, which large quantities planted throughout our region, especially along roads. This unpretentious plant has a high ability to trap gases and dust; its seeds are easily spread by the wind. Schrenk's Tulip. This is a steppe primrose, a very beautiful plant, with flowers of various colors. This type listed in the Red Book of the Volgograd region.

Competition 2. “Did you know?” Why does a ladybug need bright colors? Where do insects go when cold weather sets in? Name the trees in the Volgograd region that emit substances - phytoncides, which kill harmful microorganisms and purify the air. What bird sings in flight? This is a toxic warning sign. They hide in the bark of trees, in the soil, and overwinter as larvae. Bird cherry, oak, spruce, pine. Lark. Name the most common mammal of the steppe. Gopher.

Competition 3. “Who is this?” Rhinoceros beetle. The presence of two dense rigid wings; large brown convex shiny beetle; Males have a large horn on their forehead, with which they fight among themselves. Mantis. A large predatory insect with an elongated body. The long front legs have spines with which the insect captures prey; The characteristic pose of the praying mantis is also interesting, reminiscent of a praying person: this is how the insect lies in wait for its victim Bumblebee. It has two pairs of transparent wings with membranes, the body is covered with hairs; feeds on nectar, is very useful in nature, as it pollinates flowering plants. Lives in the community with family

Show on the map the reservoirs and large, most notable lakes of the Volgograd region. Volgograd and Tsimlyanskoye reservoirs Volgograd and Tsimlyanskoye reservoirs; lakes Elton, Gorko-solenoye, Botkul, which have unique medicinal properties
Competition 5. “Theater of Native Nature” A gentle breeze is blowing - the trees rustle their leaves slightly; A strong wind blows - the trees sway and bend. Seeds germinate by breaking through the soil; gradually they turn into an adult plant on which flowers bloom. Bird mom and dad scurry to and from the nest, where their hungry chicks are sitting. Parents feed their voracious babies without rest.

Ecological game for teachers “Brain Ring”
Progress of the game:

(Music sounds. The presenter reads a poem against the background of music.)

There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one in the world!

Leading: We welcome you to the educational and entertaining game “Ecological Brain Ring”. The name of the game Brain Ring comes from the English. brain - brain. As you know, any game has rules, and brain-ring is no exception. Listen to the rules of the game.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams take part in the game.
2. Team captains present the name and motto.

3. The game consists of 5 rounds, which contain general questions on ecology.
4. The correctness of the answers is assessed by the jury
5. For the correct answer, the team receives points, they are awarded according to the system:
Full correct answer -5 points
Incomplete answer - 3 points
Wrong answer - 0 points
Jury presentation:
Leading: So, we have two teams participating. To voice the name of the teams, you need to complete a task (assemble puzzles, select a name and motto).

I ask the captains to introduce their teams.
Team No. 1 . "Ecologists";
Our motto: “Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!” Nature has friends, it’s us, you and me!”
Team No. 2. "Pathfinders";
Our motto:
“We, pathfinders, are native experts and lovers of nature.
We protect the forest and its inhabitants,
And we ask each of you,
At any time of the year, whenever
Enter the forest with a kind heart,
Take care of everything that is in it!”
Let's greet each other with Applause! The acquaintance has taken place, and now it’s time to start playing. We wish everyone success in the competition. May the best man win!

Round 1: “Think and answer.”

* Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)

* Who are called deciduous plants? (Hares born in autumn)

* Animal Science. (Zoology)

* Who is an ichthyologist? (Scientist studying fish)

* What does a toad eat in winter? (She doesn't eat anything, she sleeps)

* What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers? (Oak)

* What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)

* What grass do cats like? (Valerian)

* Tallest grass? (Bamboo)

* Where do starlings nest, other than birdhouses? ( In the hollow)

*Where are the grasshopper's ears? ( On foot)

Round 2 “What do we know about ecology”

*What do you understand by the term “ecology”? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word “ecology” itself is derived from the Greek “ekos” “house” and “logos” - science. That is, ecology in the broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is the science “about the relationships of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment")

* How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education of children be formulated? preschool age?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practically active attitude towards environment and to your health)

*Conditions necessary for environmental education of children?

(Ecological room, corner of nature in a group, area)

*Forms of organization with children for environmental education?

(Excursions into nature, educational activities, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

*Name the main components that environmental culture includes.

(Ecological knowledge and skills, ecological thinking; value orientations; environmentally sound behavior)

*Name practical methods environmental education of preschool children.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

*By definition, tell me what it is: purposeful, systematic, active perception by children of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. In environmental education, this technique is leading. (Observation)

*Name 3 objects of inanimate nature that are monitored at the preschool educational institution. (Clouds, wind, sun)

*Nature writer, who wrote the story “Fox Bread”. (M.M. Prishvin)

*Writer and artist whose work is dedicated to nature. (E. Charushin.)

Presenter: The jury sums up the results of the two rounds.

A minute of rest “It’s interesting to know”

Paper left in the forest decomposes within 5 years, a plastic bottle over 15 years, a tire after 150 years.

It takes at least 7–8 years for a flowering plant to grow from a lily of the valley seed.

More than 10 years pass from the emergence of blueberry shoots to the formation of the first fruits.

One ant family destroys up to 2 million insects per year, most of which are forest pests.

Astronomers consider the beginning of spring to be the day of the vernal equinox - March 21, when night and day divide the day in half.

The most common vegetable in the world is onion. Its remains were even found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians considered onions a great delicacy and ate them only on holidays.

Round 3: “Solving situations.”

Solving environmental problems must begin from preschool age, because this is the initial stage of developing a positive attitude towards nature, the “man-made world” of environmental culture. We must have a high level of environmental knowledge and skills in order to apply them in practice when working with children. Tasks for each participant, for example:

1. Four children from five to seven years old are playing in a forest clearing. The smallest one shouts: “Let's catch a butterfly and set its wings on fire!” A man walking by and hearing this call stops the boy and asks:

“Why would you set fire to a butterfly’s wings?” He paused for a while and answered: “Just like that...”

*How can one explain such cruelty of children? What are the methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers to respect nature?

2. Ira was walking home from kindergarten through a park planted with currant bushes, and loudly told my mother how the whole group watered them here. But the mother was busy with her own thoughts.

Why are not you listening to me? – Ira asked and pulled out her hand.

What kind of whims is this?! – the mother flared up and, breaking a young currant branch, whipped the girl with it. And then she said angrily: “Who needs your troubles, it’s just a child’s game!” Without you, there will be enough conservationists.

*Which Negative consequences can there be a mother's action?

3. You go to work. Two mothers are talking peacefully on the path. At this time, their children nearby are breaking the branches of a young tree. Both already have a large armful of them in their hands.

*Do you think children are simply naughty or did no one tell them that they should not harm plants? Will you silently pass by, condemning mothers (children) in your heart, or stop and talk with mothers (children)?

4. Two boys are walking through the forest. Along the road they came across a stream. The water in it is cloudy and dirty. One boy decided to put the stream in order. The other one laughed at him. And yet, the first boy cleared the stream, cleared the bottom, and removed the branches that had fallen into it. And then he said:

Let this stream serve both people and animals.

*How can we explain the first boy’s desire to tidy up the stream?

5. Once, near the river bank, a whole gang of boys “hunted” a duck, which the waves were driving to the shore. As soon as the bird appeared, stones flew at it. The dive quickly disappeared under the water, and as soon as it surfaced, the same thing was repeated.

A man passing by shamed them and drove them away from the shore. And the boys were annoyed that he showed up at the wrong time. And one boy even furtively tried to once again throw a stone at the exhausted, probably shot down dive.

*How can one explain such cruelty of boys? What would you do if you were nearby?

6. We all know that children love to catch cockchafers: they put them in a box, tie threads to their legs, and tear off their wings.

*What should you talk about with your children?

Round 4 “Literary”

Name children's writers and poets who wrote about nature?

What are the Russian proverbs and sayings about nature?

Round 5 “Musical Kaleidoscope”».

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of a song in which they appear:

· Chamomiles, forest

birds, water

· birch, hills

Team awards. Circle of honor.

Intellectual and creative play

"Ecological Kaleidoscope"

Ecological movement of Russia

  • I stage: the emergence of nature conservation squads
  • II stage: Creation of the Green Party Ecological Union
  • III stage: registration national organization Greenpeace

Brain ring consists of V rounds

  • Round I: “Question for backfilling”
  • Round II: “Guess the scientist”
  • Round III: “Children’s sayings”
  • Round IV: “Find the extra drawing”
  • Round V: “Translate the words”
  • At the beginning of each round, the rules of the game will be explained to you.

Round I “Question for backfilling”

  • The round consists of solving 8 situational problems. Your task is to correctly answer the question posed.

1. The following is often practiced in reserves: when the number of hares increases, they are partially caught and moved to other reserves. Why is this necessary?

Answer: in this way, the reserve’s scientists are trying to maintain a balance between the growth of vegetation and the number of hares.

2. All the old hollow trees in the forest were cut down. Large young trees were eaten by pests. The forest died. What is the connection between these phenomena?

Answer: insectivorous birds lived in hollow trees. They were deprived of housing and left the forest. Then the insect pests multiplied in such numbers that they destroyed the remaining trees.

3. One farmer mowed the grass before flowering, the other - after flowering. Which hay contains more nutrients?

Answer: Hay is more nutritious if the grass is cut before the plants flower, since flowering and seed formation consume a lot of nutrients.

4. After rain, you can observe a massive emergence of earthworms to the surface of the earth. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

Answer: Earthworms breathe oxygen from the air that penetrates between soil particles. During heavy rain, the soil becomes saturated with moisture and their breathing becomes difficult.

5. In the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a great variety of different birds live: woodpeckers, hazel grouse, wood grouse, black grouse, hawks, tits, owls. How can you explain so many birds?

Answer: Each bird in the forest occupies its own ecological niche, where they find food, a place for a nest and salvation from enemies.

6. The crossbill bird is also called the “imperishable bird”, since its corpse in case of death does not undergo decomposition for a long time. How can this be explained?

Answer: Due to the fact that crossbills feed on the seeds of coniferous trees, special resinous substances accumulate in their bodies. They provide the birds with incorruptibility.

7. Foresters who monitor the life of forest inhabitants note that the number of herbivorous animals is constantly fluctuating. This applies to squirrels, hares, and birds: bullfinches, nutcrackers. What is the reason for these phenomena?

Answer: this is directly related to the availability in a given year of the yield of fruits and seeds that these animals feed on. In lean years, the fertility of animals decreases and their migration is observed.

8 . Our reindeer migrate closer to the sea in the summer, and with the onset of cold weather they return to the tundra. How do ecologists explain such migrations?

Answer: deer are constantly exploring new feeding grounds, and besides, near the sea, animals are less bothered by midges.

Round II “Guess the scientist”

  • The round consists of a crossword puzzle in which the names of plants and mushrooms are encrypted. Your task is to solve the crossword puzzle. If the task is completed correctly, then in the highlighted cells you will read the name of the famous Russian biologist, the founder of forestry science.

  • Sphagnum
  • Pine
  • Fern
  • Birch
  • Lumbago
  • boletus

III Round “Find the extra drawing”

  • The task consists of 4 groups of pictures, each group contains 4 images. Your task is to choose an extra picture and explain what unites the remaining pictures?

  • (chamomile), the rest are plants from the Red Book

2. (ladybug), the rest are insect pests

3. (cypress), the rest are coniferous trees of Siberia

4. (sorrel), the rest - Annuals

IV Round Translate the words

1. Das Ozonloch 12. save

2. Verschmutzt sein 13. protect

3. Der sauere Regen 14. die out

4. Einatmen 15. pollute

5. Retten 16. dangerous

6. Aussterben 17. acid rain

7. Tiere und Pflanzen schützen 18. poisonous

8. Die Ozonschicht 19. waste

9. Das Grundwasser 20. destroy

10. Giftig 21. ozone hole

11. Die Luftverschmutzug 22. garbage

Game with the audience “Guess the waste”

  • Do you need to unravel children's statements and try to understand what the children meant?

  • 1. I have a lot of toys made from it.
  • It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.
  • Items made from it weigh little.
  • If you set it on fire, it produces a lot of black smoke that smells bad.
  • It cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature.

  • 2. Always black
  • There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories
  • This is very harmful
  • Causes illness in a person and makes his clothes dirty
  • A lot of this is formed during combustion

  • 3. It's almost invisible
  • There is a lot of this in an industrial city where factories and factories operate.
  • This causes people to have asthma and bronchitis.
  • Green plants can collect this on their leaves.
  • In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow

  • 4. It happens when it gets old or breaks.
  • This can be seen everywhere - in the city, in the countryside, even along the roads.
  • You can turn it in and get money
  • It comes in color and black
  • It can be melted down and made into something new.

  • 5. It is produced by an ordinary cow.
  • It is useful in small quantities
  • When there is too much of it, it becomes a real disaster.
  • When it gets into water bodies, it is destroyed, fish and other aquatic animals begin to suffocate
  • It needs to be composted

  • 6. It's made from sand
  • Most often it is transparent.
  • If you heat it up, it becomes sticky, like dough.
  • Left in the forest, it can become a source of fire.

  • 7. It was invented in China
  • We get it from wood
  • She burns easily
  • It makes a lot of garbage
  • They usually write or draw on it.

  • 8. This is something that is abundant in the city, but scarce in the countryside.
  • There is especially a lot of this in an industrial city, where there are many plants and factories.
  • This makes people tired, sick, and nervous
  • It is produced by various devices and machines.

1. the ozone hole 12. save

2. be polluted 13. protect

3. Acid rain 14. die out

4. Inhale 15. Contaminate

5. Save 16. harmful

6. Extinction 17. acid rain

7. Protect animals and plants 18. poisonous

8. Ozone layer 19. waste

9. Ground water 20. destroy

10. Poisonous 21. ozone layer

11. Air pollution 22. garbage

"Ecological Brain - Ring 2015"


    to form optimal relationships with the environment, to cultivate an ecological culture among the game participants.

    to instill in children a love of nature, to show what help they can provide to it, to raise children as environmentally literate people in a playful way.

    development of intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creative potential and environmental culture of schoolchildren.

    nurturing a sense of collectivism among students.


    contribute to the deepening of students' knowledge of ecology, show the importance of environmental problems in nature, the impact on the environmental situation of each person, teach schoolchildren how to behave correctly in nature, arouse interest in their native land

    develop students’ ability to independently obtain knowledge from various sources of information

    develop students’ speech and cognitive activity.

Game participants: students of grades 7-8, each team consists of 4 people, the number of teams is not limited.

The game has a thematic focus and maintains a certain rhythm and tempo throughout, disciplines the mind, develops imagination, trains attention and memory. It will benefit not only the team members of the entire intellectual tournament, but also the spectators, bringing new information and creating unexpected situations, solutions to which can be useful in the most unforeseen circumstances. In addition, any version of the game (simple or complex) promotes the formation of non-standard thinking and helps develop the ability to make independent decisions. All these factors will help the participant determine his ability to, as they say, “find himself.”

Time spending: 1h 50min

Progress of the game:

Z Hello guys!

Once upon a time, having gathered my last strength,

God created a beautiful planet

Gave her the shape of a big ball

And planted trees and flowers there

Herbs of unprecedented beauty.

Many animals began to live there

Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds

Here's a gift for you, people own it

Plow the land, sow the grain

From now on I bequeath to you all -

You take care of this shrine.

Look at the globe - the globe

After all, he sighs as if alive, and the continents whisper to us

Take care of us, take care of us!

Groves and forests are in alarm

Dew on the grass is like a tear, and the springs quietly ask:

Take care of us, take care of us!

We welcome you to the educational and entertaining game “Ecological Brain Ring”. We gathered to talk about environmental problems, to deepen knowledge about the world around us, its problems and laws. The jury will evaluate your knowledge, skills and abilities. (The composition of the jury is announced.)

Chairman of the jury:

Rules of the game. Before the start of the game, team captains are drawn.


Teams must present their greeting, name, motto, emblem, and introduce the team captain. (3 min.)

We start according to the draw with team number 1, etc.

competition No. 3 Brain - ring








Conditions of the competition: Teams, according to the drawing of lots, choose a nomination, questions are called in order (10 questions). Teams discuss for 3 minutes. Teams that know the correct answer raise a signal flag. The jury records the sequence. The team that chose the nomination responds first. If all the answers are correct, the team earns 10 points, if there are incorrect answers, then the first team to raise the signal flag answers, and so on, until the correct answer. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

nomination "GUINNESS SHOW"

1.Which animal is the roundest that has ever existed on Earth?
(Blue whale. Its body weight reaches 150 tons. The 30 largest African elephants weigh the same).
2. What is the name of the largest frog?
(Goliath frog. Lives in Africa. Its body length can reach 40 cm and width - 24 cm. Weight - 3.5 kg).
3. Which animal hibernates the longest without food?
(Hedgehog: 236 days. The bear takes second place. He can fast for 180 days).
4. Which animal lives the longest?
(Elephant turtle. Its lifespan is 175 years)
5. What are the names of the largest lizards on Earth?
(Kamodian monitor lizard. They grow up to 3 meters in length, and have a body weight of 200 kg)
6. Which snake is the largest?
(Anaconda, or South American water boa. Its length reaches 11 m 43 cm, and its weight reaches 200 kg)
7. Which animal has the longest tongue?
(In the anteater. The length of its tongue reaches 60 cm, so it does not start in the mouth or throat, but is attached to the chest)
8. Which mammal among the mammals now living on Earth is considered the tallest?
(Giraffe. Its height reaches 4.8-5.8 m. And during feeding, it takes out young shoots from trees at a height of 7 m. Even a newborn giraffe is 2 m tall)
9. Which monkey is the largest?
(Gorilla. Its body weight is 420 kg, and its height is 2m 18 cm.)
10. Which fish is considered the largest in the world?
(Whale shark and basking shark. They are the largest creatures after blue whale, but they are fish. Their body length can reach from 15 m to 18 m.)

nomination "FLORA"

1. This tree is widespread in deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan. It is distinguished by very dense and heavy wood, which easily sinks in water. Name it. (Saxaul)
2. Which plant is considered sacred in China and Japan?(Lotus)
3. What is paprika?(Red pepper)
4. Do cacti have leaves?
(Yes. These are needles. They acquired this shape in the process of adapting to the arid climate. The needles prevent moisture loss and protect the plant from being eaten by animals)
5. What is peat?
(This is a brown mixed mass of vegetation in the process of decomposition. Used as fuel)
6. The fruits of which plant are considered the internationally accepted symbol of brotherhood?(Pomegranate)
7. What is mycology?(This is the science of mushrooms)
8. They say that plants “lose weight” and “get better.” What does it mean?(During a hot period of time, usually during the day, as a result of a lack of moisture, the woody vessels of the trunk become thinner, the thickness becomes smaller. This means that the tree “loses weight.” At night, usually the lack of water in the vessels of the trunk is replenished and the tree trunk “gets better”)
9. Do trees grow in winter?(No)

10. What plants are used to treat minor wounds?(plantain)

nomination "PLANET"

1.What is the biosphere?
(The area of ​​life of organisms, the shell of the Earth, composition, structure and energy, which in the present or past are determined by the activities of living organisms)
2. What is ozone?
(This is a form of oxygen that consists of three atoms. Ozone forms an entire ozone layer in the upper layers of the atmosphere: its thickness is from 19 to 35 km. This layer protects life on Earth from the penetration of strong solar radiation)
3. What is ornithology?(The science that studies bird life)
4. Smog. What it is?(Dense fogs containing dust and harmful gases)
5. What is ecology?
(Science that studies the laws of existence, formation and functioning of biological systems (from the organism to the biosphere) and their interaction with external conditions, literally - “the science of organisms at home”)
6. What is entomology?(Insect Science)

7. What is an ecosystem?
(The set of living organisms and the conditions of their existence and the relationship between them)
8. You all know the words of A.S. Pushkin “The blue sea has turned black...” What environmental problem can this color speak about? (Pollution of the seas with petroleum products).

9. A living creature that actively influences living and inanimate nature and changes it.(Human).

10.What are the differences and what do the reserve and the reserve have in common?

reserve (This is a place in various zones where research has been carried out for many years. Their purpose: to preserve the wealth various types plants and animals).

reserve (This is a territory. It is formed for a while. Certain types of human activities are prohibited here: hunting, fishing, logging, picking mushrooms and berries).

nomination "FAUNA"

1. Why does the rattlesnake have this name?
(The rattlesnake has a rattle at the tip of its tail, which consists of dry, keratinized rings of skin and scales. The rattle allows you to determine the presence of a warm-blooded organism, since it is sensitive to temperature changes. When the snake senses the victim, it shakes its tail, the scales of the rattle rub against each other friend

2. Do fish sleep?
(Yes, but their eyes remain open. Fish go to bed after dark, and many of them lie down on their side)
3. Why can flies walk upside down on the ceiling?
(On the soles of the feet, and there are only three pairs of them, there are pads that produce sticky liquid. With each step the fly takes, the pads secrete a new portion of liquid, which allows the fly to stay in any position)
4. Name the animal that is the only one on Earth that cannot turn its head?(Crocodile)
5. Admiral, Apollo, swallowtail, hawk moth, "Death's Head" - who are they? What unites them?
(These are butterflies that are listed in the Red Book as endangered species)
6. What amazing properties does a chameleon have?
(It is capable of changing color. The chameleon’s eyes move independently of each other, but when they find prey, they fixate on it at the same time)
7. Do grasshoppers have hearing?
(Yes. They listen with ears located on the abdomen at the base of the hind legs)
8. What does the word "amphibian" mean?
(This word is of Greek origin. It means “living a double life.” This is what amphibians are called)
9. What animals belong to the category of “bird animals”?
(Echidna and platypus. They, like birds, have one exit hole. It serves both for defecation and for laying eggs. But despite the fact that they lay eggs, the platypus and echidna are considered mammals because the young are fed milk)
10. Where did the ladybug get its name?
(By analogy, “man of God” is the name given to gullible and harmless people. This is why the ladybug got its name. And it is called a cow because in a moment of danger, an orange liquid - milk - is secreted at the bends of its legs)

nomination « HUMAN ECOLOGY»

1.What Construction Materials may be hazardous to health?

(Asbestos fillers, reinforced concrete blocks, lead paints, chipboard, etc.)

2.What is the most polluted place in a domestic apartment?

(Kitchen with a gas stove. Products of incomplete combustion exceed the maximum permissible concentration by 7-10 times.)

(No, tap water contains many chemicals.)

4.Why is “passive smoking” dangerous?

(A person receives up to 80% of the substances released when smoking).

5. How to protect yourself from poisoning by bacterial poisons?

(Wash your hands before eating, covering food, storing food in the refrigerator, etc.).

(Collect 60 kg of waste paper).

7.Why can’t you wash cars on the shore of a pond?

(5 g of gasoline covers 50 m2 of water surface with a film).

8.Why is it necessary to maintain a certain volume level, why is it harmful to listen to loud music? (Causes damage to the nervous system, reduces hearing, causes peptic ulcers and hypertension, and reduces life expectancy.)

9. Why is the question of a shortage of fresh water raised, although 71% of our planet’s surface is flooded with water?

(Fresh water on the planet is about 2%).

10.What is the main cause of the most terrible disaster for nature - fire?

(97% of fires occur due to human fault due to non-compliance with rules of behavior in the forest!).

nomination « UNDERSEA WORLD»

1.What is the name of the branch of zoology (the science of animals) that studies fish?


2. What are the similarities between fish scales and a tree trunk?

(Both there are annual rings.)

3. Is pink salmon really a humpback fish?

(During the spawning period (laying eggs), pink salmon actually develop a hump.)

4. Are bream and bream the same species of fish or different?

(Same kind, but of different ages.)

5.White, blue, brindle, whale, prickly... Who is it?

(Species of sharks.)

6. Which fish are jokingly called “squashed sharks”?

7.What is the shape of a whale shark egg?


8. What fish are artificially bred in ponds?

(Mirror carp.)

9.Does a blacksmith need every hammer?

(No. No hammerhead needed.)

10.What does the proverb “Fight like a fish on ice” mean?

(Head down.)

nomination " INSECTS»

1. The larva of which insect is the bloodworm, so beloved by fishermen and aquarists?

2. What insect in Rus' is called the baked nightingale?

(House cricket.)

3. Where are locusts' ears located?

(On the stomach.)

4.Which insect in Ancient Egypt was considered a symbol of the sun and peace?


5.What insects do ants, like shepherds, graze, protect, and milk?

6.What, besides dots, can the back of a ladybug be decorated with?

(Commas, dashes, intricate designs, and even the letter “M.”)

7. What insects did the month of May give its name to?

(To the May beetle and the T-shirt beetle.)

8.Which insect is the “champion” in jumping?

9.What insects are named after animals?

(Elephant tiger beetle, rhinoceros beetle, stag beetle, mole cricket, she bear, bulldog ants, etc.)

10. In which feature film did the main character sing:

There lived a kind beetle in the world,

Good old friend?


nomination " BIRDS»

1.Which bird lays the largest eggs?

(Ostrich. The length of the eggs reaches 15–17 cm, and the diameter is 13–15 cm.)

2.Which bird is the smallest in the world of birds?

(Bumblebee hummingbird, weighs 1.7 g)

3. How fast can an ostrich run?

(Up to 50 km/h.)

4. What is the body temperature of most birds?

(About 41°C.)

5.Which birds are the most numerous on Earth?

6.What bird has the same name as the porridge that the British eat in the morning?


7.Which bird in Russia was called the “feathered cat”?

8.Which birds are the “connecting link” between ducks and swans?

9. How many times during the summer can a cuckoo lay eggs in other people’s nests?

(Up to 25 times.)

10.What do hummingbirds eat?

(Flower nectar.)

nomination " MAMMALS»

1.How many years do horses live?

(About 55 years old.)

2. How many grains of cereal does a hamster store for the winter?

(4 to 6 kg.)

3. What is a horse's color?

(This is her color.)

4. What color of horse is called bay?

(Red with black tail and mane.)

5. What suit of horse is called black?


6.To whom are the lines of E. Trutneva’s poem dedicated?

Here she is jumping along the branches,

Flashed over the bush

Like a lively red ball,

With lush fur and a tail?

7.Which animal was the first to be domesticated?

8. Which animal was the symbol of the 1980 Olympics held in Moscow?


9. The name of which animal can be found on the chessboard, on the roof wooden house and in the gym?

(A horse is a chess piece, a decoration on the roof of a hut, a sports equipment.)

10. When they say this:

a) The horse did not lie down;

b) Not to feed the horse;

c) Whoa, whoa?

(a) Nothing has been done; b) something is not going well; c) neither here nor there.)

nomination "DO NO HARM»

1 . What plants can be used for colds?(Linden blossom, oregano, rosehip, coltsfoot, raspberry)

2 . What poisonous plants are used to make medicines?(Belena, datura, belladonna, raven's eye)

3. What plant is used to treat small wounds?(Plantain)

4 . What damage do poachers with an ax cause??(They do unauthorized deforestation)

5. What do forest plantations protect fields from?(From ravines and dry winds)

6. Why can't you take eggs from a bird's nest?(The bird may leave the nest)

7. Why can’t you pick primroses - snowdrops, lilies of the valley, etc.?(Many of them have become rare and are listed in the Red Book)

8. Why can’t you collect medicinal herbs in one place for several years in a row?(So ​​that they do not disappear, but have time to recover)

9 . Why can't you fish in the spring?(She's spawning)

10 . Where can't you hunt?(In nature reserves and other specially protected places)

    "Yes" or "No" round

    ...can crocodiles climb trees? ( Yes)

    ...snakes can jump up to a meter in height? ( Yes)

    ... do swifts even sleep on the fly? ( Yes) roses only grow in China? ( No)

    ...are green potatoes so poisonous they can kill a child? ( Yes) zebras have striped fleas? ( No)

    ...can a carp get into the ocean? ( No)

    ...can a bear get fat in winter? ( No) the normal human heart rate 70-80 beats per minute? (No)

    ...are food additives harmful to health? (Yes) sleeping on an empty stomach as harmful as overeating? (Yes)

    Round "Folk Signs"

    The ants are rapidly closing all the entrances to the anthill ( It will be raining)

    Mosquitoes and midges hover like columns ( The weather will be good)

    The titmouse starts squeaking in the morning ( Wait for the frost)

    The dog curls up and lies in a ball ( The cold weather is coming)

    The horse snores - ( to bad weather)

    The horse snorts - ( to the warmth)

    Sparrows bathe in dust or in a puddle ( It will be raining)

    Sheep knock their foreheads ( to the wind)

    Red sunset ( to the wind)

    The dog rides on its back ( to a change in weather)

    Birds fly south ( to the cold)

    Round "Comic"

    The name of which river is in your mouth? (Gum)

    Which bird, having lost one letter, becomes the largest river in Europe? (Oriole)

    Which city's name is made up of a bird and an animal? (Voronezh)

    What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

    Why do birds fly? (By air)

    What will a crow do after living for 3 years (will live for the fourth year)

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

    The rooster laid an egg, who will get it? (The rooster does not lay eggs)

    Why does a goose swim? (From the shore)

    Which city is named after a bird? (Eagle)

    Why does a rooster close its eyes when it sings? (Wants to show that he knows it by heart)

Whoever answers the question correctly receives 1 point.

Each team asks riddles to its opponents (prepared in advance). Teams receive 1 point for each unsolved riddle.

Information for the jury:

Competition No. 1 “Team Presentation”»

Greeting (name, motto, emblem, introduction of team captains). 3 min.

1st place – 3 points, 2nd place – 2 points, 3rd place – 1 point.

Competition No. 2 “Environmental Poster”

Present an environmentally friendly poster on the topic: “Our planet is our home.” It is necessary to prepare a short comment.

1st place – 3 points, 2nd place – 2 points, 3rd place – 1 point. (there may be several places 1,2 or 3)

competition No. 3 Brain - ring








Conditions of the competition: Teams, according to the drawing of lots, choose a nomination, questions are called in order (10 questions). Teams discuss for 3 minutes. Teams that know the correct answer raise a signal flag. The jury records the sequence. The team that chose the nomination responds first. If all the answers are correct, the team earns 10 points; if there are incorrect answers, then the first team to raise the signal flag answers, and so on, until the correct answer. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

Duration of the competition is 40-50 minutes.

Competition No. 4 “Captains Competition”

    "Yes" or "No" round

    Round "Folk Signs"

    Round "Comic"

For each correct answer, captains receive 1 point

competition No. 5 “Ecological mysteries”

Each team asks riddles to its opponents (prepared in advance). Teams receive 1 point for each unsolved riddle

Evaluation protocol for the “Ecological Brain Ring” competitions