Manufacturing outsourcing. Production outsourcing of working personnel. Risks of production outsourcing and their minimization

Igor Shelukhin - consulting company "SMC Russia", St. Petersburg

Source: KOMPAS industrial restructuring magazine, 2003.

Industrial outsourcing- an element of the company's strategy, in which the company transfers to a third party the entire production function or part of the tasks associated with the production of products.

One day, in a conversation with the director of a foundry, we touched on the topic of outsourcing that had set everyone on edge. The position of my interlocutor was quite tough - no one in Russia can be trusted. If you want to fulfill your obligations, rely on your strength. Suppliers will let you down, miss the deadlines, and there will be unsatisfactory quality. When I asked about the possibility of small businesses participating in the provision of services for large enterprises, objections immediately followed - that small forms of entrepreneurship, in general, are the most unstable structures.

This attitude towards both outsourcing in general and the participation of small businesses in it is quite common. Is outsourcing impossible in Russia? In the course of its work, SMC Russia collects, analyzes and systematizes successful outsourcing experience.

Concepts need to be defined. Industrial outsourcing is an element of the company's strategy, in which the company transfers to a third party the entire production function or part of the tasks associated with the production of products. Outsourcing can be conditionally divided into two types - outsourcing of blanks and components and outsourcing of functions and operations to ensure the production of products. The second group, in particular, includes cleaning industrial premises, intraplant logistics, equipment repair.

Why do companies use outsourcing?

Often, to determine the trends in the development of the situation in Russia, we use the study of the logic of the development of this problem in world practice. Outsourcing in the world is much more developed than in Russia. According to Industry Week Census on Manufacturing, 54.9% of US companies use outsourcing in manufacturing, and 43.8% in equipment maintenance.

To assess the feasibility of using outsourcing, in Western practice it is customary to use the following scheme developed by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
The main motive for Western companies to switch to outsourcing is understandable - the need to concentrate limited resources on core activities and achieve competitive advantages in this type of activity due to lower costs or more efficient production.

So, according to a survey of 29 production directors of large American, Australian and European companies, conducted by the research company "Plant Maintenance Resource Center", among the reasons for switching to outsourcing, the directors of Western companies name the following:

  • increase labor productivity;
  • reduce costs;
  • focus on core business.

Key Benefits:

  • fast turnaround time;
  • availability of the necessary equipment.

Many managers believe that it is wrong to compare "us" with "them". For a number of reasons. Firstly, their business was originally formed on the basis of economic considerations, hence the principles of organizing production correspond economic principles. Secondly, the legal environment allows you to establish trusting relationships from the first contacts. Thirdly, the level of development of suppliers, such that in most cases there is a guarantee of ensuring the required quality.

Indeed, the history of the development of production is somewhat different. In Soviet times, the construction of factories was often guided by political reasons. But the trend of development now indicates that we are moving towards Western principles of production.

From subsistence farming to successful business

What remains from Soviet times cannot be called the term "modern enterprise", the term "natural economy" is more suitable. Almost all processes responsible for the production of products are included in the structure of companies.

As part of the formation modern enterprises"The most advanced managers realized that, for example, having their own transport, repair, foundry shop is not critical for the development of their business. Moreover, in some cases, it diverts valuable resources that can be directed to strengthening their positions through investment in development, final assembly or modernization of the most significant units of products.

If you try to characterize the current state of the domestic industry, then briefly it can be reduced to the following:

1. Natural economy- a typical characteristic of the device of a Russian manufacturing company. Own production of blanks (foundry and forging shops), own repair and transport shops, etc.
2. Production fatigue - production capacity worn out, low utilization rate, difficult to achieve the required quality.
3. Limited resources - costs for retooling are required. Limited resources do not allow investing in a full complex. You have to choose what to invest in.
4. Manufacturing companies will allocate procurement and auxiliary workshops. Leave "In House", i.e. only the most key processes and businesses will be in the structure of the company.

Examples of spin-offs of non-core assets can be found in various industries and companies of various sizes:

  • "Lukoil" and "Yukos" have allocated their divisions that are engaged in drilling wells - "Lukoil-Burenie" and "Sibirskaya Service company"respectively. Moreover, the latter already has owners not associated with Yukos. It was recently announced that the newly created company BP-TNK is going to sell its service division. Whoever oil giants should be the first to use outsourcing of non-core processes, if for the most pressing issue is production efficiency.
  • "LOMO" refused own production printed circuit boards, when the analysis showed that it is necessary to equip fully new workshop. The production of the existing workshop lagged behind modern level for 2 generations.
  • "Irbit Motorcycle Plant" sold the blacksmith and machine shop and now buys products on the side. Moreover, according to the statements of the director - Ilya Khait, the cost of purchasing from the side, if it increased, then slightly, and the quality did not deteriorate. But now managers do not have a headache with the problems of equipment breakdowns in the forge shop.
    Thus, the principles of production are changing. Russian companies are increasingly using outsourcing in production, they see certain benefits in the use of outsourcing. So far, such examples are few, but convincing.

Reasons for switching to outsourcing in Russia

From the experience of successful use of outsourcing in Russia, there are six main reasons for switching to outsourcing:

1) Periodically performed work: repair work, Maintenance buildings and equipment. At one enterprise, the loading of the repair shop with the transition to new equipment in the compressor room fell to 20%. As a result, the company began to bear proportionately high fixed costs. It was decided to transfer the repair shop to external owners. As a result, the repair company attracted a second customer in two months, and the main company will soon receive a reduction in the cost of services when the corresponding agreement comes into force.

The ability to get rid of excessive overhead costs is the main motive for outsourcing recurring work.

2) Production of the simplest blanks: cast blanks, hardware, internal minor elements of products. When a new management team came to the Volgograd Tractor Plant, which at that time was a typical Soviet enterprise with a complete procurement complex - foundry, forging, repair production, production of hardware. The first thing they noticed was the production of hardware, which produced typical products that could easily be produced at any of the same plant, and was loaded by 10%. Almost immediately there was an idea to sell it, because. for the tractor plant, it generated only losses.

3) Workpieces or operations requiring special equipment. In the furniture industry, there are many local manufacturers of kitchens and wardrobes. The specificity in these types of furniture is that the main detail that forms the style and appearance furniture is the facade. Equipment for the manufacture of complex facades with milling, decorative elements, moldings is very expensive and can only be purchased by large furniture manufacturers. Local manufacturers independently produce only the furniture body, and the facades are purchased from large ones, thus winning on the price, obtaining the required level of quality, design and manufacturing speed.

4) In conditions of strong fluctuations in demand. The most pronounced seasonality in demand for ice cream. In summer, average monthly sales rise up to 10 times. In the summer months, large modern manufacturers outsource ice cream in cups, the production capacity of which, since Soviet times, has been left in excess. In addition, during the months of peak demand, rental cars and transportation services are actively used.

5) As a safety net in case of equipment breakdown. Some companies use outsourcing in small volumes, even if they have their own production facilities, so that in the event of a breakdown of their own equipment, they can not stop shipments and lose revenue, but switch to outside production. Outsourcing of this type is used in case your own equipment is very worn out.

6) Outsourcing - as a business model. Some companies fundamentally do not use outsourcing, having initially determined that production will be carried out by third-party organizations. For example, the company "August", which produces women's clothing under the brand name "OGGI", independently develops design, design training, purchase of material and sale of clothing. Production for them is carried out by about 30 subcontract companies. To achieve the same quality, a designer-technologist is sent to each enterprise.

Limitations of outsourcing development in Russia

The very presence of examples of successful outsourcing experience in Russia indicates that this species strategies will evolve. The main task of companies that have chosen an outsourcing strategy will be to overcome existing limitations. At the moment, a number of factors significantly influence the development of outsourcing in Russia:

It is not sad, but often decisions are made in the absence of economic elaboration, or not all factors are taken into account when analyzing the situation. A simple question - which is cheaper - own production or purchase on the side? Often the calculation shows that own production is more profitable, but this calculation does not include the cost of repair and maintenance of equipment, the cost of heating, electricity, garbage collection. If you count everything completely, then the result may change.
But what about alternative projects? The limited funds that go to the purchase of equipment can be more effective when investing in another project, such as a promotion program or the development of a distribution system.

2) Lack of reliable suppliers.

The main arguments against the use of outsourcing are that Russian suppliers are unable to provide the required level of quality. Companies that use outsourcing are required to mobilize managerial, organizational and negotiation resources in order to achieve the required level of quality and stability of supply. An interesting example is the Irbit Motorcycle Plant, whose management decided to abandon the forge shop, sold it to a third-party owner and purchases the necessary parts from the new owners. In addition to their former shop, forging blanks are now supplied by two more enterprises. At the same time, the plant itself did not lose either in price or quality, but it won on the fact that the heads of managers about the problems of the forge shop no longer hurt.

3) Decreased efficiency below the required level.

Many rightly believe that manufacturing on the side takes more time than in-house. One of the arguments for our own production is that for ourselves we can tighten up, mobilize all our forces and do even in as soon as possible. Indeed, the process of preparing for production on the side, especially complex items, is very long. But there are opposite examples. In the company "Kurt Kellerman SPb" - the manufacturer women's clothing, they say that when placing orders for production on the side, you can be more flexible than when placing in-house. On the side, small factories are ready to take smaller batches into production, quickly reorganize to new materials, which is not always within the power of their own large factory.

4) High switching barriers or potential monopoly on the part of the supplier.

Objective barriers that make outsourcing economically unprofitable are the lack of manufacturers of such products in the region, large dimensions of products, which makes it impossible to transport them. No one will carry air. By separating your own workshop, there is a risk of a monopoly position between the supplier and the buyer. This position is of no benefit to anyone.

5) Increase in costs.

If in the long run the cost of production on the side is more expensive, then outsourcing is not used. Although, if Nike followed only such logic, then Nike's own factories would probably appear in Asia. But for one of the world's largest manufacturers sportswear the use of contract manufacturing is an element of the strategy that is bearing fruit in a more flexible management structure and flexible production.

6) Complication of management.

One of the largest furniture manufacturers in Russia considers the active use of outsourcing as an alternative to expanding the scale of production. Calculations also show that such a strategy is more cost-effective. But such a strategy imposes conditions on the ability of the company's employees and management system to manage contractual relations, in which the company was not strong at that time. Before switching to the use of contractual relations, it is necessary to answer the question - is the management system capable of effectively managing this?

7) Lack of supplier flexibility.

Suppliers of parts and assemblies are small entrepreneurs who have snatched off production assets in order to "squeeze" everything possible out of them, and they are generally of little concern about investment and long-term development. These are the main claims of large manufacturers to their suppliers. As the domestic market becomes more civilized, billet manufacturing companies will pay more attention to development. Perhaps there will be a situation like in the global automotive industry, where the engine of progress is the suppliers of components, and not well-known automobile concerns.

Key to success in the outsourcing market

Along with the obvious benefits of using outsourcing in Russian industries, there are serious factors hindering its development. Companies that successfully use outsourcing strive to overcome these factors and secure the fulfillment of their own obligations.
Large manufacturers expect maximum transparency from their suppliers. After all, in fact, outsourcing is possible when establishing reliable partnerships. Those suppliers of products or services that can meet the following customer requirements will be the most successful in obtaining orders:

  • following the recommendations of the technical and production specialists of the customer, who are sent to the subcontractor's enterprise to control the production process or adjust the necessary technical process;
  • setting up regular information exchange in order to track the timing of orders, stocks in the warehouse, shipping times;
  • striving to improve a product or manufacturing process.

Areas of use of industrial outsourcing

Summarizing the experience of developing industrial outsourcing in Russia, as well as world practice in this area, which suggests that even the largest service providers have grown out of small businesses, it can be expected that outsourcing will develop in Russia in the near future in the following areas (considering, however, that the potential of small businesses can also be applied in cooperation with large industrial companies):

  • cleaning of premises - industrial and office;
  • conducting repair work- equipment, buildings, structures;
  • production of simple products (cast simple blanks, internal elements of products);
  • cleaning of industrial waste;
  • disposal of obsolete equipment;
  • local transportation;
  • performance of periodic work at the customer's production, etc.


1. The criteria for determining how strategic a company's position is for a particular type of operation are unique for each organization and are subject to the subjective perception of managers.

2. "Reorganize" - perhaps in short term outsource. But in long term- must be returned to the control of the company

3. Needs to be discussed - many possible solutions: selling, expanding and providing services to other organizations, outsourcing, expanding the profile and creating a strategic competitive advantage.

There are a large number of definitions of the term outsourcing, which, literally translated from in English means attracting external resources to meet their own needs. In business practice, this term is used when placing long-term orders for receipt from other enterprises. necessary services or when transferring some production functions to a third-party firm.

It should be noted the closeness, and sometimes compatibility, of such terms as outsourcing and subcontracting. Outsourcing is basically a stable and long-term business relationship between a customer and a contractor based on contractual agreements. At the same time, the contractor adapts its production and technological means or scientific, technical and intellectual potential in the interests of the customer for payment determined by the prevailing cost of services, and not by shares in profits. Whereas subcontracting, being a special case of outsourcing, implies limited business relations based on contractual relations within the framework of the execution of any order.

Intellectual and industrial outsourcing

IN general view The outsourcing market is divided into two main segments: outsourcing of intellectual services (information processing; research, project development, programming, and other technical work) and industrial outsourcing.

Industrial outsourcing is the implementation of some auxiliary functions and operations to ensure the production of products (accounting, warehousing, repair and maintenance of equipment, logistics, etc.). One of the factors contributing to the development of outsourcing is the availability of a modern highly efficient communication environment (communications, computerization and transport), which provides a quick and reliable exchange of financial, material and information flows, along with a high level of specialization. various enterprises in manufacturing and services.

The level of development of outsourcing relations in the world economy is characterized by the fact that their volume in 2004 reached $72 billion. Of this volume, 53% accounted for the American continent, 44% for Europe and only 3% for the Asia-Pacific region. The financial outsourcing sector covers 33% of all contracts and accounts for 26% of their total value, the manufacturing sector - (17% and 15%), respectively, telecommunications - (13% and 12%), business services— (9% and 12%) and other services — (9% and 5%).

Currently, in the world practice, the largest segment is the provision of intellectual services. However, in the future, the industrial outsourcing segment, which includes various administrative tasks, is expected to grow almost three times faster than the segment of intellectual services.

The use of outsourcing in many companies is due to the need to concentrate the main efforts on the core business of the enterprise and achieve competitive advantages by reducing costs while increasing production efficiency. So, according to the research company "Plant Maintenance Resource Center", the most important reasons for using outsourcing are the desire to increase labor productivity while reducing costs and the desire to focus on core activities. In addition, outsourcing allows you to speed up the time of work, and also facilitates access to new technologies and special equipment.

The effect of outsourcing, according to various experts, will allow the customer to reduce operating costs by about 35% and increase the return on capital by an average of 6% while accelerating revenue growth. According to Industry Week Census on Manufacturing, 54.9% of US companies use outsourcing in manufacturing and 43.8% in equipment maintenance.

The task of outsourcing is to save money and improve the quality of work

The most important arguments in favor of the development of outsourcing are cost savings, a guarantee of reliability and high quality of the services provided. This is due to the fact that the contractor (outsourcer) has the opportunity to specialize in a narrow area of ​​production or services, concentrating the best specialists using the most modern equipment, adopting cutting-edge technology and constantly accumulating experience in serving many customers. Combining its own and borrowed experience, the outsourcer gradually improves the quality of services provided and always offers a ready-to-use solution.

Serving many customers, the outsourcer distributes overhead costs and optimizes the economics of work, which makes it possible to reduce prices for services provided while improving their quality. At the same time, the customer buys services without incurring the costs associated with maintaining a specialized unit with qualified personnel and sophisticated equipment. This allows the customer enterprise to reduce development costs, because it becomes possible to purchase the necessary services without additional costs and for optimal prices. The outsourcing agreement gives the customer the right to receive the desired service, performed at a high level. professional level and in many cases with liability outsourcer for the quality of their performance.

One of the reasons for the spread of outsourcing is the complication of business processes that create extreme congestion of companies, caused by the need to further move the increasing flow of goods or services to the market with limited resources in a dynamic market environment. This led to widespread adoption computer and information technologies in business and enterprise management. At the same time, the complexity of the implemented information systems and, accordingly, the saturation of enterprises with hardware and software tools, which led to an increase in the staff of specialists to support them. As a result, it turned out that it is possible to ensure the operation of such systems more efficiently by fully transferring the IT infrastructure to external maintenance, and this was the basis for the active development of the IT outsourcing market.

The IT services market is rapidly developing all over the world and, as economic reforms progress, it has many areas of application in business. This is due to an increase in business activity and an increase in the speed of response to changes in the market situation. In this regard, the role of online help and information services and electronic systems business relations(e-commerce, partner search, advertising, etc.). IT outsourcing companies, thanks to the global Internet, have the opportunity to penetrate the markets of other countries. Thus, many foreign IT companies are already steadily operating on the market; in turn, domestic IT outsourcers have the opportunity to actively expand their activities in the markets of the CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

Along with the development of IT outsourcing, there has been an increase in telecommunications outsourcing, which includes maintenance of communication equipment, network administration, leasing of servers, storage resources and database support.

Domestic enterprises are still cautious about outsourcing when maintaining the communication infrastructure, because beware of leakage of confidential data from their information systems. This is due to distrust of third-party performers, the quality of the services they perform and the reliability of their service. However, the expansion and complexity of business is increasingly forcing market participants to turn to telecommunications outsourcing.

Currently, the most active consumers of production and economic outsourcing are large fuel and energy companies, metallurgical, chemical and transport enterprises. Moreover, these enterprises are interested in comprehensive services, so the trend towards the provision of a package of services is gradually manifesting itself in the activities of an increasing number of outsourcers.

Describing the trends in the further reform and development of large enterprises, it can be assumed that in order to optimize the use of investment resources, large companies will withdraw non-core funds in favor of improving and developing key production processes that provide the main competitive advantages. For example, Lukoil has spun off its drilling divisions into the specialized association Lukoil-Bureniye, while BP-TNK intends to sell its service division.

Similar trends are taking place in mechanical engineering. For example, a certain association abandoned its own production of printed circuit boards using outdated technology in favor of third-party suppliers that provide high quality products. One of the well-known enterprises has sold a low-margin blacksmith and machine shops and now buys similar products on the side. A no less famous tractor plant liquidated its unprofitable hardware production shop, which was only 10% loaded, and began to purchase hardware from a specialized third-party company.

In the field light industry a well-known company acted as follows: producing women's clothing under the OGGI brand, it independently develops models, technological preparation for production, purchases materials and accessories, and also sells ready-made clothes. However, the production of the clothing itself is carried out on the basis of outsourcing and subcontracting with many small and medium-sized enterprises in the light industry.

Assessing the situation in the outsourcing market, it is necessary to understand that most of the currently operating large enterprises are associations of largely obsolete industries, closed to the production of the main product and representing an industrial variety of subsistence farming.

In the conditions of the formation of the domestic economy, with a gradually developing infrastructure of industrial services, the need for large enterprises in a wide range of their own production, auxiliary and functional units is reduced. It is known that in order to rise economic efficiency a number of large enterprises are being restructured with the removal of a number of non-core divisions (transport, repair, construction, tool and a number of other shops, including many support services). Their functions on the terms of outsourcing can be more effectively performed by a number of third-party small specialized enterprises.

However, the wide development of outsourcing relations is still hindered by a very weak level of development of small business in the provision of industrial and scientific and technical services. Moreover, in the sector of small business itself, which suffers from a lack of financial resources, outsourcing relations are developing much more slowly than among large and medium-sized enterprises. This is also due to the fact that small businesses often do not have the opportunity to analyze the feasibility of outsourcing certain functions. In this regard, experts recommend to be based on the distribution of the business functions of the enterprise in accordance with the principle: "I leave for myself only what I can do better than others, I transfer to an external contractor what he does better than others." This approach allows the customer enterprise to optimize its organizational structure, reduce production costs while improving quality and focus on strategic issues of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, entrusting the performance of secondary and supporting functions to third-party enterprises.

This approach allows the customer enterprise to optimize its organizational structure, reduce production costs while improving quality and focus on strategic issues of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, entrusting the performance of secondary and supporting functions to third-party enterprises.

Gradually, among small businesses, outsourcing begins to win recognition in the field of IT services, office equipment service, vehicles, and even in the provision of accounting services. This allows small businesses to more successfully and skillfully solve many problems. accounting and taxation. The presence of examples of successful outsourcing experience in our country indicates the prospects further development this form of business relations, especially in conditions where there is an acute shortage of necessary knowledge and specialists.

Outsourcing allows for the comprehensive involvement of the experience of highly qualified specialists for high-quality development and rapid implementation of projects (technological, informational, administrative, managerial, etc.), as well as for the purchase of services (accounting, logistics, marketing research, equipment repair, etc.). The development of outsourcing relations contributes to the gradual optimization of the structure of large, medium and small enterprises operating in the real economy, bringing them certain benefits.

The following factors contribute to the development of outsourcing:

  • the possibility of reducing overhead costs by eliminating unprofitable shops, sections and divisions engaged in secondary, periodically performed work (repair and construction work, equipment repair, cleaning of territories, etc.);
  • reduction production costs by transferring the manufacture of blanks, hardware and components to third-party enterprises;
  • the need for temporary use of special production, technological, testing and laboratory equipment, storage facilities, Vehicle and building mechanisms;
  • placement of orders for the production of products or the provision of services at peak loads (seasonal demand or market fluctuations) with a lack of own capacity;
  • insurance in the event of a breakdown of their own equipment, so that in these circumstances it would be possible not to stop shipments and not lose revenue, but switch to production on the side.

Outsourcing, as a form of attracting external resources, reduces the need for investment in fixed assets and reduces overhead costs (cost of jobs, employee training, Information support etc.), avoids the expansion of the staff. Along with the obvious benefits of using outsourcing in various industries, there are serious factors hindering its development. Among the main reasons hindering the development of outsourcing in the domestic economy are:

  1. Lack of highly qualified managers who are able to accurately analyze the situation and assess the benefits of outsourcing in the current conditions of the development of market relations;
  2. Decreased efficiency in solving production and technological issues with an insufficient level of development of communication systems and logistics chains;
  3. A limited number of alternative manufacturers and service providers in a given region or within the radius of acceptable transport costs, which makes it difficult or impossible to select optimal or cost-effective partners for outsourcing interaction.

All this causes entrepreneurs to fear that they will lose control over the enterprise and unwillingness to trust a third-party organization with certain information about their activities necessary to ensure effective interaction customer and outsourcer. Indeed, with outsourcing, the customer to some extent loses the ability to control the outsourced part of the company's activities. Therefore, in some cases, it is advisable for the customer to have his own controller at the outsourcer, who will evaluate the efficiency of work and the compliance of the level of services provided with the requirements of the customer.

It should be especially noted that the customer entering into an outsourcing contract should include a description of the conditions for exiting the agreement without loss. If the customer transfers his personnel, equipment and property to the outsourcer, then the conditions for withdrawing from such an agreement should allow them to be returned to the customer's company or provide an opportunity to conclude an alternative agreement.

It is possible to protect yourself from low-quality outsourcing services and minimize risks when transferring business functions to a third-party structure if you correctly conclude an agreement on the level of responsibility for the provision of services (Service Level Agreement-SLA). This contract defines the professional responsibilities of the parties and establishes the obligations of the contractor in providing good quality services and compensation for possible losses. On the basis of such an agreement, you can force the outsourcer to correct their mistakes and compensate for losses. However, most outsourcing companies do not have sufficient assets to compensate for possible losses from poor-quality work, so service contracts become the subject of insurance for a number of legal, consulting, accounting, auditing, IT services, etc. Companies that successfully use outsourcing seek to secure the fulfillment of their own obligations and expect their suppliers to be as open as possible in order to establish reliable partnerships.


It should be noted that the slow development of outsourcing relationships among various entities entrepreneurial activity, in turn, hinders the process of clustering the economy and thus limits the possibility of accelerated socio-economic development of our country. As the domestic market develops, with the growth of stability and efficiency of small enterprises specializing in subcontract deliveries, large companies will begin to focus more on the development of outsourcing, as, for example, is practiced in the global automotive industry, where small enterprises are the main production link as suppliers of blanks, parts and assemblies, and not large automobile concerns.

Taking into account the need for accelerated development of domestic small business in the production and scientific and technical spheres as one of the most important conditions for sustainable economic growth country, it can be assumed that outsourcing relationships will become the basis for the interaction of small businesses with large and medium-sized enterprises in many areas of activity, among which the most promising are:

  • research and experimental work;
  • provision of information, marketing, analytical, administrative and other services;
  • cleaning of territories and premises (industrial and office);
  • carrying out repair work - equipment, buildings, structures;
  • manufacturing of simple products (blanks, hardware, components);
  • cleaning of industrial waste and their processing for subsequent disposal;
  • modernization or disposal of obsolete equipment;
  • logistics at the local level, etc.
Working day Up to 10 people 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 Over 50
11 o'clock 153 rub. 148 rub. 145 rub. 141 rub. 138 rub. 133 rub.
The presence of the following conditions affects the final cost!
Transfer to the place of work 148 rub. 143 rub. 140 rub. 136 rub. 133 rub. 128 rub.
Provision of accommodation 133 rub. 128 rub. 125 rub. 121 rub. 118 rub. 113 rub.
Providing meals 123 rub. 118 rub. 115 rub. 111 rub. 108 rub. 103 rub.
Provision of overalls 118 rub. 113 rub. 110 rub. 106 rub. 103 rub. 98 rub.

Are you experiencing a shortage of skilled workers? Contact Kronos, outsourcing of working personnel is one of the leading activities of our company.

Highly skilled workers have always been in the price. But their shortage is especially noticeable at the present time, when it is more difficult to find a qualified locksmith than a lawyer. At many enterprises there is a need for well-trained workers of various specialties - turners, millers, locksmiths, welders, etc. And such a service as outsourcing of workers will significantly save time and material costs for staff recruitment.

The advantages of cooperation with an outsourcing company are obvious:

Using the outsourcing service in construction or production, you get a qualified specialist with extensive work experience;
The outsourcer provides you with employees of the required specialty in the required quantity and for the period you need;
At the same time, you avoid “excessive” expenses for vacation and sick leave, as you only pay for the time you work.
Thus, outsourcing at an industrial enterprise allows solving a number of tasks facing the company:
Cost reduction, cost reduction. Outsourcing in an enterprise, as a rule, is cheaper than keeping highly skilled workers in the state, since the cost of outsourcer services is lower;
Increasing labor productivity due to the high qualification of hired workers. Outsourcing of production provides high technical and quality characteristics of products, which allows the customer company to achieve a competitive advantage in the market;
The ability to focus staff on the main activities of the enterprise, while wage-earners take on third-party, operational functions.

We guarantee professional approach, responsibility and reliability of each of our specialists. The Kronos company has been carrying out industrial outsourcing since 2008, and over the years of work in the labor market, we have developed a unique, constantly updated database, thanks to which we can easily find the right workers for you the highest qualification in various areas of production in the shortest possible time for the entire period you need.

Production of products in production is a complex multi-stage process that requires a large number working capacity and good specialists. Many companies often face difficulties in issuing timely quality goods. The main reason for this problem is the workload of important orders and the lack of own forces for their implementation. Such situations threaten an increase in the release of defective products, a blow to the reputation and income of the organization.

Delegation of non-core, auxiliary and even basic work to the contractor's employees is an effective way out of a "difficult" situation. Using the services of a reliable outsourcing partner, you not only reduce the load on your own enterprise and complete the work on time, but also save the budget for your own staff.

What is Manufacturing Services Outsourcing

Manufacturing Services Outsourcing- is the complete or partial transfer by the company of certain functions and various industrial tasks to the personnel of a third-party organization. This approach helps out when you need to save your own resources and direct them to the maximum development of the company in the chosen field of activity.

Outsourcing in the enterprise has two main varieties:

    Manufacture and supply of various blanks for products and their components;

    Services to ensure the continuity of the production process (maintenance and repair of equipment; cleaning of territories, workshops and other working premises; internal logistics enterprises and many other functions)

What are the benefits of outsourcing for your business?

By concluding an agreement with an outsourcer, you free yourself from the mass personnel work and do not enter labor Relations with additional staff. Your partner is looking for, testing, training, hiring, hiring specialists with the required qualifications and provides them to you for an agreed period. Salaries, taxes and contributions to social funds also bypass you and fall on the shoulders of the outsourcing company.

In addition to all this, outsourcing in the field of production has a lot of other advantages:

    Increasing labor productivity

    Avoid downtime in production

    Solution Cost Reduction personnel tasks

    Provision of material support necessary for the work of employees

    Reducing the taxation of the enterprise

    Organization and quality control of the work of the provided personnel

    The ability to hire the required number of temporary workers for urgent projects without increasing staff

Choosing Your Personnel as a partner, you trust experts with more than 10 years of experience in the field of outsourcing. During this time we have helped hundreds largest companies in developing your own business. Our employees, numbering more than 20,000 people, are ready to work for you with full dedication. We personally work with their motivation and preparation, taking into account all your whims. The Your Staff team is interested in the qualitative and effective growth of its clients, because your success is our reputation.

Order outsourcing services from the leaders of the personnel market.

Global companies are switching to manufacturing outsourcing to improve the efficiency of the company and expand their capabilities. For example, a third party may have equipment that is only needed intermittently to perform one-time operations.

My friend was struck in America by the inscription on the fence around construction site: "Rent of fences".

Industrial service.

Deliveries of blanks.

It is easiest to imagine the situation of interaction with suppliers and the list of purchased and the list of self-produced components and components using a specific example of a machine-building company. One such is JLG Industries, a $1 billion manufacturer of loaders, lifts and telescopic excavators. JLG purchases materials, mainly steel sheet and assemblies, i.e. wheels, hydraulics, engines, etc. Thus, production is self-manufacturing only machine bodies, while already assembled and ready for installation on machines, the units come from suppliers directly to the conveyor.

Production outsourcing provided the Russian defense and space complexes with high quality and specifications.

The production process of the complexes was organized in the following way: the government determined the parent enterprise where it was planned to produce the complex, and enterprises supplying aggregates and assemblies were attached to it on the basis of competitive selection. Suppliers were located almost throughout the territory Soviet Union. Control over compliance with the quality of units, assemblies and components was carried out by representatives of the Ministry of Defense.

Outsourcing in construction

Industrial outsourcing

Production in China

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Outside organization

Page 1

Third-party organizations that would like to form a block of shares by acquiring them must take into account a number of provisions.

Third-party organizations, like employees, become users of accounting as persons who have entered into contractual relations of one kind or another with the enterprise or are about to enter into such relations. The greatest interest in the accounting information of the organization is, of course, experienced by its already established creditors.

Chapter 5. Manufacturing Outsourcing

Third-party organizations may purchase photocopies, microfilms, copies of scientific and technical documents, as well as machinograms by bank transfer.

A third-party organization was paid 1200 rubles. for unloading and storing materials according to the contract.

Employees of third-party organizations (construction, construction and installation and installation and adjustment works, instrumentation, etc.) and employees of auxiliary and auxiliary shops (repair, electric power, construction, repair and construction, instrumental, fixtures, etc.) during their work in production, workshops and areas where milk is provided for all key workers, as well as for the repair and duty personnel of these units, milk must be issued in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

Employees of third-party organizations (construction, construction and installation and installation and adjustment works, instrumentation, etc.) and employees of auxiliary and auxiliary shops (repair, electric power, construction, repair and construction, instrumental, fixtures, etc.) during their work in production, in workshops and in areas where milk is provided for all key workers, as well as for the repair and duty personnel of these units, milk must be issued in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

Employees of third-party organizations (construction, installation, repair and construction, commissioning, etc.) as well as auxiliary and auxiliary shops of the enterprise (mechanical, repair, energy, instrumentation and automation, etc.) for the time of their work in production, workshops and in areas with harmful working conditions, where both for the main and for the repair and maintenance personnel, the List establishes additional leave, the latter must be provided in a general manner. For example, a fitter of the construction and installation department installs an overhead crane in the span above the operating furnaces in the steel-smelting shop of the plant. According to the List, steelworkers, steel pourers, metallurgical equipment repairmen, crane operators and maintenance personnel are provided with an additional vacation of 12 working days per year of work. In this case, the fitter must also be granted additional leave at the rate of 12 working days in proportion to the time he has worked in this area.

Third party fire alarm installation services must be paid from own sources and reflected wiring dt sch.

Employees of third-party organizations who arrived on the territory of the GPP to perform work must undergo an introductory briefing and briefing at the workplace.

Employees of third-party organizations during their work in industries with harmful working conditions, where additional leave is established, should also be granted this leave in proportion to the time worked. harmful conditions time.

Employees of third-party organizations performing work at specially designated sites or objects transferred under the act are instructed at the workplace by the head of the work of the organization performing the work, according to the instructions in force in this organization and necessarily according to the instructions of the enterprise (organization) on whose territory the work is carried out.

Employees of third-party organizations carrying out work on the territory of an existing plant or experimental base must undergo introductory safety training on an equal basis with employees of the plant or base. On-the-job training for these employees is conducted by employees of third-party organizations.

Employees of third-party organizations carrying out work on the territory of an existing plant or experimental base must undergo introductory safety training on an equal basis with employees of the plant or base.

Employees of third-party organizations carrying out work on the territory of an existing plant or experimental base must undergo introductory safety training on an equal basis with employees of the plant or base. The on-the-job training for these workers is provided by third-party workers.

Employees of third-party organizations, when visiting production shops and sites, are issued overalls on duty, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the standards provided for workers of the relevant industries of a particular unit.

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What is manufacturing outsourcing? This is the transfer of all or part of the production function to a third-party organization. If a third-party company does the machining of a part for you, then you use outsourcing. Sometimes this form of business organization is called "contract manufacturing".

It is possible to conditionally divide production outsourcing into two types - outsourcing of blanks and components and outsourcing of functions and operations to ensure the production of products. Outsourcing of blanks and components is the share and degree of readiness of purchased components and components. Outsourcing of operations to ensure production is the transfer to the side of the function of transportation, repair of equipment, preparation of production, the production process itself.

Companies that use manufacturing outsourcing of blanks search the market for components and parts, and companies that outsource the performance of functions that support manufacturing process resort to industrial services.

According to Industry Week's annual survey, IW Census on Manufacturing (3,000 US manufacturing companies), 44.7% of US companies actively use the services of third-party specialized companies for transportation. Also, about half of the companies use a little production outsourcing of equipment maintenance, the production process itself. Outsourcing of supply, warehouse maintenance and distribution is the least used.

Global companies are switching to manufacturing outsourcing to improve the efficiency of the company and expand their capabilities. For example, a third party may have equipment that is only needed intermittently to perform one-time operations. My friend was struck in America by the inscription on the fence around the construction site: "Fences for rent."

Industrial service.

Companies in the industrial service market mainly provide services for the repair, maintenance of equipment and its leasing. Another large group of companies is engaged in content industrial facilities, providing services of janitors, watchmen, cleaning and recycling of waste, leasing production workers.

To understand the volume of the market, it is enough to look at the scale of the companies operating on it. Wyko Industrial Services provides equipment rental services for the repair of machinery and facilities and services for the repair and maintenance of buildings and equipment. The company operates only in England, where it has about 200 offices / repair shops around the country, which allows it to respond almost instantly to customer requests. The turnover of the company is 150 million pounds. FBG Service Corporation, a janitor, janitor, janitor, janitor and waste disposal company, has one of its major customers Alliant Energy, for which it works in cleaning services at 188 sites and maintenance of areas at 2,400 sites.

Deliveries of blanks.

It is easiest to imagine the situation of interaction with suppliers and the list of purchased and the list of self-produced components and components using a specific example of a machine-building company. One such is JLG Industries, a $1 billion manufacturer of loaders, lifts and telescopic excavators. JLG purchases materials, mainly steel sheet and assemblies, i.e. wheels, hydraulics, engines, etc.

Production outsourcing: a guide to action

Thus, the production consists in the independent manufacture of only the machine body, and the components already assembled and ready for installation on machines come from suppliers directly to the conveyor.

Moreover, deliveries are organized in such a way that the supplier himself determines the time and volume of delivery, thanks to an integrated reporting system and control of production volumes, stocks in warehouses and stocks in the warehouses of the supplier.

The wide development of outsourcing relations is still hindered by a very weak level of development of small business in the provision of industrial and scientific and technical services. Moreover, in the sector of small business itself, which suffers from a lack of financial resources, production outsourcing is developing much more slowly than among large and medium-sized enterprises.

Manufacturing outsourcing in examples
Production outsourcing provided the Russian defense and space complexes with high quality and technical characteristics. The production process of the complexes was organized in the following way: the government determined the parent enterprise where it was planned to produce the complex, and enterprises supplying aggregates and assemblies were attached to it on the basis of competitive selection. Suppliers were located almost throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union. Control over compliance with the quality of units, assemblies and components was carried out by representatives of the Ministry of Defense.

Outsourcing in construction
The construction of large and significant facilities almost always requires investors to invest significant funds, personal time and an inexhaustible supply of energy. Not every company has a staff of highly qualified specialists who can perform all the tasks related to construction with high quality and at a high professional level. One of options solution to this problem is outsourcing in construction

Cost optimization of the enterprise and outsourcing
In order to competently and effectively optimize the costs of the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out the rationing of all budget items, establish strict control over compliance with the standards, motivate staff to reduce costs that are not directly related to the main production. This financial stabilization option has been known for a long time and provides positive results by keeping spending at a given level. In order to successfully implement a program to minimize the costs of an enterprise, a number of the following steps must be taken.

Industrial outsourcing
Production outsourcing implies the transfer to external management by the customer company of either part of its production chain or the entire production cycle. It is also possible that the company will sell part of its divisions and will cooperate with them as part of outsourcing

Production in China
Due to a number of circumstances, modern production in China has become very attractive not only for foreign, but also for domestic business. In this regard, manufacturing outsourcing in China has become widespread. Almost all sectors of the Celestial Empire are in the stage of rapid development, due to the attraction of foreign investment, the creation of joint ventures and zones with preferential taxation.

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Outsourcing (from the English outsourcing: external source) is the transfer by an organization of certain business processes or production functions to the service of another company specializing in the relevant field. Unlike service and support services that are one-time, episodic, random and limited by the beginning and end, outsourcing usually transfers functions for professional support of the uninterrupted operation of individual systems and infrastructure on the basis of a long-term contract.

For a successful business, it is not at all necessary to perform all non-core functions related to the main activity of the organization, or to the management of the company, its personnel, it is possible to entrust the conduct of these processes to a specialized organization. A firm that takes on "foreign" functions is called outsourcing, or outsourcer.

The pioneers of outsourcing in Russia were private security companies, which allowed hundreds of enterprises to protect their business with high quality and professionalism than full-time security guards. Gradually, business became more civilized, and advertising became more and more important. Advertising specialists were sorely lacking, which created fertile ground for the formation of specialized advertising agencies capable of carrying out complex projects. Advertising agencies have been followed by PR agencies and research companies.

In 1998, the boom of Runet began - the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, which led to the emergence of not only thousands of sites, but also a huge market for services for their creation, support and promotion. It was an opportunity that was amazing in its scale, as a result of which 3 hosting companies arose and still successfully exist today:, masterhost and Utransit (formerly Valuehost). According to Runet research, these three companies host about 60% of Russian sites.

There are the following types of outsourcing:

1. IT outsourcing - offshore programming; creation of web resources; development, installation, maintenance of software; maintenance of equipment by third-party specialized companies.

2. Production outsourcing - the transfer of sites of its production to third-party manufacturers. The outsourcing scheme can be laid initially during the organization of production. An example of such an organization is advertising agencies that use the printing capacity of printing houses or wine trading houses that purchase wine materials and bottle their own brands.

3. Outsourcing of business processes (BPA) - provides for the transfer to the executing organization of individual business processes that are not the main ones for the company. Among them are personnel management, accounting, advertising, marketing, and logistics.

"Personnel outsourcing" - the use of external sources (resources). The main terms used in working with external personnel:

Staffleasing (staffleasing) - provision to the customer company for temporary use regular staff companies (agencies) for a relatively long period - from 3 months to several years;

Outsourcing (outsourcing) is the performance by a company (agency) of certain tasks, business functions or business processes that are usually not part of the main activity of the customer company, but, nevertheless, necessary for the full functioning of the business;

Outstaffing (outstaffing) - in this case, the staff is removed from the staff of the company and is registered in the staff of the agency, while the employees remain working in the same place and perform their previous functions, and the agency legally becomes an employer: draws up employment contracts, pays employees wages and makes the necessary social contributions, provides all the necessary certificates, etc.

In a broad sense, "personnel outsourcing" in practice means renting out the functions of the organization. That is, the use of other people's resources to perform these functions in the organization. This is achieved by removing non-core tasks that are not related to the main business processes (maintenance and cleaning of premises, merchandising, marketing research, computer network maintenance, accounting, law, etc.) outside the company. In this situation, the company-customer transfers any of its functions to the company-executor, i.e. a service is purchased, not the labor of specific people.

In a narrow sense, this term in relation to personnel "staff outsourcing" means the transfer of part of the organization's functions to an employee who is not formally a member of the organization's staff and is not associated with it by any direct contract, that is, the lease of labor of specific people.

Despite the external difference between the narrow and broad meaning of terminology, they are closely related. The broad concept characterizes the trend, and the narrow concept characterizes a specific operation.

The need of any company to minimize its risks and costs is the main driver in the search for new solutions. In the projection on the labor market, on the one hand, there is an urgent need for obtaining high-quality labor by the employer, on the other hand, the eternal problem of minimizing risks - the quality of the labor provided, the timeliness of tasks and cost. Increasing the cost of labor in last years both the quality of labor and productivity remaining at the same level require new solutions from company executives and HR specialists in the labor market. Outsourcing may be one of those solutions.

Depending on the volume of the business and at different stages of its development, it becomes economically feasible to transfer some of the non-core, but mandatory functions in the company's work third party company, or to attract temporary staff for a certain period. Also, business is often seasonal and becomes more and more project-based, the demand for temporary staff is growing steadily. With the general trend - the lack of highly professional staff - seasonality becomes the scourge of the organization. And companies are trying to find different ways out of this situation. The most commonly used options are:

- to form a "cadre division" and expand it to full staffing for the season at the expense of temporary low-skilled employees. The question in this case goes into the area of ​​quality.

As a form of solving the problems described above, personnel outsourcing is used, as the transfer of a non-core function to external counterparties and the involvement of temporary highly qualified personnel.

The benefits of using outsourcing that the company receives are as follows: firstly, the release of the manager's time, secondly, savings on the acquisition and equipment of the specialist's workplace, and thirdly, the absence of expenses for employee training.

Outsourcing staff has a downside. The outsourcer very well feels the moment when the client can no longer do without his services, and immediately raises the price. It is difficult for companies to refuse to provide outsourcing services, even if it becomes economically unprofitable. Another major problem is the lack of involvement of external employees. Even with fairly long-term contracts (one year is practically the maximum term for outsourcing contracts), each person from the non-staff corps subconsciously does not perceive the firm of the actual employer as his own. workplace. And this in some way violates the corporate spirit. Another problem is directly related to this - the inattention of external employees to the reputation of their temporary employer.

There are two opinions on using the services of an outsourcing company. If there is a need to use the services of such companies, then you need to carefully choose a partner, set a reasonable term for the contract, carefully prescribe the details of the contract and the requirements for the supplied personnel. If there is no strong need or the mercenary is too expensive, it is better to refuse the outsourcing scheme.

For those who decide to use outsourcing, we can recommend:

- when choosing, pay attention not so much to the cost of the service, but to the quality and experience of the company providing it;

— how much we really spend on this business process when it is located directly in our company;

— consultants determine the maximum requirements for this service, i.e. create its ideal model and then calculate it;

- a kind of optimization is carried out from a practical point of view (the principle of Reasonable Sufficiency).

Accordingly, in all three cases, different principles are used in determining the cost and different results are obtained. In the first, it is necessary to very carefully and objectively evaluate all costs - direct and indirect, and not just the fund wages staff, as is often the case. In the second case, the price is high, but in this case all problems are solved as efficiently as possible (the model is of a recommendatory-hypothetical nature). And only the third way, as a kind of compromise of the first two approaches, gives an objective cost and an adequate result.

Great importance in the process of outsourcing should be given to the development and conclusion of a contract, as a special type of contract that would regulate outsourcing services. When drawing up an outsourcing contract, it is necessary to provide for qualification requirements for personnel, terms for the provision and replacement of personnel, mutual penalties in case early termination, the responsibility of the contractor for the work of the personnel provided by him. In addition to the procedure for entering the project, permanent job, exit procedures are described in detail. The latter is most relevant for personnel outsourcing. It should also be borne in mind that a personnel outsourcing contract is not a contract for the performance of a certain amount of work. It's just a contract to provide a certain amount people with the required qualifications.

Use outsourcing of personnel, or create your own structures with permanent staff - this is a question HR strategy companies. It is important that services be present on the market, allowing the customer to determine for himself the need for outsourcing. The lack of sufficient supply from provider companies can slow down the development of the market no less than distrust in this product from the side of the customers.

Bibliographic list

1. Outsourcing. - Access mode:

2. Personnel outsourcing.

Production outsourcing: how to live a catering with a small kitchen

Access mode:

2. Personnel outsourcing. - Access mode:

Gubareva Yu.V.1Panina I.G.1

1Omsk State Agrarian University. P.A. Stolypin Omsk, Russia

Federal Agency for Railway Transport

State educational institution

Higher professional education

Omsk State University means of communication


Abstract on the discipline: "Commercial activity"

on the topic of:

"The use of outsourcing in the work of enterprises"


student gr. 56

Korosteleva Yu.V.


Levkin G.G.

Omsk - 2007

Essence of outsourcing- — 3 —

The use of outsourcing in the West and in Russia. The origin and development of outsourcing in Russia.- 4 —

The procedure for making a decision on the use of outsourcing - — 8 —

Pros and cons of outsourcing- — 10 —

Literature used:- 14 —

Essence of outsourcing

Outsourcing- attraction of external resources (a situation when the customer organization attracts external firms to perform any work that is part of its core business; the customer only formulates tasks for the service provider; the right to control, the way to achieve the task, responsibility for the result lies with the supplier services).

Technology for transferring non-core functions to a third party- one of the modern ways to improve business efficiency. Trends modern development organizations define the image of the organization of the future - mobile, flexible, efficient, customer-oriented. To survive in the face of fierce competition, it is necessary to be just like that - alive, changing, renewing.

Practice and scenarios for the development of manufacturing outsourcing

Inert organizational structures do not allow you to instantly respond to external and internal signals. The growth of the company becomes an obstacle to its development. Routine and administration, human problems and endless internal tasks absorb most of the leader's time.

Outsourcing is a way to optimize the activities of branches by concentrating efforts on the implementation of core activities and transferring the performance of certain types of work (services) to specialized organizations (individual entrepreneurs) on a contractual basis with a corresponding reduction in the staff of branches. Outsourcer is a specialized organization ( individual entrepreneur), which specializes in the performance of specific works (services) and has the relevant experience, knowledge and technical means performing for a branch certain types works (services) on a contractual basis. The use of outsourcing by a branch should ensure the achievement of the following goals: a) increasing economic efficiency and reducing costs economic activity branches; b) reducing the needs of branches in investments for the development of non-core activities; c) creating conditions to meet the seasonal needs of branches for additional staff; d) improving the quality of performance individual works(services) that are outsourced; e) solving the strategic tasks of the enterprise
When attracting an outsourcer, branches must comply with the following conditions: a) selection of an outsourcer on a competitive basis; b) the costs of the branch for payment for works (services) performed by the outsourcer must be less than the costs for the performance of these works (services) on your own; c) ensuring the economic security of the enterprise and maintaining its market position; d) maintaining and improving the quality of work (services) performed; e) reduction of the personnel of the branch engaged in the performance of works (services) transferred to the outsourcer.

The use of outsourcing in the West and in Russia. The origin and development of outsourcing in Russia.

The use of outsourcing in the West began in the late 80s in the field of information technology, but by now the practice of withdrawing non-core assets has already spread quite widely, covering almost all sectors of the economy. According to Fortune magazine, at least 90% of modern Western enterprises have already outsourced at least one function of their production. And enterprises such as Toyota, Honda, Chrysler delegate to third parties about 70% of business processes that they previously performed independently.

Despite the fact that outsourcing has gained wide recognition in that part of the world economy, which is built according to Western principles, there have been few examples of such practice in our country until recently:

· LUKOIL and YUKOS spun off their drilling divisions into independent companies LUKOIL-Burenie and Siberian Service Company, respectively, without retaining a controlling interest in these companies;

· LOMO, a defense enterprise engaged in the production and sale of opto-mechanical and opto-electronic devices, abandoned its own production of printed circuit boards after the analysis showed that the equipment of the existing workshop is significantly outdated and requires modernization;

· The company "August", a manufacturer of women's clothing under the OGGI brand, has reserved only the development of models, technological preparation of production, the purchase of materials and accessories and the sale of ready-made clothes. The production of the clothing itself is carried out on the basis of outsourcing and subcontracting with many small and medium-sized light industry enterprises.

The explanation for this phenomenon can be found in the widespread opinion that the development of outsourcing in Russia is hampered by the following objective circumstances:

First, business Russian enterprises was not always formed on the basis of economic considerations, and often the organization of production did not correspond to market economic principles;

· secondly, the legal environment does not allow establishing trusting relationships with outside organizations from the first contacts;

Thirdly, the level of development of outsourcing service providers is insufficient to ensure the quality required by customer enterprises.

These circumstances take place in our economy, but, in spite of everything, over the past 3-4 years, the situation with the spread of outsourcing has begun to change in better side. This is due to the following reasons:

a) during this time there have been significant qualitative changes in the economic and social life of the country;

b) other ways of optimizing production, alternative to outsourcing, have already been tried by many enterprises, while competition in business not only does not weaken, but also intensifies.

What has changed? Almost all former major Soviet industrial enterprises(associations), which still form the basis of our economy, have already carried out their own restructuring, separating non-core assets from their composition - both not related to the main activity, and closely related to the main production.

The most difficult thing was to reorganize production according to market principles at the city-forming enterprises of the raw materials sector located in the regions of the Far North. Even after the withdrawal of non-core assets, such enterprises had to maintain a separate business for a long time to relieve social tension, providing employment in the region. And only some time ago, such companies found a worthy way out. By carrying out a program to resettle the surplus population to other regions of Russia, they thereby optimize their costs in the future.

Improving the legal environment in which the activities of the customer and the contractor of outsourcing services are carried out, significantly affects the spread of outsourcing. IN Lately a noticeable streamlining of rule-making in the field of tax and accounting, administrative legal relations, competition law has led to the establishment of a more responsible behavior of businessmen in the field of entrepreneurship.

However, opacity is still inherent in very many enterprises in Russia, which does not contribute to the establishment of the trusting relationships necessary for the transition to outsourcing. In conditions when most of the assets are hidden by enterprises and cannot serve as security for their obligations, it is difficult to count on the reliability of both the customer and the service provider. In addition, the lack of transparency of the business slows down the decision on the possibility of outsourcing firms specializing in the provision of legal, accounting and other services, since, as shareholders believe, this can lead to information leakage.

Another problem on the way of outsourcing is the low level of quality of services provided. Meanwhile, this problem is temporary and quickly solved. The lack of sufficiently qualified managers of outsourcing companies, the lack of time-tested technologies for replicating advanced solutions are fair claims, but they fall into the category usually made by customers during the formation of any business.

What is really problematic in this service sector is the emerging tendency for outsourcing companies to overestimate the cost of their services by including their own costs in the price, including those associated with the risks of default by other organizations or with inefficient management of their own business.

This problem, together with the general, still low level of quality, as well as the weakness of our judicial and enforcement proceedings, do not allow the customer to properly protect their interests from an unscrupulous service provider, even if they are carefully spelled out in contracts, which is a direct consequence of insufficient compliance by market participants with regulatory acts regulating not only outsourcing, but business in general in Russia.