Job description of the master of the construction of roads. Job description of the road foreman of the railway transport section. Job description for a road maintenance foreman

The road foreman must know: - The charter of railway transport Russian Federation; — regulations on the discipline of employees of the railway transport of the Russian Federation; — industry tariff agreement; - rules technical operation railways of the Russian Federation; - instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways Russian Federation; - instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation in terms of responsibilities; — instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic in the course of track work; - safety rules for railway workers on electrified lines; - instructions on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents related to production in railway transport; - resolutions, orders, orders, instructions and other guidelines and normative materials regulating the work of the road foreman; — technological process for track repair; - norms for the maintenance of the path; - site equipment and rules for its technical operation; — methods of production planning; - the procedure for billing works and workers, the norms and prices for work, the procedure for their revision; - the current regulation on wages; — fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management; - regulation on working hours and rest time of railway workers; — basics of labor legislation; — Internal rules work schedule; — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection; 1.4.

Rights and obligations of a road foreman

N 367), All-Russian classifier classes OK 010-93 (OKZ) (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 N 298), Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation of December 24, 2009 N 1028n “On Approval of the Model Norms for the Free Issue of Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Employees of Enterprises for the Mining and Processing of Uranium Ores, for Enrichment with Uranium and Its Compounds, for the Fabrication of Fuel for Nuclear Reactors and on the production of electrical and thermal energy at nuclear power plants, employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution "and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. 1.

Road foreman

N__________ This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with __________________________________________ (name of the position of the person for whom ______________________________________________________ and in accordance with this job description was drawn up) provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1.

Article General duties of the foreman of the track

The main task performed by the foremen is to manage and organize the production of work on the current maintenance and repair of the track, aimed at ensuring the condition of the track that meets the requirements for the safe movement of trains with given sizes and speeds. Various operating conditions, features of the work of track structures determine technical requirements to their device and maintenance and provide for appropriate systems of supervision and control over their condition during operation, as well as the choice of technologies and organization of track work.

Path and track facilities

The road foreman manages the labor collective on the principles of unity. The instructions of the master are obligatory for the workers of the linear section subordinate to him. Decisions of the administration of the track distance on all issues related to work, rest and life of the working section are made with the direct participation of the foreman or taking into account his opinion.

1.3. The main task of the road foreman is to organize the maintenance of all elements of the railway track in constant good condition: the subgrade, artificial structures, the superstructure of the track, railway crossings, track facilities and the right of way in accordance with established standards, ensuring the safety and uninterrupted movement of trains and the safety of workers working in in accordance with Art.

Approximate form I APPROVE ___________________________________ (Surname, initials) (name of organization, ____________________________ enterprise, etc., its (director or other organizational and legal form) official authorized to approve the job description) "" ___________ 20__ m.p.

Job description road foreman of the railway transport section

____________________________________________ (name of organization, enterprise, etc.) "" ____________ 20__ N__________ This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with __________________________________________ (name of the position of the person for whom ____________________________________________________________ and in accordance with this job description was drawn up) the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. General provisions 1.1. The road foreman of the railway transport section belongs to the category of managers. 1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a foreman (released) for the current maintenance and repair of the track and artificial structures for at least 1 year or a secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the profile of at least 3 years. 1.3. The road foreman of the site is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise. 1.4. The road foreman of the section must know: - Regulations on the discipline of railway workers; - Charter of the enterprise; - Industry tariff agreement; - Rules for the technical operation of railways; Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways, Instructions for signaling on railways in terms of duties; - Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic in the course of track works; - Safety rules for railway workers on electrified lines; - Instructions on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents related to production in railway transport; - resolutions, orders, orders, instructions and other guiding and regulatory materials regulating the work of the road section foreman; - technological process for track repair; - track maintenance standards; - site equipment and rules for its technical operation; - methods of production planning; - norms and prices for work, the procedure for their revision; - the current regulation on wages; - fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management; - regulation on working time and rest time of railway workers; - internal labor regulations; - basics of labor legislation; - rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire safety; - _________________________________________________________________. 1.5. During the absence of the road foreman of the site (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. 1.6. ________________________________________________________________. 2. Job responsibilities Road foreman of the site: 2.1. Carries out in accordance with model provision about the foreman of the production site, the management of the site he leads. 2.2. Ensures the performance of work on the repair and maintenance of the superstructure of the track, subgrade, artificial structures in deadlines And High Quality, to ensure the safety and uninterrupted movement of trains at set speeds. 2.3. Timely prepares the production of works, ensures the placement of workers and teams, monitors compliance with technological processes, promptly identifies and eliminates the causes of their violation. 2.4. Participates in the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes as well as production schedules. 2.5. Checks the quality of work performed, takes measures to prevent defects and improve the quality of work. 2.6. Participates in the acceptance of completed works. 2.7. Organizes the introduction of advanced methods and techniques of work. 2.8. Ensures that workers comply with production standards, the correct use of equipment, tooling and tools. 2.9. Carries out the formation of teams (their quantitative, professional and qualified staff), develops and implements measures for the rational maintenance of brigades, coordinates their activities, takes measures to create enlarged integrated brigades. 2.10. Establishes and promptly communicates production targets to brigades and individual workers (not part of brigades) in accordance with approved distance plans and schedules, targets for the use of machines, mechanisms, equipment, raw materials, materials, tools, stock wages. 2.11. Carries out production briefing of workers, takes measures to comply with the rules of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation, technical operation of equipment and tools, as well as control over their observance. 2.12. Promotes the development of a combination of professions, the expansion of service areas and the use of other progressive forms of service and labor organization, makes proposals for the revision of production standards and prices, as well as for the assignment of jobs and professions of working categories to workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook, takes part in billing works and assignment qualification categories site workers. 2.13. Analyzes results production activities, controls the spending of the wage fund established by the site, ensures the correctness and timeliness of the execution of primary documents for recording working time, output, wages. 2.14. Promotes the dissemination of best practices, initiative, development creative initiatives, implementation rationalization proposals and inventions. 2.15. Monitors compliance by workers with the rules of labor protection and safety, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations. 2.16. Submits proposals to encourage distinguished workers in the area or to bring to disciplinary responsibility for violation of production and labor discipline. 2.17. Organizes professional development and professional excellence workers and foremen, training them in second and related professions, developing mentorship, conducts educational work in a team. 2.18. _______________________________________________________________. 3. Rights The road foreman of the site has the right to: 3.1. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by the head of the enterprise. 3.2. Receive from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise information related to the issues of its activities. 3.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its official duties. 3.5. ________________________________________________________________. 4. Responsibility The road foreman of the section is responsible for: 4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties stipulated by this job description, within the limits specified labor law Russian Federation. 4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.4. ________________________________________________________________. The job description was developed in accordance with ________________ (name, _____________________________. number and date of the document) structural unit(initials, surname) _________________________ (signature) "" _____________ 20__ AGREED: Chief legal department(initials, surname) _____________________________ (signature) "" ________________ 20__ Acquainted with the instruction: (initials, surname) _________________________ (signature) "" _____________20__



(for the organization of work

Moscow 2000

This "Handbook for a road foreman" was developed on the basis of an analysis of the experience of organizing and carrying out work on the maintenance and repair of roads and is intended for the practical work of road foremen.

The document outlines the duties of a road foreman and discusses the organization of work on the maintenance and repair of roads in the spring-summer-autumn, transitional (winter-spring, autumn-winter) and winter period s operation.

The "General Responsibilities" section of this Manual is the basis for the development of a job description for a road foreman.

The technological sequence of work, the basic rules and norms for the production of work performed under the guidance of a road foreman are presented in the "Guidelines for the performance of work by a road foreman in the maintenance and repair of roads."

"Handbook for the road master" was developed by the specialists of the State Enterprise of Rosdornia: Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.A. Tikhonov, engineers Yu.N. Rozov, A.M. Strizhevsky, E.Yu. Sukhanova.



By order of the Russian

road agency

from "16" ... 06 ... 2000 No. 115-r


(for the organization of work
maintenance and repair of highways)

Moscow 2000

1. General responsibilities

1.1. The road foreman is appointed by order of the head of the road maintenance organization from disciplined and responsible persons with a higher or secondary specialized education (engineer or construction technician, specializing in "Roads"), as well as from road workers with experience in the specialty of at least five years and students in the third and subsequent courses of the evening or correspondence department of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the specialty "Roads".

1.2. The road foreman constantly monitors the condition of roads and structures within the area he serves. The length of roads served by the workshop, which is the main production and territorial subdivision of road maintenance organizations, is, as a rule, 20-30 km for roads of category I, 30-40 km for category II, 40-50 km for category III, 50- 60 km - IV category and 60-70 km - V category. The road foreman is responsible for the condition of roads and artificial structures in accordance with applicable orders and legal regulations and accepts all necessary measures to ensure smooth, safe and comfortable driving.

1.3. The road foreman daily inspects roads and artificial structures in the area assigned to him in order to determine the need for the performance of work on the repair and maintenance of roads, as well as in order to control the quality of previously performed work. Inspections carried out by the road foreman are divided into regular (conducted daily), periodic (conducted once a month or quarter) and special.

During regular inspections, the condition and volumes are assessed necessary work on bringing the pavement, roadsides, dividing strip, slopes of embankments and excavations, roadside strips into the normative state, as well as the state of engineering equipment and arrangement.

During periodic inspections, the condition and scope of the necessary work to bring the drainage system, drainage systems and small artificial structures to the standard state are assessed.

During special inspections, the condition and scope of the necessary work to bring the road elements that have been destroyed due to natural disasters and accidents to the standard state are assessed.

Defects and non-compliance with the level of maintenance and regulatory requirements identified during the inspections are recorded by the road foreman in the daily inspection log ().

1.4. The road foreman submits, in due time, to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization, the data he identified as a result of the inspection on the discrepancy between individual elements of the road regulatory requirements and takes the necessary measures to eliminate the identified inconsistencies within the time limits established by the requirements of regulatory and technical documents.

Journal of daily inspections of the state of the road, elements of arrangement and structures


Type of defect

Location, km + m

Volume, area, quantity

Remedy date

1.5. The road foreman performs all work on the maintenance of roads and artificial structures daily using the means of mechanization and workers at his disposal () as approved by the chief engineer production plan. Works on the repair of roads and artificial structures are carried out by a road foreman in accordance with the work plan approved by the chief engineer.

1.6. The road foreman personally manages the work in difficult and emergency situations (during floods, heavy snowfalls, snowstorms, snow avalanches and mudflows, etc.), being at the work site both on working days and on weekends and holidays until elimination of consequences that could cause a break in traffic Vehicle and lead to death.

1.7. The road foreman develops a monthly work schedule for each facility or work area, issues production tasks to workers, is responsible for their rational placement and organization of work, ensuring the rhythm of work and the use of workers in accordance with their qualifications.

1.8. The road foreman takes all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the passage of vehicles.

In the event of circumstances that pose a threat to traffic safety, life and health of traffic participants, the road foreman is obliged to immediately take measures to eliminate their consequences. In order to ensure traffic safety, the road foreman ensures the installation of temporary means of organizing traffic in places of traffic accidents (fences, road signs, etc.). Simultaneously with the adoption of these measures, the road foreman is obliged to report the incident to the management of the road maintenance organization, the traffic police and the medical service.

Table 1

Standards for equipping workshops with mechanization and staffing with workers and specialists


Road foreman's car for transporting workers and equipment

Motor grader (medium)

Combined road machine with attachments (in the numerator - with a distribution hopper, in the denominator - with a tank)





Loader with a bucket capacity of 3 m 3

Tractor "Belarus" with interchangeable equipment (mower, brush, plow snow plow)

Vibrating plate (manual)

Roadside Washing Equipment

petrol mower

road workers

Road machinery drivers and specialists (electrician, signalman, etc.)

1.9. Upon detection of theft of individual elements of arrangement, structures or damage to roads, structures and road property, the road foreman, with the participation of representatives of local authorities, draws up a protocol on the incident () and submits it to the head of the road maintenance organization.

1.10. The road foreman submits to the head of the road maintenance organization an application for hiring road workers, their transfer, dismissal, as well as for hiring temporary workers necessary to perform production tasks and attract specialized contractors (for marking, repairing a bridge, etc. ).

1.11. The road foreman, in case of violation of labor and production discipline by his subordinates, makes a representation to the chief about the imposition of administrative penalties on them. The idea of ​​rewarding workers subordinate to the road foreman is made by him with the qualitative performance of work and with the successful completion of measures to eliminate emergency situations.

1.12. The road foreman controls the knowledge of the job duties and instructions by the workers subordinate to him, monitors their implementation.

1.13. The road foreman keeps a log of work (according to the form approved by Rosavtodor), which daily reflects the types and volumes of maintenance and repair work carried out.

1.14. The road foreman keeps a log of the working time of employees subordinate to him (in the form approved by the State Statistics Committee).

1.15. The road foreman draws up orders for the work performed twice a month and transfers them to the planning and production department of the road maintenance organization.

1.16. Upon dismissal from the organization (or on vacation), the road foreman must hand over (temporarily transfer) to his deputy the serviced area with all property and documents related to it.


Theft, damage. destruction of elements of arrangement
and road structures
structures and road property

I, the undersigned:

Road foreman of _______ workshop ______________________________

Compiled a real protocol on theft, damage, destruction (underline as necessary)

(object of theft, damage or destruction)

The protocol was drawn up in the presence of a representative of _____________________________


(indicate the position, full name of the representative of the local authority or the traffic police)



(road master)


(representative of local authorities or traffic police)

2. Obligations of the road foreman to ensure the production of work

2.1. Provision of the workshop site with labor and material and technical resources (workers, machinery, equipment, construction and fuel and lubricants)

2.1.1. The road foreman monitors the equipment of the workshop with machinery and equipment in accordance with standard standards, controls the condition of the complex of premises intended for the accommodation of workers, storage of inventory, machinery and equipment. In case of insufficient equipment with machinery and equipment, as well as in case of unsatisfactory condition of the complex of premises of the workshop site, the road foreman submits applications to the head of the road maintenance organization.

2.1.2. The road foreman draws up and submits applications to the supply department of the road maintenance organization in advance to provide workers with tools and inventory in the right quantity and in accordance with the technological needs that ensure the fulfillment of the tasks set.

2.1.3. The road foreman must monitor the availability and serviceability of the necessary tools for the workers under his supervision. The expenditure, storage and maintenance of tools, inventory, materials, equipment, overalls and personal protective equipment is carried out under the control of the road foreman in compliance with the established rules approved by the head of the road maintenance organization.

2.1.4. Based on the volumes determined according to the work plan, the road foreman draws up and submits to the supply department on a monthly basis applications for providing the workshop site with construction and fuel and lubricants, additional equipment and road construction equipment.

2.1.5. The roadmaster must follow the delivery building materials and inform the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization about the fulfillment of the delivery schedule and the need for the provision of building materials.

2.1.6. The road foreman is obliged to keep records of materials, tools and equipment in accordance with the established provisions on accounting and reporting.

2.1.7. For the performance of work on the maintenance and repair of roads, road construction materials must be used that have a conformity certificate specifications or checked for compliance with specifications by conducting the necessary laboratory tests in accredited testing centers and laboratories.

2.1.8. In case of detection of defects in building structures and low quality of road building materials, the road foreman must inform the management about this in order to file complaints to the manufacturer or supplier.

2.1.9. The road foreman must have detailed information about the location, quality, approximate reserves and methods of extraction of local materials located near his site and suitable for maintenance and repair work.

2.1.10. The distribution of building materials and structures among the facilities should be carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works. Sites and bases for temporary storage of building materials should be as close as possible to the work site, cleaned from dust, dirt, and in winter - from snow and have a solid foundation. The arrangement of sites and bases for temporary storage of building materials must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of environmental protection.

2.1.11. Loss, theft, as well as the transfer of road property, the road foreman must draw up acts and submit them to the head of the road maintenance organization with regular information on the movement of materials.

2.1.12. The transfer of road property from site to site is carried out by the road foreman in accordance with the order of the head of the road maintenance organization according to the invoice or act signed by the hander or receiver.

2.1.13. The number of workers at the workshop depends on the length of the maintained roads, their arrangement and natural and climatic conditions.

2.2. Communication control

2.2.1. The road foreman determines the need for radio and telephone communications to ensure the efficient operation of the workshop site and submits the request to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization.

2.2.2. The road foreman informs each worker of the master section of the telephone numbers, subscriber codes, used communication channels, and also compiles a list of telephones used for operational work, responsible duty officers and dispatchers of the road maintenance organization.

2.2.3. The road foreman periodically, but at least once a week, checks the functioning of the communication means used in the work of the workshop section.

2.2.4. The serviceability of the operation of the columns of technological communication serving the workshop site is carried out by the road foreman daily. The road foreman reports the identified defects to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization, and minor defects are eliminated within 24 hours from the moment of discovery.

2.3. Ensuring safety

2.3.1. Maintenance and repair work is carried out under the guidance of a road foreman in compliance with the "Safety regulations for the construction, repair and maintenance of highways" ().

2.3.2. The road foreman periodically, at least once a quarter, is obliged to conduct current safety briefings for his subordinate workers at the workplace and special briefings, at least once a month, in the specialty of workers employed in various types of work. The road foreman is instructed by a safety engineer or Chief Engineer road operating organization. Information about the briefings carried out is entered by the road foreman in the safety briefing registration log (in the form approved by Rosavtodor).

2.3.3. Under the guidance of a road foreman, signs and other means of organizing traffic are placed in places where road works are carried out. Arrangement of means of organizing traffic and signs is carried out in accordance with the schemes approved and agreed upon in the traffic police, which the road foreman must request from the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization.

2.3.4. The road foreman is obliged to daily control the use of appropriate equipment by his subordinate specialists and workers, including vests and helmets of yellow or orange color, equipped with retroreflective elements.

2.3.5. Industrial premises, including mobile trailers and change houses, must be provided with first-aid kits, fire-fighting equipment and equipment, which the road foreman must periodically check and keep in good order. The workshop section is provided with first-aid kits and fire-fighting equipment upon request submitted by the road foreman to the supply department of the road maintenance organization.

3. Obligations of a road foreman in organizing the production of work on the maintenance and repair of roads

3.1. Work carried out systematically.

The road foreman, based on daily inspections, assesses the need and scope of work performed regularly, regardless of the season of operation and weather and climatic conditions. These works include:

3.1.1. Keeping the right-of-way clean and tidy.

The road foreman, based on the data of daily inspections, determines the need and volume of work to clean up garbage and foreign objects from the roadside (at a distance of up to 10 m from the edge of the subgrade and in snow shelter belts);

Assesses the need to use various kinds machinery and equipment for the performance of the necessary work;

Carries out acceptance, draws up an order for the work performed and transfers it to the planning and production department of the road maintenance organization.

3.1.2. Correction and minor repairs of protective and strengthening devices.

The road foreman determines the volume of destruction of the fortifications of the slopes of the berms and drainage dams with crushed stone or stone materials;

Determines the need (volume) of crushed stone or stone materials necessary to correct the identified defects;

Determines the amount of machinery, equipment, road workers to perform the entire range of works and issues a task indicating the composition of the brigade, the senior group (foreman), the deadline for completing the task;

Orders and controls the delivery of the required amount of building materials to the facilities repair work;

Determines the need for the use of temporary means of organizing traffic (signs, cones, etc.), manages their placement until the start of work and controls the cleaning (dismantling) of temporary means of organizing traffic upon completion of work;

On the destruction of fortifications with reinforced concrete slabs, nets, etc. the road foreman informs the chief engineer in writing;

Correction of the identified defects in strengthening with reinforced concrete slabs, meshes, etc. is carried out under the guidance of a road foreman in accordance with the design decision approved by the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization;

3.1.3. Maintaining the drainage system.

The road foreman during periodic inspections determines the need and scope of work for cleaning pipes, drainage wells, slope drains, fast currents, drops, ditches and drainage ditches from foreign objects, soil deposits and vegetation;

On the basis of the established scope of work, the road foreman forms a team provided with vehicles to extract and remove foreign objects to the storage sites, remove soil deposits, and remove unwanted vegetation;

Determines the composition of the teams and the means of mechanization and equipment attached to them (watering machines, pumps, hoses for water supply, braids, etc.), controls the timing of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.4. Elimination of minor deformations and damages (sealing of potholes, subsidence, erosion, etc.).

The road foreman, based on the data of daily inspections, determines the need and scope of work to eliminate minor deformations and damage to the pavement, roadsides, subgrade;

Determines the need for the use of temporary means of organizing traffic (signs, cones, etc.), manages their placement until the start of work and controls the cleaning (dismantling) of temporary means of organizing traffic upon completion of work;

Manages the work directly at the place of their production, controls the observance of technologies, deadlines and quality;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.5. Removal of unwanted vegetation, dead wood and damaged trees located in close proximity to the highway and threatening traffic safety. Cutting down shrubs and trees to provide visibility on plan curves.

Based on daily inspections, the road foreman determines the need for work to remove unwanted vegetation;

The road foreman determines the composition of the team or teams for the performance of work to remove unwanted vegetation;

Determines the need for mechanization, equipment and tools and ensures the supply of them to the workers;

Determines the direction of felling trees and controls the work directly at the place of their production;

Determines the need for vehicles and controls the removal of sawn trunks and uprooted shrubs to storage sites;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.6. Removal of foreign objects and pollution from the roadway, roadsides, median lanes, rest areas and bus stops.

The road foreman, based on the data of daily inspections, determines the need and scope of work to remove foreign objects and pollution from the roadway, roadsides, dividing lanes, recreation areas and bus stops;

The road foreman determines the need to install temporary signs and means of organizing traffic (cones, fences, etc.) in cases where the nature of pollution or the size of objects create an increased risk of traffic accidents and cannot be eliminated immediately at the time of detection;

The road foreman determines the method (technology) for removing foreign objects or pollution, the composition of the mechanized link and the number of road workers required to carry out the work;

Issues assignments to workers, road machine operators and drivers, controls the quality of works upon their completion;

In cases where the nature of pollution or the size of objects create an increased risk of traffic accidents, the road foreman personally supervises the work at the place of their production;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.7. Cleaning, replacement of damaged and installation of missing road signs (including signs of individual design).

The road foreman, based on the results of daily inspections, determines the need and scope of work for cleaning, replacing and installing road signs (according to the approved location);

The road foreman controls the installation, for the period of restoration, of a temporary duplicate sign (which is identical to the sign, the restoration or installation of which must be done);

If it is necessary to replace or install signs, the road foreman ensures the delivery of the corresponding signs and their fastening elements to the place of work;

Determines the need for mechanization, tools, as well as the composition of the team for cleaning road signs from pollution, replacing and installing signs, issues tasks and controls the quality of their implementation while at the production site;

For the repair of illuminated road signs, the road foreman engages electricians to work;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.8. Replacement of damaged and installation of missing fences and guides.

The road foreman, based on a daily assessment of the volume and nature of damage to the elements of the fences (including fastening elements and retroreflective elements), makes a decision to carry out work to correct or replace them;

Ensures receipt from the warehouse and delivery to the installation site of the required number of fencing elements;

Determines the need for mechanization, tools, vehicles and workers for the production of work;

Issues tasks, manages the work at the place of their production and controls the timing and quality of the work;

Ensures the removal of dismantled (damaged) elements and structures of fences to the places of storage of scrap metal or to repair shops;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.9. Caring for elements of architectural and artistic design of roads, correcting individual damage.

The road foreman assesses the nature of the damage and determines the types and scope of work to correct individual damage to the elements of architectural and artistic design;

Determines the required amount of materials, tools and workers;

Issues tasks to workers, controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.1.10. Preventive inspection, minor repairs and maintenance of road lighting, emergency call and technological communications.

The road foreman determines the list of defects identified during daily inspections that can be eliminated by workers and specialists of the workshop site;

Determines the list of necessary equipment, means of mechanization, materials and ensures their delivery to the place of work;

Forms a team, issues a task and controls the timing and quality of work;

Carries out the acceptance of work performed;

On defects that cannot be eliminated by road workers and require the involvement of specialists (communicationsmen, electricians, etc.), the road foreman reports in writing to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization.

3.1.11. Care of plantings and seedlings.

The road foreman, on the basis of periodic inspections, assesses the condition of snow protection and decorative plantings, determines the number of damaged, dried and diseased trees;

If defects are found on more than 10% of the landing area, the road foreman reports in writing to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization about the need to involve specialists to carry out special work on the maintenance and restoration of snow protection and decorative landscaping.

3.1.12. Maintenance of traffic registration points, weight control points, road meteorological points and stations, snow and water measuring posts necessary to control and ensure the movement of vehicles.

The road foreman, on the basis of daily inspections with the personnel serving traffic registration points, weight control points, road meteorological points and stations, snow and water measuring posts, draws up and transmits in writing to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization a list of defects that can only be corrected specialists in the repair and operation of the equipment used at these facilities.

3.1.13. maintenance of bridge structures.

When maintaining bridge structures by the forces of a road maintenance organization, the road foreman carries out constant supervision and repair of bridge structures in accordance with the "Methodological recommendations for the maintenance of bridge structures on highways" (approved by the order of Rosavtodor No. 7-p dated 08.30.99), while they carry out the following functions:

Control and analysis technical condition structures;

Maintenance and storage technical documentation associated with the inspection, inspection, repair and maintenance of structures;

Identification of defects and monitoring their change over time;

Determining the scope of repair work and funds for their implementation;

Organization of the passage of ice drift and flood waters.

When attracting specialized organizations for the operation of bridge structures, the road foreman performs the following functions:

Participates in inspections of bridge structures as part of commissions and endorses a list of identified defects and a conclusion on the condition of bridge structures;

Controls the implementation of repair work and endorses the fact of their implementation in the book of inspections and repairs;

At least twice a year (in spring and autumn) informs the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization in writing about the condition of bridge structures and the work of a specialized contractor for their maintenance.

3.2. Production of works of the spring transitional period of operation (winter-spring)

In the spring transitional period of operation, the road foreman, on the basis of daily inspections, assesses the need and scope of work to preserve the roads and prevent their destruction during the period of the greatest weakening of the bearing capacity of the subgrade and structural layers of the road pavement. These works include:

3.2.1. Preparation of the drainage system and culverts for the passage of melt and flood waters and ice drift.

The road foreman, based on long-term weather and climate data, in advance, in the period preceding the melting of the snow cover, draws up a work schedule for the phased removal of snow and ice from the drainage system;

Determines the composition of the teams, the need for tools, equipment and anti-icing materials (for the elimination of frost), issues tasks and controls the timing of their implementation;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.2. Restoration of the profile of transitional coatings (gravel, crushed stone).

The road foreman, after the snow cover has melted, on the basis of daily inspections, determines the need and scope of work to restore the profile of transitional pavements;

Determines the length of the working grips and the sequence of work, taking into account the degree of destruction of the transverse profile on each grip;

Issues a task to motor grader drivers containing the technological sequence of work operations, requirements for the parameters of the profile of the restored sections of the coating, the timing of the work;

In case of significant destruction of transitional coatings, it makes a preliminary breakdown of the cross-sections on the ground;

Determines the need for backfill additional material in separate areas and ensures the delivery of the required amount of material to the places of work;

Supervises the production of works and controls the quality of their implementation;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.3. Elimination of the consequences of the manifestation of deeps, including the repair of pavements of all types, if necessary, with the replacement of the base layers of the pavement and the underlying layers (after thawing of the subgrade soils).

The road foreman assesses the need and scope of work to eliminate the manifestation of abysses based on daily inspections of the condition of the pavement;

Determines the methods and technologies for the production of works, coordinating them with the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization;

Determines the need for mechanization, depending on the developed and approved plan for the production of works;

Determines the required amount of building materials and develops a schedule for their delivery in accordance with the pace of work;

Forms teams of road workers, issues assignments, supervises work at the site, controls the timing and quality of work performed;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.4. Filling potholes.

The road foreman, based on the data of daily inspections, determines the need and scope of work to eliminate minor deformations and damage to the pavement and roadsides;

Determines the need for building materials and ensures their delivery in the required quantity to the place of repair work;

Determines the need for the use of temporary means of organizing traffic (signs, cones, etc.), manages their placement until the start of work and controls the cleaning (dismantling) of temporary means of organizing traffic upon completion of work;

Determines the composition of the team and the need for mechanization and special equipment, depending on the type of deformation and destruction;

Manages the work directly at the place of their production, controls the observance of technologies, deadlines and quality;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.5. Installation of temporary road signs restricting the movement of trucks on roads subject to heaving, and on roads with insufficient strength of pavement.

The basis for the installation of temporary traffic restriction signs is the order of the head or chief engineer of the road maintenance organization, drawn up in the form of an order;

During the period of seasonal traffic restrictions, the road foreman determines the composition of the team for the installation of temporary signs for limiting the maximum mass and axle load and organizes their placement, according to the location given to him by the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization;

The road foreman provides the brigade with the necessary number of temporary signs, vehicles and equipment for installing signs, issues a task and controls its implementation;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.6. Providing surface drainage from roadsides in the spring.

The road foreman, based on daily inspections, determines the need and scope of work on the planning and profiling of roadsides;

Issues a task to the motor grader driver indicating the addresses, the sequence of work, controls the quality and timing of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.7. Liquidation of the consequences of erosion by melt waters of roadsides, slopes and ditches.

The road foreman, on the basis of weekly inspections, determines the need for work to eliminate the consequences of erosion by melt waters of roadsides, slopes and ditches of highways;

Determines the location of erosion and the volume of soil required to eliminate the consequences of erosion;

Determines the need for vehicles and mechanization for the distribution and compaction of soil;

Determines the composition of the team, issues a task, controls the quality and timing of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.8. Elimination of subsidence and displacement of individual elements of the surface drainage system.

After the end of snowmelt and the descent of flood waters, the road foreman inspects the technical condition of the elements of the surface drainage system;

Establishes erosion sites and determines the scope of work to eliminate the displacement of individual elements of edge trays, watercourses along the slope, drainage ditches, etc., as well as the volume of materials (crushed stone, sand and gravel mixture, concrete, etc.) for these works ;

Determines the need for mechanization and vehicles;

Determines the need for the use of temporary means of organizing traffic at the place of work and manages their placement;

Forms teams, issues tasks, manages work at the place of their production;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.9. Cleaning flumes, spillways along the slope, drainage ditches and fast currents, as well as water wells and dampers from accumulated sediment, soil, dirt, etc. after the snow cover melted.

Based on quarterly inspections of the condition of drainage wells, pipes, slope drains, ditches and drainage ditches, the road foreman determines the need and scope of work to clean the above objects from foreign objects and soil deposits;

Based on the inspection data, the road foreman determines the sequence and technology of work to remove soil deposits, determines the composition of the teams and the means of mechanization and equipment attached to them (watering machines, pumps, hoses for water supply, etc.);

The road foreman controls the timing of the work and the quality of their implementation;

3.2.10. Opening openings of small artificial structures covered with shields for the winter period.

Before the start of heavy snowmelt, the road foreman forms a team of road workers to clean the shields that cover the openings of small bridges and pipes in the winter;

Provides them with vehicles and equipment, issues a task and monitors its implementation on time;

Accepts completed work.

3.2.11. Periodic inspection of artificial structures during ice drift and floods in order to ensure the safety of pipes and bridges, as well as to take measures to prevent erosion of the subgrade.

During the flood, the road foreman carries out a daily inspection of artificial structures;

Draws up and controls the duty schedule for observing the passage of ice drift in the area of ​​small artificial structures;

Determines the places of accumulation of branches, logs, ice floes and other objects that can disrupt the normal operation of bridges and pipes, as well as places of erosion of embankments or abutments of artificial structures;

Determines the need for inventory, tools and materials necessary to restore the performance of artificial structures and the safety of the road;

Forms a brigade (or brigades), issues tasks, supervises work at the place of their production;

Accepts completed work.

3.3. Production of works of the summer period of operation (spring-summer-autumn)

During the summer period of operation, the road foreman, based on daily inspections, assesses the need and scope of work to improve the transport and operational condition of the roads serviced by the workshop. These works include:

3.3.1. Identification of places of excess binder and carrying out work to eliminate the consequences of this phenomenon or the causes that cause it.

Based on the data of daily inspections of the condition of the roadway, the road foreman determines the need and volume of work to eliminate the consequences caused by the release of excess bitumen on the surface of the roadway;

Depending on the area of ​​manifestation of the identified defect, it determines the need to install temporary means of organizing traffic;

The road foreman selects the defect elimination technology, coordinates it with the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization, ensures the delivery of the required amount of materials, machinery and equipment to the work site;

Forms a team of road workers to eliminate the consequences caused by the release of an excessive amount of bitumen on the pavement surface, issues a task and manages the work at the site, controlling the technology, timing and quality of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.2. Surface treatment device on all types of pavement of capital type.

The road foreman determines the need and scope of work on the surface treatment device (in order to increase the adhesion coefficient of the coating and localize surface destruction of capital-type pavements) based on diagnostic data when the coating adhesion coefficient decreases to a value less than 0.3 (when measured by a tire without a tread) and 0.4 (measured with a tread tire);

Submits an application to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization to carry out work on the surface treatment device;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.3. Sealing of cracks and joints in asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavements

The road foreman determines the scope of work on sealing cracks and seams on asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavements based on data from periodic inspections carried out in the morning (during the period of the greatest opening of cracks and seams);

Determines the need for liquid bitumen and bituminous mastic, as well as for mechanization and equipment for the production of work;

Ensures the placement of temporary means of organizing traffic before the start of work and their dismantling after completion of work;

Forms a team of road workers, sets the task and manages the work at the place of their production, controlling compliance with the technology, quality and timing of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.4. Restoration and application of road markings.

The road foreman, based on the data of periodic inspections, determines the need for restoration or application of road markings;

Submits to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization an application for the involvement of a specialized team in the work to carry out work on the application of road markings;

Forms a team to prepare the surface of the coating for the application of road markings, controls the patching of potholes, sealing cracks and cleaning the coating from dirt and dust at the work site;

Controls the quality of work performed by a specialized team for applying road markings and accepts the work performed.

3.3.5. Strengthening the carriageway of dirt roads and exits with crushed stone, gravel, slag and other materials.

The road foreman, on the basis of periodic inspections, determines the need to strengthen the carriageway of dirt roads and exits;

Determines the required volume and type of material for strengthening, ensures its delivery to the place of work;

Forms a mechanized link, including a motor grader and a roller on pneumatic tires, for the performance of work to strengthen sections of unpaved roads and ramps and issues a task to the drivers of road machines indicating the addresses of the work;

Controls the technology, quality and timing of work, carries out their acceptance.

3.3.6. Dedusting of soil, gravel and crushed stone coverings of highways.

The road foreman, in accordance with the condition of roads with unpaved and transitional types of coatings, determines the need for dedusting work on coatings, calculates the required amount of dedusting materials and distributors;

Issues a task to the drivers of watering machines indicating the addresses of the work and the timing of their implementation;

Controls the norms of distribution of dust-removing materials, the quality and timing of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.7. Mowing grass on roadsides, dividing strips, ditches, slopes and in reserves.

Based on the data of periodic inspections, the road foreman determines the need and scope of work for mowing grass in accordance with the requirements of the standards for the maintenance of highways;

Issues a task to the driver of a vehicle equipped with a mounted mower and a road worker equipped with a portable mechanical mower or hand scythe, indicating the addresses and terms of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.8. Layout of unreinforced roadsides and individual sections of unreinforced slopes.

The road foreman, on the basis of daily inspections, determines the need and determines the scope of work for the planning of unreinforced roadsides and slopes of the subgrade;

Issues a task to the motor grader driver indicating the addresses and terms of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.9. Elimination of ramps not provided for by the project and subsequent approvals, profiling of tractor tracks.

Based on the results of daily inspections, the road foreman determines the need for work on the elimination of congresses not provided for by the project and the profiling of tractor tracks;

Issues a task to the motor grader driver indicating the addresses and scope of work;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.10. Cleaning of culverts.

Based on the data of monthly special inspections, the road foreman determines the need and scope of work for cleaning culverts;

Forms a brigade of road workers, suitably equipped and provided with the necessary inventory and equipment;

Issues a task indicating the location of the pipes to be cleaned, the technology for the production of work and the timing of their implementation;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.11. Cleaning the channels of small artificial structures from shrubs and trees (if this vegetation is not a means of combating erosion and regulating the water flow).

The road foreman, during the driest period of operation, assesses the need and sets the volume of work to clean up the channels at the approaches to small artificial structures;

Forms a team of road workers, suitably equipped and equipped with the necessary tools;

Issues a task indicating the location of the places of work, the technology of their production and the timing;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.12. Cleaning from debris, dirt and swollen soils of open trays, receiving wells and mouths of tubular outlets from drainages.

Based on the data of periodic inspections carried out at least once a month and after prolonged rains and showers, the road foreman determines the need and establishes the scope of work

for cleaning from debris, dirt and sagging soils of receiving wells and abutments of tubular outlets from drains;

Forms a team of road workers, provides them with vehicles and necessary equipment;

Issues a task indicating the location of the places of work and the timing of their implementation;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.13. Maintenance of roadways and sidewalks on bridges, as well as repair and painting of railings and fences.

On the basis of daily inspections, the road foreman determines the need and scope of work for the maintenance of roadway surfaces and sidewalks of bridges, as well as for the repair and painting of railings and fences of bridges;

Determines the need for materials, tools and equipment;

Forms a team, issues a task and determines the timing of the work;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.3.14. Maintenance and repair of coverings of landing sites of bus stops. Maintenance of bus pavilions.

Based on daily inspections, the road foreman determines the need and sets the scope of work for the maintenance of landing sites and the maintenance of bus pavilions;

The road foreman establishes the need for materials, machinery, vehicles and equipment for the production of work, ensures the delivery of materials and equipment to the places of work;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.4. Production of works of the autumn transitional period of operation (autumn-winter)

In the autumn transitional period of operation, the road foreman, based on daily inspections, assesses the need and scope of work to prepare the roads serviced by the workshop for the winter period of operation. These works include:

3.4.1. Repair of bases for storage, preparation and loading of anti-icing materials and access roads to them.

Based on a special inspection carried out two months before the onset of the winter period of operation, the road foreman determines the need and scope of work to repair access roads to the storage bases,

preparation and loading of anti-icing materials, determines the need for work on the repair of warehouses and equipment;

If it is necessary to involve specialists in the repair of equipment for warehouses and bases for storing anti-icing materials, the road foreman draws up an application in writing addressed to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization;

Forms production teams specified works sets tasks, ensures the delivery of the necessary materials, equipment and tools for the production of work and controls the timing of their implementation;

Draws up an order for the work performed and submits it to the planning and production department of the road maintenance organization;

Evaluates the stocks of de-icing materials, the availability of the workshop with means of protecting roads from snow drifts, machines and equipment for snow removal, compares their quantity with the need determined by the winter maintenance plan, and in case of insufficient provision, submits a written application to the chief engineer of the road maintenance service.

3.4.2. Preparation for operation of machines for winter maintenance.

The road foreman, no later than a month before the onset of the winter period of operation, submits an application to the chief mechanic of the road maintenance organization for the preparation of machinery and equipment for the winter period;

Supervises the correction of defects and the preparation of vehicles for the winter period of operation as part of a commission created by order of the head of the road maintenance organization.

3.4.3. Organization of heating and rest points for workers and drivers, preparation for round-the-clock duty and work on patrol snow removal and combating winter slipperiness.

The road foreman, no later than a month before the onset of the winter period of operation, on the basis of a special inspection of the readiness of heating and rest points for road workers employed in winter maintenance, submits an application for providing these points necessary equipment and materials to the supply department of the road maintenance organization;

The road foreman draws up a schedule of round-the-clock duty, taking into account the need for machines, equipment and labor force during the performance of work on patrol snow removal and combating winter slipperiness and submits it for approval to the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization.

3.4.4. Installation of index milestones at the locations of signal posts and small artificial structures.

The road foreman, based on the data of daily inspections, specifies the locations of the installation of indicator milestones and determines the required number of them;

Makes an application to the supply department to provide the workshop with the required number of indicator milestones;

Forms a team provided with vehicles for the placement of indicator milestones, issues a task and controls the volume and timing of its implementation;

Accepts completed work.

3.4.5. Completion of work on the repair of the roadway and roadsides.

Based on daily inspections, the road foreman, at least a month before the onset of the winter period of operation, determines the need for means of transport, road workers, lifting mechanisms necessary for the removal to the places of storage of materials and equipment located on the right of way in the places of maintenance and repair ;

Controls the removal of temporarily placed materials and equipment from the ROW;

The road foreman draws up a schedule for the completion of work on the repair of pavement, roadsides and artificial structures, brings it to the performers of the work and controls its implementation.

3.4.6. Repair of heads and strengthening of channels from erosion at culverts

The road foreman determines the need and scope of work to repair the pipe heads and strengthen the channels from erosion at the culverts;

Forms a team, ensures the delivery of the necessary materials and equipment;

Issues a task indicating the location of the places of work and the timing of their implementation;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.4.7. Closing the openings of small artificial structures with shields.

The road foreman determines the total number of shields for closing the openings of small artificial structures and submits an application for the required number to the supply department;

Forms a team for the manufacture of missing shields, providing it with the necessary tools and materials, as well as vehicles for installing shields;

Issues a task indicating the location of the places of work and the timing of their implementation;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.4.8. Repair and replenishment of snow protection equipment (shields, nets, etc.). Installation of temporary snow protection devices (shields, nets, etc.) and repair of permanent snow protection devices (fences, etc.) in snow-covered areas. Installation and repair of snow-retaining and avalanche-guiding devices and structures in avalanche-prone areas.

The road foreman, based on the diagnostic data, determines the need for snow protection equipment, forms a team for the installation and repair of snow-retaining, avalanche-retarding and avalanche-guiding devices;

Issues a task indicating the location of the places of work and the timing of their implementation;

Controls the quality and timing of work;

Accepts completed work.

3.5. Production of works during the winter period of operation

In winter, the road foreman provides operational management for the appointment and implementation of snow protection measures on the serviced road sections, taking into account the condition of the roads, the performance of snow protection equipment and information about weather changes.

Under the guidance and with the direct participation of the road foreman in the winter period of operation, following works for the maintenance of roads and structures:

3.5.1. Removal of snow from the roadway and roadsides during and after a snowfall, organization and control of work on patrol snow removal and combating winter slipperiness, including the organization of round-the-clock duty for these works.

The road foreman draws up a schedule of round-the-clock duty of snowplows during the winter period of operation and monitors the implementation of this schedule;

Based on the weather forecast and the actual state of the weather, the road foreman is assigned to carry out a set of work on patrol snow removal or to combat winter slipperiness;

The road foreman maintains constant radio contact with the drivers of the road vehicles and the dispatching office in the course of the work, making the necessary adjustments to the composition of the teams and the technologies and standards they use;

The road foreman controls the quality and timing of the work on snow removal and combating winter slipperiness directly at the place of their production;

Accepts completed work.

3.5.2. Works on clearing snow from bus stops, sidewalks of bridges and footpaths, barrier fences.

After completion of work on clearing snow from the roadway and roadsides, the road foreman forms teams, issues tasks and supervises the work on clearing snow and ice from bus stops, recreation areas, sidewalks, bridges and footpaths;

The road foreman controls the quality and timing of the work on snow removal of these objects, ensuring the movement of road workers and equipment from object to object in accordance with the sequence determined by him, taking into account the intensity of pedestrian traffic and passenger traffic at public transport stops;

Accepts completed work.

3.5.3. Works to eliminate and prevent the formation of icing.

The road foreman, based on the data of daily inspections, identifies the places of formation of icing, determines the causes of their formation and the method of preventing them from entering the road;

Forms teams for the production of these works, sets tasks, ensures the delivery of the necessary materials, equipment and tools for the production of works and controls the timing of their implementation;

Accepts completed work.

3.5.4. Works on the equipment and maintenance of winter roads (winter roads), incl. ice crossings.

The road foreman, when the first snow falls, lays out the route of the winter road, issues a task to road workers to fix the axis of the route on the ground with milestones;

Determines the composition of the team for the maintenance of the winter road and issues tasks for the frequency, sequence and timing of the work;

Carries out daily control of work on the maintenance of the winter road;

Accepts completed work.

3.5.5. Rearrangement and additional installation of temporary snow-retaining devices, as well as the installation of snow trenches along snow-covered sections of roads.

The road foreman, on the basis of daily inspections and inspections carried out after the end of the blizzard, determines the addresses and scope of work to install additional snow protection equipment or lay snow trenches;

Forms teams to install additional snow protection equipment and determines the types and quantity of equipment for laying snow trenches;

Issues a task indicating the addresses of the work and controls the timing and quality of the work;

Accepts completed work.

3.6. Performance of work on the repair of roads and structures on them

When performing work on the repair of roads, the road foreman, on the instructions of the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization, carries out operational management of the work directly at the place of their production. Controls compliance with the requirements of design and estimate documentation, compliance with the norms and rules for the production of work and carries out the following organizational measures:

The road foreman receives from the chief engineer of the road maintenance organization an assignment for the production of repair work (containing data on the timing, addresses, types and technologies of work, sources and schedule for obtaining building materials and equipment for the production of work);

The road foreman controls the quality and timing of the work at the place of their production;

The road foreman ensures compliance with safety precautions for the production of works, ensures the installation of temporary means of organizing traffic in accordance with the schemes agreed in the traffic police;

If necessary, establishes a detour route for the repaired section and organizes work on its arrangement and maintenance in a condition that provides temporary passage.


1. GOST R 50597-93. Highways and streets. Requirements for the operational state, admissible under the terms of safety traffic. Introduction 10/11/93. No. 221. - 12 p. UDC 625.711.3:006.354.

2. GOST 13508-74. Road marking. - Instead of GOST 13508-68; Introduction 01/25/74; Valid until 01.01.80. Ed. January 1975. - 31 p. UDC 625.745.6 (083.74). Group D38 USSR.

3. . Road signs. General technical requirements. - Instead of GOST 10807-71; Introduction 08/30/78. Valid until 01.01.90. Ed. March 1979. - 117 p. UDC 625.745.6: 006.354. Group D28 USSR.

4. GOST 23457-86. Technical means of organizing traffic. Application rules. - Instead of GOST 23457-79; Introduction 06/24/86; Valid until 01.01.92. Ed. February 1987. - 65 p. UDC 656.11.054/056.004.14:006.354. Group D08 USSR.

5. Instructions for combating winter slipperiness on roads () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1988, 41 p.

6. Instructions for the organization of traffic and fencing of road works () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1985. 59 p.

7. Instructions for the inspection of bridges and pipes on highways () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1982. 33 p.

8. Instructions for thinning in snow-protective plantations along highways () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1979. 24 p.

9. Instructions for recording the movement of vehicles on highways () / Minavtoshosdor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1969, 56 p.

11. Rules for acceptance of work during construction, overhaul and medium repairs of highways (VSN 19-81) / Minavtodor RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1982. 120 p.

12. Safety regulations for the construction, repair and maintenance of highways. M.: Transport, 1979. 175 p.

13. Regional and sectoral norms of overhaul periods of service of non-rigid pavements and coatings () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Ed. TsBNTI Minavtodor RSFSR, 1988. 8 p.

15. . Organization, production and acceptance of works. Transport facilities. Highways / Gosstroy of the USSR. M.: Ed. Gosstroy USSR, 1986. 112 p.

16. Moist organomineral mixtures for the construction of pavement structural layers (TU 218 RSFSR 536-85). M.: Ed. TsBNTI Minavtodor RSFSR, 1986. 20 p.

18. Technical instructions for assessing and improving the technical and operational qualities of pavements and subgrades of highways (VSN 29-76) / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1978. 103 p.

19. Technical instructions for strengthening roadsides () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1980. 47 p.

20. Technical instructions for the construction of road surfaces with a rough surface (VSN 38-88) / Minavtodor RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1979. 56 p.

21. Instructions on ensuring traffic safety on highways () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1988. 183 p.

22. Instructions on the use of road signs / Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1984. 112 p.

23. Guidelines for road marking () / Minavtodor of the RSFSR. M.: Transport, 1976. 124 p.

Master of the road maintenance section

Job responsibilities. Ensures the repair of departmental roads and their maintenance in a condition that ensures the safety of vehicular traffic. Supervises the cleaning of roads from snow, blockages, etc. depending on the impact of natural and climatic conditions, as well as backfilling roads with abrasive materials during ice. Organizes asphalting of roads. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of repair and construction works. Controls the observance by employees of the road maintenance section of production and labor discipline, labor protection and fire safety rules. Trains workers in safe work practices. Provides safety training to employees. Controls the provision of workers by individual means protection, overalls and special nutrition. Conducts timely investigation of accidents and registration of acts. Introduces advanced work methods that reduce costs, reduce costs, increase labor productivity on the site. Makes proposals when revising production standards and prices. Provides assistance in the design and development of rationalization proposals. Conducts technical training and assists employees in improving their skills. Supervises the employees of the site, monitors compliance with production and labor discipline. Ensures that the required documentation is maintained.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the maintenance and repair of highways; specifications equipment of the road maintenance section, road construction machines and mechanisms; regulations on wages in road maintenance units; fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; environmental regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in road maintenance units for at least 3 years.

1.1. Master construction site belongs to the leadership category.

1.2. The following person is accepted for the position of a construction site foreman:

1) having an average professional education(training programs for mid-level specialists), secondary vocational education (non-core) and additional vocational education - professional retraining programs in the direction professional activity;

2) having at least one year of work experience in the direction of professional activity in the profile of professional activity in the field of construction and installation works.

1.3. The foreman of the construction site must know:

1) requirements of regulatory technical documents for the production of the same type of construction work;

2) the principles of organizing complex and specialized production units and teams;

3) technologies for the production of the same type of construction work;

4) the procedure for the development and approval of production targets and plans for the production of the same type of construction work (operational plans, plans for resource requirements, schedules);

5) methods for calculating the labor and material and technical resources necessary to fulfill the volumes provided for by the production tasks and calendar plans for the production of the same type of construction work;

6) requirements of technical documents that determine the composition and procedure for arrangement construction site(on-site preparatory work);

7) types and technical characteristics of technological equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices, fastenings of the walls of pits and trenches);

8) requirements normative documents in the field of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

9) types of negative impact on environment in the production of various types of construction work and methods for minimizing and preventing them;

10) the main harmful and (or) dangerous production factors;

11) the requirements of labor protection and fire safety in the production of the same type of construction work;

12) requirements for workplaces and the procedure for organizing and conducting a special assessment of working conditions;

13) rules for maintaining documentation on monitoring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

14) measures of administrative and criminal liability applied in case of violation of the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

15) regulatory requirements for the production of the same type of construction work in material and technical resources;

16) types and properties of basic building materials, products and structures;

17) types and characteristics of the main construction equipment and tools;

18) types and characteristics of construction machines, power plants, vehicles;

19) rules for transportation, warehousing and storage of various types of materials and components;

20) rules for the maintenance and operation of machinery and equipment;

21) the procedure for compiling reporting documentation (sheet of consumption of building materials) on the use of material assets;

22) requirements of technical documents and project documentation for the procedure for carrying out and technology for carrying out similar construction works;

23) requirements for structural elements of the building (premises) and common property of multi-apartment residential buildings, due to the need for their accessibility and compliance with the special needs of people with disabilities;

24) methods of operational planning for the production of the same type of construction work;

25) methods for determining the types, complexity and volumes of the same type of construction work and production tasks;

26) rules for conducting executive and accounting documentation in the course of construction works;

27) requirements of regulatory technical and design documentation for the composition and quality of performance of the same type of construction work;

28) requirements of regulatory technical and design documentation for the composition and content of operational control of construction processes and production operations;

29) operational quality control schemes;

30) methods and means of instrumental quality control of the results of the same type of construction work;

31) rules for documenting the results of construction quality control, provided for by the current standards for the acceptance of construction work;

32) methods, means of detection and prompt elimination of imperfections and defects in the results of the same type of construction work (use of alternative methods of work, tools, materials and components);

33) methods for calculating the main indicators of the efficiency of production and economic activities;

34) criteria for assessing the effectiveness of production and economic activities;

35) the main factors for increasing the efficiency of the production of the same type of construction work;

36) regulatory requirements for the number and professional qualifications of workers in the production site of the same type of construction work;

37) the main requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of employees;

38) basic principles and methods of managing labor collectives;

39) internal labor regulations, job descriptions;

40) methods of conducting normative control of the fulfillment of production tasks and individual works;

41) the main forms of organizing vocational training at the workplace;

42) basic measures to encourage employees, types of disciplinary sanctions;

43) grounds and measures of administrative and criminal liability for violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

44) ……… (other documents, materials, etc.)

1.4. The foreman must be able to:

1) assess the compliance of the volumes of production tasks and calendar plans production of the same type of work to regulatory requirements for labor and material and technical resources;

2) carry out planning and marking of the site for the production of the same type of construction work;

3) determine the composition and scope of auxiliary work on the preparation and equipment of the site for the production of the same type of construction work;

4) determine the harmful and (or) dangerous factors associated with the production of the same type of construction work, the use of construction equipment and the storage of materials, products and structures;

5) determine the list of works to ensure the safety of the site for the production of the same type of construction work (fencing of the construction site, fencing or designation of hazardous areas, lighting);

6) determine the list of means of collective and (or) individual protection of workers performing the same type of construction work;

7) determine the list of jobs subject to a special assessment of working conditions;

8) draw up documentation on the fulfillment of the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

9) determine the nomenclature and calculate the volume (quantity) of material and technical resources in accordance with the production tasks and calendar plans for the production of the same type of construction work;

10) to carry out documentary, visual and instrumental quality control of material and technical resources;

11) to carry out documentary accounting of material and technical resources;

12) develop and control the implementation of calendar plans and schedules for the production of the same type of construction work;

13) determine the types and complexity, calculate the volume of production tasks in accordance with the available resources, specialization and qualifications of teams, links and individual workers;

14) determine the compliance of the technology and the results of ongoing similar construction work with design documentation, regulatory technical documents, specifications, technological maps and work process maps;

15) to carry out documentary support for the production of the same type of construction work (journals of the production of work, timesheets, acts of work performed);

16) exercise control over compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

17) carry out a comparative analysis of the compliance of operational control data of individual construction processes and (or) production operations with the requirements technological maps and regulations;

18) carry out visual and instrumental quality control of the results of the same type of construction work;

19) carry out a comparative analysis of the compliance of quality control data of the results of the same type of construction work with the requirements of regulatory technical and design documentation;

20) carry out documentary support of the results of operational quality control of work (journal of operational quality control of work);

21) to carry out a technical and economic analysis of the production and economic activities of the site of the same type of construction work;

22) calculate the economic effect from optimizing the use of material and technical resources, increasing the level of mechanization and automation, introducing rational methods and labor techniques in the production of the same type of construction work;

23) carry out the calculation of the required quantity, professional and qualification structure employees in accordance with the production tasks and calendar plans of the site for the production of the same type of construction work;

24) determine the optimal structure for the distribution of workers for the performance of production tasks and individual work;

25) assess the effectiveness and quality of the performance of production tasks and individual work by employees;

26) carry out normative control over the fulfillment of production tasks and individual works;

27) carry out an analysis of the professional qualifications of employees and determine the missing competencies;

28) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.5. The master of the construction site in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.6. The foreman of the construction site reports directly to ……… (title of the position of the head)

1.7. The foreman of the construction site manages ……… (name of the structural unit)

1.8. During the absence of the foreman (vacation, temporary disability, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (employee appointed in in due course who acquires the relevant rights and is liable for non-performance or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement).

1.9. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Organization of production of the same type of construction work:

1) preparation of a site for the production of the same type of construction work;

2) material and technical support for the production of the same type of construction work;

3) operational management of the production of the same type of construction work;

4) quality control of the production of the same type of construction work;

5) increasing the efficiency of production and economic activities of the site of the same type of construction work;

6) compliance with the rules and regulations for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements in the production of the same type of construction work;

7) management of employees of the production site of the same type of construction work.

2.2. Management of subordinate employees.

2.3. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The Construction Superintendent has the following responsibilities:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function, preparation of a site for the production of the same type of construction work:

1) coordinates the volume of production tasks and calendar plans for the production of the same type of construction work;

2) carries out the coordination of calendar plans for the production of the same type of construction work;

3) prepares a site for the production of similar construction works and workplaces in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

4) carries out the equipment of the site for the production of the same type of construction work;

5) instruct employees on the requirements of labor protection and fire safety;

6) prepares workplaces for a special assessment of working conditions.

3.1.2. As part of the labor function, logistical support for the production of the same type of construction work:

1) determines the need for the production of the same type of construction work in material and technical resources;

2) exercise control over the quality and volume (quantity) of material and technical resources;

3) fulfills the application, acceptance, distribution, accounting and storage of material and technical resources.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function, operational management of the production of the same type of construction work:

1) carries out operational planning and control over the execution of the production of the same type of construction work;

2) distributes production tasks between teams, units and individual workers;

3) exercise control over compliance with the production technology of the same type of construction work;

4) carries out the development, planning and control of the implementation of operational measures aimed at correcting defects in the results of the same type of construction work;

5) maintains current and as-built documentation on the types of similar construction works being performed.

3.1.4. As part of the labor function, quality control of the production of the same type of construction work:

1) exercise operational control of individual construction processes and (or) production operations;

2) carries out current quality control of the results of the production of the same type of construction work;

3) identifies the causes of deviations of the results of construction work from the requirements of regulatory, technological and design documentation;

4) develops, plans and monitors the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the causes of deviations in the results of similar construction works performed from the requirements of regulatory technical, technological and project documentation.

3.1.5. As part of the labor function, increasing the efficiency of production and economic activities of the site of the same type of construction work:

1) evaluates the effectiveness of the production and economic activities of the site of the same type of construction work;

2) optimizes the use of material and technical resources in the production of the same type of construction work;

3) increases the level of mechanization and automation of the same type of construction work;

4) rationalize the methods and techniques of labor in the production of the same type of construction work.

3.1.6. As part of the labor function, the management of employees of the site for the production of the same type of construction work:

1) determines the need for the production of the same type of construction work in labor resources;

2) performs the placement of employees of the site for the production of the same type of construction work at workplaces, the formation of teams and links;

3) distributes and controls the performance of production assignments and individual work by employees;

4) monitors compliance by employees of the production site of the same type of construction work with internal regulations;

5) raises professional qualification employees of the site for the production of the same type of construction work;

6) prepares proposals on measures to encourage and punish employees.

3.1.7. As part of the labor function, the management of subordinate employees:

1) distributes labor functions, job assignments between subordinate employees and exercises control over their implementation;

2) provides subordinate employees with advisory support, gives explanations and instructions as part of the implementation labor functions subordinate employees;

3) ensures compliance with labor legislation and legislation on labor protection in relation to subordinate employees, creation of working conditions that meet the established requirements;

4) allows conflict situations between subordinate employees;

5) submits for consideration ……… (name of the position of the head) on the admission, relocation and dismissal of employees; proposals for their promotion or the imposition of penalties on them;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.1.8. As part of the performance of their labor functions:

1) carry out the instructions of his immediate supervisor;

2) passes periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in established by law Russian Federation is fine.

3.1.9. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

The foreman of the construction site has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management,

in meetings for their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Dispose of the material resources entrusted to him within the limits


4.3. Sign and endorse ……… (types of documents)

4.4. Initiate and conduct meetings on the organization of production activities.

4.6. Initiate and conduct meetings on production and economic issues.

4.7. Conduct quality and timeliness checks on assignments.

4.8. Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established standards; give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

4.9. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding the function performed by him, with documents defining his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.10. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.

4.11. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The construction site foreman is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of professional standard"", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated June 26, 2017 N 516n, taking into account ... ... ... (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee is familiarized with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).