Practical tasks on professional ethics. vi. practical tasks for seminars. Ethics in a market economy

Humanitarian Academy for Retraining Workers social sphere(MISAO)

Professional retraining program
Psychological counseling and psychodiagnostics (620) New

Discipline: Professional ethics in the work of a psychologist
Practice 1, Module 1: Professional Ethics, Values ​​and ethical issues in the work of a psychologist

student Pashnina Svetlana Dmitrievna
Sytko Tamara Ivanovna

Moscow - 2017
Task 1. Etiquette in the work of a practicing psychologist.

1 Question: How do the concepts of "professional ethics" and "professional etiquette" relate?

Professional ethics is a set of moral norms, rules, principles that regulate a person's attitude to his professional duties, duty, as well as the relationship of people in labor activity. Professional ethics is the result of the development of the moral self-awareness of professional communities - workshops, guilds, workshops, etc. in their desire to maintain, both in their environment and in society, trust and respect for the activities of specialists and for themselves.
The content of professional ethics are:
♦ norms of behavior prescribing a certain type of moral relationship between people that are optimal from the point of view of their fulfillment of their professional activity;
♦ substantiation, interpretation of codes, tasks and goals of the profession.
professional ethics as component morality is based on general principles and installations, but considers them from the standpoint of specific problems in various types of labor activity.

Etiquette is a set of norms and rules governing social and professional behavior.
Etiquette regulates what is permissible and acceptable in a given society or in a given situation, and what is not. However, it determines only the formal side of communication, therefore, knowledge of the rules of etiquette in itself is not enough to be considered a well-mannered person. Behavior in society cannot but be based on general principles and norms of morality.
Etiquette (among ethicists) is traditionally understood as a frozen norm of morality, and each profession has its own etiquette. These are, for example, the traditional greetings of buyers and customers by sellers and other representatives of the
Therefore, ethics and etiquette are interrelated: ethics considers moral issues in a broader sense, and etiquette specifies ethical standards and norms. Every problem related to etiquette cannot be solved without ethical guidance.

Question 2: Develop a memo professional etiquette practical psychologist.


The professional activity of a psychologist is work with the inner world of a person, with a human personality. And this object of work requires compliance with special principles and rules of ethics. Psychology has at its disposal such tools, the use of which requires special care.
1) The principle of professional competence. When applying a psychodiagnostic technique, a correctional, developing, consulting program, the psychologist must know them theoretical basis and to master the technology of their implementation well.
The psychologist formulates conclusions and recommendations to the customer, communicates psychological information to the client in an adequate form and in a language that is understandable to him. At the same time, he strives to avoid professional jargon and excessive use of technical terms.
2) The principle of not causing harm to a person. The main ethical principle of a psychologist is "do no harm." The process and results of the psychologist's activity should not harm the health, condition, social status, and interests of a person.
3) The principle of objectivity. A psychologist should not allow a biased attitude towards any person. He must apply methods that are adequate to the goals and conditions of the study, age, gender, education, condition of the subject. Methods should be standardized, normalized, reliable, valid,...

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Exercise 1.

List the ethical requirements for conducting business conversations, meetings, negotiations.

Task 2.

What are the basic requirements of business etiquette in relationships with employees.

Answer the following questions:

Questions for self-examination

1. What is the role of the corporate lawyer and his assistants in the organization?

2. What ethical codes govern the firm?

3. Which firm is considered ethical?

4. What are the main elements of the code corporate ethics?

5. What ethical issues might a lawyer face in an organization? What are the characteristics of ethical issues?

6. What are the basic requirements of business etiquette in relationships with employees.

7. What rules of office etiquette should be followed during business meetings?

8. What are the features of legal etiquette?

To study the topic:


1. Botavina R. N. Ethics of management. M., 2001.

2. Gerchikova I. N. Business ethics and regulation of international commercial practices.

3. De George R. T. Business ethics: In 2 volumes of St. Petersburg; M., 2001.

4. De George R. T. Handbook of a businessman: Business ethics. M., 2004.

5. Egorshin A. P. Ethics business relations. / A. P Egorshin. - N. Novgorod, 2005.

6. Koblikov A. S. Legal ethics / A. S. Koblikov. - 2nd ed., with rev. - M., 2003.

7. Koval A. S., Zatonskaya A. D. Lawyer and business security: Psychological aspects. M, 2006.

Corporate ethics and value management. M., 2003.

9. Krasnikova E. A. Ethics and psychology of professional activity. M., 2003.

Tests in the discipline "Professional Ethics of a Lawyer"

1. Ethics is a philosophical science, the object of study of which is:

2. Morality

3. Moral relations

4. Moral problems of society

Answer: 1

2. The term "ethics" was introduced into scientific circulation ...

1. Protagoras

2. Aristotle

4. Democritus

Answer: 2

3. Depending on the nature of the created general rules behavior (norms), the mechanism for their implementation and means of ensuring, establish a correspondence between the main types of regulatory regulation:

1. Traditional

2. Moral

3. Corporate

4. Legal

a) which is carried out by developing and implementing mainly in the sphere of personal relations of the system moral principles(representations of society, its social groups about good and evil, justice and injustice), provided by force public opinion;

b) which is implemented as a technology management activities is closely related to the ethics of business relations in the field of humanitarian solutions in the production and business sphere;

c) which is carried out by creating and implementing internal organizational norms of various kinds public associations provided by their authority;

d) basic moral provisions that determine the nature of professional activity. The principles are discussed in the business community, adopted and fixed in any document (charter, code, contract, agreement, etc.);

e) which is carried out by creating and implementing - rights, a system of special rules of conduct that regulate the most significant relations for society and are provided with authority and power state power;

f) is carried out through the formation and implementation in society of customs and traditions - rules that develop as a result of repeated repetition, selection and execution due to habit of the most rational forms of people's behavior in their everyday life.

Answer: 1. - f), 2. - a), 3. - c), 4. - e).

What is the historical stage in the formation and change of ethics as a science, which is characterized by the conviction of the harmony of a person with reality, his spiritual and bodily balance, a healthy attitude towards material well-being and the world of things

1. Pre-ethics

2. Ethics of ancient times

3. Ethics of the Middle Ages

4. Christian ethics

5. Ethics of modern times

State treasury professional educational institution
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specialty: 46.02.01 Documentation support management and archiving
discipline: professional ethics and psychology business communication
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____________ E.L. Timofeeva
"____" ______________ 2016

Introduction 4
Business Ethics
Practical work No. 1 6
Practical work No. 2 8

Practical work No. 3 9
Practical work No. 4 11
Practical work No. 5 13
Practical work No. 6 17
Practical work No. 7 19
Practical work No. 8 20
Conflicts in business communication
Practical work No. 9 22
Practical work No. 10 24

Academic discipline"Professional ethics and psychology of business communication" contributes to the formation of appropriate psychological and moral qualities in business people as necessary conditions their daily activities and behaviour. Professional communication and professional ethics are considered in the context of the problem of the formation of the Russian business culture generally. Educational material on the psychological aspects of professional communication, it is focused on the assimilation by students of the basics of theoretical knowledge and assistance in acquiring practical skills.
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:
- apply business communication techniques in professional activities.
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should know:
- basic rules of professional ethics and methods of business communication in a team;
- features of professional ethics and psychology of business communication of civil servants and other organizational - legal forms institutions and organizations.
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must master the general and professional competencies:
OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession show a sustained interest in it.
OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose generic methods and ways to perform professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.
OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.
OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

PC 1.2. To carry out work on the preparation and holding of meetings, business meetings, receptions and presentations.
PC 1.3. Prepare business trips for the head and other employees of the organization.
PC 1.4. organize workplace secretary and manager.
PC 1.5. Prepare and register organizational and administrative documents, control the timing of their implementation.
PC 1.6. Process incoming and outgoing documents, systematize them, draw up a nomenclature of cases and form documents into cases.
PC 1.8. Carry out telephone service, receive and send faxes.
The number of hours for mastering the discipline program:
the maximum study load of a student is 81 hours, including:
obligatory classroom teaching load of a student - 55 hours;
student's independent work - 26 hours;
practical work of the student - 20 hours.

Practical work No. 1
Business Ethics
Topic: Solving professional problems.
Purpose: to summarize and systematize the studied material on the topic covered, to apply knowledge in practice using situational tasks.
Equipment: notebook for practical work, schemes, tables, cards with the task.
Task: respond in writing to theoretical questions by options
Option number 1
What issues does professional ethics cover? What is the place of professional ethics in the structure of ethical knowledge?
Define the concept of labor morality.
How is etiquette different from ethics?
Option number 2
What are the issues of ethical knowledge?
Define professional ethics.
How is aesthetics different from ethics?
Professional tasks:
Task number 1
During business communication, your subordinate K-in, in the process of discussing his project, does not accept your comments, “lost his temper”, speaks self-confidently and rudely. His behavior undermines your authority, because all the employees of the department entrusted to you are present at the meeting. What will you do? Describe your actions.
Task number 2
A young girl (22 years old), who has just graduated from a technical school, will have a meeting with the head of the company in which she wants to work, regarding her employment. The girl is extremely interested in getting this place. Describe the details of her image and behavior at the time of the meeting if:
a) the leader is a man of 40 years old, self-confident, somewhat tough in communication, known for his “office romances” with his subordinates;
b) the manager is a 30-year-old woman who founded this company several years ago and achieved her success in business on her own.
Task number 3
The leader in the "Critical Parent" ego state says the following to the subordinate:
- You messed up everything again, you can’t be entrusted with anything, this report should be redone!
Imagine possible options the response of the subordinate in various ego states, and also describe the consequences of each of the responses.
Task number 4
During the upcoming business conversation, you will need to convince the manager to accept and approve your approach to solving the problem. List which non-verbal means communication you will use during this business conversation.
Task number 5
At a presentation by the firm you work for, your boss instructed you to “patronize and entertain” the people you depend on. further development and the success of your organization. You are unfamiliar with these people. How would you start a conversation and why would you choose this option to start a conversation?
Task number 6
The company's management has assigned you to lead a team representing your organization in upcoming negotiations with competitors. You have to develop a strategy of behavior and choose a method of negotiating. Competitors less than you are interested in compromise solution. They have advantages in position, besides, they are not ready to make concessions. At the same time, their team leader is a pedantic, self-confident person who is not inclined to exaggerate his requests. Describe your team's behavioral strategy and the negotiation method you would prefer. Why did you choose this particular method?
When answering the proposed questions, it is necessary to substantiate your point of view, based on specific examples or evidence (i.e., to argue).
When solving the problem, it is necessary to study the material of the specified textbook, as well as use the lecture material of the teacher.

Practical work No. 2
Business Ethics
Topic: "Planning and negotiating"
Purpose: generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge, skills in planning and negotiating.
, a sample of business negotiations (presentation).
To successfully complete practical work, the student must know:
-rules of conduct in a business society;
-methods and techniques of negotiation.
- features of national styles of negotiating;
be able to:
-Make a plan and choose techniques for negotiating.
Decide on a topic for negotiation.
Choose specific methods of negotiation.
Make a plan for negotiations.
Develop negotiating techniques based on lecture material and national characteristics of negotiating styles.
Operating procedure
1. Determine the topic for negotiation.
2. Choose specific methods of negotiations:
- gradual increase in the complexity of the issues discussed
- search for a common solution area;
- method of direct position opening;
- dividing the problem into separate components;
- block tactics;
- maximum overstatement of requirements;
- placement of false accents in one's own position;
- reception of "salami";
- advancing requirements on an increasing basis, etc.
Justify your choice.
3. Make a negotiation plan
4. Develop negotiating techniques based on lecture material and national characteristics of negotiating styles:
Countries of Europe;
Countries of the American continent;
Asian countries;
Arab countries;
African countries
Methodological recommendations for implementation
When performing the theoretical part, it is necessary to choose the appropriate literature material to reveal the essence of the issue itself and complete all tasks.
Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.

Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Tutorial/ B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E. V. Modern ethics[Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Kuznetsov, I.N. Corporate culture of business communication: The main rules of communication and behavior in modern society [Text]: book / I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: AST; Mn.: Harvest, 2009. - 608 p.
Nölke, K. Making presentations [Text]: book / Claudia Nölke; (translated from German by D.V. Kovaleva). - M.: Publishing house OMEGA - L, 2008. - 144 p.
Pavlova, L.G. Fundamentals of business communication [Text]: Textbook / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vvedenskaya.- Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 311 p.
Persikova, T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture[Text]: Textbook / T.N. Persikov. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 224 p.

Practical work No. 3
Basic rules of business etiquette
Topic: "Drafting a professional code of a civil servant"
Purpose: to consolidate the studied material and draw up a professional code of a civil servant.
Equipment: notebook for practical work, task cards
To perform practical work, the student must know:
-legislative regulation of the ethical standards of employees of the public sector and the legal sphere;

be able to:
- draw up professional codes of public sector employees;
- apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities.
analyze various codes of corporate ethics; propose methods for implementing ethics in an organization; develop key elements of a business ethics infrastructure;
make an analysis and summarize the principles and norms of professional behavior of a civil servant (lawyer, notary, judge, customs officer, worker law enforcement) in the performance of official duties;
to analyze and summarize the principles and norms of professional behavior of a civil servant (lawyer, notary, judge, customs officer, law enforcement officer) in off-duty hours;
draw up a professional code for a civil servant (lawyer, notary, judge, customs officer, law enforcement officer)
Operating procedure
During the course, students should:
1. Analyze the codes of corporate ethics of joint ventures Catapelar, Era-Henkel, Ford, Toyota.
2. Define mandatory ethical standards.
3. Consider a system of rewards and punishments.
4. Analyze the concept of "moral law within me."
5. Suggest implementation methods ethical standards into the activities of the enterprise.
6. Draw up a professional code of a civil servant.
Methodological recommendations for implementation
Before performing the practical part (i.e. drafting a professional code for a civil servant), it is necessary to become sufficiently familiar with corporate ethics.
Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.
Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Practical work No. 4
Basic rules of business etiquette
Theme: Design elements corporate image and image of a business person.
Purpose: generalization and systematization of knowledge on this topic, be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice, compose employment contract
consolidating the studied material and gaining skills in compiling the instruction “The appearance of an employee of the company”.
Equipment: a notebook for practical work, task cards, an employment contract (screen form)
To perform the practical work "Image of a business person" the student must:
the requirements that have developed in society for the appearance of a civil servant, his facial expressions, gestures; about the features of the image and etiquette of a business person;
be able to:
draw up an instruction: "The appearance of an employee of the company."
Listen to student messages:
about kinesics as a combination of facial expressions, gestures, movements and postures of a person in a certain communication situation: conflict situation, situations of public speaking, situations of acquaintance, meetings and wires;
about the image and etiquette of a business person;
about the clothes and manners of a business man;
about the clothes and appearance of a business woman;
about the ethics of official relations between men and women.
Listen to students' messages about modern fashion trends.
Make recommendations for the appearance and clothing of an employee of the company for:
- daily work;
- receptions and meetings;
- informal situations.
Draw up an instruction "The appearance of an employee of the company."
Solve situational problems:
5.1 In the discussion on the topic “Does friendship exist between a man and a woman”, you defend the position that such friendship is possible. Make a list of arguments that support your point of view, and also list the main possible arguments of your opponents.
5.2 Identify the type of listener and describe the means to get their attention.
This type of people listens with the mind, and only what they want to hear, discarding everything else, they neglect the emotional and non-verbal aspects of the speaker's behavior. They listen selectively, making sure that what they hear does not disturb their inner balance, they often miss the deep meaning of what is said.

Guidelines for implementation: when listening to messages from other students, it is recommended to make appropriate lecture notes to create a real and useful instruction for yourself in the first place “Appearance”; it is proposed to solve two situational tasks for the development of professional and communicative culture of a specialist.

Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.


Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Kuznetsov, I.N. Corporate culture of business communication: The main rules of communication and behavior in modern society [Text]: book / I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: AST; Mn.: Harvest, 2009. - 608 p.
Nölke, K. Making presentations [Text]: book / Claudia Nölke; (translated from German by D.V. Kovaleva). - M.: Publishing house OMEGA - L, 2008. - 144 p.
Pavlova, L.G. Fundamentals of business communication [Text]: Textbook / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vvedenskaya.- Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 311 p.
Persikova, T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture [Text]: Textbook / T.N. Persikov. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 224 p.
Rebrik, S. Presentation: 10 lessons [Text]: Practical guide / S. Rebrik. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 200 p.
Rogov, E.I. Psychology of communication [Text]: Textbook / E.I. Rogov. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2009. - 336 p.
Stepanov, S. The language of appearance [Text]: book guide / S. Stepanov. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 416 p.
Ushakova, N. V. Imagelogy [Text]: Textbook / N. V. Ushakova, A. F. Strizhova. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2009. - 280 p.

Practical work No. 5
Basic rules of business etiquette
Topic: Composing and delivering a presentation speech.
Purpose: generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge, to be able to apply them in practice
Equipment: notebook for practical work, task cards
Find solutions to problematic tasks:
1. Patriotism is an important moral quality. What do you think, being a patriot is:
- be proud of the symbols of your country;
- to consider everything one's own is better than foreign;
- keep track of the military victories of your state;
- love your people;
- “before thinking about the Motherland, and then about yourself”
Justify your answer.
2. If everything can be measured in money, then how much, in your opinion, would you pay the offended person (or donate to charity) to get rid of guilt for:
- a broken promise in business;
- a lie that led to the loss of another person's business;
- the former inattention to the mother, who died;
- unreasonable rudeness with an employee depending on you.
Justify your answer.
3. The decline in morality is now complaining very strongly. What do you think it expresses the most:
- in the anger of people against each other;
- in disunity for political and ideological reasons among friends, in the family, at work;
- in selfishness /"every man for himself"/;
- in the growth of crime;
- in the loss of ideals and value disorientation;
- in the disappearance of an elementary culture of behavior;
- that the connection between generations was interrupted;
- distribution of pornography.
Justify your answer.
4. The “golden rule of morality” says: what you don’t want for yourself, don’t do it to others. Apply it in various situations:
- two entrepreneurs are arguing over a trade deal;
- the old man needs the help of the young;
- a thief steals the property of a person who has become rich dishonestly;
- hungry steals a piece of bread;
- girlfriends /friends/ “wash the bones” with acquaintances:
- a citizen refuses to perform military service.
Is it universal? Golden Rule"? Is one rule enough for all occasions?
5. Violence is ethically immoral. But in practice it is often necessary to apply it. Determine in which case you have to use it, if necessary:
- to curb crime;
- to carry out useful reforms;
- to gain and hold power;
- to repulse an external enemy;
- for the purpose of education;
- for business purposes.
6. Apply the single moral standard “Respect Elders” in various circumstances:
- in a suburban bus, where you have a ticket with a seat, and an elderly person has no seat;
- a senior respected employee asks to refuse the day off and help him with the report;
- the boss in a conversation expresses a deliberately wrong opinion;
- the teacher promised automatic credit, and now refuses his words;
Write your answer.
7. Good is diverse. Look for different options for “kind behavior” in such situations:
- Your boss is unfairly angry;
- Your friend in the company shamelessly lies.
Write down your behaviors.
8. The commandment "do not make for yourself an idol" was originally directed against pagan idols. And what is the moral harm of any idols? And is not Christ himself an idol? Justify your answer.
9. Written: "Thou shalt not kill." Who do you think this rule does not apply to?
- on mosquitoes;
- on all animals;
- on aliens;
- on the enemies of the Fatherland;
- on my personal killers.
Justify your answer.
10 We hope you support the principle “Thou shalt not kill”. What are the motives for killing?
- because you will go to jail;
- because in response they can kill me;
- because human life is sacred;
- because no crime is worth life;
- because I can't resurrect anyone.
Give an answer to each statement.
11. It is written: "do not steal." The legislation of all countries provides for severe penalties for economic crimes. Does this mean that in these cases the moral norm “do not steal” is observed, and is this norm possible in the sphere of business?
Justify your answer.
12. If stolen “out of necessity”, used and returned, is it considered theft? Justify your answer in terms of morality.

13. You can often hear the expression "lie for good." Do you share this point of view? How does this relate to the commandment “You shall not bear false witness”?
Justify your answer.
14. There is an expression "to cut the truth-womb" and "to tell the whole truth in the eye." But it is known that such truth is often offensive. How to combine honesty and delicacy? Which rule do you think is the most important? Justify your answer.
15. The ban on lies is one of the most ancient in the history of culture. Which lie do you condemn the most:
- assertion of the opposite of the truth;
- Stories not connected with reality;
- withholding part of the truth;
- self-deception;
- a white lie;
- a small lie to achieve a big good;
- lies for the pleasure of lying.
Justify your point of view.
16. The condition of moral freedom is moral sanity. Who would you consider a morally insane subject:
- a small child;
- a person in a strong anger;
- crazy;
- impenetrable fool;
- a person placed in a hopeless situation.
Justify your answer for each of the options provided.
17. Give examples of situations from your life where the following conflictogens caused a conflict situation.
- Undeserved and humiliating reproaches.
- Negative generalizations, labeling.
- Persistent advice, instructions about how another person should behave.
- Indications of facts that are not related to the topic of conversation or that the interlocutor is not able to change.
- Decisively establishing the boundaries of the conversation, "closing" certain topics for discussion.
- Inappropriate irony, sarcasm.
- Swearing, cursing, insulting statements aimed at "letting off steam."
Perform tasks according to the options: (option No. 1 - tasks 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17)
(option number 2 - tasks 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,17)
For each task, it is necessary to give a complete, reasonable answer (it is possible with examples of life situations)

Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.


Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Kuznetsov, I.N. Corporate culture of business communication: The main rules of communication and behavior in modern society [Text]: book / I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: AST; Mn.: Harvest, 2009. - 608 p.
Nölke, K. Making presentations [Text]: book / Claudia Nölke; (translated from German by D.V. Kovaleva). - M.: Publishing house OMEGA - L, 2008. - 144 p.
Pavlova, L.G. Fundamentals of business communication [Text]: Textbook / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vvedenskaya.- Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 311 p.
Persikova, T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture [Text]: Textbook / T.N. Persikov. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 224 p.
Rebrik, S. Presentation: 10 lessons [Text]: Practical guide / S. Rebrik. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 200 p.
Rogov, E.I. Psychology of communication [Text]: Textbook / E.I. Rogov. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2009. - 336 p.
Stepanov, S. The language of appearance [Text]: book guide / S. Stepanov. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 416 p.
Ushakova, N. V. Imagelogy [Text]: Textbook / N. V. Ushakova, A. F. Strizhova. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2009. - 280 p.

Practical work No. 6
Psychology of industrial relations
Topic: Application of methods of self-regulation of behavior in interpersonal communication.
Purpose: to generalize and systematize the knowledge gained on this topic, to be able to apply them in practice.
Equipment: notebook for practical work, task cards.
Analysis of specific situations.
Situation 1. Imagine that your company is developing new system billing clients. The question arises of how much funds should be reserved for error detection and correction. According to one of the options, about 40% is added to the total cost, but the quality of information in the final database is significantly improved. Otherwise, you risk that some customers will consider your price too high. Will you invest an additional 40%? What factors will you consider in deciding this issue?
Situation 2. Ivan Gennadievich is more than a boss for you. He is the one who facilitated your rapid advancement in your new job. You often have lunch together and even play tennis. One day at the table, speaking about the expected upgrade of computers, he mentions that XYZ Computer gave him $1,000 for "good causes." Ivan Gennadievich asks to forget about it. Two weeks later, you learn that a contract has been awarded to XYZ Company, despite the fact that the price offered by ABC Computer is lower and your company has had reliability problems with XYZ products in the past. Will you inform your superior about Ivan Gennadievich's act? Why?
Situation 3. Ivanov is a reliable ally of your department. He defended before CEO your major projects, such as deploying a large sales automation suite, etc. You would probably be working somewhere else if not for Ivanov. But suddenly you find out that Ivanov uses an unlicensed Lotus Development office suite, while Microsoft Office is the standard for the entire company. You offered him to buy a licensed copy, but he refuses. Your actions?
Situation 4. What should you do if your company is found to be double-entry bookkeeping on two different computers?
Situation 5. A company doctor began to notice an increasing number of cases of lung disease in long-term workers at the company's factory. She reports this to management and is told to continue to record the number of such cases, but not to tell anyone. The next year, as the number of sick people increases, she concludes that there is a link between the outdated ventilation system in various parts of the plant and the number of sick people. She informs the management of the company about this, and she is again offered to continue monitoring, but not to conduct analyzes and not to say anything to anyone, so as not to alarm the workers. Does she have a moral obligation to do as she is told? Does she have a moral obligation to do anything other than what she is told?
Test. "Is it a pleasure to talk to you"
Answer yes or no questions.
1. Do you like listening more than talking?
2. Can you always find a topic for conversation even with a stranger?
3. Do you always listen carefully to the interlocutor?
4. Do you like to give advice?
5. If the topic of the conversation is not interesting to you, will you show it to the interlocutor?
6. Do you get irritated when you are not listened to?
7. Do you have your own opinion on any issue?
8. If the topic of conversation is not familiar to you, will you develop it?
9. Do you like to be the center of attention?
10. Are there at least three subjects in which you have a fairly solid knowledge?
11. Are you a good speaker?
Scoring. If you answered yes to questions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, you can give yourself 1 point for each of them.
1-3 points. It is difficult to say whether you are a silent person from whom you cannot get a word out, or whether you are so sociable that they try to avoid you, but the fact remains: communicating with you is far from always pleasant, and sometimes even difficult. You should have thought about this.
4-8 points. You may not be a very sociable person, but almost always an attentive and pleasant conversationalist. You can be very absent-minded when you are out of sorts, but you don’t demand from others at such moments. special attention to your person.
9-11 points. You are probably one of the most pleasant people to talk to. It is unlikely that people can do without you. This is wonderful. There is only one question: do you sometimes have to play like on stage?..
Methodological recommendations for implementation: in order to implement the solutions of the specific situations presented, it is necessary to know the theoretical material this section and the answers should be well-argued your point of view.
Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.
Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Practical work number 7
Psychology of industrial relations
Topic: "Drafting a program for a meeting of a foreign delegation."
Purpose: generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge, be able to apply them in practice, work with legal acts
- consolidation of the studied material;
- drawing up a program for a meeting of a foreign delegation
-meeting and servicing the delegation that arrived for negotiations;
Equipment: notebook for practical work, task cards
To perform the practical work "Drafting a program for the meeting of a foreign delegation" the student must:
know: features of business etiquette of the invited country;
be able to: draw up a program for a meeting of a foreign delegation.
Choose the composition of the welcoming delegation.
Coordinate organizational issues with a partner.
Prepare a room for a business meeting.
Meeting and servicing the delegation that arrived for the talks.
The choice of specific methods of negotiating, depending on the national characteristics of communication.
Drawing up an entertainment program.
Drawing up a plan for a walking tour of Prokopyevsk.
Methodological recommendations for implementation
Know the theoretical material about the meeting of a foreign delegation, about the preparation, meeting and negotiation; develop an approximate program of the meeting
Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.
Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Practical work No. 8
Psychology of industrial relations
Topic: "Strategy of behavior in conflict."
Purpose: consolidation of the studied material and the acquisition of conflict resolution skills in practice.
Equipment: a notebook for practical work, task cards, test tasks.
As a result of studying the topic "Strategy of behavior in conflict" the student must:
-concept and causes of conflict;
- classification of the conflict;
- the psychology of conflict;
- stages of conflict resolution;
be able to:
- apply the acquired knowledge in practice in resolving conflict situations.
Task 1. Answer the following questions:
To reveal the content of the concept of "conflict.
What is emotional regulation and self-regulation in conflicts?
What are the strategies and rules of conduct in conflicts?
What methods of overcoming conflicts exist in business relations.
List the types of conflicts:
a) by participants (intrapersonal, interpersonal, between the individual and society, between social groups);
b) by spheres (economic, political, ideological, international, religious, domestic);
c) by nature (genuine, random, imaginary).
Task2. Using homework, give your own examples of the types of conflicts listed above and ways to resolve them. Determine what type of conflicts are given.
Task 3. Analyze examples of behavior in conflict situations of fairy-tale characters.
Task 4. Complete test tasks.

Operating procedure

2. Statement homework, the essence of which is to search for examples of the following types of conflicts in the works of Russian, Soviet literature and Russian history:
a) by participants:
between the individual and society;
between social groups;
b) by areas:
household, etc.
c) by nature:
3. Analyze the way the author solves the conflict situation
4. Suggest own version, conflict resolution, on one or more positions:
- competition, rivalry;
- cooperation;
- compromise;
- avoidance;
- adaptation;
5. Discussion of the proposed option in the group
Guidelines for implementation: to answer questions, you must use the proposed theoretical material, use the proposed samples and offer your own solutions.
Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.
Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Kuznetsov, I.N. Corporate culture of business communication: The main rules of communication and behavior in modern society [Text]: book / I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: AST; Mn.: Harvest, 2009. - 608 p.
Nölke, K. Making presentations [Text]: book / Claudia Nölke; (translated from German by D.V. Kovaleva). - M.: Publishing house OMEGA - L, 2008. - 144 p.
Pavlova, L.G. Fundamentals of business communication [Text]: Textbook / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vvedenskaya.- Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 311 p.
Persikova, T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture [Text]: Textbook / T.N. Persikov. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 224 p.

Practical work No. 9
Conflicts in business communication
Topic: "Creating a behavior model for a manager and a subordinate"
Purpose: consolidation of the studied material and the creation of a behavior model for the leader and subordinate.
Equipment: notebook for practical work, task cards
To successfully complete the practical work "Creating a behavior model for a manager and a subordinate", the student must:
foreign and domestic management models;
ethical norms and principles of business etiquette;
be able to: create a model of behavior of the leader and subordinate.
1. Analyze the following behavior patterns of the leader and subordinate:
Kurt Lewin - model of "Individual Styles";
Douglas McGregor - "Theory X", "Theory Y";
Rensis Likert - model of the "Alternative System";
Francis Fiedler - "Three Factors" model;
Mitchell and House - the "Path - goal" model;
Hersey and Blanchard - The Leadership Life Cycle Theory model;
Vroom and Yetton - Decision Making Model;
Krichevsky and Kuznetsov - "Complicit Model"
2. Create your own model based on the above models.
3. Analyze moral standards official conduct and determine those that are most appropriate for their style of management and subordination.
Operating procedure
1. Analyze the behavior patterns of the leader and subordinate, created by Western and Russian researchers.
2. Create your own company
3. Suggest staffing
4. Assign to vacant positions group students. Give them business characteristics
5. Create your own behavior model based on the above models.
6. Analyze the moral norms of official behavior and determine those that are most appropriate for your style of management and subordination.
7. Make an analysis of the student's performance by the students of the group and give a collective assessment
Methodological recommendations for implementation:
Use additional literature on the norms and principles of business etiquette and study different behaviors of a leader and a subordinate.

Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.


Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Kuznetsov, I.N. Corporate culture of business communication: The main rules of communication and behavior in modern society [Text]: book / I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: AST; Mn.: Harvest, 2009. - 608 p.
Nölke, K. Making presentations [Text]: book / Claudia Nölke; (translated from German by D.V. Kovaleva). - M.: Publishing house OMEGA - L, 2008. - 144 p.
Pavlova, L.G. Fundamentals of business communication [Text]: Textbook / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vvedenskaya.- Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 311 p.
Persikova, T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture [Text]: Textbook / T.N. Persikov. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 224 p.
Rebrik, S. Presentation: 10 lessons [Text]: Practical guide / S. Rebrik. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 200 p.
Rogov, E.I. Psychology of communication [Text]: Textbook / E.I. Rogov. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2009. - 336 p.
Stepanov, S. The language of appearance [Text]: book guide / S. Stepanov. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 416 p.
Ushakova, N. V. Imagelogy [Text]: Textbook / N. V. Ushakova, A. F. Strizhova. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2009. - 280 p.

Practical work No. 10
Conflicts in business communication
Topic: “Identification of national features of etiquette and communication.
- consolidate the studied material;
-analyze and summarize the national characteristics of communication in the countries of traditional society and Western European cultural civilization;
- to make a comparative analysis of the national characteristics of communication in the countries of traditional society, Western European cultural civilization and in modern Russian society.
Equipment: a notebook for practical work, task cards, a computer with a projector.
As a result of studying the topic, the student must
-characteristics of the socio-economic and political system of traditional society;
-ethics of business communication in the teachings of Confucius;
- the primary role of ethical norms of ritual, custom in business communication in Chinese society;
-ethical norms and rules of business communication in the Republic of South Korea;
ethical canons and principles of business communication in Indian society;
-ethical norms and principles of communication in Arab countries;
-principles of business communication in Western society;
-ethics of business, ethics of market relations;
-principles of business communication of traditional society and Western society;
be able to:
-correlate the ethical concepts of Confucius and the modern requirements of business ethics;
-correlate the principles and rules of business communication in traditional and Western society with the principles and rules of business communication in Russian society.
Task 1. Pick up an example of a conflict situation in fiction or journalistic literature. Track the stages of the conflict, behavior patterns of opponents, ways to smooth out the conflict. Give 3 options for predicting the possible development of the situation. Task 2 Think up and describe a game model of a conflict during a business meeting.
Operating procedure
1. Repetition of theoretical material
2. Statement of homework, the essence of which is to search for examples of business communication in the countries of traditional society (East and Southeast Asia, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, countries of the Arab world) and Western countries(Baltic countries, Scandinavia, European Union, Great Britain) by the following parameters:
- greetings and introductions;
- Business Cards
- appearance
- present;
- Negotiation;
3. Reviewing messages in the group.
4. Completion of tasks 1-2.

Reporting form: written work in notebooks for practical work.


Kuznetsov, I.N. Business conversation. Business etiquette [Text]: a textbook for university students / Author - compiler I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.
Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication [Text]: a textbook for university students / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2006. - 415 p. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks").
Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and ethics of business relations [Text]: study guide / L.D. Stolyarenko. ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2003. - 512 p. (Professional Education Series).
Birkenbil, V The language of intonation, facial expressions, gestures [Text]: book / V. Birkenbil. - St. Petersburg: Peter. Press, 2008. - 224 p. (Series "Genius of communication").
Vagin, I.O. Golden "chips" of the presentation: or How to profitably sell an idea, product, yourself [Text]: book / Igor Vagin, Pavel Ripinskaya; artistic VN Rodin. - M.: AST: Astrel: Keeper, 2008. - 220 p. (Business at 100%).
Greidina, N.L. Fundamentals of communicative presentation [Text]: study guide / N.L. Greydina. - M.: AST: East - West, 2007. - 380 p.
Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication [Text]: Textbook / B.Z. Zeldovich. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa - Press", 2008. - 456 p.
Zolotukhina - Abolina, E.V. Modern Ethics [Text]: Textbook for university students / E.V. Zolotukhina - Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2009.- 416 p. (Series "Training course").
Kuznetsov, I.N. Corporate culture of business communication: The main rules of communication and behavior in modern society [Text]: book / I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: AST; Mn.: Harvest, 2009. - 608 p.
Nölke, K. Making presentations [Text]: book / Claudia Nölke; (translated from German by D.V. Kovaleva). - M.: Publishing house OMEGA - L, 2008. - 144 p.
Pavlova, L.G. Fundamentals of business communication [Text]: Textbook / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vvedenskaya.- Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 311 p.
Persikova, T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture [Text]: Textbook / T.N. Persikov. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 224 p.
Rebrik, S. Presentation: 10 lessons [Text]: Practical guide / S. Rebrik. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 200 p.
Rogov, E.I. Psychology of communication [Text]: Textbook / E.I. Rogov. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2009. - 336 p.
Stepanov, S. The language of appearance [Text]: book guide / S. Stepanov. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2009. – 416 p.
Ushakova, N. V. Imagelogy [Text]: Textbook / N. V. Ushakova, A. F. Strizhova. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2009. - 280 p.

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Professional ethics and etiquette

1. Task (( 1 )) 1 Topic 1-0-0

Ethics is:




Task (( 2 )) 2 Topic 1-0-0

Ethics is

£ A. area of ​​philosophical teaching

R B. ethics is the science of morality

£ C. ethics is morality

£ D. ethics is an analogue of the Latin "moralis"

Task (( 3 )) 3 Topic 1-0-0

The basic problem of ethics is

R A. The question of the nature and origin of morality.

£ B. the study of morality.

£ C. the study of human essence.

£ D. the study of relationships between people.

Task (( 4 )) 4 Topic 1-0-0

Based on the teachings of I. Kant, ethics is a doctrine ....

R not about what is, but about what should

£ about what is and what should be

£ about moral and immoral

£ about moral and immoral

Task (( 5 )) 5 Topic 1-0-0

The process of formation of ethics as a science began in the period ...

£ in the II century. AD

£ by the middle of the 1st millennium BC.

R in the 1st millennium AD

Task (( 6 )) 6 Topic 1-0-0

The process of ethics formation begins at the same time

R simultaneously in Ancient Greece, India and China

£ Ancient Greece and Rome

£ Egypt, Greece, Rome, India and China

Task (( 7 )) 7 Topic 1-0-0

Ethics is a term that originated in

R Ancient Greece

£ Ancient Rome

£ with the ancient Germans

Task (( 8 )) 8 Topic 1-0-0

The formation of the conceptual apparatus of ethics began ...

£ from the era of the formation of slaveholding relations in the Ancient East.

£ From the era of ancient antiquity

£ Since the Middle Ages.

R From the era of the formation of capitalist relations.

In place of ancient ethics in Europe comes ....

R Christian ethics

£ feudal ethics

£ ethics of vassals and overlords

Task (( 10 )) 10 Topic 1-0-0

One of the central problems of the ethics of the Middle Ages is….

R the problem of the origin of morality

£ morality problem

£ the problem of the origin of morality

Task (( 11 )) 11 Topic 1-0-0

Augustine viewed the problem of freedom of choice as:

£ man is capable of doing good

R man himself is capable of doing evil

£ man is incapable of doing either good or evil on his own.

Task (( 12 )) 12 Topic 1-0-0

Thomas Aquinas argued that man is capable of creating on his own…

£ and good and evil

£ can only do evil

£ able to do good

R capable of doing both good and evil, within the boundaries predetermined by God

Task (( 13 )) 13 Topic 1-0-0

The outstanding Russian philosopher Vl. Solovyov (1853-1900) called the founder of moral philosophy, i.e. ethics:

R I. Kant

£ A. Camus

£ F. Aquinas

£ B. Spinoza

Task (( 14 )) 14 Topic 1-0-0

The goal of ethical doctrine - "not knowledge, but actions" noted:

R Aristotle

£ Plato

£ Socrates

£ Seneca

Task (( 15 )) 15 Topic 1-0-0

Aristotle believed that there were two main groups of virtues:

R dianoetic

R ethical

£ duet

£ moral

£ ethnic

Task (( 16 )) 16 Topic 1-0-0

Plato in his work ... through the mouth of one of his characters, condemns Homer, Hesiod for the fact that they mentioned the intrigues that the gods build for each other and people, about their "fun" adventures, etc.

Correct answers: State;

Task (( 17 )) 17 Topic 1-0-0

One of the founders of ethical rationalism with good reason should be considered:

R Socrates

£ Hesiod

£ Aristotle

£ Plato

Task (( 18 )) 18 Topic 1-0-0

Hedonism (from ancient Greek Hedone) means:

R pleasure

£ belief

£ rewarding

£ achievement

Task (( 19 )) 19 Topic 1-0-0

The founder of cynicism is considered:

R Antisthenes

£ Zeno

£ Epictetus

£ Epicurus

Task (( 20 )) 20 Topic 1-0-0

Zeno is considered the founder of:

£ stoicism

£ cynicism

£ eudemonism

R hedonism

Task (( 21 )) 21 Topic 1-0-0

In ethical studies ... theocentrism dominated, i.e. everything was considered through the prism of the relationship to God, checked for compliance with the Holy Scriptures, the decisions of the councils.

Correct answers: Christians;

Task (( 22 )) 22 Topic 1-0-0

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. theory is spreading ... (Spinoza, Helvetius, Holbach, etc.)

Correct answers: reasonable egoism;

Task (( 23 )) 23 Topic 1-0-0

Outstanding representatives of existentialism are:

R M. Heidegger

R J.-P. Sartre

R A. Camus

R K. Jaspers

£ B. Russell

£ A. Schweitzer

£ L. Feuerbach

£ E. Kant

Task (( 24 )) 24 Topic 1-0-0

A well-known French philosopher ... rightly noted the following: "The modern worldview differs from the classical one in that it lives on moral problems, and not on metaphysics"

Correct answers: Camus;

Task (( 25 )) 25 Topic 1-0-0

With religious views on nature, the origin of morality, the views of representatives (Plato, Hegel, etc.) largely intersect:

R objective idealism

£ naturalistic

£ subjective idealism

£ rational view

Task (( 26 )) 26 Topic 1-0-0

The naturalistic theory received a clear formulation in the last century in the works of

R Ch. Darwin

R G. Spencer

R P. Kropotkin

£ A. Camus

£ M. Heidegger

Essence of morality

27. Task (( 27 )) 27 Topic 2-0-0

Morality is:

£ practical embodiment of moral ideals, goals, attitudes in various forms of social life

£ the doctrine of morality, its development, principles, norms and role in society

R a set of historically established principles, norms that regulate their relations with each other and with society

Task (( 28 )) 28 Topic 2-0-0

Morality Properties

£ Imperative, corporatism

£ normativity

£ Appraisal

R Imperative, corporatism, normativity, appraisal

Task (( 29 )) 29 Topic 2-0-0

Moral functions:

R evaluative, cognitive, ideological, educational, regulatory

£ evaluative, educational, ideological, educational, regulatory

£ evaluative, cognitive, ideological, educational, controlling

£ studying, cognitive, ideological, educational, regulatory

Task (( 30 )) 30 Topic 2-0-0

The word (term) "morality" goes back to the Latin word mores, which can be translated as:

R disposition

R Custom

R Character

£ Temperament

£ Ritual

£ outlook

Task (( 31 )) 31 Topic 2-0-0

“The gods give people all that is good, both in ancient times and now,” the ancient Greek philosopher stated:

R Democritus

£ Plato

£ Socrates

£ Epicurus

Task (( 32 )) 32 Topic 2-0-0

Depending on the carrier, moral consciousness is divided into:

R individual and public

£ collective and individual

£ personal and public

Task (( 33 )) 33 Topic 2-0-0

Representatives of ethical sensationalism:

R Shaftesbury

R Hume

£ Spinoza

£ Helvetia

£ Russell

Task (( 34 )) 34 Topic 2-0-0

In moral consciousness, a worldview is formed through the prism of specific concepts: The world is considered:

R good or evil

R orderly or chaotic

£ scary and generous

£ kind and chaotic

£ evil and orderly

Task (( 35 )) 35 Topic 2-0-0

Traditionally, one speaks of the divine nature of morality:

R Christian theologians

£ stoics