Electronic journal lyceum number 15

Lyceum No. 15 of the city of Vyshny Volochek, located in the Tver region, is a municipal general educational state-financed organization, which opened the doors for students in 1989 as a secondary school.

In 2011, the school was given the status of a lyceum. Today like others educational organizations country, Lyceum 15 has its own official website, where you can get comprehensive information about the history and current activities of the institution, located in the city of Vyshny Volochek.

In the main menu of the web resource, located on the left side of the site, among other things, there is a link to an electronic diary - a service that is becoming increasingly popular in the educational process.

site menu
Electronic diary

Lyceum 15 Vyshny Volochek electronic diary is a service through which students and their parents can view grades, receive information about absenteeism, keep abreast of topics studied, learn about the schedule of lessons and homework, and more.

An electronic diary is a service that will be very informative for all participants. educational process, whether it be the students themselves and their parents, or teachers and school administration.

To enter the electronic diary, which has Lyceum 15 of the city of Vyshny Volochek, you will need to get a login and password. For this information, please contact your class teacher.

Login to the electronic diary

After receiving the login and password, you will need to go to the link "Electronic diary" of the main menu of the official website of Lyceum 15, where in the tab "Educational organization" indicate the desired region (Tver region), city (Vyshny Volochek), type educational organization(general education) and its name (MOBU Lyceum 15). Then enter your username and password and click the "Login" link.

If you have lost your password, you can use the Reset Password link. After clicking on the link, enter the address Email or mobile phone number indicated earlier in your electronic diary. If such data was not indicated, contact the class teacher or system administrator at the educational institution.

Password recovery

Lyceum 15 Vyshny Volochek electronic diary - school15vvol.ucoz.ru

Vyshny Volochek is a city in the Tver region of Russia, whose educational institutions, like others, are switching to the use of elements e-education which has become very popular in recent years.

One of such institutions, in the daily activities of which a significant place is given to electronic documentation, is Lyceum No. 15.

Like other educational institutions, Lyceum 15 Vyshny Volochek is represented by its own Internet resource, which allows you to get all necessary information about the Lyceum.

Among other things, materials related to the electronic diary are presented on the site, which are available on the corresponding tab of the main menu located on the left side of the web resource.

Lyceum 15 of Vyshny Volochek joined such an important service as an electronic diary in September 2011.

Today, both lyceum students themselves and their parents, as well as teachers and the administration of the institution, can use its services.

Lyceum 15 Vyshny Volochek electronic diary - this is information about homework and class schedules, received marks and passes. Also, the diary is the comments of teachers that can make up a general picture of the educational process of each student.

To gain access to all the information contained in the electronic diary, you will need to use information system Network City. Education, presented in the section "Electronic diary" on the website of Lyceum 15.

Here you will need to specify the region (Tver region), city (Vyshny Volochek), the type of educational organization (General education) and its name (MOBU Lyceum No. 15), then enter the login and password, for which you should contact your class teacher.

In the event that the password has been lost, you can use the "Recover password" tab. Here you will need to enter the email address or mobile phone number that were specified during registration, and to which a recovery message will be sent. Also, if necessary, you can contact the system administrator at Lyceum 15 or your class teacher.