How to bypass Rostelecom access restriction. "Voluntary blocking" Rostelecom: detailed information about the service

If you plan to leave the city for a vacation or for any other reason, it would be wise to temporarily block Rostelecom services so that they are not charged subscription fee until you use these services. Rostelecom gives this opportunity to its subscribers, and in this article we will look at how to do this.

Temporary blocking of the Internet by Rostelecom

To temporarily block the provision of Internet from Rostelecom, you do not need to go to the office, but it will be enough to call the specialists. We have already considered, but if you forgot, then you can do this by calling a toll-free phone 8-800-181-18-30 . If this number fails to communicate, then you can try the second number 8-800-100-08-00 . Before calling, prepare your passport (if the contract is concluded for you) or the passport of the person who has entered into an agreement with the operator. The specialist will ask you to dictate passport data, name the contract number and a codeword, and after that it will block the Internet.

If you have been using the services of Rostelecom for a long time, then you know that it is not so easy to get through to the technical support service. The second option for temporary blocking is. Just repeat the following sequence of actions:

  • open the Rostelecom website and enter your username and password to access Personal Area
  • open the list of connected services and find among them the item "Home Internet"
  • click on it and, once on the page with a description of the service, find the button " Voluntary blocking"
  • click on it and select the period for which you want to block the Internet
  • don't forget to click on the "save data" button

Please note that the blocking occurs only on the next day, and not immediately.

If the first two options are problematic for you, then you will have to go to the nearest office of the company. The list of documents that you need to take with you remains the same:

  1. passport of the person for whom the contract is concluded
  2. the contract itself or its number

You can temporarily block the Internet for a period of 5 to 90 days, provided there is no debt to the company. In addition, your account must have enough funds to pay for one day from the moment you resume using the service.

Removing the blocking is carried out in the same way using one of the three methods listed above.

Temporary phone blocking Rostelecom

  • To block your Rostelecom phone, open the company's website and enter your personal account using your login and password.
  • Open the list of connected services and find the item "home phone" there
  • Click on it and a page with a description of this service will open in front of you. Find on this page the item "Voluntary blocking"
  • Click on it and select the number of days you want to block your phone
  • Save your data and close your personal account.

In addition, you can block the phone when you personally visit the company's office or by calling the technical support service by phone 8-800-181-18-30 .

Temporary blocking of television Rostelecom

If you want to temporarily block Rostelecom television, then most in a simple way is blocking through a personal account.

Enter your personal account and among the connected services find "television"

  • Click on the service and go to the page with its description
  • At the bottom of the page there will be a button "Voluntary blocking", which you need to click
  • Don't forget to save your data before logging out

As for the cost of blocking one of the Rostelecom services, blocking for 30 days is free. For the next 60 days, you will be charged 5 rubles for each day. Removal of blocking occurs within an hour after the corresponding request.

If you plan to leave the city for a vacation or for any other reason, it would be wise to find out how to block Rostelecom services so that they do not charge a subscription fee until you use these services. Rostelecom gives this opportunity to its subscribers, and in this article we will look at how to do this.

Temporary blocking of the Internet by Rostelecom

To temporarily block the provision of Internet from Rostelecom, you do not need to go to the office, but it will be enough to call the specialists. We have already considered how to call the technical support service of Rostelecom, but if you forgot, you can do this by calling a free phone 8-800-181-18-30 . If this number fails to communicate, then you can try the second number 8-800-100-08-00 . Before calling, prepare your passport (if the contract is concluded for you) or the passport of the person who has entered into an agreement with the operator. The specialist will ask you to dictate passport data, give the contract number and code word, and then block the Internet.

How to block Rostelecom services

If you have been using the services of Rostelecom for a long time, then you know that it is not so easy to get through to the technical support service. The second option for temporary blocking is the user's personal account. Just repeat the following sequence of actions:

  • open the Rostelecom website and enter your username and password to access your personal account
  • open the list of connected services and find among them the item “Home Internet”
  • click on it and, having got to the page with the description of the service, find the button “Voluntary blocking”
  • click on it and select the period for which you want to block the Internet
  • don't forget to click on the "save data" button

Please note that the blocking occurs only on the next day, and not immediately.

If the first two options are problematic for you, then you will have to go to the nearest office of the company. The list of documents that you need to take with you remains the same:

  1. passport of the person for whom the contract is concluded
  2. the contract itself or its number

You can temporarily block the Internet for a period of 5 to 90 days, provided that you are not in front of the company. In addition, your account must have enough funds to pay for one day from the moment you resume using the service.

Removing the blocking is carried out in the same way using one of the three methods listed above.

Temporary phone blocking Rostelecom

  • To block your Rostelecom phone, open the company's website and enter your personal account using your login and password.
  • Open the list of connected services and find the item “home phone” there
  • Click on it and a page with a description of this service will open in front of you. Find on this page the item “Voluntary blocking”
  • Click on it and select the number of days you want to block your phone
  • Save your data and close your personal account.

In addition, you can block the phone when you personally visit the company's office or by calling the technical support service by phone 8-800-181-18-30 .

Temporary blocking of television Rostelecom

If you want to temporarily block Rostelecom television, then the easiest way is to block it through your personal account.

Enter your personal account and among the connected services find “television”

  • Click on the service and go to the page with its description
  • At the bottom of the page there will be a button “Voluntary blocking”, which you need to click
  • Don't forget to save your data before logging out

As for the cost of blocking one of the Rostelecom services, blocking for 30 days is free. For the next 60 days, you will be charged 5 rubles for each day. Removal of blocking occurs within an hour after the corresponding request.

We have been accustomed to using many sites during the existence of the Internet in Russia, but many of them provide content that is subject to copyright. Roskomnadzor regularly restricts access to such sites, and Rostelecom is also forced to block access to users. In this article, we will look at how to bypass the blocking of sites by Rostelecom and continue to use your favorite sites.

Let's first look at the main reasons why Rostelecom blocks access to sites:

  1. providing access to content that is limited by copyright (in other words, pirated content)
  2. dissemination of information about narcotic substances and the content of instructions for their manufacture
  3. the content of calls for terrorism and extremism
  4. content of information that offends the feelings of believers
  5. pornographic information content

Bypass website blocking with a plugin

The easiest way to bypass site blocking is to install a special browser plugin. It is called friGate and the plugin exists for all popular browsers. To install it, you need to go to the download page:

Install the plug-in for your browser and close it. After that, launch the browser again and the plugin will be activated. To disable it (for the time being there is no need to enable it) click on the icon on the browser bar and select “disable friGate”. The essence of the work of this plugin is that you get to the site not through your ip address, but through the ip address of the proxy server of another country and blocking is not enabled, since it only applies to users' ip addresses Russian Federation. Try to enable this plugin only for visiting blocked sites, and in other cases, disable it.

Of the minuses this method reduction can be identified. You can open websites without visible changes, but watching online video with the plug-in enabled will already be problematic.

How to bypass website blocking by Rostelecom using a browser

Another way to bypass the blocking of Rostelecom is to install a special browser called "Tor".

  • Download the browser from the official website of the developers
  • install it on your computer
  • run and configure
  • you can open any sites bypassing the blocking of Rostelecom

There are other ways to bypass the blocking of Rostelecom, but they imply that users have specific technical knowledge, so we will not dwell on them in this article, but you can look for a bypass solution yourself using the I2P software solution.

If access is limited at Rostelecom, how to get around is the main question of users. It is necessary to carefully understand all the nuances in order to provide assistance to the clients of this provider.

Restriction of access to individual resources began to be used in Russia relatively recently. For several years, Internet users in our country have been able to verify the low level of technical knowledge of Roskomnadzor employees. Errors occurred many times when the wrong resource was accidentally blocked, or access to the entire portal was closed instead of one page.

Why can a resource be blocked? There are many reasons, we list only the main ones:

  • Dissemination of information about narcotic drugs, methods of their manufacture.
  • Calls for terrorism.
  • Extremism.
  • Insulting religious feelings.
  • Distribution of pornography. But now portals are actively lifting bans in judicial order. To do this, they enter a request for the user's age, before entering you need to indicate that you are over 18 years old.
  • Providing access to pirated content.

The main feature of the Internet is that bans do not work on it! The biggest mistake that Roskomnadzor can make is to block access to popular resources. This will lead to an increase in the computer literacy of the population, after which any blocking will be useless.

Core capable of bypassing restrictions

If Rostelecom has restricted access to sites, how to get around - there are several options. Let's analyze the main ones:


The most popular option today is to use a VPN. This technology works according to the following algorithm:

  1. Data is encrypted on the user's computer and sent to a server in another country.
  2. From there, traffic is redirected to the site.
  3. The user bypasses access through the provider, he is powerless to somehow restrict his visits to prohibited sites.

The provider can only determine that the traffic is going to a remote server abroad. But he won't be able to get Additional information and suspend access. This technology is simple and easy to use.

You can go to the Google extensions store, download one of the browser add-ons with VPN from it. A small program becomes a component of Chrome, you can run it with the click of a button.

You can install the application on a PC. It runs separately and sends traffic from all programs to a remote server. If you use multiple browsers, you won't have to upgrade each one.

There are also special programs for mobile phones. One of the simplest and most reliable is Opera VPN. It installs from the app store and does its job perfectly.

The main features of the VPN:

  • You can quickly access all sites.
  • You don't have to spend a lot of time preparing.
  • It is possible to select a server in one of the countries to which the traffic will go.
  • The speed of network access is reduced. You can fully surf, but it becomes problematic to watch videos in high definition.
  • You can install extensions and programs for all platforms.


A special browser that works using a network of proxy servers. Data is encrypted, so the provider cannot somehow restrict access or obtain information about visited sites.

Due to complete anonymity, Tor is used not only by people who care about their information security, but also by criminals. Sites in this network often sell drugs, weapons, and conduct various illegal operations.

Tracking users is almost impossible, due to which they are given complete freedom of action.

How to use Tor:

  1. You need to download a browser on your computer.
  2. Perform configuration after installation.
  3. You can freely surf the net.


This is a software solution that is used to encrypt channels for data transmission. The possibility of obtaining information about the user's actions on the computer, downloaded and sent files is excluded.

Hacking such a network is very problematic, and restricting user access with an anonymizer is almost impossible. Therefore, the technology can be used to bypass the blocking.


Now you know how to remove the access restriction. At the moment, it is easiest for an ordinary user to use VPN. Access through proxies and anonymizers requires some immersion in the topic and hardware settings. You can start using VPN immediately after installing an extension or application.

Some companies have started to build VPNs into their browsers. For example, in Opera there is a special switch in the settings. Just click on it to freely visit any sites.

Recently, Roskomnadzor has become quite strict about the content of Internet sites available on the territory of the Russian Federation. If this authority considers that the content posted on the web resource does not comply with current legislation she sends out major providers recommendation to block access to it. Accordingly, clients of Internet companies lose access to their usual resources, and they begin to wonder whether it is possible to bypass the blocking. Rostelecom, as the largest provider of the Internet, strictly complies with all instructions of Roskomnadzor. But customers of this company have several ways to get around the restrictions. Let's talk about the simplest and most accessible of them.

Reasons for website blocking

Why do state authorities impose a ban on access to Internet pages? There may be several reasons for this:

  • the site violates copyright law (this applies, for example, to torrent trackers beloved by many);
  • the resource contains information of pornographic content;
  • the web page contains calls for extremism or terrorism;
  • the service presents recipes for the manufacture of narcotic substances or offers to purchase them;
  • the site offends the feelings of believers, etc.

The criteria by which information is evaluated are rather controversial. The user of the resource may not be aware that one of the posts posted on it may be contrary to the law. But, alas, neither site visitors nor the provider can challenge the decision of Roskomnadzor.

Ways to bypass blocking

There are several mechanisms for handling blocked content. The simplest of them:

  • installing extensions on the browser through which the work is carried out;
  • using the Tor browser, which provides anonymous access to the Internet.

These two methods are available even to people who have exclusively user skills in handling a computer. For more advanced web surfers, we can recommend changing your router or firewall settings. But these operations require more specific knowledge. Let's briefly consider each of the listed methods of working with locks.

Installing plugins and extensions

The easiest option is to install a special browser add-on program on your PC that will provide access to closed sites. Such programs are called plugins. Depending on the situation, the user can select through search engines:

  • a plugin designed to provide access to one specific web resource;
  • an extension that allows you to bypass any blocking.

Users of the Google Chrome browser or mobile devices on Android can download the necessary applications through the Google software store. Everyone else can use the search engine to find the right plugin.

Important! Search queries about plugins and ways to bypass access restrictions are not blocked or monitored by the provider.

Having picked up the necessary software, it remains to install it, and then restart the browser. The plugin icon will appear in the web browser menu or next to its command line. If you need to access a blocked site, you will need to click on it to launch the access mechanisms.

Important! For each browser, as well as for each type of operating system, there are separate add-on programs. This should be taken into account when looking for software.

Working through an anonymous browser

Since Roskomnadzor is a Russian authority, it can restrict access to web pages only for users from the Russian Federation. Therefore, bypassing the blocking of sites on Rostelecom is possible if the provider's client can show that he accesses the network not from the territory of Russia, but from another country. Or, as an option, the geolocation of the user is unknown to the provider.

The second method can ensure the use of the Tor browser instead of the usual Opera, Chrome or other web browsers. This program generates for each site that the user accesses a random IP address that has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. As a rule, it is impossible to determine from such an IP address exactly where the client enters the network from. Therefore, blocking does not work on it.

To get started you need:

  • download the browser distribution kit from the developers' website or from other resources;
  • install it on a PC;
  • carry out basic settings - register sites for quick access, bookmarks, etc. for convenience.

After that, the provider's client can visit any web resources, even those that have access restrictions. Tor's interface is quite simple, and working with it is no different from using other web clients.

Important! When using the program, a slight decrease in the speed of access to the Internet is possible. For normal surfing, it will be almost imperceptible. But when watching streaming video or playing online games, delays of a couple of seconds are possible.

Setting up a router or firewall

This method is suitable for more advanced computer users. To use it, you need to understand how the web page blocking mechanism works.

In short, the provider keeps track of all requests that leave the client's computer. When sending a request to a blocked site, the provider sends a packet to the client on behalf of the blocked site, which contains a link to go to the page with a message about the blocking. The package also comes from the site itself, but is not processed by the system, since it is perceived by it as a duplicate of the first one.

To bypass, it is necessary to register in the properties of the router or the firewall installed on the PC a filter to ignore packets from the blocking system. You can identify them by the presence of the following combination in the text: This is the address of the pages that contain a warning about access restrictions from Rostelecom.

After such packets are sent, relatively speaking, to spam, the user's PC will begin to receive responses from blocked sites. Therefore, access to them will be restored.