Stencils for mehndi on hands. Stencils for mehendi: ready-made and hand-made. Mehendi on hand for good luck

The art of covering leather with various patterns and designs, which originated several thousand years ago, remains relevant to this day. Moreover, previously, body painting served not only for decoration, but also carried a deep sacred meaning and could tell a lot about its owner (faith, origin, social status etc.). A variety of techniques and types of paints are used to apply designs to the body.

Mehendi is a technology for painting the body using henna. It is a kind of safe and painless temporary tattoo, because... involves the use of vegetable dye and the application of a pattern only to the surface of the skin, and not to the deeper layers. Mehendi lasts for about two weeks. Mehendi is most common in Arab countries, Africa, India, Malaysia and Indonesia. This technology came to Europe quite recently, but is now rapidly gaining popularity.

Mehendi through a stencil

Henna painting using the art of mehendi today is a modern and stylish decoration, which is used mainly to emphasize one’s individuality and attract attention. The drawings themselves can be either quite primitive or very complex ornaments and compositions with many elements. Mehendi masters are artists who have special skills, know the intricacies of working with henna, and understand painting styles.

However, you can make a drawing on the skin not only from a specialist in a salon, but also yourself at home. To facilitate the process, it is possible to paint not by hand, but using special ready-made stencils, i.e. using the template technique. This process is very simple and accessible, so anyone can use it.

Mehendi designs and stencils are reusable and can be used an unlimited number of times. They can be purchased in specialized stores. At the same time, some stencils are ready-made compositions, while others can be used as elements for large-scale body painting. It is also quite easy to make stencils yourself from self-adhesive film.

The art of mehendi appeared a long time ago and today has not lost either its meaning or popularity. This love for body art has existed since ancient times. Then people tried to put various protective symbols or totems on the body, which had various sacred and symbolic meanings.

Today, henna designs are a kind of safe tattoos, which, among other things, do not last long, and therefore there is no risk that if you don’t like the design, it will be difficult to remove it. Mehendi also does not harm the skin - it is done using natural henna and natural additives. Such a pattern can only be harmful if you are personally intolerant to wine, coffee or henna, from which the paste is made. Otherwise, the mehendi paste takes care of the skin.

How to prepare mehendi paste? Do you need to buy stencils or can you make them yourself? Let's look for answers to these questions.

From the history

Where did the art of mehendi come to us? Did you make the stencils for it yourself or did craftsmen do it? It is not known exactly where the art of mehendi originated. Such drawings were made back in Ancient Babylon and even Ancient Rome, then they were applied at certain, important moments in a person’s life (for example, at a wedding or before a battle) and were wearable talismans. There are four styles of mehendi, which have their own characteristics: Arabic, Asian, Indian, African. People mostly made stencils themselves.

Stencils for mehendi at home

Mehendi stencils and designs can be found both on the Internet and you can come up with it yourself. There are no rules in this art, it is your flight of fancy, which is realized by the master or by you yourself.

Mehendi stencils are very easy to make at home. Just draw the required drawing on a separate piece of paper or print it from the Internet - this will be your example.

If you know how to draw beautifully, then you can print out stencils for mehendi and simply draw with a pencil or felt-tip pen directly on the body, and then go over these lines with paste. This is the easiest way. This way you mark the lines, as well as their width and clarity, and then it is much easier for you to concentrate and get everything right. There is also a simpler method for those who do not know how to draw - using a stencil.

Have you decided to master the art of mehendi? You can make stencils for this yourself. Take some patterned paper. Then take self-adhesive film - it can be purchased at any craft store. Place the stencil on the drawing and very slowly and carefully begin to redraw. Having transferred it to adhesive paper, run a sharp knife over the drawing so as to cut out part of it, like a snowflake; there should be a void in the place of the former drawing - this is your stencil. Then you simply place it on your hand and draw over it. Such stencils are not disposable; they can be used several times. Just after the design is applied, wash the film under hot water or wipe with alcohol, it will remove any remaining henna from the film.

Skin preparation

Do you want to master the art of mehendi? The stencils are already ready - you can start working. But before you do, read some tips. In order for the drawing to be accurate and last a long time, you need to prepare the skin before applying the paste. First, wash the desired part of the body. Wipe it with cotton wool soaked in alcohol so that it is not greasy. Ideally, you can also pluck out all the hairs, so the pattern will lie more evenly.

Drawing mehendi

We already know how to make a stencil for mehendi. Let's get to work. Prepare everything necessary tools: a bag of paste or a special tube, paper or a cotton swab, which can be used to correct the drawing if necessary. To make it easier to remove an incorrect stroke, soak a cotton swab in alcohol - this way the chance of washing off an unnecessary line is much higher. Before applying the design to the skin, practice on glass. Copy a drawing from any sketch until you train your hand.

Rules for caring for a drawing

The color of the drawing does not appear immediately. At first it may even be orange, but after a couple of days it will acquire its true dark, rich color. To make the paint last longer, just follow a few rules:

  1. Don’t rush to peel off the top layer; it will begin to fall off on its own when needed.
  2. The pattern can be washed, but it is not advisable to rub it with a rough sponge or apply various alcohol-based creams or tonics.
  3. Swimming in chlorinated pools or washing your hands with such water is also not recommended.

Since ancient times, women have painted their bodies with unique designs called mehendi. Unlike a tattoo, which adorns the body for a lifetime, this type of painting remains on the body for several weeks. Henna hand designs have recently gained popularity. Few people know what meaning lies in these mysterious drawings and how painting is done correctly.

Mehendi designs - what is it?

Mehendi is a design made on the body with henna. This type painting originated in ancient Egypt. Only the highest levels of society could perform mehendi. Now both the purpose and the name have changed. Nowadays, body painting is often also called biotattoo.

The object of painting is often hands, and this is not without reason. For example, in India, during classical dance, the hands play a major role. That is why they are painted with henna patterns. Indian women paint their hands from the fingertips to the wrist, and sometimes even higher.

Painting is applied on both sides of the brush. The nail side is completely painted over, and the master applies painting on the inside, starting from his creative imagination.

What does a henna tattoo on a hand mean for girls?

As for girls, they choose henna designs on their delicate hands precisely to give them beauty and unusualness. If we talk about drawings, girls prefer plant themes. Beautiful flowers, small leaves or climbing vines add elegance to a woman's hand. The girls themselves note the fact that with such painting, their movements become more graceful.

Henna on hands in Islam

In Islam, tattoos are strictly prohibited, but not painting patterns on the body with natural dye, because henna affects only the upper part of the epithelium, without delving into the lower layers of the skin. Considering the religion of Islam and Sharia law, henna painting is a temporary and even useful tattoo. But as for the drawings themselves, there are some limitations.

In Islam, it is forbidden to draw images of people, animals, or apply texts from the Koran to the body.

It is also forbidden for strangers to see the painting.

The purpose of mehendi in Islam is to please your man, so unmarried women are prohibited from painting their bodies. Sharia law also prohibits mixing henna and graphite, which gives the design a darker color. This is considered a violation of the natural composition, which means it changes the body as Allah created it.

Henna designs on the hand for children

Not only women and men, but also children can paint their bodies and be in trend. Children's mahendi looks beautiful at a festive event and brings a lot of positive emotions.

Mehendi, henna tattoo for boys

Mehendi on the body or hand is a fashionable and colorful accessory for a boy who wants to be different from his peers. The most important thing is that henna should be applied to both girls and boys in its pure form, without any additives. The pattern applied to the child's body will have a brownish tint.

Henna designs on the hand in the form of cartoon characters or strange animals are very popular among boys.

Boys are often eager to apply a pattern in the form of their favorite heroes. If your child is into adventure, you can buy a special set of decals with pirates. It is possible to create mehendi for boys yourself, turning to your own talent and imagination for help.

Mehendi on hand for girls

With girls, the task of applying a henna design to the arm and body area becomes more complicated. After all, they love everything colorful, beautiful, delicate. A beautiful, curly flower is applied to the hand, which will emphasize tenderness and grace or a sketch of an animal. A beautiful image for a girl would be a mehendi in the form of a bracelet on her wrist. The pattern will look neat and beautiful.

For children, henna designs are not just body painting, but part of their games.

Henna tattoo on the arm for men - what to get for a guy

The technique of body painting has also gained popularity among the male half of the population. Modern men do not attach much importance to henna designs, unlike the times of glorifying God and the Olympic Games. At that time, patterns were applied only to the strongest. People learned from these paintings about his exploits and could praise the hero.

The hand is a very popular place for henna designs among men. Most often, painting is applied to the shoulder. The following drawings are suitable for it:

  • the dragon is a symbol of intelligence and strength. By applying a dragon design to his hand, in this case his shoulder, a man seeks to discover in himself the ability to go beyond the usual, to be noble and persistent;
  • cross - this symbolism is applied to Orthodox and Catholic men. Celtic crosses are often applied. These patterns are appropriate for both believers and atheists;
  • inscriptions are usually some meaningful phrases, statements that prompt others to think. A man can use any phrase to show his feelings for a loved one;
  • animals - the silhouette of a sleeping animal or the grinning mouth of a wild animal - all this speaks of the character, audacity, and cunning of the owner of the drawing.

There are a lot of options for painting on hands and it is not even immediately possible to determine the meaning of the applied pattern. Men cover not only their hands with various designs. They apply various images and symbols to the chest, legs, and neck.

White mehendi on the hand - white henna designs on the hands

Along with the already popular brown henna mehendi, white henna mehendi is gaining popularity. This painting resembles delicate lace patterns. This theme is very suitable for wedding ceremonies. When the bride makes designs on her hand with white henna, the pattern blends harmoniously with her outfit, which looks gentle and feminine.

But it is not clear how a white pattern is obtained from natural henna? After all, anyone who has come across the method of making a mixture of henna and covering the body with it should know that natural henna is finely ground dry herb. When this powder is diluted with water, it produces a dark green color. What is mysterious and unusual about applying white henna mehendi?

The white paste does not contain henna at all. The basis is acrylic paint called glitter. Unlike the design with red henna, which is applied to the hand, the pattern drawn with white henna is not as durable.

The application process takes about 15 minutes, but it all depends on the complexity of the pattern. Very complex patterns can take 2 hours to apply. A white henna design can remain on the body for 2 hours or even 2 days. But only if you don’t rub your body too much while taking water procedures.

After all, it includes chemical elements and oxidizing agents, which, when applied to the skin, can cause an allergic reaction and leave a burn.

Black henna on hand

To apply mehendi to your hand or other part of the body with black henna, you should know that black color does not always work. It can be brown in color, and sometimes even burgundy. All these disadvantages apply to store-bought products. But it is still possible to make black mehendi. It is necessary to add a special one to henna chemical composition– PFDA (para-phenyldiamine).

As for the time it takes for black henna patterns to appear on the body, they appear quickly. Additional time will only add clarity and durability to the drawing. Many people admire the beauty that comes from applying black henna. After all, it is this henna that makes it possible to obtain the most believable tattoo.

It is worth noting the disadvantages of applying black henna. When adding the PFDA component to henna to give blackness, you need to be aware of the consequences that occur after application to the skin. The skin develops redness or, in the worst case, a chemical burn.

Doctors prohibit applying henna with PFDA to a child’s skin. A beautiful pattern can result in serious skin diseases for him: eczema, dermatitis, itchy skin.

When applying a pattern to the body, you need to make sure what the product is made of. The safest are mehendi made from natural ingredients.

Mehendi on the hand

Hand painting among women has gained considerable popularity. Drawing can become part of modern styles. There are several main areas on the hand for drawing:

  • henna designs on the back of the hand;
  • patterns on the wrist;
  • painting on the shoulder;
  • painting on the forearm.

When painting on the hand, it should be taken into account that each of the patterns carries its own meaning and can even change the inner world of the owner.

Mehendi henna bracelet on hand

Mehendi in the form of a bracelet is made on the wrist. The bracelet symbolizes success in love affairs, also serves as protection against diseases, gives energy and strength, and helps in love life. Mehendi in the form of a bracelet is applied during the celebration of family holidays or at a wedding.

The bracelet pattern is suitable for both women and men and is a beautiful stylish decoration. Women choose a bracelet pattern in the form of flowers, plants, figures, ribbons and lace. The stronger sex paints the wrist with strict geometric patterns.

Mehendi bracelets in the form of various hieroglyphs, love vows and inscriptions are becoming popular.

Mehendi on fingers

If painting with henna on the hands has become a common thing, then the patterns on the fingers and toes attract special attention. The craftsmen try to decorate this part in a particularly interesting way. On the fingers you can usually see painting in the form of small, neat images.

The main advantages of mehendi on fingers:

  • patterns can fully reveal the owner’s state of mind;
  • small size, not very noticeable;
  • easily removable;
  • the patterns are light and can be applied independently;
  • the pattern lasts 2-4 weeks and can be easily changed to another pattern if desired;
  • the painting emphasizes the elegance of a woman’s hands or feet.

Mehendi on hand up to elbow

Mehendi on the arm up to the elbow looks very festive. In this case, the master’s imagination knows no bounds. Some highlight interesting ideas henna painting on the arm up to the elbow:

  • feather - lightness, spirituality, creativity;
  • peacock - symbolizes eternal life, holiday;
  • dragon - power, strength, magic;
  • owl – wisdom, intuition, intelligence.

Also, for painting the arm up to the elbow, all kinds of inscriptions that carry meaning are suitable.

How much does a henna tattoo on a hand cost?

Henna mehendi can be done at home. But if you have doubts about the skill, you can contact special salons for applying drawings of various sizes and complexity. The master will provide all the necessary sketches. It will only be a matter of choice. Henna mehendi price average:

  • small drawing - 350 rub.;
  • drawing on the palm - from 550 rubles. up to 750 rub.;
  • painting from fingertips to elbow - from 900 rubles. up to 1500 rub.;
  • painting on the foot from toes to ankle - from 600 rubles. up to 800 rub.;
  • painting on the leg from toes to knee - from 1000 rubles. up to 1500 rub.;
  • drawings on the back (depending on size) – from 1500 rubles. up to 3500 rub.

What kind of henna is needed for mehendi

Crushed henna is used for patterns on the body. There are natural and synthetic henna. Synthetic henna can cause skin allergies and burns, so it is recommended to use natural henna. It is safe, although not as black as synthetic ones.

The brown tint that is obtained from natural henna can be diluted with basma. Natural henna is even sold by weight. But you can buy ready-made formulations different colors for application to the body.

Henna for mehendi – where to buy, how much it costs

For body painting, you must use natural and high-quality henna. But where can you get one? Henna for mehendi can be purchased in online stores. There, for the finished composition in a tube or in a special cone with a volume of 25 g, the price offered is from 35 to 39 rubles. Henna is even bought in beauty salons.

Another place where henna is purchased for coloring skin is specialized shops with Indian products.

Along with the ready-made composition for body painting, you can purchase entire body painting kits “Mehendi School”. The price for such a set will be about 1600 rubles. There are many different oils for fixing the design. The price of such oil will depend on the volume of the container and the manufacturer.

For example, eucalyptus mehendi oil for temporary tattoos 6 ml will cost 120 rubles, and NEHA mehendi oil 6 ml will cost 99 rubles.

They decide on their own what kind of henna to paint their body, where and at what price to buy it.

How to draw henna tattoos on hands - drawing: rules

In order for the henna design, in this case on the hand, to turn out beautiful, you must follow the rules for applying the pattern:

  1. Initially, the desired sketch is selected.
  2. Then you need to prepare the paint. The finished composition is poured into a container, water at room temperature and lemon juice are added. Mix everything well to form a porridge-like mass. To saturate the shade and consolidate the pattern, add a solution of strong black tea, coffee, or even red wine to the mixture.
  3. The main rule of mehendi is a properly prepared application site. You should wipe it with eucalyptus oil. As a result, the paint will adhere better, last longer, and the shade itself will become brighter.
  4. For inexperienced artists, a stencil will come to the rescue.
  5. Painting begins from the far side so as not to smudge the drawing as you paint. If the line was drawn incorrectly, it can be removed by soaking a cotton pad in sunflower oil. Although you need to take into account that a trace may remain. To avoid this type of incident, it is necessary to squeeze out the paint slowly so that it does not spread.
  6. At the end of the procedure, you must wait until the paint has completely dried. This will take from 40 to 60 minutes. Dried henna should be shaken off using a soft cloth. Another way to fix the design is to apply olive oil, lemon juice, garlic or sugar.

Before the procedure, it is always necessary to check for the absence of an allergic reaction. It should be remembered that applying henna patterns to the same area of ​​skin is not recommended. This may damage the skin.

How long to keep henna on your hand - how long does it take for henna to dry

After applying a henna design to the arm or other part of the body, you must wait for the henna to dry completely. To do this, it is best to stay warm. The sun's rays can come to the rescue, but if this is not possible, then you can use a hairdryer.

The drawing dries in 60 minutes, but if you spend a little more time on this process, the drawing will be richer and last longer. It is best to leave the drawing to dry overnight. It is necessary to carefully wrap the required drying area with cling film and secure. To do this, use hairspray, but only without alcohol. They wait until the varnish dries, then apply another layer of varnish and go to bed.

How to make a bio henna tattoo on your arm at home

If you make a henna tattoo at home, you must purchase special materials and tools. They will be needed for preparing the paste itself and for applying it.

For the paste you will need:

  • 20 g henna powder;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. aromatic oil;
  • juice from 2 lemons.

To apply the drawing itself you need:

  • applicator (you can take a medical syringe, but without a needle);
  • wide plastic stick;
  • hairspray (alcohol-free).

Mehendi on the hand for beginners - step by step with photos

To make a henna design, you need to follow some steps and rules:

  • Before painting, an allergy test is carried out. Apply a little mixture to the bend of your elbow and wait 30 minutes. The absence of an allergic reaction means that the area of ​​skin on which the design will be applied can be prepared;
  • Using soap, the skin is cleansed and unnecessary hair is removed;
  • after some time, after the skin has dried, apply a special oil for painting or eucalyptus oil;
  • The dye for painting is made in advance, approximately 24 hours before application. Because the pasta should “ripen”.
  • the drawing must begin with the main outline, which is then filled with small details;
  • mehendi paste is applied from a bag or using brushes and sticks;
  • the paste is applied in a layer of at least 2 mm;
  • if an incorrect line is drawn, it can be removed using a cotton swab or napkin;
  • Having completed the pattern, the composition is left on the skin for 60 minutes;
  • after drying, remove the paste with a scraper, a plastic card or the blunt side of a knife;
  • The applied pattern cannot be wetted for 8 hours, so it is better to apply it before bed.

How many days does henna last on hand mehendi

The time for mehendi to be on the hand is individual for each person. If we count on average, then a pattern made from natural henna without additives will be noticeable for 10-14 days. If you exclude contact with water, then you can wear mehendi even for 21 days.

How to erase and wash henna off your hands

To remove mehendi from the skin of your hands, you need to:

  • Steam the skin well and rub it with a pumice stone without strong pressure. It is not recommended to repeat this process, otherwise scratches will appear on the skin.
  • Heat vegetable oil and apply to skin. After 30 min. wash off with warm water and soap.
  • The scrub is applied after 3-4 hours. The procedure should be performed until the pattern is completely removed.
  • You can remove mehendi using sea salt. Large salt crystals are crushed in a coffee grinder and applied to pre-moistened skin. Gently rub the area of ​​the pattern, adding water occasionally until the salt is completely dissolved.

What can you draw with henna on your hand - what designs, patterns

Paintings applied to the hand can be either in the form of drawings or in the form of various inscriptions. This is a stylish and fashionable option for temporary tattoos.

Henna inscriptions on hand

Many people prefer Latin inscriptions, but no less popular are inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphs and on English language.

An inscription in Russian is rarely done, because phrases in Russian are not as mysterious and enigmatic as, for example, in Latin.

What small, simple henna designs to make on your hand?

Hand painting is applied both in the form of complex drawings, but this requires certain skill and knowledge, and in the form of simple drawings. You can even do simple painting yourself at home.

An example of a simple design could be a feather, flowers, or a bracelet. You can apply simple inscriptions.

Mehendi on hand: meaning

As for the meaning of the drawing, even in Ancient India, mehendi was endowed with magical properties. Today there are also mehendi that have a special meaning.


This type of pattern is suitable for the female gender. Flowers represent their beauty, passion, joy and success. You should also take into account what kind of flower is applied to the body.

If it is a daisy, then it means innocence, if it is a sunflower, it means charm, and a lily speaks of the modesty and mystery of a woman. The rose, in turn, makes one know about the virginity of the body on which this flower is applied.


Represents the purity and purity of the hostess. Lotus is applied by people who want to regain their purity or have it. Often lotus is applied to pregnant women or brides.

People who want to spiritually cleanse themselves and find meaning in life also apply lotus mehendi.


The symbol has a dual meaning. The owl is a symbol of wisdom, and the eagle owl is a symbol of darkness, misfortune and death.

But today they use the symbol of an owl, without remembering the dark and unfortunate owl.

dream Catcher

It is a talisman against all evil spirits.

The image of a feather tied to a talisman carries the meaning of air and breath, without which life is unthinkable.


Mehendi applied in the form of a crown carries the meaning of power and authority.

A crown is also applied to emphasize the powerful principle.


Symbol of rebirth. It used to be believed that the feather somehow helped negotiate with higher powers. This pattern was applied by healers and shamans.

The Egyptians, on the contrary, considered the feather a symbol of justice. If you need to bring lightness of spirit into your life today, it is recommended to apply a hawk or eagle feather.

The Dragon

This painting carries the meaning of fertility and water.

The main meanings of the design in the form of a dragon are:

  • honor;
  • perseverance;
  • force;
  • magic;
  • hidden spiritual qualities.

a lion

This sign also carries a double meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes justice, power, perseverance, courage, but on the other hand, cruelty and ferocity.

Nowadays, mehendi in the form of a lion is applied to challenge society and emphasize the steadfastness of character.

Mehendi on hand for good luck

Henna hand designs are often made in the form of curved lines to attract good luck in life. These are lines of overcoming difficulties or a talisman for good luck.

You can use this painting if you want to achieve career success or find a groom.

Henna tattoo on hand for women: photo

Beautiful stencils for henna on the hand: pictures

Easy, simple drawings, henna patterns on the hand (mehendi) for beginners: sketches

Mehendi (henna tattoo) on hand: photo

Henna designs on the hand: video selection

The first video provides instructions for applying a henna tattoo on your hand at home:

The second video shows an example of a simple henna design on a hand (owl) for beginners:

It is best to start experimenting with the application of selected henna designs with the simplest patterns, complicating the image as you gain professional experience.

Mehndi (Hindi) मेहँदी , Urdu مہندی ) - body painting with henna. Unlike a tattoo, it is a temporary decoration of the body, but lasts much longer (up to three weeks) than paint or other methods of drawing on the body. Most common in Arab countries, India, North Africa and Indonesia.

Mehndi originated about 5,000 years ago. Even in Ancient Egypt, noble ladies decorated their bodies and nails with designs. In the 12th century, it gained a foothold in India, becoming more than just a decoration. For example, many Arab women believe that mehndi brings happiness and protects against bad luck. So, during the wedding, the bride is painted with a design, and the remaining henna is buried in the ground to protect the marriage and avoid the husband’s infidelity.

Traditional motifs vary greatly depending on the region:

  • North Africa. The drawing is highly stylized. Special attention is given to the application and clarity of the contours.
  • Middle East. Floral patterns characteristic of Arab culture. Everyday drawing is simple, complex patterns are made mainly for ceremonies. Bedouins living in the desert often simply dip their feet and palms in henna, without any decoration.
  • India. Mainly performed by temple dancers or for special ceremonies, mainly weddings. Quite complex and large (covering the area from palms to forearms and from feet to knees) lace designs. Mostly religious motifs and signs of fertility are depicted.
  • Indonesia. Floral Indian motifs are used. There are completely painted pads of the fingers, lateral parts of the palms and feet.

Most of those who are already familiar with henna designs have seen traditional designs. These are beautifully intricate designs used for marriage ceremonies and other rituals. They usually adorn the wearer's hands and feet and require many hours of paste application and then drying. Henna color is known to stick best to the hands and feet, which absorb and hold the color better, but henna can be applied anywhere. How well your skin accepts henna will depend on each person's skin properties.

Today, henna comes in many forms, including more modern variations. Some permanent tattoo artists do a henna design first to see if they like the tattoo before making a final decision. Some people only like a temporary tattoo option, when they know that the design will be washed off in a few weeks. However, it is a beautiful form of rich art in the culture.

Preparing the mixture

You will need:

  • Henna for mehndi – ¼ cup,
  • Juice of one medium lemon
  • Freshly brewed tea (chifir) – ¼ cup,
  • droplet vegetable oil.

If you have not found henna for mehndi, then it is possible, but not advisable, to use green henna to color your hair. Gently sift any henna through a silk cloth to get rid of coarse impurities in the henna.

Mix strong tea and the juice of half a lemon, mix well. Then gradually pour henna into this mixture, trying to stir quickly. As a result, you should get a mixture without lumps, quite thick and viscous.

For the henna to infuse, you need to leave it for 4 hours and only then start coloring.

Another way to prepare the mass

You will need:

  • 2 bags of instant coffee,
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice,
  • 5 drops eucalyptus oil,
  • 5 drops of clove oil.

Sift the henna to get one full cup. Brew coffee in one and a half cups of water and let it boil until the volume reaches ¾ cup. Then thoroughly mix the resulting coffee with the sifted henna. Add juice and oils. The mass should not be liquid; if you think it is runny, then add a little henna powder. If, on the contrary, it seems to you that it is too dense, then add coffee or just water. The mass also needs to be allowed to brew, but less - only 2 hours.

Making Henna Cones

Henna paste can be applied in various ways. Some use a toothpick and carefully apply the design step by step. Others use small, soft bottles and use them to draw fairly smooth lines. The pre-mixed paste fills the tube and squeezes out easily. If you make henna paste at home, your choice depends only on what you are most comfortable working with. I personally prefer cones. Cones can also be purchased pre-made, but they are very easy and inexpensive to make at home. The cones are less dirty and are thrown away after use and therefore do not require any maintenance. Here's a very easy way to make your own cones at home:

What you will need:
Small freezer bags - each makes 2 cones

Step One: Cut the bag diagonally
You can choose the size of the cone you want, but don't make it too big, otherwise it will be difficult to work with. It also depends on the size of the bags you start with. I usually cut from 15 cm bags.

Step Two: Make a funnel from the cut square.
Easier said than done. The plastic is very slippery and this is not easy to do. At the same time, you should leave a small hole at the tip of the funnel, but large enough to squeeze out the paste without difficulty. This takes some practice and depends on the consistency of your henna paste.

Step Three: Secure the cone with tape
After you make the cone, you need to secure the overlapping edges of the plastic with tape. Do this carefully so that the edges do not move, otherwise you will have to start securing again. This can be done conveniently using several small pieces of tape. The tape should completely cover the overlap of the edges of the plastic, from the tip to the edge of the funnel.

Step Four: Filling the Cone
Now you need to place your prepared henna paste into the cone. Using a small spoon - The best way do it. Carefully place the spoon with the paste into the cone and lightly press the cone opposite it (from the outside) with your finger while you pull the spoon out. Repeat until the cone is half full. Filling with more paste may make it more difficult to work with or break the cone.
Note: Never use anything metallic with henna paste - use plastic or glass.

Step Five: Close the Cone
Those who already know how to use henna cones usually just twist the end of the cone and start working with the paste. This option can be very easy to mark for those who are just learning to paint with henna. For beginners, it will be better to tie a twisted funnel to avoid squeezing the paste in the wrong direction.

So! You will need a little practice. Making henna paste and cones is not expensive at all, and now you are ready to create beautiful henna designs.


The place where the pattern will be applied must be degreased. Then rub a couple of drops of eucalyptus, lemon or ordinary vegetable oil into the skin. This will make the pattern more durable and avoid irritation.

After application, the paint will dry within 6-8 hours. Then the paint must be carefully removed from the surface of the skin; you can use a cloth for this. Rub the pattern with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of sugar. This will help the pattern last longer on your skin.

The pattern itself will appear after 24-48 hours and become dark brown in color. Until this moment, you must strictly not wet the area with the ornament with water. Also, this place should not be rubbed or soaped; you can only rinse it lightly with water.

Be careful before planning your drawing as you may have an allergic reaction. Henna itself is not an allergen, but to obtain the black color of the dye, paraphenylene amine (PPD) is added to it, which can cause an allergic reaction. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before drawing, apply a small amount of henna behind the ear and observe the reaction for 72 hours.

Use only natural henna, without chemical impurities! Eh, it would be better if I did a henna tattoo...

What is mehendi? Decoding the most popular mehendi symbols. How to do mehendi at home? Sketches and stencils of mehendi for hands and feet?

  • Mehendi is body painting using special henna. The henna used for mehendi designs has nothing in common with the ordinary henna that our women use to dye their hair.
  • To paint the body, you need to purchase special henna that can color the skin for a long time
  • It is sold either ready-made in tubes that you just need to open and start painting with, or in bags in the form of a dry powder that still needs to be properly diluted
  • Mehendi is suitable for those people who like tattoos, but have not yet dared to take this decisive step. The fact is that a mehendi design is not eternal - it only lasts from two weeks to a month. Therefore, indecisive fans of permanent tattoos can wear mehendi a little, and understand whether they want to live their whole lives with such an image on their body
  • It is often customary to decorate the kisli and palms of the hands, as well as the feet and upper legs with mehendi designs.
  • Mehendi designs are made in various styles and carry different meanings.

The meaning of mehendi design symbols: photos with inscriptions

  • There are four main styles of performing mehendi. The difference between them is where they are distributed.
  • The fact is that in the Middle East it is more common to draw floral motifs. Such designs are to some extent reminiscent of Arabic embroidery. Their implementation is more spontaneous in nature, and never corresponds to any sketches or patterns
  • North African mehendi designs are typically drawn in geometric shapes with floral motifs. Such drawings must necessarily follow the shape of the body on which they are performed.
  • Pakistani and Indian craftsmen do not stop only at the palms and feet of people, acting as canvases. They stretch the designs much higher, thereby creating a kind of stockings or gloves woven from their designs. Indian-Pakistani mehendi combines drop-shaped patterns, ornaments and smooth lines
  • Indonesian and South Asian mehendi have incorporated some of the ornaments of the masters of the Middle East and India

Here are some meanings of mehendi designs:

A bracelet is the key to success in love affairs

Grapevine - loyalty and devotion

The disc for representatives of the stronger sex is dominance over others, a sign of masculinity

The disc for the fair sex is a symbol of chastity

Five-pointed star - a symbol of the five elements

Six-pointed star - harmony between woman and man

Star - divinity and hope

Grain is a symbol of abundance

The square is a symbol of honesty and constancy

Whip - self-confidence and calmness

Chariot - a large amount of knowledge and good mental development

The cross is the link between heaven and earth

Circle - one turn of life

A curved line means luck, overcoming obstacles, career

Swan - success

Liana - determination that helps you achieve success

Bow and arrow - happiness in personal life, overcoming difficulties

Crescent (Moon) - stunning beauty

Small dots are a sign of the love a woman feels for her husband

Peacock - passion, love, desire

Parrot - messenger

The shell is a talisman against all adversity, a symbol of victory

Rose - a symbol of chastity

Fish - passion

The sun is the gateway to the world of knowledge and eternal life

The trident for men is courage, bravery and heroism, the trident for women is the maternal principle, the feminine inner strength, energy

Triangle - a totem against natural disasters, illnesses and worries

The flag is a symbol of prosperity and home

Lotus - a talisman that brings good luck

Flowers - new life

Turkish cucumber is a sign of development, energy, happiness, prosperity and immortality

Elephant - strength, power, dominance, intelligence, dignity, fertility, immortality, happiness and all-encompassing kindness

Shri Ganesha is a symbol of wisdom, kindness and prosperity

Spiral - a symbol of self-knowledge

How to draw mehendi on your hand step by step?

As mentioned above, it is better to purchase henna for mehendi in special packages in ready-made form. This will be a one hundred percent guarantee of rich color and long lasting effect. In addition, you can apply this henna directly from the package by simply cutting off its tip.

If you still decide to prepare their henna paste yourself, then you need to know a few rules:

  • It is better to buy henna in hermetically sealed packages, since henna in bulk loses its coloring ability due to constant contact with air
  • henna for dyeing hair is not suitable for dyeing skin
  • It’s better to buy natural henna - synthetic henna can cause allergies

The process of preparing henna mehendi paste:

  1. Brew strong black tea (three teaspoons of tea per half liter of water)
  2. Boil the tea over low heat for five to ten minutes.
  3. Straining the tea
  4. Gradually pour brewed tea into forty grams of henna, continuously stirring the resulting slurry.
  5. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and a couple of drops of eucalyptus or mehendi oil to the henna solution.
  6. The resulting mixture, the consistency of toothpaste, should be placed in the refrigerator for four hours.
  7. The paste can be stored in an airtight container for up to three weeks, and frozen for up to four months.

To prepare henna paste, you can use more simple ways: mix tea and lemon juice in a one to one ratio and add henna to them. You can use coffee instead of tea. Some mehendi artists add sugar to the paste to increase its viscosity.

In general, it must be said that each master has his own recipe for preparing mehendi paste. Many of the mehendi creators keep the subtleties of preparing their stable henna solution a closely guarded secret.

Step-by-step execution mehendi design on hand:

  1. Before applying the design, we conduct a skin sensitivity test to the henna solution. To do this, apply a small amount of paste to the inside of the elbow and wait half an hour. If during the test no skin reaction to henna was detected, we begin preparing the area of ​​skin on which the drawing will be performed directly.
  2. We wash the skin thoroughly with soap, you can even use a scrub for this purpose.
  3. We remove excess hair from the desired area of ​​skin
  4. Before applying the design, lubricate the skin with eucalyptus oil or special oil for mehendi
  5. We start drawing the drawing with large main lines, and then we complement the drawing with small elements
  6. You can apply mehendi directly from the package, or you can use special brushes or sticks
  7. The layer of paste applied to the skin must be at least two millimeters
  8. If any mistake is made during the drawing process, remove it with a cotton swab
  9. After completing the design, leave the henna on the skin for one hour.
  10. At the end of the specified time, use the blunt side of a knife or a special scraper to remove the dry paste from the skin.
  11. You can wet the mehendi design only after eight hours, so it is recommended to do it before bed

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Beautiful mehendi on hands and feet: photo

White mehendi on hand: photo

White mehendi is done with white acrylic paint, the so-called glitter. This dye is made without the use of henna, so the design will not last as long as a design made with henna.

  • If you follow all the recommendations after the procedure, the mehendi can last at least two weeks. The maximum drawing period is four weeks.
  • In order for the mehendi design to last as long as possible, it should not be wetted, scratched, rubbed or scrubbed for as long as possible.
  • If mehendi is made with glitter, it will last until the first contact with water, since acrylic paint does not penetrate the skin, that is, it does not stain it

It is almost impossible to completely remove mehendi immediately after the procedure. But you can weaken the color and blur the drawing. The following manipulations contribute to discoloration and removal of the pattern:

  • going to the bathhouse
  • steaming in the bathroom and rubbing the area of ​​the drawing with lemon juice
  • intensively rubbing the mehendi area with a washcloth
  • skin scrubbing
  • wiping the drawing area with alcohol
  • wiping the area of ​​the design with nail polish remover and acetone
  • wiping the drawing area with hydrogen peroxide

Women are considered the most ardent fans of the art of mehendi. They love to transform their bodies with the help of such beautiful designs for various kinds of events, vacation trips, photo shoots and even weddings.

However, in addition to women, decorate your body beautiful drawings Men can do it with meaning too. For them, the mehendi collection will also contain ornaments and patterns that emphasize their strength, courage, self-esteem and heroism.

Video: How to make mehendi at home?