Register on the e-education portal RT. Tatar food ru: electronic diary. Possibilities of a personal account Electronic diary. Tatarstan

Food Tatar dot ru e-education is an online resource of e-education in the Republic of Tatarstan.

I go Tatar dot ru e-education – Main page

The main menu of the web resource includes four tabs, the first of which is dedicated to educational organizations of the Republic. When you click on it, you will be prompted to select the desired region from the list. After that, select the type of organization (preschool education, schools, additional or vocational education, or other educational organizations). Then select a specific organization from the list that appears and review general information about her, the class schedule, the team, the bulletin board and other available materials related to the selected institution, located on the left side of the web page Food Tatar dot ru e-education.

Food Tatar dot ru e-education - Information about the organization

The second tab of the main menu of the site is addressed to students. Here are collected virtual electives in various subjects of the school curriculum, a list of which is presented at the bottom of the page. However, to get acquainted with them, you will need to enter the Food Tatar dot ru electronic education using the form presented on the main page of the resource, where you will need to specify your username and password.

Food Tatar dot ru e-education - Tab "Student"

Another tab of the main menu of the site is addressed to teachers who will be able to join virtual methodological communities by choosing the right one from the list presented at the bottom of the page. By the way, for this you will also need to enter the site through the form available on the web resource.

Food Tatar dot ru e-education – Login for users

The last tab of the menu Food Tatar dot ru e-education is dedicated to distance education.

A number of useful links are presented at the bottom of the Internet resource. So, various contests and news from Tatarstan are reflected here. It also contains links to the Intel Schools pilot project and websites of educational organizations in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Food Tatar dot ru e-education - Tabs

Also at the bottom of the Food Tatar dot ru electronic education is a link to contact technical support, which the user can use to get help when working with this resource.

Food Tatar dot ru e-education - Technical support

Food Tatar dot ru e-education —


IN Lately e-education is very popular among people who want to continue their education. An interesting and useful experience can be found on the website food tatar ru, how to get the so-called electronic education.

This site contains absolutely all educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan: from preschool education to professional institutions. All of them have a clear structure by districts of the region. The website food Tatar ru e-education provides such complete information that anyone can choose the necessary educational institution for themselves or their children. The site provides an opportunity to get acquainted with teachers and teachers, with the program of study in a particular educational institution, as well as apply for admission to the selected institution.

The site food tatar ru, dedicated to e-education, provides the most complete information about ongoing events and all kinds of competitions that take place in the field of education in the Republic of Tatarstan and are aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and expanding the educational horizons of students in the region.

Edu is actually an electronic digital education diary. Any educational institution of the Republic of Tatarstan can take part in this useful project. You just need to fill in the e-education card with the necessary content for Tatar food. Each school of the Republic of Tatarstan has its own specially allocated place for the food of the Tatar ru electronic diary to create its own web page with a management system.

The work of the administrator is noticeably simplified with the help of a resource on the Internet, where an electronic diary of an educational institution is filled out. To fill out a page on food Tatar ru electronic diary, you do not need to buy and pay for an Internet site. The administration system is very simple and makes it easy for anyone to get to grips with the features offered by the website builder.

In order to avoid any problems with uninterrupted work with the Tatar ru portal, an electronic filled diary must be created in the Internet Explorer browser. Other browsers, such as Safari or Opera, sometimes do not work well with edu and filling out an electronic diary. Sometimes there are problems such as, for example, the inability to save results, the inaccessibility of control buttons, and others.

First you need to go to Tatar ru, specifying your username and password. Electronic diary for the administrator will open when he, in turn, from his page goes to

Food Tatar ru electronic educational diary offers a walkthrough distance course training in a variety of disciplines. Not only residents of the Republic of Tatarstan, but also other visitors of the website can take part in such distance education. A necessary requirement for food Tatar ru electronic diary is mandatory registration, which allows you to enter your personal account and from there manage your learning process.

The site will be very useful not only for students, but also for teachers, since it contains all the necessary guidelines for working with children and for the correct presentation of new material in any discipline. To do this, you also need to go through the usual registration procedure.


Secondary schools no longer need to think about how to create their own website, they do not need to create the source code for their website project, pay a lot of money for posting information, and then for maintaining the school website.

Now all general education schools of the Republic of Tatarstan can place all their data on the website absolutely free of charge edu tatar ru, where all detailed information entered into an electronic diary. The administration system on the website is very simple. It is available to any teacher who can easily cope with the placement of the necessary information.

At present, access to the Tatar ru portal, where all electronic diaries are located, is limited.

In order to enter the edu tatar ru portal with e-education as a guest and view the information on your web page, you first need to dial the address and enter the login “tatedu” and the password “tat09” there.

But if you want to enter the edu tatar ru system, which is engaged in electronic education, as the administrator of your page or the page of an educational institution, then you need to type the address In this case, you can find out the password and login by calling the following phone number - 246 26 07.

To start working in the edu tatar ru system, in which you can fill out an electronic diary of your educational institution, you must definitely get acquainted with detailed instructions on using the system. Otherwise, various errors may occur, leading to duplication of work.

In the address bar, type the address An authorization form will immediately appear in front of you. The user of the Tatar ru system, filling out an electronic diary, first enters a personal login and password. After entering them, you must click on "Login". If the actions are performed by you correctly, the user must definitely get to the "Personal Account" page. If the username and password are entered incorrectly, you will be immediately notified of an error.

Problems of work on the site edu tatar ru, dedicated to e-education, and simple ways their solutions:

in order to connect a mail agent on a computer through a proxy server, it is necessary to specify the proxy server in the settings, as well as the login and password issued to the user in the EovRT system;

the problem that has arisen: after authorization is carried out, stationary computers (which are connected by wire to local network through twisted pairs) sometimes hang up and the entry “authorization in the mail” pops up. You can solve this problem as follows: type the address, press ENTER (without \logon). After these manipulations, a questionnaire will immediately open;

sometimes parents are faced with the problem of transferring their children from one class to another in the middle of the school year. In this case, click the "MOVE" button in editing the student's profile;

if you are using a laptop, then the connection may often be interrupted and a window appears with the entry "NO ACCESS". A break can occur when a new laptop is connected to the system. It has already been noticed that after about 50 seconds a reconnection occurs, so it is better to wait a minute after the connection is broken. Reconnection in Windows occurs automatically. However, if this does not happen, then the following steps must be taken:
1) update the search for WI-FI networks,
2) first turn off, and then immediately turn on WI-FI on the laptop (on the ray computer, press the FN + F7 key combination - highlighted); 3) in the most extreme case - restart the computer, as a result of which the connection can be restored again;

because the site is not finished stencil curriculum, so you can completely make your own from scratch. To do this, you need to log in as an administrator user "My School". Then, going to the "Curriculums" section, find " Individual plan» and enter all items by class (SETTINGS appear as soon as the checkbox is checked and the current positions are saved). The next step is to go to the CLASSES section. Select the created Individual plan for the class. Then you need to click on "save" and go to "SCHEDULE". Subjects for teachers are assigned in the "Employees" section;

the sequence of "DIVISION INTO GROUPS" will be as follows. First you need to go from the "Principal of the School". “My School” will appear, select “Classes”, then “Pg”. After that, we add “Class Subgroups” for all subjects. We save everything. Then we select "List of classes", "Uch" and calmly begin to distribute students into groups. We save all the information again. Since the corresponding lessons (“Staff”) are assigned to the teachers, the schedule will indicate the groups. Now divide the teachers into groups.

2) it's better to set - static proxy, not http:\\proxy.sch (perhaps;

3) the magazine will appear if you log in as a school principal and approve everything. It is necessary to add all the teachers and students, distribute the subjects among the teachers, enter the class schedule and approve everything. Only after that a journal will appear, and students will have a diary;

4) on desktop computers, it is better to create profiles for students, and install them there in the same way as on laptops, while maintaining them. Later, do not forget to disable saving passwords in the browser. It is necessary to remove the previous settings from govtatar, this can be done through the "Control Panel - Accounts";

5) do WI-FI connection automatic;

6) in order to open the Internet in laptops via WI-FI, you need to go to first without a proxy, but under your password and login. Click on the button

In the Republic of Tatarstan, since 2009, the State Information System "Electronic Education of the Republic of Tatarstan" ( has been successfully developing. All secondary schools, institutions of secondary vocational and additional education are connected to this system. The system is designed to automate the business processes of educational organizations, for accounting, maintaining websites of educational organizations.

To date, the system "Electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan" has more than 1 million registered users (teachers, students, employees of regional educational organizations, parents) who actively use the system's capabilities. On average, 80 million pages are viewed per month on websites and portals, more than 9 million times users log in to their personal accounts.

Each educational institution has its own website created using the Electronic Education system; in 2017, there are more than 4,000 such websites. According to the Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 582 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and updating information", an educational organization can post on its official website information about the location of the educational organization and its branches (if availability), mode, work schedule, contact details, information about the founders of the educational organization, about the structure and management bodies, about the level of education; about the forms of education; the languages ​​in which education is provided; about federal state educational standards and about educational standards with their copies attached (if any); about the head of the educational organization, his deputies; other information that is posted, published by decision of the educational organization and (or) placement, the publication of which is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In addition to electronic diaries of students, class schedules, digital educational resources, useful links, the system implements the functionality of pedagogical certification, advanced training, competitions for the best teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan, a testing system, an automated system electronic document management(ASED), electronic BMS, electronic open source software and school meals module. Also on the Regional portal of state and municipal services Parents can keep track of student grades.

The School Card project has been implemented in 108 schools in the cities of Zelenodolsk, Nab. Chelny and Nizhnekamsk. As part of this project, plastic cards were issued to students and parents, which are used to pay for school meals, transport and can be used as passes for automated system access control management. Parents have the opportunity to control the expenses of the child on the Regional Portal public services, replenish the balance of the card, receive notifications about the passage of the child to school through push notifications to the phones of parents.

To provide financial technical base Since 2009, over 56,000 laptops, over 17,000 desktop computers, over 4,000 interactive kits (whiteboard + projector), over 6,000 projection kits (projector + screen), more than 600 schools, more than 2,000 monoblocks and more than 1,000 laptops for secondary vocational education, more than 400 mobile classes and more than 11,000 Wi-Fi points installed.

In the development prospects - improving the material and technical base (updating the computer park, updating the network infrastructure), developing existing modules and creating new modules, as personnel reserve, Education Quality Assessment System, Unified SPO Reporting System (2017) and other modules.

Food Tatar ru (edu tatar ru) is an Internet resource for electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) - one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Today, the use of advanced technologies in educational process, in connection with which services such as electronic journal and an electronic diary that allows you to track the process of education of a particular student, which is important both for the student himself and for his parents, as well as teachers of the corresponding educational institution.

Electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan is a series of materials addressed to students and teachers. Here you will also find a lot of useful materials related to organizations in the region, as well as information on distance education. All this is reflected in the main menu Food Tatar ru.

In order to enter the system and get access to all materials, services and services available on edu tatar ru, including the RT electronic diary, you will need to specify your login and password in the right part home page website form, and then click "Login". You can also log in to the electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan edu tatar ru through the ESIA ( unified system identification and authentication) is an information system of Russia that allows authorized access to information contained in state and other information systems.

Here (when logging in through the ESIA), you will need to indicate your mobile phone number or mail, and then click on "Login". However, this is possible for already registered users, if you only intend to join the State Services resource that provides access to e-government services, including the electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan, please register. To do this, follow the appropriate link provided at the bottom of the page and fill out necessary information about yourself, such as your last name and first name, mobile phone number or email address (in the future you will need to specify to enter all e-government services). After that, you will need to confirm the specified phone number or email address.

Login via ESIA

If for some reason you have difficulty logging in, you can contact the class teacher who will help you understand the registration procedure, as well as work with the e-education web resource of the Republic of Tatarstan. By the way, if after a while you forget your login and password to enter the site, you can also contact your class teacher or administrator of the edu tatar ru system.

It is also important that the registration procedure itself, as well as the use of the electronic diary and the services of the electronic government of the Republic of Tajikistan as a whole, is absolutely free.

Not only holders of e-education of the Republic of Tatarstan can use personal computers, but also users of pocket personal computers, as well as smartphones. This is possible thanks to the existing program, after installation of which anyone can join e-education. Access to the system is also provided for those who do not have access to the Internet. Such parents will be able to use the services of e-education of the Republic of Tatarstan in specially equipped school premises.

After creation personal account on this website of the Republic of Tatarstan, parents will have access to information regarding the progress of their children through the Food Tatar ru electronic diary. This procedure is feasible, including thanks to SMS mailing (the link to which is located on the left side of the personal account), which in turn allows parents to stay up to date on the progress of their children in real time, while eliminating the need to visit the school by the parents of the students.

Personal Area

In your personal account, you can create your own questionnaire, in which you can specify not only the necessary, but also Additional information about yourself, such as your interests, favorite school subjects and other information. Information about your communities, electives, competitions and more will be stored here.

In addition to giving parents access to information about their child's progress, they will also be able to keep abreast of class attendance and homework. The electronic diary will also allow you to receive data on the behavior of the child in the classroom, get acquainted with the comments of teachers.

To go to the materials addressed to students on Food Tatar ru, refer to the corresponding tab of the main menu of the web resource. Next, you will need to select one of the virtual electives, the list of which is presented at the bottom of the page that opens, and then select the desired subject from the list on edu tatar ru.

Tab "Student"

The next one tab of the main menu of e-education of the Republic of Tatarstan is devoted to information addressed to teachers. So, by clicking on the “Teacher” tab, you will need to select one of the virtual methodological communities, the list of which is also located at the bottom of the web page.

Teacher tab

Another tab of the main menu of the electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan is dedicated to educational organizations region. The first thing you will need when clicking on the appropriate link is to select the area you are interested in from the list available here. After that, indicate the type of organization you need (school, preschool, additional or vocational education and other organizations). Then select the name of a specific institution from the list available on edu tatar ru.

Organizations tab

After that, you will be able to get acquainted with general information about the selected institution (contact information, news, etc.), as well as view numerous materials, links to which are presented on the left side of the page. So, here you will find the schedule of classes, regulations, media library, bulletin board and much more.

Organization details

If you have any questions related to the operation of this Internet resource (including the electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan diary), you can use the services technical support, the link to which is presented in the lower right corner of the site. Here you will be prompted to contact technical support information system"Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan" (to resolve issues related to functionality and content, as well as work in the personal account of the edu tatar ru website) or the GIST technical support service (issues related to connecting to the Internet).

Technical support

Electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan —

Parents of children studying in educational institutions Tatarstan, have the opportunity to participate in the educational process of the school in the best possible way. Especially for this, an electronic diary was created Tatar food ru, thanks to which new opportunities appeared not only for parents, but also for the teaching staff and students. This online diary immediately appealed to parents who do not have the opportunity to attend school often enough to monitor the progress of schoolchildren.

Tatar food ru - Electronic diary

In addition, Tatar food ru electronic diary allows you to establish a productive dialogue with class teacher. This communication, no doubt, will only lead to positive results in the upbringing of the child, because, as you know, the situation is easier to prevent than to correct later. And such a modern child can have a lot, ranging from academic performance and ending with relationships with peers.

Advantages of an electronic diary

On the site Tatar food ru, an electronic diary offers parents to keep abreast of the child's daily progress. Grades are given in subjects promptly, here you can also get information about the average score for the subject, which is a good incentive for the child to improve their knowledge.

Tatar food ru electronic diary - Advantages

This service of the portal Tatar food ru electronic diary allows you to get the following benefits when accessing the portal:

  • Efficiency in obtaining information about the progress of the child;
  • relevance of information about behavior;
  • saving parents time to attend school.

To gain access to the electronic diary, you must register. To do this, parents will need a special code, which can be obtained from educational institution. After that, your personal data will appear in special columns. Be sure to check their spelling.

Further, to register for Tatar food ru in an electronic diary, you should write down your email, it must be valid. This is where the link will come, following which, you will find yourself again on the page of the electronic diary, but as a registered user. Now you have access to all types of services offered by the portal. If you have changed your e-mail address, be sure to report it, because it is required, including when you forget the login and password required to enter the Tatar food ru electronic diary website.