Periodicals - complete list. Electronic libraries and journals on history Cardiology: news, opinions, training

Bibliographical notes and historiographical articles.

Historical periodicals are represented by publications addressed primarily to historians and readers particularly interested in history. These are mainly magazines. For historians, they are historiographical research and at the same time publishers of various materials on history.

Historical journals perform the function of organizing centers of historical literature (monographic and research; popular science; information and chronicle; reference and bibliographic).

Historical periodicals reflect the entire current life of historical science, its institutions and organizations, professional activity scientists, historical thought of the era.

The first scientific publications on the history of Russia

The prototype of scientific journals in Russia was “Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in the Gazette” (published in 1728-1742) - a monthly supplement to the newspaper “St. Petersburg Gazette”, published by the Academy of Sciences under the editorship of G.F. Miller. In 1755-1765 The first popular science magazine in Russia, “Monthly Works for the Benefit and Entertainment of Employees,” was published, introducing readers to the achievements of science, including history. In 1773-1775 writer N.I. Novikov published in St. Petersburg a multi-volume periodical collection (10 volumes were published) “Ancient Russian Vifliofika (i.e. library - Author) or Collection of various ancient works,” which is considered the predecessor of special historical journals. In 1788-1791 the collection was republished in Moscow in 20 volumes.

The emergence of special scientific and historical periodicals is associated with the activities of circles and societies created at universities. Thus, the Free Russian Assembly, formed at the Imperial Moscow University in 1771, published “Experiments of Works,” in which historical works were published. The Society of History and Russian Studies at Moscow University (OSDR) published in 1815-1937. the first time-based scientific and historical publication “Notes and Proceedings”, in which many primary sources of the ancient history of Russia first appeared. In 1845-1848, and then after a break in 1858-1917. The society published “Readings”, which published valuable sources relating to the 16th-18th and 19th centuries (a total of 260 books were published).

The government's awareness of the importance of historical knowledge raised the question of its propaganda and dissemination. In 1728, a bookstore was opened at the Academy of Sciences. By decree of Emperor Alexander I, the responsibility for publishing ancient chronicles was assigned to the OIDR. In 1818, the publication of the “Proceedings” of the Academy of Sciences began, which had a special historical and philological section. In 1862-1895. “Notes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences” were published. In connection with the need to publish written sources, the foundations of a special discipline were laid - archaeography. Since the 1820s, special archaeographic expeditions have been carried out to identify documents. An unofficial association of scientists, named after its organizer N.P. Rumyantsev - Since 1811, the Rumyantsev circle has been engaged in the search, description and study of handwritten historical monuments.

Historical periodicals of the 19th century.

The growth of public interest in knowledge of Russian history in the first half of the 19th century. led to the fact that many general magazines allocated special sections for relevant materials: “Bulletin of Europe” (1802-1830, editors N.M. Karamzin, then M.T. Kachenovsky), “Son of the Fatherland” (1812-1825, editor N. L.I. Grech), “Domestic Notes” (1818-1830, editor P.I. Svinin), “Northern Archive” (1822-1828, editor F.I. Bulgarin), “Moscow Telegraph” (1825-1834, editor N.A. Polevoy), “Contemporary” (1836-1866), “Moscowite” (1841-1856, editor) and others. They published texts from historical sources and published science articles.

From the middle of the 19th century. Before 1917, several dozen special historical journals appeared in Russia, which were published by individual historians, scientific societies, and scientific and educational institutions. Journals published by societies and institutions were printed at public expense and did not go beyond the boundaries of official constructions and assessments. The most popular magazines were those designed for a wide range of readers, published by individual historians or book publishers and distributed by subscription. For a long time they published: “Russian Archive” (1863-1912, editor-publisher P.I. Bartenev), “Russian Antiquity” (1879-1918, editor M.I. Semevsky), “Historical Bulletin” (1880-1917, editor S.N. Shubinsky, publisher A.S. Suvorin), “The Past” (1900-1904, editor V.L. Burtsev; 1906-1907, editors V.Ya. Bogucharsky and P.E. Shchegolev). Collections were published more or less regularly, among which the most famous are “Collections of the Russian Historical Society” (147 volumes were published from 1867 to 1915). Specialized publications also appeared - archaeological, numismatic, ethnographic, military-historical, historical-literary, historical-art, etc.

Historical periodicals of the 20th century.

After 1917, the publication of certain old magazines continued for some time: “The Voice of the Past” (1913-1923, editors S.P. Melgunov and V.I. Semevsky) and the publication of the magazine “Byloe” (1917-1926, editor P.E. Shchegolev). At the same time, many new periodicals appeared in which sources and scientific articles were published on issues that had previously either not attracted the attention of historians or did not exist as such. One of the first Soviet historical journals was the “Archive of the History of Labor in Russia” (1921-1924), which published materials on history, Agriculture, working conditions, strike movement. Published from 1922 to 1941 by the Central Archive, the Red Archive magazine, the largest and most reputable, had the task of publishing archival materials on the pre-revolutionary period of Russian history, the Great October Socialist Revolution, history Civil War and foreign intervention, on international relations of modern times, on the history of the Bolshevik party. The magazine “Katorga and Exile” (1921-1935), published by the Society of Convicts and Exiled Settlers, published mainly memoir sources on the history of the revolutionary movement in Tsarist Russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Materials on the history of the labor movement for the same period were published in the magazines “Proletarian Revolution” and “Red Chronicle”. The All-Russian Association of Oriental Studies published the magazine “New East” (1922-1930), in which, along with documents, articles, essays, and notes on the history of the peoples of the Soviet and foreign East were published. Many documentary sources on the history of Russian culture and social thought in the 18th - early 20th centuries. saw the light on the pages of the periodical “Literary Heritage” (since 1931). From 1936 to 1954, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences published the “Historical Archives” - collections in which sources on socio-economic issues were published with introductory articles and comments. From 1955 to 1962, a magazine was published under the same name, publishing documents on the history of the USSR.

Along with publications printing primary sources, from the 30s - 40s. XX century A number of scientific and historical journals were published, the main content of which was research articles. “The Marxist Historian” (1926-1941), founded as the organ of the Society of Marxist Historians at the Communist Academy (later published as the organ of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences), covered issues of domestic history and the history of foreign countries. Currently, the magazine is published under the name “Questions of History”. Since 1937, the same institute has published, founded on the initiative of B.D. Grekov’s collection “Historical Notes” (118 volumes were published); Since 1995, the publication has continued under the auspices of the Department of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

An extensive publishing base, financed by the state, allowed in the 60s - 80s. XX century publish special historical magazines in significant circulations: “History of the USSR” (1957-1992), “New and Contemporary History” (from 1957 to the present), “Questions of the History of the CPSU” and others. In those same years, multi-volume collective works saw the light: “History of the USSR”, “ The World History", "Second World War", "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "Essays on the history of historical science in the USSR": on pre-Soviet historiography in 3 volumes (1955-1963) and on the history of historical science of the Soviet period in 2 volumes (1966, 1984) and others.

Since the 90s of the XX century. in historical magazines published in Russian Federation, the issues have changed significantly, which is reflected in the change of names: “History of the USSR” since 1992 began to be called “Domestic History”, and from 2009 to the present it has been published under the name “Russian History”. During these same years, some publications declared continuity with previously published historical magazines: under the name “Historical Archive” it was published new magazine(editor A.A. Chernobaev), which publishes sources on a wide variety of issues. New magazines also appeared. So “Russian archive. History of the Fatherland in testimonies and documents of the 18th - 20th centuries." (founded in 1991, publisher N.S. Mikhalkov) publishes mainly memoirs and personal correspondence. From 1993 to 2003, the publishing magazine “Source. Documents of Russian History", on the pages of which, with introductory articles and comments, sources extracted from archives on a wide range of Russian history were published.

Recommended reading

Barg M.A. Historical consciousness as a problem of historiography

Voronkova S.V. School of Valery Ivanovich Bovykin (On the issue of traditions and innovation in the development of Soviet historical science) // “Russia at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. Materials of scientific readings in memory of Professor V.I. Bovykina. Moscow, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, January 20, 1999." M., 1999

History of Moscow University. 1755-2004 Collection of scientific articles

History of the USSR from ancient times to the present day. T. 1-11. M., 1966-1980

Kovalchenko I.D. Essence and features of socio-historical development // Historical notes. Theoretical and methodological problems of historical research." Vol. 1/119. M., 1995

Kovalchenko I.D., Shiklo A.E.. The crisis of Russian bourgeois historical science in late XIX- early 20th century

Essays on the history of historical science in the USSR. T. 1-5. M., 1955-1985

Rubinshtein N.L. Russian historiography. M., 1941

Sakharov A.M. Historiography of the history of the USSR. Pre-Soviet period. M., 1978

Sokolov A.K. Main trends of modern Russian historiography in the study of the country’s modern history // Ideas of academician I.D. Kovalchenko in the 21st century. Materials of the IV scientific readings in memory of Academician I.D. Kovalchenko. Moscow, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, December 10, 2008.” M., 2009

Cherepnin L.V. Russian historiography before the 19th century. M., 1957

periodicals covering historical issues. The predecessor of the special And. in Russia there was a periodical collection by N. I. Novikov “Ancient Russian Vivliophics” (1st ed., 10 vols., 1773-75, 2nd, 20 vols., 1788-91). In the 19th century appears a large number of special scientific publications, similar in type to I. Zh., published under the titles “Notes ...”, “Proceedings ...”, “Izvestia ...”, “Collection ...”, etc. by various scientific societies and universities (Moscow Society of History and Russian Antiquities (See Moscow Society of History and Russian Antiquities), Russian Historical Society (See Russian Historical Society), Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler (See Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler), Society of History, archeology and ethnography at Kazan University, etc.). Of great importance was the “Historical Collection of the Free Russian Printing House in London,” published by A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev (2 vols., 1859, 1861). First Russian I. J. - “Russian Archive” (1863-1917), “Russian Antiquity” (1870-1918), were also the most significant Russian pre-revolutionary journals, in them, as well as in “Ancient and new Russia"(1875-81), "Historical Bulletin" (See Historical Bulletin) (1880-1917) and "Kievskaya antiquity" (See Kievskaya antiquity) (1882-1906) published a large number of documentary materials on the history of Russia, mainly 18-19 centuries At the beginning of the 20th century. Historical journals appeared that paid a lot of attention to the history of Russian social thought and the revolutionary movement - “The Past” (1906-07, 1917-26), “Past Years” (1908), “The Voice of the Past” (1913-23).

After the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, new historical journals were created, reflecting the process of formation of Marxist historical science and its scientific institutions. The increased public interest in the history of the class struggle, the socialist revolution and the Civil War of 1918-20 was reflected in I. Zh. “Proletarian Revolution”, “Katorga and Exile” (1921-35, organ of the All-Union Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers), “Red Chronicle” (1922-34, 1936-37) and a number of republican magazines (Ukrainian “Chronicle of the Revolution”, 1922-37) 33; Georgian under the same name, 1923-31, etc.). The “Red Archive” (1922-41) became an information journal specifically intended for the publication of archival materials on the history of the USSR; The magazines “Archival Business” (1923-41) and “Apxiivna Prava” (1926-31) were devoted to the theory and practice of archival science. The development of Soviet historical science created a need for specialized historical journals: in archeology (see Archaeological Journals), ethnography (see Ethnographic Journals), Oriental Studies, Slavic Studies, etc. Historical Journals. wide profile “Marxist Historian” (1926-41) and “Class Struggle” (1931-36), covering the achievements of Soviet scientists in various fields of Russian and general history, published by the Society of Marxist Historians. The organ of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences was the “Historical Journal” (1937-45), transformed into “Questions of History”. In the post-war years, new journals emerged: in 1957 - “History of the USSR”, “Questions of the History of the CPSU”. “New and Contemporary History”; in 1959 - “Military Historical Journal”.

In 1955-62, the magazines “Historical Archive” and “Scientific Reports of Higher School. Historical Sciences". I. J. are published by institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Union Republics, Moscow and Leningrad universities. Modern Soviet I.Zh. publish the results latest research Soviet scientists in all areas of historical science, various documents and materials on domestic and world history, information about scientific life in the USSR and abroad, reviews and bibliography.

In 1972, journals were published in the USSR. (the number of issues per year is indicated in brackets): “Bulletin of Ancient History” (4), “Military Historical Journal” (12), “Questions of History” (12), “Questions of the History of the CPSU” (12), “News of the Siberian Branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR". Series of Social Sciences (3), “History of the USSR” (6), “Peoples of Asia and Africa” (6), “Modern and Contemporary History” (6), “Soviet Archeology” (4), “Soviet Ethnography” (6) , “Soviet Archives” (6), “Soviet Slavic Studies” (6), “Bulletin of Leningrad University”. Series History, language and literature (4), “Bulletin of Moscow University”. Episode nine - History (6). Fourteenth series - Oriental Studies (2), “Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR” (in Belarusian with a summary in Russian). Series of social sciences (6), “News of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR” (in Azerbaijani and Russian). Series History, philosophy and law (4), “News of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.” Public series (6), “News of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR.” Series of social sciences (3), “News of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR.” Department of Social Sciences (6), “News of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR” (in Russian and Estonian). Social Sciences (4), “Bulletin of Social Sciences” (in Armenian), Yerevan (12), “Social Sciences in Uzbekistan” (12), “Soviet Finno-Ugric Studies” (materials are published in Russian, English, German, French), Tallinn (4), “Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR” (in Russian and Lithuanian). Series A. Social Sciences (3), “Ukrainian Historical Journal” (in Ukrainian) (12).

Lit.: Essays on the history of historical science in the USSR, vol. 2, p. 610-14, vol. 3, p. 274-78, vol. 4, p. 262-67, M., 1960-66; Dmitriev S.S., Russian historical journals on the history of the USSR, in the book: Dmitriev S.S., Fedorov V.A., Bovykin V.I., History of the USSR during the period of capitalism, M., 1961; Shapiro A.L., Bibliography of the history of the USSR, M., 1968, p. 104-38; Alekseeva G.D., October Revolution and historical science in Russia (1917-1923), M., 1968, p. 39-48; Source study of the history of the USSR XIX - early. XX centuries, M., 1970; Lisovsky N. M., Bibliography of Russian periodicals. 1703-1900, P., 1915, p. 922-25, 955-56, 993-95; Russian periodicals (1895-Oct. 1917). Directory, M., 1957; the same (1702-1894) M., 1959.

Abroad, the first I.J. began to appear in the 1st half of the 19th century. At this time, in many countries (primarily Germany, Denmark, France, Great Britain, USA), along with socio-political magazines general Magazines containing mainly historical materials began to be created. With the development of various areas of historical knowledge, the volume of historical periodicals increased. By the beginning of the 70s. 20th century Several thousand historical journals were published abroad: general historical journals devoted to any branch of historical science, a certain period of history or event, etc. They are published by scientific institutions, universities (mainly universities), historical societies and associations, museums, archives etc. Tendency towards the allocation of specialized And. is growing (see the list of main journals under the articles Oriental Studies, Byzantine studies, Slavic studies, etc.; see also Art. Archaeological journals). Historical periodicals also include magazines covering theoretical problems of history (since 1960, an international journal of this profile, History and Theory, has been published in The Hague) and historical aspects of other fields of science - economics, philosophy, law, military affairs, etc.

Among I. zh. foreign socialist countries, covering the problems of national and universal history from a Marxist-Leninist position, are best known: in Bulgaria - “Historically Pregled” (Sofia, since 1945); in Hungary - “Századok” (Bdpst, since 1867), “Acta Historica” (Bdpst, since 1951), “Történelmi szemle” (Bdpst, since 1958); in the GDR - “Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft” (V., since 1953); in Poland - “Kwartalnik historyczny” (Warsz., since 1887), “Przegląd historyczny” (Warsz., since 1905); in Romania - “Studii Revista de istorie” (Buc., since 1948); in Czechoslovakia - “Československý časopis historický” (Praha, since 1953), “Historický časopis” (Bratislava, since 1953); in Yugoslavia - “Historijski pregled” (Zagreb, since 1954), “Istorijski časopis” (Beograd, since 1948); in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam - “Ngien Cuu Li Si” (Hanoi, since 1959); in the DPRK - “Yoksa kvahak” (Pyongyang, since 1955); in Cuba - “Anales de la Academia de la Historia” (La Habana, since 1919). A number of magazines publish resumes in Russian, English, French and German.

Among the historical journals published in the capitalist countries of Europe, the magazines with the widest profile are: in Great Britain - “English Historical Review” (L., since 1886); in Spain - “Hispania. Revista Espanola de historia" (Madrid, since 1940); in Italy - “Rivista storica Italiana” (Roma, since 1884); in Germany - “Historische Zeitschrift” (München, since 1859); in France - “Revue historique” (P., since 1876), “Revue ďhistoire moderne et contemporaine” (P., since 1899), “Annales. Economies. Sociétes. Civilisations" (P., under this name since 1946; founded in 1929 under the name "Annales ďhistoire économique et sociale"); in Denmark - “Historisk tidsskrift” (Kbh., since 1840); in Norway - “Historisk tidsskrift” (Oslo, since 1871); in Sweden - “Historisk tidskrift” (Stockh., since 1881); in Finland - “Historiallinen aikakauskirja” (Hels., since 1903) and “Historisk tidskrift för Finland” (Hels., since 1916); in the Netherlands - “Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis” (Amst., since 1886), etc.

Leading I. zh. in the USA there are “American Historical Review” (N.Y., since 1895), “Current History” (Phil., since 1914), “Journal of Modern History” (Chi., since 1929), etc.; in Canada - “Canadian Historical Review” (Toronto, since 1920). Among the I. Zh., going out to Latin America, - Mexican magazine "Historia Mexicana" (Méx., since 1951), Argentine - "Historia" (V. Aires, since 1955) and "Revista de historia" (V. Aires, since 1956), Brazilian - "Revista do institute historico e geografico Brasileiro" (Rio de J., since 1838), Chilean - "Boletin de la Acadimia Chilena de la Historia" (Santiago de Chile, since 1933), Peruvian - "Revista Historica" ​​(Lima, since 1905). Problems of Latin American history are also covered in the pages of the “Hispanic American Historical Review” (Durham, USA, since 1918).

The history of Australia and New Zealand is covered in the journal “Historical Studies” (Melb., since 1940).

A large number of i. comes out in Japan. Among them are “Toyoshi Kenkyu” (Kyoto, since 1935) and others.

Historical periodicals, imbued with bourgeois methodology and sometimes openly hostile to Marxism-Leninism and socialist countries, are opposed in capitalist countries by Marxist and other progressive historical journals, which are to one degree or another influenced by Marxism. This is primarily the organ of the Italian Communist Party “Studi storici” (Roma, since 1959), the theoretical organ of the French Communist Party “Cahiers du Communisme” (P., since 1924), the English magazine “Past and Present” (L., since 1952) , Japanese - “Rekishigaku kenkyu” (Tokyo, since 1933), etc.

Historical periodicals are increasingly developing in developing countries. In India, the most famous are the “Journal of Indian of History” (Trivandrum, since 1921), “Indian Historical Quarterly” (Calcutta, since 1925); in Pakistan - “Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society” (Karachi, since 1953); in Burma - “Journal of the Burma Research Society” (Rangoon, since 1911); in Algeria - “Revue Africaine” (Alger, since 1856); in Egypt - “Annales du Service des antiquités de l’Egypte” (Cairo, since 1900); in Ghana - “Transactions of Historical Society of Ghana” (Legon, since 1952).

Lit.: Historical periodicals; an annotated world list of historical and related serial publications. Ed. E. H. Boehm and L. Adolphus, Santa Barbara - Munich, 1961; World list of historical periodicals and bibliographies. Ed. by P. Caron and M. Jaryc, Oxf., 1939; Bibliographie historisher Zeitschriften. 1939-1951. Bearb. von H. Kramm. Bd 1-3, Marburg, 1952-54; American Historical Association’s Guide to historical literature, N. Y., 1961; Ulrich's periodicals directory. A classified guide to a selected list of current periodicals, foreign and domestic, 9 ed., N. Y., 1959.

V. A. Dunaevsky And G. 3. Ioffe(I. z. abroad).

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Socio- and psycholinguistic research

Perm State National research university

Scientific electronic journal“Socio- and Psycholinguistic Research” was founded in 2013. Founder: Perm State National Research University. The journal “Socio- and Psycholinguistic Research” has more than 10 years of history. Its predecessor is the annual collection of scientific articles “Problems of Socio- and Psycholinguistics”, which has been published since 2002 by the School of Socio- and Psycholinguistics at the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics of the University of Perm.


Russian competition law and economics

“Russian Competition Law and Economics” is a leading scientific and practical journal in the field of competition law and antimonopoly regulation, published by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia jointly with the publishing house “Business Express”. The publication publishes current materials on issues of antimonopoly regulation and competition protection: information on the activities of the FAS Russia and the development of antimonopoly legislation; analysis of law enforcement and judicial practitioner; results of scientific research in the field of competition law and related economic issues; generalization of experience in the effective organization of the work of the antimonopoly service, etc. The magazine also covers round tables, conferences, discussions on issues of competition law, and aspects of international cooperation. Special attention The magazine pays attention to the practical applicability of published materials. The publication is addressed to employees of antimonopoly authorities, practitioners, representatives of the business community, consultants, specialists from scientific organizations, students and teachers of educational institutions, as well as a wide range of interested readers. By explaining state policy in the field of competition protection, the journal is intended to help improve the level of legal culture, as well as implement feedback with readers, identifying their opinions on the state of competition in the Russian Federation. A peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the list of scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (HAC) for the publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences.


Risk analysis problems

Problems of Risk Analysis is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal on risk analysis and management, included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals included by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia in the list of publications recommended for publication of the main scientific results of a dissertation for the academic degree of candidate and doctor of science in the following specialties : 05.23.01 - Occupational safety 05.26.02 - Safety in emergency situations 05.26.03 - Fire and industrial safety 05.26.05 - Nuclear and radiation safety 05.26.06 - Chemical, biological and bacteriological safety 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy 08.00.10 - Finance, money turnover and credit 08.00.12 - Accounting, statistics 08.00.13 - Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics 01.01.15 - Probability theory and mathematical statistics The concept of a scientific journal is based on presenting the entire spectrum of risk research. The journal publishes articles of a fundamental and applied nature, usually interdisciplinary and multifaceted, devoted to the problems of analysis and management of risks of various origins and nature. The journal is addressed to: scientists; practitioners; specialists from government and commercial organizations, whose activities are related to risk analysis and management; students and teachers of educational institutions.


Stop newspaper

The materials of “STOP-newspaper” are aimed at: creating a culture of safe behavior and respectful attitude of all participants towards each other traffic; familiarization with the latest achievements in the field of road safety; informing readers about changes in legislation related to road safety issues; clarification from experts in this field; wide coverage of all international and all-Russian events on road safety; promoting safe behavior on the road, the use of seat belts, safety helmets, and child restraints; training novice drivers in aspects of driving technique and psychological stability, as well as first aid techniques; increasing the general level of culture of readers. The newspaper regularly publishes analytical materials on the situation with road safety on the roads of Russia and the world; explains various aspects of the activities of the Government and the State Traffic Inspectorate in the field of ensuring road safety; promotes the creation and maintenance of a positive image of a State Traffic Inspectorate employee; talks about the heroic deeds of State Traffic Inspectorate employees; promotes the protection of rights and legitimate interests State traffic inspectorate employees and drivers; disseminates best practices in the activities of regional divisions of the State Traffic Inspectorate.


Good Road of Childhood

“The Good Road of Childhood” is a full-color, illustrated newspaper published twice a month, intended for a wide range of readers. “The Good Road of Childhood” is the only newspaper in the country that has set itself the task of raising a little person to be a law-abiding citizen of his country, a real person with moral and spiritual system of values, teaching him safe behavior in life, on the road, the culture of interaction with all road users.


Practical pulmonology

Atmosphere: M.

The magazine for medical practitioners began publishing in September 2001 under the title "Atmosphere. Pulmonology and Allergology." Since 2014 – “Practical pulmonology”. Official journal of the Russian Respiratory Society. The main objective of the magazine is to cover modern approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic and respiratory diseases.


Nervous diseases

Atmosphere: M.

The journal “Nervous Diseases” is published with the support of the Scientific Center of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The main objective of the publication is to highlight and popularize modern approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of nervous diseases among general practitioners. Particular attention on the pages of the magazine is paid to domestic and international regulatory documents, clinical guidelines and standards in the field of neurology, as well as analysis of clinical cases and exchange of experience.


General Medicine

Atmosphere: M.

General Medicine is a periodical educational publication of the Russian State Medical University, the purpose of which is the continuous education of a doctor - starting from the senior years of the institute, then in internship, residency and during independent practical work. The journal's publications will examine all the main aspects of modern medicine from a practical perspective. Topics planned include lectures, recommendations for patient management, research methods, clinical pharmacology, emergency conditions, results of clinical trials, news of foreign medicine, case studies, pharmacotherapy errors, new technologies in medicine, issues of fundamental medicine, medical ethics and deontology, schools of therapy, history of medicine.


Atmosphere. Cardiology News

Atmosphere: M.

The journal is published with the support of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex and the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov. The main goal of our publication is to highlight and popularize among general practitioners modern approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, informing about innovative technologies in cardiology. Particular attention on the pages of the journal is paid to new domestic and international regulatory documents, clinical recommendations and standards in the field of cardiology, as well as analysis of clinical cases and exchange of experience.


Asthma and allergies

Atmosphere: M.

The journal of popular educational programs in pulmonology and allergology began publishing in February 1997. Since 2004 - the official journal of the Russian Respiratory Society. Articles are published and scientific reviews leading experts from Russia and the world, practical recommendations, general educational programs on the epidemiology and genetics of asthma, pathogenesis, clinical forms, prevention, diagnosis, treatment methods, new drugs, rehabilitation for asthma. First of all, the magazine is focused on helping practitioners and nursing staff in training people suffering from bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for a doctor to clearly convey to his patient all the details and subtleties of the mechanisms of the origin and treatment of asthma and allergies. But it’s no secret that the success of treating any disease directly depends on mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient.


Medical education and professional development

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The magazine is designed to unite medical teachers: it is dedicated to applied issues of teaching in medical and pharmaceutical universities and colleges, and tracks new trends in the development of teaching methods and knowledge assessment that increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning. The magazine reflects the best Russian and Foreign experience, publishing articles by both Russian and foreign authors. The journal intends to publish translations of some of the most significant articles from foreign journals and books devoted to medical education, in particular such journals as Medical Education, Medical Teacher, etc. Particular attention in the journal is paid to the following issues medical education: information and communication technologies in education, e-learning, distance learning; evidence based medicine training rational use medicines and other medical interventions; continuous professional development and on-the-job training; use of modern training equipment, simulators, virtual patients and modern computer programs; modern medical teaching aids and others educational materials, used in medical education; electronic medical libraries, information and educational systems and clinical decision support systems; telemedicine; training in public health, medical informatics, economics, healthcare management and other “new” disciplines. The magazine "Medical Education and Professional Development" is the printed organ of the Association medical societies for the Quality of Medical Care and Medical Education (ASMOK) - a professional public medical organization specializing in issues of quality of medical care and medical education. The journal is published with the support of the Council of Rectors of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia. Since December 14, 2015, the journal “Medical Education and Professional Development” has been included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Science and higher education Russian Federation for the publication of the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science. The magazine is intended for everyone involved in teaching students and doctors. The audience of the magazine is rectors and vice-rectors of medical and pharmaceutical universities, postgraduate education institutions, teachers, specialists educational and methodological departments, innovation departments, deans and deputy deans of faculties, deans of medical faculties of classical universities, directors of secondary specialized educational institutions, specialists in professional development and staffing of regional and municipal health care authorities, chief physicians, deputy chief physicians, students, residents, and graduate students.


Nutrition issues

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The pages of the magazine highlight the main trends in the development of nutrition science both in our country and abroad: new strategies in clinical nutrition, fundamental research, scientific substantiation of healthy eating. The bulk of the publications are devoted to scientific and applied problems of nutrition, primarily related to the implementation of the main directions of the concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the Russian population at the federal and regional levels, risk assessment in population nutrition and the relationship between quality of life and nutrition. The magazine also reflects the safety issues of using new food products enriched with biologically active substances in the population's diet. From a modern perspective, issues of biochemistry, physiology, food hygiene, toxicology, nutrition of athletes, preventive, therapeutic, baby nutrition, nutrition of patients in therapeutic and surgical hospitals are considered. Main headings: Reviews; Physiology and biochemistry of nutrition; Medical nutrition; Food hygiene; Vitaminology; Micronutrients in nutrition; Preventive nutrition; Baby food; Social and economic issues of nutrition; Sports nutrition; To help the sanitary doctor; From the history of medicine. The journal "Nutrition Issues" is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science. The target audience: nutritionists, pediatricians, therapists, gastroenterologists, family doctors, health care managers


Clinical and experimental surgery. Journal named after acad. B.V. Petrovsky

GEOTAR-Media: M.

Thematic focus of the journal: Cardiac and vascular surgery; Thoracic surgery; Abdominal surgery; Transplantology and artificial organs; Endoscopic surgery; Reconstructive and microvascular surgery; Physiology, pathophysiology, diagnostics; Basic research and interdisciplinary technologies; Education; Bioethics; History of Surgery The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science.


Reproductive health of children and adolescents

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The magazine became the first publication for specialists interested in various aspects of the health of children and adolescents - from the formation of reproductive function to nutrition and psychological problems growing up. Unfortunately, the health of children, especially in adolescence, is not developing in the most favorable conditions today. The purpose of the magazine is to attract the attention of the general medical community and healthcare leaders to this problem, to provide real help and support to those who are concerned about the health of the younger generation. Founders: Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; MOO "Association of Children's and Adolescent Gynecologists"; Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Publishing group "GEOTAR-Media". Main headings: Organizational issues; Girl reproductive health; Pediatric andrology and endocrinology; Physiology and psychology of growing up; Obstetric problems; Extragenital pathology; Education The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science. Target audience: children's and adolescent gynecologists, pediatricians, obstetricians-gynecologists; pediatric urologists, andrologists, endocrinologists; health care organizers


Neonatology: news, opinions, training

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science. Target audience: neonatologists, therapists, pediatricians, family doctors, health care managers, doctors of related specialties


Endocrinology: news, opinions, training

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science. Target audience: endocrinologists, therapists, pediatricians, family doctors, health care managers, doctors of related specialties


ORGHEALTH: news, opinions, training. VSHOUZ Bulletin

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The journal is published jointly with the Association of Professional Medical Societies for the Quality of Medical Care and Medical Education (ASMOK) and the Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management (HSOUZ). Target audience: healthcare organizers


Obstetrics and gynecology: news, opinions, training

GEOTAR-Media: M.

Since 06/06/2017, the journal "Obstetrics and Gynecology: News, Opinions, Training" has been included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the academic degree of a candidate and Doctor of Sciences. Target audience: obstetricians-gynecologists, therapists, pediatricians, family doctors, health care managers, doctors of related specialties


Cardiology: news, opinions, training

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The journal is dedicated to theoretical and practical issues of cardiology. It publishes the results of the latest scientific achievements, presented in articles by both Russian and foreign authors. In addition to scientific articles, the journal contains literature reviews, clinical recommendations and tasks (test questions) for doctors, as well as announcements of scientific events. Since 06/06/2017, the journal "Cardiology: news, opinions, training" is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor Sci. The magazine is addressed to cardiologists, therapists, family doctors, health care managers, as well as doctors of related specialties.


Infectious diseases: news, opinions, training

GEOTAR-Media: M.

The journal is published with the assistance of the International Association of Infection Specialists. When compiling each issue, a selection is made of the most popular and trustworthy modern materials written by leading domestic and foreign authors. Main headings:News; Original research; Analytical reviews; Clinical cases; Clinical guidelines; To assist the practicing physician; Test tasks; Announcements of scientific events The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed journals and publications that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of science. Target audience: infectious disease doctors, therapists, pediatricians, family doctors, health care managers, doctors of related specialties.


Restaurant Gazette

Restaurant Vedomosti magazine is a business magazine for professionals in the food and hospitality industry in Russia. The magazine "Restaurant Gazette" is the main news of the restaurant business, interviews with the strongest restaurateurs and outstanding chefs, advice from experienced managers and marketers! As well as thematic issues dedicated to the most interesting trends of the HoReCa market!


"Construction Weekly. Leningrad Region"

Special thematic issue “Construction Weekly. Leningrad region", which is dedicated to current problems of development of the investment and construction complex of the 47th region and is designed to promote dialogue between business and government in order to popularize ongoing construction projects, introduce innovative developments and modernization construction industries. Much attention is paid priority areas housing and industrial policy pursued by the Government of the Leningrad region, measures of state support for enterprises in the construction industry, implementation of programs constructive interaction authorities and developers carrying out construction in the region, issues of engineering and transport infrastructure of developed and existing territories, problems road construction, waste processing industry, etc.


"Construction Weekly"

The leading publication of the investment and construction complex of the North-West is the newspaper “Construction Weekly”. It is the official publisher of legal acts in the field of design, reconstruction, construction, major repairs on the basis of Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 03/09/2016 No. 161


Fashion theory: clothing, body, culture

New Literary Review

The magazine Theory of Fashion: Clothes, Body, Culture is the first humanitarian magazine in Russia dedicated to fashion as a cultural phenomenon. Range of topics - history of costume and design, bodily practices, historical ideas about beauty and fashionable figure, fashion and city ​​life(architecture, street fashion, cafes, shopping routes), fashion and art. The pages of the magazine present analytical materials on modern fashion: the work of famous designers, problems of fashion consumption, fashion journalism, fashion and PR, fashion and photography. The magazine publishes translations of articles by Western scientists from the leading international fashion magazine Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, works by Russian costume historians, and classic texts on fashion theory.

New Literary Review

The magazine "New Literary Review" (NLO) is an interdisciplinary publication focused on the most complete and objective coverage current state humanities, adaptation of new intellectual trends for the study of Russian culture, integration of the domestic academic tradition into the world scientific community. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the All-Russian Attestation Commission and in the “Arts & Humanities” collection of the international database “Web of Science”.



"Standard" is a monthly business magazine dedicated to the development and practical application information and communication technologies in various sectors of the economy in Russia and the world. The main topics of the publication: digital transformation, Internet of things, Industry 4.0, ICT in vertical markets, telecommunications and broadcasting. The magazine has been published since 2000 and has established itself as a supplier of objective, exclusive information in news and analytical formats. In each issue, Standard publishes news about events significant for the development of ICT in Russia and the world, analytical reviews of various market segments and trends, interviews with top officials domestic and international companies from the IT sector and various vertical markets, announcements of the largest ICT events in the Russian Federation and abroad.


Red Star

The newspaper "Red Star" was created by decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on November 29, 1923 as the central printed organ of the USSR People's Commissariat of Defense for Military Affairs (later - the USSR Ministry of Defense). The first issue was published on January 1, 1924. During the Great Patriotic War, Krasnaya Zvezda became one of the leading national newspapers. Such outstanding writers and publicists as M.A. worked in the editorial office. Sholokhov, A.N. Tolstoy, V.V. Vishnevsky, K.M. Simonov, A.P. Platonov. She was awarded the Orders of the Red Star (1933), the Red Banner of Battle (1945), Lenin (1965) and the October Revolution (1974). In the spring of 1992, with the creation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Red Star became its central publication. On June 30, 1992, the newspaper was registered with the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation as an all-Russian printed publication, the founder of which is the military department. From the first issue of 2018, released on January 10, “Red Star” changed its status and began to be published as the Newspaper of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This was done so that it would not be perceived as a purely intradepartmental publication, but would indicate its actual position as a newspaper of the Russian Army and Navy. Despite the fact that its foundation remained unchanged. "Red Star" is published three times a week: on Monday and Wednesday - on 8 pages, and on Friday - on 12 pages in D2 format.


Computer Science and Education

Scientific and methodological journal on methods of teaching computer science and informatization of education. Founders of the magazine: Russian Academy of Education, publishing house “Education and Informatics”. The journal is included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published (List of the Higher Attestation Commission). The main topics of the journal: issues of informatization at all levels of education, including education management systems; theory and practice of creating an information and educational environment educational institution; key aspects of the introduction of new generation federal state educational standards; questions vocational training and retraining of computer science teachers; general issues of computer science teaching methods. Target audience of the magazine: teachers and teachers of computer science; employees of educational authorities responsible for informatization of education; specialists responsible for informatization of educational institutions.



1.1. The World History

1.2. Ancient world. Antiquity

1.3. History of the Middle Ages


3.1 Modern times

3.2. Modern times

4. History of Russia

4.1. Ancient Rus'. Middle Ages. New time

4.2 Modern times

1. World history. Ancient world history. Antiquity

1.1 World history

1. Archeology. RU

For professionals and amateurs, search engines and students. The site presents archeological news (largely taken from various media). There are over 7,000 annotated links to resources in all areas of modern archaeology, there is a very brief description of a large number of computer programs used by archaeologists, a message board, a very active forum, and much more. Many references to ancient texts. Search organized

2 .


The most famous www-library on the Runet, opened in 1994. The overall popularity of the resource, which consists mainly of texts sent by readers, is such that the historical section is also updated monthly. The site contains both research (mostly of a journalistic nature) and source texts. Links to other libraries containing similar resources are recorded, while the site contains several texts that are not available anywhere else on the RuNet. In addition to the “History” section, there are others in the Maxim Moshkov library in which historically valuable texts are exhibited - for example, “Ancient European Literature” or “Ancient Literature, Poetry and Philosophy” http://www. /POEEAST/

3 . The World History

The project does not pretend, despite its name, to truly comprehensively cover the history of mankind, but only contains materials that were read at one time and now prepared by the author for publication on the site. The project is in constant development, so over time it will probably grow into a full-fledged information resource. The site's materials, as a rule, are articles from a variety of history books, and, whenever possible, the site's author tries to indicate authors and sources. The section “This Day in History” is very interesting.

4. World history in faces

http://rulers. /

A site dedicated to great people in human history. Great personalities of all times and peoples are represented (not many, 33 in total). In progress - Encyclopedic Dictionary "Sovereigns and Dynasties of Foreign Europe", royal dynasties of France and Germany. Some maps and diagrams have been posted that are used on the site in sections about great people in human history.

5 . Geosynchrony - Atlas of World History

http://www. /personal/nikolaev/

5 thousand years of civilization are presented in maps, diagrams and tables, arranged in chronological order. Maps and diagrams of general history are provided. Education schemes and maps of ancient states. Tables of dynasties and rulers

6. History. RU

Website on world history and the history of Russia since ancient times. Books, articles, a collection of abstracts, and maps are presented. The forum is working

7. Collection: Historical documents. Russian general education portal

http://historydoc. /

A collection of photo, audio, video documents and illustrated links to texts from historical sources. Provided with author's comments. The materials are intended for high school. Multi-level rubricator: by person, by historical period.

8. New Herodotus. General historical forum

The general historical portal "New Herodotus" is a club of people and sites united by interest and respect for history. Projects: Pompeii: step by step, Travels, Reconstruction, Point of view. In Liberea you can find rare articles from scientific and popular magazines, chapters from books and the own materials of the participants of the New Herodotus forum. In the reference and bibliographic department of the project you will find biographies and bibliographies of scientists; contents of magazines and collections and indexes of book series; reviews. The listings include links to works published online.

http://www. /qe. asp? qtype=7&id=0&srubr=3835

An information and encyclopedic project, within which the user receives free access to full electronic versions of encyclopedias and dictionaries published over the last hundred years in Russia. Published, in particular, are the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", selected articles from the "Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary", the encyclopedic dictionaries "World History" and "History of the Fatherland", "World Biographical Dictionary", the encyclopedias "Moscow" and "St. Petersburg" ". The server has an extensive rubricator, Internet search, the Krugozor magazine and much more.

14. Egypt: History – Pharaonic Dynasties (English) (StoryDynasties pharaohs)

http:///egypt/ehistory. htm

Information about Egyptian history from many sources. A large number of resources have been used to reflect as best as possible the wide variety of historical facts and especially its early period. Website in English.

15. Sisyphos- a guide to Egyptological resources on the Internet

http://vifa. ub. uni-heidelberg. de/sisyphos/servlet/de. izsoz. dbclear. query. browse. BrowseFacette/domain=egypt/lang=de/stock=egypt, egyptjournal? subjectegyptology

The Heidelberg University project allows you to search for Egyptological materials by topic, region, individual era and a number of other criteria. Currently covers about 260 sources. Website in German.

2. History of the Middle Ages

1. Eastern literature. Medieval historical sources of East and West

http://www. vostlit. info/common/about. phtml? id=658

The site is a source base of medieval chronicles in Russian. Contains an extensive database of medieval historical sources from East and West, grouped alphabetically. There are catalogs on chronology, on documents, many maps, tables and other materials that facilitate the study of sources. There is an opportunity to chat on the forum, express your wishes about what book you would like to see posted on the site.

2. All about chivalry and the Middle Ages

http://gelfrad. /

The site “Everything about chivalry and the Middle Ages” will be of interest to both teachers and students. The site contains the following main sections: - Feudal hierarchy - about the structure of power in the Middle Ages - Civil costume - there are patterns - Knight's costume - various elements of clothing of a German knight of the 12-13th centuries. Heraldry - contains information about the terms and rules for creating a coat of arms. There is a library that contains books and individual articles on medieval topics.

3. Mysteries of the Mayan civilization"

http://www. goldenfish. /

All about the mysterious Mayan civilization, which was so highly developed that it still surprises the world. The site tries to unravel the riddles of Chichen Itza - the most famous of the ancient Mayan cities, and reveal the secret of the mysterious Mayan hieroglyphs. A list of books, journal articles, scientific and educational films and websites that were used in the preparation of materials on this site is provided.

4. Internet project "History of the Order of the Temple" (IPIOKH)

http://templiers. info/

The website "Internet project "History of the Order of the Temple" (IPIOKH) is one of the largest Russian-language resources dedicated to the study of history. It will be of interest to anyone who studies the history of the Templar Order, the Crusades, the Teutonic Knights and other orders and brotherhoods of the Middle Ages. Articles, documents , translations, encyclopedia, maps, illustrations, lists of books and bibliographies - you will find all this on the pages of the IPIOH website. The site consists of sections dedicated to the history of the order from its founding to the present day (military, political, cultural, etc.), as well as sections with sources and literature. It unites clubs of military historical reconstruction. The site contains a library of medieval texts, rich illustrative material, and various background information.

5. History of the Templars

http://vikinghistory. /templierhistory. html

A brief history of the Templar Order, their Charter and list of Grand Masters.

6. History of the Teutonic Order

http://teuton. /

If you are interested in the history of the Teutonic Order, military affairs or simply the history of the Middle Ages, then on this site you can find a lot of interesting and useful information. Battles of the Teutonic Order, cities and castles. Gallery, history books, etc.

7.Medieval life

The project is aimed at conveying to people interested in history not only an overview of some historical events and facts, but also focusing on everyday medieval life, which is presented on the site in almost all areas: medicine, art, education, literature, philosophy , military affairs, etc.7

8. Medieval artistic culture. Byzantium. Islamic world

http://mirasky. /

The site gives an idea of artistic culture medieval Western Europe, about Christian Catholic culture. The authors of the project tried to collect, summarize and show what is not in history textbooks - the history of Orthodox culture (using the example of Byzantium) and Muslim culture (using the example of several Islamic medieval states). All the main historical milestones in the development of the countries described are also briefly covered. For the convenience of users, dictionaries of art history and religious terms are provided.

9. Also a City

http:///index. php? topgroupid

Here you will find information on medieval history and culture, crafts and technologies, addresses of historical clubs and organizations, announcements of events and activities. Also a City - a project dedicated to the historical reconstruction of the Middle Ages. The Library section presents historical documents, reviews, and research. In addition, there you can find tips on reconstructing household items, weapons and costumes. The Movement section is entirely devoted to issues of the military-historical movement and the movement of historical reconstruction in Russia and neighboring countries.

10. "XIIIcentury" - Thirteenth century http://thietmar. /start. htm

A lot of interesting materials on the military and political history of the Middle Ages are presented on this site. Of particular interest are the reference sections of this project.

11. Philosophical Library of the Middle Ages

http://antology. rchgi. /

The server's information retrieval system today allows users to effectively work with extensive material reflecting the panorama of the spiritual life of the European Middle Ages from apologetic and commentary texts of the beginning of the Christian era to mystical treatises of the late Middle Ages and covers more than a thousand years of European spiritual thought (from the 2nd to the 14th centuries) . Electronic images of collections of medieval miniatures, presented by manuscript departments of St. Petersburg libraries, are posted, and links to world resources of existing virtual galleries are also organized. Original Latin texts and translations into Russian of the most significant philosophers and theologians of the Western Middle Ages are presented; biographies of authors; a dictionary of Latin terms and concepts, which can be searched within the server in both Russian and Latin; general bibliography and bibliography for each author, which is updated every month.

12. Columbus Squadron

http://www. shipyard /

Materials on the history of the discovery of America. Description of the ships of Christopher Columbus. Models sailing ships. Films based on history sailing fleet and a large archive of newsreels of the Second World War (for a fee).

13. Norrœnrð Nordic Information Center

http://norse. /index. html

This is a non-profit website dedicated to Scandinavian-Icelandic culture and history. Here you will find immortal works of Icelandic literature (both Russian translations and Old Norse texts), information about the Old Norse language, many articles, and much more.

14. “ The Vikings

http://www. viking no/

The list of works is divided into periods and arranged in alphabetical order.

11. Notes in the margins

This is an electronic version of the lecture course “History of Russia from ancient times to the present day, history of the Urals and Orenburg region, plans seminars, documents, texts, problem tasks and much more. Addressed to students, schoolchildren and everyone interested in Russian history.

12. Internet – project “1812”

http://www. /museum/1812/index. html

Educational resource on the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 and related topics. Rare and beautifully illustrated books in the library. Particularly noteworthy are the first republished 4 volumes from the 7-volume anniversary edition “Patriotic War and Russian Society”, published by the partnership for the 100th anniversary of the War of 1812. In the project’s art gallery, the visitor can get acquainted with the paintings of such masters as A. Adam, V. Vereshchagin, P. Hess, F. Goya, F. Roubaud, H. Faber du Fort. The pictures are provided with detailed comments. A special place in the “Memorial” section is occupied by materials about the movement of military-historical reconstruction. Visitors to the site can familiarize themselves with a collection of annotated links to Russian and foreign network resources on related topics. There is an illustrated biographical guide to personalities (military, politicians, statesmen).

13. History of Ancient Rus'

http://rus-hist. on. /

The site is a kind of multimedia reference book on the history of Russia.

Sections of the site: Initial history, Chronology of main events, Kievan Rus, Vladimir Rus, Muscovite Rus, Russian Tsardom, Russian Empire, Rus and Borderlands, geographical index, maps, subject index, all rulers, Rurikovich, Romanovs, Russian-Turkish War () , Russo-Japanese War (), Dynasty of Princes Shuisky, Ivan Vsevolodovich, Prince. Starodubsky. Links to other Internet resources on history are provided. There are geographical, name and subject indexes.

14. History of Russia

http://www. tuad. /~history/index. html

This site was created with the goal of helping historians and history buffs to facilitate access to the literature they need for work or studying history. Contains the following sections: history as a science; The World History; Russian history; history of religion; world chronology; additional and reference materials; historical hypotheses; alternative history; dubious history; historical mythology; discussion pages; metahistory; historical works; collective works and monographs on history; alphabetical index of articles

This is a very impressive resource, where in addition to sources and literature on Russian history, texts on the philosophy of history are also provided.

For each event, all the variety of assessments that can be given is given.

15. History of Russia in Runet

http://www. /ru/s3/s331/s122/s1224791

An updated review of web resources was prepared by the Bibliography Research Institute of the Russian State Library. This review aims to talk about existing resources on Russian history on the Internet. Unlike many other similar materials, here, firstly, an overview is given, and not just a listing of sites; secondly, links are checked quarterly to ensure they work and not just hang; thirdly, the emphasis is on qualitative assessment materials. It is intended for everyone who is interested in the history of the Fatherland

16. History of Russia - resourcesWWWin history

http://www. /component/option, com_weblinks/catid,29/Itemid,90/

17. How our grandfathers fought. Stories about military conflicts of the Russian Empire

http://grandwar. /

Illustrated stories of wars Russian Empire. Battle maps. War songs. Extensive library.

18. Lectures by Russian historians

http://lants. /history/classics. htm

Lectures by Solovyov, Klyuchevsky, Kostomarov and other historians, as well as their biographies. IN modern conditions people can not only love history, but also love historians. But before studying history, we must study the historians who created it.

19. Social studies. Russian history. Educational and methodological kit for school

http://history. standard. /

This is an information platform for teachers, methodologists and anyone interested in teaching Russian history and social studies.

20. Domestic history

http://lants. /history/index. htm

The site is of interest to everyone who studies the history of the Russian state, especially the ancient one. The site is informative and extensive, and its content is filled with a large number of links, allowing the user to conduct a multifaceted search.

21. Russian Empire in photographs

http:///empire/. html? pg=0&kk=b01a19b8e3

Unique photographs clearly tell about events in the life of the Russian Empire, about its architectural ensembles of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, many of which have not survived to this day. The project contains a selection of more than 2,000 photographs, organized into 37 sections.

22. Russian emperors

http://rusimper. /

On the site, any visitor can find accurate and complete biographies of all emperors of the Russian Empire (from Peter the Great to Nicholas II). As well as biographies of famous public political figures, great Russian composers and writers, merchants and scientists, researchers and educators

23. Russian memoirs of the 18th century

http:///index. html

This site is a full-text library of literature in the memoir genre. Russian memoirs and notes from foreigners about Russia in the 18th century, diaries, memoirs, magazines, anecdotes, stories of contemporaries make up the content of the presented collection. Taken together, they present, albeit a motley but quite complete picture of the culture, life and customs of the era. The collection has its own scientific justification, based on the well-known index “The History of Pre-Revolutionary Russia in Diaries and Memoirs.”

24. Russia ship

Central site on Russian history Navy. The history of the Russian Navy and the history of the development of shipbuilding in Russia, from ancient times to the present day.

25. Handwritten monuments of Ancient Rus'

This is an extensive electronic archive of ancient Russian materials stored in domestic and foreign museums (archives, libraries, repositories, etc.) The project was created with the participation of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

26. Russian City

Architectural monuments built before the 17th century. City walls. Russian kremlins and monasteries. Library. Articles and books on history, architecture and local history. Transit point. Links to Internet resources on history, architecture and local history.

27. Russian sky

Russian Sky is a unique library of works by outstanding thinkers and philosophers, religious and secular figures, whose entire lives were dedicated to Russia. The history of the Russian church, unknown pages of Russian history, and journalism on current historical events are presented.

28. Russian Orthodoxy

Detailed server about the history and structure of the Russian Orthodox Church.

29. Ancient and Specific Rus'

http://avorhist. /

The site "Ancient and Specific Rus'" contains literature and sources in the following areas: history of Rus' from ancient times to the end of the 17th century, history of Christianity, theory and methodology of history.

30. Slavic paganism

http:///index. php/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80 %D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0

This is the very first and largest of the sites of the Russian People's Faith. Materials on history, culture, philosophy, literature, poetry, myths and tales, encyclopedic materials and current articles on modern Slavic paganism are presented. Options are being discussed further development and comparisons with other concepts and religions. Selected thematic links are provided, and there is a photo gallery of pagan holidays. This resource is necessary for many in the modern World - it is a storehouse of knowledge on the Russian Folk Faith, Slavic Paganism, Vedism.

31. FEB: Fundamental electronic library: Russian language and folklore

The site contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The database was created by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the technical part of the project was implemented by the Electronic Archive corporation.

6. Contemporary history of Russia. History of Penza

http://backno. /index. html

A site about the modern history of Russia. The history of the Fatherland is shown here through the prism of the history of the provincial city of Penza. This site is the Internet version of the “Countdown” media project. Information about the modern history of our country and the Penza region is collected here. The data is broken down by year from 1980 to 2000. In the future it is planned to turn this resource to the online directory on the modern history of the Penza region. Events, facts, phenomena, things, traditions - everything that was lived, that was part of the whole era of transition from “developed socialism” to a bright capitalist future and that for the most part has passed and will never return.

7. Winners. Soldiers of the Great War

http://www. /about. html

The “Winners” project is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. As part of the project, a multimedia model of the course of the Second World War is being created and a list of veterans celebrating the anniversary is posted. The multimedia interactive model covers the periods of the war step by step, illustrating it with photographs, stories of veterans, historical comments and other information. The model is divided into episodes.

8. The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War.

http://podvignaroda. /

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource open access, filled with all documents available in military archives about the progress and results of major military operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

9. Rulers of Russia and the Soviet Union

http://www. praviteli. org/main/about. php

The purpose of creating this electronic resource is to present the history of Russia and the Soviet Union in the context of archontology - a historical discipline that studies the history of positions in state, international, political, religious and other public structures. The number of political figures whose short biographies are presented in “Rulers of Russia and the Soviet Union” includes mainly those who held government positions equivalent to modern concepts"head of state" and "head of government". Information is also provided on the structure of the top leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and its predecessors. Contains information about the heads of state, government, and communist party from 1917 to 2000. The materials of the CPSU congresses, the composition of the Politburo and the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee in different years are also posted here.

10. Putsch. Chronicle of troubled days

http:///antolog/1991/index. html

Electronic version of the publication "Putsch. Chronicle of Troubled Days". The book contains messages from the Russian news agency and the Post Factum agencies, in which the chronicle of tense events is reconstructed hour by hour. It also contains an analysis of the background and versions of the collapse of the coup and provides a forecast for the further development of the political situation in the country.

11. Red Army - Workers - Peasant Red Army

http:///index. htm

On the site you will find materials on the history of the army from 1918 to the end of the Second World War. The Library section provides an overview of military operations, analysis of events, and memories of participants. In addition, there is its own encyclopedia and uniform samples. Of particular priority is the year 1941, which still arouses great interest and hides many mysteries. Some materials relate to the Navy and history of the USSR, but this is only an exception to the general idea.

12.Sovlit - Soviet literature

http:///sovlit/ind_proj. html

The site is dedicated to Russian literature of the 20th century and presents literary and other texts of this time, publications, as well as research, reference materials, etc. A bibliographic description and full texts of Soviet magazines and collections of the 20s are provided. Pseudonyms of authors of the 20s. There is also an electronic edition of the reference book (1966), corrected and supplemented by “Russian poets of the 20th century.”

13. USSR

http://www. cccp. /

This site is dedicated to an amazing period in world history - the USSR. It will reflect and analyze information on all areas of the USSR's activities - from politics and economics to cultural events and sports. Both positive and negative aspects will find their place here. But the most important thing is objective analysis and objective presentation of information.

14. Stalin: life and work. Objective view

Everything about life and activity. Repressions of the 30s. The role of Stalin in the Second World War. Collectivization. Full composition of writings. There is a photo gallery, poems and songs about Stalin.

15. Old newspapers

http://oldgazette. /

The site "Old Newspapers" contains texts of old Soviet newspapers. The site was created for those who are interested in the history of the USSR, the history of the war, the pre-war period; for those who prefer primary sources to research and digests; for those who are interested in the history of journalism and media, and finally, for all inquisitive people. Stories about the life of Soviet people, entertaining stories in very specific persons and facts. Nemirovich-Danchenko from the fronts of the First World War... Articles about travel and adventures, everyday details.

16. Chronicle of Victory

http://www. /Pages/Default. aspx

A unique online project that combines various archival sources on the history of the past war.

The portal presents in in electronic format complete collections of periodicals: “Izvestia”, “Red Star”, “Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR”. The most important military information materials available on the portal include a complete set of daily operational reports from the headquarters of the Air Force of the Red Army (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army). Work on the portal is international in nature; joint work on the resource brought together dozens of specialists: archivists, historians, cartographers and film experts.

17. Afghan

Website about the war in Afghanistan. Progress of the war, information about military equipment, losses. War songs, memories of participants, forum, etc.

5. Websites of higher educational institutions DEDICATED TO HISTORY

http://www. hist. /

Among general information about the faculty and departments, about educational courses and research areas, there are materials from the Center for Economic History and the Laboratory of Historical Informatics. Full-text versions of monographs and dissertations are displayed on the page of the Department of History of the Middle Ages. You can find articles discussing controversial historical issues.

2. Library electronic resources Faculty of History, Moscow State University.

http://www. hist. /ER/Etext/index. html

Complete electronic versions of historical sources on national and world history are presented (from the laws of Hammurali to the Soviet Constitution), large selection links to similar texts (in Russian), databases, electronic images of some documents. There are materials on national and world history - texts of historical sources, databases, images of documents. There is also a collection of links to historical texts on the Internet in Russian.

3. Website of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University

http://books. iaas. /

Lists of employee publications are presented. Some publications are posted in full text - both conference materials and textbooks. You can find interesting materials on Oriental studies.

4. Website of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities

http://iai. /section. html? id=2087

Information on past conferences and dissertation defenses and publications of the Archival Institute is displayed. There is a very good annotated catalog of links to the Internet - resources of archives and archival affairs: it is indicated on which sites, including amateur ones, you can get information about domestic archives. The same catalog of resources on source studies is in the process of preparation (i.e., links to texts of historical sources on Russian history posted on the Internet). The page on sources of the feudal period is completely ready

5. Website of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Together with the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia, an Internet site dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was created. The main sections of the site contain articles from a unique printed publication - a special supplement to the journal “Bulletin of MGIMO-University”, a six-volume volume dedicated to the events of the Second World War. Users will also be able to view unique photographs of the war years. In addition, the site will be updated with archival documents (they will be presented in a separate block), surveys, new articles, interviews and videos.

6. Center for Classical Studies

http://www. centant. /

Website of the Department of History of Ancient Greece and Rome, Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University. There are translations of ancient authors, many publications, monographs, and historical studies. Very good selection links to Internet resources on history.

7. Website of the Faculty of History of Altai University

http://www. hist. /

On the server you can get acquainted with the state of historical science in the Altai region, learn about projects, conferences, books dedicated to the history of the region, get acquainted with educational institutions and various historical organizations, become participants in discussions on historical topics. A wide variety of resources on the history of the region are posted here. Particular attention should be paid to the page dedicated to the History and Computer association. A number of publications of this association have been published, reflecting the development of historical information science in Russia and the CIS countries, some materials are presented in electronic form. The site also displays educational - methodological manuals, teaching materials, programs of taught courses. To a greater extent, the site reflects materials on general history.

8. Center for the Study of the History of Medieval Rus' at the Faculty of History of Udmurt State University (Izhevsk)

http://medievalrus. /

Historical Internet almanac of the Center for the Study of the History of Medieval Rus' at the Faculty of History of Udmurtia State University“Medieval Rus'” was conceived in order to, if possible, contribute to solving the problem of communication with a wide readership of historians engaged in research in the field of the history of medieval Rus' (from ancient times to the end of the 17th century). The almanac is published annually; the website presents issues from 2003 to 2010.

9. Website of the Faculty of History of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University

http://yspu. org/index. php/%D0%98%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_ %D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%82

A bibliography is reflected, texts of sources, a number of books, some lecture courses and teaching aids are presented.

http://www. yspu. /hreader/

Electronic versions are separately highlighted teaching aids dedicated to some historical issues:: Athenian democracy, Stalinism, the English Revolution of 18, the First World War and Russian society and etc.

6. Periodicals on history

A special place on the Internet is occupied by the sites of periodicals - newspapers and magazines. Using these resources allows you not only to significantly reduce the cost of subscription to these publications, but also to turn to old and sometimes unique publications. In addition, some newspapers and magazines exist only in electronic form.

1. "Old Years"

The Black Sea historical magazine “Bylye Gody” covers current problems in the history of the North Caucasus. The magazine has been published since 2006 and targets professional historians, teaching staff, researchers, as well as anyone interested in the history of the North Caucasus. There is an archive of numbers.

2. Science Magazine"Ancient Rus'. Questions of medieval studies"

In September 2010, the magazine celebrated its first anniversary - 10 years. Over the years, 41 issues of the magazine have been published; it has become one of the most famous and authoritative periodicals, where research by scientists in the field of history, philology and art history concerning the Russian Middle Ages is published. The founder of the magazine is the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal "Ancient Rus'. Questions of Medieval Studies" is published quarterly.

3. Historian - socio-political online magazine

Sharp socio-political online history magazine. A selection of articles from the origins of history to the present day. Daily updated history and archeology news feed. Thematic forum of like-minded people.

4. Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”

The magazine is published quarterly. The scientific and methodological content is reviewed by the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and leading history departments of Russian universities. Scientific articles on history and media materials about events in the world of the historical professional community are published.

5. Newspaper "History"

http:///index. php

The electronic version of the newspaper of the publishing house "First of September", is included in the Association of pedagogical publications "First of September", existing on the Internet since 1997. Includes the following headings: Historian's Workshop, Gordian Knot, Clio's View, Our Chronicler, Dust of Ages, Herald “Stories”, Forgotten plot, Domestic history, History Ancient world etc. Materials on various issues of history: scientific and popular science articles, interviews, news reviews, etc. Announcement and archive of publications for 1999 - 2003.

6. Historical almanac “Labyrinth of Times”

Electronic historical almanac. The main attention is paid to little-known and controversial facts and events of world history. Archive of issues, systematization of published materials by country, time, topic. Historical anecdotes, forum, links, etc. Many controversial issues of national and world history are considered. The material is divided by topic, by time, by country. The headings “Historical Games” and “Library Navigator” are also interesting. There is an archive of issues.

7. Almanac “Mars” - Academy of Russian Symbolism

http://www. geraldika. org/01.htm

Faleristics, uniforms, weapons, heraldry, symbols, emblems. Archive of numbers.

8. International Historical Journal

http://history. /

The magazine is dedicated to current problems of historical science. An exchange of views between representatives of various scientific schools, consideration of historical processes in the context of geopolitics and sociocultural dynamics will allow us to develop general approaches in scientific research. Many different headings are presented: analytical studies on history, historiography, new archival materials, historical personalities, philosophy and methodology of history, textbook digests, book collapse, etc. Archive for 1999 - 2002.

9. Russian electronic magazine “World of History”

Electronic historical journal. Articles on broad historical topics are published. Archive of previous issues of the magazine for the city. There are links to various Russian and foreign historical Internet resources. Characterized by a wide coverage of the problems under consideration in combination with their narrow range of issues.

10. Moscow studies

An electronic magazine for those who want to learn more about the history of Moscow. Articles, collection of abstracts on Moscow studies, etc.

11 . The First Americans. American Indians: past and present

http://www. first-americans. /main. htm

This is a popular science, historical and ethnographic almanac, published annually since 1996. It is a continuing publication with a spiritual and worldview orientation. The purpose of the almanac is to comprehensively cover the cultures of the indigenous population of North America, the Indians and the Eskimos, who were the first to populate this continent long before the white man arrived there. Among its sections are “Ethnography and Anthropology”, “History” (with the publication of documents), “Mythology” (folklore), “News”, “Modernity”. The “History” section contains publications of documents mainly relating to the time of development of North America, XVII-XIX centuries. The “Mythology” section contains interesting materials from the folklore of various Indian tribes. The magazine is illustrated. Some issues are presented in electronic form, all have tables of contents. The site has its own forum.

12. Teaching history at school (Electronic application)


A modern magazine for history teachers with a rich tradition, published since 1916. On the pages of the magazine you will get acquainted with the latest reforms in the educational sphere, fresh methodological developments, and the results of new scientific research. You will find answers to your pressing questions: how to prepare for the Unified State Exam? How to use it more effectively in the classroom Computer techologies? Which textbook is better? How to improve work productivity when you are constantly short of time? And much more.

13. Russian historical illustrated magazine “Rodina”

An interesting online magazine, rich in factual material, which can be very useful when preparing materials for history lessons at school. Some articles in it may be quite biased, but this does not prevent the use of materials posted in it. Here you can find stories about the glades and the Drevlyans, about the formation of principalities and the state, about the Mongol invasion, about intrigues around the royal throne; here are great historical figures, turning points in Russian history, and everyday life common man; essays about scientific and geographical discoveries, about orders and medals, about the history of ranks and uniforms, about the fate of Russians who settled in Harbin, Paris, Istanbul, and South America. Special issues of the magazine dedicated to the most important topics national history, which is reflected not only from the perspective of historical science, but through the eyes of participants and eyewitnesses of certain events, a detailed restoration of various historical events is presented, and there is also coverage of the life and way of life of various periods. In addition to the index of articles here is an archive for the years. and announcement of materials from the latest issue.

14. Russian Land - a magazine about Russian history and culture

http://sland. /sozdateli. htm

Literature, “sound engineering”, military affairs, trade, photo archive, links, etc. (Orthodox edition).

15. "Sergeant"

A military site that contains materials from military history magazines, numerous collections of military symbols, articles, reviews and illustrations of military history, information about military miniatures and much more.

16. Siberian Zaimka"

“Sibirskaya Zaimka” is a publicly accessible popular science resource, equally interesting to both ordinary readers and professional researchers of Siberian history. A large time period is covered, starting from Scythian times and ending with the 20th century. Professionals presented scientific works covering the history of Siberia. Catalog of web resources dedicated to the history and development of the Siberian region. There is an archive of publications from 1998 – 2004.

17. Scientific and educational magazine “Skepticism”


An independent scientific and educational magazine whose content is based on political journalism, analytical materials on education reform, relations between the state and the church, the protest movement and other relevant topics of modern history. There is a library of scientific literature on history, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, ethnography, etc., as well as a forum for discussions.

18. Middle Ages"

An academic periodical on the history of the Middle Ages and early modern times in Western Europe, published quarterly since 2007. Currently, the journal publishes original research by domestic and foreign historians, devoted primarily to Western European history of the Middle Ages and early modern times, as well as articles related to adjacent regions or related disciplines.

Much attention is paid to translations of sources, historiographical reviews, and an introduction to the life of the main scientific centers of Russian medieval studies. Materials are regularly published to help teachers of higher and secondary schools, reviews of domestic and foreign publications, and a bibliography of works published in Russia on the history of Western Europe from the mid-4th to the mid-17th centuries. The website contains a link to the electronic version of the magazine http://www. sv. medium-aevum. info/. There is an archive of numbers.