Psychological characteristics of the stages of formation of professional creativity. What is the profession Questionnaire on the topic of the profession architect

A landscape architect deals with landscape art. He works with design drawings, on which he fixes all the components of the future composition, including the composition of herbs and tree species.

The architect of industrial construction works with buildings in the field of interaction between production and man. It is he who decides how to locate the enterprise so that it is right both from an environmental point of view and for rational organization technological progress.

The architect-restorer is engaged in reconstruction gives them new life. He is able to preserve the grandeur and restore the beauty of the building, while adapting it to the present.

Housing is the most demanded of the specializations. This specialist can find work both in a big city and in a small village, as he can be attracted by the construction of simple residential buildings, cottages and other ordinary buildings.

Related professions include interior designer and civil engineer.

Profession architect: history

Many years ago, when the first cities were just beginning to appear, there was a need for their proper organization. For this, people were needed who could take into account all the features of the local landscape and be able to design houses so that they were beautiful, functional and practical. It was at that time that architects appeared. Have reached our days interesting stories about the first ways of working with design: when Alexander the Great decided to found a city, he called all the city planners and ordered them to provide them with a plan of the area. Since there was no chalk at hand, the architects had to outline the outlines of the plan on the black earth with a barley grain.

Naturally, today the architect is a more modern profession, and there are many new methods of work. Nowadays, computer technology is used to design buildings. However, you won’t go far with one computer, since a representative of this difficult profession must have a certain mindset.

Profession architect: main responsibilities and personal qualities

The duties of a modern architect include creating the basic concept of the future building, its appearance, as well as combining all sorts of nuances into a single whole. Let's list the duties of an architect that determine the meaning of his work. So, the architect must:

Develop project proposals, general plans and layouts of enterprises, buildings, landscape panoramas and other things;

Develop working documentation and carry out technical guidance in the design of the facility;

Monitor the compliance of the use of materials with existing standards;

Participate in research and search for more convenient design solutions.

Among the qualities that you need to have in order to become a successful architect are creative and artistic and mathematical abilities, good performance space, good eyesight, persuasive speech, attention, the ability to manage oneself and organize one's work, the ability to understand other people and their desires, the ability to make decisions and have their own opinion, perseverance.

Profession architect: pros and cons

The undoubted advantage of the profession is a high income. In addition, this work is considered very prestigious. There is an opportunity to work abroad. Possibility of creative realization.

However, one must be prepared for an increased intellectual load, moral and liability. The architect is responsible for the life and health of the people who will spend time in the future building.

The profession of an architect is one of the oldest. In countries ancient east she was one of the most honorable and available only to the nobility. In ancient Egypt, the architect received his education in the schools of scribes, and he usually learned the craft in the family: skills and techniques were passed down from generation to generation. In ancient Greece (V-II centuries BC), the training of architects was carried out in small private schools under the guidance of experienced craftsmen. On the content of architectural education in the last centuries BC. e. can be judged from the classical work of the Roman architect Vitruvius"Ten Books on Architecture" (2nd half of the 1st century BC). Architectural education included not only knowledge in the field of building materials, construction, building structures, but also information from geometry, astronomy, history, philosophy, etc. With the development of construction in the Roman Empire, special architectural schools began to be created to train architects. The experience of architectural education in the Roman Empire was adopted by Byzantium and other countries of the Middle East, where new tasks were already being solved in the construction of a new type of religious buildings. In the Middle Ages, the training of architects began to be concentrated in monasteries, and in the cities of Western Europe, architects received training in guild workshops, where the continuity of professions was preserved. During the Renaissance in Italy and neighboring European countries, the guild system of architectural education received a new qualitative development. Leading Italian art theorist Alberti in "Ten Books on Architecture" characterizes the architect as a universal master and scientist, combining the artist and engineer. In the workshops of the future architect, they were given to study with a certain master, under whose guidance he studied architectural art, classical monuments, the so-called. warrants, building materials, mastered the methods of their processing, knowledge in the field of mathematics and other sciences. Many outstanding architects of the Renaissance - Brunelleschi, Bramante, Michelangelo and others, after apprenticeship with the master, improved their architectural education, participating in excavations and studying ancient monuments.

In the 17-18 centuries. in Italy, France, and then in a number of other European states, academies of fine arts were opened, in which architects were trained along with artists and sculptors (a special Royal Academy of Architecture was founded in France in 1671). In the academic workshops, the future architects underwent practical training, each with their own master of architecture. The academies developed and published universal courses in architecture, which had scientific significance for their time.

In the middle of the 19th century appeared in France, Germany, Russia and some other countries. higher technical schools, including civil engineering schools, which began to train, in particular, engineers of an architectural profile. This led to the division of the profession of architect into two - the architect-artist - for the construction of monumental buildings and the engineer-architect, or civil engineer - for the construction of utilitarian buildings. The division of the architectural school into artistic and technical in a number of Western countries(for example, in Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland) remains now. Architects graduating from art schools are required to pass state technical examinations to obtain a builder's license, which lengthens the period of architectural education, sometimes up to 8-10 years.

The origins of architectural education in Russia date back to the period of the formation of the ancient Russian state (10th century). In ancient times, artels of builders brought up masters of architecture in practice. In the 16-17 centuries. in Moscow, the training of stone craftsmen was organized under the control of the state in the Order of stone affairs. Peter I sent young architects to study in Holland and other countries of the West. Europe and designed the foundation of the Academy of Arts. In 1749 in Moscow, several private professional schools, "architectural teams" merged into a team of an outstanding architect D.V. Ukhtomsky. In 1757, the "Academy of the Three Most Noble Arts" was founded in St. Petersburg, which in 1764 was transformed into the Academy of Arts, headed by A.F. Kokorinov, Outstanding Russian architects emerged from the walls of the Academy. Ukhtomsky's student M.F. Kazakov founded at the end of the 18th century. School of Architecture at the Expedition of the Kremlin Building in Moscow. Since 1866 - the School of Painting and Sculpture (founded in Moscow in 1846) began training as an architect and was named the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (existed until 1918). In the middle of the 19th century Petersburg, the Institute of Civil Engineers was opened to train construction specialists, including architects (technical sciences prevailed in their training). philosophical profession architect engineering

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the system of architectural education was based on the principle of combining the artistic and technical education of the future architect. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, signed by V.I. Lenin (November 19, 1920), were created in Moscow on the basis of the former School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Higher Art and Technical Workshops (Vkhutemas), including architectural ones. In 1926-27, Vkhutemas was reorganized into the Higher Artistic and Technical Institute (Vkhutein), where specialization in architecture was introduced at the Faculty of Architecture. various types structures, urban planning and decorative-spatial architecture. In 1930, on the basis of the architectural faculty of Vkhutein and the same faculty, organized in 1916 at the Moscow Higher Technical School, the Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering was created, from 1933 - Moscow Architectural Institute, which became the center of architectural education in the country.

During the years of Soviet power, a network of architectural faculties and departments was created at universities of various profiles - civil engineering, art, polytechnic. In the USSR in 1968 there were about 40 such faculties and departments, including in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov, Minsk, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Baku, Tashkent, Samarkand, Alma-Ata, etc.

Architecture has always gone hand in hand with art. The creations of Antonio Gaudí, Osip Bove, Carl Rossi and other great architects inspire no less than the creations of painters and composers' symphonies. This is not only about the oldest monuments, palaces and towers, but also about modern buildings and structures that amaze with aesthetics and grandeur. An architect can perpetuate his name in amazing projects, or he can make a mistake, as a result of which the appearance of an entire city will be hopelessly damaged. Don't be afraid hard work and colossal responsibility? Then this job is for you.

What is an architect? Description of the profession

An architect is a specialist who designs buildings, planning and interior solutions, as well as organizing the architectural environment. He is responsible not only for the appearance of structures, but also for their functional, operational characteristics.

Despite the complexity of the profession and the need to be guided by standards, rules and technical parameters, the specialty is creative.

The appearance of a structure depends only on the inner world of a professional and his ideas about aesthetics, harmony and rationality.

Specialists can be not only architects who develop draft designs, documentation and working drawings, but also the organizers of the development process (chief architects), developers of master plans for cities and towns (urban planners), creators of landscape solutions for landscaping (landscape architects). The specialty also includes designers (planning and interior developers), restorers, experts and theorists involved in scientific and teaching activities.

What are the responsibilities of a specialist

With the development of technology, the work of an architect has changed significantly. The reason for this is the complication of building technologies.

You need to be proficient in special computer programs(in particular, programs for 3D design and modeling of buildings), conduct an examination of documentation for compliance with a variety of standards. At the same time, the range of activities of a specialist does not so much limit as directs the type of his activity:

  • Architectural Engineering. The specialist develops the project, coordinates the creation of construction documentation, and carries out architectural supervision.
  • urban planning. In fact, this is a "3D design", which is based on the development of general architectural plans for settlements.
  • Landscape. Landscape architecture includes landscaping - the design of gardens, parks, green spaces, home gardens and even protected areas.
  • Interior Design. Specialists specialize in the development of functional and at the same time aesthetic planning, interior design.

The range of duties of an employee also depends on his experience, qualifications and the organization in which he works. Not only grandiose concert halls and skyscrapers need a project, but also every trade pavilion (with the exception of prefabricated structures), every clinic and every residential building. Experience and portfolio play a key role - it is very important to strive to get really important and complex projects in order to move up the career ladder.

How to become an architect, where to study

This profession requires higher education, voluminous theoretical knowledge and successfully completed practical work. It is best to enter a specialized university, and the more reputable it is, the better for your future career. Graduates of the best educational institutions countries with open arms are accepted not only by Russian, but also by foreign employers. Therefore, approach the choice of a place of study responsibly and try to enter (or at least try to do so) in the best educational institution possible.

TOP-5 Russian universities that train architects:

  1. Moscow Architectural Institute.
  2. Moscow Construction State University.
  3. University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in St. Petersburg.
  4. University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Nizhny Novgorod.
  5. University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Samara.

How to take subjects upon admission? Admission of applicants is usually carried out in 2 stages: the first part is an analysis (usually mathematics, Russian language and history, less often literature), the second part is a creative competition held by educational institution on one's own. Applicants will be required to prepare a drawing, composition and drawing.

Educational institutions almost always hold consultations - here teachers tell what exactly they want to see within the framework of creative competition. The presentation is held in 1 day, or absent - the results of the verification of works can also be announced remotely. Be sure to visit her. Also, check the list of exams in advance - it is set by each university individually and may differ from the list above.

What qualities do you need to have

  • perseverance. Each drawing and each project requires long, meticulous work, where details and nuances are important.
  • Creative person. Every specialist is a creator. It is in his head that the appearance of buildings that can become cult sights is born.
  • Developed intellect. It is necessary not only to have experience and practical skills, but also to keep in mind a huge amount of theory, to know the regulatory framework.
  • Perfectionism. The slightest mistake in the project can lead to disaster or, at least, to the non-admission of the project. It is important to constantly strive for excellence.
  • composure. The ability to concentrate on work is the key to a successful project. Architecture does not tolerate absent-mindedness and does not forgive mistakes.

Where can a specialist work?

Construction company. Mostly architects-designers are required here, since most companies are engaged in the construction of ordinary buildings and construction. The typical nature of the work does not make it easier - each project requires a multi-stage approval and examination. Often you have to perform diverse tasks, as the staff of architects is almost always reduced or cut.

Bureau of Architecture. The key difference between bureau and construction company- line of business. The organization is exclusively engaged in architectural design, expertise and documentation development. There is a clear gradation of personnel here, and there is no shortage of staff. You can come to the bureau already in the first years of study, get a position as a technician, create simple drawings and gain experience while moving up the career ladder.

Government agencies. These are municipal and federal organizations who prepare master plans for settlements, conduct architectural expertise, draw up profile documentation, coordinate projects and issue building permits. The best option for professionals who are looking for a stable job and want to enjoy all the benefits of a civil servant.

Pros and cons of being an architect

If at school you wrote an essay on the topic “My future profession– architect”, then they certainly delved into the essence of the specialty. Its key advantages are the ability to create and the prospects for high income. Main disadvantage- practical difficulty. We note other advantages and disadvantages for a detailed comparison.

pros profession architect:

  • Interesting and creative work.
  • High wages for skilled workers.
  • A promising profession for immigration.
  • High social status and recognition of the profession.
  • Real prospects career development.

Minuses professions:

  • Difficult and extremely responsible work.
  • The need to study for a long time and constantly develop independently.
  • Regular processing, a lot of stress.
  • Low salaries at the start of a career.
  • Frequent impossibility of self-realization.

The impossibility of self-realization lies in the need to work on order. Example: you want to implement a grandiose project that has been in your head for a long time, but you cannot because of the lack of a sponsor. Or your vision of the functionality and aesthetics of the building does not coincide with the opinion of the manager or client.

Description of the profession

Architect (from Greek) - the main builder, architect.

It depends on the work of an architect what kind of houses people will live in, how cities will be built, whether roads will be laid correctly, etc. years. But, on the other hand, behind this responsibility lies an interesting and fascinating work, which gives tremendous opportunities to leave their mark on history, to create a masterpiece of architectural creativity.

In ancient times, the architect was the main builder and was responsible for the entire construction process. Today, the architect is engaged only in the initial stage of the construction process chain. A modern architect develops a building project in the form of drawings or a layout, according to which the designer performs calculations, and the foreman carries out construction. The idea and concept of the object being built depends on the architect, therefore the profession of an architect is creative, requiring both developed imagination and imaginative thinking, as well as painstaking work. The leading activity of an architect is the creation of an artistic image and its embodiment on paper or in a computer program. Also, architects translate the wishes of customers into real and technically feasible requirements and well-thought-out principles for the implementation of these requirements.

Profession benefits

High social status, intellectual work, opportunities for professional development.

Profession Restrictions

High responsibility, long-term specialization.

Field of activity

Development of new and optimization of existing planning solutions environment necessary for the normal functioning of a person: from an apartment to a city.

Development of layouts and plans of settlements, regional and quarter planning of cities.

Selection of design and materials according to special albums for construction, so that all dimensions, bindings, calculations are observed and the artistic intent of the architect is not affected.

Design of residential, public and industrial facilities(factories, houses, kindergartens, schools, etc.).

Reconstruction, restoration of old cities, architectural monuments. Organization of the landscape (creation of parks, squares, recreation areas, children's and sports grounds, car parks, etc.).

Design of railways, roads and tracks, pedestrian roads.

Creation of small architectural forms (benches, gazebos, playgrounds, urns, fountains, decorative elements-steles).

Development of projects for industrial enterprises.

Interior design of residential and public buildings, organization of internal space.

Coloring and development of solutions for the color organization of the landscape and objects, depending on the functional, climatic, historical and cultural features.

In some cases, architects are directly involved in the coordination and approval of projects in special bodies in charge of construction. First of all, this applies to cases of working with objects recognized as architectural monuments.


Knowledge of mathematics (descriptive geometry), drawing, computer science, design; ISO; regulatory requirements construction and development; fundamentals of architecture and design; methods of designing and carrying out technical and economic calculations; technical, artistic, environmental and other requirements for the designed facilities; the specifics of the conditions for the implementation of projects, as well as advanced domestic and Foreign experience design and construction; types and properties building materials and structures; environmental protection requirements; standards and specifications development and execution of design and estimate documentation; technologies of construction and operation of objects.

An architect must be able to: make drawings, draw, work with computer programs that allow for three-dimensional design of objects (for example, AutoCAD and 3D Studio MAX), work with programs that allow you to work with two-dimensional graphics (CorelDraw, PhotoShop, etc.), develop architectural and the construction part of projects based on architectural science, urban planning and the practice of using automation and design tools, prepare terms of reference for the development of the project, to carry out architectural supervision of the construction of the designed facilities, etc.

Required personal qualities

Logical thinking, mindfulness, propensity to work with information, mathematical abilities, propensity for creative work.

Development of adjacent areas

A professional architect can master related specializations, such as a restorer, designer, constructor, civil engineer.

Starting your own business, managerial career

In this case, a person can begin to lead a group of architects, lead development projects, lead a company, an architectural bureau, etc. In the case of this direction of career growth, it is recommended to develop entrepreneurial skills, to master such professions as an entrepreneur, project manager.

Related professions

Graphic designer, restorer, civil engineer.

An architect is a specialist in the design and construction of buildings.

This is an engineer, programmer and artist all rolled into one. People of this profession dream of building palaces, and in real life design shops and residential buildings. Architects design interiors and work on building layouts.

The main goal of the profession is to obtain a safe, original and unique architectural structure that will effectively use the area.

The position has several types in accordance with the type of activity:

  • lead project architect- manages the construction process;
  • landscape architect– prepares projects for home gardens, gardens and parks, creating a unique design.
  • urban architect- designs urban areas or large complexes, develops urban planning documentation and master plans for settlements;
  • architectural restorer- restore architectural monuments;
  • chief architect of a city or district- a civil servant who develops local regulatory and legal documentation and controls its implementation in terms of urban planning;
  • historian (theorist) of architecture– is engaged in scientific or teaching activities in the field of architectural construction.

Architect– creates interesting ideas, develops project documentation and performs construction drawings. Controls the implementation of the project at the author's level.

History of the profession

The profession of an architect is very ancient and originates from the construction of temples, palaces and fortresses. The first famous architect is considered to be Imhotep, who supervised the construction Egyptian pyramid Djoser.

Architecture begins to develop rapidly in the Renaissance, which took place in the 15th and 16th centuries. This is an important period for Italy, which is accompanied by the development of art education, the formation of new styles of architecture.

Today, the position of an architect is in high demand. A modern architect no longer manages the construction of an object, but only develops its project.

professional holiday

Second World War brought destruction with it. In order to restore architectural monuments and buildings of enterprises, an international union of architects was created in 1946.

Since 1996, World Architect Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in October.

Advantages and disadvantages

The work of an architect can hardly be called easy.

  • Very often you have to work in a sitting position, which is accompanied by pain in the back and neck.
  • Sometimes, for the implementation of architectural supervision, you have to travel to construction site. Failure to comply with safety regulations can lead to injuries, as well as poisoning with building dust and other respiratory diseases.

Architects often complain about sleepless nights, unscrupulous customers, negligence of builders and outdated standards. However, few people decide to change their profession: the vocation of an architect remains with a person for life.

The profession also has positive aspects.

  • Architects are respected by society.
  • The fruit of your creation is tangible.
  • An architect can build a good career.
  • The position provides extensive opportunities for freedom of expression and creativity.

Working as an architect, you can shuttle between various areas activities: works for the benefit of large and small companies, try yourself in residential, office technologies or engage in interior design.

Job Requirements

When applying for the position of an architect, the applicant is presented with the following:

  • availability of higher specialized education;
  • work experience of two years;
  • Ability to work with AutoCAD and other specialized programs;
  • reading and drafting project documentation.

Responsibilities of an architect

The specialist must:

  • design of buildings and structures;
  • preparation of estimates and drawings;
  • development of project documentation;
  • performing calculations and entering data into tables;
  • creation of design layouts;
  • negotiations with authors of projects and customers;
  • implementation of the author's control of the construction process.

In addition, the duties of an architect may include:

  • creation of 3D visualization of construction objects;
  • work on design projects;
  • coordination of project documentation.


The profession of an architect requires a serious attitude to his work from its owner. On the shoulders of this person lies a huge responsibility for the quality construction and subsequent operation of the facility.

Offenses and material damages caused in the course of official duties are punishable by law.


  • The architect has the right to negotiate with the management the deadline for the completion of the work and report problematic issues regarding its implementation.
  • Request in the departments the information he needs regarding the position.

A good architect does not wait until everything is handed to him on a silver platter. He can request from the management the documentation he needs, as well as make his own proposals and developments in design solutions.

Features of the profession

The most difficult thing in the work of an architect is a constant workload. You have to work overtime on weekdays, and you also need to go out on weekends. Sometimes you need to sit on a project all night long and then go back to work in the morning. Constant lack of time: no matter what you work on, you need twice as many hours as allotted for the task.

For an architect, inspiration is important, but true talents must be able to create masterpieces without having a mental attitude.

Professional skills and abilities

An architect's knowledge base must be impressive.


  • know building codes and regulations;
  • work in automated design programs Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD;
  • be able to independently develop basic structural solutions, the necessary working documentation, create architectural drawings;
  • navigate the design methodology and make calculations;
  • have a developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • know the basics of ecology, geodesy, cartography;
  • have artistic skills to create drawings, graphics, compositions;
  • have analytical warehouse mind and ability for mathematical calculations.

Welcome knowledge:

  • English at a conversational level;
  • nuances of developing projects for buildings for shops;
  • features of modern building materials.

Personal qualities

Also valued:

  • ability to work in a team and have organizational skills;
  • responsibility, creativity and vigilance;
  • sense of taste and harmony;
  • good memory and punctuality.

For a professional architect it is important:

  • love to draw;
  • have developed color perception;
  • the ability to think abstractly;
  • have a good eye;
  • be able to concentrate;
  • be stress resistant;
  • create images according to the verbal description and vice versa;
  • be the owner of intuitive thinking.

Architect career

Eminent specialists do not become overnight. Many start out as a simple builder or engineer. Then you can be entrusted with the design of wooden houses and baths.

It's good if you work a little as an assistant architect or become a member of their team. You can get the position of a senior architect, if you show yourself well from a professional point of view, in about 5 to 7 years.