OKVED retail sale of building materials. How to open a building materials store from scratch: business plan. How to open a building materials store: main types

OKVED is necessary for individual entrepreneurs when organizing trade in construction materials. They make up a fairly large group.

It includes both wholesale trade, and retail. Depending on what format of activity is used, the list of areas of work is determined.

The selection of designations that best suit the intentions of the individual entrepreneur is an extremely important point and this matter must be taken as seriously as possible. The task is significantly complicated great amount names of goods and related services. For example, some stores sell, among other things, tools, others ensure delivery of purchased goods to the buyer’s home, and still others install equipment or repair it.

For this reason, if you are not sure that you can handle the task yourself, it is better to turn to specialists. Their services will not cost that much.


During the registration process individual entrepreneur is obliged to independently indicate in the documents the codes related to his type of activity. It would also be useful to provide designations of related work - this will avoid the need to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in the future.

You can select suitable codes using the OKVED 2 classifier or other sources. The law does not prohibit indicating any number of areas, however, it is mandatory to enter in the application one main code assigned to the type of activity from which you plan to generate at least 60 percent of your total income.

It is also worth noting that only the first four digits of the code are indicated in the application for registration and in other documents being prepared. There is no need to bring others.

In addition, some types of business are subject to mandatory licensing, which means that it is impossible to engage in it without permits.

OKVED codes for wholesale trade in building materials

First of all, it is necessary to talk about wholesale trade - this type of activity has several codes.

For example, agency sales activities:

  • wood products and building materials (46.13);
  • universal assortment of specialized products (46.19).

Code 46.73 implies trading:

  • timber;
  • plumbing equipment;
  • building materials.

Sales of hardware, equipment and supplies for heating and water supply – 46.74.

Non-specialized sales – 46.90.


Here the list of codes is much more extensive. In particular, retail sales through non-specialized stores of all product groups are designated as 47.19.

In other cases, when the goods are sold through specialized retail establishments, other data is indicated. The general subclass here is 47.52. In particular, when it comes to retail:

  • hardware goods, then indicate 47.52.1;
  • paint and varnish products – 47.52.2;
  • sheet glass – 47.52.3;
  • consumables and equipment necessary for their processing in the manufacture of crafts - 47.52.4;
  • sanitary fixtures – 47.52.5;
  • equipment intended for work in the garden or vegetable garden, as well as equipment - 47.52.6;
  • other building materials not included in other groups – 47.52.7;
  • processed wood - 47.52.71;
  • brick - 47.52.72;
  • structures, both metal and equally non-metal – 47.52.73;
  • prefabricated buildings made of wood (baths, gazebos and garden toilets) - 47.52.74.

In general, retail trade organized in:

  • specialized store, has code – 47.78;
  • tents and markets – 47.89;
  • World Wide Web or by mail – 47.91;

Sales without a tent, outside the market or store - 47.99.

If you intend to provide services for the delivery of goods purchased to your home, then you must indicate the cargo transportation code - 49.41.

In 2020, the latest amendment was made to the OKVED code. Thanks to this, editions 1 and 1.1 will be canceled this year, and the appearance of the second edition is completely different from the previous ones, which introduces some difficulties in the preparation of documentation among entrepreneurs.

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All-Russian classifier of species economic activity is part of the activities of every individual enterprise, company or organization.

This classifier allows, relatively speaking, to divide companies in accordance with the focus of their services.

Such a system helps to quickly learn about the goods or services provided by the company, as well as determine the main and additional directions and activities.

In fact, OKVED is the main source of information about the company and its legal activity. Until 2015, the first version of the classifier was in effect in the Russian Federation.

In 2014, the department decided to make some amendments to this issue and the matter was moving towards changing the code in 2014, however

OKVED-2 came into force only in 2015 and is valid until today. A code assigned to a title associated with the revision number included in it. Before this, there were codes 1 and 1.1, which are still valid until this time.

However, amendments to the old versions of the 2014 classifier should entail the cancellation of their functioning and the recognition of only the new version of the code, called OKVED-2. The old version will be discontinued this year, 2020.

General points

There are a number of main points related to the OKVED system that you need to know:

OKVED is a system Allowing classification of the activities of companies, organizations, individual and private enterprises
The foundation for creating the system was the system European Union(hereinafter EU) Which is called “Statistical classification of economic activities in the EU”, also considered a catalog of enterprises that classifies them according to their type of activity
Contains 21 sections Under the name of each letter of the alphabet respectively. Each section is responsible for a separate branch of activity. Each of them also presents a different number of serial numbers, which are responsible for the name of the group of this branch, that is, for its branch. For example, section A is called “Agriculture and forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming” and contains groups 01, 02 and 03 with the names “Crop and Livestock Growing”, “Forestry and Sawmills” and “Fishing”, respectively. You can see the full table of sections and groups with a breakdown of codes and names below
Each group from the section has more than one serial number However, the main table shows only the basic names. Each group with its serial number has a number of sub-items, which include narrowing the activity and assigning a code to each subgroup, up to a six-digit one

What it is

The All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (hereinafter referred to as OKVED) is nothing more than one of the documents from the set of documents of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information.

OKVED must be assigned to each opened company, organization or individual enterprise for their documents to fully enter into legal force.

The classifier divides organizations according to their activities. The activity itself, according to this system, is divided into:

  1. The main one.
  2. Additional.

The main activity is the occupation in which the enterprise specializes and in which it, according to its design, should surpass other companies competing with it.

An example would be a car dealership. Such an institution chooses the sale of cars as its main activity.

Accordingly, additional activities represent an occupation and provision of services in which an open institution does not specialize.

For example, a car dealership does not always provide repairs, washing or insurance for cars. Also, the salon is not obliged to sell auto parts, automotive parts, components and accessories.

And because its owners can choose any of these additional activities. Which will mean that the salon also provides the above services, but they are not aimed at the main audience attracted for sales.

What is his role

The role of the classifier can be reduced to several points, which were the purpose of its creation and the introduction of three editions:

  1. Classification of organizations, private and individual enterprises and firms of any organizational and legal form according to the type of their activity.
  2. Assigning a separate code to each type of activity.
  3. Regulation of this activity.
  4. Monitoring companies.
  5. Going international.
  6. Informing higher authorities.

Normative base

It is necessary to strictly monitor the compliance of the company’s documentation with current legislation.

Getting a code according to the classifier is not the most basic step in entering into legal rights and opening an organization, company or individual enterprise.

It is important to remember a few points:

Licensing There are types of activities for which you need to obtain a license. In this case, even if a classifier code is received and all documentation is completed correctly, the company’s actions will be considered illegal. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of activities that require a license and obtain them before opening an enterprise. Receiving a code does not mean obtaining permission to operate, but only recording its existence
Organizational and legal form of a legal entity This definition refers to the name under which your company will be officially registered, since this stage is one of the most important at the moment the organization enters into its legal rights. The fact is that each company must be harmoniously compared with its type of activity and official status. For example, a company of auditors will not become a closed company of shareholders

OKVED code in retail trade

Starting this year, versions 1 and 1.1 lose their legal force and are no longer valid in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, each company must replace its activity code.

This does not require any special effort; you just need to contact the appropriate organization and reissue the document regarding the opening of a company and assigning it an activity code in a certain industry.

If this is not done, the company will be listed as a completely different group with a different focus, which will lead to law enforcement agencies to the idea of ​​illegal activity during inspection.

Video: OKVEDs how many and which ones to choose

For example, the former code retail– 52. And also has a number of subparagraphs. However, according to the second edition, in honor of which the serial number was assigned to the current classifier, this industry has code 47 and the corresponding subparagraphs up to 47.99.5.

OKVED of this industry makes it possible to regulate the activities of official organizations of different sizes: specialized and non-specialized stores, kiosks, stalls, tents, as well as home sales, handing over goods in person, Express delivery, delivery by mail, etc.

Main activities

The main types of activities that appear in the classifier are reduced to the names of the sections, namely:

  1. Agriculture and forestry.
  2. Minerals.
  3. Processing production.
  4. Electrical energy, gas, steam.
  5. Water supply, environmental cleanup.
  6. Construction.
  7. Trade.
  8. Transportation and saving.
  9. Hotels and restaurants.
  10. Publishing, cinema, Internet communications, telecommunications.
  11. Finance.
  12. Real estate.
  13. Science and technology.
  14. Military activities.
  15. Education.
  16. Medicine.
  17. Culture.
  18. Sport.
  19. Social organizations.
  20. Farms.
  21. Extraterritorial companies.

Table with transcript

The table shows the section, group code related to retail trade and subgroups by main activity in 2020.

The main areas in demand were identified against the background of statistical data relating to the sectors of employment of companies in the Russian Federation for 2020.

The full list of subgroups with codes contains one hundred items. The official website also provides the OKVED retail trade 2020 table with interpretation.

Section G Wholesale and retail trade
Code Name
47 Retail trade of goods other than vehicles category B
47.1 Retail trade in stores, without specialization in this type of activity
47.11 Food, drinks, cigarettes, low-alcohol drinks (beer)
47.11.1 Frozen food
47.11.2 Fresh food, drinks, cigarettes
47.11.3 A large number of food, drinks and other food products in stores whose activities in this industry are additional
47.19 Other trade in stores without specialization (example: stores household appliances or building materials or timber where you can buy food, mineral water And so on)
47.19.1 Availability of food products in stores whose activities in this industry are additional
47.19.2 Department stores
47.2 Trade in food products, cigarettes in specialized stores
47.21 Fruits and vegetables
47.22 Meat and offal
47.23 Fish, crayfish, seafood, canned food
47.24 Bread and all flour products. Includes custom cakes and baked goods
47.25 Drinks containing alcohol and drinks that do not contain it
47.26 Cigarettes
47.29 Eggs, dairy products, oils, cereals, sugar
47.3 Non-food products, fuel, lubricants and liquids for motorcycles, finishing materials
47.4 Computers, phones, laptops, personal equipment
47.5 Household chemicals, clothing, textiles
47.53 Carpets
47.59 Furniture
47.6 Books, newspapers, music, sports equipment, boats, bicycles, tents, toys for children, jewelry
47.7 Other clothing outside stores
47.72 Shoes
47.74 Medical supplies
47.78 Cosmetics and perfumes, cameras, glasses, souvenirs, gas, weapons
47.79 Books. Second-use goods
47.8 Trade in tents, kiosks and other flowers, low-alcohol drinks
47.9 Via the Internet, at home, using postal services
47.99 Direct transfer of goods or transfer through agents

It is worth noting that OKVED for retail trade in non-specialized stores in 2020, that is, OKVED for an additional type of activity, is in greatest demand this year among stores focused on building materials, household chemicals and other items not related to food.

Construction is one of the areas professional activity, which never stands still. Every year new materials and products appear on the market designed to improve the processes of building construction, repairs, etc. Naturally, trade in this industry must be strictly controlled, because otherwise negative economic phenomena may be observed - dumping, education shadow economy, monopolists and so on. In order to somehow cope with this task, in OKVED 2016, retail trade in building materials is divided into a large number of subsections Of course, there are fewer of them than in the case of food products, but sometimes finding the right code is quite difficult. The reason for this, in addition to the variety of options presented, is the heterogeneity of this field of activity.

Few entrepreneurs are engaged exclusively in the trade of bricks or timber. As a rule, such organizations offer a wide range of products for any need, from the raw materials themselves to tools, fasteners and related products. In addition, specialty stores usually have their own delivery and other services. And they already belong to another section of OKVED. So it turns out that in order to organize a normal business in this industry, you need to spend a lot of time selecting a combination of codes that would fully reflect the essence of your activity. But we will not delve into the specifics, but simply consider the main types of goods that are included in the concept of retail trade in building materials.

Products and names by groups

Let’s say right away that the Federal Tax Service tried to somehow make life easier for distributors of this type of product by combining some similar products into one subsection. A striking example of this is “47. ", which contains:

  • Trade in hardware.
  • Glass products.
  • Paint and varnish materials.

If your enterprise or store decides to sell just such a set at its points of sale, then you do not need to look for the code for each subtype separately. You can specify a general one, and that will be enough. If, for example, you sell glass and products made from it, but do not have paint names, then you will only have to enter subparagraph 47..3, and only if the sale is carried out in specialized stores.

This, by the way, is a separate topic that also requires attention. According to OKVED, retail trade in building materials can be carried out in almost any way. The most common option is specialized retail outlets, special construction stores, where you can find any product for repair and construction. However, there is an alternative in the form of all kinds of stalls at the bazaar, stands in trading floors, trading through specialized Internet resources, etc. Many people simply want to maintain a warehouse with products and not have anything to do with the actual sale, doing only hot and cold calls and sending their goods through transport services. But it is worth remembering that in this case a completely different group of codes operates All-Russian classifier types of economic activities. And if you do not indicate them, and the tax office records the fact of sending and receiving money for this, you face a serious fine and other sanctions. So, first decide on the method of trading and its tools that you will use, and only then register a new entity.

Other types of goods

Other products related to construction include: bricks, concrete blocks, timber, cellulose, metal and non-metallic structures, ready-made wooden crafts. You can also think about various solutions, sealants, connectors, solvents, etc. Accordingly, for each item, the 2016 edition of OKVED has its own codes, which you must indicate during registration if you intend to retail the above products.

Some difficulties and features

The building materials market is very heterogeneous and volatile. Due to the serious pace of global progress in this area, new types of products appear on store shelves, construction markets and other specialized places almost every day. Therefore, it is almost impossible to track and predict what your company will trade in a year. The only way out is to simply determine the direction and stick to this vector of development.

And in order to minimize contacts with government control authorities in the future and, at least for the near future after opening, forget about filling out official documents, before going through the registration procedure, prepare for this process. Find the OKVED database on the Internet, and in it section 47. under the letter “G". This is where the codes you need are located. You will have to sit for some time to find and fix the ones you need, but at the end of this operation you will have a powerful tool and everything necessary information to correctly fill out the forms required for registration.

A hardware store is a promising type of business with a payback period of 12-15 months. with a profitability of ~20%. The Russian construction market is developing annually at a moderate pace of 7-15%, this is explained by an increase in the number of new real estate commissioned, capital and dacha construction. The direction of development of the construction industry is strongly influenced by government policy and financial condition. During crises, the purchasing power of the population falls, which leads to a decrease in the volume of real estate purchases and a decrease in sales of materials for construction stores. In this article we will look at how to open a building materials store from scratch.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a hardware store

Main the target audience hardware store: builders and foremen. Let's look at the key advantages and disadvantages of starting a clothing store.

Advantages Flaws
High profitability of the business and its payback within 12-15 months. High competition in this segment due to the high profitability of the niche. ~80% is occupied by chain stores
“Hot niche.” High demand for construction materials and equipment The need to provide a wide range of products
Moderate initial investment when opening a franchise store ~900,000 rubles. + consulting support for franchisees The influence of seasonality on sales volume: reduction by 50-60% in winter.

About 80% of the entire construction market is divided between large network companies (according to ABARUS Market Research). There is a trend towards a decrease in the number of retail construction and hardware stores and their displacement by chain stores. Small stores cannot provide either a wide range or low prices(as for example in LeroyMerlen), their only competitive advantage may be the proximity of the location to objects under construction, residential complexes, cottage villages, etc. Building materials sell better in the spring and in the period September-October. In summer, sales decrease to 70-80%, and in winter to 50-60%.

How to open a building materials store: main types

To open a hardware store, you need to determine its type and the required initial investment.

Types of store Peculiarities
Small shops (60-90 m²) They do small things retail sales y. They are characterized by a small, narrowly focused assortment: 100-250 items of goods. To open a store you need ~$9000-14000.
Medium-sized stores (200-250 m²) They offer a wider range: 4000-6000 items. They satisfy the needs of consumers who buy not only the essentials, but also decorative elements and related materials. The opening will cost $40,000-60,000.
Supermarkets (from 1000 m²) Wide range of products: 10,000-15,000 items. Except retail space, supermarkets have their own warehouses, which facilitates the demonstration of goods and subsequent delivery to the consumer. Opening costs: ~$250,000-350,000. Investments or additional partners are required.
Store-warehouse (small wholesale base) It has a narrow assortment compared to a supermarket. Items for sale are items that do not require display. The advantages of a warehouse store are minimal requirements for finishing the premises. Well-known and widely used products are sold. Profit is achieved by increasing sales volume, because The markup on goods is minimal. Opening a warehouse store will require large warehouse space.

How to choose a store location

To make a choice, you must first evaluate the environment of the future store. Since the store is an offline business, the key success factor will be its close location to new buildings, residential complexes, construction markets, and busy highways. There are no strict requirements for the premises for a hardware store; an important condition is the availability of parking spaces for customers' cars. There is no need for special aesthetic appeal of the room - everything should be extremely functional. The optimal area would be a store >200 m2; smaller stores are not profitable due to the small breadth of assortment. The premises must be provided with ventilation and compliance with fire regulations. To open a small store, it is recommended to have own premises, if the room is more than 500 m2, it is more profitable to rent it.

One of the advantages of opening a hardware store as a franchise is that it belongs to a network, regular suppliers and a wide range of products, technical and Information support franchisees, debugging business processes, staff training (communication scripts). The average cost of a franchise is ~350,000 rubles.

Supermarkets and small wholesale centers are usually located outside the city limits, since such premises are difficult to find in the center. A location is chosen with convenient transport links, but in a non-residential area to avoid problems with the fire services. For a super-large facility, it is advisable to provide a railway connection.

Search for partners and suppliers

One of the difficulties of opening a hardware store from scratch is finding and working with suppliers; many suppliers require prepayment for goods and materials. If you establish yourself as a reliable counterparty, you can negotiate preferential delivery terms, delivering goods for sale without prepayment. These conditions release additional cash for business development.

It is more profitable to order some construction materials/equipment from China. To find Chinese suppliers, you can use large international portals, supplier aggregators: Aliexpress.com, Taobao.com. It is not necessary to know Chinese/English; there are many intermediary companies in the Russian Federation that can deliver them from these sites.

Product range

Without a properly selected assortment, the profitability of a building materials store will be low. A simple strategy would be to copy the range of successful competitors.

  • If you open a small store that is not a representative famous brand, then focus on the mass buyer. Sell ​​inexpensive tools and materials in a broad range. Despite the low prices, the goods must be of high quality.
  • Distributors cannot independently set the cost of goods, because all prices are strictly regulated. The advantages of a distributor are support for large suppliers and manufacturers: provision of benefits and discounts when providing goods.
  • Medium and large building materials stores sell goods of different price segments: expensive and cheap. This combination allows you to increase profitability.

If there is not enough demand for specific product, don't give it up completely. For trade in construction products, the breadth of assortment is important; many buyers make complex purchases to solve various construction problems.

How to open a hardware store: business registration

To open a hardware store, you must register with the local tax office under one of the organizational and legal forms of doing business: individual entrepreneur (IP) or LLC. The table below shows the main stages of registration, the advantages of the form, and the required list of documents. When registering a business, you must select the type of activity according to the OKVED classification codes. This is an important procedure, approach it responsibly; failure to indicate the type of activity and failure to pay taxes will lead to legal proceedings. OKVED codes for a hardware store:

52.46 – (for a store of paints and varnishes); 52.46.1- “Retail trade in hardware”; 52.46.2 – (for a paint, varnish and enamels store); 52.46.3 – (shop of glazing materials); 52.46.4 – (shop selling equipment for crafts); 52.46.5 – (sanitary equipment store); 52.46.6 – (shop of gardening equipment and tools); 52.46.7 – “Retail trade in construction materials not included in other groups”; 52.46.71 – (trade in timber); 52.46.72 – (sale of bricks); 52.46.73 – (sale of metal and non-metallic structures). If you intend to trade through an online store, then the OKVED code is suitable: 52.61.2 - “Retail trade carried out through teleshopping and computer networks(electronic commerce, including the Internet).

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small hardware store (up to 200 m²). Number of personnel 1-2 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to special tax regimes: UTII (otherwise the default will be OSNO);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a hardware store (>200m²). LLC is more profitable for attracting additional financing/loans, partners and scaling
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to special taxation regimes: UTII (default will be OSNO).

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The optimal choice of preferential taxation system for a hardware store would be UTII (single tax on imputed income), in order to switch to this system, a municipal law on the possibility of application of UTII at the location of the store. There are conditions for the transition to UTII: up to 100 personnel and the cost of fixed assets up to 100 million rubles. The interest rate on UTII is 15%. The advantage of this tax is that it is tied to the physical data of the store: area, number of employees, etc. This is beneficial when opening a small store.

If in your region it is not possible to switch to UTII, then an entrepreneur or organization It is optimal to choose the simplified taxation system (simplified tax system) income minus expenses with an interest rate of 15%.

When registering a business, you must immediately submit an application for the transition to a preferential tax regime (UTII or simplified tax system), otherwise the next opportunity to submit an application will arise only at the end of the current calendar year.

Necessary documents for running a store

Below is a list of all necessary documents for store operation:

  • documents from firefighters and SES;
  • copy of certificate of state registration with the signature of the manager and the seal of the enterprise;
  • a copy of the lease agreement or certificate of ownership of warehouse and retail premises;
  • tax service certificate confirming registration;
  • certificate of work schedule signed by the manager;
  • document confirming the level of education and qualifications of the manager.


For offline business, location is important - this is the best advertising and opportunity to get potential clients. If there is no traffic of visitors, then the location of the store may have been poorly chosen. Additional advertising may be the use contextual advertising Yandex or Google. This allows you to attract target customers to the online store website (or landing page).

Store staff

The main staff of the store are sales consultants. When hiring employees, >3 years of construction experience is required. To reduce search costs through recruiting agencies, you can use free message boards avito.ru, irr.ru or thematic forums. Initially, the seller may be the entrepreneur himself. To increase the number of sales, it is necessary to constantly train staff in sales, develop selling scripts and introduce a system of rewarding the seller when fulfilling the sales plan.

Comparison of wholesale and retail trade

The table below provides a comparison of wholesale and retail trade.

Wholesale Retail
At wholesale trade you work with a narrow range of clients (B2B). Interaction is carried out under long-term contracts - shipment of goods is regular. In retail sales, you work with a variety of private push-to-buy (B2C) buyers. Usually, buyers cannot evaluate the properties and advantages of materials themselves. You will need personnel who can find out the client's requirements and recommend an acceptable purchase option.
The main difficulty is concluding contracts with contractors and businesses on supplies, high responsibility. The main difficulty is constantly creating traffic of visitors to the store.

Rating of business success factors

  1. Store location.
  2. Seller qualifications. Having a desire to work towards the end result.
  3. Trust in suppliers of goods, deferred payments and discounts they provide.
  4. Warehouse and store area.
  5. Advertising support of the outlet.
  6. Proper organization of the operation of the retail outlet and the display of goods.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability
(4.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback
(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
A building materials store requires moderate initial costs ~ 900,000 rubles. (if the store is opened as a franchise). If you open it yourself, the costs will increase by paid stocks of materials and equipment from suppliers and will amount to ~ 2 million rubles. A key factor in the success of the store is its location close to new buildings, residential complexes, construction sites. Business payback ~12 months. Sales growth is achieved through the introduction of continuous sales training for personnel and a system of incentives and motivation for fulfilling the sales plan. Business requires expertise in installation, construction, finishing works– this will allow you to orient buyers and select products to solve their problems.
  • Capital investments: 800,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 450,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 65,414 rubles,
  • Payback: 12.3 months!

According to a study conducted by ABARUS Market Research, the Russian retail trade market for building materials, compared to the West, is at an early stage of development. At the same time, the annual growth rate is 20%. In 2007, the volume of the retail trade market for household goods and repairs was more than $14 billion in Russia. In 2011, the market volume was about 17 billion dollars, and by 2020 the market volume will be about 30-35 billion dollars. (expert opinion).

About 80-90% of the construction market volume falls on large network companies(both Russian and foreign), and the rest of the market is divided between single stores, small retail chains(regional). Taking into account the fact that on Russian market Several new foreign players are planning to enter, and taking into account plans to expand existing federal chains, the market share of “single stores” will be declining.

In connection with the above, small shops cannot compete with federal retail retailers either in prices or in the range of products offered.

But if you want to start a business in the retail trade of building materials, you can try opening a small outlet in the "At Home" format.

This type of store has the following advantages:

  1. Opportunity to open a store in an area where no one will go federal networks due to the impossibility of obtaining large turnover.
  2. A special range of products presented and an individual approach to the buyer.

1. Organization of retail trade in building materials

1.1. Room

The premises in which it is planned to open a retail hardware store in the convenience store format must meet the following criteria:

  • Area 30-50 sq.m.
  • The premises should be located in a residential area, within walking distance for buyers.
  • Lack of other stores selling building materials in the immediate vicinity.

1.2. Equipment

The choice of equipment can be approached quite freely, so to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment, some of the racks and shelves for goods can be made with your own hands, and some of the equipment can be bought used

1.3. Staff

The store must be open 7 days a week, operating hours from 9.00 to 20.00. For these purposes, it is necessary to have 2 sellers on staff. (work in shifts, two after two)

1.4. Range

During repairs, it often happens that there is not enough wallpaper glue, the hacksaw blade for metal is broken, there are not enough nails, the glue has disappeared somewhere, the neighbor took the screwdriver and did not return it. The buyer is not interested in going to a construction hypermarket for such small things; he is ready to buy all this close to home, even at a higher price; therefore, all this should be presented in an assortment.

Approximate assortment of the store:

For optimal operation, the range of products sold should be about 300 items.

1.5. Suppliers

The choice of suppliers must be made from wholesale companies operating in the region. These companies themselves deliver products to the store; if you work with them for a long time, it is possible to provide a deferred payment.

Replenishment of inventory and assortment must be carried out on a weekly basis.

2. Technical and economic calculations

2.1. Opening capital costs

To maintain the assortment and uninterrupted trade, inventory must be at least two months' revenue (at purchase prices), and the optimal balance is 2.5-3 months' revenue.

2.2. Revenue

The revenue of a small (up to 50 sq.m.) hardware store in the “At home” format, located in a densely populated residential area, with a well-chosen assortment, and also in the absence of competitors in the immediate vicinity, is about 400 -500 rubles. per month.

To calculate payback and profitability, the monthly revenue was taken as 400 thousand rubles.

2.3. Cost price

The markup on products sold is 50-80% depending on the product, for calculations we took an average markup of 60%

2.4. General expenses

2.5. Calculating the profitability of a building materials store

2.6. Payback calculation

3. Organizational issues

3.1. Organizational form

The optimal organizational and legal form is an individual entrepreneur.

3.2. Tax system