Marriage agency how to find a woman there. Is it worth using the services of marriage agencies? “There is a demand for young people,” says Alevtina with undeniable confidence

Which men turn to Russian marriage agencies? These are foreigners and our domestic personnel. First, let's talk about foreigners, because it is interesting to know what kind of foreign grooms they are.


Russian employees marriage agencies they say that most Western men who approach them are owners own business, from small to medium and large. These are also employees with good salaries, employed in various fields: bank employees, teachers, engineers, etc.

Why do Western men want a wife from Russia? They answer that they are not satisfied with the mentality of European women, for whom work and career come first. And most representatives of the stronger sex want to have a home, a family, a beloved wife, and children. In their minds, traditional values ​​are alive, they remember the warmth and comfort of their home and want to have the same in their own home.

Many of these men tried to meet Russian women on the Internet, but were disappointed with the results of their independent searches. Therefore, we decided to turn to professionals, a marriage agency.

Many of them are over 40-50 years old and want to have children. But in Europe, marriages with large age differences are not accepted, so in their homeland it is difficult for them to find a woman of the same age who is willing and able to give birth.
And here in Russia there are many young women who are ready to marry a gentleman much older than themselves and have children with him.

For our women, marriage with a foreigner from prosperous Europe is an opportunity for a stable, prosperous life. Our ladies are attracted by the mentality of European men, who are characterized by law-abidingness and high responsibility for the family.

On the other hand, our women have concerns; they are afraid of getting into an unpredictable situation. It must be said that if such situations sometimes occur, they do not occur in prosperous, law-abiding Western European countries, but in unstable developing states where the judicial system does not work properly.

For foreign men applying to Russian marriage agencies, such a step is thoughtful and conscious. After all, Western grooms bear significant financial costs. Firstly, payment for the services of the agency itself, then telephone conversations with the bride, gifts, visits to our country where the bride lives, her visits to the groom (which are also paid for by him). All this requires a lot of money. Therefore, for a man this is a measured step, and he takes it to really find good woman and create a happy family with her.

In addition, the man realizes that when his foreign wife comes to him for permanent residence, at first she will not be able to work (for this she will need to adapt and learn the language well). And if a child is born, then even more so, all expenses for maintaining the family will fall on the shoulders of the husband.

Of course, among such marriages there are also unsuccessful ones, as in any case. But, according to agency employees, the number of unsuccessful marriages is still much less than prosperous and happy ones.

Russian grooms

Most of our compatriots who turn to a marriage agency are over 30 years old. They want to build a family and consciously strive for this, but have not yet met the woman with whom they would like to start one and have children.

As for their social status, these are prosperous, wealthy representatives of the stronger sex, who, as a rule, have made successful career: businessmen, executives, middle and top level managers, etc.

In life and work, they have many contacts, like the rest of us. But they feel lonely because they failed to meet the one they dream of. But they hope so.

Due to their busy lives, they do not have time to attend various entertainment events where people get to know each other, go to clubs, etc. They also don’t consider it appropriate to meet people on the street. Therefore, they turn to professionals in a marriage agency, hoping that the specialists will carry out the preparatory work and offer them suitable candidates.

They are serious and committed to marriage. A string of fleeting acquaintances does not attract them, as it only brings disappointment.

As you can see, these are quite decent, positive men. Why not try to get to know them? Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne at their own wedding!

Inga Kristinskaya

Haste is an integral part of life. The portrait of a modern city dweller is a purposeful, always busy character. How to look for love and meet people? Many people still prefer dating sites, where any antisocial person can pose as the son of a deputy. A marriage agency is reliable. But it has not yet received a “massive following.” Here is a list of misconceptions.

Myth No. 1 - Marriage agency is the territory of losers

A common stereotype. A person comes from despair. No one needs him real life. The truth is that clients, on the contrary, are successful and busy people who, due to lack of time, cannot get to know each other. The matchmaker explains: the social circle of such people is small, and it is difficult to find a party that will not only pursue money.

Myth No. 2 - Contacting an agency is embarrassing and inconvenient

Funny statement. You go to a gynecologist or dentist for an appointment if you feel unwell and need consultation or treatment. Marriage agency in Moscow - similar help. They're just not used to it. No neighbors or relatives will know anything. The information is confidential. You decide whether to voice it or not.

Myth No. 3 - Love by correspondence is a utopia

Psychologists say: it is easier to reveal yourself, your intentions, and inner content in letters. The first meeting is always awkward and protruding best qualities. That is, dating by correspondence is real thoughts and emotions. And then, the long-awaited meeting will take place. In our marriage agency everything is like that!

Myth No. 4 - Contingent - drinking, anxious and frivolous men

Most women think so. This misconception is closely intertwined with the first myth. You don’t even need to look for such men. Go to any free dating site. The matchmaker is an interested party, so candidates are selected carefully. After all, they are paying money for the opportunity to find their one and only. How can you talk about frivolity? The database contains profiles of football players, deputies, and lawyers. It's really possible to find an interesting man!

Myth #5 - Contact information falls into the wrong hands

A good marriage agency, including ours, values ​​its reputation. Putting customer safety into question is unacceptable. Before filling out information in the form, make inquiries about the agency. This may include reviews and other information. Contact us. Matchmaker Elena works legally and has the appropriate documents.

Myth No. 6 - The marriage agency does not help, but only pumps out money

An agency is the same service as a beauty salon, for example. The team includes: stylist, psychologist, astrologer, coach. They will organize a meeting for you and arrange a photo shoot. Cheap does not mean effective, and expensive does not equal justified. Pricing consists of many factors. The Matchmaker has the task of “bringing together” the couple. This is a plus for your reputation. There is no task - to pump out money. Real marriages are the merit of the well-coordinated work of the agency. More statistics: for last years the number of lonely hearts decreased by 20%. And 65% of them met their soulmates in a marriage agency! Do you have any doubts? Ask for a report, then you will find out how many happy unions there are “for the life” of this organization.

Myth #7 - I will be offered candidates who are clearly not my type

Meetings take place by mutual consent. If you don’t like the candidate for your hand and heart, then there will be no meeting. There is no risk that a completely different person will come, as often happens in online dating. All profiles are checked. You are safe!

Myth No. 8 - They have to marry me off!

The matchmaker is not a magician and it is not in her power to create “chemistry” between people. The team working at the agency takes all possible actions to find a suitable candidate. If a man is not interested in your profile, we will not force him to change his mind. But the chances of finding your happiness are much higher when contacting an agency! We will present information about you “tasty” and “beautiful”.

Myth #9 - It's very expensive!

But it’s no more expensive than using the Internet for a year, when you are constantly “spinning” on dating sites. Any agency has a list of services, and you are not obliged to use them all. Usually there are programs. Contact us and personally dispel the myth about the high price!

Myth No. 10 - Brides are looking for financial help, and rich clients are looking for young companions

The most “edgy” myth that Svaha Elena wants to dispel. According to statistics, people of different incomes and social status come to the agency. You just need to fill out an honest profile and you will find your person. Wealthy men want a reliable and faithful companion. They are determined to start a family, so it is unlikely that their need includes meeting a young and frivolous person.

  1. The first client of the marriage agency is a resident of London!
  2. 80% of unions with foreigners concluded through an agency last for many years.
  3. International Marriage Agencies Day is celebrated on February 12th!
  4. They have been around for 360 years!

Attention: Beware of the “huge database of profiles”. This is an indicator dead souls" and "ballast". It is better if the agency's portfolio is "fluid". That is, it should be regularly replenished, since established couples leave it.

Are you ready to find your destiny? Register with our Marriage Agency. May you live happily ever after.

In the current age of high technology, finding a soulmate is difficult. People are busy with their careers and earning money. Time to rest and live communication limited. Scientists have calculated that today's probability of finding a husband or wife in a big city on your own is 3-5 percent. Maybe that’s why the services of marriage agencies are so popular now. spoke with Anastasia Ivanova, a psychologist at one of the marriage agencies, about the pros and cons of finding your other half through a matchmaker.

Myth 1. A marriage agency will find me a husband or wife

I encountered this attitude from clients every day of my work. I want everyone to understand right away: the agency is not obligated to get you married. It doesn’t even guarantee that you will find a match with its help. Marriage agencies have 4-5 couples a year registering their marriage, which is a good result. The people working at the agency are simply matchmakers. They provide intermediary services. Their task is to bring single people together, and then the couple builds the relationship themselves. Therefore, before turning to matchmakers, a man or woman needs to clearly understand who exactly they want to find.

In my practice, there was a case when a single woman sued a marriage agency because it did not find her a husband. A woman under 50. She came to the matchmakers with a request to find her a prince on a white horse. Her desire is understandable, but the person needs to be explained: he, too, must make an effort to live up to the prince. The efforts are not so much external as internal. We need to talk and test the person. And only after that start working with him and concluding an agreement.

However, no such work was done with this lady, and she, lonely, tired and embittered, went to court.

Myth 2. Only alcoholics and ladies of easy virtue come to the marriage agency

I’ll say right away - this is a stereotype. Over the years of my work, I have met quite wealthy business women, ballerinas, fashion models, lawyers and journalists. There were also those who studied abroad for a long time. And among the men I came across a young man whose fortune amounts to several million dollars. He is a foreigner. There are a lot of them in the database. They are looking for a Russian woman who can handle everyday life. You also need to be able to manage servants. Scientists, singers and businessmen are also often found among men. There are deputies and prosecutors.

Myth 3. Matchmakers just want to get money, but don’t care about single people

This is partly true. There are representatives of this business who will take the last shirt off a client. They start demanding money from the first consultation. It costs about 1000 rubles to fill out several sheets of paper. They also take money for contacts of the person they like. Moreover, the higher social status whoever the client wants to meet, the higher the rate. For example, we have a gradation of men’s profiles: “economy”, “business” and “vip”. The “economy” folder included men with average incomes. Their phone number costs 3000. “Business” - clients with higher incomes, their phone number cost 5000, VIP - these are oligarchs, deputies, security officials with high uniforms. Their contacts cost more than 10,000 rubles. We have a policy: ladies who do not meet the client’s wishes and level should not be shown. Women are divided into groups by age. The older the client, the cheaper.

It is, of course, more profitable to immediately buy a subscription for a year. Here price policy determined by age. The most expensive one is for women. It is intended for ladies aged 40 and above. Finding a soul mate will cost them from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles a year. This is explained by the fact that finding a spouse is difficult. Men aged 40 and above have a cheaper subscription. He can find his chosen one for only 5,000-10,000 rubles a year. And if he wants a younger wife, he will have to shell out 20,000 rubles.

If you are lucky with the agency, the amount will be announced to the client only after careful work with him. I had to refuse a person several times. For example, a man came in, he’s 60. His belly is bulging, he doesn’t look well-groomed. He wants to meet a girl 18-20 years old. He sits and praises himself: “Not old, wealthy and in full bloom.” But I see him, he is far from Carlson. And in 5-10 years he will turn into a decrepit old man. I told him honestly about this, he threatened to sue me.

Myth 4. Data from the database is closed

The databases are sold to other agencies. The list of clients needs to be replenished. Those at risk are mostly men; there are fewer profiles for men, and they are worth their weight in gold. The cost of one questionnaire is 1000 rubles. The agency will be happy to give up a client who is difficult to work with. Often this is done by dishonest marriage agencies. More serious matchmakers value their reputation. Therefore, when you contact an agency, go online and read where you are taking your data. And if there are at least two or three negative reviews, think about whether it’s worth giving money for a non-guaranteed result and for the possible sale of information about yourself.

This is not only long and hard work, but also a matter of chance. Sometimes women and men do not know how to find love and why members of the opposite sex do not pay attention to them. A series of failures gives rise to complexes and personal experiences that are not so easy to deal with. This is why marriage agency workers come to the rescue.

They are the ones who can offer partner, which is perfect for you. Many argue that a marriage agency is not the only reason to find love, but what to do if you are unlucky?

You can continue to look for your second one half and himself ideal partner for life, or you can turn to specialists who will help you achieve positive results much faster. But if you want to first find out all the pros and cons of the work of such organizations, then this article is just for you. Let's figure out what the disadvantages and advantages of marriage agencies are and how to get results.

Pros of marriage agencies

1. Positive statistics from marriage agencies. In fact, there are all over the world great amount happy married couples whose participants found each other through a marriage agency. Of course, no one can give you a guarantee that you will find a partner through a certain amount of time or that you will find it at all, but this way the probability increases significantly.

The database that the specialist provides you contains all those people who match your request, so this way you increase your opportunities for strong relationships significantly. In fact, there are men and women who have created strong families, given birth to healthy children and are happy together precisely thanks to the professionalism of the marriage agency workers, so you should definitely try it.

2. Large selection of people who are right for you at marriage agencies. Marriage agencies employ real professionals who help people find their soulmate. In life, you need to spend a lot of time and effort in order to find those who suit you. If you turn to marriage agencies for help, you will only go on dates with those who meet your request. There are real professionals working here who are interested in you finding a partner, because this is the only way to prove the effectiveness of this activity.

3. Interesting evenings of meetings of marriage agencies. Many marriage agencies have a tradition of organizing events where clients are present. This will help you find the right person and gain self-confidence. Meeting evenings take place in a relaxed atmosphere where everyone can feel confident and get to know each other interesting people. A personal meeting with a potential partner is an excellent opportunity to get to know a person better, and not just study information about him and look at photographs. This way you will have fun, communicate with interesting people, brighten up your leisure time and, perhaps, find your soulmate.

4. Diversity of partners and. Some marriage agencies not only search for a potential partner, but also organize dates. If relatively recently you only went to a local cafe and visited a cinema on the outskirts of the city, now even traveling abroad is possible. In life, it is not so easy to understand that a particular person is looking for a partner, so it is more difficult to meet and choose. The marriage agency will provide you with a huge list of people who are ready for a new relationship. Perhaps you will like a hot Italian or a gallant Englishman, or perhaps you will like a young black girl with a gorgeous figure.

Cons of a marriage agency

1. Short period of agency's work on the services market. This means that the client base is not so large, and you will have to wait quite a long time until the right person is selected for you. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but the longer you wait, the more money you will pay, which is also very beneficial for agency employees. It is unlikely that you will be able to predict the result of your cooperation with a marriage agency, but you can search the Internet for information about the organization: how long it has been operating and how many satisfied clients it has. Some marriage agencies work solely to get money, and the desire of the client comes last for them. Think carefully about where exactly it is better to turn, because you may waste money, but still not get what you wanted.

2. Fraud. There are also marriage agencies where your details and photographs are posted on dating sites in order to attract the attention of potential partners. A fairly effective technique, but you can do the same at home. Before turning to marriage agency workers for help, register on a dating site and try to find someone to talk to on your own. Of course, this will take time, but it's worth a try. If nothing works out for you, feel free to go to a marriage agency. If you doubt the integrity of the people to whom you paid money, check from time to time using a search method to see if your page is on the site without your permission to register.

3. Data inconsistency. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to understand what kind of person is in front of you, especially when you only know a few facts about him. Don't forget that you only know as much about a potential partner as the information you are given. So sometimes it's hard to find mutual language with a person who, according to the description in the profile, seemed to suit you perfectly. It is very good if you understand that you are not suitable for each other at the beginning of a relationship, because it also happens that marriages collapse and families break up. Don’t always rely only on what is written in the questionnaire, because in life this person may not be at all what you expected him to be.

To be objective, I persuaded four of my friends to use the services of both Dating Sites and Marriage Agencies, especially since it was not difficult to do this, all five of us at that time were without permanent life partners, all of different ages, (the youngest of us is 22 years old, the eldest is 61), three of us are with children, moreover, the age of the children is from 7 months to 38 years, two are without children and, most importantly, everyone is in anticipation of great personal happiness!

This is my friends data, changing their names
1) Lydia - 61 years old, primary school teacher, two children 38 and 30 years old, widow.
2) Natalya - 40 years old, manager construction company, 1 child - 20 years old, divorced.
3) Irina - 37 years old, university teacher, no children, not married.
4) Elena - 28 years old, saleswoman, two children - 7 months and 5 years old, divorced.
5) Oksana - 22 years old, student, no children, not married.

After talking with each other, we decided to try to find our life partners within a year by resorting to the services of Marriage Agencies and Dating Sites. Moreover, we all live in different cities, but in this case it was more of a plus than a minus, we decided to register on completely different sites and contact different agencies.

With varying success, we “cooked” in this process for almost a year, called each other, met, drank coffee together, cried and laughed, shared our joys and disappointments, I can tell you only one thing for sure - it was very interesting, informative and, one might even say, productive. And most importantly, the three of us successfully built relationships.
Well, in addition to all the above “carrots”, I also managed to conduct my own mini-research, that is, now I will share with you my observations and conclusions.

To be honest, at the beginning of our journey, all five of us definitely took Marriage Agencies more seriously, somehow they inspired us more confidence, their pages were full of photographs of women, the texts promised an individual approach and selection of a partner according to psychological characteristics, phone numbers called to call them, and photos of happy couples promised quick and unearthly happiness, which, we were sure, would definitely find us, so different and so identical in our desire to meet our soul mate.

And we did it!

Each of us found a Marriage Agency in our city, called and met with their representative at the appointed time. All five of us were greeted by welcoming girls, smiling, pleasant to talk to, and asked to fill out forms, and in 4 of them, for some reason, the forms were printed (in our age of Internet technology), photos could either be brought printed or V in electronic format, moreover, they asked for several, at least three, but better yet more - so that there was plenty to choose from. If there is no photo, they carefully recommended “staff” photographers who, for “small” money, were ready to take the necessary photographs for us.
The questionnaire included standard questions: height, weight, age. It was striking that there were many more questions about the woman than questions about the desired chosen one.

From my personal experience:
The agency's office was located on one of the central streets of the capital, the room was small, I was greeted by a young girl who answered most of my questions like
"How does the whole process work?"
“How many couples have you successfully met?”
"Are there any guarantees?"
“How exactly do you check the men whom you will later propose as grooms?”

in response to all these questions she muttered something incomprehensible or something like
“Well, what are the guarantees?”
"We can't guarantee you anything"
“There are a lot of profiles of women”
“Of course there are established couples, and many...”

To be honest, my optimism noticeably diminished already there, in the office of this “elite” Marriage Agency.

Myself process I found out for myself that it is simple, and I was able to answer many questions already in the process of “collaboration”.
1. Women come to the office, fill out forms, give photographs, sign a primitive agreement that their data can be used on the World Wide Web, plus you are required to provide your passport so that the Marriage Agency is at least confident that you do not have a stamp there about marriage.
2. Apparently, the same manager enters this data and photos on the Marriage Agency website. After a few days, a woman can even “find herself” there and check whether everything was entered correctly.
3. From this moment on, communication between the woman and the Agency takes place via email, i.e. if you want to change something, write them a letter and, I advise, on the next business day, if you have not received a response to this letter, it is better to call and talk to the manager.

I found out what was happening on the other side later, talking with one of my potential suitors.

Men can register on the English version of the Marriage Agency website, view the profiles of brides and, if they like someone, they can write to this girl, but...
This is where the fun begins.
From this stage, a man who has at least some active intentions must pay the agency. In the Agency where I was registered, it cost a man 50 US dollars for the opportunity to communicate with 5 girls.

What was meant by communication?
A man could write letters for these girls and receive answers to them, everything was great, but “BUT” came up again
He can do all this only through the Marriage Agency, i.e. he writes letters for “Oksana d546”, on email Agency, and the Agency, in turn, copies this letter and sends it to the woman along with a short questionnaire and several photographs of the groom.
The woman answers the groom, and can write both in a foreign language and in her native Russian. If translation is necessary, the potential groom will, of course, pay additionally to the Marriage Agency.

Also, for $50, the agency offered a man 1 hour of conversation on Skype with a selected woman, i.e. the man chose a girl, informed the Agency about it, the manager called her, sent (or “didn’t have time” to send, as was the case in my case) the groom’s details and photo, invited her to come to the office to communicate with the man on Skype and you talk to him on presence of a representative of the Agency. Before this video meeting, I was instructed for half an hour on what can and cannot be said to the groom. Of course, you cannot say your personal information, such as address, phone number, Skype, email; it is advisable to smile and “nicely” carry on the conversation.

Plus, the Agency usually offers a man to send bouquets of flowers, soft toys, sweets to the bride(s) he likes... for a fee, of course.

Sometimes men, after some time of correspondence, even decide to come and meet the bride (usually brides) in person. They pay for such a tour, organized by the Marriage Agency separately. I won’t even write the amount. It is very decent, but quite reasonable, I think.
The agency takes care of meeting the groom, transferring him from the airport and back, renting an apartment and organizing + holding meetings with brides. Conducting means meeting the bride and groom in the office of the marriage agency, and, if necessary, the services of an interpreter with additional hourly pay from the groom's side.

Everything looks just perfect for a woman. When working with a Marriage Agency, she does not risk anything and most importantly, she does not pay anything.

So, the advantages of finding a husband through a Marriage Agency:
- for women it is completely free
- if you do not speak any foreign language, you will be kindly provided with the services of translating letters and an interpreter during a personal meeting with the groom
- you have no risks when meeting with an unfamiliar man, an interpreter may be present at the meeting (a nice person who sometimes entertains you better than the groom), you will have a great time in a restaurant, on a ship or just walking in the park
- you will not have the “hassle” associated with renting a hotel or apartment for a man, with his transfer from/to the airport, with how to entertain him and what to show him.
- there won’t even be a problem with how to get rid of it if you don’t like it. In this case, you can simply call the Agency representative after the meeting and say “I don’t like it, I don’t want it anymore.” Then it’s no longer your concern how they will explain it to him, console him, etc., if you haven’t given him your contact information, of course.

It is very important that in this case you avoid the most unpleasant moment; believe me, this is one of the most difficult tasks - to tell the groom who has flown thousands of kilometers away, “you are not my hero.”

And don’t bother yourself with this, the Marriage Agency will very quickly “comfort” him, offering to choose a new bride on their website and immediately organize a new meeting with the new bride. By the way, I think one day I too became such a comforting bride, of course, without knowing it at that time.

From my personal experience:

It’s just that in the middle of the working day they called me from the Marriage Agency, politely asking “am I married yet?”, since we had not been in contact for the last few months, the second question was “am I in the city now, am I on a business trip, etc. .?” and, having received the answers “yes” and “no” respectively, they offered to go on a date with the groom who had arrived in the evening.

Out of surprise, I had to sharply press the brakes of the car and urgently look for parking to take a breath and somehow “digest the situation.” By the time I found an empty seat by the sidewalk, the girl “at the other end of the line” had already told me the time and meeting place, asked me not to be late, and hung up.

So, at exactly seven o’clock in the evening I was already opening the door of a small but cozy cafe in the city center in anticipation of “the meeting of my life.”
Even in the afternoon, in a telephone conversation with a representative of the Marriage Agency, I found out that my potential groom is 43 years old, he is an architect, an Englishman (as it later turned out, not quite an Englishman).

In the cafe hall, a girl approached me, probably the one who called me during the day, and took me to one of the tables, where my fiancé was sitting, slightly slouched. He looked about 50 years old, his grayish complexion spoke of fatigue, one would think that he had just come from the airport and had suffered at least a 12-hour flight.

The girl introduced us to each other and prepared to translate simultaneously. After a few phrases, I politely clarified that I can communicate perfectly well in English language and I don’t need a translator, which visibly embarrassed her. But after 5 minutes I was left at the table alone with the groom.

We drank coffee and just chatted humanly. I found out that he really works as an architect and lives in a small town near London, a Jew, married three times, three adult children, looking for a young wife from Eastern Europe. When asked why he came from Eastern Europe, he said something about the devotion and subtleties of the Slavic soul. And I looked at him and he did not evoke any emotions in my soul except pity.

He was in our country for the third day, and in general he bought a 5-day tour from a Marriage Agency, and he corresponded through the agency with a woman, but during a personal meeting it turned out that he didn’t speak a word of English and even studied German at school. That in the office of the same Marriage Agency he “wandered around the site” and chose several more women for meetings, one of whom I was lucky enough to be included in.

So, after chatting with him for several hours, helping him while away the cold autumn evening I learned the story of another already middle-aged and rather “life-worn” lonely person who, like millions of other people around the world, tried to find the reflection of his soul in the eyes of another person...

It is worth noting that this Marriage Agency did not call me again and our next communication was about half a year from the moment of meeting with the “English” groom, and it was initiated by me in order to remove my profile from their website. I would like to note that they deleted my profile for more than 20 days.

Analyzing our successes, my friends and I came to the following conclusions about dating through marriage agencies:

- Conclusion one - in addition to all the above advantages that I described above, Through Marriage Agencies, women and girls who, when filling out the form, indicate a minimum knowledge of a foreign language and be sure to note that they need the help of a translator when writing letters and during meetings have a better chance of arranging their personal lives.

This conclusion was obtained purely experimentally, after two of us, namely those who did not speak a foreign language, began to correspond with suitors, and then also went to several meetings. I, having plucked up the audacity, and in order to get confirmation or refutation of my theory about languages, filled out a form at another Marriage Agency, exactly on the next street from my first Agency. But already on the question of the level of proficiency foreign language I wrote the following: “I have minimal knowledge, but I’m ready to learn if necessary,” and a check mark next to the phrase “I need the help of a translator.” So, in three months I met three candidates for my hand and heart. Perhaps I was just more lucky in the second agency...

By the way, when filling out questionnaires at Marriage Agencies, the manager usually clarifies whether the woman is already collaborating with any other agencies, and when filling out my second questionnaire at Agency No. 2, I remained silent on this question, may its employees forgive me.

- output second - photos should be beautiful, but not studio photos, better at home, or in the park, with makeup, but not conspicuous.
- conclusion three - again only from our experience - through Marriage agencies there are more chances to meet a man aged 45 years and older. I am of course familiar with the statistics at what age developed countries men are thinking about starting a family. But 45-50 years old are usually men “with their own history,” and this is far from their first attempt in this field.
- conclusion four - Most marriage agencies work exclusively with foreign grooms, it just so happens that for those who would not mind considering grooms living “on the next street,” most of the Marriage Agencies we found are not suitable.

And, at the end of the conversation about Marriage Agencies, all five of us noted one very big disadvantage in working with them,
PRACTICALLY NOTHING DEPENDS ON A WOMAN WHEN COOPERATING WITH A MARRIAGE AGENCY, this is such a passive search for your happiness - through the Marriage Agency, first of all, YOU CHOOSE.

Your task is to truthfully fill out the questionnaire, provide the Agency with photographs and then wait and pray, first that the groom will like you and choose you, and then that he will like you.
Although for some this may be a plus.

In my next part I will share my experience of searching for happiness through Dating sites, but this is a topic for a separate story.

If you are interested, write it in your comments, I am ready to answer your questions and good luck to you!

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