Game program script for the secrets of the old chest. Traditional folk costume. To sew clothes, you first had to spin the threads

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MBOUDOD "Center for Additional Education of Children named after. V.Voloshina" Kemerovo
prepared by teacher-organizer Abiatari Irina Denisovna

Voice-over: In one dark, dark forest, in the thicket of it, there lived a feisty, despicable old woman - Baba Yaga. And she had a very black cat. All summer she cooked her herbs and poisons and thought about what kind of dirty tricks she could do to someone. And then one day...

(Song of Baba Yaga and the Cat)

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh-honeys... Kitty-cat, little black barrel, only you are always next to me... They abandoned Grandma in the dense forest, no one comes to visit... Koschey flew to the Emirates, warms his bones on the sand, splashes in the sea... The snake Gorynych flew to China on a business trip to exchange experiences. I was left alone... Hey, little cat, why can’t you even hear human laughter in the forest?
Cat: So, grandma, autumn is here, the children have gone to school to study, they have no time to run around the forests.
Baba Yaga: Come on, go to school... Probably at school they also laugh, play... They laugh like catechumens? They make teachers cry, I guess?
Cat: No, grandma, they study at school, they don’t have time to laugh there. And the teachers, of course, are crying, it’s no joke, after the summer they send their children to study!
Baba Yaga: Well, let them cry. It’s not easy for me either - these kids shook my entire nervous system with their laughter! Everything annoys me! You need to go to this, to a doctor, to a psychotherapist or to a neurologist... How these kids are playing out - and laughing, and laughing, and you can’t stop! So she literally drove everyone away with a broom!
I’ve been wanting to do something nasty for a long time now, just like that, and there’s no laughter or fun.
Cat: It doesn’t happen like that, Grandma, and it will be completely boring...
Baba Yaga: Boring, you say? And their laughter makes me happy, right? My ears are already filling up... The whole forest over there is shaking, you can immediately see that the children are going into the forest, even if you run away from them wherever you look! How could you come up with something like this so that there would be no more laughter and fun?! (thinks) Eh, my memory is full of holes. Come on, little cat, grandma remembered something! My great-great-great-grandmother left me a chest with magical things as an inheritance! I haven't sorted through my things for a long time. Bring him here, maybe I’ll find some remedy, however, the time has come to calm the people down...
The cat drags the chest, there is a crash, Baba Yaga opens the chest
Baba Yaga: Oh, magic hat...
Cat: What's magical about it?
Baba Yaga: (sitting on a stump, puts on a hat, music sounds, legs move)
Look, cat, this is a set! A hat without galoshes does not work! Come on, try it! (The cat puts on a hat and galoshes and runs around the stage like a madman)
Cat: Granny, stop me!
Baba Yaga: Take off your hat, take off your hat!
(The cat takes off his hat and stops)
Cat: Well, grandma, you need to warn me! Let's try this hat and these galoshes on someone else! This will make you laugh!
Baba Yaga: Laughter again, wow, wow, the trees are bent, I’d never hear it again!
Cat: Well, grandma, for the last time, please!
Baba Yaga: And-and-them! Well, for the last time, so for the last time!

(Relay race “Magic hat and galoshes”)
Each team member, wearing a magic hat and galoshes, must run to the finish line and return back, passing the hat and galoshes to the next participant.

Baba Yaga: Ugh, I'm exhausted...
Music is playing.
Cat: Who's there?!
Baba Yaga: No way Kikimorushka stopped by for tea...
(Kikimora's Song)
Kikimora: I heard a scream, I thought what happened to you, Grandma... But no, I look, she’s alive and well. Hello!
Baba Yaga: And you won’t get sick!
Kikimora: What are you doing?
Baba Yaga: Yes, so, we’re going through old things in the chest.
Kikimora: Old things?! Hey, it's not glamorous. Glamorous you know what? For example, little cat, if you were mine and not Grandma’s, I would dye you the color of my dress...
Cat: Grandma, don't give me away!
Baba Yaga: Come on, chick, that is, who needs you so shabby, only your old grandmother!
Come on, Kikimorushka, tell me what else is going on in the world...
Kikimora: It is also very fashionable to paint portraits and hang pictures on the walls in the living room. Do you have a living room?
Baba Yaga: Yeah, with a Russian stove in the middle! I also have dried herbs hanging there, toadstool mushrooms, snake skin...
Kikimora: This is already unnecessary! I say these portraits look very glamorous on the wall in the living room. Well, what if the paintings are painted by a famous artist?
, for example, Nikas Safronov, this is generally the squeak of fashion!
Baba Yaga: (To the cat) Look, she's gone, she's a socialite, give her Nikos Safronov! Where can I find an artist in my forest thicket?! Although... we’ll draw your portrait right now, then you’ll sell it for a million dollars, and then you’ll thank your grandmother!
Cat: Granny, do you have a magic pencil lying around in your chest?!
Baba Yaga: Even two!
Kikimora: Well, I won’t take risks as a model, but if you just draw me your cat, I’ll hang the portrait on the wall, I’ll cover up the hole in the wallpaper...
Baba Yaga: Come on, magic pencils, draw me a cat!

(Relay race “Magic pencils and portrait of a cat”)
Each team member, having reached the tablet, draws one detail, returns to the team, and hands over the pencil trace. participant

Kikimora: Glamorous...I'll go hang it on the wall in the living room.

Baba Yaga: So, I don’t understand why everyone is bothering me?! There are all sorts of people walking around here, knocking you out of your thoughts...
Cat: Grandma, you and I are up to something!
Baba Yaga: My chest, my chest! Things are there, things...

Music is playing. Song of Leshy and his granddaughter.

Baba Yaga: Someone brought someone again... Come on, Cat, hide the chest and hide yourself, Leshy is walking through the forest with his granddaughter...

(Baba Yaga and the cat are hiding, Leshy enters the hall with his granddaughter)

Granddaughter of Leshy: Wow, Grandfather, look at the bumps! Wow, grandpa, look, mushrooms!
Leshy: So, granddaughter, I’m surprised at you, you’ve lived in the world for so many years and still enjoy every day!
Granddaughter of Leshy: How could it be otherwise, Grandfather Leshy, it’s not interesting to live any other way! Look, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, oh, what a joy it is to live in the world!
Goblin: You’re still young, you haven’t met real evil!
Granddaughter of Leshy: With what kind of evil?!
Leshy: Well, at least with Koshchei the Immortal, he will destroy anyone for money. Or take the Snake Gorynych, he also has enough anger in him, how he will fly, how he will let fire into the forests... And Baba Yaga, if she gets angry, will not seem a little! Always dissatisfied, everyone disturbs her, sometimes they laugh a lot, sometimes they play noisily... Oh-oh-oh-noisy ones, let's go, granddaughter on...

(on stage the granddaughter sees 2 brooms)

Leshy's granddaughter: Wow, grandpa, what is this?
Leshy: Yes, Baba Yaga abandoned her movement mechanism.

(granddaughter sits on a broom: “Dryn, dryn, dryn, let’s go!”)
Granddaughter of Leshy: Grandfather, do I look like Baba Yaga?
Goblin: Stop it, granddaughter, otherwise Baba Yaga will see and get angry.
Granddaughter of Leshy: He won’t get angry! Well, who's going to ride a broom with me?!

Relay "Broom Riding"
2 teams of 10 people. The participant’s task is to sit on a broom, “fly” to the finish line and back, and pass the broom’s mark. participant.

Goblin: Let's go home, granddaughter!
Granddaughter of Leshy: You go, grandfather, and I’ll play here a little more.

Kikimora comes out to the music. Leshy's granddaughter is hiding.

Kikimora: Hey, why are you hiding there? Come out, don't be afraid!
Granddaughter of Leshy: But my grandfather forbids me to talk to strangers!
Kikimora: And he’s doing the right thing! How do you know if I'm good or evil?
Leshy's granddaughter: Who are you? Koschei the Deathless? Or Zmey Gorynych?
Kikimora: I'm Kikimora!
Granddaughter of Leshy: Oh, then I know you, my grandfather told me about it. You live in a swamp, in a three-story stone mansion. And I am the granddaughter of Leshy, my name is Frosya.
Kikimora: And what are you doing here alone?
Granddaughter of Leshy: Yes, I sing songs, walk, admire flowers, look at mushrooms...
Kikimora: Why look at them, you need to collect them in baskets.
Granddaughter of Leshy: Wow, what clearings, and so many mushrooms.
Kikimora: Here is a boletus with a red cap, here is a boletus with a brown one, and here is a mushroom that under no circumstances should be collected - Amanita! He is very poisonous, look at his hat - red with polka dots. Eat this and you'll get poisoned!
Leshy's granddaughter: I remember...Let's collect edible mushrooms in a basket and leave the fly agaric mushrooms to grow!
(Relay race “Collect edible mushrooms”
Mushrooms grow in a clearing. The task of each participant is to take turns to run to the clearing with mushrooms, pick an edible mushroom, put it in a basket, run to the finish line, return to the team, pass the basket to the next one.)

Kikimora: Well, I helped you pick mushrooms, but now I have no time to talk to you, I have a visit to the stylist soon.
Leshy's granddaughter: Well, I'll have to play alone again... It seems that someone is coming here again, I'll hide!
(Music sounds, granddaughter hides)
Baba Yaga: (grumbles) Well, they threw the broom around, scattered the mushrooms, started shouting again, making noise... Who was there, what were they doing, eh? Did you ride on my brooms? Who allowed it?
Cat: Meow, what have you done! Baba Yaga, let's punish them! Where's your magic club? (Reaches into the chest, takes out a rubber baton, runs around the hall, scares the children) Baba Yaga, it doesn’t work!
Baba Yaga: So the magic words must be said!
Cat: So say the magic words, we’ll beat everyone up right now!
Baba Yaga: Hey, cat, wait, don’t rush. The baton, if it breaks apart, will give you and me a blow. And don’t knock me out of my thoughts, I’m up to something here, and you’re disturbing me. You better bring me that well-fed, well-mannered boy, I need to ask him something!

(The cat takes the boy out)

Baba Yaga: Hey, boy, what’s your name? Are you studying at school? And in what class? What's your favorite subject? When I was in school, my favorite subject was singing. Can you sing? Let's sing together! Some funny song!
Baba Yaga: The Golden Voice of Russia - Kolya Baskov! (sing something)
Baba Yaga: Wait a minute, I had a magic music box in my chest somewhere... Bring the box here, kitty!
(the cat brings it)
Baba Yaga: Open the box! Don't peek...
Competition "Guess the melody"
The first chords of children's songs sound, everyone guesses what kind of song it sounds.
Baba Yaga: And now for the last time let's sing a song about a smile! And why you,
(boy’s name), you don’t ask Grandmother: “Why, Grandma Yaga, for the last time?” Well, ask me!
(the boy asks)
Baba Yaga: And I’m answering you, because Babushka Yaga is tired of you all with your noise, fun and laughter! Go to your place, better hide, now Babushka Yaga will cast a spell!
Cat: Now Grandma will take out a magic bag of sadness, sprinkle magic dust on you, and then no one will laugh and disturb her peace with noise and din!
Baba Yaga: (takes it out of the chest) Here it is, my precious bag... (The bag shakes, crying is heard)
(The granddaughter of Leshy Frosya is hiding at this time)
Baba Yaga: Oh, something is rumbling in my stomach, I’ll go for lunch, otherwise something won’t work on an empty stomach. I’ll eat, sleep a little, and then I’ll get to work on witchcraft. I'll be gone for about three hours. And you, sit quietly and don’t make noise! I’ll hide the bag in the hollow for now! (hides in a hollow)

The Granddaughter of Leshy Frosya runs onto the stage.

Granddaughter of Leshy: Grandfather, grandfather! Aw! For help! Save, help!
Leshy (runs out): What happened? Who offended you? Come on, you filthy miracle Yudo, come out and fight!!!
Granddaughter of Leshy: Grandfather, grandfather, trouble has happened in the forest! Baba Yaga wants to open the magic bag and dispel the magic dust with sadness and sadness over the earth, so that we have neither fun nor joy!
We cannot allow this to happen! She had already taken the bag out of the chest and hid it somewhere!
Goblin: Here is a feisty old woman, there is no control over her! Well, it’s okay, I have one idea on how to deal with it!
Come on, granddaughter, let's get some children's laughter, noise, din, fun.
Leshy's granddaughter: Will it work?!
Leshy: Of course it will work out, and the guys will help us deal with Baba Yaga!
Granddaughter of Leshy: Then, at my command, this part of the hall laughs, the other part claps its hands, and you stomp your feet loudly!
The goblin catches the little laughs and puts them in a bag.

Leshy: Let's shake, compact... (phonogram of laughter, noise)
And now I will say the magic words, and our little bag will gain unprecedented power. The one who opens it will always be cheerful and joyful, and will never be sad or sad.
Come on, granddaughter, guess what I'm going to do?
Granddaughter of Leshy: I don’t know...
Leshy: I’ll ask the guys now!
(children suggest that the bags need to be changed)
Where do you say Baba Yaga hid her magic bag? In the hollow?
(takes out a bag, shakes it, crying is heard)
Come on, granddaughter, throw Baba Yaga’s bag of sadness and sadness further into the swamp so that it will be sucked into the quagmire!
The granddaughter throws the bag, spins it over her head, throws it, a soundtrack of water splashing.
Leshy: He won’t find it there! Granddaughter, take the bag of joy and laughter and put it in the hollow. (puts it down)
Come on, granddaughter, let’s hide and look at our magic from the outside. Now we all together will transform Grandma Yaga from an evil, harmful old woman into a kind one!
(hiding in the hall)
Baba Yaga and the Cat appear on stage.
Baba Yaga: Cats are scratching something in my soul...
Cat: I don't scratch.
Baba Yaga: Yes, I didn’t mean you, I have a bad feeling...
Kitty, is anything missing from our magic chest?
Cat: Well, I guess not... Let's see... Self-assembled tablecloth - 1 piece, in place.
Magic baton - 1 piece - present. The rest is small stuff - a sword-treasurer, a samogud harp, etc.. Everything is in place, don’t worry, grandma!
Baba Yaga: Where is my magic bag of sadness?! Where did you go?! A?! Eh, Kotofey, I can count the calm days on my fingers in my entire life! Who rolled the magic ball into the forest thicket, I still can’t unwind it?!
Cat: Yes, I wanted to play!
Baba Yaga: He wanted to play... But who broke the magic saucer, eh?! Now, by your grace, I can’t see what’s going on in the forest!
Cat: Yes, I accidentally touched it with my tail, and it broke!
Baba Yaga: There’s no point in wagging your tails without asking in my hut!
And who tore off all the leaves from my favorite trees? Say, isn't it you?!
Cat: Yes, I only touched them, they fell off on their own! Grandma, autumn is in the yard, the leaves are falling from the trees...
Baba Yaga: Everything falls off on its own, breaks on its own, breaks on its own...
Cat: I collected all these leaves in a pile, I knew that you would swear... Do you want me to return your leaves to the trees?

Relay race “Decorate the tree with leaves” 2 teams of 10 people. Driftwood in pots, attach the leaves with clothespins to the tree.

Baba Yaga: I don’t understand something, it seems my trees had green leaves.
Cat: So, Grandma, autumn is here, so they have turned yellow!
Baba Yaga: Well, there are still only losses from you! Where is my magic bag of sadness?! (searches)
Cat: I didn't take it!
Baba Yaga: Where did I hide it?
(children should prompt)
Baba Yaga: Exactly, I hid the magic bag away from human eyes! Take out the bag, Kotofey, but carefully, and not as always!
Now Babushka Yaga will cast her spell! Don’t shake, so as not to dispel the magic dust ahead of time!
Cat: Yes, I'm careful! (stumbles and almost falls)
Baba Yaga: Come here, now I’ll untie my magic bag, scatter the magic dust, and then there will never be laughter, joy, or fun on earth! And I will live in peace and quiet!
Cat: Baba Yaga, maybe it’s not necessary? What about me? Am I also not allowed to play?
Baba Yaga: Are you special? Did you hit the saucer? Bill. Did you wrap the ball? Wound it up. Come on, without further ado! Get ready!
Disturbing music sounds.

I'll untie the magic bag
I will punish people big and small!
Let the fun and laughter disappear forever,
For hundreds of thousands of years, for many years!

Laughter, cheerful music.
The magical transformation of Baba Yaga and the Cat.
Leshy and Leshy's granddaughter rejoices. Kikimora comes into the hall.

Kikimora: What are you doing here?
Leshy: Why, you don’t know? Baba Yaga has turned from an evil, harmful old woman into a kind Grandmother Yaga! And now no one will do any mischief in our forest!
Kikimora: And this is why there is so much fun?
Leshy's granddaughter: Is this really fun?! It will be real fun if we have a real forest disco in our clearing!
Leshy: And even Baba Yaga will dance?
Baba Yaga: Well, although I’m a little too old for dancing, I’m young at heart! Where is my magic music box?!
(The cat brings the box, turns it on, music sounds)


Final song.

All heroes: Goodbye, see you again!

theatrical game program

"The Mystery of the Old Suitcase"

GKUSO RO Shakhty Children's Assistance Center No. 1f
prepared by teacher-organizer Tepina Svetlana Sergeevna.

Baba Yaga sits on a stump in front of the hut, feeling sad.

Voice behind the scene: In one dark, dark forest, in the thicket of it, there lived a feisty, despising old woman - Baba Yaga. All summer and all autumn she cooked her herbs and poisons and thought about what kind of dirty trick she could do to someone. And then one winter...

(Song of Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: Oh-oh-oh-nos... They abandoned Grandma in a dense forest, no one comes to visit... Koschey flew to the Emirates, warms his bones in the sand, splashes in the sea... The Serpent Gorynych flew to China on a business trip to exchange experiences. I was left alone... Oh, someone is walking through the forest... No way Kikimorushka stopped by for tea...

Kikimora: I thought what happened to you, Grandma... But no, I see, she’s alive and well. Hello!
Baba Yaga: And you won’t get sick!
Kikimora: What are you doing?

Baba Yaga: But I’m sitting here bored... You can’t hear a child’s laughter in the forest...
Kikimora: So, grandma, the children are studying at school, they have no time to run around in the woods.
Baba Yaga: Look, look, at school... Probably at school they also laugh, play... They laugh like catechumens? They make teachers cry, I guess?
Kikimora: No, grandma, they’re studying at school, they’re not laughing there. And the teachers, of course, cry...
Baba Yaga: Well, let them cry. It’s not easy for me either - these kids shook my entire nervous system with their laughter! Everything annoys me! You need to go to this, to a doctor, to a psychotherapist or to a neurologist... How these kids are playing out - and laughing, and laughing, and you can’t stop! So she literally drove everyone away with a broom!
I’ve been wanting to do something nasty for a long time now, just like that, and there’s no laughter or fun.
Kikimora: It doesn’t happen like that, Grandma, and it will be completely boring...
Baba Yaga: Boring, you say? And their laughter makes me happy, right? My ears are already blocked... The whole forest over there is shaking, you can immediately see that the children are going into the forest, even if you run away from them wherever your eyes look! How could you come up with something like this so that there would be no more laughter and fun?! (thinks) Eh, my memory is full of holes. Come on, Kika, grandma remembered something! My great-great-great-grandmother left me a suitcase with magical things as an inheritance! I haven't sorted through my things for a long time. Bring him here, maybe I’ll find some remedy, however, the time has come to calm the people down...
Kikimora drags a chest, there is a roar, Baba Yaga opens the chest
Baba Yaga: Oh, the hat is magical...
Kikimora: What's magical about it?
Baba Yaga: (sitting on a stump, puts on a hat, music sounds, legs move)
Look, cat, this is a set! A hat without galoshes does not work! Come on, try it! (Kikimora puts on a hat and galoshes and runs around the stage like a madwoman)
Kikimora: Grandma, stop me!
Baba Yaga: Hat, hat off!
(Kikimora takes off his hat and stops)
Kikimora: Well, grandma, you say, we need to warn you! Let's try this hat and these galoshes on someone else! This will make you laugh!
Baba Yaga: Laughter again, wow, wow, the trees are bent, I’d never hear it again!
Kikimora: Well, grandma, for the last time, please!
Baba Yaga: And-and-them! Well, for the last time, so for the last time!

(Relay race “Magic hat and galoshes”)
Each team member, wearing a magic hat and galoshes, must run to the finish line and return back, passing the hat and galoshes to the next participant.

Baba Yaga: Ugh, I'm tired...
Kikimora: Grandma-Yagusya! Nowadays it’s very glamorous to paint portraits and hang pictures on the walls in the living room. Do you have a living room?
Baba Yaga: Yeah, with a Russian stove in the middle! I also have dried herbs hanging there, toadstool mushrooms, snake skin...
Kikimora: It is unnecessary! I say these portraits look very glamorous on the wall in the living room. Well, if the paintings are painted by a famous artist, this is generally the squeak of fashion!
Baba Yaga:I Hey, I’m lost, where did I find an artist in the thicket of the forest?! Although... we’ll draw your portrait right now, then you’ll sell it for a million dollars, and then you’ll thank your grandmother!
Kikimora: Granny, do you have a magic pencil lying around in your chest?!
Baba Yaga: Even two!
Baba Yaga: Come on, magic pencils, draw me a kikimora!

(Kikimora poses)

(Relay race “Magic pencils and portrait of a kikimora”)
Each team member, having reached the tablet, draws one detail, returns to the team, and hands over the pencil trace. participant

Kikimora: Glamorous...I'll hang it on the wall in the living room.
Baba Yaga: So, I don’t understand why everyone is bothering me?! There are all sorts of people walking around here, knocking me out of my thoughts... I seem to be up to something! My chest, my chest! Things are there, things...

Music is playing. Song of Leshy and his granddaughter.

Baba Yaga: Someone brought someone again... Come on, Kika, hide the chest and hide yourself, Leshy is walking through the forest with his granddaughter...

(Baba Yaga and the cat are hiding, Leshy enters the hall with his granddaughter)

Granddaughter of Leshy: Wow, Grandpa, look at the bumps!
Goblin: So, granddaughter, I am surprised at you, you have lived in the world for so many years and still enjoy every day!
Granddaughter of Leshy: How could it be otherwise, Grandfather Leshy, it’s not interesting to live any other way!
Goblin: You are still young, you have never encountered real evil!
Granddaughter of Leshy: With what kind of evil?!
Goblin: Well, at least with Koshchei the Immortal, he will destroy anyone for money. Or take the Snake Gorynych, he also has enough anger in him, how he will fly, how he will let fire into the forests... And Baba Yaga, if she gets angry, will not seem a little! Always dissatisfied, everyone disturbs her, sometimes they laugh a lot, sometimes they play noisily... Oh-oh-oh-noisy ones, let's go, granddaughter on...

(on stage the granddaughter sees 2 brooms)

Granddaughter of Leshy: Wow, grandpa, what is this?
Goblin: Yes, Baba Yaga abandoned her movement mechanism.

(granddaughter sits on a broom: “Dryn, dryn, dryn, let’s go!”)
Granddaughter Leshy: Grandfather, do I look like Baba Yaga?
Goblin: Stop it, granddaughter, otherwise Baba Yaga will see it and get angry.
Granddaughter of Leshy: Don't get angry! Well, who's going to ride a broom with me?!

Relay "Broom Riding"
2 teams of 10 people. The participant’s task is to sit on a broom, “fly” to the finish line and back, and pass the broom’s mark. participant.

Goblin : Let's go home, granddaughter!
Granddaughter of Leshy: You go, grandpa, and I’ll play here a little more.

Kikimora comes out to the music. Leshy's granddaughter is hiding.

Kikimora: Hey, why are you hiding there? Come out, don't be afraid!
Granddaughter of Leshy:
And my grandfather forbids me to talk to strangers!
Kikimora: And he does the right thing! How do you know if I'm good or evil?
Granddaughter of Leshy: And who are you? Koschei the Deathless? Or Zmey Gorynych?
Kikimora: I'm Kikimora!
Granddaughter of Leshy: Oh, then I know you, my grandfather told me. You live in a swamp, in a three-story stone mansion. And I am the granddaughter of Leshy, my name is Frosya.
Kikimora: And what are you doing here alone?
Granddaughter of Leshy: Yes, I sing songs, walk, admire the Christmas trees, look at the pine cones...
Kikimora: Why look at them, you need to collect them in baskets.

(Relay race “Collect cones”)
There are cones in the clearing. The task of each participant is to take turns running to the clearing with cones, take a cone, put it in a basket, run to the finish line, return to the team, pass the basket to the next one.)

Kikimora: Well, I helped you collect the cones, but now I have no time to talk to you.
Granddaughter of Leshy: Well, I’ll have to play alone again... It seems that someone is coming here again, I’ll hide!
(Music sounds, granddaughter hides)

Baba Yaga and Kikimora enter.
Baba Yaga: (grumbles) Well, they threw the broom around, scattered the mushrooms, started shouting again, making noise... Who was there, what were they doing, eh? Did you ride on my brooms? Who allowed it?
Kikimora: what have you done? Baba Yaga, let's punish them! Where's your magic club? (Reaches into the chest, takes out a rubber baton, runs around the hall, scares the children) Baba Yaga, it doesn’t work!
Baba Yaga: So the magic words need to be said!
Kikimora: So say the magic words, we’ll beat everyone up right now!
Baba Yaga: Hey Kika, wait, take your time. The baton, if it breaks apart, will give you and me a blow. And don’t knock me out of my thoughts, I’m up to something here, and you’re disturbing me. You better bring me that well-fed, well-mannered boy, I need to ask him something!

(Kikimora takes the boy out)

Baba Yaga: Hey, boy, what's your name? Are you studying at school? And in what class? What's your favorite subject? When I was in school, my favorite subject was singing. Can you sing? Let's sing together! Some funny song!
Baba Yaga: The golden voice of Russia is Kolya Baskov! (sing something)
Baba Yaga: Wait a minute, I had a magic music box in my chest somewhere... Bring the box here, kikimushka!
(kikimora brings)
Baba Yaga:
Let's open the box! Don't peek...
Competition "Guess the melody"
The first chords of children's songs sound, everyone guesses what kind of song it sounds.
Baba Yaga: And now for the last time let's sing a song about a smile! And why you,
(boy’s name), you don’t ask Grandmother: “Why, Grandma Yaga, for the last time?” Well, ask me!
(the boy asks)
Baba Yaga: And I’m answering you, because Babushka Yaga is tired of you all with your noise, fun and laughter! Go to your place, better hide, now Babushka Yaga will cast a spell!

Kikimora : Now Grandma will take out a magic bag of sadness, sprinkle magic dust on you, and then no one will laugh or disturb her peace with noise and din!
Baba Yaga: (takes it out of the chest) Here it is, my precious bag... (The bag shakes, crying is heard)
(The granddaughter of Leshy Frosya is hiding at this time)
Baba Yaga: Oh, something is rumbling in my stomach, I went for lunch, otherwise something won’t work on an empty stomach. I’ll eat, sleep a little, and then I’ll get to work on witchcraft. I'll be gone for about three hours. And you, sit quietly and don’t make noise! I’ll hide the bag in the hollow for now! (hides in a hollow)

The Granddaughter of Leshy Frosya runs onto the stage.

Granddaughter of Leshy: Grandpa, grandpa! Aw! For help! Save, help!
Goblin (runs out): What happened? Who offended you? Come on, you filthy miracle Yudo, come out and fight!!!
Granddaughter of Leshy: Grandfather, grandfather, trouble has happened in the forest! Baba Yaga wants to open the magic bag and dispel the magic dust with sadness and sadness over the earth, so that we have neither fun nor joy!
We cannot allow this to happen! She had already taken the bag out of the chest and hid it somewhere!
Goblin: Here is a feisty old woman, there is no control over her! Well, it’s okay, I have one idea on how to deal with it!
Come on, granddaughter, let's get some children's laughter, noise, din, fun.
Granddaughter of Leshy: Will it work?!
Goblin: Of course, it will work out, and the guys will help us cope with Baba Yaga!
Granddaughter of Leshy: Then, at my command, this part of the hall laughs, the other part claps its hands, and you stomp your feet loudly!
The goblin catches the little laughs and puts them in a bag.

Goblin: Let's shake, tamp down... (phonogram of laughter, noise)
And now I will say the magic words, and our little bag will gain unprecedented power. The one who opens it will always be cheerful and joyful, and will never be sad or sad.
Come on, granddaughter, guess what I'm going to do?
Granddaughter of Leshy: Don't know…
Goblin: I’ll ask the guys now!
(children suggest that the bags need to be changed)
Where do you say Baba Yaga hid her magic bag? In the hollow?
(takes out a bag, shakes it, crying is heard)
Come on, granddaughter, throw Baba Yaga’s bag of sadness and sadness further into the swamp so that it will be sucked into the quagmire!
The granddaughter throws the bag, spins it over her head, throws it, a soundtrack of water splashing.
Goblin: It won't be found there! Granddaughter, take the bag of joy and laughter and put it in the hollow. (puts it down)
Come on, granddaughter, let’s hide and look at our magic from the outside. Now we all together will transform Grandma Yaga from an evil, harmful old woman into a kind one!
(hiding in the hall)
Baba Yaga and Kikimora appear on stage.

Baba Yaga : I have a bad feeling...
Kikimora, is nothing missing from our magic chest?
Kikimora: Well, apparently not... Let's see... Self-assembled tablecloth - 1 piece, in place.
Magic baton - 1 piece - present. The rest is small stuff - a sword-treasurer, a samogud harp, etc.. Everything is in place, don’t worry, grandma!
Baba Yaga: Where is my magic bag of sadness?!
Kikimora: I didn't take it!
Baba Yaga: Where did I hide it?
(children should prompt)
Baba Yaga: That’s right, I hid the magic bag away from human eyes! Take out the bag, Kika, but be careful!
Now Babushka Yaga will cast her spell! Don’t shake, so as not to dispel the magic dust ahead of time!
Kikimora: Yes, I'm careful! (stumbles and almost falls)
Baba Yaga: Come here, now I’ll untie my magic bag, scatter the magic dust, and then there will never be laughter, joy, or fun on earth! And I will live in peace and quiet!
Kikimora: Baba Yaga, maybe it’s not necessary? What about me? Am I also not allowed to play?
Baba Yaga: Are you special? Come on, without further ado! Get ready!
Disturbing music sounds.

I'll untie the magic bag
I will punish people big and small!
Let the fun and laughter disappear forever,
For hundreds of thousands of years, for many years!

Laughter, cheerful music.
The magical transformation of Baba Yaga and Kikimora.
Leshy and Leshy's granddaughter rejoices.
Goblin: Baba Yaga has turned from an evil, harmful old woman into a kind Grandmother Yaga! And now no one will do any mischief in our forest!
Granddaughter of Leshy: And now we will have fun, we will arrange a real forest disco in our clearing!
Goblin: And even Baba Yaga will dance?
Baba Yaga: Well, even though I’m a little too old for dancing, I’m still young at heart! Where is my magic music box?!
(Kikimora brings the box, turns it on, music sounds)


Presenter. Dear guys! Today we have invited you to a meeting at the Rodnichok folklore and local history club, where we will get acquainted with Russian antiquity, with the life, way of life and culture of our ancestors.
Today, come to us at “Rodnichok”
In the morning, out of nowhere,
Look, they sent a chest -
Miracle, emerald color.
In malachite stains
And bound in silver...
I'd like to find out what's hiding
There's an old volume in the chest!
Maybe there's a treasure hidden in it
And the treasures lie?
Look: there's a letter on it!
We'll read it now.
He unfolds the “gram” lying on the chest and reads:
Here, my friend, lies a treasure,
And the treasures lie.
Guess which ones?
But don't open the chest,
And take a quick look at the lid:
If you have a little intelligence
And even a penny's worth of ingenuity,
You can see the inscription here!
The clever inscription says,
What does the chest contain?
The presenter turns the chest so that the lid is visible to the children. On the lid, hidden in the interweaving of the pattern are letters (or syllables, or combinations of letters), from which the word “Writing” can be composed.
Presenter (after solving the inscription). Guys, I see some of you are a little disappointed! You were probably expecting gold coins and precious stones, but here... And yet it can be argued that writing is the greatest treasure that man has managed to master. To understand this, let's try to travel back tens of thousands of years... Here is a picture from the past!
Appear: the Scythian messenger, the Persian king Darius, the military leader of the Persian army Gobryas.
Scythian. I brought you gifts from our leaders. Here they are: a frog, a bird, a mouse and 5 arrows.
King. What do your gifts mean, messenger? What did your leaders want to tell me?
Skif. I was ordered to give this to you and return back. And if you have enough wisdom, you yourself will understand what my people are warning you about. (Leaves.)
King. Well, my comrade-in-arms Gobryas, we need to unravel the message of the rebellious Scythians. For so many years we have been trying to enslave this people and conquer their land - and all to no avail! Have they really decided to give up? The mouse... it lives in the ground. The frog... it lives in the water, and the bird lives in the air. Therefore, they decided to give us their lands, waters and spaces and are giving us their courage and strength along with their arrows!
Gobryas: No, my king, I fought with the Scythians and I know their character. Most likely, this message should be understood as follows: “If you, Persians, do not fly like birds into the sky, do not burrow into the ground like mice, do not jump like frogs into the lakes, then you will fall under the blows of our arrows.”
Then both shrug their shoulders and leave.
Presenter: This is how they exchanged dispatches in ancient times! Both cumbersome and not particularly clear... Gradually, people began to invent what is now in our chest... Oh, we completely forgot about it! But the chest is not simple. How can we open it? Ah, I understand, you need to solve the riddle, then it will open.

It sounds like a riddle:

“Black, straight, mute from birth,
They’ll stand in a row and start talking.”
After guessing the riddle (letter), the lid of the chest opens for a moment, and the presenter quickly takes out the envelope.
Guys, look, there are letters in the envelope, and on the envelope it is written:
These letters are for those
Who plays the best?
On the sheet, forming a closed circle, the letters are written: mk eifr o and d l i l y. The letters highlighted here should be different from the others, for example in color. Inside the circle is a book. Under this strange set of letters, guys, there is also an inscription:
These letters are not simple
And they hide the secret within themselves.
Choose any -
Mixed up and in a row.
Did you get three words?
The lid opened slightly.
And then don’t yawn,
Whatever you have time to do, get it!
Explanations. The guys make up letters various words. After 3 words have been composed (by the end of the game you can limit yourself to 1-2 words), the lid of the chest opens and the children are allowed to take from it what is on top. For each word composed and for correct answers at the remaining stages of the game, the presenter gives the children letters on cards from the envelope. After the first 3 words are called, a sheet of paper is taken out of the chest, on it there are 3 images: 1) the entrance to the cave, 2) “prints” of someone’s feet, 3) an icon - the symbol K.
Presenter: Look at this sheet, guys, it reminds us of the first steps of writing. Such an image was found on the wall of a cave in which people lived. The fact is that exchanging messages is a troublesome business, so people have become the objects in question... (children's answers are heard: depict, draw). Right! Scientists understood this composition from the drawings in two ways: 1) you cannot enter the cave; 2) you can enter the cave. Which of these three images do you think scientists have never been able to understand and why?
Children point to the icon and say that it does not correspond to any object in real life, but is an abstract symbol - most likely a symbol of action.
Presenter: So, which of the three images already indicates a person’s approach to depicting writing?
Children point to the third image.
Presenter: Gradually, the drawings were replaced by more and more new symbols. This is how writing was born among ancient peoples. Icons-symbols denoted a whole word or even a phrase. These “inscriptions” were made on stones, on boards, and clay. Of course, it was not convenient to carry such dispatches. And then they came up with... But in order to see what they came up with, you need to make 3 words from our letters.
After this, the presenter takes out the next item from the chest - a twine with multi-colored threads tied to it, each of which has several knots tied.
And this, guys, is what the inhabitants of ancient South America, the Inca tribe, came up with to transmit information. This is also a letter, albeit such a shaggy one... By the color of the threads, they learned, first of all, what was being said. A yellow thread means gold, white means silver, red means warriors, etc. And the number of knots on the thread indicates the number of these objects.
After the children compose the next three words, they get a new object - a string wound into a ball with knots on it.
Presenter: And this is also a knotted letter, but invented by people living in Europe. The name of this people - more precisely, a whole group of peoples - must be composed of the letters that are on these 2 tables. But there are more than a dozen letters here! This does not mean that the word is so long. You just need to choose letters written in a different font than all the letters - and form a word from them. The first letter is the largest: it is capital. (Two players at different tables compete: who will choose the letters faster and form a word. This word is “Slavs.”)
Presenter. Guys, the Slavs are you and me. Our ancestors came up with this way of transmitting information. True, this letter was held by selected people - magicians and magicians. And also, according to information that has reached us, the Slavs counted and told fortunes with the help of some “lines and cuts” - dashes and notches. From those times, two folk sayings have come to us that remind us of ancient methods of transmitting information. A piece of paper with these sayings is in the chest!
After composing words from letters, two sheets with two encrypted inscriptions are taken out. 1st encryption - an image of a scarf with a knot tied at the end. Along the perimeter of the scarf, in a row, forming a closed square, the letters are written: “tie a knot-knead.” The 2nd encryption is an image of an ax, and around the picture, also forming a closed square, the letters are written: “zarubinanosu”. After solving the codes, the presenter explains the direct meaning of the statements.
Presenter: But how much can be communicated with the help of knots, features and cuts? And so the Slavs began to learn that in other countries people already use signs to indicate each sound. These signs are believed to have been invented by the Samites, an ancient people who lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Greeks perfected these signs over hundreds of years. They called these signs “alphabet”, adding two letters for this name: “alpha” and “beta” (“vita”). Books (Roman, Greek, Byzantine) began to reach the Slavs in ancient times. But the foreign alphabet turned out to be inconvenient for writing Slavic speech.
And so in 863 it happened an important event: on the instructions of the Moravian prince Rostislav, two monks - two brothers - compiled a new alphabet. Some of the letters were taken from the Greeks, others were invented by ourselves to designate those sounds that were only in Slavic speech. And several books were quickly translated into Slavic. For this, the brothers suffered many persecutions from those who prevented the spread of book wisdom to the east. But many years later they were canonized by the Orthodox Church. The day of these saints is celebrated in all Slavic countries in May as the Day of Slavic Writing. The names of these brothers are encrypted on our poster - the “key” with which we open our chest. Who will be the first to decipher and read them? (The name Cyril is written in red letters, Methodius is written in green letters. You have to guess, choose letters of the same color, and then find the beginning of each word in a circle of letters.)
The name of the Slavic alphabet - “Cyrillic” - came from the name of one of the brothers. This is how the Slavic countries developed their own written language. Decades passed, it changed, improved, letters that turned out to be superfluous disappeared, the style of letters changed. Each Slavic people changed it in their own way, adapting it to their language. And if we now see what was written by our ancestors 900, 500, even 200 years ago, we will not understand much of what was written. Let's take a look into that corner of the chest that stores the writings of those distant days.
You get a sheet with the words: beeches, yes, good, az.
Presenter: How many letters do you think are written here? Only 4. In the old days, the names of the letters were long and resembled words. What word can be made from these 4 letters? (Trouble.) By the way, Cyril and Methodius came up with one new Slavic word, making it up from the full names of two Slavic letters... Who will be the first to name this word? (ABC.)
The letters on the poster are letters familiar to you that have survived to our time, only abbreviated names. But about a dozen letters from that first Slavic alphabet have not reached our time at all. Look at the letters on the cards you received as a reward. Who got the cards with unfamiliar letters? You are given the opportunity to earn more with an additional card. To do this, you “just” need to guess what name this missing letter bore. The names of the letters are given on the stand. You must place a card with your letter next to any name. If you place it correctly, you get another card.
On the stand lines:
In any old book
Could you read
These letters:
- “Izhitsa”,
- “fita”,
- “yat”,
-and the letter “psi”,
- and the letter “xi”,
- “zelo”,
-and also “er”.
-People wrote in Rus'
- In what manner?
Correct placement of letters:

After completing this stage of the game and composing words (working with the poster - the “key”), the presenter opens the chest and takes out the following items: several goose feathers and an antique inkwell.
Presenter: What kind of objects are these, and what relation do they have to Slavic writing?
It turns out that these feathers are “tools of labor” - the predecessors of pencils and fountain pens; they were used until early XIX century. Then the presenter invites the children to try writing with quill quills. Several (according to the number of feathers) teams of children are compiled. A sheet of paper, a pen and an inkwell are placed on separate tables. The players of each team, passing the pen like a baton, must take turns running up to the table and writing down their first and last names on the sheet. The winning team is rewarded with letter cards.
Leading. In the old days, ancient scribes (most often monks) copied entire books with such pens. And their letters were not as crooked and clumsy as ours, but smooth, straight, clear (this was called “writing in the charter”) or, conversely, intricate, intricate, curly, similar to a lace pattern (this was called “writing in ligature” ). Moreover, the same pen was used to draw headpieces and endings on each page in the form of a pattern of flowers and leaves. And the capital letters were also painted, so much so that they no longer resembled letters, but rather wondrous animals, birds and even people. Of course, books took a long time to be written. Would you like to see a book like this? It's in our chest. Let's make three more words!
While showing children an open old book, the presenter can read to the children a fragment from a poem by M. Bogdanovich
On a virgin leaf under a narrow window
He slowly draws letters with a pen,
And between the bright black rows
Inserts a red line. Cheerful flowers
And multi-colored heads of animals,
And unprecedented birds - your imagination
Skillful script (there are plenty of skills!) -
He will decorate the screensavers and endings,
And all the headlines - there’s nowhere to rush.
Sometimes work will be interrupted in order to better sharpen
A quill pen, and it looks: joy is the sun
It falls in pillars onto the table through the window.
Of course, books were very expensive back then. A person who owned several books was considered rich. And not because the covers of the books were richly decorated with silver, gold and precious stones, but because the work of a scribe and centuries-old human wisdom were invested in them.
And ordinary paper was a novelty in the old days. By the way, in Ancient Rus' for conducting various everyday correspondence, for teaching children to read and write, an original replacement was found - what do you think? On this stand there is a piece of this material covered with squares - a substitute for paper in Ancient Rus' - with the name of this material written on it. Let's take turns opening the squares. Who can guess what it is first?
2-4 players take turns calling the numbers of the squares that need to be opened. Moreover, they call the square not before their answer, but before their opponent’s answer, i.e. they tell you which square should be opened for the opponent. Under the squares is a piece of “birch bark.” (made of cardboard) with the word “birch bark” written along its entire length. To complicate the task, it is better to arrange the letters not in a line, but scatteredly, and make more squares than letters, arrange them in 2-3 rows, so that one square covers not the whole letter, but part of it or even a clean piece of “birch bark”. After guessing the word, the birch bark is turned over with its back side facing the audience, and text is revealed on it (in Old Russian letters).
Guys, do you understand the birch bark letter? Yes, it is “encrypted”. Such a “note” was found during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Scientists were able to decipher it and realized that it was nothing more than a joke, a tease, invented by some Fomka during a boring lesson and slipped to a neighbor. He apparently quickly figured out how to read the puzzle. And after reading it, he got angry, tore it up and threw it away. What is written here? Please note: in the top row only consonants are written, in the second - vowels, but they usually alternate in Russian words. This means that you need to read the text... in a zigzag pattern: the letter at the top - the letter at the bottom, etc.
Who will read the puzzle first?
The decoding of the text looks like this: “Ignorant pisa, ignorant kaza, and hto se cita... (hereinafter annoying omission).”
This teaser in modern language is known in this form: “I don’t know who wrote it, but I, a fool, read it.” Now it is clear that on the piece of birch bark there were offensive words addressed to the reader of the puzzle.
Now let's return to the ancient Russian book. More and more books were needed in Rus'. The scribes did not have time to rewrite them, although the font gradually began to be simplified, and they tried to compress the words when writing, placing a special icon over the abbreviated word - the title.
And again people in Rus' heard that in some foreign countries they had learned to print books using a special press. And in the 16th century, such a machine was created in Rus' by a wonderful Russian master, information about which you will also find in this chest. Let's open it our way using words and get another encrypted record.
The word “Fedorov” is written on the sheet, but the letters are turned 90°, i.e. lie horizontally. After presenting a card with a letter to the player who deciphered the word first, the presenter invites the children to look at their cards, count them and try to make a word based on them. For making a word from your letter cards, you can give the players 1 more card.
Leading. So, guys, we have reached the very bottom of our chest. The chest turned out to be deep. What's at the bottom? There's a whole stack of books here! Look how many works there are by Russian writers! Who are these treasures for? And here's the note:
Books have their own depth.
Who will reach the bottom?
He will receive as a reward
All precious treasures.
Guys, I think you will agree that these books are worthy of those who actively participated in solving the secrets of our chest. And these are those of you who ended up with more letter cards. (The awarding of books to the winners begins.)

Scenario of play theatrical program

"The Old Pirate's Treasure"

Goal: Development of creative activity and communication abilities of children.

Introduce children to new group games;

Develop mental, physical abilities, erudition;

Foster a desire to develop positive personality traits: mutual assistance, goodwill, sociability, collectivism;

develop children's skills in working in groups.

The script “The Old Pirate's Treasure” was developed and prepared for conducting a game program with children during school holidays. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 15 years.

Preparatory work was carried out in advance: stage design, rehearsals with the main characters - the pirates, making costumes for the pirates and the Guards, making signs with the names of the mission points and a map of the island, printing out tips, preparing props for the tasks.

Progress of the game program “Treasures of the Old Pirate”


Olivia - daughter of the pirate Blood

Chris - daughter of the pirate John Silver

Ulin - daughter of the pirate Flint

Jenny - Jack Sparrow's daughter

The stage design is “a fragment of the Island of Abandoned Ships.” Before the start, a selection of songs about the sea and pirates is played.

The music “Before the Storm” plays, then the soundtrack from the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Ulin comes onto the stage and looks around.

Ulin - So this is what it is, the famous island of Abandoned Ships! It wasn't easy to get here. And here are my friends.

Olivia and Chris take the stage.

Together - We welcome you, Ulin, daughter of Captain Flint!

Ulin - And I'm glad to see you. You still received my messages! Just which one of you is which?

Chris - I am Chris, daughter of the pirate John Silver! Wise and cunning!

Olivia - Olivia, daughter of the pirate Captain Blood! Although I am the youngest, I am very brave!

Chris - Why did you gather us on this island, Ulin?

Ulin - There is a very, very serious matter.

Olivia - (impatiently) What, who cares?

Chris - Well, tell me, don’t be tormented.

Ulin - Listen, everything is in order. A lot of time has passed since my elderly father, one of the most insidious and terrible pirates, Captain Flint, gave his soul to God. He was a very secretive and cautious person, and he never revealed his secrets even to me...

Olivia - Ah! It's already scary.

Chris - This is an intriguing start.

Ulin - And recently I decided to sort out my father’s old things that were stored in our closet in order to throw away everything unnecessary. I take them apart, take them apart, take them apart, take them apart and suddenly!..

Olivia - Oooh...(faints in Chris's arms)

Ulin - I think she feels bad.

Chris - I think she's faking it! (stands Olivia upright).

Olivia - It's okay, girls. I just imagined how Ulin suddenly saw a mouse!..

Ulin - Nothing like that. In the old jacket of my father, the pirate Flint, sewn into the lining, I found THIS! (takes out a card) and this (takes out a letter).

(Chris and Olivia gasp in surprise)

Olivia - What is this?

Chris - (Chris picks up the map) What, what, this is a map of the Island of Abandoned Ships, where, in fact, we are located.

Ulin - Absolutely right. And this is not just a map of the island, but a map by which we can find treasures hidden on this island.

Chris - Where did you get that idea?

Ulin - A letter that I found from an old pirate.

Olivia - Well, read it quickly!

Ulin - Listen to what he writes. So. Yeah, so, and then we, together with John Silver and Captain Blood, buried our treasures on the Island of Abandoned Ships. I safely hid the map on which this place is indicated. Yo-ho-ho.

Chris - The treasure will belong to the one who finds it!

Olivia - Don't you think we're being overheard? (look into the hall).

Ulin - That's how it is! These are the islanders, my father told me about them.

Chris - They heard everything! We'll have to...

Olivia - Take it with you! We need helpers.

Chris - These are our treasures! And I'm not going to share it with anyone!

Ulin - Chris, Olivia is right, without assistants we will look for them until the Black Cuttlefish arrives.

Olivia - When will the Black Cuttlefish come?

Ulin and Chris - NEVER!

(Olivia tries to faint again, but Chris immediately stops her with his hand)

Ulin - (unfolds the map) Look. There are several places indicated on the map. We don’t know which of them contains the treasure. These places are reliably guarded by the Guards left by old Flint. And only they can give us a hint. But the guards just don’t do anything.

Chris - Are you saying that we will have to go through serious tests?

Ulin - Of course. And it seems that we cannot cope alone.

Olivia - But together with the islanders, we will cope with all the challenges in no time!

(Pirate Jenny appears)

Jenny - I'll help you!

Ulin - Yes, this is Jenny, Jack Sparrow's daughter!

Jenny - Yes, it's me. I swam after you and also heard everything. I'll tell you what. You really can’t do it alone, so you’ll have to take help.

Chris - What do you mean?

Jenny - We face trials that the Guardians have prepared for us. They are all very cunning. Who knows what we will have to face. And the islanders are brave and hardy people.

Chris - Okay, we convinced you. (Addressing the guys) Well, are you with us?! Then listen here, help us get the treasures, so be it, we’ll divide them equally.

Ulin - Let's carefully study the map, it contains the first clue.

Chris - Here it is: - Where the low bank and sand

They entered into a fight with the wave,

Hurry up to guess

Starfish riddle!

They study the map of the island, where the Guardians’ locations are labeled: “Starfish Bay”, “Admiral Banbow’s Fort”, etc.

Jenny - We need to go to Starfish Bay!

Olivia - This is our CHANCE!!!

Together - Behind us! Yo-ho-ho!!!

The song from the film “Treasure Island” “Chance” is playing. The passage of all test points with a map of the island, which are carried out by the “guards”, begins. After the guard has completed his test, he gives the children the next clue.

Starfish Bay

(Riddles about sea animals)


No one has been there for a long time,

You will be a welcome guest.

Don't be afraid, go into the cave,

There's someone's bone in that cave!

Ivory Cave

(make beads to appease the Spirit of the cave and dance a ritual dance)


Without delay, go ahead

Hit the road again

You need to find a fortress,

What friend Benbow left us.

Fort Admiral Banbow.

(Game "Tangled Circle")


You will have a battle with the formidable

And the black predator of the seas.

Keep the path to the bay, where the ancient

Shelter for tired ships.

Black Shark Bay

(Game with pins. “Knocking out sharks” with a ball)


You have to find the winds

Those who sang songs in the valley.

They are somewhere, where there is a mountain

We just flew by!

Mountain of the 4 Winds

(Children pass the relay race)


Treasures are flickering closer

And your path to the lagoon will now begin.

But I see only one obstacle -

A terrible devil is guarding the lagoon!

Sea Devil Lagoon

(Children complete the task - collect various words from separate cards with the letters “Treasures”, for example “cow”, “grove”, etc.)


Where the winds play hide and seek

And they sing quiet songs,

An endless valley awaits you,

A haven for eternal wanderers.

Valley of the Wanderers

(Put in your backpack only those things that will be useful for the trip)


It remains for you to take the last step.

And where is the chest, without further delay

I can only whisper to one,

He will lead you to the burial place! (whispers in the pirate's ear)

The last guard indicates the place where the treasure is located - in the hall under the palm tree. The children return to the hall.

The song “Fortune is a lottery” is playing. The pirates take out a treasure chest (candies), dance a pirate dance, then distribute the “treasures” to the children.

Ulin - Well, the treasures have been found, and our adventures are over for today.

Chris - See you soon!

Olivia - Until new adventures!

Jenny - Until new treasures!!!

Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" is playing.

Musical arrangement:

Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean";

Song “Chance” from the film “Treasure Island”;

The song “Fortune is a lottery” from the film “Treasure Island”;