Demanded specialties in America. Top 10 in-demand professions in the USA

Famous Russian sound engineer Artem Nuzhin, who worked on the largest TV projects in Russia and opened his production in Los Angeles, talks about the life of a Russian family in the USA and career opportunities for Russians in America.

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Before you understand that these professions are within your power and you do not need to learn some complicated programming language, think about the documents. The most important are Social Security Number and Work Permit. Perhaps the most important distinguishing feature is the attitude to work in America and Russia. In the US, any profession is respected, so ordinary Americans have been working as waiters or sellers in a local supermarket for decades.

Taxi driver

Taxi work is suitable for young people under 25-30 who love cars and are willing to spend some time learning about cities and laws in the US. In order to become a taxi driver, you need: SSN, Work Permit and American rights.

1) This is a very long process, which will take a lot of effort and time. I recommend that you go to the DMV (US Department of Motor Transport) and take a book about traffic rules in America in Russian, the book is issued free of charge. You will need to study it in detail, because the rules of the road in the United States are fundamentally different from the rules in Russia.

2) You should sign up for the submission of documents in advance, because if you come after the fact, you can lose 3-5 hours in line, which is not very pleasant.

There are two options for working as a taxi driver. Classical- officially get a job in a taxi company and be one of the drivers of those yellow cars that we all remember from the series. But in Los Angeles they are becoming less and less, which I can not say about New York. Modern option - to work with the help of applications that in our time exist in almost everyone. Unlike many parts of the world, Uber is hugely popular in the US, highly developed, and performs better than in other countries. Only drivers with at least 1 year of driving experience in the United States can register in it.

Working as a taxi driver, you can earn about 3000$ per month, if you rent an apartment with someone and spend the remaining money economically, then it is quite possible to live on this amount.


In the US, the cinema industry is incredibly developed, almost every day in the center of Los Angeles or in the vicinity you can see how a movie is being made.

The leading agency that allows you to sign up for work in extras is Central Casting. But again, we recall point 1 - documents are above all. First you need to go to their website to look at the working hours and the day the documents are accepted. Arrive at 4 am on the specified day, stand in a huge queue of applicants, of which about 100-120 people will eventually be accepted, since from the moment of opening, the selection of applicants takes about 2-3 hours.

If you managed to slip through at this time, then you got into their base, if not, then come back another day. All the necessary data is entered into the database, including your mobile phone and free dates. Then you just wait for a message with a job offer, which will come in the evening before the day of shooting. The message will include instructions on when and where you should be.

The crowd is divided into 2 types: union And non-union. Non-union is the first stage of work in the crowd, where you can get about 2000$ per month but the schedule will be very tight. Pay attention that wages in Russia and in the USA are different: in America they pay by the hour, not by the day.

Union gets a double rate, but in order to get there, you need to work at least 3 times with a non-union group. After you do this, you will receive a letter with the question "Do you want to continue working in the crowd as a union actor?" If you refuse, then such a letter is unlikely to come to you again. The advantage is that by working union, you double the rate per hour.

There are a huge number of castings. If you want to get a role with the text, then keep in mind that your accent drastically reduces the chances of this. However, they often look for Russian-speaking people to shoot a scene of some kind of Russian party or Russian heroes. Then your accent will become a distinctive feature and a big plus!


Of course, the profession of a lawyer is one of the most common in the United States and the highest paid. Indeed, in the States, absolutely anyone, even the smallest company, as well as in every family, has a personal lawyer.

In America, from the school bench, they are taught to know and read the laws, however, due to the large number of migrants, divorce proceedings and, in general, a significant number of the population (as of 2017, 325,000,000 people live in the United States), there will be enough work for all lawyers.

In addition, there is a huge number of Russian-speaking people in America who do not speak English, so if you have a good level of professional English, there is every chance of making excellent money in the USA. In this case, you can count on the minimum wage in $4000 per month.


Unfortunately, having studied as a doctor in Russia, you will not be able to move to the USA and get a job in the profession. In order to become a highly qualified specialist, you need to undergo training in the USA, which lasts at least 7-10 years (it all depends on the specialization).

Due to such a long and laborious training process, the salaries of physicians in the United States are high. Even a novice nurse with little experience can receive 7000$ per month, not to mention surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, their salary can reach $50,000.

Surely everyone has heard that medicine in the United States is really expensive. You can easily feel it for yourself when you come to the district hospital without documents, and they ask you $ 250 for the most ordinary appointment. An ultrasound will cost $350.

A completely separate area is dentistry. To have beautiful and healthy teeth, you need to earn $10,000 or more. I usually say that it will be much cheaper to fly to Russia, pay for accommodation, food, visit a qualified dentist in Moscow or St. Petersburg than to do it in the States.

Consider the process of finding a job by our compatriots in Los Angeles. What is the program for work and travel Work and Travel. What vacancies can Ukrainians and Russians expect without knowledge of English in 2019.
The United States of America remains the promised land for many people. The year 2018 was not easy for the Russian economy, so our compatriots, hoping for the best, set off to look for themselves on foreign shores. Many Russians willingly choose the East Coast for themselves. California is famous for its great weather, beaches and one of the largest entertainment industries in the world.

Evening panorama of Los Angeles

It looks so tempting that, according to statistics, about 30% of all Russian immigrants come to Los Angeles and its suburbs.

The two most important tasks when moving to the United States are finding housing and work. There are no problems with the place of residence in Los Angeles. Many relatively inexpensive hostels, the ability to rent an apartment or a room, and when the main flow of tourists subsides, you can even find a room in a hotel at quite reasonable prices. Those who want to save on housing and who know how to drive a car can always find a place to live in nearby cities. There will be no problems with solving this problem, but with work it will be more difficult.

Most often, people of creative professions come to Los Angeles. There is no mystery in this. Numerous film studios, galleries, performance venues, dance and drama schools are scattered throughout the City of Angels.

Avenue of Stars in Los Angeles

It is possible to find oneself in this field, but it is difficult, and for a long time, and money is needed immediately. If you came here with a classical education, then things are different. But more on that below.

Trips under the Work and Travel program in 2018 often ended in failure, and no one provides you with the promised job. Then there are only two logical options left: go home or look for work yourself.

More often people choose the second one, because the money spent is a pity, and America promises mountains of gold to those who conquer it. Plus, people who came under this program have a work permit, and in principle they can apply to any recruiting company, fill out applications and resumes, and then wait. And, of course, to pay. For non-residents, such services are paid.

It will take a long time to wait, because in accordance with the laws of the States, a newcomer gets a job if within 3 months no suitable candidates with American citizenship, a residence permit or a Green Card were found. The chances of success here are small.

Most likely, you will get not very well paid, hard or dirty work, which the locals refuse. But it's already better than nothing.

If you are looking for work without documents confirming your right to work in the United States, things are more difficult, but there is a way out. Often, job ads can be found on the very popular site Websites of Russian communities and organizations also periodically publish available vacancies on their Internet portals and facebook pages. On the same craigslist there are ads for seasonal work, part-time jobs and part-time jobs.

An example of a work visa for traveling to Los Angeles and other US cities

In the warmest season in Los Angeles, you can get a job as an assistant to a wedding photographer, and there are a lot of such people in the city. Also, the fashion for exit registrations has swept the metropolis so much that places on the coasts and nearby restaurants are occupied for years to come. Therefore, during the wedding season, you can always find a part-time job.

professional workers

If you are an expert in some kind of art, whether you paint, sing, sew, or make arrangements with dried flowers, you can earn some money by selling your work. To do this, you can register on If you really do something better than others, you will quickly be noticed.

Exclusive and unique things are very popular in Los Angeles and other states.

Difficulties with getting a job

For Russians who came to America, there are three situations: when they know English well, when they know English at a basic level, and when they can say only a couple of sentences in it, and even then with an interpreter and a dictionary. It's good that now there are many mobile applications that can communicate on everyday topics, but this is unlikely to help when applying for a job.

How to find a job with low English proficiency

Perhaps one of the most pressing issues for newcomers is finding a job with a low level of language proficiency. If you have at least a small reserve of money, and your intentions for the USA are serious, then it is better to be like a language course. They won't ask you what you're doing in the country, so it's a safe way to learn at least basic English.

You can also try to find free courses. They are at churches, charitable foundations and evening schools. Addresses and phone numbers can always be found on the Internet or in local directories. For example, LAUSD Adult Schools offers such courses.

Usually, without knowing the language, you can find a job as a loader, cleaner or dishwasher. For waiters, they recruit those who can at least competently take the order.

For such work, the calculation takes place once a week, it is also possible to agree on daily payments in accordance with the number of hours worked. The main thing is to cope well with your duties, then a stable salary is guaranteed to you.

Read also

Affordable work in the USA on a tourist visa

How to find a job with a high level of English proficiency

Very often, Russians who come here with knowledge of the English language are sure that America will fall at their feet. This illusion usually disappears after a couple of days. The Californian dialect, especially in everyday communication, differs from New York or the one studied in language courses, at school, at the university.

There are many Latinos in Los Angeles who speak an unknown language, Spanglish, which is somewhere between English and Spanish. In addition, here you can hear:

  • Mexican English;
  • "language of the streets";
  • Afro-English;
  • and many other languages ​​that do not sell tutorials.

One lesson from the English tutorial

All these features will make any certified linguist just a silent listener. The advantage is that they adapt faster, and in a week they will be able to find a job with a higher pay. Although you should not count on the fact that you will immediately be able to find the job of your dreams.

You can search for it in the same way as people with a low level of English: through websites, recruiting agencies, ads. But unlike them, you can still go to cafes, restaurants and shops, talk to sellers and owners, they may like you and they will hire you. In the process of finding a job, the main thing is to be realistic or lucky, but more on that later.

Successful profession

Cooks, hairdressers, nurses and nurses - all these professions will always be in demand, especially in a city like Los Angeles. People here live at a fairly fast pace.

Dinner in a cafe is faster and sometimes cheaper, so the number of catering places in the city is more than one thousand. In a city where everyone wants to be a media person, professions from the beauty industry are in demand: make-up artists, stylists, fitness trainers, nutritionists, image makers and others that somehow fall into this list.

It will not be your diploma that will be checked here, but your skills. For many professions here, even the coolest Russian certificate will not mean anything. You will still have to obtain all sanitary and other work permits already on the spot.

1. Biomedical Engineer (biomedical engineer)

Biomedical engineers develop medical equipment and devices, from artificial hearts to drug delivery systems. According to the US government, this will be the fastest growing profession in American history thanks to the latest developments in technology and the medical needs of an aging population.

Requirements for a candidate: a bachelor's degree in mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering combined with basic biology, or a degree in biomedical engineering.

Average salary: $76,000

2. Telecommunications Network Engineer (network administrator)

A specialist who plans, designs, troubleshoots, and oversees the construction and operation of telecommunications networks used for data, voice, and video communications.

Average salary: $87,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 53%

3. Physician Assistant (physician assistant)

A doctor's assistant performs daily patient examinations, tests, consultations, and even prescribes medications under the supervision of a doctor. Due to a shortage of doctors, the baby boomer generation now in retirement, and health care reform, the number of patients is growing all the time creating a huge need for physician assistants.

Requirements for a candidate: Complete a program accredited by the RA (average duration is about 26 months). A typical candidate has a bachelor's degree and 4 years of experience in healthcare.

Average salary: $92,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 39%

4. Software Architect (software architect).

Just like architects who design buildings, software architects create designs followed by software engineers and also work in programming. Architects often work with clients and product managers and serve as the link between the technology department and the business department in a company. Therefore, this profession is considered more diverse than the profession of a programmer.

Requirements for a candidate: Bachelor's and Master's degrees, or significant work experience demonstrating the ability to develop software and work in a team.

Average salary: $119,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 34%

5. Environmental Engineer (environmental engineer)

Environmental engineers use engineering skills to protect the environment - tackling air pollution, water purification, waste disposal, alternative energy sources and energy supply, working in both the private and public sectors.

Requirements for a candidate: a bachelor's degree in any engineering specialty and a master's degree in environmental engineering.

Average salary: $81,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 31%

6. Physical Therapist (physiotherapist)

The main tasks of a physiotherapist are to assess and improve/correct the patient's functional abilities, as well as restore or maintain his impaired motor ability, and assist in postoperative rehabilitation. Extended life expectancy and a wave of aging baby boomers have already created a shortage of physical therapists.

Requirements for a candidate: Master's or doctoral degree and state license.

Average salary: $75,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 30%

7. Optometrist (oculist)

A specialist in diagnosing and treating eye diseases.

Average salary: $108,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 30%

8. Employment Recruiter (recruitment specialist)

The recruiter places ads to search for a candidate for an open position, studies and interviews candidates, advises managers and employees on personnel policy issues.

Average salary: $60,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 28%

9. Environmental Health & Safety Specialist (specialist in environmental safety)

Environmental safety professionals conduct research to identify, reduce or eliminate sources of pollution that affect the environment or public health.

Average salary: $71,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 28%

10. Occupational Therapist (Occupational Therapist)

A specialist who helps to use labor processes for therapeutic purposes.

Average salary: $72,000

Growth in the number of jobs over the next ten years: 26%

11.Construction Estimator

Average salary: $68,000

Job growth over the next ten years: 25%

12.Project Engineer

Average salary: $100,000

Job growth over the next ten years: 24%

13. Civil Engineer (civil engineer)

Average salary: $80,000

The most sought-after professions in the United States are low-paid or rare specialties. For example, a mid-level office worker or a highly trained anesthesiologist. In this case, by "in demand" we mean professions for which the demand from employers exceeds the number of specialists. Another thing is the highest paid professions, where the number of vacancies can be minimal - medicine, aviation and IT are leaders here. Let's talk about the most popular, highly paid and promising specialties, as well as the features of labor migration to the United States in 2019.

The highest paid professions in the US

The leading industries are medicine, information technology, aviation and management. Based on data from job search resources and official agency statistics, the highest paid profession in the United States is an anesthesiologist, who averages around $245,000 a year. At the same time, the salary depends not only on the specialty, but also on the state, on the organization, on experience and a number of other factors. Regional differences are noticeable: the same anesthesiologists receive about $192,000 in Illinois, and over $280,000 in California.

TOP-15 the highest paid specialties - a list of professions in the USA:

  • Anesthesiologist - $245,000.
  • Surgeon - $237,000.
  • Dentist - $228,000.
  • Maxillofacial Surgeon - $225,000.
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist - $ 221,000.
  • Psychiatrist, narcologist - $ 218,000.
  • Therapist - $190,000.
  • Executive Director - $185,000.
  • Marketing Director - $177,000.
  • Pediatrician - $174,000.
  • Oil industry engineer - $165,000.
  • Chief Architect – $142,000.
  • Pilot - $137,000.
  • Lawyer - $134,000.
  • Financial manager - $132,000.

The field of information technology follows the TOP professions. It is possible that in the coming years, programmers on average will receive salaries equivalent to the medical field.

In the meantime, the IT sector is spoken of as the most promising. It is also impossible not to mention sports and show business - leading athletes, singers and actors earn quite a lot, but the fees are often not disclosed, which is why the information remains known only to the tax authorities.

Do not forget that the United States is a country of great opportunities and much will depend on your career. If you received a diploma from the same doctor, but your qualifications leave much to be desired, you won’t have to count on the highest salaries. Conversely, a less “monetary” industry can bring in huge profits if you succeed in the profession. Here, a lot really depends on the specialist, his qualifications and desire to develop. And, of course, from the state in which he lives.

Rating TOP-11 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages ​​including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available are computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often skip school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest platform for online education. Allows you to get a sought-after online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

The most demanded specialties

Among the most demanded professions we include specialties that abound with vacancies. The leaders here are retail trade, hotel and restaurant business, office and social work. By "office workers" it is customary to understand ordinary lawyers, sales specialists, network administrators, secretaries, and dozens of other specialties. People in ties and beautiful, but not very expensive suits, who are content with average salaries or are at one of the career stages.

Salary in the USA for the professions most in demand in the labor market (average salaries for the year in the country):

  • Production Engineer - $70,000.
  • Programmer - $64,000.
  • Fitness Instructor - $61,000
  • HR manager - $55,000.
  • Merchandiser - $54,000.
  • System Administrator - $43,000.
  • Restaurant administrator - $42,000.
  • Seller – $35,000.
  • Nurse - $34,000.
  • Waiter - $29,000.

And again, we note the differences in salaries by state. If we consider waiters, then most of all they receive in the state of Hawaii - $ 37,000, but in Louisiana it is about $ 19,000 - the difference is almost twice. The situation on the market is changing quite quickly, therefore it is easiest to use not average statistics, but specific offers from employers. Want to immigrate to the United States? Already decided on the state of potential residence? Go to the job search site and look at the vacancies - this will create the most complete picture.

The relevance of the specialty in different states can also vary. If fishermen and technical specialists in the field of shipping are in demand in Alaska, then they are hardly useful to employers from New York - the profession of a lawyer, economist, manager or leader in the restaurant business is more relevant here. Specialties that will never cease to be in demand can be considered universal - doctors, teachers, pilots and other professions that are equally relevant for all regions of the country.

TOP US professions in perspective

In this case, we are talking about specialties that can become the most popular and highly paid in the future.

The leaders here are the fields of information technology and marketing, medical and engineering specialties.

With particular pleasure, the United States welcomes promising scientists who are ready to conduct research and make new discoveries. It is no coincidence that “brain drain” in Russia and in the countries of the post-Soviet space is understood as the migration of specialists with high potential to the United States.

The most promising professions according to experts:

  1. Software developers.
  2. Engineers.
  3. plastic surgeons.
  4. scientists and researchers.
  5. Robotics.
  6. Advertising and marketing specialists.
  7. Web programmers.
  8. Designers.
  9. Military.
  10. Architects.

Interestingly, the most promising professions in the United States include not only new, advanced and actively developing specialties like robotics, but also “well-forgotten old ones” like architects and researchers. They consider promising professions that seem banal - accountants, lawyers and financiers can significantly increase their income in the near future. Analysts are equally optimistic about the medical industry - doctors and pharmacists will continue to receive salaries that are objectively considered among the highest in the country.

Finding a job and starting your own business

It is not difficult to find a job, it is more difficult to take a highly paid vacancy, especially if you do not have citizenship and sufficient qualifications. Many students who go to the US on programs like Work and Travel experience similar problems: often they do not want to get the job that agents select for them (usually waiters), but more paid ones that require qualifications and experience. A similar fate awaits migrants who have only a tourist visa and are trying to get an unofficial job.

It is also worth noting that many vacancies in high-demand industries are occupied by refugees and migrants from third world countries. Their flow over the past 5 years has increased significantly. Therefore, even as a waiter or cleaner with a good salary, it is not always possible to get a job.

The easiest way to immigrate is by receiving an invitation from an employer or by being highly qualified in your profession.

The number of vacancies in the same medical industry is less than in the hotel and restaurant business, but there are also fewer high-level specialists. Therefore, if you have experience and can confirm your qualifications, your chances increase.

As for starting your own business, it is much easier to do this if you have citizenship. Even if you have a labor immigrant visa, registering a legal entity is problematic. At the same time, the Internet is replete with real stories of people who went to the USA to work, say, as fitness instructors and eventually became entrepreneurs - they opened their own fitness centers and went into private practice. The easiest way to develop is in the field of IT - investments in this business require minimal investment, while the annual turnover of many companies that have barely appeared on the market exceeds $ 2 million.

Labor immigration to the USA in 2018-2019

An extremely difficult procedure. It is necessary to obtain an H-1B work visa, which is issued based on the application of the employer. Simply put, nothing depends on you as a potential employee. An H-1B visa can be obtained by a highly qualified specialist with a diploma that meets US standards. If there is no higher education, then work experience is considered at the rate of 3 years of work = 1 year of study at a university.

At the same time, the visa applicant must satisfy a number of other requirements. In particular, in the domestic market of the United States, there should be a shortage of applicants for this specialty, the salary must comply with the law (in order to avoid the appearance of classic low-paid guest workers). The validity of the H-1B visa cannot exceed 6 years, however, during this time, the employee may apply for a Green Card.
Jobs in demand in the US in 2019

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One of the most famous cities in the world - Los Angeles, the center of all kinds of entertainment, the birthplace of the most interesting films, a picturesque corner - is located on the Pacific coast. In everyday life, almost every one of us associates this name with Hollywood. There is a cluster of film studios here, many stars live here. There is also a popular Walk of Fame.

In addition, the city is known for its magnificent promenades with clean beaches and a huge number of cafes, boutiques, and restaurants. Such names as Manhattan Beach, Malibu, Long Beach are known to everyone.

City of Dreams

Working in Los Angeles is the dream of not only almost any immigrant, but also a large part of fellow Americans. This is because this concept automatically implies a high level of salary and many interesting vacancies. Of course, the level of competition here is extremely high. But an applicant with a good education, letters of recommendation and experience has good prospects.

And what about Russian-speaking emigrants? Finding a job in Los Angeles is easiest for Russians in the restaurant and hotel business.

Citizens have a chance to get a good job in one of the many Russian cafes and restaurants, shops, magazines and newspapers. Emigrant entrepreneurs, former Russians who have managed to organize their own business here, are willing to employ their compatriots. Thus, work in Los Angeles for Russians (even for those who do not speak English perfectly) is quite real.

And yet, such activities are not highly paid. So tip number 1 - learn English!

Jobs in Los Angeles for girls

What vacancies were the most relevant for foreigners in Los Angeles last year (2016)? An intelligent woman who has a teaching diploma, experience, good communication skills, can count on the position of a nanny or babysitter. Of course, with this job, a serious knowledge of English is a prerequisite.

If you cannot or do not want to work with children, but you have a medical education and relevant experience, a job as a nurse is suitable for you. In this case, an average language proficiency will be quite enough. The advantage of this work is that wages are paid directly into the hands without withholding taxes (this does not apply to those who are employed through special agencies). Minus - in the almost complete absence of personal time.

Another type of activity for visitors is work in restaurants, cafes, fast food establishments as attendants. Such work in Los Angeles is seasonal, most often students and schoolchildren go to it during the holidays. Almost any Russian is quite realistic to get a job like this, but you should know that in this area there is quite tough competition with immigrants from Mexico.

And for men?

Job ads in Los Angeles contain many suitable vacancies for them. Men with a driver's license and good driving skills can get a job as a taxi driver, driver or freight forwarder. In addition to a driver's license (obtained, of course, in the United States), you need a good knowledge of the area and a fairly high level of language proficiency. For men who know how to work with technology, jobs are also available in various car repair shops and service points.

Other jobs in Los Angeles are vacancies in the construction industry and any kind of repair. It is easiest to find a job with the qualifications of a carpenter, joiner, plasterer or parquet floorer. Due to the high pace of construction, the demand for these specialties is not decreasing.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to find a job as a plumber, electrician or other specialist in the service sector.

Good job in LA

Natives of Russia who have higher education and good qualifications in their field can make a career as either a doctor, an accountant, an architect or even an editor of a local media. Such positions suggest certain prospects for further growth.

Of course, this process is not so fast. It takes time to settle down in a foreign country, to study the intricacies of the national mentality. Such vacancies cannot be called massive - rather, this is a piece option.

For those who cannot count on a white-collar job, the position of a sales assistant is suitable. Due to the presence of a huge number of outlets, both large and very tiny, this profession in Los Angeles is always in demand.

Girls and women can do cosmetology or manicure, both in one of the many salons and at home. The job of a hairdresser in Los Angeles is one of the most sought after and affordable.

Bring on Hollywood!

Well, we should not forget that Los Angeles is the center of the global film industry. All positions, even in the slightest degree related to the production of cinema, are a separate article. From directors and actors of all calibers to make-up artists, lighting and maintenance staff, the list of options is quite impressive.

As well as all over the world, in America and, in particular, in Los Angeles, IT specialists (programmers, web designers) are honored. At the same time, American employers pay more attention not to the prestige of a diploma, but to specific skills. It is perhaps easier for the owners of such professions to find a job in America (including remotely) and start earning good money.

Language is everything

Let's repeat once again - any position with a decent income implies a good command of English. It is believed that learning a language is not too late at any age. To improve your own knowledge of the language, there are many special courses and training programs.

While your knowledge of English is far from perfect, there is an option to look for an employer among immigrants from Russia. Those who are not yet ready to fight for a job with high wages and tough professional requirements can get a job as a janitor, kitchen assistant or cleaning company employee.

It is paid, as a rule, once a week or once every 2 weeks. The salary is indicated in the "dirty" amount (from which taxes are deducted later).

Job search

How to find a job in Los Angeles?

The main ways for this are acquaintances among emigrants, specialized agencies or printed publications. As elsewhere, there are special sites dedicated to employment. On them, you can clarify the lists of popular specialties and establish communication with potential employers.

How real (if your place of residence, for example, is St. Petersburg) is work in the USA? Los Angeles (like any American city) should be conquered according to the following scheme.

If the employer is interested in a future employee, he usually sends him an invitation, called a job offer. This document contains the necessary information about job responsibilities, the approximate level of the future salary, and so on. In order for employment to be guaranteed, a contract is required.

procedural points

When contacting a recruitment agency, be sure to check that it has a license to conduct such activities. Most often, such a document is hung out in a conspicuous place (for example, on the wall near the front door). Agency services are necessarily formalized by a contract. You will receive a receipt for their payment. If the services were not useful, and the results of the negotiations did not give anything, you are required to return the money.

What advice can you give to those who intend to get a job in Los Angeles? As elsewhere, you will need proper paperwork and, most importantly, a well-written resume. Even better - the additional presence of letters of recommendation from those places of work where you worked recently. In American documents, there is a peculiarity - places of work are not listed in chronological order, as in our country, but in reverse order.

Before the interview with the employer, a telephone conversation or a video conference is required. Then several different interviews are possible (even when it's just a job for a salesperson).

If you do not have an exit permit, you should not immediately disclose this fact. You may be able to get a job without a special visa. If you are offered a job that pays less than $7.50 per hour, you should not accept it. The exception is - formal earnings here can be equal to a couple of dollars per hour, while it is understood that tips will serve as the main income.

If the standard working day (8 hours) is exceeded, each additional hour must be paid at the rate increased by one and a half times. Weekend work doubles your income.

What types of permissions are there?

It is possible to officially stay in the United States on one of the visas listed below.

Type B visa is intended for business trips and just travel. With such permission, you are only entitled to visit relatives or acquaintances living in California. For transit transplants, a type C visa is issued. For students receiving education in Los Angeles - type E. For those who plan to marry an American - K.

It is possible to officially get a job in California only with a work permit (type H18 visa). To get it, you need a diploma recognized in the United States, and work experience on it. The visa is valid for 3 years, after which it can be extended.

How exactly is a permit issued?

First of all, you pay a visa fee, which ranges from $160 to $190 per person, including children. Then, a special application form is filled out online in English, which takes about half an hour. In addition, you send your photos in a strictly defined format.

This documentation is submitted to the US Embassy, ​​then your fate is to wait for the employer to receive an application with a special barcode. The date of your visit to the consulate is assigned. At the specified time, you will have to come to the specified point with a package of documents and take biometric indicators. The procedure is postponed in case of existing injuries on the hands.

This is followed by an interview with one of the visa officers. The main task of the applicant in this case is to prove the absence of intentions to remain for permanent residence in America. The family remaining in the homeland or real estate will serve as convincing arguments.

Upon successful completion of the procedure, you can wait a week or a month for a visa. The period varies depending on the amount of additional checks and the number of people wishing to leave. If you need a visa without a queue, the reason must be more than serious. Re-applying in case of refusal is possible only after a period of 47 months.

What if you don't have a visa?

Illegal employment for foreigners in America is strictly prohibited and heavily controlled by the state. But a considerable part of those who failed to acquire the coveted green card resorts to it.

American employers are very, very reluctant to deal with illegal immigrants. Indeed, in case of detection of such a violation, the owner of the enterprise faces a large fine, and sometimes the closure of the business. Immigrants from the CIS countries are especially wary - often they do not have the necessary papers.

In places that involve a large turnover of cash, illegal immigrants are treated more loyally. They are paid a salary that is not fixed anywhere. Thus, the employer saves on paying taxes. You can find similar work in small shops or restaurants, as well as construction sites and many low-paid, physically demanding jobs.

It should be remembered that this type of employment is a very risky occupation, since it does not guarantee any social benefits to the employee. In addition, illegal immigrants can be detected at any time and forcibly deported to their homeland. But, as a rule, this does not stop energetic and confident people.

What can you count on

How high does a job in Los Angeles pay? The average family income there exceeds $30,000 a year. If we talk about men, then the per capita income is on average just over 36 thousand dollars, for women - 30-31 thousand a year. More than 14% of Los Angeles families live below the poverty line. But in the same city there is also a maximum concentration of millionaires and simply rich people.

The minimum rate in this city is about $9 per hour. This figure is one of the highest among US states. Especially when you consider that the southern states are poorer than the northern ones.

The Los Angeles City Council votes to raise the minimum wage as part of the fight against poverty. But this applies more to the local population than to visitors. As already mentioned above, Russians or Ukrainians are most often "shone" with positions that do not require Western diplomas: a consultant in a store or a beauty salon, or a worker at a construction site. Although sometimes an emigrant can be found in the film industry, where the level of income is completely different. And among the programmers who receive very, very good salaries, there are many immigrants from Russia.

To whom how much?

What are the average incomes in the context of certain professions? As a rule, gardeners, hotel servants, waiters, janitors, etc. work for the "minimum wage". They earn about 2,000 US dollars or a little more per month. Realtors, couriers, secretaries and petty clerks are paid a little higher. They are followed by workers in the beauty industry (hairdressers, etc.), consultants.

Highly qualified workers can count on a salary of 30-40 dollars per hour. This applies to civil servants, builders, managers, engineers, marketers, accountants, doctors, lawyers, insurance agents or business analysts. You can expect to be paid from $50 an hour if you are a director of a large enterprise, a lawyer, a surgeon, an auditor, a dentist, or a pharmacist.

It should be noted that diplomas obtained in Russia or Ukraine in the United States do not matter. Those who graduated from a local educational institution have much more prospects.