The concept and application of multimedia interactive presentations. What is a multimedia presentation, types and stages of work. Components of a multimedia product

"Multimedia Technologies" - MP3 (MPEG1 layer III) - audio compression format. multimedia technologies. Structure area. Divx (MPEG-4) is a video compression method that allows you to store a 1.5 hour movie on a CD. The interface of the "Multiplayer" program. Types of sound technologies. The toolbar is standard. Program for creating multimedia presentations Microsoft PowerPoint.

"Multimedia lesson" - Bozhanova Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher primary school The highest category. Indeed, we receive most of the information visually. We've already made it to elementary school. Coming to school, children ask me: “What will be new today? Multimedia lessons MASTER CLASS. The teacher has the opportunity to make the lesson richer, more productive, emotionally richer.

"Multimedia Tools" - Unfortunately, listing all is impossible, let's focus only on the most common programs. Creative work on the topic: Multimedia technologies. 18. The advent of digital video cameras made it possible to receive a signal immediately in digital form. Multimedia. Media hardware. Applications of multimedia.

"Multimedia Technology" - Devices for storing multimedia information. Programs for capturing video images from the computer screen. Programs for capturing a static image from a computer screen. Video processing software. Presentation types. Technical means multimedia for working with sound. Programs for processing and editing images (graphic files).

"Multimedia presentations" - The methodology for using multimedia technologies involves: Strengthening the motivation for learning. Increasing the level of training of students in the field of modern information technologies. Multimedia presentation can be used: Multimedia presentation in the classroom as a methodical technique. Multimedia lessons help to solve the following didactic tasks:

"The use of multimedia technologies" - Multimedia textbook. Selection and demonstration of illustrative material, slides, audio, video fragments. multimedia textbook. Members of the group: Avtonomova A.R. Salmina E.G. Gaifullina G.T. Abzalova S.R. The use of multimedia technologies in the teaching of historical and social science disciplines.

There are 15 presentations in total in the topic


Denisenko Yulia Vitalievna

Primary school teacher

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1"


1. Multimedia technologies - a means of transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Definition of multimedia, presentation. Interactivity of multimedia tools.

3. Implementation of multimedia tools at various stages of the lesson.

new material



Relaxation and exercise

In the concept of the Federal target program for the development of education for 2006 - 2010. the first task is "improving the content and technologies of education." It is planned to introduce state educational standards general education based on a competency-based approach, new educational technologies and principles of organizing the educational process, including the use of modern information and communication technologies

Orientation of younger schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT competence) are one of the important elements in the formation of universal educational activities of students at the stage of primary general education. Therefore, the program for the formation of universal educational activities at the level of primary general education contains a section that defines the elements of ICT competence necessary for this.

Modern information technologies are becoming more and more dense in our lives. Educational institutions, as carriers of culture and knowledge, cannot stand aside either. And it is not only about the inclusion of computer science lessons in the curriculum, but, to a greater extent, the use of information technology (IT) by the teacher to improve the effectiveness of teaching.

2.Definitions on the Internet

Multimedia (Multum + Medium) is the simultaneous use of various forms of information presentation and its processing in a single container object.

Multimedia presentation - educational mini-cartoon, this is an electronic sound book with beautiful pictures, this is an excellent tool for teachers to tell younger students about the world around them

Multimedia Internet resourceis an Internet resource in which the main information is presented in the form of multimedia. This is a modern and very convenient mechanism that does not replace the performance of classical functions, but complements and expands the range of services and news for visitors.

Multimedia Internet resources are characterized by:

1) May contain various types of information (not only text, but also sound, graphics, animation, video, etc.)

2) High degree of visibility of materials.

3) Support for various types of files: text, graphics, audio and video.

4) Ability to use to promote creative work in the field various kinds arts.

This type of resource makes it possible to quickly report on events that are being organized, to demonstrate an overview of the field, institution or creative team, to establish feedback with its visitors, disclose goals and materials using modern mechanisms for presenting information and promote recognition of the presented object through the Internet.

Usage multimedia presentation develops attention and memory, imagination and thinking, which is so necessary for the development of cognitive activity.16

The possibilities of using new information technologies often do not find mutual understanding in the teaching environment. Some do not own new information technologies and do not represent immense opportunities in terms of rationalization learning activities and stimulating the cognitive activity of children, others refer to the negative impact of the computer on the health of the child, etc. However, multimedia presentations create great opportunities for enhancing educational and cognitive activities in primary school.

Thus, the use of a multimedia presentation carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to younger students, forms their cognitive activity, interest in learning. The main techniques that contribute to the development of cognitive activity of younger students in computer science lessons: the widespread use of game forms of classes, the high autonomy of the student at the computer, the active use of multimedia, the creation of a friendly and competitive psychological atmosphere

multimedia presentations

Information technologies are actively breaking into our lives, covering all new areas. We've already made it to elementary school. What is it - a tribute to pedagogical fashion or an urgent need?

The use of information technology in the classroom contributes to the activation of attention, perception, thinking, imagination, memory and cognitive processes, which is priority goal modern education. Practical experience testifies that the teacher can achieve serious qualitative results using the possibilities of multimedia in the classroom and extracurricular activities.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The capabilities of the computer allow you to increase the amount of material offered for review. Many teachers note that this significantly increases the interest of children in knowledge, increases the level of cognitive abilities.

The use of new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in a playful way, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop arbitrary.

Mastering children's electronic encyclopedias, younger students are active. Due to the high dynamics, the assimilation of the material is effectively carried out, memory is trained, cognitive activity, imagination and creative abilities develop.

Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time.

Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) can achieve a much greater effect. Thus, facilitating the process of perceiving and remembering information with the help of vivid images is the basis of any modern presentation.

Moreover, the presentation allows the teacher to independently compose the educational material based on the characteristics of a particular class, topic, subject, which allows you to build a lesson in such a way as to achieve the maximum educational effect.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom combines many of the components necessary for successful student learning.

In addition, fragments of lessons that use presentations reflect one of the main principles for creating a modern lesson - the principle of fasciation (the principle of attractiveness). Thanks to the presentations, the children, who usually were not very active in the classroom, began to actively express their opinions and reason.

The use of a multimedia presentation can significantly increase the level of cognitive activity of younger students.

A modern school should not only form a certain set of knowledge in students, but also awaken their desire for self-education, the realization of their abilities. A necessary condition for the development of these processes is the activation of the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. In solving this problem, an important role is given to new information technologies that are being introduced into the educational process, starting from its very beginning. early stages. Therefore, computer science lessons in elementary school make the most significant contribution to the activation of educational and cognitive activity of children.

All developmental training programs are aimed at activating the subject of educational activity. Therefore, each teacher must set himself the following tasks:

  1. strengthening the interest with which the children came to school;
  2. development and direction of interest in learning;
  3. taking into account the individual characteristics of each child and his personal progress in the process of education and upbringing;
  4. achieving high quality education.
  1. The forms and place of using a multimedia presentation (or even its individual slide) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson, the goal set by the teacher. However, practice allows us to identify some common, most effective methods for applying such benefits.:

4. Optimizing content for slides

Text content.

Graphic content.

3. Optimization of content of slides

Text content.

The main point of optimization is to reduce everything that can be said in words, leaving only brief abstracts. Be aware that it is difficult to read large amounts of text from a projector screen. Leave no more than 25-30 words and 5 items in the list. Use parallel lists when the same parts of speech appear at the beginning of each paragraph.

Graphic content.

The presentation needs to be actively visualized, that is, transforming boring text into vivid images. Use drawings, photographs, diagrams (there are many sites with free cliparts:,

If you have digital information, it is very important to be able to present it in the correct format. This is a separate extensive topic, which you better familiarize yourself with. For my part, I can recommend good book Gina Zelazny Speak the Language of Diagrams.

4. Design

Here, much is determined only by the artistic view of the author of the presentation. But there are a few highlights:

If you don't have corporate style for presentations, be sure to order it, you will definitely stand out among many other speakers;

To design slides, select contrasting color combinations in advance (for example, here: and strictly adhere to them. Then the presentation will look neat and will not “blur” on the projector.

5. Layout

The most accessible tool for most users is, of course, PowerPoint (two versions are currently in use - 2003 and 2007). The main requirement for slides from a technical point of view is their accuracy and uniformity. It is very important that all elements on all slides are in the same places (headings "do not jump", pictures "do not fall", etc.). It is very easy to achieve this. Set up a slide template once and then easily replicate it.

multimedia presentations

Multimedia presentation - an educational mini-cartoon, this is an electronic sound book with beautiful pictures, this is an excellent tool for teachers to tell younger students about the world around them.

At the heart of any presentation is a set of slides on which text, graphics, and drawings are placed. Electronic slides are similar to conventional photographic slides, but are much easier to publish. PowerPoint itself prompts for all the necessary text and number information, and provides many ready-made design options and content templates.

Multimedia is a means of knowledge

Modern computer technologies provide great opportunities for the development of the educational process. More K.D. Ushinsky remarked: "Children's nature requires visibility." Now these are no longer diagrams, tables and pictures, but a game that is closer to children's nature, even if it is scientific and educational.

Multimedia is a means or tool of knowledge in various lessons. Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communication skills, the acquisition of skills, the accumulation of factual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy.

Multimedia such as a slide, presentation or video presentation has been available for a long time. The computer is currently capable of manipulating sound and video to achieve special effects, synthesizing and playing back sound and video, including animation, and integrating it all into a single multimedia presentation.

The reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process plays an important role in the development of observation, attention, speech, and thinking of students.

Future computer technology at school directly depends on how thoughtful the initial period of their introduction into the educational process.

first step - there was a creation of a media library on subjects. All schools received disks on various subjects, they can be used as a self-instruction manual, a reference book on this subject. You just need to decide on the content of the lesson, it is very convenient to use ready-made lessons, of which there are now a great many. Our media library is located in the office, which is equipped with a computer and a multimedia projector.

The main difficulty in preparing a specific lesson is that among the huge variety of "training" programs, only an insignificant number is connected with the curriculum, with the sequence of presentation of the material, terminology, subject content prescribed by the logic of the course and the educational standard. Excluding specialized software, developed by professional teachers in collaboration with teachers, modern multimedia encyclopedias, dictionaries, games with learning elements require special adaptation, creative work teacher and methodologist.

Therefore, we decided to use in our work the capabilities of the Microsoft PowerPoint program, which allows non-professionals in the field of computer science to quickly and easily create a series of slides rich in information, designed into a single slide film with multimedia effects.

Particularly interesting are the training and monitoring courses (presentation programs, computer classes) compiled by the teacher himself. First, they present a methodologically correct presentation of the new material. Secondly, a strict sequence is observed in the presentation of the material in accordance with the curriculum. Thirdly, the didactic material used in one's own courses can be as diverse as possible and updated as often as necessary.

Conclusion: No matter how difficult and boring the topic of the lesson is, it will become interesting to the student if the educational material on the screen is presented in colors, with sound and other effects.

second step - mastering the technology of creating a presentation for the lesson by the teacher. The most accessible and easy to create such lessons is the Power Point environment. The design of computer lessons begins with the preparation of a calendar-thematic plan for studying the topic (the use of ICT tools is optimally distributed over all lessons).

This takes into account the content of the studied material; basic pedagogical technology; availability in educational institution computer, software and audio-video facilities; psychological and sociometric characteristics of the group and each child; the need to alternate different types of computer tools, etc.

For the plan of a specific computer lesson, the teacher:

  1. draws up the temporary structure of the lesson, outlines the tasks and the necessary steps to achieve them;
  2. selects the most effective means from the reserves of computer support, considers the feasibility of their use in comparison with traditional ones;
  3. selected materials evaluates in time: their duration should not exceed sanitary standards; it is recommended to review and time all materials, take into account the interactive nature of the material; plan a reserve of time;
  4. assembles a presentation program from the found materials (files).

To do this, she writes her script. When presenting on a large screen, you can combine maps and diagrams, diagrams and photographs, films and audio recordings - all this, if necessary, provide captions and comments, highlight the most important information in font, color and light. A computer "mouse" can be used as a pointer, drawing students' attention to the most important places on the screen; planning the achievement of certain goals, provides for their phased and resulting diagnosis. Using a computer makes it possible to strengthen and deepen control. For this, it is applied game program or an author's one is being developed, which is also included in the presentation program.

Conclusion: A presentation on the topic of the lesson in the process of explaining new material allows the teacher not to take notes on the board, which means there is more time for consolidation.

Third step - mastering the skills of working with multimedia software by students. One of the methods of enhancing the cognitive activity of students in the classroom is to work with a book, and the ability to work on a computer is one of the most popular activities. The technology is mastered in design forms. Even junior school student performs a simple project in Microsoft Power Point. IN project activities the student is aware of his mission - to reveal to others the significance of the technological methods of activity mastered by him. It aims to develop abilities in the development of the necessary subject content, is step by step plan actions, then embodies it in working slides, and finally analyzes the result and the path that led to it.

Conclusion: It is best to form the skills of working with multimedia software during extracurricular hours in extracurricular activities or circles with a small group of students. And it is these students who, using the programs they have mastered in the future, may be of interest to the rest of the students in the class, because these software tools allow you to get as much educational information as possible at minimal cost.

The methodology for using multimedia technologies involves:

  1. improving the learning management system at various stages of the lesson;
  2. strengthening learning motivation;
  3. improving the quality of education and upbringing, which will increase the information culture of students;
  4. increasing the level of training of students in the field of modern information technologies;
  5. demonstration of the capabilities of the computer, not only as a means for the game.

Multimedia lessons help to solve the following didactic tasks:

  1. acquire basic knowledge of the subject;
  2. systematize acquired knowledge;
  3. develop self-control skills;
  4. create motivation for learning;
  5. provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work over educational material.

This technology can be considered as an explanatory and illustrative teaching method, the main purpose of which is to organize the assimilation of information by students by communicating educational material and ensuring its successful perception, which is enhanced when visual memory is connected. It is known that 75% are visuals. Multimedia programs present information in various forms and thus make the learning process more efficient.

Quantitative advantages are expressed in the fact that the multimedia environment is much higher in terms of information density. Indeed, one page of text, as you know, contains about 2 KB of information. The teacher pronounces this text for about 1-2 minutes. For the same minute, a full-screen video brings about 1.2 GB of information. That is why "it is better to see once than hear a million times."

The savings in the time required to study a particular material is on average 30%, and the acquired knowledge is stored in memory much longer.

When multimedia technologies are used in the lesson, the structure of the lesson does not fundamentally change. It still retains all the main stages, perhaps only their temporal characteristics will change. It should be noted that the stage of motivation in this case increases and carries a cognitive load. This necessary condition learning success, because without interest in replenishing the missing knowledge, without imagination and emotions, the student's creative activity is unthinkable.

The structural layout of a multimedia presentation develops systemic, analytical thinking. In addition, with the help of the presentation, you can use a variety of forms of organizing cognitive activity: frontal, group, individual.

A multimedia presentation, therefore, most optimally and effectively corresponds to the triune didactic goal of the lesson:

Educational aspect:students' perception of educational material, comprehension of connections and relationships in the objects of study.

Development aspect:development of cognitive interest among students, the ability to generalize, analyze, compare, enhance the creative activity of students.

Educational aspect:fostering a scientific outlook, the ability to clearly organize independent and group work, fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

The forms and place of using a multimedia presentation (or even its individual slide) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson, the goal set by the teacher. However, my practice allows us to identify some common, most effective methods for applying such benefits.

Consider the possibilities of using a multimedia presentation at various stages of the lesson:

Lesson stages


Conditions for achieving positive results


demonstration of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Prepare students for the lesson

friendly attitude of the teacher and students; quick inclusion of the class in the business rhythm; ensuring the complete readiness of the class and equipment for work

Checking homework

demonstration right decision for tasks that cause difficulties (can be prepared by students), questions to test knowledge, a test survey on theory

identify the level of knowledge of students on a homework assignment

identifying the fact that homework was done by the whole class;

elimination common mistakes; discovering the reasons for not doing homework by individual students

Updating of basic knowledge and methods of action

questions and tasks leading to the need to study the topic; a brief summary of the material covered

fill in the missing knowledge of students, recall the necessary basic knowledge and methods of action

formation of a didactic goal together with students; the use of various methods of organizing students' activities to achieve the goal.

Formation of new concepts and methods of action

basic concepts, diagrams, tables, drawings, animation, video clips illustrating the features of the new material

demonstration of new educational material

the use of various methods of activating the mental activity of students, including them in search work, in the self-organization of learning

Control and accounting of knowledge

tasks different levels complexity, the use of non-standard situations in the application of knowledge being tested

organization of control and self-control

the use of various methods of control and self-control of knowledge; reviewing the work of students, indicating the positive aspects and shortcomings in knowledge

Multimedia technologies can be used:

1. To announce the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, posing a problematic issue

The theme of the lesson is presented on the slides, which summarize the key points of the issue under consideration.

2. As an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation

In my practice, I use multimedia presentation notes created specifically for specific lessons, containing a short text, basic formulas, diagrams, drawings, video clips. When using multimedia presentations in the process of explaining new topic a linear sequence of frames is sufficient, in which the most winning moments of the theme can be shown. Definitions, diagrams may also appear on the screen, which the children write off in a notebook, while the teacher, without wasting time on repetition, manages to tell more.

3. As an information and training aid

In teaching, a special emphasis is placed today on the child's own activity in search, awareness and processing of new knowledge. The teacher in this case acts as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the independent activity of students, providing them help you need and support.

4. As an interactive laboratory

The presence of multimedia software makes it possible to compensate for the insufficiency of the laboratory base, thanks to the possibility of modeling the processes and phenomena of nature, which is especially important for conducting lessons on the outside world, etc.

5. For knowledge control

The use of computer testing increases the efficiency of the educational process, activates the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Tests can be variants of cards with questions, the answers to which the student writes down in a notebook or on a special answer sheet, at the request of the teacher, the change of slides can be set to automatically transition after a certain time interval.

When creating a test with a choice of answers on a computer, you can organize a reaction output about the correctness (not correctness) of the choice made or without indicating the correctness of the choice made. You can provide for the possibility of re-selecting the answer. Such tests should include the output of results on the number of correct and incorrect answers. Based on the results of such tests, one can judge the degree of readiness and desire of students to study this section.

5. For stress relief, relaxation

To relieve tension, switch attention, especially when the lesson takes place at the end of the school day, we use presentations that can entertain and relieve tension. For example, physical education.

6. To accompany your own reportstudents can also prepare presentations.

7. To conclude the lesson: conclusions, answer to the question, reflection.

8. For training (vocabulary work, oral counting)

9. To accompany interactive games

10. For individual learning via blog or mail

The following features of this technology can be distinguished:

  1. The quality of the image made with chalk on a blackboard cannot be compared with a neat, bright, clear and color image on the screen.
  2. With the help of a blackboard and chalk, it is difficult and ridiculous to explain how to work with various applications.
  3. In cases where shortcomings or errors are found in the slides of the manual, defects can be relatively easily eliminated.
  4. Depending on the preparedness of students, the same material can be explained in great detail, and considering only the basic questions of the topic. The pace and volume of the material presented is determined during the lesson.
  5. During a presentation, even with a projector, workplace students are well lit.
  6. Increasing the level of use of visualization in the classroom.
  7. Improving lesson performance.
  8. Establishing interdisciplinary connections with other subjects.
  9. It becomes possible to organize project activities of students to create curricula under the guidance of computer science teachers and subject teachers.
  10. A teacher who creates or uses information technology is forced to pay great attention to the logic of the presentation of educational material, which has a positive effect on the level of knowledge of students.
  11. The attitude towards the PC is changing. The guys begin to perceive it as a universal tool for work.

Multimedia software tools have great potential in displaying information that is significantly different from the usual ones, and have a direct impact on the motivation of students, the speed of material perception, fatigue and, thus, the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole.

At the stage of creating a multimedia presentation, the following points should be considered:

  1. Psychological characteristics of students in this class.
  2. Goals and learning outcomes.
  3. The structure of the cognitive space.
  4. The choice of the most effective elements of computer technology for solving specific problems of a particular lesson.
  5. The color scheme for the design of educational material.

When working with multimedia presentations in the classroom, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the psychophysiological patterns of information perception from a computer screen, TV, projection screen. Working with visual information supplied from the screen has its own characteristics, because during prolonged work it causes fatigue, a decrease in visual acuity. Particularly laborious for human vision is working with texts.

Numerous observations during visits to lessons and other events, conversations with students and teachers about the effectiveness and efficiency of using presentations allowed me to draw some conclusions. If we want slide accompaniment to contribute to the educational process as efficiently as possible, we need to follow some rules that correspond to the peculiarities of the perception of any information.

When creating slides, you need to consider a number of basic requirements:

  1. The slide should contain the minimum possible number of words.
  2. For inscriptions and headings, use a clear large font, limit the use of plain text. Conciseness is one of the initial requirements in the development of curricula.
  3. It is preferable to put sentences, definitions, words, terms on the slide that students will write in notebooks, read them aloud during the presentation.
  4. The size of letters, numbers, signs, their contrast is determined by the need for their clear consideration from the last row of desks.
  5. Filling the background, letters, lines is preferable in a calm, "non-poisonous" color, which does not cause irritation and eye fatigue.
  6. Drawings, drawings, photographs and other illustrative materials should, if possible, have a maximum uniform filling of the entire screen field.
  7. Do not overload slides with visual information.
  8. Sufficient time should be allotted to view one slide (at least 2-3 minutes) so that students can concentrate on the screen image, follow the sequence of actions, consider all the elements of the slide, fix the final result, make notes in workbooks.
  1. The soundtrack of the slides should not be harsh, distracting, annoying.

Here there is a methodical technique “do as I do”: while watching a computer presentation in a lesson, students get an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of the Power Point program and, without suspecting it, learn to correctly design slides.

The use of computers in educational activities at present stage looks quite natural from the point of view of the child and is one of the effective ways increasing motivation for learning and developing creative abilities.

hygiene requirements.

When showing a presentation, it must be remembered that the presentation is only an accompaniment to the speech. Long presentations are tedious and not perceived, no matter how colorful they may be.

The change of slides (flashing frequency) should be made taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of the listeners.

And the most important thing is the observance of hygienic requirements when using the presentation as an on-screen learning tool. If the presentation is held in a computer class, and each student sees it on the screen personal computer, then the continuous duration of exposure should not exceed for 1st classes - 10 minutes, 2-5th classes - 15 minutes, 6-7th classes - 20 minutes, 8-9th classes - 25 minutes, 10-11 classes - 30 min.

The presentation, if appropriate, can be used at all stages of the lesson. At the same time, the first 15-25 minutes of the lesson is the assimilation of 60-80% new information. Therefore, in order for students to retain new knowledge, enhanced by visual perception, do not overload the slides with animation effects.

At the stage of primary repetition and updating of knowledge, the main role of the presentation is to work out key concepts. Here are effective test tasks, questions. If open-ended questions are used, then there should not be more than one question with possible answers on one slide. In this case, the answers can be not only in the form of words, but also in the form of a picture, graphic images. This technique enhances associations, activates memory


The last aspect related to presentations is the programs in which they are created. When creating multimedia presentations for training sessions, it is best to use Microsoft Power Point. It is the most versatile, easy to use and widespread in Russia and in the world.

To ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary:

  1. avoid monotony, take into account the change in students' activities according to its levels: recognition, reproduction, application;
  2. focus on the development of the mental (mental) abilities of the child, i.e. development of observation, associativity, comparison, analogy, highlighting the main thing, generalization, imagination, etc.
  3. give the opportunity to successfully work in the classroom using computer technology and strong, and average, and weak students;
  4. take into account the child's memory factor (operational, short-term and long-term). To a limited extent, it is necessary to control what is entered only at the level of operational and short-term memory.
  5. Media presentations are designed for any type of perception of information. For each category of people (visuals, audials, kinesthetics and discretes), one slide can contain information that they remember better.

Multimedia presentation as a modern learning tool

The use of computer information technologies in education is one of the most important and sustainable trends in the development of the world educational process. Information technology of education is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation, which is computer hardware and software.

The presentation allows the teacher to show creativity, individuality, avoid a formal approach to conducting lessons. It provides the teacher with the opportunity to:

information support;


using a variety of exercises;

saving time and money;

building the outline of the lesson;

expansion of the educational space of the lesson.

Through the use of presentations, students observe:

concentration of attention;

the inclusion of all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor, associative;

faster and deeper perception of the material presented;

increased interest in the study of the subject;

increase in motivation to study.

Application of color, graphics and animation, sound, modern means video technology allows you to simulate the difference between the situation and the environment, while developing the creative and cognitive abilities of students.

Benefits of using multimedia presentations

Thus, it can be concluded that although the attitude of students and teachers to multimedia presentations is ambiguous, it is indisputable that this form allows us to present educational material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. Various channels of perception of students are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of students.

Students are attracted by the novelty of conducting multimedia lessons. In the classroom during such lessons, an atmosphere is created real communication, in which students strive to express their thoughts “in their own words”, they complete tasks with desire, show interest in the material being studied, students lose their fear of the computer. Students learn to work independently with educational, reference and other literature on the subject. Students become interested in getting a better result, willingness and desire to perform additional tasks. When performing practical actions, self-control is manifested.

Education using ICT tools allows you to create conditions for the formation of such socially significant personality traits as activity, independence, creativity, the ability to adapt to conditions information society, for the development of communication skills and the formation of an information culture of the individual.

Multimedia software tools have ample opportunities, the main thing is that students understand this. This understanding should develop into the interest not only of students, but also of the teacher, which will allow him to take a fresh look at the methodology for constructing lessons.

Introduction. 3

1. The concept of presentation and multimedia presentation. 4

2. Advantages of multimedia presentations. 4

3. Stages of creating presentations. 4

4. Software tools for developing multimedia applications. 5

5. Errors when creating multimedia presentations. 6

6. Preparation of a multimedia presentation. 6

6.2. Features of creating text slides. 7

6.3. Design features of data slides. 7

6.4. Features of the application of various types of slides. 7

7. Design of slides. 8

7.2. Design features of scientific and business presentation slides. 9

8. Animation rules. eleven

9. Rules for images. eleven

10. Use slides. eleven

11. Features of using slides in presentations in educational activities. 12

12. Excessive use of slides. 12

References.. 15


A multimedia presentation is a very capacious and dynamic way of presenting this or that information.

A modern multimedia presentation is a combination of graphic, textual and audiovisual information combined into a single structure. Alternating or combining text, graphics, video and sound allows you to convey information in the most visual and easily perceived form.

But the most successful presentations are made in accordance with the recommendations given in this manual.

About what a multimedia presentation is, the structure, the specifics of creation, the design of a multimedia presentation - all of the above are not strict requirements, but recommendations.

Concept of presentation and multimedia presentation

Presentation- a coherent sequence of slides made in the same style and stored in a single file.

Multimedia is a conversational information technology, combining text, graphics, sound and video. Multimedia documents differ from ordinary ones in that, in addition to traditional text and graphic data, they can contain sound and musical objects, animated graphics, video clips.

multimedia presentation is a combination of computer animation, graphics, video, music and sound, which are organized into a single environment. As a rule, a multimedia presentation has a plot, script and structure organized for easy perception of information.

A dynamic visual and sound range allows you to convey any information in a visual, easily perceived form.

A distinctive feature of a multimedia presentation is its interactivity, i.e. the ability to interact with a multimedia image created for the user by modern computer tools.

Advantages of multimedia presentations

visibility- the key argument for using multimedia presentations. Distinctive features, the specific properties of the contained material can be demonstrated in the most realistic way precisely with the help of modern graphic and video technologies for multimedia presentations.

interactivity– the ability to directly influence the course of the presentation is one of the most important advantages of multimedia.

Information capacity - the ability to place a large amount of graphic, text and sound information in one multimedia presentation;

Compactness and mobility- various types of disks, USB cards or electronic Business Cards, but regardless of shape and capacity, all these types of media are compact and easy to store.

emotional attraction Integrity - multimedia presentations make it possible to present information not only in a sequence convenient for perception, but also effectively combine sound and visual images, select dominant colors and color combinations that will create a positive attitude for the audience to the information presented.

3. Stages of creating presentations

Creating a presentation consists of three stages: planning, developing and rehearsing the presentation.

I. Presentation planning is a multi-step procedure that includes:

Definition of goals;

Audience research;

Definition of the main idea of ​​the presentation;

Selection additional information;

Formation of the structure and logic of the presentation of the material;

Creation of presentation structure;

Checking the logic of material supply;

Preparation of the conclusion

When defining the purpose of the presentation, try to formulate your goals, beginning with the words:

At the end of my presentation, the audience will ______________________________________________________________

The purpose of my presentation ________________________________

I will talk about _______________________ in order to ______________________________________________________________

II. Presentation development- methodological features of preparing presentation slides, including vertical and horizontal logic, content and correlation of text and graphic information.

III. Presentation rehearsal- this is the verification and debugging of the created "product". You check how well the material is “mounted”, how appropriate the transitions from slide to slide are. There is a verification stage of the presentation: its effectiveness, compliance of the content of the presentation with the goal.

4. Software tools for developing multimedia applications

Multimedia learning materials can be developed in a variety of environments that allow you to create full-featured multimedia applications, such as highly professional programs such as Autoware Professional, Macromedia Director, or simpler packages: HyperStudio, DreamWeaver, etc.

The simplest and most affordable software product is Microsoft PowerPoint that can be used to create multimedia resources or "media accompaniments" for video and audio lessons.

Microsoft PowerPoint is software tool, which is part of the Microsoft Office package and allows you to design and demonstrate slides either on a monitor screen or a screen. The capabilities of this software package allow developing multimedia educational materials at a sufficiently high level, including photographs, drawings, diagrams, diagrams, text fragments, and even fragments of video films and animation. During the slide show, the show may be accompanied by sound recordings- Narration or music. Despite its simplicity and ease of use, PowerPoint supports three basic multimedia principles:

1. Submission of information in various formats;

2. Creating a branched presentation that allows you to support multiple storylines built by the user;

3. The use of various forms, templates in the development of design, interface and navigation tools.

5. Mistakes when creating multimedia presentations

A variety of public speaking often requires the use of demonstration material. Such a need arises when reading a report at a scientific conference, presenting a new technical development or a new type of product, a report on a developed project, and in many other cases. In the old days, posters were drawn on paper sheets for these purposes; then projection equipment appeared: epidiascopes, slide projectors, codoscopes.

IN Lately multimedia presentations have replaced these methods of demonstrations. The word "presentation" means presentation, demonstration. Typically, a multimedia projector is used for computer presentation, reflecting the contents of the computer screen on a large screen hung in the audience. A multimedia presentation is a multimedia product that may include text and text special effects, speech and music, animations, video clips, picture and slide galleries (slide shows), etc. The presentation is the more effective, the more it uses the capabilities of multimedia technologies.

Multimedia presentations can be made by a person on stage, shown through a projector, or on another local playback device. A broadcast presentation can be either live or pre-recorded. Broadcasting or recording can be based on analog or electronic technologies for storing and transmitting information. It is worth noting that online multimedia can either be downloaded to the user's computer and played in some way, or played directly from the Internet using data streaming technologies. Media played using streaming technologies can be either "live" or provided on demand.

The presentation is a sequence of slides. A separate slide may contain text, pictures; photos, animation, video and sound.

When creating presentations, as a rule, hyperlinks are organized between slides. Thanks to this, not only an unambiguous sequence of viewing slides becomes possible, but also arbitrary viewing along semantic relationships. ”For example, a presentation can begin with a slide containing general information about the presented material and a list of its main sections. Each item in the list is a hyperlink. By clicking on the hyperlink, the presenter can go to any section of the presentation.

If the hypertext technology is applied to non-text presentation elements, then we get a class of systems called hypermedia. The presentation is a hypermedia system, since hyperlinks can be superimposed on graphic and sound objects. For example, after clicking on the image of a historical monument, a transition will be made to a slide with detailed information about him.

Various formats of multimedia data can be used to simplify the perception of information by the consumer. For example, to provide information not only in text form, but also to illustrate it with audio data or a video clip. In the same way, contemporary art can present everyday, mundane things in a new way.

Various forms of providing information make it possible for the consumer to interact with information interactively. Online multimedia is increasingly becoming object-oriented, allowing the consumer to work on information without having specific knowledge. For example, in order to post a video on YouTube or Yandex.Video, the user does not need knowledge of video editing, encoding and compression of information, or knowledge of the design of web servers. The user simply selects a local file and thousands of other users of the video service have the opportunity to view the new video.

There are a number of programs that allow you to create multimedia presentations. The simplest and most common presentation option is the PowerPoint presentation (Power Point presentation), which is widely used in the business environment. The Power Point format allows you to integrate video and audio files into a presentation, create primitive animation at the “slide show” level. The main advantage of this presentation format is the ability to make changes to the presentation without special knowledge and skills, adapting it to different audiences and goals. Among these programs, programs that can capture videos from the screen and convert them to AVI and EXE video files are of great importance. Such programs include MicroSoft Camcorder, Hiper Cam, Lotus ScreenCam. However, such presentations are not interactive, but they can become part of a larger interactive presentation.

Thus, multimedia presentations are the most extensive type of presentations in terms of their capabilities. similar format interactive presentations allows you to integrate sound, video files, animation, interface (menu system - controls), three-dimensional objects and any other elements into the presentation without sacrificing quality.

The indisputable advantage of multimedia presentations is the possibility of introducing virtually any format into them - power point presentations, pdf presentations and video presentations. Using a convenient menu system, you can make it possible to "pump" various files, up to automatic exit to the site of the presentation object. In fact, multimedia presentations (multimedia presentations) can be image-based, i.e. as an image video (animation video) it can be perfectly used at presentations, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and any other events, and can easily replace a sales manager, speaker or lecturer, an advertising catalog or a company website. The technological capabilities of multimedia presentations allow you to cope with almost any task. The balanced use of information, namely the alternation or combination of text, graphics, video and sound, all this makes multimedia presentations (multimedia presentations) as comfortable and easy to use as possible.

Administration Education and Youth Affairs Committee

city ​​of Aleysk, Altai Territory

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary School No. 4 of the city of Aleysk


Compiled by:

Bonart Svetlana Semyonovna,

technology teacher



The recommendations provide the steps for creating, designing and designing presentations. The basic requirements for the design of the background of the presentation and the use of fonts are considered. Recommendations are given for working with graphics, sound, creating hyperlinks and setting up animation in presentations.

The presented materials are intended to help both beginners and more experienced teachers, and can also be used by students when studying the topic: PowerPoint presentations.

Technology for creating multimedia presentations. Compiled by: Bonart Svetlana Semyonovna, technology teacher MBOU secondary school No. 4 in Aleysk, 2013 -18 p.


Explanatory note………………………………………………………… page 4

Basic concepts and definitions………………….……………………….…. page 5

How to create presentations………………….………………………….…. page 5

Rules for the design of presentations………………………………………………... p. 6

Creating a computer presentation ……………………………………….….page 7

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… 17



A variety of public speaking often requires the use of demonstration material. Such a need arises when reading a report at a scientific conference, when explaining new material in a class, a report on a developed project, and in many other cases. In the old days, posters were drawn on paper sheets for these purposes; then projection equipment appeared: epidiascopes, slide projectors, codoscopes. Recently, these methods of demonstrations have been replaced by computer presentations.

Included in the Microsoft Office suite Microsoft program Office PowerPoint is an easy-to-learn and very powerful tool for creating compelling presentations to suit any requirement. With the help of a PowerPoint presentation, everyone, if desired, can organize an effective accompaniment to their speech.

Computer presentations are a set of slides (electronic pages), the sequence of which may change during the presentation.

Presentations are a multimedia document; each slide can include various forms of information presentation (text, tables, diagrams, images, sound, video), as well as animation of the appearance of objects on the slide and animation of the transition of slides, with the effects of individual objects (inscriptions, photographs, drawings), with the ability to branching the presentation by creating hyperlinks.

multimedia computer presentation- This:
- dynamic synthesis of text, image, sound;
- bright and intelligible images;
- the most modern software interface technologies;
- interactive contact of the speaker with the demonstration material;
- mobility and compactness of information carriers and equipment;
- the ability to update, supplement and adapt information;
- low cost.

The prepared presentation can be released as a separate printed edition, formatted accordingly, or it can be presented as an author's electronic edition. If possible, you can publish the presentation on the pages of magazines and newspapers or post it on a website in the Internet space.

In order for the presentation to be well perceived by the audience and not cause negative emotions (subconscious or completely conscious), it is necessary to follow the rules for its design.


Animationis the addition of a special video or sound effect to text or an object. (For example, you can create text list items that fly into the page from the left one word at a time, or add an applause sound when you open a picture.) Animating text, graphics, charts, and other objects on slides emphasizes different aspects of the content, controls the flow of material, and makes the presentation more interesting.

Just as Microsoft Word text files are calleddocuments , program documents RR (PowerPoint) have a special namepresentations , (from English word- presentation) is a set of color slide pictures on a specific topic, which is stored in a file of a special format with the PP extension. The term "presentation" (sometimes called "slide film") is associated primarily with informational and advertising features images that are designed for a specific category of users.

If Microsoft Word documents consist of separate pages, then presentations consist of one or moreslides .

Slide - a logically autonomous information structure containing various objects that are presented on a common monitor screen, a sheet of paper or on a sheet of color film as a single composition. Each slide can contain a wide variety of information: title and subtitle, graphic images (pictures), tables, charts, organizational charts, texts, sounds, bulleted lists, background, footer, slide number, date, various external objects.

In the process of creating a presentation, slides can be rearranged, deleted, new ones added, or simply change the content of existing slides.


Before creating a presentation on a computer, it is important to determine:

    the purpose of the presentation, its topic, the approximate number of slides

    how to present information in the best way

    graphics for each slide

Presentation Evaluation Criteria

1. The content of the presentation:

    disclosure of the topic

    presentation of material (validity of division into slides)

    availability and validity of graphic design (photos, diagrams, drawings, diagrams)


Presentation layout:

    unity of design throughout the presentation

    validity of applied design

    unity of style included in the presentation of drawings

    graphics optimization

2. Reasonable use of multimedia effects: graphics, animation, video, sound.

3. Navigation: the presence of a table of contents, slide navigation buttons or hyperlinks.

4. Report on a given topic using a presentation.


When designing presentations, it is always necessary to build on the goals of the presentation and the conditions for reading. It should be readable, not subjective beauty; design is simple and concise.

There should be abstracts on the slides - they accompany a detailed presentation of the speaker's thoughts.

Minimize the number of prepositions, adverbs, adjectives.

Headlines should grab attention.

Location of information on the page

Preferably a horizontal arrangement of information.

Most important information should be in the center of the screen.

If there is a picture on the slide, the caption should be placed under it.

Ways to highlight information

Should be used: frames, border, fill, hatch, arrows,

drawings, diagrams, diagrams to illustrate the most important factors.

Amount of information

Do not fill one slide with too much information.

The greatest efficiency is achieved when the key points are displayed one at a time on each individual slide.

Slide types

For variety, use different types slides: with text, with tables, with diagrams.

Heading design

Do not put a dot at the end if the heading consists of two sentences - putonly in the first sentence.

Slides cannot have the same title. If you want to name the same, you must write at the end (1), (2), (3), or continue (continuation 1), (continuation 2).

Chart design

The chart must have a title, or the title of the slide can serve as such a title.The chart should take up the entire space on the slide.Lines and signatures should be clearly visible.

Table design

Should be the name of the table. readability.

The table header must be different from the main data.

Last slide of the presentation

          • Thank you for your attention



            Contact Information

The general order of the slides in the presentation:


    presentation plan;

    main part;


Each slide must have a title.

Slides should be numbered with the total number of slides.

The choice of the optimal volume of the presentation is important, it depends on the purpose for which the presentation is being created, on the intended way of using it (learning new material, practical lesson, lecture, etc.). Number of slides per lesson: at least 10 - no more than 20 (20-25 minutes for the entire scenario, 1-2 minutes per slide).

The date, if it should be, is only on the title slide, not on everyone.


launch power R oint

    Right-click on an empty spot on the desktop.

    Hover your mouse over the Create tab. The program menu will appear on the right.

    Click the Presentation iconMicrosoftPowerPoint.

Creating presentations in PowerPoint begins with the traditional launch of the Microsoft PowerPoint program. Then, using the "Create Slide" function, located in the upper right corner of the navigation panel, the layout of the slide is selected. The selected layout can be applied not only for the entire presentation, but also selected for each slide individually.

The very first window of Microsoft PowerPoint

Helpful advice:

    Do not place several blocks of visual or textual information on one slide at once. It distracts, scatters attention, impairs concentration.


If you launched PowerPoint for the first time, then you have two toolbars on your screen - “ Standard» And " Formatting» , which are located immediately after the menu bar. The "Standard" toolbar is for working with files, and the "Formatting" toolbar is for working with the appearance of text.

Toolbar « Standard»

Toolbar « Formatting»

By default, at the very bottom of the screen there is another toolbar - " Drawing". It contains buttons responsible for adding images to slides.

Toolbar « Drawing"

Any toolbar can be hidden and re-displayed on the screen. For example, if in the course of working on a presentation you need to create many different tables, then it will be most convenient to work with them if you have the toolbar “ Tables and Borders.

Helpful advice:

    To display any toolbar on the screen, do the following:

    On the menu " View" select "Panels tools" . This will open a list of all the toolbars that you can display on the screen. In this list, those toolbars that are already displayed on the screen are marked with a checkmark.

    Click on the name of the panel you want to display (in our example it is "Tables and Borders» ) and it will immediately appear on the screen.

Basic elements of the PowerPoint program interface

Create templates

For PowerPoint presentations defaults to the presentation template. To create a new presentation based on a PowerPoint template, you must press the Office button and select New from the menu that opens. In the window that appears, in the "Templates" group, select the "Empty and Recent" command and double-click on the "New Presentation" button.

Creation new presentation in powerpoint

Templates for PowerPoint can also be selected using the "Installed Templates" command, where you will find the templates "Classic Photo Album", "Modern Photo Album", "Advertising Booklet", "Quiz", "Widescreen Presentation".

Topic selection

To give your PowerPoint presentation the desired appearance, on the "Design" tab, go to the "Themes" group and click on the desired document theme. To change the look of your slides, on the Slides tab, select the slides you want, right-click on the theme you want to apply to those slides, and choose Apply to Selected Slides from the context menu.

Choosing a PowerPoint Presentation Theme

Themes for PowerPoint collected in the program are universal for all types of presentations. And with the help of the "Colors", "Effects" and "Background Styles" buttons, you can achieve a change in the color scheme of the selected theme. You can also create themes for your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation using your own drawings and photos.

Helpful advice:

    The text must contrast with the background, otherwise the slide will be difficult to read.

    Keep a consistent style.

    Avoid styles that will detract from the presentation itself.

    For the background, choose colder tones (blue or green).

    The use of three or four colors on slides has a positive effect on concentration and improves perception.

Color matching chart

(The lower the line, the worse the readability)

black on yellow

green on white

red on white

blue on white

black on white

white on blue

yellow on black

white on red

white on green

white on black

red on yellow

green on red

red on green

Font selection

To write text, you need to put the cursor in the "Slide Title" or "Slide Text" field, then on the "Home" tab, go to the "Font" group, where you select the font, its size and color.

Choosing a Font for Your Presentation

Helpful advice:

    To highlight the title, keywords, use bold or underlined font. For secondary information and comments, use italics.

    To improve the effectiveness of the audience, remember the “principle of six”: six words per line, six lines per slide.

    Use the font of the same title on all slides in your presentation.

    For body text, a smooth sans-serif font is optimal:

calibri,arial,Tahoma, Verdana

    You can use a decorative font for the heading if it is legible:Monotype Corsiva, Georgia, Comic Sans MS.

    Font size: 24-54 paragraphs - title, 18–36 paragraphs - plain text.

    Don't put too much text on the slide. Because of this, the perception of the listeners is overloaded, breaking the concentration of attention.

Inserting an image

To make the PowerPoint presentation visual and, if necessary, colorful, you can place various diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings, collages on some slides. To do this, on the "Insert" tab, go to the "Illustrations" group by clicking on the selected group of illustrations. A photo or drawing can be placed in a presentation using the familiar Copy and Paste commands.

Inserting an image into a presentation

Helpful advice:

    Try to avoid using a "picture wrapped with text" slide. It is better to place the illustration on a separate slide, signing the main information under it. The text in this case is better perceived by ear.

    Inserted photos or pictures must be good quality and large enough, otherwise, when stretched, they lose their sharpness, which can only spoil the effect of the presentation.

Insert sound

A Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation looks better when it uses audio. How do you insert music into PowerPoint? On the "Insert" tab, go to the "Media Clips" group and select the "Sound" function. In the list of commands that appears, click Sound from File. In the dialog box that appears, specify the folder from which the music will be inserted and the type of sound file. Then set the sound playback method: automatically or on click. In the appeared tab "Work with sound" find the group "Sound Options" and set the desired commands.

Inserting sound into a presentation

Helpful advice:

    For the musical accompaniment of the presentation, it is better to choose calm instrumental or classical music. This will not distract listeners from the content of the presentation, but will only add emotionality.

Animation effects

You can add a lot of variety to your PowerPoint presentation by using animation effects that you can add to any object on the slide. To do this, on the Animation tab, go to the Animation group and open the Animation Settings task pane. Then click on the text or object you want to animate. In the Customize Animation task pane, click the Add Effect button, and then follow one or more steps to use the effects. The effects will appear in the Animation Setup list in the order they were added. In the "Change effect" field, you can set the start of the animation, its direction and speed.

Insert animation in PowerPoint

Helpful advice:

    Don't overload your presentation with special effects. Excessive abundance of flashing, spinning and jumping objects, extraneous sounds, animated pictures distracts listeners and prevents them from keeping their attention on the main content of the speech.

    Remember that animation is used to a minimum and only when it has a functional load.

    Highlight with animation keywords, numbers, designate conclusions. It will be better if the animation is set to color highlighting, and not to all sorts of movement of letters on the screen.

Transitions between slides

Transitions between slides make a PowerPoint presentation more impactful. To add the same transitions between slides in your presentation, on the Animation tab, click the slide thumbnail, and in the Transition to Next Slide group, select a slide transition effect.

To set the slide speed, in the Transition to Next Slide group, expand the Transition Speed ​​button, and then select desired speed. In the "Slide Change" group, specify the order of change: on click or automatically.

You can also add sound to slide transitions. To do this, on the Animation tab, in the Transition to the next slide group, expand the Transition Sound button and, to add a sound from the list, select the desired sound. To add a sound that is not on the list, select the "Other Sound" command. In the window that opens, select sound file to add, and then click OK.

Choosing a transition effect to a new slide in PowerPoint

Helpful advice:

    Avoid frequent slide transition audio.

    It is more convenient to change the slides of a PowerPoint presentation with a click of the mouse.

    In the text of the speech, make notes indicating the change of the slide at one point or another of the speech.

    It is better to make two copies of the presentation with slide transition notes: one copy for yourself, and the second copy for the technician leading the presentation.

IN PowerPoint a hyperlink links one slide to another in the same presentation (for example, a hyperlink to a custom show) or to a slide in another presentation, at the address Email, web page or file.

On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click the Hyperlink button.

In the "Link to..." field, select a location in the document.

Do one of the following:

    In the box, select a location in the document…. Click the slide you want to use as the target of the hyperlink.

An internal hyperlink establishes a link between slides in a presentation. When you move a presentation, links established between slides are not lost. When inserting new slides into a presentation, the Powe Logic CenterrPoint automatically corrects old links.

In the normal view, select the text or object that you want to use as a hyperlink.

On the tab "Insert"in Group "Connections»click "Hyperlink".

In field "Connect with…”select "File", "Web page".

Specify the presentation that contains the target slide of the hyperlink.

Click "Bookmark», then - the title of the slide to which the link will point

Making a presentation

Slides have been completed. To view the resulting presentation, in the lower right corner, click the "Slide Show" button. If a slide needs to be corrected, you can return to the slides by pressing the Esc keyboard button. After viewing the corrected presentation, you should save it.

To hide, that is, do not show any slide or group of slides in the current presentation show, in the slide area, select the slides that you want to hide and select the Slide Show - Hide Slide command. An icon containing its number is crossed out next to a hidden slide. Hidden slides remain in the presentation and subsequently their display in the presentation show can be restored by repeating the actions just described with respect to previously hidden slides.

Helpful advice:

    Try to ensure that the presentation does not overshadow the speaker with its special effects, bright pictures and photographs, and overly colorful slide design. Remember that presentation is not an end, but a means to an end.

    You need to know your presentation well in order to easily navigate it.

    The speaker must fully understand what he is saying.

    The report must be rehearsed with all the necessary equipment (computer, projector, laser pointer, remote mouse, microphone).

    To fix in memory the sequence of the slide show, to polish the phrases used, speak the text of the report several times with a clock in your hands.

    Present your work with sincere enthusiasm, listeners should feel your interest.

Helpful advice:

    Do not read the text from the slide!Students can read and will read all the texts themselves. It is worth building a report so that the slides complement what has been said, and not repeat.

Mistakes made when developing presentations:

    Poor presentation structure.

    Missing titles on slides.

    The color scale is not worked out, there is color aggression.

    Not optimized, distorted graphics.

    Not optimized, distorted images on slides.

    Animation and expediency of interactive elements are not thought out.

    Text quality characteristics (readability, size, style) are not taken into account.and so on.).

    Slides are overloaded with text.

    Information is not centered on the screen.

    Mismatch between images and text content.


Thus, the Microsoft Office program "Power Point" is a computer program that allows users to create fairly effective computer presentations with minimal physical and financial resources.

My personal experience application of computer slide presentations in educational process emphasized the undoubted advantages of this type of training:

    integration of hypertext and multimedia (combining audio, video and animation effects) into a single presentation allows you to make the presentation of the material bright and convincing;

    the combination of oral lecture material with a slide-film demonstration allows you to focus visual attention on especially significant (important) points;

    It is convenient to use computer presentation slide films to display information in the form of printouts on a printer as handouts: reference material, memos, etc.

Ease of learning, relatively high quality resulting multimedia presentations allow a user with minimal knowledge of the basics of computer literacy, the Windows operating system and text editor"Word", successfully cope with this work. Using this program, you can solve a wide range of tasks that arise during a variety of classes, events, various innovative projects and so on.

Successful presentation!


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