How much money do you need to open a gym. How to open your own gym

Recently, various fitness clubs have become popular. And this is not surprising. This area is developing at a rapid pace. In addition, a fitness center is a good option for business. What should you start with? How to open a fitness center for the disabled, pregnant women and those who take care of their bodies? Read about it in our review.

Since you can open your fitness center from scratch within a month, you should start by collecting documents and choosing a room. It is worth considering that there is little competition in this industry. You can enter this business without much difficulty. For a fitness center to make a profit, you need to choose the right place for it and correctly draw up a business plan.

Business features

What is a modern fitness center? How to open it and where to start? First of all, you should understand the features of this type of activity. A modern fitness center is not quite an ordinary rocking chair. All amenities for visitors should be provided here. If this is not the case, then the institution will not be visited. After all, many people want to practice their favorite sport in more comfortable conditions. Agree, no one will pay money for visiting a regular gym with exercise equipment, where there is no shower and air conditioning. A modern fitness center should be equipped with innovative technology.

In order to visit the institution, it is not at all necessary to rent large premises where there is a pool. A gym located in such a fitness center will be more often visited. It is enough to find a room with a total area of ​​​​100 square meters. The main thing is to find professional trainers and purchase exercise equipment.

How much money do you need for a fitness center? How to open an institution and not spend too much? The cost depends on the location where the fitness center is located. It should be borne in mind that a room rented in the city center will cost more. Such an institution will pay off within a few years, and you will not receive profit during this time. It is for this reason that you should look for a hall in the rental price here is much lower.

Choosing the right room

How to open and simply for athletes and how to get a quick profit? As already mentioned, a lot depends on the room and its location. When choosing a suitable room, the following points should be considered:

  1. The fitness center should be located in a convenient location for visitors.
  2. The premises should be located away from competitors.
  3. It is worth choosing densely populated areas, where there are a lot of multi-storey buildings with residential apartments.
  4. Transport links are also very important.
  5. The room should be provided with a high-quality ventilation system, as well as bathrooms and showers.

A property purchased as a property is a better option than a rental property. How to make the fitness center more visited? How to open an institution and not burn out? Additional services, such as a sauna, will help here. Such additions have become very popular in recent years. Thanks to this service, the institution will become popular. As a result, attendance and profits will increase.

Also, when drawing up a business plan, it is worth considering that wealthier clients will only visit the fitness center where additional services are provided, such as a bar, solarium, beauty massage, and so on. In addition, this will increase profits by another 30%.

How to choose equipment

Since opening a fitness center is a costly task, you should choose not only the premises, but also the equipment. In this case, it all depends on the specialization of the institution. If you are planning to open a regular fitness center, then you will need the following equipment:

  1. The cost is from 24 thousand rubles and more.
  2. Running track, costing from 16 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost is about 19 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment for the development of chest muscles. The approximate cost is 22 thousand rubles.
  5. Equipment for the press - from 5.5 thousand rubles.
  6. A barbell rack and a bench with a leg machine - from 4 thousand rubles.
  7. The bench is horizontal. The cost of such equipment is no more than 2.5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need to purchase more discs, dumbbells, barbells and so on. If there is not enough money for equipment, then you can lease it.

Additional expenses

Before you open a fitness center from scratch, you need to foresee all the costs and evaluate your capabilities. Don't forget about monthly payments. The list of costs includes:

  1. Advertising.
  2. Taxes.
  3. Public utilities.
  4. Maintenance staff wages.
  5. Equipment depreciation.

To open a fitness center from scratch, you should carefully consider the choice of staff. Coaches must be experienced and highly qualified. Many visitors refuse to visit their favorite fitness center only because of disagreements with a personal mentor. This should be taken into account.

The profitability of such a business

If you invested about 10 thousand dollars when opening a fitness center, and the cost of one visit is 50 rubles, then the business will pay off in 1.5 years. If the institution is of an elite level, then more investments will be required to begin with. But, as a rule, the cost of one visit to such a fitness center is much higher.

According to statistics, the profitability of such an institution is about 30%.

Is it possible to save

So, how to open a fitness center and what can you save on? When starting a new activity, many people worry about how not to spend a lot of money. There are several ways that you can save on opening a fitness center:

  1. Interior decoration. Often, visitors to fitness centers do not pay attention to what the walls and ceiling of the institution are covered with. When finishing these surfaces, you can refuse expensive and elite materials. It is enough to cover the walls and ceiling with ordinary paint. This will save you a decent amount.
  2. Equipment can be purchased cheaper and not from well-known manufacturers. In addition, customers do not pay attention to the origin of the simulators. However, the equipment must be of high quality and durable.
  3. Advertising. If you open an inexpensive fitness center, then you do not need advertising on the radio or on television. It is enough to stick ads around the area, as well as make an attractive and bright sign. In addition, you can distribute leaflets, as well as advertise on the Internet, social networks, and so on.

What is not worth saving?

To open a good fitness center, you should not save on everything. Otherwise, only a few customers will visit such an institution, and you will not receive any profit. What not to save on:

What documents are needed

So, how to open a fitness center? Where to start and how to draw up documents? First of all, it is necessary to clarify all the nuances. Paperwork is a very important process. Since 2009, physical culture and health-improving activities have not been subject to licensing. This may be required to provide medical services.

To open a fitness center, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. This is required to pay the single tax. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many customers are in no hurry to visit fitness centers opened by individual entrepreneurs. As a rule, they issue subscriptions only to legal entities. In order not to pay huge amounts in taxes, you can register an LLC.

As a result, all coaches are registered as individual entrepreneurs and must pay a single tax. The premises are being sub-leased to them. It is worth noting that start-up entrepreneurs may not pay income tax for several years.

Where to get start-up capital?

You have decided to open a fitness center. How to open an institution of such a plan if there is no start-up capital? To enter the market of sports and recreation services, considerable financial costs will be required. Many aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have free cash tend to open their own business without money. But not everyone knows how to do it. In any case, you will need initial capital. Where to get it? You can go to the bank and get a loan.

It is worth remembering that a fitness center opened from scratch pays off within a few years. In addition, an individual entrepreneur can attract private investors to his business who seek to raise their image.

What is the result?

Since opening a fitness center in the basement is not the best option, you will have to look for a more comfortable room. It is worth noting that for an establishment of such a plan, a well-ventilated and lit room is required, equipped not only with exercise equipment, but also with a sauna, showers and, preferably, a massage room. To open such a fitness center will require about 40 thousand dollars. Such establishments pay off within a year. After that, the profitability of the fitness center depends on the number of regular customers, the availability of additional services, as well as the pricing policy. Of course, not everyone is able to open a good club. The income of a small year is from 1 to 10 thousand dollars.

In conclusion

It should be noted that a fitness center is a popular and quite promising service for residents of not only large cities, but also small towns. Among the advantages of this type of activity, one should highlight the wide opportunities for the development of such a business, high and stable demand, low level of competition, and so on. The only drawback is the large initial capital required to open a fitness center and purchase equipment.

With a properly and competently drawn up business plan, profits will begin to flow in a few years. After some time, you can create a whole network of fitness centers. This will bring even more profit. In addition, you can expand an existing establishment. To do this, you can increase the list of additional services. Ideally, a fitness center should have a bar, an aerobics room, massage, manicure and pedicure, shaping, fitness, a solarium, a room for pregnant women and the disabled.

Today, gyms, fitness centers and other wellness facilities are more popular than ever. People finally got enough of jewelry, cars, apartments and other benefits of civilization and decided to take care of their health. So in the near future, the popularity of gyms will not decrease, but even grow. So, you have decided to realize yourself in this direction, but how to open a gym is a dark matter.

With a wave of a magic wand, desires come true only in a fairy tale, but in reality a huge number of questions arise, for example: how much does it cost to open a gym, how quickly will it pay off, how to attract customers. In other words, to create a successful and profitable enterprise, you first need to draw up a business plan for a gym. There are many factors on which it depends - whether your project will be profitable or you, as they say, "fly out of the pipe." But first things first

We study the service market

First, study the area in which you intend to open your gym. Find out which halls already exist and how long they have been operating, in what price range they work, what services they offer, what bonuses and privileges they give to their regular visitors. You need to try to find a free niche in the sports services market and create your own gym business. For example, if there is a large fitness center designed for a business audience, there are probably a lot of people who are left "overboard". They also want to be in good shape, but for less money. So this is exactly what you should offer them. And if there are such halls, then think about how yours will differ.

How can you attract clients? Who needs it?

So we smoothly approached another important question: who will visit the hall? Men or women, young people or middle-aged people, businessmen or middle-class people? Keep in mind that in the modern world people live in a shortage of free time, which means that it is near their home that they will look for a service, namely, a place for training. And the question is what can you offer them: what will interest them, how can you stir up this interest so that the hall is constantly filled.

A lot will depend on the target audience.: room design, equipment with exercise equipment, music for classes, training programs. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand who the potential client of your gym business is. If the morning hours are in demand among young mothers, it is logical to make a children's playroom. This can become your "chip". Women will be very grateful to you for the time that they can spend only on themselves.

Making a name for ourselves

Now you need to be remembered and associated with something good. Therefore, when equipping your gym, think not about how to “recapture” money faster, but how to create comfortable conditions for visitors. In your business plan for opening a gym, include large mirrors, a few hair dryers, maybe even toiletries in your budget. You can't do without it in the women's locker room. Consider small things like drinking water or vending machines. If the area allows, you can even arrange a small cafe, the assortment of which will be green tea, fresh juice, sports cocktails. Why not offer them to visitors, albeit for a fee?

Add to the expenses money for the purchase of comfortable furniture, lockers for changing clothes. For the cold period, provide a wardrobe. On the one hand, voluminous outerwear and shoes will not fit in a regular locker and will interfere with visitors, on the other hand, you do not allow street dirt to enter your premises, simplifying cleaning. In addition, do not try to fill the gym with expensive exercise equipment - this will not surprise anyone now, it is more important to arrange them ergonomically so that people do not interfere with each other during classes.

The main value of a good gym is professional trainers who are able to develop an effective program of individual and group lessons. Therefore, approach the selection of personnel responsibly. In this way, gradually you will be able to gain the trust and respect of customers. The main thing is not to forget that once you set a certain bar for yourself, you will have to constantly keep it, otherwise the clients will run away one day.

How it works?

A good gym business plan assumes that your business will be profitable, and this is possible if the load on the gym is uniform and constant. Start with a work schedule: divide the entire work time into 3 shifts. In the morning, the load is minimal (most people go to work), so you can bet on housewives. Arrange group classes in the morning - Pilates, fitness, yoga, step aerobics.

You can reduce the cost of morning classes. This way you will attract more people. After lunch there will be an average load for the hall, and the peak will be in the evening.

Make sure there is enough room for everyone, as evening tickets tend to be the most expensive. Think over a subscription system for customers: their cost, a reward system. For example:

  • The more classes a person pays, the more discount he gets.
  • You can encourage attracting new customers: bring a friend to class - you get a discount.
  • You can make family subscriptions, which will also attract people to your gym.

Order high-quality personalized subscriptions - they will look solid, especially with the VIP mark.

Gyms are very seasonal. In the summer, you will naturally have fewer visitors, because many will go on vacation. So, it is at this time that it is advisable for you to send your employees on vacation. And in the fall, as they say, with renewed vigor.

How much does it cost?

In general, gyms are among those projects that pay off quickly. (usually this period takes about 6-8 months), then they start to make a profit. But, nevertheless, you still have to calculate the initial capital. What should be taken into account? To begin with, you will need money for renting the desired premises and its arrangement. You will have to fork out not only for simulators and sports equipment. It will be necessary to create all conditions for clients to have comfortable trainings. Here are the approximate costs for opening a small hall with an area of ​​​​about 150 m2. It is also necessary to equip showers and bathrooms, provide a comfortable foyer for waiting and relaxing, a reception desk, office rooms and premises, provide them with the necessary furniture and office equipment.

  • furniture at the reception - $1000
  • office equipment - $1,500
  • carpet (150 m2) - $450
  • simulators and dumbbells - from $20,000
  • vending machine with drinks - $1,000
  • stereo system - from $500
  • plasma panels in the hall (3 pcs) - $2,000
  • wardrobe lockers - from $1,500
  • shower and bathroom equipment (2) - from $3,000
  • washing vacuum cleaner - from $400

In total, excluding registration and rental costs, the total cost will be at least $40,000.

Even at the initial stage, you will need money for an advertising campaign, otherwise, how will your potential customers find out about your existence? Here, as they say, all means are good. You can order flyers, and it is better if their bearers are promised some kind of discount or gift. These promotions work really well. You can hang an advertising banner or a colorful banner near the hall, arrange a grand opening with gifts and a small buffet. Advertising in a popular print publication and videos work well. This option, of course, is the most expensive, but also the most effective, because the television audience is the largest.

What can you count on? We will try to determine the production program based on the possibility of loading the hall. We will take as a basis the cost of an hour of classes in the gym in the amount of $ 1. It is assumed that the gym will work seven days a week (excluding holidays) - 350-351 days a year. Our hall is designed for 20 visitors at the same time, therefore:

351 * 20 people * 11 hours * $1 = $77,000

But as practice has shown, it is almost impossible to achieve the maximum load of the hall throughout the whole day - in the morning, attendance tends to be 70%, and in the evening, on the contrary, the hall is overcrowded. Let's take the average figure of 85%

$77,000 * 0.85 = $65,400 annual revenue of the hall

Excluding payroll costs, mandatory and utility payments, depreciation deductions, the net profit for the year is approximately $26,000, which gives more than 40% of the project's profitability and allows you to recoup the investment within 1.5 years.

Now we have an idea how to open a gym and what it will result in. We take a piece of paper in a box and count. If you keep up with the times, you can easily replace paper with a spreadsheet in Excel. So, we write or print: name, quantity, cost, summarize. Have you changed your mind yet?

Two ways to open a gym

You do not know how to open a gym? We will help you understand the issue and step by step analyze the most important aspects of this business, what to pay close attention to and without which the fitness club will not be able to function normally and even more so make a profit.

Suppose that you have thought for a long time and finally decided to make a fitness club. What's next, how to open a gym? There are two ways: open yourself or by (consider Gold's Gym). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you in detail about them so that you can choose the best option, avoid unnecessary waste of time, effort and money.

Consider the main stages preceding the opening of the gym. Of course, we will not be able to cover everything, but we will pay attention to critical points.


Before you open a gym, you need to develop a business plan - what distinguishes a successful gym from an unsuccessful one. Many advise to give his training to a third-party organization or specialist. You can do this, but you need to be critical of their results and double-check everything yourself. You can be helped with advice or recommendations, but you must do the work yourself.

Why by ourselves? This will allow you to better understand how the business processes in the company proceed, to increase your level of competence in many areas (marketing, management, sales, etc.). As a result, you will be able to provide better services, get the opportunity to increase your income, and you will know more in advance how to open a decent gym.

Choose a room

The external environment strongly influences the choice of fitness sizes. How to determine which club to open - 1,500 or 5,000 sq m? To find out which gym to open, you need to understand whether the market is ready for this and whether there will be such a number of visitors with the subscription price you expect.

When choosing real estate, it is worth considering the main factor - how much income you will receive per square meter. There are many circumstances that can change the amount of earnings from 1 sq. m, but we will highlight the special ones - the number of customers and their solvency. To determine these values, it is enough to calculate how many people can get to the gym in 20-30 minutes. According to practice in Russia, 2-5% of them can become permanent members of the club. Solvency is determined in different ways. The ideal ratio of the number of fitness guests per 1 square meter is 1 visitor per year (the condition is met with proper planning and depends on the chosen development model. For rough calculations, in Russia in the premium segment it is 1 person per 1 square meter). For example, you want to open a gym with an area of ​​1,000 square meters, which means that for a comfortable location in the club, you can assume that there will be at least 1,000 club cards per year.

The technical characteristics of the room depend on the configuration of the gym offerings, but the optimal ceiling height starts from 4.5 m. With such a ceiling height in a fitness club, you can achieve a feeling of lightness and spaciousness, which will create a motivating mood for exercise among clients.

Proper zoning of the room

A moment that cannot be overestimated is the competent distribution of the space of the gym. Profitability, the number of staff, the amount of utility bills, and the list of services provided depend on this. Many entrepreneurs overlook this issue, considering it a trifle, although this is not the case. If you correctly zone the room, then each zone works and complements each other. Try to open an open-plan gym. Potentially, it has a higher profitability than the corridor layout. Also, it is perceived by visitors more comfortably.

It is important to know how to open a gym where all the rooms interact with each other. For example, next to the pool it is undesirable to put a sauna, a kids club near the stairs, and the cardio zone should not rest against the wall. From the point of view of psychology, a running person must see free space. You can’t just “cut” a room without a meaningful understanding of the overall picture of the club.

This work can only be entrusted to a professional capable of developing a high-quality product. Thanks to this, you will gain competitive advantages: significant savings in time resources, increased revenue levels and no rework in the future. It is better to spend money at the initial stage in order to lay a good foundation than to incur costs in the future.

List of services for the hall

The most popular are exercise equipment, group classes and a swimming pool. The cost of membership in the gym depends on the set of club options, so it is important to know your client, his habits and preferences. Thanks to a pre-made marketing research, you will find out what concept and area of ​​​​the hall are optimal, who your competitors are, the optimal cost of the services you offer, which will allow you to plan a development strategy. For example, in a city or district there are problems with kindergartens, which means that when opening a gym, the layout should include a corner for children and a program for them. You need to find out the popular sports in this particular place. For example, the opening of a playground will positively affect the outreach of the club's corporate members.

To achieve greater profitability, you need to try to cover the maximum segments of the population. How to open a gym for as many people with different interests as possible: housewives, athletes, students, managers, etc.? Open a multipurpose gym.

With the ideal price of the club card and the competent architecture of the space, the occupancy of the hall is 1 visitor per square meter for 12 months. You need to find the perfect balance between the price of a subscription and the number of people who want to purchase a subscription. You can always regulate the number of club members by the price - the lower the price, the more people who want it and vice versa. Knowing this equilibrium price is the skill and experience of the franchisor.

Personnel and equipment

Types of simulators, the presence of a pool, sauna, playgrounds, etc. depends on the four previous steps. Some of the best equipment sold in the US is not worth saving. At first glance, it may seem that opening a gym with cheaper equipment at the start will save money, but in the long run, the costs of replacement and repairs will outweigh the "benefit".

In addition, guests of the gym will not appreciate cheap exercise equipment. On high-quality simulators, biomechanics are thought out in detail, which allows avoiding injuries and overloading of the joints, which will make visitors satisfied and they will achieve results.

Some "specialists" argue that the quality of the equipment is not important, however, in our experience, we can say that this affects membership sales and they can have a significant marketing effect, especially for clients who are not exactly new to fitness.


You can start selling subscriptions when the gym is almost completely ready to receive guests. Tentatively, this happens 2 months before the grand opening. This will require a sales team of 3-5 people. Be sure to accurately calculate the opening date. If you don't open on the scheduled date, your customers will be dissatisfied and you will lose their trust, which can cost you dearly in the long run.

Pre-sales is necessary for two things:

  1. receiving money, which is very necessary for paying off the builders, as a rule, immediately after the commissioning of the premises;
  2. filling the hall with customers.

When the hall opens and a new client comes, he will see that the club is working and people are engaged, thanks to which there will be an excellent working atmosphere in the hall, which will influence a positive decision to purchase a subscription.

Gym opening times

According to experience, it is possible to open a gym with a size of about 2,000 sq m in 3-4 months, it all depends on the coordination of actions, experience and knowledge. During this time, you will have time to prepare everything you need: project documentation, business plan, service configuration, hire staff, purchase equipment, etc. We do not consider the construction of premises from scratch, but only the rental and preparation of premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

You manage your club and make your own decisions. Any successes and failures will be only yours.

The downside is the presence of a huge number of "pitfalls": the architecture of the hall, laying communications, not knowing what equipment is better and where to buy, low efficiency, lack of support and training, etc. In the case of a franchise, these difficulties will not bother you.

You alone have to open a gym, which means re-inventing the wheel compared to a franchise, where everything is verified, calculated and it is enough to follow the proven algorithm.

The club needs to be planned in such a way that there are minimal operating costs and there is an optimal number of staff so that the hall works for you, and not you for it. For example, by increasing the cost of repairs, you are forced to shift the cost of expensive finishes to the cost of a subscription. What you really can’t save on is things that the client comes into contact with (exercise equipment, sports coverage, ventilation, room temperature, cleanliness in the club, and more). It is necessary that every square decimeter work for the client.

The most important thing for the guests of the hall is to see the result of their efforts. If today I have become better than yesterday, then it makes sense to continue exercising in this gym and only for this. The cost of repair costs that do not affect the operation of the gym should not be overestimated.

First of all, people come here for a measurable result, and only then for everything else. Focus on efficiency. People should understand that it is with you that they can become better. They come to the gym to change their lives! If the client gets the result he wanted, then he will undoubtedly become your regular client.

The second way to open a gym is through a franchise. The procedure is the same, but you have qualified assistance in the person of the representatives of the franchisor. Of course we offer our franchise. What does it give and what is the difference?


Architectural solutions

Our architects have experience in designing over 700 clubs around the world, ensuring that every square meter is used efficiently. The internal fitness device is brought to an ideal state, the smallest details are taken into account. With our architectural solutions, you can save up to 10% on all operating costs. We know how to open a gym and make it successful.

For example, the location of the reception should be chosen in such a way that it is the point of intersection of all guests wherever they go: the visitor enters the hall, leaves the locker room, goes to the gym or for equipment. Proper planning predetermines the psychology of people's behavior in the club. For example, in the first 30 seconds a person can form an idea of ​​the gym, so it is important to create a point of sale from which he can see most of the entire gym. Thanks to this approach, a positive impression of the club is formed, which has a positive effect on sales.


Thanks to the unique conditions, you have the opportunity to open a gym and save a lot on the purchase of equipment. In addition, you get the best time-tested simulators and you do not have to choose from a large assortment of suppliers. We know what equipment is optimal, so when planning a club, the selection and placement of equipment is part of the club project as a whole.

Note that suppliers try to sell inventory that is beneficial to them, but when working under a franchise, the franchisor controls this process, helping to choose exactly the necessary and sufficient equipment, inventory and materials.

An excellent help would be the opening of a store in the club, which will sell goods with the club's symbols (photo). T-shirts with the Gold's Gym logo are one of the most popular in the fitness world.

Club management system

You will have a clear financial management system and statistics throughout the room. Specialized software, online training and testing of employees, the possibility of training staff at the Gold’s Gym University, programs for receiving feedback from club customers in automatic mode, etc.

"Personal coach"

When you open a Gold’s Gym franchise gym, you have a kind of “personal trainer” you can always turn to for help. We will prompt absolutely in any situation, answer all questions and go all the way with you.

An expensive franchise is like an expensive personal trainer - it doesn't give up, carefully monitors your actions, shows you how to do better, and this is the only way you achieve an excellent result.

How to open a gym

When opening a hall under our franchise, you will save not only on the services of architects, the purchase of equipment, but also on the launch time. Thanks to our expertise, you will learn how to open a gym in a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages of opening a gym under the Gold’s Gym franchise, but we will note the main ones:

  • the possibility of visiting the halls by clients all over the world - 35 countries and 700 clubs;/li>
  • ready-made solutions, proven over the years, allow you not to experiment, but to get a predictable result;
  • a strong brand trusted by millions;
  • ongoing support in all areas of work;
  • the ability to quickly open a gym at no extra cost.

However, this will work only if there is constant control of the club's work by the franchisor, who will definitely prompt the Franchisee and direct his work in accordance with the successfully operating system worked out over the years.

Determining criteria for choosing a franchise: brand, well-established mechanisms, support:

  • customer confidence, formed over the years;
  • a low level of recognition means that many objections will have to be overcome in a new way (an unfamiliar place, are there competent coaches, etc.);
  • the absence of an approved action plan indicates significant errors in the automation of all processes in the organization;
  • limited support or its complete absence suggests that the franchise has little fullness. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay extra for additional consultations.

We hope we have answered some questions about how to open a gym on your own or through a franchise. Whichever option you choose, we recommend opening a place where people will get professional coaches, tangible results and excellent service.

From year to year, young people and the adult generation direct their gaze towards a healthy lifestyle. Going to the gym has become fashionable. When choosing a gym, amateur athletes pay attention to factors such as:

  • walking distance,
  • style and decoration of the room,
  • service personnel professionalism,
  • a variety of sports equipment and much more.

A preliminary analysis of this field of activity shows that the sports services market is very developed in our country and has high competition. However, not every potential competitor uses all the opportunities available to him and focuses on the long term.

There is still room on the market for entrepreneurs who want to provide the population with quality economy class services.

Many middle-class people would be happy to go to fitness clubs and gyms if they had sufficient financial resources for this.

The right approach to organizing a business and the rational use of available financial resources will allow you to implement your activities in such a way that even if you provide quality services using advanced equipment, the cost of going to the gym will be very attractive to all segments of the population.

In order to avoid possible mistakes and most effectively start the implementation of your project, any activity should begin with the process of drawing up a business plan. It is a map of your business, intentions on paper.

Only after the formation of a complete picture of the future business and the definition of an action plan is it worth taking on the active part of the project.

How to write a business plan for a gym

There are a number of key issues, without which you should not even think about starting a business. This:

  • Marketing
    Market and competitor analysis. Determination of the list of services provided and your competitive advantages.
  • Investment
    Room selection and decoration. Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  • Operating
    Determination of the operating mode, selection of service personnel.
  • Financial
    Definitions of fixed and variable costs. Profit planning and project payback.

A deep analysis and the decisions made as a result of it will make a ready-made plan for your future project at the end. Only such an approach guarantees minimization of risks and the fastest return on investment.

Competitor analysis

Having decided on the location of your future hall, you should first of all embark on "espionage". Visit the halls of your "colleagues" in the industry and conduct a comparative analysis.

During such an "operation" you will need to clarify:

  • average price per hour of visiting the gym,
  • quality of equipment and premises,
  • opening hours and availability of other related services.

Such a study will help you determine development priorities, draw up a rough picture and plan for action.

The range of services provided

To attract customers, you need to implement marketing plan.

For customer retention it is necessary to provide him with the maximum possible range of services at the lowest prices.

Among the additions to the gym services that you can offer clients, you should pay attention to the following:

  • massage room;
  • Pool;
  • Sauna and separate shower cabins;
  • Small sporting goods store, non-alcoholic bar;

The services of the gym itself are usually provided in different forms:

  • self-study

Clients can only come to keep fit. For this category, it is necessary to provide the opportunity for a single visit to the hall.
Some visitors will want to come periodically, but to practice without a coach. For such visitors, you can introduce subscriptions, the purchase of which will help them save.

  • Classes with a trainer

Usually this form is preferred by a certain category of people - beginners who want to change their lifestyle, so they need a person who will constantly motivate and push them forward.
For them, subscriptions to systematic training sessions with a trainer will also be attractive, as they will make them “work off” the money invested.

Selection and equipment of the premises for the hall

There are no special requirements limiting the choice of premises. The service is quite in demand among the population and over time, with a responsible attitude to business, good results can be achieved.

But to increase the potential for profit and customers, you should consider that:

  • It is better to open in areas with a large population (sleeping areas). People are more willing to go to the gym if it is close to their home.
  • The absence of other halls nearby will save on marketing and promotions.
  • A premise located near the road with wide access roads and parking space will be another plus in your favor.
  • It is highly likely that you will redevelop the premises. It is necessary to agree in advance about this with the owner.

Room size and the possibility of redevelopment will play a key role in shaping its value.

When renting a room, please note that established norms in the gym for one person it is necessary to allocate 2 square meters. m. area.

If we take as a calculation unit 100 clients who can simultaneously be in the hall, then its minimum required area should be equal to 200 square meters. m.

At the design stage, you should consider that both men and women can be visitors to the gym.

In order for both parties to feel comfortable in your hall, it is worth separating the male half from the female. At a minimum, the room should have 2 changing rooms and 2 showers. The area of ​​the hall will also need to be divided into two parts.

Now you need to decide on the rest of the premises:

  • Area 40 sq.m. allocated to men's and women's locker rooms.
  • 100 sq.m. - to the pool (which will become a competitive advantage).
  • The reception area can be placed on an area of ​​20 sq.m.
  • Premises for sauna and massage will occupy 40 square meters. m.
  • In addition, a pantry, toilet and director's office will be needed. For these purposes, another 50 square meters will have to be allocated. m. area.

Thus, the rented premises for a gym for 100 people must be at least 450 sq.m.

Make a layout of the future sports complex and make an estimate for the repair of the premises. Perhaps the best option would be to build your own building. After the project has paid for itself, you will have your own space and more gross profit than in the case of renting.

Purchase of equipment

It's no secret that the main thing in the gym are the simulators themselves. The wider and more varied their selection, the greater customer satisfaction.

We will focus on middle-class customers, so we will not be able to buy expensive equipment. Indeed, in this case, the project will pay off for too long.

Elite clubs are constantly updating their equipment, as they provide services to the most fastidious clients who want to train exclusively on new and modern simulators. For this reason, it is always easy to find high-quality and durable used exercise equipment on the market. Thanks to this feature, you will be able to purchase the most diverse and relatively new equipment for your fleet at a residual depreciation price.

Thus, investment in equipment in the amount of 750,000 rubles. will be more than enough.

Minimum a set of necessary shells and simulators(numbers are approximate and may vary):

  • Treadmill (stationary) - 6 pcs.
  • Exercise bike - 6 pcs.
  • Swedish wall - 6 pcs.
  • Power complex shells - 3 pcs.
  • Complex simulators for gymnastic exercises - 3 pcs.
  • Rowing machine — 4 pcs.
  • Abdominal trainers - 6 pcs.
  • Small sports equipment and equipment: dumbbells, gymnastic balls, steps and other fitness equipment

Also need to buy sports furniture, which is needed for other rooms:

  • Sofas, tables and chairs for the reception area, administration space and benches for the gym.
  • Wardrobes for staff clothes and other furniture for the administrative premises and director's office.
  • Lockers and benches for locker rooms.
  • Other interior items of the room and decoration of the hall (mirrors, hangers, etc.).
  • Equipment and furniture for the pool, sauna and massage room.
  • Office equipment, TV and music installation.

In order to provide the gym with the necessary furniture and equipment, it will be necessary to spend, according to average estimates, 200,000 rubles.

Calculation of working hours and selection of service personnel

A strict work schedule with the maximum use of the time of day will be another attractive factor for customers. The hall should work seven days a week from 7-00 to 24-00. For a working day lasting 14 hours, the workflow must be organized in two shifts. When distributing shifts and scheduling, leave workers should be taken into account.

In many ways, the attendance of the gym will depend on the attendants. Therefore, when hiring, you should pay attention not only to the professional merits of candidates, but also to their politeness and sociability.

The number of employees and their workload will depend on the number of shifts and work schedule. Female trainers are more suitable for fitness, while male trainers are more suitable for the gym.

It should be remembered that visitors will see their mentors as a standard to strive towards. Make sure trainers meet the required external criteria. It is better to take a girl who has a superficial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsports to work in the reception.

For the full functioning of the gym, it is necessary to create a staff of several groups of employees.


Service personnel:

  • Coaches and instructors - 8 people;
  • Masseurs - 2 people;

Support staff:

  • Technicians - 2 people
  • Reception - 2 people

Project organization calculations

Perhaps the largest item of expenditure will be salary. In general, the amount of salary will be considered individually, depending on the level of professionalism and value of the employee.

Below are indicative figures based on positions held:

  • The manager and accountant should receive a salary of 45,000-40,000 rubles.
  • Instructors and masseurs - 20,000 rubles.
  • Reception — 15 000 rubles.
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles.

For staff motivation working directly with clients, it is best to implement a bonus system.

The bonus can be calculated based on the income received from the sale of subscriptions to classes with trainers.

A lot of money is always required to quickly replace worn-out shells. Since the result of your activity directly depends on the quality of simulators, it is worth organizing a special sinking fund and make contributions to it in the amount of 10% of the profit. This will help to collect certain funds for a "rainy" day and survive it painlessly.

Premises for rent

Although we talked about the greater efficiency of building our own building, we will draw up a financial plan based on the cost of rent.

The average price per 1 sq.m. in the "sleeping" area varies at the level of 1,000 r. per 1 sq.m. Based on this, the monthly rent will be 450,000 rubles.

Communal payments- electricity, water, heating - 60,000 rubles.

Other expenses - stationery, telephone payments and advertising - 10,000 rubles.

Sample business plan for opening a gym

Expenditure part

D To determine the total amount of investment is traditionally calculated first. The calculation is made for the period of the first working year.

Initial investment costs - 7,350,000 rubles.

  • Room rental - 5,400,000 rubles. (an advance payment for the year).
  • Repair and rebuilding - (based on the estimate) up to 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 750,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture and appliances - 200,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses - 415,000 rubles.

  • Salary - 345,000 rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 60,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Depreciation deductions— 10% of the net profit for the reporting period (in this case, the project will not pay off in the first year).

Total expenditure in the first year - 7,765,000 rubles.

Revenue part

The daily work schedule provides for a 14-hour working day for the hall. The complex can serve up to 100 clients at the same time. The gym can serve up to 500 people per day.

However, when analyzing competitors that have been on the market for a long time, it turned out that on average, about 80% of its capacity is visited per day. Given the conditions of great competition and the likelihood of difficulties in attracting customers, assume that during the first year the hall will have approximately 20% of customers from daily potential. The average cost of visiting the hall with a subscription is 250 rubles.

Planned income = 100 people * 250 rubles. * 350 working days = 8,750,000 rubles. in year.

Payback of the project = 7,765,000 rubles / 8,750,000 rubles. ≈ 10-11 months.

The idea of ​​creating your own gym has a very good prospects. However, the key factor for its implementation is the right organizational policy aimed at attracting and retaining customers.

The most efficient way is creation of a subscription system, according to which customers pay for their right to visit in advance.

An analysis of markets and competitors confirms the popularity of gyms among the population, so the provision of comprehensive and high-quality services should be your main guideline in striving to profit from the business you are creating.

Gyms and fitness clubs are visited by a huge number of people every day. Basically, these are wealthy visitors who are used to exercising in elite and expensive fitness clubs, as for economy class gyms, the opening of new ones is relevant. In this article, we will look at how to open your own gym with the most necessary equipment and give an example of a fitness center business plan with calculations and minimal investment.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym as a business

The main target audience of gym visitors: youth 18-50 years old. The table below summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym.

Advantages Flaws
High profitability (profitability) of the business ~ 35% High barrier to entry into the market. Requires large initial investments in the purchase of simulators and rent ~ 1.5-2 million rubles.
Year-round influx of visitors (with an emphasis in September-October). Requires large premises (>300m2) in proximity to residential areas, universities, offices
No specific sports knowledge is required: there are many trainers in the labor market The influx of visitors is not uniform throughout the day: the peak falls on the “prime-time” from 18-00 to 22-00.

According to RKB Research, the area of ​​fitness and accessible sports has an average growth rate of fitness centers and gyms of ~12.1%. The growth leader is the Moscow market. Regions are a promising direction for the development of this segment.

Stages of opening a gym

Click to enlarge

Gym business plan. Room search

First you need to find a place. Its area must be at least 150 square meters. m. We will consider a gym with two rooms. This is due to the fact that in addition to the gym there are technical and auxiliary rooms:

  • Changing rooms;
  • Bathroom, showers;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Administration premises.

Finding a room is priority, the success of the gym will depend on its location, accessibility to business centers, metro stations or residential areas.

Determining the price and opening hours

An economy-class gym, although it should have experienced instructors on staff, cannot be compared with a full-fledged elite fitness club in terms of the volume of services. The average price per hour of visiting is about 150 rubles.

As for the time - mostly people come to the gym in the afternoon. But there are those who practice in the morning.

The main flow of visitors falls on the so-called prime time:from 18-00 to 23-00. This is explained simply, the bulk of the population who are interested in fitness work until 17.18 pm.

Optimal room operation– from 11:00 to 23:00. It is recommended that the hall should function seven days a week, with a minimum number of breaks for holidays.

Calculation of working hours and number of employees

The gym is open for 351 days, we immediately took into account the holidays and sanitary days. Consider the description of the work schedule of employees:

  • Flexitime;
  • 2 days off (101 days per year);
  • Vacation 24 days;
  • We take into account the possible absence of an employee for various reasons - 14 days.

(351 - 101 - 24 - 14) * 8 = 1696 hours/year PS: (Employee's 8-hour day).

In total, it turns out that there are 1696 hours per employee per year. These data allow us to conclude that our gym needs 5 instructors. How did we calculate it?

  1. The total number of working hours in two halls per year: 351x12x2=8424.
  2. Required number of personnel (instructors): 8424/1696=4.96.
  3. Rounding up, it turns out 5 people.

Also, before you open a gym, you need to take into account the total number of employees.

  1. Keep in mind that the duration of the gym is 12 hours. 351x12=4212 hours per year.
  2. The duration of the employee's working day is no more than 8 hours, no more than 1696 hours per year.
  3. 4212/1696=2.48 staff positions per workplace. These are administrators, cleaners, security guards.
  4. The gym needs a manager (director) and an accountant.

Gym staff:

Naturally, this math is needed to create a business plan, and things may be different in your gym. But to get acquainted with how it all works - our example is illustrative.

Video lesson "How to open a fitness club?"

In the video lesson Nazirov Samat tells how to open a gym in your city, what difficulties arise and where to start.

How to Open a Gym: Estimating Revenue

First you need to decide on the amount of revenue. To do this, you need to predict the number of visitors. It is also necessary to think over the system of subscriptions and unique offers for customers in time (at the stage of setting prices). When the picture is relatively complete, you can start planning for the annual revenue.

The annual total revenue of the gym

So, we proceed from the maximum parameters:

  • 351 working days (we cut off holidays);
  • 10 visitors at the same time;
  • 150 r. at one o'clock.

In total, we receive 12,636,000 rubles a year, BUT: this is the maximum at 100% workload, which never happens. We use a reduction factor of 0.8%. We used it because experts say: attendance does not exceed 80%. In total, we have 10,108,800 rubles a year with an average stable attendance.

Estimation of current and initial costs

We buy simulators

An economy class gym must have equipment that:

  • Satisfies all requests and desires of visitors;
  • Is constantly in working condition;
  • It is inexpensive, pays off quickly;
  • Conveniently located in two halls of 30 sq. m each.

The ideal option here would be to use second-hand simulators. They are much cheaper, but the quality is not worse. We offer a calculation of the cost of gym equipment:

The choice of simulators depends on the direction. There are two areas of the gym: aerobic exercise and strength training. The example considered was for aerobic training. If you are considering power loads, then you need to focus on the ability to perform three basic strength exercises: bench press, squat and deadlift. This requires the presence of 3 bars, squat racks, floor covering for deadlift, a set of dumbbells up to 25 kilograms, starting from 2 kilograms in increments of 1.5 kg. You also need a bench press and an incline bench. Accordingly, it is necessary to have pancakes for shanga: 10 pcs. — 25 kg., 10 pcs. — 20 kg., 10 pcs. - 15 kg., 10 pieces - 10 kg. 8 pcs. - 5 kg., 6 pcs. - 2.5 kg., 4 pcs. - 1.25 kg. Auxiliaries may include deadlift belts, wrist wraps, chalk, etc. The total cost of this equipment will be more than 600 thousand rubles.

Costs for auxiliary funds (fixed assets)

Amortization of auxiliary funds is 20% (126.6 thousand rubles).

Note that you can save not only on simulators, but also on computers and other equipment. But everything must meet quality standards.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets include registration of a lease agreement, founding expenses, depreciation. Registration and expenses for founding expenses amount to about 5 thousand rubles. The latter make up 10%, which means - 500 rubles. in year.

Calculating employee salaries

The salary of each employee of the gym per month is:

As a result: 295 thousand rubles. per month or 3,540 thousand rubles. in year.

Production costs

Do not be naive to believe that everything ends with the above costs. The gym is the same enterprise where you need to consider:

  • Direct costs;
  • The cost of maintaining a gym as an enterprise;
  • Fund maintenance costs;
  • Depreciation;
  • Management costs;
  • Implementation costs.

Direct costs include instructors' salaries. For the rest of the employees, everything is included in the costs of management and office costs.

A special item of expenditure is the rent of the premises. In the case of our gym, it is 160 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the specific premises, conditions and area.

So the cost per month is:

  • Rent: 160 thousand rubles.
  • Office expenses: 3 thousand rubles.
  • Landline phone: ~200 rub.
  • Advertising (usually SMM): 5 thousand rubles. per month.

It's time to take care of taxes

So, you need to take care of tax deductions:

  • Tax on arr. 1% payroll: 35.400 rubles;
  • Tax on the maintenance of the fund: 1.5% of income, 151.632 rubles.

Total: 187.032 rub.

balance sheet profit: 3,703.800–187.032=3,576.768 rubles

Net profit: 3,576.768–703.354=2,873.414 rubles (deductible income tax)

Gym Profitability: Assessment

We count specific profitability(the ratio of profit to the cost of resources): 3576768 / 10108800x100% = 35.38%.

We count estimated profitability(the ratio of net profit to costs): 2873414/6405000х100% = 44.86%

Now you know how to open a gym!

For a beginner, all these calculations may seem complicated. But from this example, we can conclude that the profitability of such a business is quite high. All costs from the start-up capital will pay off. The main thing is that before you open a gym, think over your business plan correctly and choose a convenient place for the gym. Almost everything depends on it.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability

(4.2 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The gym is a promising line of business with a payback period of ~2 years and a profitability of ~35%. The initial investment for the lease of premises and the purchase of sports equipment will cost ~1.5-2 million rubles. The key success factor is its location and accessibility to office centers, universities, residential complexes. To quickly start a business, it is recommended to use a franchise, this will avoid many mistakes when building business processes due to support from the franchisee. If you are preparing a business plan to attract investors, it is necessary to describe the financial part of the plan as much as possible: profitability, payback period and necessary investment costs.