The degree of responsibility for violation of ethical standards. Ethics violation. The problem of "medical secrecy"

Violation of legal norms entails punishment and responsibility established by legal acts a certain state, and any violation of the law is an unethical act. However, not all violations ethical standards are prosecuted by law, therefore their regulation and functioning in society is an area of ​​​​exclusively spontaneous human activity. Compliance with ethical standards regulates public opinion, they are supported by spiritual influence (religious, ideological, propagandistic or ethical), and the punishment for their violation is social ostracism, forced marginalization of the violator of the norm, his exclusion from the team.

Sometimes this punishment is more severe than criminal, because in the latter case, a person still finds himself in a new social environment, albeit with a set of very specific local ethical norms, and in the first case, he loses his status in society (professional, social), and boycotted. The criteria for determining the ethical and unethical act are the concepts of "moral / immoral", "good / bad", "honest / dishonest", "commendable / shameful", "conscientious / shameless", "deserving approval / condemnation".

For a person who is a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality, violation of moral norms is a violation of the foundation of his individuality, the integrity of the personality, "a crime against himself." However, the maturity of this position and the ability to adhere to it is not inherent in all subjects of ethical relations and not in all situations. For example, a violation of ethical standards in adolescents is a consequence of a protest against meaningless or undesirable instructions, ignoring social censure as an effective way of punishing antisocial activities.

The feeling of one's own "impunity" and the insignificance of norms that are not codified, but tacitly enforced in society, leads to the development of selfish, critical moods. Violation of professional ethical standards, in most cases, becomes a consequence of the "burnout syndrome", most often found in persons who, in the course of exercising labor activity interact closely with a large number of other people. "Professional burnout" is associated with the loss of moral and psychological aspects that should underlie the ethical behavior of a person: with the loss of emotional involvement with other people and the scope of one's activity, dehumanization of people, perceiving them as units of the system, and not participants in ethical relations that have value and significance, the loss of adequate self-reflection, the desire to remove oneself from the ethical system. At the heart of the control of violation of ethical standards, therefore, is the idea of ​​retribution, which will necessarily result from the commission of any action by a person. “Retribution is an ontological principle of the structure of human existence, expressing the correspondence of moral deeds and the benefits received, the return of good for good, evil for evil. The principle of retribution is the basis of law, various provisions on wages, rewards that stimulate honest work, benefits, etc.”

Violations of ethical norms differ in severity and measures of subsequent punishment for their violation: universal norms often correspond to legal ones ("Thou shalt not kill!") and have legislative framework, the suppression of religious norms leads to exclusion from a particular community, the imposition of any restrictive measures, depending on the instructions set forth in the precedent texts; violation of national ethical standards leads to social ostracism, exclusion from national culture, historical narrative (for example, actions in relation to the recipient Nobel Prize B. L. Pasternak); punishment for violation of regional norms is determined by the conductors of local ethics; violation professional ethics can lead to exclusion from the team, deprivation of professional title. Non-observance of ethical norms within the framework of any jointly acting team brings disharmony, misunderstanding, an abundance of communication failures that make communication and joint production difficult.

At the beginning of the chapter, it was already said that attempts to give universal definition ethics encounter certain difficulties, but it is even more difficult to comply with the rules of ethics in the implementation of daily activities in the field of SR. In this regard, here is another definition of ethics:

Ethics refers to the system of values ​​by which a person determines what is right or wrong, what is fair or unfair, what is fair or unfair. Ethics is manifested in moral behavior in a particular situation.

Thus, ethics can be seen as people's judgment of whether certain actions are right or wrong. Unfortunately, the formulation of such judgments is difficult due to the norms of social behavior that exist in a given society at a given time. Additional difficulties are introduced by the level of education of the individual, and the cultural environment, and the specifics of a particular situation.

Compliance with the public interest. It has already been said that most of the information created in written or oral form by a SO specialist in one way or another affects society, causes public outcry. Everything that is defined as illegal by law is at the same time unethical, and in this the law and ethical norms completely coincide, and in such cases it is said that ethics confirms the law. Public relations in its activities serve the public best by providing timely, truthful, honest and objective information. To achieve this, the SA specialist should avoid:

Preparation of written materials that harm and undermine confidence in the effective functioning of the state institutions of their country (if the work is not carried out in the interests of the opposition party to the government, there is no point in undermining the economic and other foundations in the country where the business is conducted);

Preparation of written materials calling for anarchy, the abolition of the Constitution and the overthrow of the legitimate government;

Selling or transferring to foreign nationals state secrets vital to the security of the country (this is especially important in cases where the employer of a SO specialist is foreign firm or a private person - a foreign citizen);

Preparation of written materials inciting racial and other types of hatred, contempt, ridicule and violence;

Compilation of inaccurate and misleading materials.

Good taste. First of all, you should avoid using rude words, obscene expressions, humiliating and offensive statements in your written materials.

Decency. Avoid:

Compiling materials that undermine the reputation of other professionals also working in the field of public relations (the exception may be cases when this other professional "engages in unethical, illegal, unfair practices" - see the appendix of Articles 14 and 15 of the Code of the American Public Relations Association );

Use or transfer to others for personal gain of confidential information received from former and current clients;

Taking orders from clients competing with the current employer.

Consequences. Specialists who violate the norms of ethical behavior in written communication:

In many cases they break the law, thus harming their own careers;

Destroy personal dignity, professional and human trust in relation to themselves;

Destroy the reputation and trust in their customers;

Their behavior undermines the credibility of all professional activity SO in general.

Because this book includes a chapter on compiling advertising texts should pay special attention to the laws and legislative acts regulating promotional activities. In Russia, the Federal Law “On Advertising” was adopted on July 18, 1995. This Law primarily defines the circle of social relations related to the placement and distribution of advertising products, protecting the consumer from advertising of poor quality goods, and the advertisers themselves from unfair competition in the field of advertising.

In Art. 2 federal law"About Advertising" defines the concept of "advertising", which explains that advertising is understood as "distributed in any form, by any means, information about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings (advertising information), which is intended for an indefinite circle persons and is intended to form or maintain interest in these individuals, legal entities, goods, ideas and undertakings and to promote the implementation of goods, ideas and undertakings. The remaining articles of the Law describe in detail and prescribe the restrictions and prohibitions imposed on advertisers, advertising producers and media. mass media engaged in the placement and distribution of advertising.

The Law also characterizes unfair advertising (Article 6), which is described as hidden, deliberately false, unreliable, unethical.

Since the ethical component in the profession of a public relations specialist is far from the last place, we will focus on Art. 8 of the Law "On Advertising", which deals in detail with the problem of unethical advertising.

Contains textual, visual, audio information that violates the generally accepted norms of humanity and morality by using offensive words, comparisons, images in relation to race, nationality, profession, social categories, age group, gender, language, religious, philosophical, political and other beliefs individuals;

Discredits objects of art constituting a national or world cultural heritage;

Discredits state symbols (flags, coats of arms, anthems), national currency Russian Federation or another state, religious symbols; defames any physical or entity, any activity, profession, product, person. Unethical advertising is not allowed.

The text of this article and many other articles concerning the need for ethical standards and universal values ​​in advertising repeats the provisions of the International Code advertising practice. Let's turn to the postulates of this document.

Respect legality, decency, honesty and reliability;

Remember the responsibility to society;

Respect and uphold community values;

Be guided by the principles of fair competition. Advertising must not:

Finishing consideration of the issue of the role and importance of compliance with legal and ethical standards in the activities of a public relations specialist, it should be emphasized once again and designated as the fundamental and priority duty of such a specialist to observe these standards himself and preach their observance among his colleagues in the profession, in his organization. , in society.

Questions for reflection

After reading the contents of the PACO Declaration of Professional and Ethical Principles in Public Relations, the Code of Athens, and the Code of the American Public Relations Association in the appendices at the end of this book, form your own opinion and make a decision about the following situations.

1. In order to illustrate the situation about how complex and ambiguous the activities of a PR specialist in various fields of activity, even within the same situation, consider the case below.

In the United States, as in many other countries (including Russia), the issue of banning smoking and tobacco production is especially acute because, historically, the United States has been the main producer and exporter of tobacco products for centuries. Below are the main groups of the public whose interests are affected in this situation. Tobacco plantation owners. Growing tobacco is not prohibited by law, the product is registered with agricultural subcommittees, sometimes subsidized by the state.

tobacco industry. Production is permitted by law, industry provides employment for a significant part of the population. Smokers. Human rights cannot be restricted; if the product is produced legally, it can be consumed.

Non-smokers. Smokers harm the health of others; while smokers have the right to smoke, non-smokers have the right not to smoke in their presence.

Association of Physicians. Smoking limits the lifespan of both smokers and non-smokers. Treatment of pulmonary diseases is long and expensive; the introduction of restrictions on the rights of smokers and the activities of the tobacco industry is required.

Public Health. Since the production of the product is permitted by law, then government bodies it remains only to inform the public about the dangers of tobacco smoking.

In each of the above groups of the public in these organizations there are services for public relations. How should each of these groups defend the interests of the organization, taking into account the interests of society as a whole or individual groups of society?

2. You are a public relations professional and are assigned by the president of your company to write a news release about a new product launch. In the news release, it is necessary to indicate that this product, in terms of its quality indicators, is three times superior to similar products produced by competing firms. You are aware that no studies have been conducted by your firm to confirm the truth of this statement. What are your actions as a PR specialist?

3. Your organization, in order to ensure the most reliable way to ensure the publication of its news releases, invites the editor of one of the city's newspapers to position consultant, while maintaining his position in the newspaper. Do you see signs of unethical behavior here, both on the part of the organization and on the part of the editor, if the latter agrees to accept this proposal? What are these signs of unethical behavior?

4. The PR agency you work for, in competition for a potential client, guarantees him the publication of materials about his company in the most prestigious professional magazines. Why is the agency not authorized to make such promises?

5. A client of your PR agency asks you for professional advice on how to avoid financial threats when his company merges with another, weaker company. You do not want to take responsibility, considering yourself insufficiently competent in financial matters. You recommend that your client contact a specialist from another PR agency, your friend. Your friend gave advice and received a generous reward. He offers to send you a check for 30,000 rubles. Can you accept this check without informing your agency and client management?

6. Leader construction company, where you head the public relations department, invites you to write texts for a series of his speeches at community meetings in connection with the firm's plans for infill development in a residential area of ​​​​a suburb of the city. You know that the promises that the manager requires to include in the text of the speeches are not in the plans of your construction organization, are practically difficult to implement and therefore will not be fulfilled. What are your actions in this situation?

7. A well-known athlete is accused of selling drugs, he is also charged with planning the murder of a young couple, his acquaintances. An athlete's lawyer turns to his friend, a PR specialist, for help in placing publications in the media. The specialist accepts this offer. However, even before the trial, from private sources with a high degree of certainty, the PR specialist learns that the athlete was indeed involved in the distribution of drugs and took part in the murder. The lawyer assures his friend that the information received is classified and will not appear in court and that he intends to seek an acquittal for his client. What ethical issues arise in this situation? What articles of the professional code are affected here? What should a PR specialist approached by a lawyer do?

Successful consultation largely depends on the moral and ethical requirements that apply to a psychologist. If these norms of behavior are not observed, the consultation will never benefit the client. Professionalism and the desire for self-improvement - this is the main credo of every psychologist, for whom work is the meaning of his life!

And what threatens their violation? Many people don't even think about it.

I want to open this topic.

I will list basic ethical principles

1. Do no harm! Or the principle of not harming the subject.

2. Don't judge! Do not say negative ratings out loud!

3. The principle of impartiality of the psychologist. Unacceptable prejudice against

to the client, no matter what subjective impression he makes with his appearance,

legal and social status.

4. The principle of informed consent. The client must be notified

ethical principles and rules of psychological activity.

5. The principle of confidentiality, that is, the preservation of professional secrecy.

(The material obtained by the psychologist in the course of his work with the client on the basis of

trust relationship, is not subject to conscious or accidental disclosure

and must be presented in such a way that it cannot compromise any

client, customer, psychologist, or psychological science).

6. Respect your colleagues at work, their right to professional creativity And

(It is unacceptable to clarify the relationship between

colleagues and employees in the presence of customers).

7. The principle of professional competence.

A psychologist has the right to take on only those issues on which he is professionally aware and endowed with the appropriate rights and powers to perform psycho-corrective or other influences.

1. The main principle of the work of a psychologist - "do no harm", sounds exactly the same as "thou shalt not kill". The psychological impact of a specialist on a client should not be negative. A conversation with a professional is easy, without tension, in a free form. Does not affect the deterioration of self-esteem of the individual. A careless word can lead an unbalanced person into a difficult moral state. Asking for help, the client expects to find a way out of a difficult situation. Any wrong word can drive him into a dead end.

How to get the location of the client? I always try to be sincere. noticing positive sides I'll be sure to mention them. I address the client in the way that is more comfortable for him.

2. The principle of the work of a psychologist - non-disclosure of confidential information I would compare it with the commandment "Thou shalt not steal".

It only means that information can be transferred to third parties, even management, exactly within the limits that the client agrees to. Strangers should not be privy to the details of the visit, and even the very fact of such a visit should not be disclosed. Any information is the same property as any thing or intellectual work. Violation of this principle can lead to very serious consequences. A specialist may lose confidence, lose his status and accreditation. The client will receive a serious moral injury. It is not known how people around him will react to information about his visits to a psychologist.

Not divulging information is enough. It also needs to be protected, made inaccessible to other people. For example, I store all information under complex passwords. I work exclusively on my personal computer, restricting access even to my family members. I use programs - protectors of information.

As an example, consider one extremely egregious case of a violation of professional ethics by a psychologist. In the USA, one very famous film actor and producer, after turning to a psychotherapist, was forced to divorce his wife and lose part of his huge fortune. The fact is that his wife found out about his betrayals from the Internet, where confidential information obtained during the sessions was posted. The psychotherapist, after the first communication with the star, sold all the information received to the media. After lengthy proceedings, it turned out that the motivation for committing such an official crime was the woman's own divorce as a psychotherapist due to her husband's constant infidelities. Naturally, after such events, she could not distinguish between her personal and professional life. Feeling a strong dislike for male cheaters, she decided to take revenge on all of them by exposing this unfortunate actor and producer.

3. The principle of ethics of a psychologist is associated with the methods and style of communication in the course of the entire conversation. Hostility, ridicule, teachings, arrogance are unacceptable. A professional will never ask unnecessary questions that are not related to the topic. Will not "fish out" information and ask questions out of curiosity. With the ability of a psychologist to listen carefully and delve into, the client himself will tell everything that worries him. When giving recommendations, you should disclose several options for solving the problem. The client himself will choose what is closer and more understandable to him.

What is the risk of violating this principle? As soon as the client suspects that the conversation is going in an unnecessary direction for him, psychological protection will work at the subconscious level. He will "close up" and will not receive the necessary support and help.

One day a teenager came to me. These are usually classified as "difficult". He was tense, withdrawn. I understood that he was hiding something, quite possibly something important and not pleasant. One had only to say that I am not a doctor, a judge and a teacher and I am not at all going to ask anything about his affairs, let alone condemn or teach, as he immediately made contact.

4. The last and most important principle is continuous self-improvement. - this is the path that will lead the psychologist to the pinnacle of professionalism. Control of one's own behavior, the ability to admit mistakes, a thorough constant analysis of conversations is a necessary set of a true specialist. The ability to determine the boundaries of their own competence will protect novice psychologists from many wrong actions and disappointments. You cannot overestimate your capabilities. If a specialist does not have enough knowledge, skills and experience to guide this client, he should redirect him to a more competent colleague.

Any field of activity, without exception, has a number of professional rules, observance of which is mandatory and indisputable. Psychologists are greatly helped by knowledge, and most importantly, by understanding the rules of the “researcher-subject” relationship. All this, based on the best traditions of humanistic psychotherapy, can help the psychologist in his professional activities. Observing these simple rules, a specialist will make his occupation ethical, noble, and most importantly, effective.

1. Absolute the benevolence of the psychologist in relation to the client. Creating comfortable conditions, so that he feels comfortable and at ease. Goodwill should come from the soul, and not be the result of observing the norms of behavior. A psychologist who knows how to listen, who provides qualified psychological assistance and support, and who puts himself in the place of his client, will always be in demand.

2. Orientation to the views of your client and his life values. According to people, an experienced psychologist should not rely solely on generally accepted norms and rules. You need to look at the principles and ideals of the client, and in no case criticize his views, otherwise he will become isolated in his problems and will not be frank with you, then all your efforts will be useless.

3. An experienced specialist must clearly separate personal from professional relationships. You should not start relationships with customers, such as friendships. It is also not recommended to provide psychological services to relatives, relatives and friends.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that practicing psychologists face great difficulties, which they work to overcome. My difficulties are deeply realized, and often serve as a support for me in further practice. To improve my professional skills, I regularly go through personal and group therapy. Participate in many trainings and educational programs for advanced training. Their goal is to achieve openness and sincerity in communication with the client. They believe that in each of us the desire for development and self-improvement is inherent in nature.

About ethics management consulting usually they talk a lot at various professional gatherings, but it is not customary to write about it. Because the social space is limited, all more or less serious consultants know each other, you never know ... Today I'm talking about him, and tomorrow - he is according to my reputation ... And reputation is orders, and orders are money and welfare in general. So we are silent, creating a favorable environment for all sorts of crooks and swindlers. And then they judge the entire consulting community. So our delicacy and respect for each other turn into a disaster for the entire professional community.

The ethical problems of management consulting can be divided into three large groups: the problems of the interaction of consultants with each other, the problems of the behavior of consultants in relation to clients, and the problems of the behavior of clients in relation to consultants. From my point of view, the first group of problems completely determines the content of the second. Since a person is a systemic and holistic being, and the way he behaves with his fellow craftsmen inevitably becomes his way of behaving with clients. And, don't dismiss that thought! - both of these groups largely determine how the client will act in relation to the consultant.

Why, nevertheless, is it necessary to talk about ethical standards in the work of consultants? First of all, because any violation of ethical standards leads to the most negative and destructive consequences. So, the client does not receive help from the consultant. Destructive conflicts arise along all lines of interaction. The authority of the professional activity of consultants is falling. In client organizations, "intellectual starvation" sets in, often leading to a fatal outcome for the organization. The unsteady stability of the formation of the market mentality and market economy in the country as a whole… And many other negative consequences.

There is one more issue that should be noted. Speaking about the ethical problems of consultants, one cannot help but talk about violations of ethical standards. And this "casts a shadow" on the community. I don't want this. Let's get out of this situation like this. We will consider cases of deviation from ethical standards in counseling as a warning to clients and consultants, as a way to turn on a "wake-up bell" that will warn each time potential client or the consultant will face a "convention breaker".

So, ethical issues group number one: norms and principles that consultants most often violate in interaction with each other.

1. They denigrate colleagues in front of potential clients in order to get an order or simply "out of the kindness of their hearts". I've always been amazed by the delight with which some people savor negative information about other people. It doesn’t cost anything to say about a colleague with a cannibal smile: “Ah, this one. This is how his clients are treated after his consultations ... And his wife left him recently ...”. To seem large, bright and qualified against the background of a colleague drenched in mud - this is the focus of such people. And reap the fruits of their dirty deeds. But: evil released into the world always returns to a person in a tenfold amount. This is the law of human life.

2. Steal methods and other tools that represent the know-how of colleagues. I already once wrote about plagiarism in science. Three types of plagiarists are clearly distinguished. First: plagiarist bandit. This one just takes other people's work and appropriates them to himself with clear eyes. And earnestly speaks everywhere about his brilliant achievements. The second type: plagiarist-crook. This one somehow modifies the stolen and appropriated. Well, since he added something from himself, God himself commanded to consider it his own. And the third type: the plagiarist-thief. Sometimes it is "in good faith wrong." Sometimes - "Stole - blushed, stole - blushed ..." And more often they do not blush.

3. Taking credit for others. Most often, this can be found in promotional materials. For example, a significant figure in the consulting industry announces that she has created something "for the first time in Russia." And five or seven years before that, another "figure" created this "something" in a developed form, giving a serious practical effect. Therefore, when I hear that one of my colleagues “created something for the first time in Russia,” or even “in world practice,” I get wary and treat these declared feats with caution. The most objective judge is time. And it is it that has the right to judge who said "A" first. And if the person himself shouts about it - for me it is always doubtful.

4. Recommend "bad" clients to each other (who are either not paying, or not ethical, or scandalous, etc.) in order to "make the other person happy." Of course, this violation can be interpreted in another way. For example: if you are such a cool consultant, try to deal with this client... And then they watch with interest how a colleague who has fallen for a provocation, "bleeding", tries to save his reputation and earn money. And they are very upset when he succeeds.

Ethical issues group number two: ethical norms and principles that consultants most often violate when interacting with clients.

1. They make promises that they can't or can't deliver.. The fact is that there are things that, with certain approaches, cannot be done. For example, it is impossible to change anything in an organization if you do not work within the framework of a person-centred approach. Technocratically and naturalistically minded consultants have read or heard that any organization can be made super profitable. And they are trying to do this ... through improving accounting, or increasing the legal literacy of staff, or through improving financial schemes and the like. Which in principle does not allow solving problems of this class. These situations can be considered the same "honest delusion". However, such intrusions of experts, who mistakenly call themselves consultants, into the living fabric of the organization, in most cases do more harm than good (changing some subsystem leads to an imbalance in established connections and interactions). What discredits professional consultants in the eyes of managers and owners.

2. They deceive the client, using template reporting documentation, in which figures obtained in this organization are substituted. This case is a whole song. Some large consulting firms, relying on the undoubtedly correct thesis that business in market conditions is a massive and technologized phenomenon, produce some " model documents"(reports, projects, certificates, etc.), in which pieces of text are italicized, which should be replaced by an "invoice" obtained during a preliminary survey or diagnostics of an organization. In such documents, recommendations are also typical. The trouble is not that there are phenomena and problems that are repeated in different organizations, and that typical ideas about their solution do not come from the organics, features or history of this organization, but from someone else's experience, which has turned into a speculative scheme.Such solutions cannot be used in a particular organization, and when used, cannot solve the problems of these organizations.Competent consultants understand this in the same way that a scientifically minded person understands that you cannot create a perpetual motion machine.

3. Use work in this organization to obtain information in the interests of another, possibly competitive. This case is actually criminal. Since there is a concept trade secret, and there is a law that protects this secret. But among consultants, cases are known when a close relationship with one client leads to the fact that a consultant working for another client passes information about the second to the first. In order to confirm their loyalty to the first. And maybe make money. In general human morality, in fact, this is called betrayal. Knowing that such cases happen, some businessmen "on the shore", that is, at the beginning of a relationship with a consultant, "dot the i". So, one of the businessmen, who was recommended to me as an "extremely difficult", "difficult person", at the beginning of our cooperation, demanded that the entire team of consultants sign a "Confidentiality Agreement", in which the fine for breach of confidentiality was $10,000. We signed. We have been working together for three years. Not a bad way to prevent information leakage and punish possible leakage. I recommend to all businessmen.

4. They use manipulative technologies that allow bypassing the client's consciousness to force him to act in a certain way. Manipulation is, by definition, forcing a person to act as the manipulator needs, bypassing the consciousness of the person being manipulated. The masters of this business are many political consultants. The ability to manipulate the consciousness of the electorate is an indicator of the level of professionalism of consultants in this area. In the field of business and management consulting, manipulative methods are used less frequently. Maybe because businessmen are more attentive and sophisticated in working with people. It is possible that management consultants are less corrupt than political ones. How does this happen? For example, a consultant needs to receive an order. He makes a preliminary diagnosis and, based on its results, paints a terrible picture for the future customer that awaits if he does not immediately resort to the help of this consultant. Thoughtful phrases like “Maybe it’s too late…”, or “Such an acute crisis awaits you as you have never experienced before…” And here an optimistic picture is painted that will become a reality if… and so on. These are the simplest tricks. There are also more sophisticated ones. For example, "anchor" some state of the client in order to call this state when it comes to money matters. Or "mirror" the gestures and behavioral reactions of the client, in order to create a feeling of intimacy and understanding with the consultant. It is clear that in these cases, "do with him what you want" ... You need to know about it.

5. Overestimate (to get more money) or underestimate (to get at least something) the cost of work. "Ask for more - they will give at least half" is a fairly common logic, in accordance with which many consultants act. Not an accurate miscalculation of all parameters future work, evaluation, the use of criteria, and so on, and the expectation that this will increase the image, solidity. I know a rather sly young consulting firm that has set a minimum cost of $30,000 for their work. I ask: "And give?" “But what about it,” a young creature, recently hatched from some provincial university, answers me. “And we also set bonuses ...”. Some consultants, on the contrary, underestimate the cost of work, are "shy", perhaps they have a conscience. But in a civilized society, in general, dumping is flogged with rods. Once a well-known university professor proudly told me: "I made a lot of money this month on consulting." "How much, if not a secret," I asked. "Three thousand rubles," the professor answered importantly. It's just some kind of country of unafraid professors. This is what unprofessionalism is in the field of management consulting. And a violation of corporate ethics. The price must strictly correspond to the volume, complexity and quality of the consultant's work.

6. Violate agreements with the client on the timing, volume, quality and effectiveness of work. Recently, on a plane flying from Helsinki to Moscow, I met the head law firm from Finland. We sat side by side and chatted quickly. I started a conversation on the tormenting me in Lately the topic of guarantees that business people should give each other, about guarantees that these guarantees are real ... and so on. For him, everything was so simple: you need to write down all mutual guarantees in the contract as legal document, and that's it. I say how is everyone? What if they throw? "No," he laughed. "You agreed with him, and wrote it down in the contract." I cautiously asked, but they don’t throw them? It happens, he says, but at the same time a person’s image deteriorates, he loses authority, as a result he loses customers. And there is a whole system, courts, arbitrations, and some other bodies that monitor all this. People know this and are simply afraid to break their word. That is, the ethical norm is supported by a system of legal norms, various organizations and the whole way of life. Well, let's say we also have something. Both the courts and the arbitration system. And we know firsthand about the importance of business authority. And security services in serious firms and banks. And brothers are always on the hook. It’s just that a person should know that for breaking a word, a promise, they will be beaten for a long time and painfully. Then our business ethics will be all right.

7. Organize the work in such a way that the client turns to this consultant again and again("put on the consulting needle"). Many foreign and our IT firms compose programs in such a way that after a certain moment the client who bought this software, there are problems: help is needed. Who to contact? Naturally, to the one who made the corresponding software and installed the system. So you can feed for decades. And some of our management consultants go there too. At the end of some period of joint work, the consultant says: you have a problem new problem… I have met such people, I know, I can help… Or even more sophisticated move: you need constant consulting service. In world practice, this is called "outsourcing" (transfer to a third-party organization of performing part of the management functions). So maybe it's not about ethics? And in the deepening system of division of labor and progressive specialization? This is a subject for thought.

Ethical Issues Group Three: ethical norms and principles that clients most often violate when interacting with consultants.

1. They refuse to pay, thus discrediting the results of the consultant's work. Terribly unpleasant situation for a consultant. I remember that the driver of one company, who was taking us to an unfamiliar boarding house for a seminar, got lost, and we were an hour and a half late. The enraged leader, meeting us at the entrance, said the first phrase: "You are late, and I fine you a thousand bucks." The conversations were meaningless. And since the beginning was, as you understand, terrible, the seminar went very hard, and in the end we were paid half, citing the fact that we "didn't work well." "Well, thank God," I thought with relief. But I would never want to meet this customer again ... . There are other cases. Once the work is done, its value to the client often declines. And for him, in order for him to pay, "you have to run" sometimes for six months. That is why we always try to work with 100% prepayment. What I wish for other consultants.

2. Require the consultant to do more work for the same money, or no money at all. There are practically no norms of intellectual, and especially creative, work in the field of consulting support for management and business. It's just that people negotiate based on generally accepted rather vague concepts about the project, problems, diagnostics, solutions, and so on. And really, what is, for example, "diagnosing"? Firstly, "what" diagnostics - business, management system, problems, human potential? ... Secondly, it can be a multi-month study, a two-hour meeting with the team, or just a conversation with the first person. There are, of course, whole batteries of special diagnostic methods. But the depth of understanding of the situation often depends more not on them, but on the intuition and experience of the consultant. For example, in one hour of a meeting with the first person, I, with my more than twenty years of consulting experience, will receive as much information as an aspiring consultant will receive in half a year of research. And maybe more. So, for an hour, given my experience and depth of understanding of the situation, I have to pay the same amount as he does for half a year of work. However, the client, especially when he is free from ethical standards, can always say that I did not do enough for this. And then - see point one. I came across situations when a potential client used the ideas of consultants for a long time for free, constantly saying that "we'll get our bearings, and then we'll do a big project." This issue is especially acute at the time of "payback", if the consultant allowed full or partial payment of his labor after the work done.

3. They critically evaluate the methods and forms of the consultant's work (they interfere in his "kitchen"), "knocking down" him psychologically. It happens all the time. Just like most people and doctors, and psychologists, and politicians, and experts on how to solve all problems in general, they are also specialists in the field of management consulting. Recently, at a field seminar with a large structure, the head of the security service, a huge man with an impenetrable official face, annoyed me all day with critical remarks like: “Your methods of conducting a seminar are wrong,” or: “You should not be doing this here, but this ... ", or: "Why is this consultant not loaded for you?" And he got me so badly that at some point I came close to him and said with enough charismatic pressure: "Do you think I understand anything in your safety?" At first he was confused, then the combat training worked, and he reported: "No!" "And I climb to you with my opinions about the organization of the work of the security service?" He passed back and answered more quietly: "Well, no ..." "What are you doing?" Hard work of thought was reflected on his face ... Tactless interference of employees of the organization in the consultant's kitchen is more the law than the exception. Well, you won’t arrange an educational program for him on system analysis, consulting methodology, organization development methodology and two or three dozen more extensive disciplines, without which it is impossible to become a professional management consultant? And it is psychologically insanely difficult to control yourself when you are given amateurish advice, or with important view they are just talking nonsense.

4. Fight consultants against the changes they propose for which they were invited. Sometimes clients stop working halfway through, disrupting the technology of change in the organization and causing irreparable damage to it. One of possible causes— problems that arise during the restructuring of the business or management system. IN last years There is a lot of talk about "management of change" because the main difficulties are concentrated here. A consultant, for example, is brought in to help subdue an unbridled bureaucracy, but the same bureaucracy goes to war with change and its chief agent, the consultant, and often wins the battle. After all, it is precisely the bureaucracy that is the force that cannot be defeated for decades, since it is armed professional methods struggle and self-defense - denunciations, the formation of a negative opinion about a person or some kind of undertaking, intrigues, setting people against each other, inciting hostility and conflicts between groups, and so on and so forth. And since there are elements of bureaucracy in any organization, the changes initiated by a consulting project cause her evil spirit, and she begins to fight against what the consultant was brought in for. And the first face begins to frown. And you smile less. And the solution of even the smallest issues is delayed ...

5. They vilify consultants in front of their potential future clients. in order to psychologically compensate for their own shortcomings, or simply for the same "kindness of soul". Well, when they finished with the consultants, naturally, they talk badly about them. “They worked here alone, we know, they say, these consultants ...” And their friends, buddies, without a twinge of conscience, vilify the unfortunate consultants, fortunately, they cannot get change. And that makes the situation even worse. So what, "the customer is always right"?

6. Arrange tenders ostensibly for the selection of consultants, using the knowledge and experience of applicants for free. Three times I participated in such "tenders". Until I figured out all the background. Correct, gallant, smart, concerned about the fate of the development of the market in Russia ... "Please prepare your resume." "Besides you, we have five other consulting firms in the tender." "Now let's have a meeting with the owners." "How would you solve this problem?" "Nothing, think, get ready." "And for this problem, what are the best methods to use?" "And what is the best way to solve this problem?" And so on, two or three months. One such firm hired a "winning" consultant for a project. A month later, she threw him out with a bang, pouring after him with all possible slops. After that, his psyche simply could not stand it. Now he is disabled. Thank God that I did not win any such tender.

So, here is, in fact, a micro-encyclopedia of ethical violations in the world of counseling. Of course, this world does not consist only of such situations. On the contrary, they are not so common. However, in such a concentrated form, violations make a strong impression. And it’s worth thinking about it, realizing your own violations, remembering situations when you suffered from someone’s unethical behavior. Think about it and clear it. To treat such social suppuration, a surgical path is needed. Which is what I tried to do.

When I finished this article, I decided to check how it made an impression, and read it to my fellow consultant. I didn’t really like the reaction: “It’s like you rolled out in the mud: you try everything on yourself.” But do not write for the hundredth time that consultants have dozens ethical codes. Every consulting firm has such a code. Every association. Including at the international level. That only those who agree with the norms of these codes are accepted into the professional community. There are many cases when a person was expelled from the community for violating ethical standards. So, here I just outlined the violations that are prohibited in the community. This is a "brick" that prohibits movement, a red traffic light: this cannot be done.

1 V.S. Dudchenko. "Ontosynthesis of Life". - M .: Publishing house "Border", 1999. Chapter 3. Bluff ontosynthesis, ss. 45-50.


Etiquette is based on a number of fundamental norms and principles.

1. Politeness is a form of human behavior for which a cultural attitude towards people has become a familiar norm of communication. This is an elementary requirement of a culture of behavior, arising from their feelings, from the ability to reckon with their interests and the recognition of the right of each person to attention.

Politeness is manifested in a friendly address to a person, the ability to remember his name and patronymic, the most important dates of his life. Politeness has many shades: you can be friendly and polite (which we especially appreciate), respectful (for example, towards elders) or reservedly (to strangers) polite, etc. You can just be polite, i.e. adhere to the rules of decency in any situation, regardless of your mood or desire. A polite person is one who has learned to look at himself as if from the outside, through the eyes of other people. True politeness is necessarily benevolent and sincere.

The opposite of politeness is rudeness, rudeness, dismissive and arrogant attitude towards others.

  • 2. These noble human qualities are manifested in attention, deep respect for those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel that we can give them pleasure, joy, or, conversely, cause irritation, annoyance, resentment, i.e. e. in tact. Tact is:
    • - respect for another, manifested, in particular, in the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to quickly and accurately determine his reaction to your statement or deed and, if necessary, self-critically, without false shame, apologize for the mistake made;

modesty, which is incompatible with the desire to show oneself better, more capable, smarter than others, to emphasize one's superiority, to demand for oneself some privileges, special amenities and services. At the same time, modesty should not be manifested in excessive timidity and shyness. You should be quite active and decisive in critical circumstances, when defending your own opinion. But you need to prove something subtly and tactfully so that a person does not feel pressure;

Delicacy, which will tell you how to approach a person so as not to offend, offend him, not to touch a sore spot.

Delicacy is the ability to subtly feel and respond to the state of a person when he finds himself in a difficult (as they say, "delicate") position. Delicacy testifies to spiritual nobility and disinterestedness.

A sense of proportion is the ability to feel the boundary that should be observed in a conversation and beyond which our words and actions can cause undeserved resentment, grief, pain in a person.

3. The opposite of tact is tactlessness.

Tactless in conversation:

  • - unreasonably refuse to discuss the proposed topic;
  • - to conduct conversations that can evoke unpleasant memories in those present, hurt them;
  • - indulge in inappropriate jokes, make fun of those present, gossip about those who are absent;
  • - spread loudly in public places and transport about purely personal, intimate matters.

Tactless in behavior:

  • - upon entering the transport, stop at the door without thinking about other passengers;
  • - take several places in transport with yourself or your luggage at once;
  • - sit in transport, "not noticing" standing women or children;
  • - do not leave a passage on the metro escalator for those who are in a hurry (you should always stand on the right);
  • - always be dissatisfied with everything, grumble, condemn everything, constantly make claims;
  • - behave uncontrollably in your own apartment, causing concern to neighbors.

To show idle curiosity tactlessly:

  • - stare at a person or whisper about him;
  • - read other people's letters, eavesdrop on other people's conversations:
  • - look into the windows of other people's apartments;
  • - Spread other people's secrets.

Tactless inability to control oneself:

  • - act or speak in a state of anger or passion - later you may regret it;
  • - show your likes and dislikes too openly;
  • - go too far in expressing your courtesy and friendliness - so that they turn into importunity.

It is simply impossible to "learn tact" - it is acquired not only under the influence of the environment and upbringing, but also due to the character and desire of the person himself. However, it is certainly possible to develop it.

In addition to the main principles And norms courtesy, tact, modesty, there are also behavior rules, which include, for example, the "inequalities" of people in the field of etiquette, expressed, in particular, in the form of advantages that have:

  • - women before men;
  • - seniors before juniors;
  • - the sick before the healthy;
  • - boss before subordinates.

We examined the general norms and values ​​​​of etiquette, and their manifestation in the professional sphere is associated with such concepts as business ethics, business conversation and business etiquette.

Violations of work ethics

This may include:

All kinds of manifestations of rudeness, arrogance, disrespectful attitude towards subordinates;

deception of subordinates (explicit and hidden), failure to fulfill promises;

  • - intolerance to opinions different from one's own, clamping down on criticism;
  • - infringement of the rights of subordinates;
  • - abuse of office;
  • - instructions to the performer "over the head" of the immediate supervisor;
  • - withholding information;
  • - Criticism that belittles the dignity of a person.