Open a company for construction and installation work. How to open a construction company: a successful start without large investments. Equipment and personnel

The construction business is gaining momentum every year, which is associated with increased demand for housing and improvement economic factors. Therefore, the business idea of ​​opening a construction company is relevant and can be implemented in fairly favorable conditions. We will talk about where to start and how to correctly draw up a business plan for a construction company in this article.

In order to understand how profitable this direction is, let's analyze the prospects and relevance of this idea. What features does this area of ​​business take into account?

Capital investments, with proper planning, can pay off within a few months. And the development prospects for this industry are truly limitless.

In order to realize the idea of ​​opening a construction company, you can go in two directions:

  1. Purchase a ready-made business.
  2. Create a company yourself.

The first option has its advantages due to the fact that you no longer need to spend time and money on registering a business or obtaining permits. Those who have encountered this bureaucratic red tape know firsthand how much time and effort it takes.

Also important is the company’s already selected personnel and established sales channels.

But there are also a number of disadvantages to this option. If the business was unprofitable, it implemented the wrong marketing technologies, then it will be difficult to bring the enterprise to the proper level of development. In this regard, it is much easier to create a company from the very beginning.

In addition, in a business related to construction and repair services, the company’s reputation is very important. When purchasing a ready-made company, you will have to rely on the already created image of your predecessors. If he is not good enough, you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money on promoting the company, creating a positive reputation, etc.

Pros and cons of a business idea

Despite the prospects for the development of this business, the idea itself has its pros and cons, which are worth knowing before embarking on the implementation stage of entrepreneurial activity.


  • Small investment. In order to register a company, purchasing the necessary equipment does not require large investments. It is possible to develop and increase the company's turnover already in the process of its implementation.
  • High demand. Today this niche is one of the most in demand. The services of professional builders are needed by individuals and legal entities, small and large businesses. Therefore, with proper marketing planning and high quality of services provided, you can quickly achieve payback for the company and good income.
  • Business development prospects. Your firm may not be limited by the geographic location of a city or region. With proper development, over time you can open branches in other regions, which will allow you to reach a completely different level of business.
  • Opportunity to make a good profit. Standard profitability, in the absence of force majeure situations, ranges from 50 to 70%.


  • High competition. This factor logically follows from high demand. The higher the demand in the market, the greater the supply.
  • Financial risks associated with the unstable economic situation in the country.
  • Difficulty entering the market. Given the high competition, much attention will need to be paid to the stage of service promotion.

Big role in this business employees play. The profit of the company will largely depend on their qualifications and professionalism. When hiring employees, it is very important to analyze their experience, skill level, potential for development, etc.

With a good team and experienced builders, you will quickly be able to reach a high level of development and earn an excellent reputation in the city. A good option To start such a business, you need experience in other construction companies. This will allow you to see the situation from the inside, analyzing its strengths and weak sides.

In addition, working as a subcontractor will teach you to understand the qualifications of personnel and the competent distribution of labor and material resources.

In what direction should we develop?

Having decided to enter the market offering construction services, it is important to understand the target audience. This parameter allows you to determine not only competitive advantages, but also to draw up financial plan company development.

Construction business can be implemented in several directions:

  • provision of services in the field of civil engineering, repair;
  • road construction;
  • industrial construction of buildings.

Each of these areas will require a different amount of investment, personnel, constituent documents etc.

The main services of a construction company include the following types of work:

  • construction of houses;
  • renovation of apartments;
  • dismantling and installation;
  • construction of garages, bathhouses, warehouses, etc.

Additionally, to increase income and expand the range of services, you can rent out construction equipment, sell materials, train staff, etc.

As you can see, this type of business has a lot of development prospects and opportunities for generating additional income.

In order to implement this type business, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Determine the company format.
  2. Make a business plan.
  3. Preparation of registration documents.
  4. Promoting the company and finding clients.
  5. Project implementation.

The Importance of Writing a Business Plan

The stage of implementing a business idea is always preceded by a planning stage. Without competent market analysis, competitive advantages, studying target audience And strategic planning, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

All these aspects are written down in the business plan and help to understand the direction of business development, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

Proper planning will help you avoid mistakes, anticipate difficulties and calculate the point of profitability.

Also, having ready plan business development, it will be easier to attract investors and business partners, justifying the feasibility and relevance of the idea.

Organizational plan

Business registration

To open your own construction company, first you will have to obtain permission for the appropriate type of activity and register a private enterprise.

Each construction company must have the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • A document confirming tax registration;
  • Company Charter;
  • printing and statistical codes.

For companies providing specialized services to the business sector, industrial enterprises, road services, etc., you must additionally obtain the appropriate permission:

  • building permit;
  • license to carry out engineering work;
  • permission to design buildings and structures.

This type of activity requires obtaining several licenses.

One of the key documents is the SRO. This is permission to perform services associated with increased risk.

If you do not plan to build buildings over three floors, then obtaining an SRO is not required.

Also, this document does not need to be drawn up if the activity is related to the construction of block houses with an area of ​​less than 1.5 thousand square meters. That is, for an ordinary construction company that will be engaged in the construction of private houses and finishing work, obtaining an SRO is not necessary.

One of the biggest expenses in this business is the purchase of equipment.

Before making a list necessary equipment and equipment, determine the format of the business, the number of work shifts, etc.

If the initial investment does not allow you to fully purchase a professional set of equipment, tools and equipment, then you can resort to leasing.

Unlike a bank loan, this service allows you to use property on a long-term basis with the right to purchase it. By the way, in the future, when business development is already at a high level, you yourself can provide rental or leasing services to other start-up companies.

There is no need to invest a lot of money in purchasing equipment that you will need occasionally. It is much more profitable to pay daily rent by renting equipment for a specific project.

For a large company that plans to engage in construction and repair work in the private sector, you will need the following list of equipment:

  • tap;
  • concrete mixers;
  • lift or CMU;
  • tools;
  • hammer drills;
  • chainsaws;
  • drills;
  • hammers;
  • special clothing for workers.

Without qualified personnel In this business it is difficult to count on profitability and profitability. Therefore, great attention must be paid to the search and selection of personnel.

According to their own functional responsibilities The composition of the staff may vary significantly. It depends on the format of the activity, its specifics, etc.

Below we present a standard set of employees for a construction company:

  • workers and builders;
  • foreman (foreman);
  • accountant;
  • Purchasing Manager;
  • service promotion and customer relations manager;
  • HR inspector;
  • lawyer;
  • architect;
  • director.

The number of personnel determines the scale of business activity.

If you plan to develop a business in the field of providing finishing services, then you will have to increase your staff with more specialists in this field (plasterers, masons, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, etc.).

In order to obtain a license to provide construction work, please note that at least 50% of the total number of builders must have a higher specialized education.

For effective productive work, it is important to provide workers with all necessary tools and materials.

To provide high-quality services and to avoid production delays, it is important to systematically carry out technical inspection of equipment and inventory, check its serviceability and suitability for work.

Do not purchase cheap equipment - this will reduce not only the productivity and quality of services, but also the profitability of the business, since large resources will have to be spent on repairs and replacement of equipment.

Selecting a room

To work, you need a small office where the administration, accountant, and lawyer will be located. Keep in mind that during the implementation of the project, you will have to negotiate with customers and discuss projects.

Therefore, when choosing a room, consider that it has space for a meeting room.

As for the location of the office, there are no special recommendations. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on renting premises in the city center, but you need to take care of transport accessibility.

Marketing plan

To achieve profitability and good income, it is very important to earn a positive reputation in this area and attract regular customers.

There are several options for attracting clients:

  • the beginning of construction with the subsequent sale of apartments;
  • active advertising in the media, via the Internet;
  • participation in affiliate programs with hardware stores;
  • attracting clients after winning a government tender.

Be sure to create your own website, where a full list of services will be presented, a service cost calculator, administration contact numbers, consultation opportunities, etc.

A good website is a kind of business card that indicates the high level of the company and its reliability.

Video. How to open a construction company from scratch

Financial plan

Here we present only an approximate cost plan, since each company, depending on its scale and geographical location, will require its own costs.

  • purchase of equipment – ​​1 million rubles;
  • advertising – 100 thousand rubles monthly;
  • unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles
  • salary for staff (15 people) - 500 thousand rubles;
  • office rent – ​​50 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the payback of this project.

Typically, in this area a good indicator is a profitability of 10-15%. If you reach this target after 5-6 months, this will indicate that all aspects (marketing, organization, planning) are built correctly.

With the worsening economic situation in the country, businessmen note a decrease in profitability in this sector. Today the average figure fluctuates between 7-9%.

Remember that profitability will directly depend on the qualifications of the staff, the number of clients and the amount of costs. If you do not achieve the average planned indicator, then analyze which of the factors does not “work”.

Risks and opportunities

At the planning stage, it is very important to perform a SWOT analysis, which will allow you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the project, threats and development opportunities.

The main risks of the construction business include:

  • high competition;
  • unqualified personnel;
  • lack of orders;
  • rising prices for building materials.

Take a close look at this list. There are points in it that you cannot influence. For example, a high level of competition and high prices for building materials are not within your area of ​​competence. But as for the low level of qualifications of the staff, the lack of orders - these are already factors that you can influence.

That is why it is important to draw up a competent business plan that will become step by step guide and will allow you to clearly see the prospects for development, the size of the expected profit, and the profitability of the business.

Video. How to develop a construction company

At first glance, it may seem like an overwhelming task to create a business without a predominantly large budget. Many are afraid of risk and give up as soon as they begin to think: where to start, how to properly build a business, what kind of premises are needed, how to promote trade, and so on, so on, so on.

How to open a construction company from scratch, the step-by-step instructions of which do not guarantee 100% success?

But there is no need to focus on victorious success from the start; most businessmen experienced difficulties, however, they achieved what they wanted thanks to a clear business plan detailed in detail. The growth of registered construction companies has increased, all because they began to build new buildings, patch roads, etc. quite quickly. But don’t really hope that you will immediately have a demand for the company’s services. To do this, firstly, you need the necessary equipment and a large warehouse of goods, and secondly, you need at least some experience and connections.

In order to figure out what it takes to open a construction company, stick to the following plan:

  • Draw up a detailed business plan;
  • Design Required documents for business registration;
  • Purchase of machinery and equipment;
  • Hiring employees;
  • Increasing your customer base by searching through an electronic directory or other means.

Documents for registering a construction company

If you decide to patent yourself as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to have the following documents on hand:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Get registration number in OGRNIP;
  • Document on registration with the tax authorities;
  • Certificate of issue of codes from Rosstat;
  • Registration in pension fund.

When registering yourself as an LLC, you receive the following documents:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • Certificate of registration in TFOMS;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Certificate in form 1-3 Accounting;
  • A document confirming registration with the pension fund;
  • LLC Charter;
  • Document from the issuance of codes from Rosstat.

Choosing your direction

Along with numerous construction works, the new company must decide in which direction to open its business. These can be three areas of activity:

  • Road construction (road repair and construction, highways);
  • Civil engineering (residential real estate);
  • Industrial construction (buildings for industrial purposes).

If you are planning to enter the industry road construction, then keep in mind that at the start of your business, these works will require a large amount of capital investment in their implementation, and it would also be nice to have established connections in certain authorities. Although this industry pays the most, it has long been supervised by government services, which means that competitors will have great authority among customers.

Your company will only benefit from a number of additional services. Do an analysis of competitors and make your own proposals, distinguishable from everyone else. This can be any additional service. For example, only your company, after construction work, removes garbage for free. A good idea would be to purchase an exceptional, rare product that is difficult to find on the market.

Where to open: Countryside or city center

There is no clear answer to this question. Everything again depends on the financial base. If you want to open a company in a large metropolis, you will most likely have to face competitors, and besides, you will need an impressive amount. But income in the city center is also greater than outside the city zone. But remote areas or small towns, although they do not promise large, highly paid orders, provide a high percentage of the entrepreneur’s stability.

A construction company, like many companies in any other industry, has seasonal sales throughout the year.

For example, in winter, when weather conditions suspend the construction of houses and external finishing work. But it is worth remembering that “you always want to eat” and employees must be paid. Therefore, you need to seriously think about where to find customers for your product:

  • Modern and effective way customer search is a means of monitoring the press, i.e. searching for information related to a given topic. This is done by specially trained managers who actively make unscheduled calls for the client in order to purchase goods or services. And also send out mailings emails with suggestions and recommendations.
  • Leaflets and the word “promotion” on the store window are also of great importance; they may not attract large customers, but they will force local residents to pay attention.
  • When talking about advertising, you need to understand that it requires a large budget, and whether it will be successful is not guaranteed, since the company is new and has not yet patented itself as experienced and reliable. Therefore, participation in any tenders or having a page in in social networks will be sufficient.

Promote your company and your brand, inform everyone possible and impossible about your opening and your capabilities. Speak loudly, but don't be intrusive. Learn to correctly present and convince clients that it is profitable to buy from you.

New equipment

If you do not have the financial resources for machinery and equipment, then there are two options to solve this problem. There are a lot of advertisements on the Internet where they offer to rent equipment, which at first makes it possible to save on its purchase. You can also use the purchase of used equipment, for example, the most necessary ones.

Joining a self-regulatory organization

Perhaps by joining a self-regulatory organization of builders you will have more success, because this gives you the right to:

  • Have an unlicensed trade;
  • All quality certificates in accordance with all standards;
  • An entrepreneur can use (if it is an emergency) the compensation fund.
  • But on the other hand, and in particular small firms, may already have a good stable income, and the amount to join an SRO may be prohibitive for the opening company.

Which areas in construction may not be included in the SRO:

  • Installation of structures (window openings and doors);
  • Repair and finishing works.

When the business begins to develop successfully, you can add services, thereby expanding your income.

This could include training courses to become a builder, or renting out your equipment.

A true newcomer to a construction company will have a tough time, he will need to have a persistent and disruptive character, thanks to which he will be able to achieve large potential orders. But first of all, the main thing in the construction market is to earn the trust of clients and create a reputation as a reliable and promising company.

“I want to open a construction company, but I don’t know where to start,” this is a question that aspiring entrepreneurs often ask specialists. The choice of activities is, of course, good. Construction in Russia, regardless of the situation inside and outside the country, can always count on favorable market conditions.

Classification of construction companies

But to create a construction company from scratch, you need to have special knowledge and experience, as well as own a PC. A person who has no idea what a load diagram is, the moisture resistance or thermal conductivity of a material, or the covering ability of paint will find it very difficult to create a successful enterprise. The first thing you need to open a construction company is to understand that construction is a developed and complex industry, and there are no “just construction companies”. They have their own classification and a certain set of functions.

Good opportunities for beginners will only be provided by the organization of a subcontractor company specializing in performing a certain type of work. After the status of the company has been designated, you may wonder where to start opening a construction company.

Algorithm for opening an enterprise

Before you open a construction company from scratch, you need to determine its purpose. The company can carry out cosmetic repairs of premises, build houses, roads, install windows and doors, and combine all types of activities. Having chosen the type of activity, the entrepreneur must draw up a business plan for a construction company, which allows for a detailed study of each of the stages of the organization. Step-by-step instruction opening looks like this:

  • registering an enterprise and choosing a form of taxation;
  • obtaining permits from relevant organizations;
  • acquisition of machinery, equipment and inventory;
  • personnel selection;
  • possible risks;
  • search for customers.

In addition, a business plan for opening a construction company must include financial calculations, determining the amount required to start. As well as information about the assets and liabilities of the company being created, and methods for increasing profits. The financial part of the project will show the profitability and payback of the newly created enterprise.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

A construction company as a business is a profitable enterprise (up to 75%) that will pay for itself within 12-18 months. The main advantage of construction is its stability. But to create a strong company, you need serious investments, conscientious staff and a large customer base.

Typical problems that often arise when creating a construction company are a high level of competition, insufficient financing, and difficulty entering the market. Experienced staff will help the company develop a positive reputation in short time. The competitiveness of a company is directly related to the quality of work performed. And you can attract bank capital or investors with the help of a competent business plan.

Enterprise registration

What is the best way to register a company: LLC or individual entrepreneur? Even small ones construction companies are considered a fairly large-scale business. Therefore, it is advisable to register a construction company as an LLC. But some entrepreneurs create individual entrepreneurs, which allows them to carry out work on a patent basis. The package of documents for registration includes:

  • registration application;
  • passport data for individual entrepreneurs, information about the organization for LLC;
  • “Certificate of state registration of a legal entity” and an extract from the Unified State Register.
  • company charter;
  • agreement on the shared distribution of funds between the founders;

You also need to obtain a business tax code and registration with a statistical authority. The profitability of a company often depends on the choice of taxation system: general or simplified. It is better to consult a specialist on the issue of paying taxes.

Collection of permits: to join or not to join an SRO

Joining a self-regulatory organization of builders (SRO) is an important step in registering a company. Organizing the work of a construction company without the permission of an SRO threatens the entrepreneur with a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles. and higher. Firms that join an SRO must pay fees, the total amount of which varies depending on the region, but is quite large everywhere. For example, only in compensation fund deductions will amount to 400,000 rubles. in year. Not every company can afford such expenses, so many of them operate semi-legally.

The following organizations can operate without joining an SRO:

  • construction and repair company engaged in the repair and finishing of premises and facades;
  • construction and installation company that installs light structures: windows, doors.

That is, a small enterprise, in principle, can do without the permission of an SRO and save on paying contributions.

Other documents required to open a construction company:

  • a building permit costs about 600,000 rubles;
  • license for structural design services;
  • permission to conduct engineering surveys.

You will also have to visit the SES and the emergency department. The total cost of processing documents ranges from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

Scope of activity of the construction company

An enterprise can be either highly specialized or wide-format. The range of services offered to the population depends on the desires of the owner and his capabilities. Construction company services:

  • construction of various buildings and structures, both partially and on a turnkey basis;
  • repair and installation work;
  • rental of machinery and equipment;
  • training and advanced training of specialists;
  • project development;
  • trade in construction materials.

The wider the expected scope of the company’s activities, the greater the investment required at the start for its organization.

Equipment and personnel

To organize a large-scale enterprise, you will need to purchase large-sized construction machinery and equipment, the installation of which will take up a large area. Small companies rent the necessary devices or lease them, which is much more profitable than a loan. It is important to carefully study the terms of the contract with the leasing company. You can also save money by purchasing used equipment. In this case, it is better to check with the seller the reason for the sale and ask technical documentation supplied with the equipment.

The organization of management of a construction company must be thought out to the smallest detail. Modern construction has long been used information technology and specialized software: CAD, GIS, project management system and estimating software. Therefore, even the smallest construction team must have at least one qualified specialist who understands the software.

A staff made up of conscientious and responsible people is the first step towards creating a successful enterprise.

The construction company will need the following specialists:

  • supplier;
  • personnel officer;
  • architect or designer;
  • accountant;
  • foreman

It is advisable to find an opportunity to support your own lawyer. Each team must have qualified painters, plasterers, electricians, and carpenters. State licenses are issued to companies where the majority of employees have higher education. Naturally, the salary of such specialists should be decent. On average, salaries in the construction industry range from 35,000 and above.

Often small firms refuse to hire an accountant, preferring to invite a specialist during the reporting period who will do the accounting and put the documentation in order. The advantage is that you don't have to pay a monthly salary. The work is paid upon completion.

Search for orders

There are several ways to receive orders:

  1. Win the tender. But before submitting an application to participate in the competition, you must study its conditions. If the construction of a large facility is underway, then preference will be given to powerful organizations with a large staff and their own fleet of equipment.
  2. Conclude a cooperation agreement with companies involved in the construction of new buildings. Premises in new buildings require finishing.
  3. Become a subcontractor of a large company that has received a large-scale project.
  4. Provide various construction services for several years High Quality, working for a reputation. A company with a positive reputation in the market will always be provided with orders.

Economic justification for the project

  • purchase of tools (trowel, jigsaw, drill or hammer drill, screwdriver, etc.) – from RUB 200,000;
  • purchase vehicle for transportation of equipment and personnel – from RUB 450,000;
  • fund wages– from 35,000 rubles, but the total amount should not exceed 40% of the total cost of the work performed;
  • advertising of a construction company and payment for telephone communications - from 25,000 rubles.

The result is that starting investments amount to 650,000 rubles, and monthly expenses – from 165,000 rubles. The calculation was made for a company with a minimum staff of 4 people, including an organizer and a driver.

The profitability of the company depends on the tariffs set by management, the complexity and urgency of the work performed and the season. Prices for repair and construction companies in 2015:

  • cosmetic repairs, interior decoration - from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles. for 1 m2;
  • economy repair - from 1,800 rubles. per m2;
  • luxury renovation – from RUB 3,300. for 1 m2.

The “average bill” of a construction company varies within 30,000 rubles. The deadline for completing the work is set by the contractor. The customer in need of urgent repairs pays contingency fees. But on average, a typical repair takes from 14 to 28 days.

The profitability of a construction company is 50%. The most profitable enterprises are considered to be electrical installation companies and companies involved in the installation of air conditioners, double-glazed windows, and doors.

Company name

Another important nuance: You need to come up with a name for the construction company. This matter is quite troublesome, because the name must not only be memorable, but also convey information about the company. What to name a construction company depends on the target audience. Individuals I remember bright and laconic names. It is better for large suppliers and customers to present themselves more seriously and succinctly.

Often the company name is an abbreviation that stands for succinctly and beautifully. But it should be remembered that it is unlikely that the average person will rack his brains over the decryptions. In addition, pronouncing “SGS” is inconvenient, and “modern housing construction” takes a long time. Therefore, it is better to play with the name right away. For example: SovZhilStroy, or OmskZhilStroy and so on.

Today we will talk about how to start your business correctly. Building bussiness and what pitfalls there may be in this area. The advantage of this service sector is the constantly growing demand. Just imagine, every day potential clients are looking for their contractor to carry out repair work, they are eager to build their own cozy house or put up a fence near their existing finished house. Some representatives of the stronger sex take on this work, but not every man is able to install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe, or even drive a shelf into the wall. And, when a person understands his helplessness in the field of construction, our task will be to provide the client with all the services he desires. You can’t refuse a person bringing money into your hands, but you shouldn’t think that opening a construction company is an easy task and you’ll already have huge profits in a couple of days. Any business is hard work and now I will explain why.

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The first stage of opening a construction company is registration

First of all, we need to open a company and for this we select the type of registration. The easiest way is to register a company as entity, that is, a limited liability company. To do this, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose its location, create an authorized capital and founders of the company. Let's look at these points in a little more detail. The name of the company should be unique and easily recognizable - if you slightly change the name of a competitor, the situation will turn out to be ugly and clients will most likely refuse your services. The location of the company implies the city in which your company will operate. Authorized capital is the money that the founders invested in the company, that is, the start-up capital that the company needs for its initial functioning.
Let's summarize the package of documents required for registering a company: copies of passports of the founders of the company, information about the location of the company and the main type of activity, as well as information about authorized capital and the method of its formation. You can register yourself, or you can pay a special office and it will do everything itself. The asking price is 3,000 rubles.

Scope of activity and permits

You should not think that if you open a construction company, you will be able to build and repair everything at once. Construction is divided into three types - industrial, civil and road, and for each of these types you need to obtain a separate permit, have special equipment and specialists. You shouldn’t immediately rush into a huge piece of work; you won’t be able to handle it anyway; it’s better to choose the simplest and most permanent method of repair work - civil engineering. This branch of work includes the renovation of residential buildings, construction of houses, garages, and saunas. It is worth noting that in the civil construction market every year the number of small firms that do not live up to the year of their work increases. We won't become like that, right?
You can’t just come to a person and start building a house for him; for any type of construction work you need to have a permit. At the beginning of our work, we need to obtain a building permit and a license to design structures. This package of documents does not incur large costs. Also, many are sure that to open a company you need to have SRO status ( Self-regulatory organization), but if we are not going to build private houses (cottages no more than 3 floors), the area of ​​which will not exceed 1500 sq.m., then we do not need this status.

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Equipment and technology

I would like to say right away that not a single small construction company can provide itself with all the equipment for repairs or construction. The main problem is the high price of specialized equipment, without which the work cannot be completed. The average price of all machinery and equipment for a construction company is 20 thousand dollars and this is the minimum number of all units for the work of one team of workers. If the budget has already been spent, and the company still needs a concrete mixer or other equipment, then you can use the services of leasing companies. Leasing is, in fact, renting something. Sometimes it will be cheaper to rent an excavator than to buy one for one-time use. Let's add 20 thousand dollars to the list of expenses - to buy a car for a team of workers and all the equipment.

Personnel is an important component of a construction company

Our company is small, so it is not necessary to open a large office and spend a lot of money on rent. Everything a start-up construction company needs can fit in two rooms. One room will be used as a warehouse for equipment, in the second you need to put a table, a computer, a telephone and a girl with a sweet voice. She will be the one who will answer calls, record data and create a client base.
It is worth starting with one work team of five people. In a brigade, four workers are equal in obligations and rights, perform renovation work. The average price for a builder is 40 thousand rubles per month, and this amount should be calculated. The fifth person in the team will be the foreman, who is responsible for the quality of the work performed and drawing up estimates. The salary is 60 thousand rubles. In the future, when the company grows, you need to hire a professional estimator.
As a result, according to the personnel, the following picture emerges: the secretary’s salary is 20 thousand rubles, 4 builders are 40 thousand each and a foreman. The total salary per month is 240 thousand rubles.

Search for clients

Despite economic crisis approximately 20% of the country's total population spends money annually on repairs or construction works, so it won’t be difficult to create a client base. First of all, you should use word of mouth - tell your friends and acquaintances about opening a construction company. You will be able to get a couple of orders, because in every person’s home something is not nailed as it should be or the door needs to be repaired. With this we will ensure an influx of small orders, but we need to grow to greater heights. It is worth advertising your company at points of sale building materials– a person comes for a new washbasin and notices an advertisement that they can supply a very good washbasin and of high quality for a small fee.

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Let's sum it up

Any business is a series of problems and failures that need to be overcome in order to carve out a place in the sun for yourself. At first it will be difficult to find a normal place for a warehouse, professional workers and the foreman, there will be difficulties with the supply of materials and orders. Try to do everything right and don’t be ashamed of small orders, because although they are small, they are money for the company. Paying off the initial paperwork, equipment purchase, rent and salary will not be easy. The equipment will cost 680 thousand rubles, registration of the company will cost another ten thousand. The functioning of the company will take 240 thousand for salaries and 8 for renting premises, and the same amount for gasoline for a working car. Don't forget about advertising. If you have a starting capital of 940 thousand rubles, you can safely open a construction company, but only on the condition that you pay back the salaries of your employees in the first month.

The main advantage of the construction business is the presence of constant growing demand. Every day several potential clients They are looking for contractors who can carry out renovation work, build a cozy home, or install a fence around an existing building. Of course, there are many representatives of the stronger sex who will take on the work themselves, but not every man can install double-glazed windows, replace a pipe or build a cabinet.

The further conversation will be about where to start a construction business and what pitfalls may lie in wait for a businessman in this field. The main rule that every entrepreneur must remember is that you cannot refuse a single client who is willing to pay money.

Market monitoring

So, the idea came to mind to try myself in such a field as the construction business. Where to begin? Many will say that by contacting the tax office. No! With serious preparatory work associated with a detailed study of the market.

Currently, many companies are open that are ready to build apartment house, and a private cottage.

Every aspiring entrepreneur should understand that competitors can be organizations that have been working in the market for more than one year. This means that they have the trust of customers and partner suppliers. Therefore, the only thing correct solution- stand out from the crowd. Leadership should be expressed either in the volume of capital raised or in a fundamentally new approach to construction.

Registration of activities

Where to start a construction business? A thorough market analysis should be followed by formal registration. The most suitable form is a limited liability company.

After this, you can begin to choose a suitable company name, search for the optimal office location, create an authorized capital and select founders. About each point - in more detail.

How to start a construction business from scratch: a plan

  1. With a unique and easily recognizable name.
  2. From the location of the company's office in a place accessible to clients.
  3. From the authorized capital invested by the founders or from the start-up capital, without which the company will not be able to begin its stable operation.
  4. From collecting the package of documents required for registering a company - the passport of each founder, information about the location, the main type of activity, as well as the size of the authorized capital and the method of its formation.

You can perform all these steps yourself or seek help from appropriate specialists.

Professionalism and organizational skills. What's more important?

How to start a construction business from scratch and achieve success? Experience is an invaluable assistant in this matter. At the same time, some problems disappear on their own. Although, if you believe the statistics, there are many people who started to realize themselves in this area from scratch and still climbed very high on the business ladder.

Organizational skills, ability to create a professional team, find mutual language with any partner or client - these are the main components of success.

In addition, you need to determine how the work will be carried out - independently or with the assistance of additional companies. Thus, expert opinions agree that it is better to start the construction process together with good partners and reputable sponsors who are able to support any, even global, project or provide all possible assistance in the absence of at least some significant order.


How to start a business from scratch in construction industry? We need to find conscientious, skilled workers. This profession is recognized as the most needed in the world.

A large enterprise with personnel reserve, can apply any measures to an unscrupulous employee, up to and including dismissal, without fearing anything. But a small company left without a specialist may lose an order due to missed deadlines.

Therefore, if an efficient team was not assembled at the beginning of the activity, then it is not worth starting work.

By the way, it is necessary to staff the core of the team only with qualified workers, and then recruit newcomers as the company expands.

Within the framework of modern market economy everything needs to be done quickly and efficiently. That is, a specialist hired yesterday must immediately begin implementing the plan.

Tighter requirements for personnel are observed due to the fact that construction is not only a responsible, but also a lengthy process. After all, the appearance of cracks or weeds, not to mention collapses, is not an ordinary breakdown of household appliances.


How to start a repair and construction business correctly? Any competitive environment involves professional interaction - linking to the master plan, project approval, connecting communications, etc. In view of this, it is necessary to notify colleagues in advance about the planned actions, about the niche found for yourself, about the sequence of work.

A sudden emergence can result in big problems, for example, a complete misunderstanding with the government structure, because development must be carried out in strict accordance with the law.

Financial part

How to open a construction business from scratch? We need to talk to investors and discuss the initial “infusions” with them.

The amount of investment expenses is approximately 12,000,000 rubles. and includes the purchase and rental of several units of special equipment, the development of design documentation, as well as geological and geodetic surveys. You will have to spend about 1,000,000 rubles on tools and workwear. Office rent will cost approximately 150,000 rubles/year. In addition, you need to think about travel and entertainment expenses - 200,000 rubles / year, as well as membership fees, advertising events and website promotion - 100,000 rubles / year. Total initial costs will be 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate income and payback period, you need to arm yourself with the average profitability of a small construction company. In a metropolis, this figure may be 100%, but only a beginner is unlikely to be able to take root here. The subsidized hinterland can provide no more than 25-30%. Orders are also present here, but require large quantity traveling. The average profitability in Russia is about 60%, which results in a payback period of 20 months. True, you need to take into account that winter time mostly refers to downtime.

Permitting documentation

Where to start a construction business? From the decision on the entry of builders. An entrepreneur who avoids this point will have to pay a fine of at least 5,000 rubles. Each company that joins an SRO pays fees, the amount of which is set by the local government of the region (but they are unlikely to be small). So, it only requires 400,000 rubles. in year. Not everyone construction organizations are able to cope with such expenses, so they often prefer semi-legal work.

The following organizations are not required to join an SRO:

Where to start a construction business? By sequentially performing the following actions:

  1. Collecting papers that allow you to engage in construction.
  2. Registration of licenses for the design of various types of structures.
  3. Obtaining permits to conduct engineering surveys.

You will also need to visit Rospotrebnadzor and the Department of Emergency Situations.

What does a construction company do?

You can open a highly specialized or large-scale small construction business. Where to begin? Determine the range of services in demand among the population. So, a construction company can:

  • construct various buildings and structures, both partially and on a turnkey basis;
  • carry out repair and installation work;
  • rent out machinery, equipment and construction tools;
  • develop projects;
  • materials.

The breadth of the field of activity directly affects the number of investors needed to start.

Required Personnel

A construction company cannot do without:

  • architect or designer;
  • accountant;
  • personnel officer;
  • supplier;
  • foreman

It wouldn't hurt to have your own lawyer.

Each team must include qualified carpenters and electricians. The issuance of a state license largely depends on the availability higher education the majority of the company's employees.

If we are talking about a small company, then it is much more advisable to use the services of a hired accountant. The advantage lies in the absence of a monthly salary, since payment is made upon completion of the work.

Where to look for orders?

You can receive your order using one of the following methods:

  • Winning the tender. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting your application.
  • Concluding an agreement with a construction company. For example, some can build walls, while others can do finishing.
  • Become a subcontractor of a large organization performing a large-scale project.

The most reliable way to become popular in the construction industry is a responsible approach to fulfilling any order. A positive reputation in the market has not yet harmed anyone.