Honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation. Honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation: what benefits and additional payments? Departmental insignia for teachers from the year

How to receive the award "Honorary Worker of General Education" Russian Federation" and got the best answer

Answer from Crazzzy[guru]
ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2004 N 84
III. Procedure for awarding the badge
"Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation"
3.1. The badge "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the badge) is awarded to the best teachers, instructors, educators and other workers of preschool educational institutions, general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education) institutions, special (correctional) institutions. educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, institutions of additional education, institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives), special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, interschool educational centers, health institutions sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, institutions of additional education for children, employees of educational authorities and the field of youth policy, employees of research institutions and organizations, scientific and methodological centers, employees of educational institutions (organizations) of other ministries and departments, as well as employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions, ministries for:
significant successes in organizing and improving the educational and upbringing processes in the light of modern achievements of science and culture, ensuring the unity of teaching and upbringing, the formation of intellectual, cultural and moral development of the individual;
introduction of new teaching technologies into the educational process, modern forms and methods of organizing and conducting classes, monitoring knowledge, which ensures the development of students’ independence and individualization of their learning;
successes in practical training of students and pupils, in the development of their creative activity;
successes in the development of educational and methodological literature, production of visual aids, instruments and equipment;
constant and active assistance in the training and education of children and youth, the development of material and technical base institutions (organizations).
3.2. The badge is awarded to employees who have a total length of service in educational institutions(organizations) or management bodies for at least 12 years and the highest or first qualification category (for teaching staff) .
3.3. The application for awarding the badge is drawn up on an award sheet of the established form (Appendix No. 1), printed on a PVEM or typewriter, signed by the head of the institution (organization), the chairman of the collegial body and certified by a seal. If the head of an institution (organization) is nominated for an award, the award sheet is signed by his deputy. The employee's characteristics must reflect his specific merits, achievements and successes, revealing the essence and degree of these merits in the scientific, pedagogical, educational, educational and methodological fields of activity.
3.4. The application for awarding the badge for each candidate is sent to the higher organization according to the institution (organization):
educational institutions (organizations) of municipal subordination - to the education management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with their subsequent submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;
educational institutions (organizations) under the jurisdiction of other ministries and departments - to the relevant educational authorities according to their subordination, with their subsequent submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
A request for awarding a badge to employees of municipal education authorities is submitted to the education department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Award materials for employees of education departments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are submitted directly to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386; N 37, Art. 4702; 2014, N 2, Art. 126; N 6, Art. 582; N 27, Art. 3776; 2015, N 26, Art. 3898; N 43, Art. 5976; 2016, N 2, Art. 325 ; N 8, Art. 1121; N 28, Art. 4741), Government of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2016 N 578 “On the procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” by federal bodies executive power, the management of whose activities is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, and awarding the indicated insignia" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2016, No. 27, Art. 4479), I order:

dated June 3, 2010 N 580 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 21, 2010, registration N 17928);

dated January 30, 2014 N 68 “On the departmental award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the honorary title “Honorary Worker in the Sphere of Youth Policy of the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 3, 2014, registration N 31471);

dated May 12, 2016, N 546 “On the L. S. Vygotsky Medal” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 6, 2016, registration N 42423).

about the Golden Badge of Distinction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2016 N 1223)

1.1. The golden insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the insignia) is a departmental award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, giving the right to be awarded the title "Veteran of Labor".

1.2. The insignia is a type of awarding by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) to persons for merits in labor (service) and long-term work (service) of at least 15 years in the field of education, scientific, scientific and technical activities, upbringing, guardianship and guardianship of minor citizens, social support and social protection studying educational organizations, youth policy, other areas of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

A) employees of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, other organizations (bodies) operating within the established sphere of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

B) persons replacing government positions of the Russian Federation, federal civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs;

C) persons holding government positions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, state civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, employees government agencies constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinate to them operating within the established sphere of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

D) persons replacing municipal positions, municipal employees, employees of local governments and organizations subordinate to them operating in the established area of ​​jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

1.4. Workers (employees) of organizations (bodies) subordinate to other federal executive authorities are not nominated for award of the distinction.

A) having at least 15 years of work experience in the field specified in these Regulations, including at least 3 years of work (service) experience in the organization (body) submitting the application for awarding the insignia. In case of liquidation (abolition) of an organization (body) or reorganization of an organization (body) with the transfer of rights and obligations (functions and powers) to another legal entity the candidate’s length of service (service) is preserved and is considered continuous when determining whether he meets the requirements for length of service (service) in the organization (body) submitting the application for awarding the insignia (hereinafter referred to as the application);

(the subject of the Russian Federation)

Honorary title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”

(name of the state award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia)

1. Last name ___ ___________________________________________________________________

Name ______ __________ ________________ Surname ___ ______________________________

2. Place of work, position held _ ____________________________________________


(full name of organization)

3. Gender _ _______________ ________ 4. Date of birth __ _____________ ________________

(day month Year)

5. Place of birth_ __________________________________________________________ ____

(republic, region, region, district, city, district, town, village, village)

6. Education_ _________________________________________________________________

(full name educational organization, year of ending)

7. Academic degree, academic title __ _________________ ________________________________

9. What state and departmental (industry) awards was awarded, dates of awarding ___ _____________________________________________________________

_____________________________ ___________________________________________________

10. Work experience: general _________________, in the industry ________________________________


(science, general education, primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational and additional professional education)

11. Work experience in this organization (body) __ ____________________________________

12. Characteristics indicating the specific merits of the person nominated for the award

The characteristics must reflect the specific merits, achievements and successes of the candidate for the award, which reasonably reveal the essence and degree of these merits in scientific, pedagogical, research, educational, teaching and other areas of activity.

In case of significant merit, the characterization can be continued on an additional sheet (sheets), which must be signed by the head of the organization (body) and sealed.

The award sheet must be no more than 4 sheets.

Candidate ______________________________________________________________







7. Home address _________________________________________________________________


8. Total length of service (service) _______________________________________________________

9. Work experience in the industry ____________________________________________________________

10. Work experience in this team _________________________________________________

11. Note _____________________________________________________________________

(from new page)

12. Description of achievements, merits for which encouragement is given: _______________________



Head of the organization ___________________ _____________

(signature) ()

Sample 3


Mayor of Taishet district



1. Last name ______________________________________________________________________________

2. First name, patronymic ___________________________________________________________________

3. Position, place of work__________________________________________________________

(exact name of organization)



4. Date, month, year of birth ________________________________________________________________

5. Education _____________________________________________________________________

(specialty in education, name of educational institution, year of graduation)


6. Academic degree, title _________________________________________________________________

7. What state awards of the Russian Federation and regional awards was awarded to (a) and dates of awards ___________________________________________________


8. Home address _________________________________________________________________


9. Total length of service (service) _______________________________________________________

10. Work experience in the industry ____________________________________________________________

11. Work experience in this team _________________________________________________

12. Description of achievements, merits for which encouragement is given: ______________________



13. Taxpayer Identification Number ________________________________________________________________________________

14. Pension insurance No. ____________________________________________________________

15. Passport data _____________ issued by ________ Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Taishet and Taishetsky district of the Irkutsk region

16. Bank account number ( bank card) and which bank issued the account (bank card) ________________________________________________________________________________

17. Labor activity

(signature) ()

Attached to the award sheet:

1. Extract from the protocol of the labor collective

Sample 4


about awarding a Certificate of Honor (about the announcement of Gratitude)

Education Department of the Taishet District Administration



1. Last name _____________________________________________________________________

2. First name, patronymic ________________________________________________________________

3. Position, place of work_______________________________________________________________

(exact name of organization)


4. Date, month, year of birth _____________________________________________________

5. Education _________________________________________________________________

(specialty in education, name of educational institution, year of graduation)


6. What state awards of the Russian Federation and regional awards was awarded to (a) and dates of awards ________________________________________________________________________________


7. Home address ________________________________________________________________


8. Total length of service (service) ___________________________________________________

9. Work experience in the industry ____________________________________________________________

10. Work experience in this team _____________________________________________

11. Note _________________________________________________________________

(foreign citizens and stateless persons)

Description of achievements, merits for which encouragement is given



Head of the organization ___________________ _____________________

(signature) (signature decryption)

Table of candidates for the award in 2016

Full Name

Educational organization


Industry awards

(Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

Regional awards (Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region)

Municipal awards

Education Department awards

honorary title

certificate of honor


certificate of honor


certificate of honor


certificate of honor


Honorary title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”

mathematics teacher, higher education, first

Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region

Gratitude from the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region

Certificate of honor from the mayor of Taishet district

Gratitude from the mayor of Taishet district

Certificate of honor from the Education Department of the Taishet District Administration

Gratitude Department of Education of the Taishet District Administration

One of the main directions for developing and improving the quality of education is the use of moral and material interest of employees. Presenting a teacher with a badge of distinction serves as recognition of his merits in teaching and educating students. There are two main types of awards: state and departmental.

Awards from the Ministry of Education

There are several departmental awards established by the Russian Ministry of Education, which are awarded for merits in the field of education.

Medal K.D. Ushinsky

This award, introduced in 1999, has a long history. Its establishment was timed to coincide with the anniversary date. In 1946, the Soviet Union widely celebrated the 75th anniversary of the death of the outstanding Russian teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, who is considered the founder of pedagogy in our country.

The insignia appeared in May 1946. This happened after the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. It was assumed that the medal would reward teachers who distinguished themselves in the field of pedagogy. In addition, the basis for the award was the creation of good textbooks and much more. The award could be received from the hands of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR.

Among the recipients are many famous personalities. This is Professor Bradis, creator of the famous tables, children's writer Sergei Mikhalkov, famous speech therapist S.S. Lyapidevsky.

Badge "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation"

The mark was established by order of the department in January 1999. It is assumed that the most distinguished teachers, educators, and other employees of educational institutions at various levels, including correctional institutions, intended for orphans, etc., have the right to receive it.

The basis for encouragement is great achievements in the organization of education, implementation in the learning process modern technologies. In addition, awards are made for notable achievements in the practical training of students, and much more.

People rewarded with this sign are entitled to receive a monthly salary increase of up to 20%. Additional payment is made from the finances of the educational institution.

Badge "Honorary Worker of Primary vocational education Russia"

Employees of primary educational institutions, primary vocational education institutions, and some other persons have the right to apply for the award, founded in the fall of 2004. The reason for the award may be the candidate’s achievements in organizing the educational process, merits in financial and economic work, etc.

Badge “Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation”

Employees of secondary educational institutions and personnel of secondary vocational education organizations can receive a similar badge, introduced in the fall of 2004. In addition, employees of other departments and enterprises can apply.

The reasons for the promotion are similar to the above badges. There is also the award “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.” The reasons for the award are the same.

Sign "Mercy and Charity"

Such an incentive can be awarded to a person working in any scientific and educational institutions. They can have any form of ownership. In addition, individuals working in educational management structures and other organizations are awarded.

The award is made for the introduction of modern forms of education for students in combination with charitable activities. Among the holders of the sign are people who regularly conduct various events with the participation of children, which are organized by the Ministry of Education, as well as people who help educational institutions financially.

Badge "Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation"

This badge, established in the fall of 2004, is intended to reward the staff of research institutes, research departments of higher educational institutions, people who work in educational management structures, etc. You can get it for your contribution to research related to education, the development of new theories, the creation of modern scientific schools, and much more.

You can become the owner of the mark only if you have 15 years of work experience in a scientific institution. The award is a star with eight silver rays. Persons with such an award can count on a monthly 20 percent salary increase. Additional payment is made from the funds of the institution

Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

A similar type of incentive appeared in the fall of 2004. Applicants for diplomas are persons working in educational management structures, educational institutions etc. The form of ownership can be any. To be encouraged, you must have merit in activities related to training scientific specialists, improving their qualifications, and much more.

Badge Honorary Worker of the Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

Presentation of such an award has been practiced since the fall of 2004. It is awarded to individuals whose responsibilities include working with young people. The reason for reward is merit in the implementation of programs at various levels in the field of youth policy. The people who developed these programs are also recognized. The award is given for the introduction of modern forms of work with youth and some other achievements.

Holders of the mark have the right to apply for material incentives - an increase in salary, added from the organization’s funds.

Gratitude from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

A similar form of moral incentive appeared in October 2004. It can be awarded to employees of ministries, educational management organizations, and scientific institutions. This can be done as an incentive for organizing various events that were carried out on the instructions of the Ministry of Education, for achievements in the field of labor, administrative, and other activities.

Some of the types of awards listed above require the applicant to meet conditions of length of service and qualifications. In particular:

  • To receive the “Honorary Worker of General Education” badge, you must have 12 years of experience. In addition, the candidate must have a 1st or higher category.
  • A certificate of merit can be obtained with 5 years of experience.
  • To qualify for the “For Mercy and Charity” badge, you need to work for at least 12 years.

State awards

In addition to awards from relevant departments, there are also state awards, which are awarded to people whose place of work is in educational institutions. They are considered the most tall shape incentives for employees and are awarded for notable achievements in the field of education.

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1099, signed in the fall of 2010, two ranks were introduced. These are “Honored Teacher of Russia” and “People’s Teacher of Russia”. In addition, among the state awards one can name two prizes - Russian President and the Government.

"Honored Teacher"

The title “Honored Teacher” is part of the state award system of our country. Its owner can be a teacher or lecturer with high professionalism and qualifications, who has significant merit in his work, thanks to which students gain in-depth knowledge. The basis is timely identification and further development individual abilities of students, much more.

The rank is accompanied by a breastplate made of silver, measuring 40x30 mm. To obtain the title, the candidate must have at least 20 years of teaching experience. Another condition is the presence of an industry or departmental award, for example, the K.D. medal. Ushinsky. The title is awarded on the basis of a presidential decree. This title also existed during the USSR. It was established back in 1940.

"People's Teacher"

This title is considered today the highest form of distinction for people involved in pedagogical activity. It is awarded for outstanding achievements in development Russian education. The title is awarded to people whose students have achieved excellent results in various fields.

A person can become a “people’s teacher” no earlier than 10 years after he was awarded the previous title - “Honored Teacher”. Typically, a candidate for such an award has highest qualification. The corresponding Decree is signed by the President every year before Teacher's Day. Simultaneously with the assignment of the title, the person is awarded a silver badge measuring 40x30 mm.

Public awards of the military historical and cultural center

The corresponding incentives are based on some public institutions. Among them is the center of history and culture under the Russian Government. The organization established:

  • Badge "For active work on patriotic education Russian citizens." This honorary badge is awarded to individuals for their significant contribution to the formation and strengthening of patriotism of Russian citizens. It is also awarded for the implementation of programs for the development of patriotism.
  • "Patriot of Russia." This commemorative medal recognizes people who have achieved notable achievements and some other merits in their work to educate patriotism.

There are also regional forms of incentives. They are established by the Governor, as well as the Ministry of Education of a particular region. Among them are gratitude, certificates, and titles.

Benefits, incentives

People who have been awarded a presidential or government award, as well as those who have won the Teacher of the Year competition, can expect that when they reach retirement age, they will be paid an additional amount of money along with their pension.

Such material remuneration is assigned according to the relevant Russian law No. 21, which provides for additional payments to individuals who have great achievements for the country. In order for payments to begin to be made, a person must submit a corresponding application. The amount of the additional amount is equal to 330 percent of the basic pension. It is paid together with the labor pension.

All people rewarded with state or departmental awards have the right to receive benefits provided for Russian law. For example, to receive a “Veteran of Labor”, you need to be the owner of some award, title received during the Soviet Union or after the formation of the Russian Federation, as well as the insignia of the department. The same law contains a list of all awards that can serve as the basis for obtaining a veteran's title.

In addition to the forms of encouragement listed above, a person can become a “veteran” if he has the status of “Honored Teacher”, as well as some Soviet awards. Among them is the title “Excellence in Public Education.” The badge of the Center Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization “For active work with pioneers” is taken into account. Certificates of honor from the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and the relevant trade union committee are taken into account.

In addition, departmental badges for long-term effective activities in the relevant profile are taken into account. Promotions that were based on various companies, military units, as well as public organizations. The veteran title is not given for VDNKh medals either.

How is the award made?

All events during which awards are given to education workers in our country have their own peculiarities. First of all, an award order is issued, signed by the head of the institution. The document indicates in detail exactly what merits served as the reason for rewarding this employee. The exact type of reward is indicated. All employees of the educational institution must be familiar with the document.

To provide state awards, it is necessary to proceed from the accepted ratio. You can imagine one person out of a thousand employees of an educational institution. For awards from the Ministry of Education, the proportion is different - one employee out of a hundred is presented.

Comments on the article - Awards for educational workers of the Russian Federation

  1. Love writes:

    Good evening, please tell me, the document “Honorary

  2. Tamara Vasilievna writes:

    Good afternoon I am writing from Crimea. I have the award “Excellence in Public Education”, received in 2001, when Crimea was part of Ukraine. What Russian award does it correspond to and is there a salary bonus for it, since I am paid extra for a certificate or gratitude by a factor of 0.05 base unit. Sincerely, Tamara Vasilievna.

  3. pensioner Victor writes:

    Professor, Doctor of Economics, labor veteran, in the Kuzbass region, 1.0 thousand rubles were added to the basic pension.

    However, the fact that I am an Honorary Worker higher education RF, Excellent student of higher education of the USSR in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Kuzbass) responded in writing that supplements are not allowed?

    If you can, please respond by email. V. Konoplev

  4. Margarita Ivanovna writes:

    Good afternoon in 2015 received a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, does it provide the opportunity to register for veterans upon retirement after 3 years

  5. Tatyana writes:


  6. Vladimir writes:

    Good afternoon I am an Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation

    I currently work in government budgetary institution: Leisure and sports center, hockey coach. Am I entitled to a monthly bonus and how much is it in %?

    Sincerely: Vladimir Petrenko

  7. Albina writes:

    I have the award “Excellence in Public Education” from a union republic that is part of the USSR, received in 1991; the award was recognized as the legal successor of the RSFSR after the collapse of the USSR. The head of a general education organization refused to pay additional wages for this award, although he pays employees who have the title “Honorary Worker of Education of the RSFSR” according to the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region on wages for employees of state educational organizations of the Moscow Region." Do I have the right to the same additional payment

  8. Lyudmila writes:

    I have the award “Honorary Worker of Secondary Professional Education,” and until 2013 I received a monthly supplement of 1,500 rubles. I continue to work there, in the secondary vocational education organization, but no additional payments are made. Do not understand why?

  9. Lyudmila writes:

    Waiting for an answer

  10. Olga writes:

    Hello! Please tell me what benefits I am entitled to if I have the honorary title “Honorary Worker of General Education”, Tomsk Region, the badge was received on January 17, 2012. Can I get Veteran of Labor?

  11. Nadezhda writes:

    Hello. I have 35 years of labor (teaching) experience, and I have length of service. In 1998 she was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in 2003 she was awarded the title “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan”, in 2017 she was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation” - Order dated August 29, 2017 No. 480 / k- n.

    Question: Am I entitled to the title Veteran of Labor?

  12. Tatyana writes:

  13. Tatyana writes:

    I have been working at the university for more than 40 years. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Author of a large number of scientific publications. Among them: monographs (one was recognized as the best scientific work of the year in the Russian Federation), school textbooks, a school economic wall map of the region, a school local history atlas (I am a cartographer by training), university textbooks, articles from the Russian Science Citation Index, Higher Attestation Commission, etc. I take part in international scientific conferences. I actively work with students and schoolchildren of the city and region. I have awards and certificates of honor at the regional level.

    Question - What form of incentive can I qualify for?

  14. Elena writes:

    Good afternoon I have been working in a gymnasium for 20 years, the highest category, there are winners at the Moscow level (I am from Zelenograd), what award could I apply for in order to receive additional payment for lessons. Thank you

  15. Svetlana writes:


  16. E. S. Gasanov writes:

    Hello. I have been working as a teacher in a secondary school since 1967. He was awarded the title “Teacher-methodologist” and had the highest qualification category until 1994. In the summer of 1994, he was sent to advanced training courses in Makhachkala at the DIPKKK to pass the first stage of certification to confirm the highest qualification category, completed the courses with honors (excellent grades on the certificate) Thus, I passed the first stage of certification for confirmation of the highest qualification category. At the second stage, the students did not show the appropriate percentage of academic performance and quality, so I became a teacher of the second qualification category, but now I have nothing. Last academic year 2016-2017, he worked as a mathematics and computer science teacher in grades 9-11. Graduation grade 11 in mathematics Unified State Examination basic level passed completely and with 50% quality. Now I also work in grades 9-11.

    Am I entitled to any incentive or not?

  17. Raisa Pavlovna writes:

    Pensioner, 71 years old, 50 years of teaching experience, received the “Excellence in Education” badge in 1987 in the Turmen SSR. Can I apply for the “Veteran of Labor” status? She started working in the education system at the age of 16.5.

  18. Olga writes:

    I have a certificate from the Ministry of Education as a teacher who received a Presidential Grand, can I apply for an Honorary Worker?

  19. Kulzina writes:

    Hello. I just received a medal “For participation in the education of youth” from the Russian Academy of Economics. I am not a labor veteran, but I am retired and continue to work. This medal gives something to everyone who received it. It’s not nice when they say that such medals can be bought and this medal can be easily received.

  20. Tatyana writes:

    Hello. I have over 35 years of teaching experience. She was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2017. Can I claim the title of Veteran of Labor?

  21. Alexander writes:

    I am an Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation - what benefits are provided in connection with this?

    Please respond by email if you can.

    Kulikov Alexander Georgievich.

  22. Julia writes:

    Hello, please tell me whether it is possible to receive the Teacher of the Year award posthumously? (Work experience more than 20 years)

  23. Efim Shirinkin writes:

    For 10 years I was adorned with a medal - the badge of an Honorary Teacher of General Education of the Russian Federation, but one day the ring couldn’t stand the round badge - it was gone, but it’s a shame, it contains my work and my honor! Who should I contact for this sign? Maybe I need to pay? Help please Efim Shirinkin [email protected]

  24. Oksana writes:

    Hello! In August 2017, she received a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Am I eligible to receive the title “Veteran of Labor”? I was told that only teaching staff who received diplomas before 2016 (and then through the court).

  25. Larisa Pavlovna writes:

    Hello. I just received a medal “For success in the education of youth” from the Russian Academy of Economics. I am not a labor veteran, but I am retired and continue to work. What does this medal give to everyone who received it?

  26. Lydia writes:

    Hello! In April 2018, documents of teaching staff were submitted to the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory for awarding departmental awards. Will they be presented on Teacher's Day in connection with the reorganization of the Ministry of Education and Science?

  27. Veronica Leonidovna writes:

    Hello. What does the medal “For Success in the Education of Youth” from RAE give to a teacher? Thank you.

  28. Melnikova Tatyana writes:

    When awarding the badge of Honorary Worker of Secondary and General Education, my candidacy was rejected, explaining that I already had a similar one (Excellence in Public Education), do I have the right to receive a salary increase? If not, where should I go to seek justice? Regards, Tatiana

  29. Gulsem writes:

    She worked for 22 years in NGOs and SPO. Awarded the honorary title “Honorary Worker of Primary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation.” Currently I work in a secondary school. Do I have the right to receive additional payments at school for an honorary title?

  30. Anonymous writes:

    I am retired, my pension is small, I am an excellent student in vocational education, a badge from the Russian Federation, can I count on an additional payment to my pension?

  31. Tatyana writes:

    for 3 years or 5 years to provide material on the achievements of a teacher and his students for a ministerial diploma? Do they count victories in regional competitions and olympiads or do they look at regional ones and higher?

  32. Alena Viktorovna Tsygantsova writes:

    Hello. I am Alena Viktorovna Tsygantsova, I work as a teacher. primary classes V primary school No. 25 in the village of Chuguevka, Chuguevsky district, Primorsky Territory, 25 years. In 2013 she received a Certificate of Honor. Order of May 8, 2013 No. 355 \ k-n. In this letter there was a mistake in the spelling of my name Alena, it should be Alena without dots. I cannot get a Veteran of Labor certificate, since according to all documents I am Alena. Please help me with my question. Thank you.

  33. Roman Evgenievich writes:

    Good afternoon Tell me where I can clarify the procedure for implementing Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 N 1223 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” in connection with the transformation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

  34. Irina writes:

    Hello! The certificate “Honorary Worker of General Education” has been lost. How to recover?

  35. Valeev Nail Anvarovich writes:

    Hello. I have the badge “Excellence in Vocational Education of the Russian Federation.” They refuse the corresponding payments, citing the fact that the badge “Excellence in Vocational Education of the RSFSR” is subject to payment. Are these two signs equivalent? If so, which document can we refer to?

  36. Elena writes:

    Hello! In 1995 she was awarded the badge “Excellence in Public Education of the RSFSR.” Currently, teachers who have the “Honorary Worker of General Education” badge receive a 20% salary bonus. Do I have the right with my award to the same bonus, because these two signs are identical? THANK YOU.

  37. Lydia writes:

    Hello. I am the chairman of the award committee. Submitted a package of documents for conferment of the Honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” according to the form dated September 7, 2010. They didn’t return it for a long time, but they returned it with the note that it was the old uniform. Send to email Please use the form of the award sheet that is accepted. Thank you.

  38. Tatyana writes:

    Good afternoon! I am 53 years old. I have been a pensioner on benefits for 5 years now, in 2018. received a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. When can I get Veteran of Labor? An honorary worker? Honored teacher? Thank you!

  39. Alena writes:

    Good afternoon. There is no answer to my question

  40. Irina writes:

    Good afternoon I am writing from Crimea. I have a departmental award from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - in 2003 I was awarded the badge “Excellence in Education of Ukraine.” Which Russian award does it correspond to and is it entitled to a salary increase? Sincerely, Irina. I would be grateful for your response to your email.

  41. Leilya Shevketovna Refatova writes:

    Hello! I am from Crimea. I have been working for more than 28 years at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bakhchisarai Special Boarding School”. In 2007, by Order No. 250 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (at that time Crimea was part of Ukraine), I was awarded the title “Educator-methodologist” (at that time it was awarded for life!), for which I received a certain salary supplement. In Russia, unfortunately, this title does not exist! Does the title I received correspond to any title in Russia, or is it possible to obtain any title or does it need to be defended again? Thank you!

  42. Natalya writes:

    Hello! In 2018 received Certificate of honor Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It is considered a departmental award. Is there any additional pay for this? In our Regulations on Remuneration... from 2008, only departmental awards are indicated - order, badge, medal. Maybe it is outdated and requires adjustments

  43. Alla Alekseevna writes:

    She was awarded the badge “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” in 2002, when Crimea was part of Ukraine, what is the salary supplement and does this badge of distinction apply to state awards?

  44. Alexander writes:

    Awarded the medal “For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order” (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2008). I work in the education system (school). Am I entitled to any supplement? If yes, please provide a link to normative act. Thank you!

  45. Svetlana writes:

    Good afternoon.

    Why do industry insignia apply only to teachers, when, as in other areas, they are received by an employee of any position who has worked... years in the industry?

  46. Love writes:

    Hello! In 2009 she received a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This is a departmental award. Is there any additional pay for this? Please indicate the regulatory act.

  47. Lonina Nadezhda Mikhailovna writes:

    Hello! I have the award “Honorary Worker of General Education” (badge and entry into work book Order number and date), the certificate was lost during the move. Monthly payment 20% How to restore a document, because... An entry in the work book is not enough for payment.

As you know, there are many different insignia. They are issued for long and productive activity in any field. Probably one of the most important awards is “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.” It is worth noting that indeed, the field of training and education is one of the main aspects of the development of modern society. Because raising and training the younger generation is the most important task for the successful life and activities of any country.

A little about the teaching profession

The teaching profession gained popularity and spread many centuries ago. Nowadays, this is practically one of the most common professions related to social activities. This area also includes such popular and well-known positions as teacher, educator, teacher. The need to transfer knowledge and educate younger generations has always existed, because their success and contribution to the life of the whole society depends on it. Of course, everyone deserves respect for their hard work, which also brings great benefits.

Honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation - what is required?

Of course, for special achievements in almost many public spheres of activity, awards are issued and various privileges are provided. This practice also exists in So, an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation is a status that is confirmed by a special insignia. This is a truly important and responsible title, which is awarded for high achievements in the field of education. This method of awarding was invented and established back in 1999. And it has existed for many years.

What does the reward look like?

Now it’s worth talking about what the distinctive sign looks like. His appearance quite traditional. The award is in the form of a medal. There is a blue or red ribbon on top. On one side of the medal you can see the following text: “Honored Worker of General Education.” There is an olive branch nearby. Over the history of its existence, the distinctive sign has changed slightly.

Who can receive the award badge?

To receive this high and well-deserved award, you need to work hard and take part in the development various directions social activities. The award badge “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” can be received by employees of various educational institutions. For example, schools, preschool institutions and other organizations that were especially noted for their achievements during work. The key point is the activities carried out by the employees of the listed institutions, because this is the criterion for receiving the award.

For what merits is the badge issued?

As mentioned above, in order to earn the sign “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation,” it is necessary to perform one’s duties efficiently and persistently, as well as come up with various innovations. You can list a number of areas of activity for which you can receive this award. For example:

  • Significant achievements in the correct distribution of the educational and educational process, improvement of its methods. Ensuring a competent combination of training and education. Formation of a creatively developed personality through its mental and cultural development.
  • Success in the creative development of students.
  • Successful implementation of new information technologies V educational process. Using advanced methods and methods of presenting information and monitoring knowledge, which significantly improve and ensure the development of a high-quality educational process.
  • Continuous participation in the upbringing and training of the younger generation. Assistance in maintaining the material and technical base of educational institutions at the highest level.
  • Successful development, writing and continuous improvement of materials that make up the educational and methodological base.

Procedure for assigning an award

So, the main areas of activity were considered, which are the main criteria for issuing this award. Now it is worth analyzing the procedure for appointment. The title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” can be awarded only if the employee has a certain work experience in various institutions related to the educational field. It must be at least twelve years. This condition is mandatory.

The title “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” is indeed a very important stage in the career of a worker in this field. It takes place in a truly solemn mood in a work environment. During this event, the person is given the insignia itself and a special certificate for it. It is not permitted to award the same distinctive badge a second time. If for any reason the award or certificate for it was lost under certain circumstances and special good reason, there is the possibility of issuing a duplicate.

Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation: benefits and privileges

The received medal must be worn below state awards on the right side of the chest. Of course, the person who receives it has certain benefits and privileges. It's worth talking about them in more detail. Educational workers awarded this badge and working in educational institutions and organizations that are under the authority of the Ministry of Education can receive a monthly additional fee, as a bonus to the salary. They constitute up to 20 percent of the official value established on paper. wages. Thus, an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation receives material remuneration. In our time, many teachers and educators who actively work in this area have additional payments.

Current teaching profession

If you go back some time, teacher qualifications were not in great demand. Not many young specialists had the desire and aspiration to master this important and responsible profession. However, now there are significantly more people interested. This is a really important and positive trend, since educators are always in demand. In addition, the positive attitude of specialists in the field of education is very important. With it they are more active and energetic. And the correct education of the younger generation and the transfer of important knowledge to them depends on the results of their work. On the shoulders of teachers, as well as all educators and teachers, lies one of the most important tasks - to raise truly educated people. After all, the development of society as a whole directly depends on this.

Another important point is that it is necessary to increase the prestige of such a profession. This is really necessary, because ten years ago many people said that being a teacher was not prestigious. However, in Lately such an opinion is rarely heard, which indicates an increase in the level of consciousness and responsibility of society.