How to decide whether to change jobs or not. How to decide to change jobs? Reasons for changing fields of activity and advice from psychologists. Life stories

Usually people stick to their own workplace because they are afraid of being left without work. For example, a person works as a salesman in a store, receives a meager salary, and is very tired. So he stands behind the counter and thinks: “I’m so sick of everything! I work hard like a horse, and the salary is meager! Do I need to change jobs? But where to go? Where do they pay better? And will they take me to a higher-paying job?”

This person has friends and acquaintances who cannot find any work for themselves. He looks at them and thinks: “Look, Vasya hasn’t been able to find any work for a year now. But I at least have some. Yes, it doesn’t suit me. Yes, I’m already sick of looking at these pantaloons for grandmothers that I sell . But nevertheless, I have a stable monthly salary, which is enough for me to buy the same black bread and a pack of salt a month. At least I won’t die of hunger. But Vasya has been drinking only tap water for a month now, and starting Monday he will switch to rain water altogether, since they promise to turn off the water supply to his apartment for non-payment.”

And to be honest, I can understand this man. He lives by the principle: " Better tit in his hands than a pie in the sky." He has something to lose. He has a friend Vasya, looking at whom you understand that selling pantaloons for grandmothers is not the worst thing that can happen in life.

If you’re interested, I can tell you what I personally concluded about changing jobs:

Only a highly qualified and sought-after specialist can afford to change jobs like gloves.

If you, Dima85, are like that, then don’t be afraid to change jobs. You definitely won’t be left without a piece of bread. But if you are a low-demand specialist, of whom there are thousands in line at the labor exchange looking for a job, then it would be better to think a hundred times before writing a letter of resignation.

And there is no need to be afraid of the new team - you will join in, just as you once joined your current team. And don't be afraid to mess up. After all, only those who do nothing make mistakes.

Good luck, brother!

I would like to add one more point. Otherwise, my answer looks like unclaimed or low-demand specialists are destined to spend their entire lives in low-paid positions. This is wrong.

In fact, anyone can change jobs. Simply, if a sought-after specialist can afford to quit his job high paying job because he decided to go on a trip for three months in the summer, then a low-demand employee must first prepare good ground: find a new job, agree with the employer that he will definitely hire him. Then just quit, but not at will or by agreement of the parties, but by transfer to another job. Something like this...

A beloved and decently paid job is one of the main conditions for the well-being of most of us. And we do not strive to change anything, not noticing that something is irreversibly changing around us: new people come, working conditions change, new tasks appear, wages that once seemed quite acceptable depreciate. But many of us choose not to notice that the time has come to change jobs and move forward until the situation becomes absolutely unbearable.

Meanwhile, changing jobs requires good preparation. And you should not search for a better job when you are absolutely exhausted physically and mentally. And then, when you are still able to leisurely think about your actions and, based on your experience, begin searching for a job that will satisfy your professional ambitions. What are the signs that it’s really time to change jobs?

You don't have enough time to live

Let's say you systematically climbed the career ladder, gaining experience and increasing your financial status. And everything seemed to work out, but the pace of life grew so that gradually there was no time left, and, most importantly, no strength to spend the money they earned tastefully and generally get at least some joy from life.

Or another situation: you never aspired to become a boss, but as a result of upheaval, a change in company management, the departure of experienced employees and the arrival of young ones, you became one. And now you are literally burning out at work. You feel that you cannot relax for a minute, that all responsibility lies with you, and there is more and more work, and the pace is only growing. And at some point you realize that you belong to yourself only at the moment when you take a shower in the morning and evening. But you're used to receiving high salary, and the thought that not everyone manages to occupy such a high position does not allow you to stop, and you continue to run like a squirrel in a wheel. Think about it, do you really want to continue living like this?

You are not being promoted

It happens that the work, in general, suits you, the tasks are interesting, and everything works out. But a year or two passes, and younger employees become your bosses, and no one is going to promote you up the career ladder. It's even more frustrating if you were preparing to take on a more responsible position, and your boss even let you know that you were up for a promotion, but when the coveted position became available, someone else took it.

This is a good reason to find a place where you will be more appreciated. By the way, experienced personnel officers advise career-oriented specialists not to stay in one place for more than 2-3 years. It is this schedule of job changes, in their opinion, that provides the fastest and most reliable career growth.

Your opinion is not valued, and the most exciting tasks go to others

Let's assume that you did not aspire to become a leader. You would be quite happy with the position you are in. Only here in Lately all promising and creative tasks, in which you could fully reveal your potential, are entrusted not to you, but to someone else. You get the most routine and uninteresting work.

Or even worse: you used to be part of a pool of specialists whom managers always invited to meetings to discuss the company’s development strategy. Now at these meetings they do without you, and colleagues have ceased to be interested in your opinion.

There is no need to waste your nerves trying to figure out why you fell out of favor. But, most likely, this is a clear signal that you need to look for another job.

Your salary is too low

Face the truth: do your labor costs correspond to the salary you receive? Sometimes a low salary is completely justified if you work from home, remotely, and your responsibilities are such that you manage to do all the work in just a couple of hours a day, and devote the rest of the time to your business and hobbies. If you fully devote yourself to work 8 hours a day, then your salary should be appropriate.

There are, of course, exceptions. Sometimes work brings so much satisfaction that people are ready to do it literally at their own expense. A political scientist I know, an expert on terrorism, drug trafficking and nuclear weapons, who constantly appears on TV screens, honestly admits: “Despite the fact that I don’t know a more exciting job than mine, you need to understand that political science activity and work at the Academy of Sciences can be considered purely as leisure if we look at it all from an economic point of view. Political science brings in absolutely no income. Therefore, I am forced to realize my economic potential in some other field, outside of political science. I like teaching. I have been teaching since I was 16 years old. in English and developed his own methodology, which is now distributed via the Internet. This allows me to do what I love, political science.”

But if you still work not so much for interest as for money, then learn to clearly realize the moment when wages cease to satisfy you. And then don’t wait, but immediately go look for another job!

You have deeply personal reasons for changing jobs

There are many other reasons for changing jobs, and the main thing is to be well aware of them, warns psychologist Elena Leontyeva. She advises approaching the problem of changing jobs absolutely pragmatically.

“Before changing jobs, a person should take a good look at whether changing jobs is their desired goal,” she says. - It happens that a person in crisis begins to change everything - breaks off relationships, changes place of residence, job. And he may lose important life support. Therefore, it is worth starting the analysis with whether a change in place of work is the change that is overdue. And you definitely shouldn’t rush and leave work “emotionally” as a result of conflicts. A calm and completely selfish decision must be made.”

If you decide - yes, exactly professional activity requires “upgrading” now, then the next point is to determine what exactly is “upgrading”: working conditions, salary, new options in the profession, search for new people? Perhaps you are actually looking for a date or friends (adults most often find a date at work). Then go where there is a choice of available men and women, because there are always ways to make inquiries about the team in which you will work. Don't fool yourself about your true motivation! Being honest with yourself guarantees success.

To summarize, Elena advises: look for exactly the place that meets only your own desires. These could be very simple things - for example, a convenient office closer to home, or a flexible work schedule. If you are bored at work, go where the workload is greater. If you go for professional development– look for a place where you will do something that you have never done before, something that will challenge you and ensure development. Don't be lazy to spend time on interviews, this is a very useful skill!

It is important to leave on time: life is finite and each of us does not have much time for active professional activities. So don't waste your time and don't be afraid of anything!

Tatiana Rubleva

Reasons for changing jobs. Further actions after changing jobs. This is what you and I will discuss

From time to time, all of us are struck by the thought of whether to change our job, or even our field of activity?! The reasons for this can be very different: work is not going well, everything is falling out of hand, relationships in the team are not satisfactory, wage, poor working conditions, constant stress or ordinary fatigue. Sometimes, even after achieving a certain level of satisfaction with material goods, some people really begin to think about dreams that have not been realized. A new hobby is always a challenge that excites the blood. And if good money is paid for emotional stagnation, this is not a reason to bury yourself alive.

Psychologically, a change of profession is always a parting with something already familiar and at the same time a step towards something new and confusing. And you need to start by trying to understand yourself. The most important thing in this case is to correctly analyze the reasons why you would like to change jobs and evaluate how compelling and objective these reasons are. It is also important to never make hasty decisions that can lead to irreversible consequences.

When should you not change jobs?

You shouldn't change jobs because you're just tired. Many people decide to leave work or change their field of activity precisely because of accumulated fatigue. Better take another vacation and get some rest. As a rule, after resting things don't seem so bad. You should not change your job because colleagues with whom you communicated well left. Undoubtedly, losing like-minded people and friends is not easy, but in this situation you can simply try to build good relationships with other work colleagues.

You shouldn’t leave work to “annoy” someone, to show that without you it will be extremely difficult to successfully implement a project or do some work. You won’t prove anything to anyone with this childishness, but you will certainly harm yourself.

You shouldn't change jobs just because you could earn more in that position elsewhere. Of course, the material side is very important, but analyze other working conditions, the possibility career growth in the future, the availability of certain bonuses.

You shouldn't change jobs because your friends and family think you deserve something better. After all, you work not for them, but for yourself, and only you know what is good for you and what is not. Yes, they give advice, sincerely hoping that they are helping you, but they are guided solely by their life experience. Mine, not yours. Therefore, do not forget to remind yourself from time to time that you have to live your own life yourself, and not numerous advisers.

You shouldn't necessarily change jobs because you can't stand management. You are not obliged and should not love or dislike someone, but build business relationship and it’s still worth following the basic rules of etiquette. Try to perform your duties flawlessly, and this will minimize communication with management.

You should not recklessly change your field of activity. You spent a lot of time and effort to achieve certain heights in your profession, and even invested a lot of money in education, but lately you feel that you are exhausted, that there is some disgust in your attitude towards the profession... But don’t you feel sorry for everyone material and moral investments that you have made over all these years in maintaining and developing your professional excellence? Here it’s worth recalculating everything again and understanding what is more valuable: past investments or today’s and future emotional losses?

Before you think about making a complete career change, you need to make some attempts to improve your working conditions. Start by making a list of the things you like and don't like about your job. If from what has been written it follows that you can’t stand your boss, or you hate the “9-18” work schedule, or the location of your work does not suit you, then the problem will be solved quickly as soon as you change these conditions. In other words, it is not your career that you need to change, but your place of work itself.

But if you are convinced that all your problems stem from the very nature of your profession, then the following steps should help you on the path to a career change.

What to do next?

First of all, you need the right psychological attitude. You shouldn't feel like you're running away from a career you don't enjoy. Your main motivation should not be the desire to leave a boring task as quickly as possible, but the very thought of moving towards a cherished goal, towards the fulfillment of longed desires, which the time has come to begin to come true. Otherwise, having the wrong view, you may take up a new interesting activity, which over time you will begin to hate just as much as the previous one.

Try to take tests to determine your professional aptitude and attitude to your current service. Similar tests can be easily found on the Internet, in specialized newspapers and magazines. Remember what subjects you loved at school, what areas you were interested in and continue to be interested in, what hobby has stuck with you for many years. Pay attention to which magazines and newspapers attract your attention: technical, financial, psychological? What Internet sites do you visit most often? All of these little details are great clues in finding your real deal.

Make a list of core values future profession. There is no need to go into details, just indicate that you want to engage in, for example, literary creativity or grow something. Indicate on paper where you want to work: at home, in an institution, or somewhere else. Be sure to indicate which conditions are completely unacceptable to you. For example, paperwork, sitting at the computer for many hours, strict work schedules, etc.

Now combine all the values, unpleasant moments, interests, and skills you have formulated. Try to see the only right direction that suits you.

Explore all aspects of your future profession. Let's say you love ceramics and think you'll travel the world in search of trinkets and then sell them in your shop. But the fact is that you may be captivated by one aspect of the idea, and the remaining problems associated with this activity may turn out to be completely depressing.

You may have to deal with accounting, which is why you want to quit your job in the first place. Maybe you will have to communicate more with “people in uniforms,” that is, officials. And at your current job, this is already enough to your throat.

Foreign experience

According to research by psychologists, three quarters of Europeans are eager to change their profession. Not to change jobs, but to undergo a complete reorientation. For the average Hans or Louis, it is considered normal to go into, say, cattle breeding after journalism. In addition, in Europe, a long stay at one enterprise sometimes characterizes an employee as unpromising and lazy.

It is possible that you will have to return to your desk. When people want to change their careers, they often need new knowledge. Go to extramural university or evening courses designed specifically for those who cannot complete full training. Do your best to obtain the necessary experience for new activity. It is vital for you to have baggage under your belt.

And never think that your time is up. When asking the question: “Is it too late for me to change jobs?”, listen to yourself - after all, you are still breathing!

How to change jobs correctly? I'M LEAVING, LEAVING...

So, you are determined to change jobs. Moreover, a new place has already been found, they are waiting for you there and you are filled with joyful anticipation of a new bright future. But even if the previous service left a bad taste in your soul, you shouldn’t slam the door loudly when leaving. Who knows how life will turn out? If you soberly assess the situation, most likely, not everything there was so bad. Therefore, if you have finally and irrevocably decided to leave, do not forget about some important little things.

Your boss should be the first to know about your dismissal. And no matter how strong the desire to tell your friend from the next department about what a wonderful offer they made you in another company, and that you have already agreed to it, do not give in! The manager should find out about everything personally from you, and not from the secretary who heard how her girlfriend was under big secret I told this news to my colleague.

No need for criticism. When asked why you decided to leave this company, there is no need to say that your superiors do not appreciate your merits, recall conflicts with colleagues and other negative aspects. Think about it, because in this company you gained a very important experience, and there were probably many more positive aspects than negative ones. It is enough to simply name the real reasons (higher wages, a new interesting position, etc.).

Complete all projects assigned to you. Under no circumstances should you leave the company until you have transferred all your affairs. You should not leave everything as it is, because by doing so you will create a lot of problems for your colleagues who are still there, and they are unlikely to remember you with a kind word after that. Believe me, leaving with a clear conscience is much more pleasant than running away, leaving a bunch of unfinished things. Discuss in advance with the head of your previous company the maximum period for which you can stay in order to transfer matters and explain everything necessary to your successor. The management of a new company usually treats such moments with understanding, in addition (which is very important!), They will see that you are a person they can rely on.

Leave all the material assets that are recorded on you, down to the last paper clip, at work. First, you start new life and you don’t need things from your old job. Secondly, your business reputation more expensive than a few folders and even an office chair, right?

Throw a farewell party with light refreshments to which you invite all your colleagues, even those with whom you have a frosty relationship. Don't be tempted to tell them everything you think about them. Be friendly and at the same time moderately restrained. Thank everyone for the moments you worked side by side. Believe me: the world is small. After all, it may well turn out that in the future you will still have to work with these people or do business with this organization. Pretentious toasts will also be unnecessary. Everything is good in moderation. It is advisable to be among the first to leave the event, and finally, be sure to once again thank your now former colleagues.

The main thing is that if you are firm in your intention to change jobs, nothing can stop you! Try, take risks and don’t doubt - you will definitely be lucky.

Many people sometimes think about changing jobs, but never move from desire to action because of fear of the unknown. People are tormented by doubts: how to change jobs, I’m afraid to change jobs, will I be left without a livelihood? Is it possible to take this step at 30, 40, 50 years old? How to decide to change jobs? Let's try to find answers.

Quitting a job you don't like can be a tough decision.

10 important reasons

There are signs that indicate it's time to look for a new job. Observe what is happening at work, evaluate your attitude towards it. You should consider changing jobs if you find the following:

  1. Small salary. There is no money growth even when you work more than the set hours.
  2. It is forbidden to take initiative at work. You think your ideas are promising, but no one wants to consider them. There is no self-development and career growth.
  3. Everything changed with the arrival of a new boss. The new conditions turned out to be unacceptable.
  4. Desire to change field of activity.
  5. Unbearable atmosphere in work collective. Think about the reason for this situation. It may turn out that the reason is your behavior, and changing your place of activity will not solve the problem.
  6. Poor working conditions: unheated rooms in winter, constant noise. This reason is rarely the main one, it only accompanies other reasons.
  7. Health suffers. The computer damages the eyes, carrying heavy loads undermines physical strength. The desire to protect your health is a worthy reason to change jobs.
  8. Suspicion of dismissal. It’s right to start preparing in advance so that after a fateful conversation with your boss you can leave without feeling any shame or guilt.
  9. Friends invited me to a new job with better conditions and salary. It's worth thinking about.
  10. The word “work” disgusts you; you go to work with great dissatisfaction.

There is a desire, but no determination

Work is an important part of life, so changing it can be difficult. Analyze the situation you are in now. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of your of this work. Be determined if you realize that there are too many shortcomings and you need to look for a new source of income. Start your path to a new life, the advice of a psychologist will help you take the first step.

If you have found several reasons to quit, but don’t quit, then this advice will come in handy:

  1. Psychology suggests taking “small steps” to achieve your goal. Write your resume on Monday. On Tuesday, select 3-4 vacancies. Submit your resumes on Wednesday. Call on Thursday possible employer. Go to an interview on Friday.
  2. Take some time and imagine in detail that you have already quit and are working in a new place. If you want to change your profession, devote a little time every day to the responsibilities that you imagine you will have in your new job.
  3. Ask yourself every day: do I need what I do? Do I want to continue doing this? What do I really want to do? If you realize that all this time you have not been doing what you wanted, do not be upset - you have acquired a work permit and personal experience, now use it to change your life.
  4. Think about what you work for: for yourself and your development or for colleagues, family, friends? The decision to quit your job or stay should be yours alone.

Motivation to change jobs


  1. If you are not going to be fired in the next few days, there is no point in leaving rashly. Changing a job to a similar one does not make sense. Think about what you don’t like here, what you want and want to find in a new place. Take a piece of paper and write down the pros and cons of your current job. Analyze your answers.
  2. If you decide to change careers, learn the details of the new profession and your competitiveness before you take the first step. If this profession is not valued in the labor market, it is worth considering it not as the main source of income, but as a part-time job or hobby.
  3. Write a resume and prepare answers to possible questions from the employer. If your first interviews don't go well, don't get discouraged. Try again and work on yourself.
  4. Before the interview, practice in front of a friend or in front of a mirror. Look the interviewer in the eyes, smile, remain calm and confident. Think of the interview as a performance and yourself as an inexperienced but talented actor.
  5. Before the interview, prepare the questions you want answered: salary, schedule, requirements, etc. It is important not only to please the interviewer, but also to evaluate the company’s conditions yourself before deciding to sign an employment contract.
  6. Search actively. Constantly call, send your resume, contact HR departments.
  7. You shouldn’t leave behind a bad opinion or quarrel with your colleagues or boss. Try to maintain a good relationship with them.

Frequency of activity changes

Employers are suspicious of applicants who have changed their place of business several times over the course of a year. The wariness is understandable: no one wants to invest in a person who will leave in a few months. Such applicants will be asked in detail why they left.

In most vacancies, one of the requirements is to have at least 3 years of work experience. Employers who make such requirements believe that during this time the employee fully reveals his capabilities and fully understands his responsibilities. Some people will not want to accept into their company a person who has worked in their previous position for 3 or 5 years.

Employers will notice a break in professional activity, especially if it was more than a year, and will definitely ask questions about it. If there are no objective reasons for dismissals or interruptions, then success in the interview is more difficult to achieve.

Job changes should occur no more often than once every 2-4 years


Successful professional activity gives us the right to be proud of ourselves. We don't always like our work. If it negatively affects physical and emotional health and does not allow development, then changing the type of activity is a worthy solution.

You leave your home in the morning in order to spend the whole day at work, which has not pleased you for a long time. You imagine with horror the production atmosphere that you will have to plunge into again. Maybe it's finally time to quit and change jobs? “Goodbye, fed up boss! Continue to remain surrounded by obedient, uncomplaining humanoid robots! I’m going in search of a better destiny!”

We decided to present a list of serious reasons for leaving work and rebooting the life cycle.

There is a desire, but no determination

Let's imagine a standard situation. The average citizen has been going to the same workshop or office for forty years to perform certain ordinary actions. At home he has one team, but at work - a completely different one. Pendulum swing. A work schedule brought to the point of automaticity, followed by a dull rest in an apartment with a TV. Question: How much patience does a citizen have?

The decision to throw everything to hell and do something more interesting and useful does not come out of nowhere and suddenly. For many people, the decision to quit their job takes many months or even years to decide.

✓On the one hand, many of us want a change of scenery and festive novelty.

✓On the other hand, the fear of change does not allow a person to flap his wings and rush into the unknown.

Changing jobs is not a trivial action. This is an important life step that a person has to decide on personally. He needs to take full responsibility for the difficult choice. No one is immune from costs. At the same time, the winnings may exceed all expected results.

Ten situations that force you to make a decision

1. Work that contributes to a bad mood

“How quickly the weekend flies! It's already Sunday. After lunch my mood began to deteriorate thoroughly. It's simple - the hour of reckoning for the rest provided is approaching. In the morning you have to go to work. Even the very thought of this brings me unbearable suffering!

You can't even imagine it great amount sufferers who have to go through something similar. There is nothing worse than a profession that makes you sick. No monetary reward will compensate you for your losses. peace of mind. Why this is so is the most important question that you will have to answer honestly.

If you accumulate negative impressions at work, they will have to find a way out. Most likely, it will be at home, with family. This means that a bad mood will accompany you everywhere. The world will turn into hell. Smart people say that man is created for happiness, but where to get it from?

ADVICE. To avoid such a sad result, isn't it better to just change jobs? Reboot yourself in a new positive way.

2. You are not capable of becoming a mirror of the work collective

As an employee, you are an integral part of the company, representing its interests and values. In any case, this is how it should look ideally. What does it mean?

You will have to constantly check activities against the general production course. Woe to the worker who has not learned this simple truth. But there are also such unpleasant aspects as:

✓low wages;
✓bullying of work colleagues;
✓unfair punishments and dismissal for minor offenses;
✓psychological costs feedback with the client;
✓a lot of shortcomings regarding social and industrial relations;
✓dissatisfaction with the impossibility of creatively demonstrating one’s extraordinary abilities.

This is far from full list possible problems. There are many obstacles to standing up for your favorite (unloved) company, protecting it, and not your own interests.

ADVICE. IN long term All these costs promise a lot of trouble. It's time to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

3. The company started having serious problems

Rats are known to be the first to leave a sinking ship. There is an unclear future ahead, but you remain loyal to the company’s management. You don't want to look like a traitor. This, of course, is a manifestation of everyday naivety. You are an ordinary worker. All the high-calorie cream is licked without you. Management has long been insured against future adversity. You are not included in the company's profit. Solid red lights warning of imminent bankruptcy - isn't this a reason to transfer from an unreliable ship to your own little life-saving boat?

ADVICE. You want to remain without severance pay and search for new job at the most inopportune moment in your life? Do everything on time.

4. The boss decided to make you a “workhorse”

Overtime work for three people, performing unusual functions, emergency work, change work schedule. Probably many of us have encountered such blatant lawlessness. Sometimes this practice pays off, but most often it doesn't. Each employer sets labor Relations in my own way. They are often unfair and have destructive goals. For example, your colleague may sit in the smoking room for hours and pretend to be working hard. But you don’t have time to raise your head from the table.

Problems can be resolved through an open conversation with the manager. If the boss has a bad character, it is advisable to show some flexibility in behavior. You should not quit your job without using all available levers of influence on the process.

ADVICE. If the futility of your efforts is determined by the already established dictates of injustice and ignorance, feel free to write a letter of resignation. Work should bring joy, not problems.

5. Lack of career growth

This point is important for those people who dream of moving up the career ladder. Perhaps today's work allows you to live comfortably and even often vacation at famous resorts. But on it you run the risk of remaining an ordinary extra until old age. Many people want dynamics, professional growth and development in the field of management. After all, doing the same thing all your life is simply boring.

ADVICE. In any case, a person needs to respond to the needs of the soul. Look for another job.

6. You're bored

This is a serious problem. Let's say you were unhappy with your previous job, where you were very tired. Too much workload caused you to quit. Having changed your career, at first you were happy - the new place is quiet, calm and has few responsibilities. But over time, you began to feel tired from constant inactivity. Now you want to sleep all the time out of boredom. Surprisingly new profession became the reason for the stability of the feeling of pain and depression.

ADVICE. It will be absolutely correct to replace relaxing activities with work that brings undoubted benefits to the mind, body and soul.

7. Money, money

People go to work, first of all, to ensure their financial independence. In other words, money plays the most important role in choosing a profession. And at the same time - not by bread alone...

Unfortunately, many employees have to sacrifice their creative needs and genuine interests for the sake of material gain. Don't forget that money is the equivalent of your gratitude. labor activity. A reasonable balance is necessary - the choice of profession should be based on internal priorities. At the same time, decent wages are also not in last place.

Is it worth working, for example, social worker just because you want to benefit people in this way? It's up to you to decide. But we have the right to doubt, because you can help humanity in different ways.

Learn to demand decent earnings from your employer. If you are a professional in your field, then you undoubtedly deserve it. You can force your requests to be respected only after you have convinced yourself of this. In any case, only a beginner, just starting out in life, can work for pennies. Once you have become a qualified employee and are worth something in your profession, it makes no sense to work for nothing. This is bad from the point of view of the distribution of vital energy. But money is not the main thing in life.

ADVICE. If you are dissatisfied with your profession, it is time to think about new prospects for the future.

8. Fatigue from mental stress

Leaving a job due to scandals, industrial disputes and inability to find mutual language with a team is not such a rarity. However, accumulated stress cannot be an excuse for throwing a pen or hammer at a colleague in a fit of anger. You'll have to search hard for the root of yours and common problems. Why has psychological overload reached such alarming levels?

You can easily burn out in any job. And then the question of applying for leave will arise. You may need an urgent vacation. Or even a radical change of profession.

ADVICE. Consult a psychologist. After all, you have no guarantee that in your new workplace you will stop taking your anger out on your future colleagues.

9. Collective Nightmare

In any closed society, the preconditions are created for the creation of an invisible hierarchy of authorities. , ridicule, pranks - this is only the beginning of a long list of what a newcomer can encounter in a team, especially without work experience. He will have to decide - to develop defense tactics and continue to fulfill his labor functions or change jobs.

Please note that interspecies struggle sometimes increases self-esteem and a sense of satisfaction. The solution to the problem does not lie in replacing the team, since the same difficulties may await you at a new place of work.

Strength and confidence are acquired in mortal fights for life. Nevertheless, there are cases when the search for a new place of work is energetically justified by the fact that it makes no sense to fight with the entire team.

ADVICE. It is honorable to be a lone warrior, but only for a short period. Health must be protected with all diligence and preferably from a young age.

10. Work has lost its meaning

If you want to be happy and healthy, look for a job you like, in which you can show yourself as an extraordinary person. The ideal option is to combine a well-paid job and a favorite hobby. This is a guarantee of using all internal reserves to the maximum. A person should rest at work and work during rest. This is only possible with creative dedication. Issues of labor cost and prestige are, of course, important, but only secondary.

ADVICE. Pride, satisfaction and motivation are a fee in themselves. At a particular workplace you do not have the above components? Then think about where to find them.

Conclusion. Work is life itself

If the reader does not catch the main idea, we will be happy to formulate it. It's simple. Work is not about earning money to live. This is life itself. Anyone who has mastered this postulate is already happy. He won't need our advice.