Principles of rational organization of the main production. Principles of rational organization of production processes The main principles of rational organization of production include







STUDENT 4 courses

correspondence department

2 groups, A92-05/6/052 Mikhalenko A. M.


The nature of the implementation of production processes, the features of their implementation are basic in the organization of production. Their technological implementation must be implemented in the most rational way, and if possible, then optimally.

The term "organization" comes from the late Latin organizo, which means "I communicate a slender appearance", "I arrange". IN modern conditions development of a market economy, it has 3 different semantic meanings:

* firstly, it is “internal orderliness, coherence of the interaction of more or less differentiated and autonomous parts of the whole, due to its structure”, that is, the structure of something;

* secondly, it is “a set of processes or actions leading to the formation and improvement of relationships between parts of the whole”, i.e. the process of improving the functioning of the structure;

* thirdly, it is “an association of people jointly implementing a certain program or goal and acting on the basis of certain rules and procedures”, that is, some kind of institution.

In 1913, Henry Ford introduced the assembly line, which moved the machine along the conveyor chain to the worker. Until that time, workers, along with their tools, moved from one working position to another, where they each performed their own operation to assemble a car. As a result, if a slow worker came across, he delayed everyone else. Now the worker must complete his operation until the car passes by his workplace.

Ford's first line, commissioned in April 1913, was used to assemble generators. Prior to this, one worker could assemble 25 to 30 generators in a 9-hour work day. This meant that it took about 20 minutes to assemble one generator. The new line divided this production into 29 operations. New process reduced the assembly time of one generator to an average of 13 minutes. A year later, when the production process was further broken down into 84 operations, assembly time was reduced to 5 minutes per generator.

In general, the assembly time of the car was reduced from 21 days to 3 days, the cost of manufacturing the car decreased from 750 to 300 dollars.

1. Characteristics of the production process, its constituent elements.

The production activity of industrial enterprises is associated with the release of products (new or repaired). The process of manufacturing or repairing any product is the impact of living labor on the object of labor with the help of tools (means) of the pile. This process is called the labor process.

The labor process is a set of actions of an employee at the workplace aimed at achieving a specific private goal - the fulfillment of a production task. Thus, the labor process is a purposeful human impact on the subject of labor, as a result of which the latter undergoes changes.

Labor processes are divided into two main groups:

1. technological - all processes, as a result of which the internal properties, appearance or shape of the object of labor change.

2. non-technological - the processes of transportation, assembly, quality control, maintenance of the workplace.

In some cases, the impact on the subject of labor occurs with the help of the forces of nature without the direct participation of man, but only under his supervision. Such processes are called natural. A natural process is a process of changing the object of labor that occurs without human intervention (for example, aging of metal, drying of painted surfaces, air drying of wood, salting, drying, drying of fish, etc.).

Hence, the production process is a set of interrelated labor and natural processes, the result of which is the production of certain types finished products.

The production process is a combination of objects and tools of labor and living labor in space and time, functioning to meet the needs of production. This is a complex systemic concept, consisting of a set of the following particular concepts: the object of labor, tools of labor, living labor, space, time, satisfaction of needs. We will reveal the essence of the individual components of the systemic concept of "production process" and give simple examples for some sectors of activity (see Table 1.).

Table 1.

Concept name

The essence of the concept

Examples for some industries

1. Subject of labor

An object that a person works on to create an intermediate or final product in order to satisfy certain needs

The book is for the reader. Information, methods - for the researcher. Terms of reference for development, drawing - for the designer. The blank is for a turner. Information, methodology - for an economist. House under construction - for the builder. Transported cargo - for the driver. Human disease - for the doctor.

2. Tool of labor

Part of the means of production or fixed capital with or through which a person acts on the object of labor

Laboratory equipment, computer - for the researcher. Graph plotter, computer, computer-aided design system - for the designer. The machine is for a turner. Desk, computer - for the economist. Crane - for the builder. The car is for the driver. Scalpel - for the surgeon.

3. Living labor

Directly an employee who, with the help of a tool of labor, influences the object of labor in order to transform it and satisfy certain needs

Researcher. Constructor. Turner. Economist. Builder. Chauffeur. Doctor.

4. Space

The place of the production process, one of the forms of the dialectical unity of space and time

Laboratory - for the researcher. Workplace - for a turner. The territory and route of movement - for the driver. Operating room - for the surgeon.

The duration of the production process, one of the forms of the dialectical unity of space and time

Duration of engine reliability laboratory tests. Piece processing time of the part. Time spent by the car on the road. The duration of the surgical operation.


Production of products, the provision of a service or the performance of work to meet certain needs in accordance with a planning document or personal idea

The work of a scientist on a new idea, a monograph. Performance construction organization operational schedule. Fulfillment by the turner of the shift-daily task. Execution by a consulting firm of a contract to analyze the competitive advantages of the organization.

Types of production processes

The production process consists of partial processes, which can be divided into groups according to the following criteria:

According to the method of execution: manual, mechanized, automated.

By purpose and role in production: main, auxiliary, serving

The main production processes are those processes that are directly related to the transformation of the object of labor into finished products. For example, in mechanical engineering, the result of the main processes is the production of machines, apparatus and instruments that make up the production program of the enterprise and correspond to its specialization, as well as the manufacture of spare parts for them for delivery to the consumer. The totality of such partial processes constitutes the main production.

Auxiliary production processes are processes that create the necessary conditions for the creation of finished products, or create finished products, which are then consumed in the main production at the enterprise itself. Auxiliary are the processes for the repair of equipment, the manufacture of tools, fixtures, spare parts, means of mechanization and automation of their own production, the production of all types of energy. The totality of such partial processes constitute auxiliary production.

Servicing production processes - during the implementation of such processes, products are not produced, but services necessary for the implementation of the main and auxiliary processes are performed. For example, transportation, warehousing, issuance of all types of raw materials and materials, control of the accuracy of instruments, selection and assembly of parts, technical control of product quality, etc. The totality of such processes constitutes service production.

In turn, the main production processes are divided into the following types:

Preparatory (preparatory);

Transforming (processing);

Final (assembly).

Types and relationships of production processes in the organization of production at the enterprise in the course of production

Vertically, production processes can take place at the workplace, in the department and between departments of the organization. We note that this division is not geometric, but organizational in nature. Let's represent derivative processes vertically in the form of "elements" - organization, divisions, jobs.

Table 2.

The essence of the types of production processes.

Process name

Process essence


1.Preparatory stage of the main process

The process of preparing living labor in space and time and tools for transforming the object of labor into a useful product.

Processes for cutting metal, stamping blanks, casting them in the blank shops of a machine-building plant. Preparation by the researcher of the workplace for experiments. Preparation of the machine and documentation for the performance of transport services. Preparation of the patient for surgery in the surgical department of the hospital.

2. Transformative stage of the main production

The process of transforming the object of labor by changing its shape and / or size, physical and / or chemical properties, appearance, type of connection with other objects of labor, characteristics and / or indicators, state and / or potential in accordance with the planning document or creative concept.

Making a machine part from a bar or stamping by a turner. Conducting laboratory tests by the researcher to check the strength of the part. Checking the knots by the driver truck in accordance with the production order. A team of surgeons performing an operation to remove a patient's tumor.

3. The final stage of the main process

The process of preparing the transformed object of labor for its acquisition of the form of a commodity for shipment or delivery to the customer (commission).

Assembly, testing, certification, packaging of goods. Delivery of the construction object to the acceptance committee. Coordination and approval of the normative document. Delivery by the driver of the brought cargo to the customer. Check by the surgeon or the commission of the characteristics of the patient's condition after the operation. Workplace cleaning. Registration of documents.

4. Auxiliary process

A process that contributes to the normal flow of the main process of transforming the object of labor and is associated with the provision of the main process with equipment, fixtures, cutting and measuring tools, fuel and energy resources.

Manufacture of tools and fixtures for the needs of all departments of the organization. Repair technological equipment and vehicles. Production of compressed air by a compressor station, hot water - by a boiler house. Repair of buildings and structures.

5. Maintenance process

A process that is not specifically related to this subject of labor, ensuring the normal flow of the main and auxiliary processes by providing transport services, logistics services at the "entrance" and "exit" of the organization.

Logistics support of production in any industry National economy, organization of sales of products, provision of transport and storage services to a specific unit or customer.

6. Production process in the workplace

Any kind of process (main, auxiliary, serving) taking place at a particular workplace.

Production of a part on a specific machine. The work of the operator at the compressor station. The work of the driver.

7. Production process at the division level

The process taking place in the division between jobs, or a natural process.

Intra-production (intrashop) transport service. Cooling of the part after heat treatment in the free area of ​​the workshop.

8. Inter-shop production process

The process that flows between departments of the organization

Accumulation of intershop insurance or transport stock of products. Inter-production transport service.

Structure production process

The production process is heterogeneous. It breaks down into many elementary technological procedures that are performed in the manufacture of the finished product. These separate procedures include: production stage, production operation, work methods, work movement.

The production stage is a separate part of the production process, when the object of labor passes from one qualitative state to another, as a result of one or more partial labor processes. For example, the material goes into the workpiece, the workpiece into a part, etc.

Each stage combines partial processes that are technologically related to each other, or processes of a specific purpose.

The main production processes take place in the following stages: procurement, processing, assembly and testing stages.

The procurement stage is intended for the production of blank parts. A feature of the development of technological processes at this stage is the approximation of blanks to the shapes and sizes of finished parts. It is characterized by a variety of production methods. For example, cutting or cutting blanks of parts from a material, manufacturing blanks by casting, stamping, forging, etc.

The processing stage is the second in the course of the production process. The subject of labor here is the blank parts. The tools of labor at this stage are mainly metal-cutting machines, furnaces for heat treatment, and apparatus for chemical processing. As a result of this stage, the parts are given dimensions corresponding to the specified accuracy class.

The assembly stage is a part of the production process, as a result of which assembly units or finished products are obtained. The subject of labor at this stage are components and parts of our own production, as well as those received from outside (component products). Assembly processes are characterized by a significant volume handmade, That's why main task technological process is their mechanization and automation.

The testing stage is the final stage of the production process, the purpose of which is to obtain the necessary parameters of the finished product. The subject of labor here are finished products that have passed all the previous stages.

The constituent elements of the stages of the production process are technological operations.

A production operation is an elementary action (work) aimed at transforming the object of labor and obtaining a given result. The production operation is a separate part of the production process. Usually it is performed at one workplace without readjustment of equipment and is performed using a set of the same tools.

The main sign of a production operation is the constancy of the object of labor, the performer and the workplace (a change in one of the signs indicates the beginning of another operation).

Operations are divided into types according to certain criteria:

A) by appointment: main and auxiliary.

During the main operation, the subject of processing changes its shape, size and quality characteristics, while during the auxiliary operation, this does not happen. Auxiliary operations only ensure the normal flow and performance of the main operations. The organization of the production process is based on a rational combination in time and space of all the main and auxiliary operations. The enterprise is interested in the fact that the main operations prevail in the production process, and the number of service and auxiliary operations decreases.

B) depending on the type and purpose of the product, the degree of technical equipment and the main profile of production, there are: manual, machine-manual, machine and hardware operations. Manual operations are performed manually using simple tools (sometimes mechanized), such as manual painting of products, metalwork, adjustment and adjustment of mechanisms. Machine-manual operations are carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms, but with the direct participation of workers (for example, the transportation of goods by car, the processing of parts on manual machines). Machine operations are performed without the participation or with limited participation of workers. The execution of technological operations can be carried out in this case in automatic mode, according to the established program, only under the control of the worker. Hardware operations take place in special units (pipelines, columns, thermal and melting furnaces, etc.). The worker conducts a general observation of the serviceability of the equipment and instrument readings and makes adjustments to the operating modes of the units in accordance with the established rules and standards.

The rules and forms for performing work operations are given in special technical documentation (maps of production operations, instructions, operating schedules). Often, production operations are directly associated not with the processing of the product, but with the organization of the workplace and are divided into separate working professions and types of equipment. The last division is typical for single and small-scale production in industry, as well as for construction projects and transport. In this case, the worker is given a drawing for the product or, for example, a waybill for the transportation of goods. According to the instructions for the organization and skill level, the worker who received the task must know the order of the operation. Often, when a worker is given a task to perform a particular technological operation, he is given technical documentation, which contains a description of the main parameters of the workpiece and the task of performing this operation, including:

Initial and final characteristics of the product before and after processing;

The sequence of operations;

Necessary equipment, tools and fixtures;

Product processing mode;

Dosage of components;

Instruments used and their standard indications;

Piece time (the time required to perform one operation on one product).

Purpose of the workpiece;

Delivery time of finished products, their cost and price;

Total costs (by elements) for the operation.

Additional information helps staff to work consciously in the interests of the entire enterprise, and not blindly, achieving results only at their workplace.

For the purposes of technical regulation, operations are divided into methods and labor movements.

Working techniques are a closed cycle of working movements representing the completed elementary work of one performer. To implement a working reception, the worker must carry out certain labor movements and actions.

The working movement is the elementary, simplest action of the worker in the process of labor (raise, lower the arm, bend over, straighten up). Movement is characterized either by the touch of the worker on the object of labor, or by the change in individual parts of the worker's body in space. The analysis of labor movements is carried out in order to establish more rational methods by eliminating unproductive movements and designing the best order for their implementation.

The conducted researches allow to make the structure of the production process at the enterprise. The structure of the production process is the ratio of various elements in their total volume.

Basic principles of organization of production processes

The principles of process rationalization should cover the entire rather complex set of production and management, legal, economic, informational, motivational and psychological aspects of the organization of production. In this regard, we will expand the list of principles for the rationalization of processes, and make it more comprehensive.

Table 3

Principles of process rationalization.

Name of the principle

Essence of the principle

Effectiveness of the principle

Conditions for the implementation of the principle

1. Legal regulation of production and management processes

Economic and legal regulation of production and management processes by regulations of various levels and types:

1) the system of normative documents of the international level (UN, etc.);
2) systems (codes) of laws on civil, administrative, economic, criminal and other issues of law;

3) regulatory acts of the executive branch (decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions Government of the Russian Federation, orders of ministries and departments);

4) normative acts of the executive power of the subjects of the Federation and local governments;

5) orders, orders, standards of the organization.

The implementation of the principle will allow the organization to participate in international cooperation, introduce world achievements in management, and reduce subjectivism in management.

To implement the principle, it is necessary to develop a set of normative acts of various levels of hierarchy (better, starting with the international one), regulating the legal aspects of production and management processes.

2. Improving the organization's management system

The management system of an organization is a system for achieving the competitiveness of managed objects, consisting of both the external environment and the internal structure (subsystems of scientific support, target, providing, managed and managing subsystems). When analyzing the level of competitiveness of the IMF countries, a low level of the management system in Russia was noted.

Improving the organization's management system using the previously considered systemic, reproduction-evolutionary and other approaches will improve the quality and efficiency of the management system by reducing uncertainty, increasing organization and other factors. IN systems approach the primary is the external environment of the system, and its internal structure is secondary.

To implement the principle, the personnel of the organization must complete a training course on the "Management System", "Principles and management methods”, “Strategic Marketing”, “Development management decisions”, “Competitiveness Management” and other disciplines. Knowledge and motives are the main tools for achieving the goal.

3. Applying scientific approaches to processes

Scientific approaches include systemic, structural, marketing, production-evolutionary, functional, regulatory, integrated, integration, dynamic, process, optimization, directive, behavioral, situational, etc.

The application of scientific approaches to the development and implementation of management decisions in the field of production organization will improve the organization and efficiency of production and management processes, use resources economically and improve the quality of products.

To implement the principle, management needs to organize training of personnel in these scientific approaches, monitor and stimulate their application.

4. Ensuring the innovative nature of the development of the organization

Development based on the development of innovations (patents, know-how) and their implementation (i.e. innovation) for the sake of improving performance in any area, obtaining technical, economic, social benefits, etc. Innovation processes should be a priority.

Along with the previous principles, compliance with this principle leads to the transition of the organization from the category of lagging behind to the category of competitive ones. In industrial developed countries scientific and technological progress accounts for 85-95% of GDP growth

To implement the principle, it is necessary to intensify innovation activity (starting with the education system and the formation of state innovation policy). Funds from the sale of raw materials and investments should be primarily directed to the development of innovations and their implementation.

5. Orientation of processes to quality

The quality of any objects (goods, works, services, documents, processes) is a priority factor in the competitive advantage of the organization.

Allows you to increase the competitiveness of managed objects (at the first level of the competitiveness tree are the quality of the object, its price, consumption costs and quality of service in the ratio 4:3:2:1.

To implement the principle, it is necessary:

1) from the composition of quality indicators to derive indicators of resource intensity;

2) develop a system of quality indicators for various objects;

3) link the quality problem with other problems vertically and horizontally;

4) to train the staff in the quality assurance system.

6. Ensuring the adaptability of production and management processes

Adaptation of the components of production and management processes to changes in the parameters of the external environment or the internal structure of the organization.

Allows you to quickly change production and management processes to new consumer requirements at the output of the system or its subsystem (department, workshop).

Build production and management processes from quickly and easily replaceable blocks focused on performing a specific job or producing a specific product, monitoring the parameters of the external environment and the internal structure of the system.

7. Selection of a team of professionals

A team in which everyone knows their job, knows why and how to do it, what it gives to the team and to him personally.

Allows you to increase the organization, reliability and efficiency of the organization.

To train professionals in universities focused on the production of competitive specialists.

8. Ensuring comparability of management decisions

Comparability of management decisions should be ensured by taking into account following factors: the quality of the object, the scale of its production, development, the method of obtaining information, the conditions of use, inflation, risk and uncertainty.

Allows you to improve the quality and efficiency of management decisions as the "backbone" of management.

To teach managers how to form high-quality management decisions, to automate monitoring of the parameters of the external environment of the organization and its internal structure.

9. Rational combination of centralization and universalization of processes

Centralization is the adoption of managerial decisions by central (specialized functional departments) and their implementation by production management bodies. Universalization is the adoption and implementation of decisions by complex (universal, multifunctional) departments or production units.

Excessive centralization separates the subject of management from the object, and excessive universalization increases the complexity of the work. Therefore, it is desirable to find the optimum by scheduling a critical program based on the calculation of the fixed and variable parts of the costs.

Automate the calculation of the cost of each item of work in mass or large-scale production, the use of economic and statistical methods for calculating cost elements in small-scale and single-piece production.

10. Rational combination of personnel management methods

Depending on the degree of freedom of the control object, methods should be divided into three types: coercion, inducement and persuasion (when using the last two, the control object has maximum freedom)

The correct choice of the ratio of applied management methods allows you to optimize management processes. The ratio of management methods is 4:4:2, i.e. priority should be given to methods of coercion and inducement.

Conduct research on optimizing the structure of the organization's personnel management methods. It is wrong to speak, for example, of the transition from administrative (more precisely, directive) management methods to socio-psychological methods (more precisely, methods of persuasion).

11. Ranking of control objects

Establishing the importance (weight) of this control object in comparison with others according to some criterion (quality, efficiency, urgency).

Allows you to direct resources (financial, labor, information) to ensure the processes associated with the most efficient object.

Develop optimization models for ranking various objects according to different criteria.

12. Personification of management and stimulation of labor results

Establishment of a management system in which: each employee knows his field of activity; the scope of his duties is documented; he has one boss; work is sufficiently motivated; the employee is responsible for the efficiency at the output of the system - in the process of consuming his labor.

Increase the validity of the system of rewards and punishments depending on the quality of work of each employee in order to increase production efficiency

Develop and implement a simple system of rewarding and punishing each employee for the results of their work.

13. Ensuring responsive management processes

The susceptibility of the control system is its ability to perceive external and internal influences on the control object.

The susceptibility of control makes it possible to increase the number of controlled parameters and to increase the degree of certainty of the system. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish purposeful influences from random ones.

To ensure the susceptibility of management, a normative approach should be applied, the adaptability of the structure and processes to external influences (disturbances) should be increased.

14. Ensuring information content of management processes

The information content of the management process characterizes the sufficiency of high-quality information for the normal course of management processes.

Information as the "blood" of the system allows you to feed management, establish various patterns, make and implement high-quality management decisions.

To ensure the information content of management processes, it is necessary to classify and code various parameters (factors) of management, to structure scorecards, automate the collection and processing of information.

15. Process automation

The flow of processes without direct human participation. A person performs the functions of a process developer, operator and regulator.

Automation can significantly increase the number of controllable parameters, improve the quality of control, reduce its labor intensity with a forced increase in the object of investment in automation.

To increase the level of process automation, funds and a sound innovative automation project are needed.

16. Ensuring the efficiency of management

Efficiency of management is the ability of the subject or object of management to respond in time and quickly to targeted or random influences.

Efficiency of control makes it possible to ensure the adaptability and susceptibility of control processes to external disturbances.

To ensure the efficiency of management, it is necessary to increase the level of automation of production and management on the basis of unification, standardization and aggregation.

17. Regulation of processes

Establishment of rules, methods, procedures, technologies, regulations for managing any processes.

The regulation of processes makes it possible to ensure their purposefulness, validity, prospects, efficiency (with the corresponding costs for regulation).

Regulation requires significant one-time costs for the development of a specific form of regulation. The higher the frequency (scale) of processes, the higher should be the level of their regulation.

18. Ensuring proportional processes

The process is proportional when its individual components are in a certain quantitative ratio. In accordance with the law of least in the organization of production of conjugated subsystems, the best proportionality is an equal ratio of parameters (for example, in terms of productivity, power).

Proportionality is a principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of different jobs of one process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, personnel, etc.

The principle of proportionality should be remembered when resolving any issues, since "the speed of the squadron is determined by the speed of the slowest vessel."

Ensuring the proportionality of processes allows efficient use of resources due to the full utilization of production capacities and labor resources, technical means and information. The main directions for ensuring proportionality are: design, technological, organizational

To ensure the proportionality of the processes, it is necessary to carry out optimization calculations of the loading of technological equipment, the reliability of the developed objects and subsystems of the organization, their productivity (throughput). For the conditions of large-scale and mass production, detailed optimization calculations are performed, and for the conditions of a single production - enlarged calculations.

19, Ensuring the direct flow of processes

Straightness is characterized by the optimality of the path of passage of the object of labor, information, etc., excluding senseless returns to the old place due to the disorganization of the employee or process.

To analyze compliance with the principle of direct flow, the coefficient of direct flow of the most important partial production and management processes is calculated.

Ensuring the directness of processes allows to reduce the duration of production and management cycles in space and time.

To ensure the directness of processes, it is necessary to perform optimization calculations of the routes for the passage of objects of labor, information and other objects.

To comply with the principle of direct flow, i.e. reducing the path of passage of the subject of labor in the organizational and production structures, it is necessary to locate units on the territory in the course of management and production processes. In addition, units of the same functional and production purpose on the territory should be located nearby. For example, the departments of the marketing director should be located one after another, then the departments of the commercial director, etc.

The main factors for optimizing the direct flow of processes are:

1) the location of the units of the organizational and production structures in the course of the relevant processes;

2) the concentration of processes under one main element;

3) reducing the distance between the components of the processes;

4) system analysis and optimization of the direct flow coefficient of single management and production processes;

5) process automation.

20. Ensuring the continuity of processes

The continuity of the process is characterized by the degree of optimality of planned breaks and the absence of unscheduled breaks.

Ensuring the continuity of processes allows you to reduce the duration of production and management cycles of time.

To ensure the continuity of processes, it is necessary to increase the level of their automation, apply optimization methods in planning and organizing production

21. Ensuring the parallelism of processes

The parallelism of the process is characterized by the degree of overlapping operations in time. The more combinations, the more difficult the organization of the process, but the shorter its duration.

where T steam c - the time of the technological cycle with a parallel combination of operations,

T pos c - the time of the technological cycle with a sequential combination of operations.

Ensuring the parallelism of processes allows to reduce the duration of production and management cycles in time. The most common type of combination of operations is parallel-sequential.

To ensure the parallelism of processes, it is necessary to draw up network models, operograms, tape graphs of the processes in all types of production.

22. Ensuring the rhythm of processes

Rhythm is characterized by the uniformity of the alternation of the same operations in time, a set of works in a given calendar period.

Ensuring the rhythm of processes allows you to evenly load jobs in time, better coordinate their interaction in space and time, reduce defects in work, and improve its quality.

To ensure the rhythm of processes, it is necessary to improve the quality of technological and organizational projects, look for competitive, reliable suppliers, improve the reliability of technological equipment and ensure the proportionality of processes, improve labor discipline.

23. Ensuring process specialization

Process specialization (jobs) is a reduction in the number of jobs, operations at each workplace.

Quantitatively, the level of specialization of the production process is characterized by the coefficient of specialization

If a variety of operations are assigned to one production unit, then the production process needs frequent readjustments, restructuring, which always leads to an increase in time losses.

The volume of production and the complexity of products, parts predetermine the level of specialization of the process. So, if for the full load of the equipment it is enough to fix the processing of the planned task of only one product or its constituent element, the process will be of a massive nature. If the full loading of the equipment is achieved when the planned task for products (parts) of several items is fulfilled, then the process will be of a serial nature and the equipment will need to be reconfigured.

Losses are reduced by standardization, normalization and unification of products and their components, which contribute to the stabilization of production conditions and an increase in the level of organization of the production process by increasing the mass production of products. One of the ways to improve the listed indicators of the rational organization of production and management processes is to increase the frequency of processes and operations. In turn, the method of increasing the frequency of processes is the unification and typification of diverse partial processes. The benefits of increasing the repeatability of processes are related to the fact that the end results in mass production are better than in single production.

The listed principles of the rational organization of processes are the main factor in increasing the organization of the management system, which is characterized by the degree of quantitative certainty of the links between the components of the system. To reduce uncertainty, it is necessary in all management documents (plans, programs, tasks, standards, regulations, instructions, etc.) to clearly record the links between management bodies and managed objects.

Manufacturing process design

The beginning of the design of the production process is usually the end of the design of the product or the receipt from the customer of a finished (including standard) project. Developers use the following data as a basis for designing the production process:

Technical characteristics of the product as a whole and its parts;

Compliance of the characteristics of the product according to the project with the current standards and specifications;

Compliance of product characteristics with real market demand by consumer groups;

The real volume of market demand for the product for groups of consumers, taking into account competition;

The degree of expedient and actually achieved cooperation of the components of the product.

Based on the analysis of data relating to the product, a process for its manufacture is developed. At the same time, the following are carried out:

Determination and approval of the volume of product output by groups;

Selection and approval of technology, determination of the required production capacity to perform the entire scope of work;

Selection (according to production capacity and approved technology) of equipment, machines, tools and devices;

Selection production staff and its placement in the workplace;

Development of detailed and stage by stage technical documentation required at the workplace when implementing the project of the production process;

order and technical means product quality control by elements in the production process and in general when delivering to consumers.

Specialists of various professions are involved in the design of the production process, but, above all, engineers and economists. They have at their disposal:

Detailed working drawings and other technical data of the product;

Characteristics of the materials from which the products are made, and the prices for these materials;

List of operating equipment available to the enterprise and its detailed technical data;

Indicators of loading of existing machines and equipment by their types and individual workshops and sections of the enterprise;

A list of the company's tools and technological equipment, devices;

Name and characteristics of existing vehicles,

Sources and prospects for the supply of electricity, steam, hot and cold water, compressed air, gas and other types of energy and fuel;

Layouts and characteristics of the premises of the enterprise and its workshops;

Standards for a similar product for the cost of materials, fuel, energy, tools and working hours;

Environmental and ergonomic standards;

Other information (scientific and technical, economic, socio-political).

The task of designing the production process is to ensure:

Established profile and characteristics of products manufactured at the enterprise;

The specified volume and schedule of production output;

Reasonable production costs without sacrificing product quality;

Potential flexibility of technology, t. the possibility of restructuring production to produce new products and to increase the volume of its output;

Compliance with industry and inter-industry standards and regulations, including ergonomics and ecology.

The design of the production process, and above all in serial and mass production, is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a route technology is compiled, where only a list of the main operations to which the product is subjected is determined. In this case, the development is carried out, starting with the finished product, and ends with the first production operation. The task of developing route technology is to determine not how to make (process) the product, but who should do what and what. This is a balanced task in order to get the right finished product on time with the joint work of a large team. The route task for the processing of individual components of the product is compiled in accordance with the technological profile of production shops, sections, teams and the availability of the necessary capacities, using which it is possible to ensure the release of the planned volume of products. At the same time, procurement workshops receive a task for the manufacture of blanks, processing workshops - for processing blanks and obtaining finished parts from them, and assembly shops and sections are entrusted with assembling the finished product from machined parts, assemblies and assemblies. Separate parts of the finished product, for the manufacture of which the enterprise does not have the capacity, are addressed to marketing and material supply services for concluding contracts for the supply of these parts to the enterprise from third-party organizations - through cooperation. At the second stage of designing the production process, a detailed detailed and step-by-step design begins in the direction - from the first operation to the very last. Working documentation is being prepared on which the production process is based. It describes in detail the materials from which each element and part of the product must be made, their weight, dimensions. The type and mode of processing at each production operation, the name and characteristics of equipment, tools and instruments, the method and methods of quality control are established. The movement of the product and its constituent elements through the shops and sections of the enterprise from the first technological operation to the delivery of the product to the warehouse of finished products, the method and means of transportation are indicated.

Detailed design of the production process and preparation of working documentation for personnel is a complex and responsible business. It is at this stage that the problem of balancing price and quality is finally solved, and thereby ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise's products. Products of low quality or excessively expensive will not find a buyer on the market. Sometimes the slightest flaws in the project threaten to defeat the market from competitors.

The current level of scientific and technological progress implies compliance with the flexibility of the organization of production. The traditional principles of the organization of production are focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable product range, special types of equipment, etc. In the context of a rapid renewal of the product range, production technology is changing. Meanwhile, the rapid change of equipment, the restructuring of its layout would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; it is also impossible to frequently change the production structure (spatial organization of links). This put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In the element-by-element section, this means, first of all, a quick changeover of the equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created a technique capable of a wide range of uses and performing automatic self-adjustment if necessary.

Wide opportunities for increasing the flexibility of the organization of production are provided by the use of standard processes for the implementation of individual stages of production. The construction of variable production lines is well known, on which various products can be manufactured without their restructuring. Yes, now on shoe factory different models are produced on the same production line women's shoes with the same type of bottom fastening method; on auto-assembly conveyor lines, without readjustment, machines are assembled not only in different colors, but also in modifications. It is effective to create flexible automated productions based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology. Great opportunities in this regard are provided by the standardization of semi-finished products. Under such conditions, when switching to the production of new products or mastering new processes, there is no need to restructure all partial processes and production links.

One of the most important principles of the modern organization of production is its complexity, cross-cutting nature. . Modern manufacturing processes are characterized by splicing and interweaving of the main, auxiliary and service processes, while auxiliary and service processes occupy an increasing place in the overall production cycle. This is due to the well-known lag in mechanization and automation of production maintenance in comparison with the equipment of the main production processes. Under these conditions, it becomes increasingly necessary to regulate the technology and organization of the implementation of not only the main, but also auxiliary and service processes of production.

The level of organization of production reflects the degree of implementation of all the principles of its organization achieved in a given period. The more fully they are observed, the better will be the use of all elements of production and the higher will be its efficiency. The level of organization of production can be assessed using indicators characterizing the degree of implementation of the basic principles. However, at present, there is still no single generally accepted method for its assessment, despite significant work being carried out in this direction. Thus, more than 40 methods are currently used in industry, including about a hundred different indicators.

The method of the Rybinsk Motor-Building Plant (and some close to it), based on 17 private indicators that characterize different aspects of the enterprise's activities, has become most widely used. Based on them, then an integral indicator is determined, calculated as an arithmetic mean value.

All methods currently used in enterprises and recommended by individual authors for assessing the level of production organization can be divided into the following groups:

1. Evaluation using one complex indicator.

2. Evaluation using a system of partial indicators: a) without their subsequent reduction into one integral indicator; b) with their reduction into one integral indicator.

To manage the processes of increasing the efficiency of production by improving its organization, it is important, based on a quantitative assessment of the level of organization, to correctly choose the main directions for its increase. First of all, it is necessary to develop and implement measures in those areas that correspond to the lowest partial indicators.

To select and justify the optimal options for organizing production, the choice of the optimality criterion is of great importance. This criterion must be consistent with the criterion of the efficiency of social production. One of the most important indicators of the economic efficiency of production should be taken as an optimality criterion: profit, production cost, labor productivity.

Improving the organization of production should ensure an increase in its level, which seriously affects the increase in production efficiency. Therefore, in the management process, it is necessary to purposefully influence the increase in the level of organization of production. The main ways to improve the level of organization of production, which provide the opportunity for the most complete implementation of all these principles, is the correct design of the enterprise, ensuring the proportionality of the capacities of all stages of production; straightness of processes; detailed rationing of the number of employees of production units and compliance with the proportions established by the plan; improvement of the organization of labor, ensuring a more complete use of workers.

Of great importance is the development and implementation of organizational measures to increase and improve the use of production capacities, improve the organization of equipment repair, ensuring the reduction of equipment downtime, improving the labor discipline of workers, etc.

The organization of material and technical supply plays an important role in increasing the rhythm and uniformity of production. The transition to direct long-term relationships with suppliers of raw materials and materials, for example, ensures the reduction and complete elimination of interruptions in supply.

A significant place in raising the level of organization is occupied by improving the planning and standardization of production, coordinating the activities of the main and auxiliary departments of enterprises, and a number of other ways and activities that are considered in more detail in other topics of the course.

2. The essence of production logistics and the basic laws of the rational organization of the production process.

Production logistics is the management of material flows in the production of material goods and services.

The purpose of production logistics is to optimize material flows within enterprises that create material wealth or provide such material services as storage, packaging, hanging, stacking, etc.

The main object of attention in this case remains the optimization of the movement of material flow at the production stage.

The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics. Production logistics considers the processes taking place in the field of material production i.e. the production of material goods and the production of material services (works that increase the value of previously created goods). The production process is a combination of labor and natural processes aimed at the manufacture of goods of a given quality, range and on time. All production processes are divided into main and auxiliary.

The tasks of production logistics relate to the management of material flows within enterprises that create material wealth or provide such material services as storage, packaging, hanging, stacking, and others. The main task of production logistics is to ensure the production of products of the required quality on time and ensure the continuous movement of objects of labor and the continuous employment of jobs.

The object of logistics are flow and material processes (material flow, material services). A characteristic feature of the objects of study in production logistics is their territorial compactness. In the literature, they are sometimes referred to as “island logistics facilities”.

The logistics systems considered by production logistics are called intra-production logistics systems (VLS). These include industrial enterprises, wholesale enterprises with storage facilities, a cargo junction station, a junction seaport, and others. VLS can be considered at the micro and macro levels.

At the macro level, VLANs act as elements of macrological systems. They set the rhythm of these systems, are the source of material flows. The ability of macrological systems to adapt to changes in the environment is largely determined by the ability of the VLS included in them to quickly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of the output material flow, i.e. product range and quantity. The quality flexibility of VLANs can be achieved through the availability of universal service personnel and flexible production.

At the micro level, VLS are a number of subsystems that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. These subsystems - purchasing, warehouses, stocks, servicing production, transport, information, sales and personnel, ensure the entry of the material flow into the system, passing through it and exiting the system. In accordance with the concept of logistics, the construction of the VLAN should provide the possibility of constant coordination and mutual adjustment of the plans and actions of the supply, production and marketing links within the enterprise.

The logistical concept of the organization of production includes the following main provisions:

Rejection of excess stocks,

Refusal of excessive time for the performance of auxiliary and transport and warehouse operations,

Refusal to manufacture series of parts for which there are no customer orders,

Eliminate equipment downtime

Mandatory elimination of marriage,

Elimination of irrational intra-factory transportation,

Turning suppliers from opposing side into benevolent partners.

The logistics organization allows you to reduce the cost in a competitive environment by focusing the company on the buyer's market, i.e. priority is given to the goal of maximizing the loading of equipment and the production of a large batch of products.

There are two options for managing material flows:

1. Push system - i.e. objects of labor entering the production site at the technological level are not ordered.

2. Pulling system - objects of labor are delivered to the technological area as needed.

Particular attention is paid to the production logistics principles of rational organization of the production process:

Ensuring the rhythmic, coordinated work of all parts of production according to a single schedule and uniform output. Rhythmic work involves the organization in time and space of single, partial and partial processes into a single continuous production process that ensures the timely release of each specific product in the prescribed volumes with minimal costs of production resources.

Ensuring maximum continuity of production processes. Continuity lies in the movement of objects of labor and the loading of jobs. The general optimization criterion is the minimum cost of production resources under conditions of no mass production can be ensured by organizing a continuous loading of jobs, while in mass production - the choice of an option with a minimum time of interoperational soaking of parts.

Ensuring maximum reliability of planned calculations and minimum labor intensity of planned work.

The following issues need to be resolved:

Lack of production capacity

Suboptimality of production schedules,

Long production cycle times

Poor inventory management

Low equipment efficiency

Deviations from production technology.

Ensuring sufficient flexibility and maneuverability in the implementation of the goal in the event of various deviations from the plan.

Ensuring the continuity of planned management

Ensuring the compliance of the operational management system with the type and nature of a particular production.

The use of straightness,

Proportionality, i.e. implementation of ensuring equal throughput of different jobs of one process, as well as proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, etc.


The concentration of homogeneous objects of labor in one place.

3. Basic laws of the rational organization of the production process.

A great achievement in the modern theory of the organization of production can be considered the identification and description of how the laws of organization of highly efficient production processes manifest themselves.

Consider the law of orderliness of the movement of objects of labor in production. Without a preliminary organization of the movement of objects of labor along standard inter-shop and intra-shop technological routes, it is generally impossible to plan the course of production.

The orderly movement of parts in production can be achieved in two ways:

1. Standardization and typification of intershop and intrashop technological routes

2. Designing a typical scheme for the movement of objects of labor in production (TSD PT).

The design and use of TSD PT based on the design and technological classifier of objects of labor for the entire production program ensures the use of all potential possibilities for organizing unidirectional material flows. TSD PT makes possible more than a tenfold reduction in the number of different intershop technological routes (casings). The use of TSD PT leads to a sharp reduction in the number of intra-production relations between participants, greatly reduces the complexity and laboriousness of planning and managing production, and, in addition, creates the necessary organizational basis for coordinating the timing of work with a full load of planned jobs and production units with the minimum necessary and complete production .

An increase in the orderliness of the movement of objects of labor in production is facilitated by the rational sequence of launching parts into production. Streamlining the launch of parts into production according to different criteria can either reduce the duration of the total cycle of manufacturing the parts in question, or reduce intra-shift downtime of workplaces, or increase the stability of the production process according to the schedule.

For a more efficient organization of production, the law of the continuity of the production process was developed. In conditions of non-flow production, continuous loading of the workplace is preferable. This is also confirmed by a deeper analysis of production losses from an hour of downtime of the workplace and an hour of lying a batch of labor items. In the conditions of in-line production, on the contrary, downtime of workplaces is preferable, because. the delay in the movement of one object of labor for an hour is equivalent to stopping each workplace of the production line for 1 hour.

Comparison of production losses from an hour of downtime of the workplace and from an hour of lying a batch of objects of labor allows us to formulate some rules for choosing effective methods for the calendar organization of the production process:

In all types of production, an hour of downtime of a workplace and an hour of lying a batch of an object of labor are opposed to each other not only as different compensators that equalize the duration of operations, but also as production losses of different magnitude,

In non-flow production, the production process should be organized according to the principle of continuous loading of jobs, as opposed to the principle of continuous movement of objects of labor in flow production,

The choice of the principle of organizing the production process (continuous loading of workers or continuous movement of objects of labor) in specific conditions is determined by the ratio of production losses from idle jobs and from lying objects of labor.

Consider the manifestation of the law of rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product. This law manifests itself every time when, in the process of manufacturing an individual product or part of it, an uneven consumption of working time resources of workers and equipment is formed relative to their production cycles (the time of their production).

The law of the rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is an objectively existing set of cause-and-effect relationships between the parameters of the production program of an enterprise (i.e. composition, timing, priorities, proportions of production objects, labor intensity structure), on the one hand, and the structure of production elements consumed in production on the other.

The law of the rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is the essential links that appear when coordinating and harmonizing the quantitative organizational and technological proportions of the mating elements of the production process (objects of labor, jobs and jobs) in space and time and depend on the parameters of the production program and on the characteristics of the organization of production at the enterprise and at each production site.

The works should be interconnected both in terms of time and in terms of the volume and structure of the resources used in time and space.

There are three possible methods for modeling production rhythm:

Statistical. Statistical modeling of the manufacturing process of the product is used, and on this basis, a standard for the calendar distribution of the labor intensity of the product relative to its production cycle is developed.

The static method involves the preliminary construction of a static production model. A step-by-step scheme for the entry of assembly units, parts, blanks, etc. into the product is recommended.

The dynamic model of the rhythm makes it possible to establish with great certainty the maximum probabilistic (latest) deadlines for the completion of work.

The following aspects are considered in the law of manifestation of calendar synchronization of cycles of manufacturing processes of products and their parts:

Synchronization of cycles of technological operations considers the calendar organization of all forms of in-line production, built on the principle of continuous movement of parts - synchronization of the duration of part operations here should be carried out due to downtime of workplaces, but this is inefficient, because. an hour of downtime at a workplace is more expensive than an hour of lying down for one part. Therefore, a parallel-sequential movement of parts is organized, when all micro-downtimes of workplaces are concentrated.

In general, with any form of organization of production, unequal durations of technological operations are leveled up to a certain calendar limit, either due to the aging of parts, or due to downtime of workplaces, or due to both at the same time.

Synchronization of parts manufacturing cycles can be considered in the following perspective: if the parts have the same number of operations, then their cycles are aligned due to the alignment of the durations of their operations. Parts in the production departments are manufactured in sets, which means that the duration of the manufacturing cycle for each part of the kit is equal to the duration of the production of the considered set of parts.

Synchronization of the durations of the assembly operations of the process of manufacturing sets of parts considers the synchronization of the assembly operations, and then the durations of the cycles of manufacturing sets of parts are automatically reduced.

Also, for a more efficient organization of production, scientists consider: the Law of emergence of the main and auxiliary production processes and the Law of reservation of resources in production.

The use of the above laws of the organization of production processes allows you to plan and maintain the rhythmic work of the production departments of the enterprise, i.e. work in the form of a rational organization of production processes, in which the processes of manufacturing individual parts, sets of parts and the execution of individual orders of the program are combined according to a predetermined plan. This combination provides rhythmic work as a continuous resumption of the entire production process simultaneously (in parallel) in all production departments and at each workplace in strict accordance with the planned proportionality, technological directness and economically justified reliability of the release of products on time and of proper quality.

Organization and maintenance of the rhythmic work of each enterprise and its production units allows:

Eliminate the traditional wastage of labor time resources of workers and equipment,

Provides competitive advantages - leadership in terms of minimum costs, guaranteed delivery time of orders, individualization of products according to customer requirements, flexible regulation of production volumes, expansion of services and a number of other advantages.

The main content of the "slim production" method.

Logistics permeates all functions and divisions of the enterprise with the aim of a single optimization of material, information and financial flows.

Logistics requires new thinking in the field of resource use. The classical approach is optimization in separate areas, the new one is the systematic optimization of all processes related to the organization of production in order to achieve the set goals.

In the implementation of logistics goals, a significant place is occupied by new methods of organizing production, which are known as “learn production” (slender production).

The essence of harmonious production is to identify bottlenecks as a chance for their complete elimination. The very elimination of bottlenecks is carried out not in the traditional way (increasing the costs (resources) for their elimination), but by simultaneously eliminating bottlenecks and reducing costs (resources).

Well-organized productions have two distinguishing features: the maximum tasks and responsibility are transferred to employees who really have the appropriate potential, all employees are looking for bottlenecks in order to eliminate them immediately.

At such enterprises, as experience shows, employees present 80 times more rationalization proposals than at ordinary ones. The principle of continuous improvement at all levels, workplaces and operations is called “Kainzen”. The principle of eliminating bottlenecks through costs (resources) is “Muda”.

If well-organized production is established, then the task of automating technology can be set - this is evidenced primarily by the Japanese experience.

It is advisable to coordinate the analysis of the activities of such organizations, their functioning from certain centers, which, on the basis of computer equipment, can simulate various situations, assess the capabilities of individual organizations, point out possible bottlenecks, supply disruptions, deviations from the agreed delivery dates. This is one of the most promising areas for organizing logistics structures according to the Kainzen principle.

With ever-decreasing lead times and inventories, delivery times for these organizations are close to 100%, and productivity and resource efficiency increase significantly.

The basis of well-organized production is the principle of partnership between the company and its employees, suppliers and customers, as well as a relatively foreseeable production process in time. In the just in time system, which fits so easily into a slender production, small, strategically calculated safety stocks are included in the process instead of stocks. Unfortunately, in real practice, this system very often shifts the content of warehouse stocks to a supplier that is economically weaker, whose task is to be a kind of buffer in case of unexpected deviations in demand in a complex chain of interconnection with the consumer.

Ideally, just in time systems include the supplier in the supply chain - as much as possible early term he is provided with information about the expected need. The main thing is that joint work is underway to link production and supply processes and improve the accuracy of the forecast. The success of an enterprise can only be achieved on the basis of a systemic optimization of a complex of processes for providing, manufacturing and marketing products, i.e. on the basis of modern logistics processes for organizing the movement of material and information flows.


The rational organization of production is to integrate the entire set of heterogeneous components that implement the production process into a holistic and highly efficient production system, all elements of which are carefully "tailored" to each other in all aspects of their functioning.

The organization of production and its optimal management are the most important factors in accelerating scientific and technological progress. They provide the most complete and efficient use of the labor, material and financial resources of the enterprise, reduce costs and improve product quality, increase labor productivity and production efficiency, significantly reduce the cycle time "research - design - production - implementation" and increase the rate of product renewal and technical development. production.

The main types of organization of production include:

The first is temporary.

1) The temporary organization of production is manifested in the establishment of a certain sequence, the alternation of the performance of certain technological processes and operations, the manufacture of certain products, taking into account its quantity and purpose, and the establishment of the operating mode of enterprises, the mode of work and rest of workers.

The second is spatial.

2) The spatial organization of production is reflected in the territorial distribution of industries, individual industries, associations, and enterprises. Within the enterprise, the organization of production is an association of workshops, production sites and jobs.

The third is structural.

3) The structural organization of production provides for the establishment of certain proportions and relationships between individual elements of production, between the volumes of production products, production services and work both on the scale of the industry as a whole and on the scale of its individual industries, associations, enterprises, workshops, sites and jobs .

Spatial, temporal and structural organization of production exist and develop only in close relationship under the influence of the main factors of labor efficiency.

A single structure of factors can be combined into the following groups: scientific and technological, organizational, structural and social. Each group of factors has an impact on the use of resources, which, in turn, are combined into the following groups: labor, natural, material, technical and financial. The direct impact of labor efficiency factors on the use of resources is carried out at the enterprise, taking into account external influence (institutional) at the regional, sectoral and national levels.


1. Avrashkov L.Ya. Adamchuk V.V., Antonova O.V., etc. Enterprise Economics.- M., UNITI, 2001.

2. William J. Stevenson Production Management. - M., CJSC "Publishing House BINOM", 2000.

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  • The main task of the process of organizing production at the enterprise is the rational combination in time and space of all the production processes occurring on it and their components, ensuring the most efficient operation of it (the enterprise).

    The main principles of the rational organization of any processes are: specialization, proportionality, continuity, parallelism, straightness, rhythm, flexibility(Fig. 5.4.) .

    Principle specializations is to increase productivity by assigning homogeneous parts of the production process to individual elements of the production system. The principle allows you to reduce production costs by increasing the productivity of workers (the effect of the learning curve) and the concentration of production.

    Specialization is one of the main factors determining production structure firms, as discussed in paragraph 3.3.2. Here we note only the fundamental features of the two types of specialization.

    Specialization can be organized on subject or technological principles (Fig. 5.5.).

    Proportionality- the principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of various operations of the production process.

    Production capacity of 4 operations for the manufacture of a batch of parts

    Capacity determines the throughput of each operation. Wherein throughput the whole system is determined by the so-called. "bottleneck" ( bottle neck- narrow neck), i.e. operation with the least power. In this case, it is Operation 3, which results in a production system with a similar structure of 6 parts per shift. Then the production capacity of other operations will not be fully used:

    Operations 1 and 4 6*100%/10=60%

    Operation 2 6*100%/15=40%.

    Proportionality will be ensured if the productivity (production capacity) of each technological operation is equal.

    For the example under consideration, we determine the LCM of production capacity for each operation:

    NOC (10, 15, 6, 10)=30 (pcs/shift).

    Then, if at the 1st and 4th operations organize 3 jobs, at the 2nd operation organize 2 jobs, and at 3-1 operations - 5 jobs, then the productivity of the entire production system will increase to 30 pieces / change. In this case, the production capacity of each operation will be fully used (subject to the need for a similar number of parts).

    Continuity - a principle that ensures continuous (without downtime) operation of equipment and workers, and continuous (without soaking) processing of parts in the production process.

    The continuity of the processing of parts can be characterized by the indicator:


    Where Trab- the duration of the working time for the manufacture of the part;

    Tts- the total duration of the part in production, including spending time on separate operations, between jobs, etc.

    The implementation of the principle of continuity consists in the elimination or minimization of all types of aging of products in the process of their manufacture. Compliance with this principle largely depends on the implementation of the principle of proportionality, since if equal productivity of adjacent operations is not ensured, then between them, products will inevitably occur. Therefore, to ensure maximum continuity of the production process of any type of product, it is necessary to ensure the proportionality of this process at the level of individual operations. In addition, products can also be left lying due to the shift operation of departments, when products are transferred from one department to another, before they enter the assembly, i.e. due to various organizational reasons, the reduction of which to a minimum is an important reserve for increasing the continuity of the production process.

    Parallelism- the principle that ensures the combination of operations in time. It provides for the simultaneous execution of all or part of the operations for the manufacture of a product of one or more items at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the time spent on parts.

    Parallelism various parts the production process in the general case may include the following particular types:

    1) parallelism in the processing of products of the same type in one operation due to duplication of jobs and the use of a batch method for processing products;

    2) parallelism in the processing of a batch of the same type of products in various operations;

    3) parallelism in the processing of various components of the same product;

    4) parallel execution of the main and auxiliary operations and their elements.

    Direct flow- the principle that shortest routes movement of objects of labor in the production process (in workplaces, sections, workshops).

    Direct flow is achieved by arranging production units and workplaces in the sequence of operations and eliminating return movements of products. The greatest degree of straightness can be achieved when the products have the same or similar sequences of operations and the same stages of the production process. The implementation of the principle of direct flow streamlines cargo flows and reduces the turnover at the enterprise and its divisions, as well as reduces the time of movement of products in the process of their manufacture. The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of in-line production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

    Rhythm- the principle that characterizes the uniformity and repeatability of individual elements of the production process over time.

    Distinguish the rhythm of production, work, production:

    ü release rhythm- release of the same or evenly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products for equal time intervals;

    ü rhythm of work- performing an equal (or proportionally changing) amount of work at equal intervals of time;

    ü production rhythm- Compliance with the rhythmic release of products and the rhythm of work.

    Flexibility- the ability of the production system to quickly and economically switch to the production of new products.

    The implementation of the principle of flexibility is to create such production systems that are specialized in the production of a wide range of products and can quickly and economically change from the production of products of one type to the production of products of another type within the currently established range, and can also change the range of manufactured products without significant re-equipment. their products. In modern conditions of fierce competition, the implementation of this principle is especially important due to the high rates of scientific and technological progress in the instrument-making industries and the rapid change of products and their generations.

    5.2. Production cycle: composition, structure and duration. Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle

    The objects of production, when they are transformed into a specific product, go through a large set of main and auxiliary operations, which together with various types prolezhenie product production cycle of its manufacture.

    The production cycle of manufacturing a product is an ordered set of all processes through which a product passes from the beginning to the end of its manufacture.

    The main characteristics of the production cycle:

    ü structure

    ü duration.

    The structure of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is the composition and method of combining in time all the processes carried out on the product and its components during their manufacture.

    The composition of the processes that form the production cycle for the manufacture of each product is strictly individual and is determined by the composition of the product itself, the type of technological processes for its manufacture, and a number of other factors. Generalized composition of the production cycle manufacturing products (Fig. 5.6) includes the following two enlarged types of processes:

    ü active during which any production operations are performed on the product and its components;

    ü bedding process, during which the product and its components are not subjected to any targeted influences.

    By the nature of the impact on the product and its components active processes are divided into:

    ü main, including shaping, processing, assembly, electrical installation and adjustment and adjustment operations;

    ü auxiliary, including operations of control, testing, movement, warehousing and acquisition.

    decubitus, depending on the time of their occurrence, are divided into:

    ü lying in work time , including:

    § lying of the product during the performance of preparatory and final works by the workers;

    § intra-party layovers that occur during the manufacture of the same type of products in batches and include the laying of the product from the beginning of the production of the batch to the start of the production of this product of the batch and the laying of the product from the moment it is completed until the end of the production of the entire batch;

    § lying in anticipation of the release of the workplace and the possibility of starting the next operation;

    § lying during regulated rest breaks for workers;

    § lying before picking in anticipation of other products included in the assembly kit;

    § lying in case of accidental violations of the normal course of the process of its production.

    ü stays during non-working hours, including:

    § lying during workers' lunch breaks;

    § lying between work shifts (inter-shift lying);

    § stays on weekends and holidays.

    Each specific type of product has an individual manufacturing cycle, which may include all or only part of the processes discussed above, and the main and auxiliary processes, as well as laying, are included in this cycle in the most varied sequence and combination, forming the basis of its structure.

    P r o d c u t c y c y c l e Active manufacturing processes B a sic shaping
    Adjusting and tuning
    Auxiliary Control and testing
    Product lying During business hours When performing preparatory and final work
    Waiting for the next operation
    During the rest of the workers
    Waiting for the start of collection
    In case of accidental violations of the production process
    Out of business hours During lunch breaks
    Between work shifts
    Weekends and holidays

    Generalized composition of the production cycle of manufacturing a product

    Another the most important characteristic the production cycle of manufacturing a product is its duration.

    The duration of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is a calendar period from the moment of commencement to the moment of completion of the manufacture of the product as a whole, including all its components.

    IN general view it is defined as the sum of non-overlapping durations of active processes, natural processes, bedtimes (Fig. 5.7.).

    Natural processes are physical and chemical processes associated with a change in the state of structural materials and substances that form the product (heating, cooling, drying, soaking, hardening, crystallization, dissolution, etc.).

    The duration of the production cycle is expressed in calendar days.

    When calculating the duration of the production cycle, the following elements of the cost of working time are taken into account:

    ü preparatory and final time, which the worker spends on getting acquainted with the assigned work, preparing for it, as well as on performing actions related to its completion;

    ü operating time, which is spent on the execution of the production operation. Operating time includes:

    ü main time, spent on the implementation of the main operation of the technological process;

    ü auxiliary time, spent on the performance of auxiliary actions (setting the part on the machine, starting the machine, control measurements, stopping the machine, removing the part, etc.)

    ü workplace service time, spent on maintaining the workplace in proper condition (equipment, tooling, production premises). It consists of:

    ü time Maintenance (reconfiguration of equipment, maintaining it in working condition);

    ü organizational service time(receipt of the tool and its layout, cleaning of the production premises);

    ü breaks for rest and personal needs is the time required to keep the worker in good condition. Includes passive rest time (spent by the worker on their own), as well as active time (conducting industrial gymnastics).

    The time for completing a production task is standardized.

    Standard time Tsht

    where To is the norm of operational time, is the share of time for servicing working time, is the proportion of time for rest and personal needs (as a percentage of operational time).

    To calculate the norm of time in the manufacture of a batch of parts, the norm is used piece-calculation time, determined by the formula:

    where Tpz is the norm of the preparatory and final time (set for a batch of parts), n is the size of the batch of parts.

    Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

    A high degree of continuity of production processes and a reduction in the duration of the production cycle is of great economic importance: the size of work in progress is reduced and turnover is accelerated working capital, the use of equipment and production areas improves, the cost of production decreases.

    An increase in the level of continuity of the production process and a reduction in the duration of the cycle are achieved, firstly, by raising the technical level of production, and secondly, by measures of an organizational nature. Both paths are interconnected and complement each other.

    Technical improvement of production goes in the direction of implementation new technology, progressive equipment and new vehicles. This leads to a reduction in the production cycle by reducing the labor intensity of the actual technological and control operations, reducing the time for moving objects of labor.

    Organizational measures should include:

    ü minimizing interruptions caused by interoperational laying and batching interruptions through the use of parallel and parallel-sequential methods of movement of objects of labor and improving the planning system;

    ü construction of schedules for combining various production processes, providing partial overlap in time for the performance of related works and operations;

    ü reduction of waiting breaks based on the construction of optimized schedules for the manufacture of products and the rational launch of parts into production;

    ü the introduction of subject-closed and detail-specialized workshops and sections, the creation of which reduces the length of intra-shop and inter-shop routes, reduces the time spent on transportation.

    For improvement economic indicators operating activities work processes should be rationally organized in time and space. The main principles of the rational organization of work processes are as follows.

    • Specialization. It involves limiting the diversity of elements of work processes and work centers on the basis of standardization, normalization, unification of product designs, normalization and typification of technological processes and technological equipment. At the same time, the variety of technological functions performed by work centers (technological specialization) or objects of labor processed by work centers (subject specialization) is limited. With regard to the workplace, the level of specialization is measured by the coefficient of consolidation of operations, i.e., the number of detail-operations performed at the workplace for a certain period. The deepening of specialization is the result of an economically expedient division of labor in modern production (service) and is accompanied by an expansion of cooperation.
    • Parallelism. It involves overlapping in time, i.e., the simultaneous execution of various partial or complete work processes. This is facilitated, in particular, by multi-site (simultaneously at one point) and multi-channel (in parallel at different points) service. For example, the processing or transportation of several items at the same time by one working means, the same - in parallel by several means; servicing several requests at once in the time and/or space sharing mode (time windows, multichannel device). At the same time, working time is saved, the cycle time is reduced. Parallelism in space, i.e. duplication of working means, routes and channels of goods distribution, may turn out to be an excessive measure, but it increases reliability in case of sudden overloads in the working network (in case of internal failures - the failure of some element or in case of external disturbances - a surge in demand, a sharp an increase in the flow of orders).
    • Continuity. It involves reducing the time of interruptions in the course of the work process up to their complete elimination, as well as the absence of breaks in the spatial chain of interacting work centers. At the same time, continuous (without lingering) advancement of orders through working positions in the technological chain, continuous (without downtime) operation of equipment and personnel at workplaces is ensured. It is achieved by synchronizing the operations of the technological process and balancing elements throughout the entire technological chain. Helps to reduce the duration of the cycle of the workflow (execution of the customer's order); improving the use of equipment, space, personnel; reducing the level of stocks and binding working capital in them.
    • Proportionality. Assumes a balance of the throughput of all successive links of the technological chain and elements of resource provision. Each part of the workflow must have the throughput (capacity) that matches the needs of the complete process. The number of jobs assigned to perform individual parts of the process, the number of equipment, and the number of personnel should be proportional to the complexity of these parts of the process.
    • Direct flow. It involves the organization of the movement of each item along the working positions of the technological process in such a way as to provide the shortest (in space and time) path, without return and oncoming movements, without unnecessary intersections with the routes of other items. This is relevant both to technological "virtual" routes, and to transport "physical" routes of movement of objects. Straightness is achieved due to the location of the working positions in the course of the operations of the technological process. This reduces the volume of cargo transportation, the time of transportation and storage of items, the need for vehicles and technological equipment.
    • Rhythm. It assumes the repeatability of the release of a certain amount of products and the performance of a certain amount of work throughout the entire technological chain at certain intervals of time. The time interval between the launch-release of two consecutive units of production (batches, works) is called the rhythm. The rhythm is set for a calendar period (several hours, shift, day, week, month, quarter, year) based on the demand (need) for products in this period. Work with the established rhythm involves the implementation at each workplace of a set of works strictly defined in terms of composition and volume and its complete repetition in each subsequent cycle at time intervals equal to the rhythm. Rhythm makes it possible to simplify planning and scheduling, organize the execution of each of the works in the most rational way, develop the most economical algorithms for the operation of automatic equipment, and train working personnel in the most effective methods.
    • Integrity. It involves the system integration of components to achieve the goals of the system with maximum efficiency. It is achieved through the system organization and integrated management of all partial processes in production (service) systems. Of particular importance is the end-to-end management of the supply chain and material flow in the areas of supply, production and marketing of the company, management of the main, auxiliary and service processes based on modern information technologies .
    • Flexibility. It involves making internal changes in production / service systems with maximum efficiency. Provides the ability of the system to respond to various changes in its internal state (for example, failures in the course of work) or in the external environment (for example, fluctuations in demand). The greater the flexibility of the system, the wider the range of various changes to which the system is able to respond. Flexibility is the reserve of the system's ability to respond to a variety of changes, most of which are not currently used. That's why flexible systems are characterized by relative (in relation to the current moment) redundancy of technological and other possibilities.
    • adaptability. It involves the adaptation of production (service) systems to changes in the external economic environment with maximum efficiency. Achieved through internal changes in the system. The more adequately the system reacts to the current state external environment(demand, taxation, competition, scientific and technical progress etc.), the more it is adaptive. Of particular importance is the accuracy of matching supply to demand - in terms of nomenclature, volume, quality, timing, place, cost of delivery of goods and related services.

    In total, about 25-30 principles are distinguished. The main ones are:

    1. The principle of specialization. Specialization is understood as a limitation of the range of manufactured products that are similar in purpose and design, or restrictions on the range of processes used to manufacture products of various purposes and designs.

    With regard to the organization of production processes, the principle of specialization means narrowing the range of products manufactured in each production link, up to the workplace, as well as limiting the varieties of production processes.

    The level of specialization is increased by carrying out constructive, technological and organizational unification.

    Unification is bringing products, methods and methods of their production to a single shape, size, structure and composition.

    2. The principle of parallelism involves the simultaneous parallel execution of individual operations and processes for the manufacture of products.

    The principle is of great importance in the production of complex products consisting of many parts, components and assemblies.

    Parallelism is achieved due to the rational division of products into component parts and the combination of the time of various operations on products of the same name, as well as the simultaneous manufacture of different products.

    At individual workplaces, parallelism is achieved by multi-tool processing of objects of labor and by combining the time of main and auxiliary operations.

    3. The principle of continuity of production processes requires that in the process of manufacturing products, breaks between sequentially performed technological operations be minimized or completely eliminated.

    This principle is fully implemented in technologically continuous production.

    4. The principle of proportionality is that in all parts of the production process or in the entire interconnected system of equipment there should be equal throughput in terms of output.

    This is achieved when the productivity of the equipment in all operations of the technological process is proportional to the complexity of processing the product at these operations, taking into account the production program.

    Every year, enterprises develop measures to eliminate bottlenecks in production capacity and thus strive to equalize the loads of various departments.

    5. The principle of direct flow assumes that the objects of labor must take the shortest path through all stages and operations of the production process without counter and return movements.

    Compliance with this principle is ensured by the location of workshops, sections and jobs along the technological process.

    6. The principle of rhythm means that the work of all departments of the enterprise and the release of finished products are subject to a certain rhythm, that is, repetition.

    Subject to this principle, the same or evenly increasing quantity of products is produced at regular intervals, and a uniform loading of jobs and performers is ensured.

    7. The principle of flexibility means that the production process effectively adapts to changing market requirements, as well as organizational and technical parameters of production.

    That is, the production system is able to ensure the development of new products in as soon as possible regardless of design and technological features products.

    All principles must be used simultaneously to improve production efficiency.

    Organization of the production process in time. Production cycle

    The production cycle is a period of calendar time from the beginning to the end of the production process of manufacturing products.

    The duration of the production cycle determines the timing of the release of products when they are manufactured in a single quantity.

    The execution time of technological operations in the production cycle is the technological cycle.

    The execution time of one operation, during which one element of the product or a batch of elements of the product is manufactured, is called the operating cycle.

    The production cycle of a simple manufacturing process begins with the release of the raw material into production and ends with the release of the product element from the last operation.

    The production cycle of a complex manufacturing process is a set of simple processes that produce a finished product.

    The production cycle includes the time of the main operations, auxiliary operations, natural processes and breaks. It is calculated by the formula:

    T p.c. \u003d To + Tvsp + Te + Tper.

    The time of the main operations in most cases is normalized. The execution time of auxiliary operations, as a rule, is not standardized.

    The duration of natural processes is determined approximately, and only in some cases standards are used.

    Breaks are of two types:

    regime breaks;

    Breaks for organizational and technical reasons.

    Tper. = Treasure + Trade-tech.

    Regime breaks take into account the peculiarities of the operating mode of the enterprise and certain categories of employees (non-working days and shifts, breaks between shifts, regulated breaks).

    These breaks are taken into account if the duration of the production cycle is determined in days (calendar or working).

    Breaks for organizational and technical reasons:

    1) these are breaks before processing objects of labor due to the employment of the workplace due to the mismatch between the end of one and the beginning of another operation. They are also called waiting or lying down breaks.

    2) these are breaks that occur in the case of processing the objects of labor of the batch due to their lying in wait for the completion of the processing of the entire batch before transporting it to the next operation (these are batch breaks).

    Party is a certain amount of identical objects of labor processed in one operation continuously and with a single expenditure of preparatory and final time.

    The actual duration of the production cycle also includes interruptions caused by violations of the normal course of the technological process. Such as equipment breakdowns, lack of materials, components, workers, energy.

    Features of the organization of a simple production process

    When processing an object of labor or a batch of objects of labor, movement to workplaces can be organized:




    With a sequential type of movement of a batch of objects of labor, each subsequent operation begins after the processing of the entire batch for previous operations is completed.

    The technological cycle is equal to:

    n is the volume of the batch of objects of labor, pieces;

    m is the number of operations in the technological process;

    Tшi-norm of time to perform the i-th operation, mln.

    Machine time;

    Time of auxiliary operations;

    K is a coefficient that takes into account time for rest, personal needs and maintenance of the workplace;

    W is the number of workplaces where the operation is performed.

    The duration of Tcp does not include the time of breaks, so it is less than the duration of the production cycle.

    Rice. - Technological cycle with a simple movement of objects of labor

    With a parallel type of movement of a batch of objects of labor, each object of labor (batch) is processed in all operations continuously, independently of others and without lying.

    The following sequences are used when plotting the graph:

    1) a technological cycle is built for the first subject of processing in all operations without lying between them;

    2) on the operation of the longest operating cycle, a schedule for the implementation of the work of the entire batch without interruptions is built;

    3) for all transport parties, except for the first one, operational cycles are completed for all operations, except for the longest one.

    Rice. - Technological cycle with parallel movement of objects of labor

    Thus, on all operations, except for the operation of the maximum duration, work will be carried out intermittently.

    In the event that the duration of operations is synchronized, that is, they are equal or multiple, then the technological process will be continuous:

    Tzparal. = (n-1)tmax (wmax +)wi, where

    tmax - the most time-consuming operation

    Consequently, the duration of the technological cycle is determined by the duration of the most labor-intensive operation, the sum of the processing time of one object of labor in all operations, and the number of objects of labor in the batch.

    With a parallel-sequential type of movement, the entire batch of objects of labor is divided into transport lots.

    Transport batches are processed at each operation without interruption and transferred to the next operation without waiting for the completion of work on the next batch. In this case, the rule of continuity of the production process is observed at each operation in the manufacture of the entire batch. The most complete loading of jobs is achieved and cycle time is minimized.

    In the event that the operating cycle of the previous operation is less than that of the subsequent one, then the maximum combination of operations is achieved by transferring the first transport batch to the subsequent operation immediately after finishing work on it at the previous operation.

    Thus, continuous work is ensured at all workplaces, but there is a break in the aging of subsequent batches between operations.

    Rice. - Technological cycle with parallel-sequential movement of objects of labor.

    In the event that the operating cycle of the previous operation is longer than that of the subsequent one, then to ensure continuous operation, they are guided by the last transport batch.

    Cycle duration with parallel-sequential movement of objects of labor:

    Tcp.p \u003d Tcp - \u003d n / wi) - (n-1) *;

    = (n-1) (tkop / wkop),

    where - savings due to the parallel execution of work on related operations. Calculated on the shortest of two adjacent operations.

    The production cycle is longer than the technological one for the duration of natural processes and interruptions that are incompatible with the technological cycle.

    With sequential movement;

    Tp paral = * ((n-1) tmax +

    With parallel movement;

    Tp p-p = * (

    With parallel-sequential movement.

    K- coefficient for converting working days into calendar days:

    K = number of working days / number of calendar days in a year.

    Tsm - shift duration in hours.

    f - coefficient taking into account the fulfillment of the norm (f=1.1, that is, 10% overfulfillment of the planned norm).

    Thus, when using a sequential type of movement of objects of labor:

    1) the production cycle has the longest duration;

    2) the size of the production cycle is proportional to the size of the lot and the norms of time;

    3) the planning and transportation of batches of objects of labor from one operation to another are quite simple, while simultaneously manufacturing a large range of products in a workshop or on a site;

    4) it is expedient to use when organizing workshops and sections according to the technological principle;

    5) it is preferable to use in single and small-scale production with small batches of objects of labor and short operations.

    With a parallel type of movement of batches of objects of labor:

    1) the shortest production cycle, but often there are breaks in the workplace, which reduce production efficiency;

    2) transportation costs are high, to reduce which it is recommended to use this type of movement with the objective method of organizing sections and workshops;

    3) Generally used on production lines;

    4) is used in serial and mass production, as well as in single and small-scale production, in conditions of flexible automated systems.

    With a parallel-sequential type of movement of a batch of objects of labor:

    1) the most complete loading of jobs is achieved;

    2) there is a partial parallelism in the execution of individual operations, the continuity of processing the entire batch at each operation and the transfer of processed objects of labor both individually and in parts of the batch;

    3) is used in the production of products of the same name at a site with uneven equipment power and partial synchronization of the operation;

    4) it is preferable to use in serial and mass production, as well as in single and small-scale production in the condition of flexible automated systems.

    Basic principles of rational organization of production:

    1) parallelism;

    2) continuity;

    3) proportionality;

    4) rhythm;

    5) direct flow

    The principle of parallelism- simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process. In parallel, related operations are performed to process a batch of parts, as well as operations of the same name at several workplaces.

    The level of parallelism of the production process is characterized by the coefficient of parallelism (Kprl), which is determined by the formula:

    Kprl \u003d Tpar ​​/ Tpos,

    where Tpar ​​is the time of the technological cycle with a parallel combination of operations (movement of objects of labor); Tpos - the time of the technological cycle with a sequential combination of operations.

    The economic significance of using the principle of parallelism lies in the fact that uniform loading of all production shops and sections is achieved, the duration of the production cycle and, above all, its technological part, is reduced.

    Continuity principle- involves working without any interruptions or minimizing them. In production, there are breaks due to the serial and batch loading of equipment, inter-operational and inter-shift aging. To assess the level of continuity of the production process, the coefficient of continuity of production (Kn.p.) is calculated according to the formula:

    Kn.p. = 1 - Tper / Tc,

    where Tper is the time of breaks for various reasons, h; Tts - the duration of the production cycle, h.

    The economic significance of using the principle of continuity lies in the fact that the best use of production capacity is ensured, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, and the share of time in it for performing technological operations increases.

    Proportionality- the principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of different jobs of one process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, frames, etc. The higher the degree of proportionality, the more perfect the system, the higher its efficiency.

    Proportionality is determined by the formula:


    where Mmin is the minimum throughput, or the parameter of the workplace in the technological chain; Mmak. - maximum ability.

    The economic significance of the principle of proportionality lies in the fact that uninterrupted and rhythmic work of all departments of the enterprise is ensured.

    Rhythm- the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the uniformity of their implementation in time. Determined by the formula:

    Crit. = åQif/åQin,

    where Qif - the actual amount of work performed for the analyzed period within the plan and less than the plan; Qin is the planned amount of work.

    Direct flow- the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the optimality of the path of passage of objects of labor and information, etc. Determined by the formula:

    straight. =Zopt/Zact.,

    where Zopt. - the optimal length of the path of passage of the object of labor, excluding unnecessary links, returns to its original place; Zfact. - the actual length of the path of passage of the object of labor.

    Types of movement of objects of labor in the production process

    When determining the duration of the production cycle, the duration of its three components is calculated: the duration of the technological part of the cycle, the time of breaks for various reasons and the time of natural breaks, if they are provided for by the technological process.

    The duration of the technological part of the cycle depends on the complexity of the operations performed and the method of transferring batches of workpieces from operation to operation, from one workplace to the next, that is, on the type of movement of objects of labor in the production process. There are three main types of movement: serial, parallel and parallel-serial.

    Sequential type of movement of objects of labor in the production process is characterized by the fact that during the manufacture of a batch of parts in a multi-operational technological process, it is transferred to each subsequent operation ( workplace) only after the completion of the processing of all parts in the previous operation.

    On fig. shows a graph of the sequential type of movement for a batch consisting of four parts.

    Fig 5. Graph of a sequential type of movement

    batches of parts in the process

    The duration of processing with a sequential type of movement (Tcont.) is directly proportional to the size of the batch of parts and the processing time of one part for all operations:


    where t is the processing time of one part for all operations, min or h; n is the number of parts in the batch; m - number of operations.

    The sequential type of movement of objects of labor prevails in industries where a small number of objects of labor (details) of the same name are processed in batches. Each part, after being processed at the workplace, before performing the next operation, is delayed (lays) here in anticipation of the completion of the processing of all parts of the batch. In this regard, the duration of the passage of a batch of parts through all operations increases, i.e. technological cycle, and consequently, work in progress is growing. Compared to the other two types of movement, it has the least efficiency.

    Parallel movement characterized by the fact that each part is transferred to the next operation immediately after the previous one is completed, regardless of the movement of the remaining parts included in the batch.

    Fig 6. Graph of the parallel type of party movement

    details in the process of processing

    The duration of the processing cycle of a batch of parts with a parallel type of movement consists of three segments: ac, cd and db. Sum of segments ac + db equal to the processing time of one part for all operations. Line segment cd is equal to the processing time of the entire batch of parts without one on the longest operation, called the main one. Hence the formula for determining the duration of the cycle for a parallel type of movement:

    Tparal.=åt + tch(n-1),

    where t is the time of the longest operation.

    The parallel type of movement provides the maximum reduction in the duration of the production of a batch of parts. However, in the process of processing in a parallel way, on all operations, except for the main one - the longest one (in this case, operation 4 on the chart), downtime may occur. Such downtime is inevitable when the operations of a given technological process are not equal in their duration. The duration of operations is specially aligned only on production lines. Therefore, the use of a parallel type of movement turns out to be rational only with a streaming organization of production.

    Parallel-sequential type of movement characterized by the fact that the processing of a batch of parts at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of all parts of this batch at the previous operation ends, i.e. provides for a partial combination of the execution time of adjacent operations, but in such a way that the manufactured batch is performed on each of them without any interruptions.

    Fig 7. Graph of a parallel-serial view

    movements of a batch of parts during processing

    There are two cases of parallel-sequential combination of operations:

    a) when the previous operation is shorter than the subsequent one;

    b) when the preceding operation is longer than the subsequent one.

    In the first case, the piece-by-piece transfer of parts to the next operation as they are ready is used, since only one part is enough to start the next operation without fear that downtime may occur in the future.

    In the second case, it is necessary, in order to avoid interruptions in the passage of the entire batch of objects of labor at the subsequent operation, so that the last part passes the subsequent operation after the entire batch of launching objects of labor has passed the previous operation. For this, instead of a piece-by-piece transfer, a preliminary accumulation of a certain backlog of parts is required so that its size ensures the continuity of work on a subsequent shorter operation. Accordingly, the start of processing a batch of parts on short operations will be carried out with a certain shift in time in comparison with the parallel type of movement. By this value, the duration of the cycle of their processing will exceed the duration of the cycle with a parallel type of movement.

    The duration of the processing cycle of a batch of parts with a parallel-sequential type of movement (TPP) can be determined by the formula:

    Тpp.=åt + thl(n-1) + å(tdl -tkor)(n-1),

    where tdl and tkor are the total duration of adjacent long and short operations.

    The parallel-sequential type of movement of processed objects of labor is widely used in medium and large-scale production.

    The duration of natural processes, control and transport operations included in the technological process is determined by calculation or according to observational data. Based on the results of special observations and their processing, the time limits for interruptions in the production process are determined.

    Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle

    When calculating the production cycle, it is necessary to develop organizational and technical measures to reduce its duration. These include:

    1. Improving product designs - simplifying them, improving manufacturability, expanding the use of unified units and parts in various designs.

    2. The use of progressive technology and advanced technology, the expansion of the use of special tooling to further increase labor productivity and reduce the labor intensity of products.

    3. Improving the organization of labor, production and management in order to reduce both technological time and break times.

    Rational planning of workplaces in accordance with the sequence of technological operations and improvement of the organization of the transfer of parts from operation to operation within the site, workshop;

    Organization of the preparatory shift, during which the equipment is adjusted, preparation for the production of materials, tools, fixtures;

    Implementation of shift-daily planning and organization of work on an hourly schedule;

    Improving the organization of production in service and auxiliary farms.

    4. Reduction of time for natural processes.

    For example, the natural drying of painted parts can be replaced by drying in the field of high-frequency currents with a significant acceleration of this process.

    5. Reduction of time for transport and control operations due to their automation, combination with the performance of technological operations and the time spent by objects of labor in anticipation of processing.

    6. Expansion of the use of parallel-sequential and parallel types of movement of objects of labor in the organization of production.

    7. Reducing the preparatory and final time (achieved by the introduction of a flow method of organizing production, standard and universal fixtures).

    8. Reducing the duration of the production cycle is facilitated by photographs of the working day of those employed in various stages of the production cycle, which make it possible to determine the actual length of the working cycle time and the time of breaks, both dependent and independent of the worker. To identify opportunities to reduce the duration of the production cycle, data from special observations or data from planning and accounting documentation can be used.

    Production types

    Type of production- this is a classification category of production, distinguished on the basis of the breadth of the nomenclature, the stability of the volume of output and the specialization of jobs. There are three main types of organization of production: single, serial and mass.

    One of the main characteristics of the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations, which is understood as the ratio of the number of all technological operations performed or to be performed within a month to the number of jobs.

    single called production, characterized by a wide range of manufactured products. These products are either not repeated at all in production, or are repeated irregularly. The fixing coefficient for this type of production is not regulated. This type of production includes heavy machinery plants that manufacture unique machines.

    Serial called production, characterized by a limited range of products manufactured periodically repeating batches and a relatively large volume of production. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production is distinguished. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for small-scale production is 20-40, medium-scale production is 10-20, large-scale production is 1-10.

    Enterprises with massive The type of organization of production produces products of a narrow range in mass runs, continuously produced over a certain period of time. For example, most garment factories, textile mills.

    Features of a single production :

    Unstable and varied product range; products, the production process is carried out individually;

    Lack of assigning certain operations to workplaces;

    The use of universal equipment, grouped into sections of the same type of machines;

    High qualification workers;

    Frequent changeover of equipment;

    Significant specific gravity in the total labor intensity of products of manual operation;

    Significant labor intensity and duration of the product manufacturing cycle; decentralization operational planning.

    Series production features :

    Stable nomenclature of products repeated in production; production of products in series, a certain size;

    Specialization of jobs in the performance of several periodically recurring operations;

    Grouping of equipment and workplaces mainly on the basis of the subject principle;

    Application along with universal specialized and special equipment, tooling;

    Widespread use of the labor of workers of medium qualification;

    Low share of manual work in the total labor intensity of manufacturing the product;

    Reduction compared to single production labor intensity and duration of the product manufacturing cycle;

    Features of mass production:

    Permanent nomenclature of manufactured products;

    Specialization of jobs in the performance of predominantly one, permanently fixed operation;

    The use of special and specialized equipment located along the technological process;

    Wide use of special technological equipment;

    A sharp reduction in comparison with single and serial production of the share of manual work and a high proportion of mechanized and automated processes;

    The use of labor workers specialized in a limited number of operations;

    Significantly less labor intensity and duration of the product manufacturing cycle in comparison with single and serial production;

    Centralization of operational planning and production management.

    Mass production is the highest type, providing the maximum in comparison with other organizational types production economical production. The main significance of mass production is that it forms the basis for the transition to automated production.