What does maintenance include? Car maintenance and care. Methods for organizing repair maintenance of production

Performed in the interval between scheduled and unscheduled repairs of production equipment. The goal is to guarantee reliable and continuous operation. Timely maintenance and competent operation significantly reduce repair costs and forced downtime.

Maintenance Tasks

It is safe to say that maintenance is a defining preventive action that is essential to ensure the continuous operation of production equipment and mechanisms in the time intervals between planned repair procedures. It involves caring for and monitoring the operation of machines, maintaining them in good working order, scheduled technical inspection, cleaning, washing, adjusting, purging and other equipment repairs.

Certain types of maintenance can be carried out directly on operating equipment using breaks and days off. If there are appropriate permits in the operating instructions for machinery and equipment, it is possible to briefly disconnect them from the power supply until they come to a complete stop. In such cases, some downtime is allowed, but so as not to interrupt production and

Regulatory documents

GOSTs regulating the use of equipment maintenance and repair systems are 18322-78 "Equipment maintenance and repair system. Terms and definitions" and 28.001-83 "Equipment maintenance and repair system. Basic provisions." It is these standards that determine the classification and types of maintenance of electrical equipment.

Classification of types of maintenance

  • assessment of wear of rubbing parts;
  • tightening of fastening and tensioning elements;
  • checking protective devices and clamps;
  • noise and vibration determination;
  • regulation of the supply of coolants and oils, etc.

Some items are also included in the list of technical maintenance for forging, woodworking, and foundry equipment, with the exception of specific features of operation and device.

Maintenance and repair system

The main task automated systems, on which they are carried out different kinds TO, is a reduction in expenses for this item of the enterprise budget and a significant increase in the reliability class of machines and mechanisms, which helps to reduce the cost of manufactured products and, accordingly, increase income.

In the case of repairs, the task changes, since it is necessary to minimize not only losses, but also the frequency of the work itself (regardless of the type and volume). The ideal scheme that enterprises strive for is a complete refusal, which inevitably leads to unscheduled shutdowns of production.

In addition, operation and maintenance, in particular carrying out repair work, are carried out under conditions of some uncertainty. Even monitoring of the wear and tear of industrial equipment and many years of experience cannot determine the specific volume and indicate the range of new spare parts for equipment. But the conveyor system involves the precise distribution of the necessary parts that may be required from the warehouse for a specific order.

What is a maintenance and repair system

The maintenance and repair system is a complex of interconnected specialists, technical devices, reporting and documentation recording the results. All of them are necessary to maintain the proper condition of industrial equipment, as defined by GOSTs.

All enterprises in the country use a single concept of maintaining working machines and mechanisms in a state of continuous operation, part of which is the use of a legally approved system of scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR).

This system is a full-fledged set of organizational and technical actions, carried out in a planned manner, aimed at monitoring and ensuring the operating condition of the machines and mechanisms on the balance sheet of the enterprise. Such a system is used throughout the entire service life of the equipment, subject to compliance with the operating mode and operating conditions specified by the manufacturer. Accurate compliance with all requirements, recommendations and operating instructions is mandatory.

The system of planned preventative repair work is based on the implementation of planned periodic inspections, monitoring the condition of main equipment and is in the nature of a preventive measure. Thus, a set of measures that guarantee the maintenance of excellent performance of machines and mechanisms is carried out according to developed monthly and annual schedules. The latter are compiled with the expectation of inadmissibility and prevention of unexpected failure of industrial equipment, that is, with the expectation of reducing additional costs.

Providing a maintenance and repair system

The introduction of a system of scheduled preventive maintenance into production is ensured by:

  • sufficient material and technical base and maintaining a certain frequency of repair work and deadlines;
  • the full scope of completed list of maintenance operations guaranteeing uninterrupted operation of machines and equipment;
  • if possible as soon as possible the presence of failed equipment undergoing repairs (especially capital repairs).

Carrying out work

Depending on the category and technological importance of the equipment, as well as the stability of the processes being performed and the safety of workers, certain types of repair work can be carried out as repairs due to a faulty technical condition, regulated (planned) repairs, repairs according to the deadline, or a combination thereof.

Repair of industrial equipment can be carried out by the owning enterprises that directly use it, as well as by specialized teams of manufacturing plants or repair enterprises. The priorities of these organizational charts for each plant are arranged depending on the availability of its own reserves, equipment, qualifications of repair personnel and financial solvency. But every industrial enterprise may, at its discretion, give preference to any method and form of PPR that best suits the main areas of production.

Maintenance terms

Types and terms of maintenance are calculated in days or months, and this depends on the complexity and type of industrial equipment. So, for example, calculations for (diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, etc.) are made according to the average values ​​of overhaul runs.

The frequency, types and timing of maintenance are calculated according to the calendar operating time and take into account the technical conditions of the manufacturing plants.

Thus, as a result of a small analysis of the essence, classification, types of technical maintenance of industrial, production and technological equipment we can conclude that it is necessary, systematic and mandatory strict control. It is the combination of these components that will allow enterprises to achieve uninterrupted operation of machines and mechanisms, which, in turn, helps to save the budget, increase labor productivity and generate additional profits.

§ 1. Types and frequency of maintenance

Car maintenance is carried out according to the so-called planned preventative system. The peculiarity of this system is that all cars undergo mandatory maintenance according to a schedule. The main purpose of maintenance is to prevent failures and malfunctions, prevent premature wear of parts, and timely elimination of damage that interferes with the normal operation of the vehicle. Therefore, maintenance is a preventative measure.

A failure is a violation of the vehicle’s performance, leading to a temporary cessation of its normal operation (stopping on the line, violation of the traffic schedule, etc.).

All other deviations of the technical condition of the rolling stock and its units from the established standards are malfunctions.

Maintenance includes cleaning and washing, control and diagnostic, fastening, lubrication, refueling, adjustment and other work, performed, as a rule, without disassembling the units and removing individual components from the vehicle.

According to the current regulations, maintenance, based on the frequency, volume and labor intensity of the work performed, is divided into the following types:

daily maintenance (DM);

first maintenance (TO-1);

second maintenance (TO-2);

seasonal maintenance (MS).

Daily maintenance includes cleaning and washing work, as well as general monitoring of the condition of the vehicle, aimed at ensuring traffic safety and maintaining proper appearance.

Carrying out daily maintenance, they perform cleaning and washing work, control inspection, refilling with fuel, coolant and oil. Work on EO is carried out after the vehicle has finished working on the line and before leaving the line.

The first maintenance includes all work performed during daily maintenance. In addition, it includes a number of additional fastening, lubrication and control and adjustment work, carried out without removing units and devices from the vehicle and disassembling them.

The second maintenance, in addition to the set of operations included in TO-1, involves performing inspection, diagnostic and adjustment work of a larger volume with partial disassembly of the units. Individual devices are removed from the vehicle and tested on special stands and control and measuring installations.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out twice a year and involves performing work related to the transition from one season to another, and they try to combine it with the next maintenance-2. Typical work for the CO is: flushing the cooling system, changing the engine oil and lubrication in the crankcases of other units according to the coming season; checking the fuel supply system and flushing the fuel tank. Before the start of autumn-winter operation, the operation of the starting heater and the heating system in the vehicle cabin is checked.

The frequency of maintenance work on rolling stock is determined by mileage, depending on operating conditions.

In table 1 shows data on the frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 of various rolling stock for three categories of operating conditions in accordance with GOST 21624-76 (since January 1, 1977).

1. Frequency of vehicle maintenance

Maintenance intervals for cars different types, km

passenger cars



2. Characteristics of categories of operating conditions

Typical groups of vehicle operating conditions

1. Highways with asphalt concrete, cement concrete and equivalent surfaces outside the suburban area

2. Highways with asphalt concrete, cement concrete and similar surfaces in the suburban area, streets of small cities (with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants)


1. Highways with asphalt concrete, cement concrete and equivalent surfaces in mountainous areas

2. Streets of big cities

3. Highways with crushed stone or gravel surfaces

4. Automotive dirt profiled and logging roads


1. Highways with crushed stone or gravel surfaces in mountainous areas

2. Unprofiled roads and stubble

3. Quarries, pits and temporary access roads

Maintenance system

Justification of the maintenance system, structure, basic concepts

Maintenance is a set of operations to maintain the operability and serviceability of electronic equipment when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage, transportation

Repair is a set of operations to restore the functionality of products or components products

Maintaining a given level of readiness of products for their intended use during use with minimal labor, time and money spent on maintenance and repair work is ensured by the maintenance and repair system

The maintenance and repair system is a complex of interconnected tools, documentation and performers necessary to maintain the quality of the products included in it

The purpose of the maintenance and repair system is to manage the technical condition of products during their service life or service life, which ensures a given level of readiness for intended use and their performance during use at minimum costs labor, time and money

The maintenance system is based on a preventive planning system, the essence of which is that a set of maintenance operations is carried out within a certain time frame.

In addition to the strategy, the planned preventative maintenance system provides for various types and methods of maintenance

The entire complex of maintenance and repair operations can be divided into 2 groups:

1. Planned maintenance work

2. Work to detect and eliminate failures and damage

The main requirement for the process technical operation in general, is that with limited labor costs, to ensure the greatest probability that at the required moment in time, the ERTP means will be operational and will complete the task

Maintenance system composition:

A maintenance object is a REO that has the needs for certain maintenance operations and is adapted to perform these operations.

Maintenance equipment - consists of control and measuring instruments, technological equipment and structures intended for maintenance

Maintenance is carried out in accordance with operational and technical documentation and maintenance program

The maintenance and repair program is a document containing a set of basic principles and decisions taken by application the most effective methods and maintenance and repair modes implemented in the design of objects during their design and manufacture, taking into account the specified requirements and operating conditions. Each aircraft has its own maintenance and repair program.

The governing bodies are the engineering and technical staff that carries out maintenance of electronic equipment and management of the facility and facilities

The maintenance and repair system can be classified as a large cybernetic system, i.e. systems related to information. The specific features of cybernetic systems include:

1. Contact external environment

2. Availability of executive and management bodies

3. Closed chain of influences

Large cybernetic systems are characterized by the use of information to control the state and quality of the system’s functioning. The system carries out circulation, transformation and processing of information

Statistical information about the state of the system in the form of signals is supplied to the maintenance facilities. As a result of processing this information through technical tools, data about the type is obtained technical condition object and then decisions are made on operational management this condition

During the maintenance and repair process the following is carried out:

1. Determination and monitoring of technical condition

2. Determination of operability and search for failure points

3. Restoration work

4. Setup and adjustment work

The process of determining the technical condition of a product is called technical diagnostics. Technical diagnostics solves one or more of the following problems:

1. Service check

2. Functionality check

3. Search for the failure point, and the search for the failure point is an integral part of maintenance

The main states of the maintenance and repair system include:

1. Establishing requirements for maintenance and repair parameters for specific types of equipment, including performing maintenance of products with a given quality with minimal labor, time and money.

2. Preparation and implementation technological processes services with a given quality

3. Providing conditions for performing maintenance, including the creation and equipment of units necessary means

4. Optimization of placement production bases And material resources

The effectiveness of the maintenance and repair system is determined by the degree of its adaptability to perform the functions of managing reliability and technical condition during technical operation

Organization of preventive work during maintenance

The main task that arises when developing a maintenance system is the selection and justification of the characteristics of preventive measures systems. In this case, by preventive measures we mean measures aimed at preventing failures of electronic equipment. The choice is determined by:

1. Conditions for the operational use of this type of equipment

2. Requirements for the reliability of its operation

3. Equipment design

4. Availability of backup blocks or channels

After choosing the type of prevention system, it is necessary to determine the main characteristics of this system: frequency and duration of preventive work

The characteristics of any prevention system are determined by the most important requirements for it (achieving the greatest efficiency in the use of electronic equipment, the minimum cost of carrying out preventive work)

Preventive measures carried out during the operation of electronic equipment may differ in frequency, method of implementation and organization of the scope of work, however, all systems of preventive measures must satisfy some basic requirements:

1. The system of preventive measures must ensure the required level of reliability of the equipment in use

2. The time allocated for carrying out preventive maintenance should be optimal from the point of view that increasing the time for carrying out preventive maintenance increases equipment downtime, and reducing the time reduces the quality of its implementation

3. From an organizational and technical point of view, the adopted prevention should ensure the operation of the equipment with a minimum of operating costs

Depending on what principles are used as the basis for determining the frequency of work, all systems of preventive measures can be divided into 2 groups: routine and calendar

Service system used for preventive work, May be:

1. Maintenance system that provides for breaks in the use of electronic equipment

2. REO maintenance system in working order

3. Continuous service system

Maintenance system that provides for breaks in the operation of electronic equipment

Intermittent maintenance is carried out if, for structural and functional reasons, it is necessary to turn off the REO to perform maintenance operations. During operation, the REO can be in one of three states: intended use, prevention, restoration, therefore the quality of the service system can be assessed either by the equipment utilization rate or by the efficiency of the REO operation

Maximum parameter values ​​in this system are achieved with optimal duration and frequency of maintenance work.

This type of maintenance system is used for maintenance of on-board electronic equipment.

Every car owner and potential buyer has thought more than once in his life about which car (make and model) is really of high quality and will live a long life. It is impossible to get a definite answer to this question, but we can say that any equipment is capable of operating uninterruptedly for a long period of time if scheduled maintenance is not skipped or left for later. You should never forget about this. The main task of maintenance is to maintain the normal operation of the machine. It includes small complex work to check parts, find faults and fix them immediately. And also special attention is paid to appearance.

Many owners barely differentiate between repair and maintenance. It is necessary to clarify once again that the latter is a preventive measure, a way to prevent many “diseases” of the car.

Types of preventive measures

So, maintenance is carried out in several ways:

  • forcibly;
  • according to plan;
  • after reaching a certain mileage;
  • at will or need, regardless of the technical condition of the car.

There are certain types of maintenance that are documented:

  • E.O. These letter symbols indicate that the vehicle is checked every day.
  • TO-1 and TO-2. Has a simple explanation of the acronym - maintenance #1 and #2.
  • CO. It's about checking every season.

They all differ in a different set of tasks, goals and solutions, as well as different maintenance intervals. The last criterion depends on the make of the car, its model, as well as the time general operation. Prevention should be carried out more often if the car is driven off-road, actively used in the winter and in the summer, when the air temperature is too high. TO-1 and TO-2 are carried out, as a rule, after reaching a certain mileage. When starting the inspection, the conditions under which the vehicle was moving are also taken into account: climate, terrain and other determining factors.

Daily Maintenance

EO is carried out every day after a long trip. The main task of the repairmen is to bring the appearance of the car into proper shape, the internal parts into the correct condition, checking the tank and filling it completely with gasoline, adding oil, water and air. Tires must also be inspected and replaced if necessary. Although you can do this yourself, you still need to observe the frequency of maintenance.

Main daily maintenance tasks:

  • maintaining and improving the appearance of the car;
  • monitoring the filling of the tank and its refueling;
  • regulation of the oil that is necessary for engine operation;
  • checking the brake system and cooling system of the unit;
  • control of washer fluid.

The cost of daily maintenance sometimes reaches high figures, so not everyone wants to bring their “swallow” to the station every day. This is quite logical, and one can understand such a driver. However, the car should be taken for preventative measures at least once or twice every two weeks.

First maintenance

TO-1 includes a complex of all operations that are included in the daily preventive examination. At the same time, an additional amount of various lubrication, fastening and other maintenance work of this type is performed. However, the removal of various devices - the unit or other important mechanisms - is not planned. The car is not examined in more detail.

Second maintenance

Of course, TO-2 includes all the work performed during the first service. Additionally, a “deep” inspection is performed, during which more parts are examined separately and replaced if necessary.

Seasonal inspections

Equipment maintenance is carried out at stations during the transition to winter and summer period. In a stable and comfortable climate (for example, in central Russia), no problems arise when inspecting and replacing the necessary elements. Most important works Seasonal inspections include replacing windshield washer fluid and changing tires. It is also not uncommon for the body to be treated against corrosion.

In regions where the climate is merciless, workers at service stations change engine oil depending on the upcoming season. An ordinary liquid, which is supposedly intended for any time of year, due to constant temperature fluctuations environment changes its consistency. For example, due to severe frosts, it becomes like thick honey. Subsequently, it will be difficult (or impossible) to start the car. In the summer, you should use just such an oil, since the winter one loses all its properties and becomes useless.

Maintenance work

When repairs and maintenance are carried out, any machine is diagnosed, after which the following work is performed:

  • checking fastenings of parts and elements;
  • checking the tank's fullness;
  • diagnostics of electrical wiring and compliance of the paper circuit with the real one;
  • control check of the vehicle's performance and complete final diagnostics;
  • adjustment work;
  • lubrication works.

What should you pay attention to before your trip?

When leaving the garage, the driver must be confident in the functionality of each vehicle system. That is why you should pay attention to the following nuances that will help maintain special maintenance intervals:

  • body and complete equipment of the car;
  • correct location of side mirrors and their presence;
  • license plates and their readability (it is important that they are not stained with dirt);
  • the presence of locks on the doors, trunk and hood and their stable operation;
  • full serviceability of all electrical systems (windshield wipers, headlights, etc.);
  • availability of all necessary liquids;
  • tightness of systems;
  • normal operation of the steering wheel;
  • correct operation of measuring instruments.


The first thing you need to do is monitor your tire pressure. Not only the long service life of the wheels, but also the safety of the driver depends on this.

We need to pay attention to the following factors, which will help identify problems.

  • The maintenance system includes checking both side and center treads for wear. The cause of this problem may be excessive tire pressure. It should be adjusted to get rid of unnecessary problems and rapid wear.
  • Simultaneous wear on both sides. This is facilitated by sharp and constant cornering. If your tire pressure is incorrect, the problem gets worse.
  • Wear on one side only. You need to pay attention to the wheel alignment.

Electrical systems

The most common problems occur with the battery. If you check it every day, it is quite easy to avoid the problem:

  • Operation and maintenance include accurate battery testing. If you do this manually, you should definitely familiarize yourself with safety precautions.
  • The device should be kept clean at all times, free of contamination and debris.
  • In winter, be sure to lubricate the battery with special lubricant.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the tray. If corrosion appears, it must be removed using a saline solution. When the metal succumbs to destruction, it is best to treat the surface with a liquid containing zinc, and then paint it.
  • The battery charge level should be checked every three months.

Thanks to these tips, the car will start like a clock in any frost.

Brake system

Whatever the maintenance frequency, the brake system should be checked for leaks constantly, and the more often the better. After all, few people want to find out about a malfunction while driving, when the car simply refuses to respond to the driver’s desire to stop. When checking, remember that the liquid is dangerous and can easily harm your eyes.

When pouring a new solution, it should be taken into account that it should not stand open to the air for a long time. Otherwise, the latter will get into the liquid, and it will be difficult to brake.


Of course, the engine is an important component of any car. It should be checked as often as the brake system. Any type of maintenance includes an inspection of the unit in its list of tasks.

  • You need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the engine as a whole.
  • You should not forget about liquids that need to be constantly topped up and their condition monitored.
  • The drive belts must be Special attention.
  • The ignition system should not be ignored either. And it’s best to even replace the spark plugs, which will soon complete their service life.
  • The air filter must also be checked and replaced if necessary.
  • Replacing and maintaining the functionality of the fuel filter is also included in the list of tasks at the service station during a scheduled check. Particular attention should be paid to leakage. It shouldn’t exist, which, in principle, is quite logical and understandable to every driver.

With the engine, it is better if the driver does not understand the car system well, not to work independently. Maintenance tools used at the stations allow monitoring and replacement of parts in half the time.

Engine oil

Before checking the engine oil, the vehicle must be installed correctly. The process should be started either before turning on the engine, or five minutes after turning it off. When purchasing oil, you should pay attention to whether it is suitable for the installed type of unit. After all, modern technology is too demanding and capricious in such matters. If the driver notices that he constantly has to change the oil (too often), then he needs to look for the leak. Sometimes it happens that the latter could not be detected. In this case, we can talk about wear of the pistons in the engine. Regular maintenance intervals will help you notice any existing problems. But some models themselves require oil changes too often. You should consult a service station employee or read the instructions. It is recommended to constantly maintain the oil level at a medium level. If there is too little fluid, then there is a possibility of damaging the seal.

Coolant level

Until the engine has cooled down completely, do not open the radiator grille or reservoir. Hot steam and liquid can damage body parts of the driver or service station worker. The substance should be added through the tank. You cannot leave the canister open unattended, as it poses a danger to the environment (contains poison).

Power steering fluid

To check the condition of the power steering fluid, place the car on level ground. Before turning off the unit, you need to turn the steering wheel to its extreme position during idle and place the wheel system in the direction of straight-line motion. In order to test the fluid and obtain correct and accurate results, it is necessary to fix the control wheel in a certain position, and the engine must be warmed up to average operating temperature.

Why is it so important to visit a service station?

The machine is constantly exposed to dust, sunlight, and also experiences vibrations. This applies to any car, even if drivers try to drive only on smooth roads. Those machines that sit idle for a long time without operation deteriorate much faster than those that are used frequently. Of course, the main parts will not become unusable, but the rubber elements will age over time and will have to be replaced. Therefore, if a car with a mileage of 3 thousand km has been sitting in the garage for a long time, it must first be taken to the station to carry out maintenance. The service station has enough equipment, and employees will carry out the work in a short time.

(MRO) - a set of regulations, rules, organizational and technical measures for the technical care and repair of equipment, carried out according to a pre-drawn up plan.

The MRO system provides for the following types of equipment maintenance and repair work.

® Maintenance(TO) – a set of operations to maintain the operability of equipment and ensure its technical parameters during operation. Such maintenance is performed by production workers and maintenance personnel on duty. In this case, the following technical operations are provided:

Oil change and replenishment;

Adjustment of mechanisms;

Elimination of minor faults;

Lubrication of rubbing surfaces;

Accuracy check;

Tests (for lifting machines, electrical equipment, etc.).

® Remon t is a set of operations to restore parameters technical specifications equipment and ensuring its further operation. Repairs are distinguished:

Current (small and medium);


Small (current) repair - involves replacing or restoring wearing parts and adjusting mechanisms.

Average (current) repair – involves partial disassembly of equipment, replacement and restoration of worn parts. Performed without removing equipment from the foundation.

Major renovation- requires complete disassembly and repair of all basic parts, replacement of worn parts and assemblies, restoration of some parts, checking them for accuracy.

Modernization equipment is usually combined with major repairs. Modernization helps reduce equipment obsolescence and is carried out in the following main areas:

Mechanization and automation of work cycle management;

Increasing the power, speed and capacity of working equipment;

Expansion of technological capabilities;

Increasing operational reliability, durability and accuracy of work;

Equipped with loading and feeding mechanisms;

Improving working conditions.

The functioning of the system of scheduled preventive maintenance is based on certain standards that allow you to plan the volume of repair work, priority, timing, labor intensity, etc. The main standards of the system include:

2. Duration of the repair cycle.

3. Structure of the repair cycle.

4. Duration of the overhaul period.

5. Duration of the inter-examination period.

6. Labor intensity of repair work (time standards).

7. Standards for equipment downtime for repairs.

Under category of repair complexity understands the degree of difficulty of repairing a unit (piece of equipment), which depends on its technical and design features. The category of repair complexity is indicated by the letter R and the number in front of it.

Repair cycle duration – this is the duration of equipment operation from its commissioning to the first major overhaul or between two major overhauls.

Repair cycle structure - list and sequence of inspection and repair work during the repair cycle (from putting equipment into operation until the first major overhaul or between two major overhauls). For example, the structure of the repair cycle of a belt conveyor is as follows (Fig. 1):

K – O –O - O - M – O – O – O – M – O – O – O – S

– O – O – O – M – O – O – O – M - O – O – O – K

K – major repairs; O – inspection; M – current (minor) repairs;

C - current (medium) repair

Figure 1 – Structure of the belt conveyor repair cycle

Duration of the overhaul period – the period of equipment operation between the next two scheduled repairs.

Duration of the inter-examination period – the period of equipment operation between two regular inspections or between an inspection and the next scheduled repair.

The standard time for one repair unit (the complexity of repair work) is established for the types of repair work (washing, checking for accuracy, inspection, inspection before major repairs, current and major repairs) differentiated for plumbing, machine tools and other work.

The rate of equipment downtime for current (small and medium) and major repairs is set in days based on one unit of repair complexity, taking into account the shift work of repair teams.

Three known method of carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance equipment:

1) post-examination;

2) periodic;

3) standard (forced).

At post-examination In the repair method, equipment is periodically inspected. Based on the inspection data, the duration and type of repair are determined. The frequency of inspections is determined based on the estimated service life of parts and assemblies. The volume, timing and cost of repair work are not planned in advance. The method differs in the specific content of the scope of work. The method is the most accurate, but requires a long shutdown of the equipment.

With the method periodic repairs, types and timing of repair work, and calendar plans equipment shutdowns are planned based on the minimum service life of parts and assemblies. During equipment inspections, the nature and content of repair work is clarified and defective statements are drawn up. The advantage of the method is the combination of low costs with short downtime for repairs. This method is most common in metallurgical plants.

Method standard (forced) repair consists in establishing a repair cycle in advance, maintaining each repair separately, and is applied to equipment operating in extreme conditions And automatic lines. The method involves carrying out each type of repair and its required volume within a strictly defined time frame, regardless of the condition of the equipment, which requires an increase in the supply of replaceable parts and assemblies.

Current and major repairs are carried out using unit, unit and bench methods.

The nodal method involves replacing entire units of machines and equipment with new or pre-repaired ones during repairs.

The aggregate method is that failed individual equipment units are replaced with spare (previously repaired) or new ones. This method allows you to dramatically reduce equipment downtime during repairs, since repairs basically boil down to removing a failed unit from the equipment and replacing it with a previously repaired one.

In the bench method, repairs and assembly are carried out on equipped special stands.

An annual equipment repair plan is developed in the enterprise's OGM for each workshop for each piece of equipment with the direct participation of shop mechanics. The plan for each piece of equipment indicates:

Name and inventory number of the equipment;

Duration of interrepair and interinspection periods in months (or hours);

Type and date of the last repair (inspection) performed in the base year;

Type and calendar dates for planned repairs and inspections;

Labor intensity of repair work in hours;

Downtime of each piece of equipment in scheduled repairs throughout the year in days.

The procedure for developing a repair plan is shown in Fig. 2.

Based on the annual plan, a monthly repair plan is drawn up for each workshop. It is developed by OGM together with the workshop mechanic. The monthly equipment repair plan must be agreed with production plans main and auxiliary workshops.

The system of basic technical and economic indicators of the repair facilities of a metallurgical enterprise includes the following indicators:

1. Equipment downtime for repairs per repair unit. It is determined by dividing the total downtime in the repair of all equipment by the number of repair units of equipment repaired throughout the year.

2. The average number of repair units of installed equipment per repairman.

3. The volume of repair work in conventional repair units, per average repairman. This indicator characterizes the labor productivity of repairmen.

4. The average volume of repair work in hours per repairman. It also characterizes the labor productivity of repairmen.

5. Cost of repair of one repair unit.

6. Turnover of spare parts fleet.

7. Number of accidents, breakdowns and unscheduled repairs per unit of equipment.

Figure 2 – Procedure for developing a repair plan

Improving the quality of repair service, reducing the cost of its implementation, and reducing equipment downtime during repairs can be achieved through continuous improvement of the organization of the enterprise’s repair facilities, the main areas of which include:

§ improving the organization of work for repair personnel;

§ increasing the level of mechanization and improving equipment repair technology;

§ creation of specialized repair teams;

§ advanced training of repairmen;

§ maximum combination in time of individual repair work.