Business project photo studio. Business plan for opening an interior photography studio. OKVED codes when registering a photo studio

Good photo comparable only to a brilliant printed work, which has not changed its content over the centuries, but at the same time every family wants to own it. It is for this reason that many novice entrepreneurs decide to open a photography studio, a business plan for which is created similarly to all other types.

Who is it aimed at?

This type of income is more suitable for entrepreneurs who have sufficient patience, do not want to take unnecessary risks, and know how to wait for a full return on their investments. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for photography is growing steadily, but it is doing so quite moderately in comparison with other industries.

Business profitability is ensured only if there is sufficient start-up capital. The project can be launched only if a business plan for a photo studio is ready, and it describes in detail all the points and nuances of this type of activity, organizational factors And financial questions. for this type of activity is quite high, about 2-4 years.

Despite the fact that what is conceived is characterized by a very specific degree of clarity, there is great amount difficulties that can make this business-segment is quite difficult to start. You should not only consider the business plan of a photo studio, an example of which will be presented below, but also important points regarding the direct activities of such an organization.

Consumer market

Clients can be roughly divided into two large groups, taking into account target needs. Legal organizations a tool in the form of a photograph is actively used to position one’s brand and its further development. For ordinary citizens, the need for photography arises as an aesthetically useful attribute intended for recording important life moments: anniversaries, weddings, baptisms, etc.

A business plan for opening a photo studio should also take into account such a new trend as updating your own portfolio for girls and boys who are active on a variety of Internet resources and social networks. In this case, there is an urgent need to obtain a high-quality image.

Photo studio options

The choice of the format of the project being developed affects a lot of additional factors that the entrepreneur will have to take into account to one degree or another. When drawing up a business plan for a photography studio, you need to determine priority, because it depends on him when the launched project will begin to make a profit. Any of the described options, with the proper approach, can provide a high level of income.

Full-size photo studio

If you decide to open a photography studio, a business plan can be drawn up so that it will be an organization providing a full range of services in this area. For these purposes, you will need an interior room with decorations, costumes, and all types of photographic equipment. A business plan for a photo studio in this case should also include additional ways to earn money in the form of renting out premises for short periods of time or for conducting photo shoots; production of gift items and various souvenirs, conducting master classes with practical exercises.

Photo salon

This option involves creating only the official type of photos. In this case, a business plan for a photo studio can be called the simplest, since this option is a budget option, designed for starting a business. Success is predetermined by the location, that is, the premises should be chosen correctly.

Photo studio for children

This version of the project is aimed at parents who want to capture their kids in all their glory. To meet the corresponding demand, a stylized interior space will be required, and thematic scenarios with a full set of necessary attributes will not hurt. Even ready business plan a photo studio of this format is not suitable for beginners, since it is aimed at organizations with powerful

Mini studio

This is an analogue of a full-length studio, which allows you to work in all sorts of industry areas. This option is convenient for starting, as it has a broad prospect for growth and further change of specialization.

Regardless of what format of the photo studio is chosen, success will be regular as a result of providing high-quality services in this area.


An aspiring entrepreneur will find himself in a situation where he will need to fight for clients against two types of opponents: large-format studios and private photographers. The former prefer to collaborate with large customers in the form of magazines, modeling agencies and others, so they will not be a real hindrance for a small photo studio with limited capabilities. But private photographers are focused on medium and small consumers, just like the aspiring entrepreneur himself.

We can offer an optimal strategy for an entrepreneur who intends to open successful business and have already drawn up a business plan for a photography studio. Taking into account the small concentration of existing photo studios and the insufficient saturation of this niche, you should select a location that will be remote from the concentration of photographers and small firms.

Necessary costs. Business plan

It should be understood that there is no maximum limit for this area, so the calculation uses the average photo workshop, which is capable of conducting high-quality and diversified activities in this area. A ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations will contain the entire list of expenses expected to open it. The list of variables, that is, one-time expenses, must include the following:

Legal preparation of all documentation that may be required - 40-60 thousand rubles, depending on the region;

Costs associated with repairs and subsequent decoration of the premises - 250-300 thousand rubles, depending on the initial indicators;

The purchase of a set of working equipment may require an amount of 200-600 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen direction and format of activity;

Purchase of office furniture - 150-300 thousand rubles;

Other expenses and accessories - from 100 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the amount of variable expenses is 740-1360 thousand rubles.

There is also a list of costs that are constant. Among them the following can be noted:

Stands, holders, tripods;

Camera and set of lenses;

Decorative background with fastenings;

Flash meter;

Synchronizers designed to ensure normal operation of flashes;

Dressing room equipment;

A computer with good performance;

Auxiliary attributes not initially included in the photo studio business plan (sample). Example: background, etc.


The initial staff usually includes the following specialists:

- Photographers They can be either young specialists with a high-quality portfolio or experienced, reputable professionals. The first option will provide certain savings on labor costs, and the second guarantees the flow regular customers. The ideal ratio is one to one between experienced and novice professionals; in this case, you will have a successful photo studio. The business plan, calculations and indication of all costs must be contained in a single document.

- Administrator a photo studio must have one, and for smooth operation you will need at least two of them. A good administrator not only professional level resolves any issues, but also prevents potential problems in a timely manner.

- Technical staff must be in any photo studio, the number depends on its size. Employees must have a shift schedule with the possibility of substitution if necessary.

- Content Marketer undertakes obligations related to creating the studio’s image on the Internet and its promotion. At the moment this sector contains the vast majority potential clients, so it is imperative to remember it. If you intend to open a photography studio, your business plan must contain this point.

Opening dates

This point completely depends on the chosen business format and the availability of investment funds. Depending on the situation, the period can range from 1-3 months to 6-8. If we are talking about entrepreneurial maximalism in conditions of a significant shortage of funds, then the period will be from 9 months. The main time wasters include the search for financial institutions, investors or partners who could provide the required amount Money.

Marketing plan

A business plan for opening a photo studio initially assumes that this is a very expensive idea, the implementation of which requires a lot of funds, and counting on quick payback impossible without a good influx of clients from the first months of work. Therefore, advertising is organized in three directions: among regular customers, through traditional means of presenting information, and through Internet promotion.

In order for visitors to start talking about the photo studio, it is necessary to choose an individual approach to everyone, non-standard options for realizing wishes, and also provide services at a high professional level. Only in this case will it be advisable to create a photo studio, for which a business plan is being developed. To use the traditional form of presenting information, the involvement of advertising agency with a proven reputation, capable of notifying everyone about a new photo workshop in the shortest possible time. Promotion on the Internet requires constant support, taking into account consumer trends and trends.

Even if a business plan is being created, you should not ignore such important tools for positioning services as discounts, bonuses, promotions, prizes, etc. This approach has already been tested and works.

Planned revenue and payback

It is influenced by many factors, among which the following stand out: location, professional services, the right advertising campaign. With proper and systematic organization of activities, you can count on an average annual income of 600-800 thousand rubles. Such indicators provide a full payback period of no more than 4 years. An aspiring entrepreneur should understand that in the photography business, numbers are relative indicators that have limitless opportunities for growth. From the first days, you don’t have to try to create an expensive project, since there are nuances and circumstances that will correct it in any case. It is better to organize a moderate start with an emphasis on high quality services provided.


For a new studio, income depends on the level of workload and the quality of services provided. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations or not; it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility and understanding of the current market situation. Loading for an organization that has just started its work can only be ensured under conditions correct advertising. If it is not fully organized or has the wrong approach, the new photo workshop will have every reason to close in the first half of the year.

Photography today is not only a hobby for many people, but also a form of income, both additional and main. Many people do this individually, taking photographs on location, while others do this in their own photo studio. Of course, the second business format is more profitable and stable, but creating it will require a lot of effort.

How to do this? Let's talk about this in more detail.

The relevance of this type of business

Today, the relevance of this type of business is very high.

Corporate parties, parties in clubs, birthdays, photo shoots, weddings - I want to capture all this, so to speak, documentary, in the form of colorful and memorable images.

If we analyze the photography market in Lately, then it becomes clear that over the past five years this type of business has been steadily progressing and gaining momentum. This is mainly due to the competent popularization of photography.

If you remember Soviet times, they used to take photographs only on major holidays and special occasions, which of course was not a good business opportunity for photographers. Due to the improvement in the general well-being of the population, we can conclude that the better we live, the higher the relevance of photography.

Analysis of the photography services market and competitors

Recently, competition in the photo services market can be regarded as incredibly high. However, photographers’ offers are not always profitable, which you can take advantage of by opening your own business in a similar format.

At the moment, the most voluminous resource for advertising their services for photographers is the Internet and social media. Nowadays offers for the provision of photographic services can rarely be found on television, radio and in the media.

Social networks have become the most powerful tool for promoting your business in this field of activity. However, this does not mean that on social networks there are offers only from the most best photographers, this is actually far from the case.

A huge number of offers suggests that you can run into unprofessionals on the Internet, and this is much easier to do than finding a reputable photographer. In addition, if you carefully examine social networks for such offers, you may be horrified at how many there are: almost every fourth advertising offer contains information about the possibility of providing photography services.

And this, in fact, is not good, since for those who are true professionals, it is quite difficult to find themselves in this highly competitive world and win the fight against everyone else for a place in the sun. That is why we advise you not to resort to this method of advertising as the initial one.

For an example of creating a business plan for a photography studio, watch the video.

What do you need to open a photography studio?

The very first thing you need to open a photo studio is, of course, premises. Many photographers do not hesitate to open a photo studio at home, adapting their living space as a workspace.

But this format of work scares off many clients, since a well-legally designed photo studio inspires much more trust than a well-equipped room in a residential building. Therefore, it would be best to rent a small room.

When opening your own photography studio, you definitely need to be prepared for competition. Photography business cannot be called the most expensive of all possible types. entrepreneurial activity, despite the fact that the achievements of certain photographers increase the chances of opening their own studio.

But many of them cannot meet the requirements of customers, and this is where you can play well when opening your own photo studio. The legal form of the enterprise also needs to be carefully thought out.

Most the best option is to open an individual business, since with this format of enterprise you will pay much less taxes, and you will not need to obtain a special license.

Renting a room will cost you no more than 20 - 25 thousand rubles. It makes sense to choose a production site that will be remote from the city center, since this can significantly reduce the cost of rental costs.

If the premises do not have a presentable appearance, then you shouldn’t immediately refuse this either, since this nuance will also affect the rent.

Particular attention should be paid to design. It shouldn't be very bright.

It will be much better to give the photo studio a more moody and dark look. It is better to use pulsed sources as light sources.

Constant lighting will be much more effective, but pulsed sources perform their function much better. The lighting power should directly depend on the area of ​​the room.

You will also need different backgrounds. For this, woven fabric of different colors is usually used.

Photo studio services

The range of services provided by your photo studio will directly depend on how highly qualified the photographer himself is. Also, everything will depend on how well equipped your studio is.

For normal operation, you will need a computer and a good image processing specialist.

In general, modern photo studios provide a large number of services.

Here is a sample list of services for a potential photo studio:

  1. Framing Workshop.
  2. Decorating mirrors in a baguette.
  3. Framing photos and paintings in a baguette.
  4. Embroidery design.
  5. Photography.
  6. Photo printing.
  7. Recovering old and damaged photos.
  8. Photomontage into an image.
  9. Photo collage.
  10. Sale of photographic products.

Let's look at each of the services.

An oil portrait on canvas (framed workshop) is quite a memorable gift that can be passed on from generation to generation. To order such a portrait, you just need to take a photo and listen to the client’s wishes.

It will take a little more than a week to finish and process the photo. In some urgent situations, this can be done in 3-4 days, and this service can be provided for an additional fee.

Decorating mirrors in a molding - there is also nothing complicated in production here, but the cost of such works of art is quite high. Also, paintings and photographs can be finished in exactly the same way, the main thing is to know the exact dimensions of the canvases.

Photography will certainly be a key service in your studio, and it should be a fundamental service. Here you can present several shooting options to choose from - studio, location, sessions, advertising shoots, passport photos, children's and family photos and much more.

Accordingly, to provide such services you will need professional photographic equipment, otherwise the competition will be completely lost to other enterprises.

Also, after filming, it would be rational to offer printing of photographs; now these services cannot be separated at all, since without one there cannot be the other in the modern world. Printing must be done on the highest quality photographic paper; photographs will definitely need to be corrected for both light and color.

Photo printing can be provided for both individual clients and photo exhibitions.

Eliminating defects in a photo image is the most common among new services for photo studios. Elimination of cracks, stains, scratches, loss of color, emulsion peeling - all these services are very relevant today for those photographs that were taken in Soviet times or were previously subject to damage.

You can also translate if you have the equipment black and white photographs in color and retouch them.

Also a fairly common service is the collection of individual photographs into collages. This can be done both for certain groups of photographs by topic, and for those that will simply be relevant so that they are collected together, for example, for one chronological event.

A photo collage is a display of a beautiful story in several photographs, and for today it is very valuable to see several photographs on one canvas.

In addition to providing services, you can also sell photographic products. They can be photo frames, albums, accessories for pictures and frames, hanging fasteners for frames, as well as a picture hanging system.

How to open a photo studio: step-by-step instructions

So, let's start with a competent business plan. It should include information such as legal form, costs and possible approximate profit, selection of premises, competitor analysis, personnel selection (if necessary), marketing activities and so on.

You first decide on a studio location, then register as an individual entrepreneur. After this, you need to start processing the lease or purchase of premises for work.

Then you should think about how the interior of your premises will look and take care of its safety. Usually, photo studios rarely have a lot of valuables, so installing an alarm system and hiring security for the initial stage of business development is an unnecessary and useless waste of money.

If you do not know how to edit photos yourself, then you will need a computer specialist, a photoshopper who will handle images with high quality and skill.

The most important thing is to analyze the competition in the city and study the range of services that they provide.

In accordance with this, you will need to consider the cost and availability of your range of services.

After this, it will be time to work on marketing and advertising campaign of your future enterprise. It is better to launch advertising through the media and television, only then will it be possible to do promotional offers on the Internet, after the enterprise has gained some momentum, at least after six months of operation.

Costs and profits: calculations

Costs and profits are the most important and responsible article in enterprise planning, which should be reflected in detail in the business plan. Costs include quarterly, annual and monthly.

All categories will include costs for personnel, premises rental, materials, equipment, energy consumed, etc. Tax costs should also be listed as a separate item.

They can only be calculated approximately, since for individual entrepreneurs it would be better to use the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system. There it is possible to pay taxes on profits, and therefore in order to calculate taxes, you will need to know the approximate profit.

If we consider as a whole all the operations of opening a photo studio, we can say that this business will not have super-profits at the initial stage, but later, with competent marketing, it will be possible to create entire networks of studios and gradually move to other cities and regions.

Therefore, once you start with one photo studio, you shouldn’t stop – you should always move forward!

In contact with

Do you love photography and dream of making money from your hobby? Do you want to know how to open a photo studio and what is the profitability of this business? Let's look at the key issues related to creating your own photo studio and calculate the expected profit.

How to register

Everything is traditional here - you can arrange individual entrepreneurship or LLC. Individual entrepreneurs are much simpler in work and taxation, and LLC opens additional features for cooperation with large clients and advertising studios.

The main thing in a photo studio is the equipment.

Photo studios do not need licenses or any separate documents, so you can register in just a few days. You will also have to obtain permission to open from the fire inspectorate - it is issued for the existing premises.

Types of photo studios

There are several options for photo studios. Let's list the key ones:

  1. Photo salon. This is a narrowly specialized establishment that deals with urgent photographs for passports, driver’s licenses, etc. The salon also provides photo printing services.
  2. Photo studio. They offer photo studio services and organize themed shoots for everyone. Typically, a photo studio has several specially decorated rooms and various “offsite” decorations.
  3. Photo studio. This is a professional establishment, ready to fulfill any wishes of its clients. Here you can conduct a full-fledged photo session, hire a photographer for a wedding or other event, or order subject photography.

A classic salon requires virtually no investment or professional staff - anyone can take photos and print them. Organizing a photo studio or photography studio is more difficult, but these establishments bring in more profit.

What services does the photo studio provide?

If you want to know how to open your own photo studio from scratch, then first read the list of services provided by similar establishments:

  1. Wedding services (photo and video).
  2. Outdoor photo sessions (including thematic ones).
  3. Studio photography.
  4. Object shooting.
  5. Making photographs for documents.
  6. Carrying out advertising photography.
  7. Children's photography.
  8. Family photography.

A good photo studio needs professional photographers

Additionally, the studio can provide the following services:

  1. Creation of special hairstyle and makeup.
  2. Decoration of premises for filming.
  3. Creating a thematic image.
  4. Organization of outfit rental.
  5. Post-processing and printing of photographs.
  6. Creation of “photo paintings” (inserting photos into frames).
  7. Restoring old photos.

The studio is good precisely because it can provide related services, which, with the right approach, bring up to 50% of the total profit.

Read also: Where to start a business organizing children's parties

How to choose a room

Where is the best place to set up a photography studio? Our step-by-step instruction will give you the answer to this question as well. Best in the central areas of the city or on the main street. The minimum area of ​​the room is 65 m2, the ceiling height is at least 3 meters. A big plus is that there is parking nearby. In the room itself, you will need to organize a locker room, a dressing room and a wardrobe for storing costumes. The average rental price for such premises is about 40-45 thousand rubles per month. If you plan to carry out themed photography with decorations and makeup, then you should equip the studio with a full bathroom and shower for visitors.

How to decorate a room

Try to decorate your photo studio in a discreet and monochromatic manner, avoiding unnecessary diversity and bad taste. All attention should be drawn to the model, not the walls or decoration. Most professional photography studios simply paint the walls white/beige to maximize contrast and allow for post-processing of the photos. But it is better to use color combinations. You should have white (light), black, green, gray and pink backgrounds for different photo shoots. The material can be fabric, paper, plastic, silk-screen printing. Red brick is well suited for creating an industrial style, so do not rush to make repairs and cover the walls with plaster.

There is no need to decorate the photo studio with colorful colors and patterns - everything should be strictly

Necessary equipment

A professional photo studio requires professional equipment, because you plan to take not only photographs for documents, but also conduct subject/thematic photography. You will spend most of the money on purchasing equipment. You will need to purchase:

  1. 2-3 professional cameras.
  2. Set of lenses.
  3. Softboxes.
  4. Tripods.
  5. A set of backgrounds, decorations, costumes.
  6. Curtains and reflectors.
  7. Sources of light.
  8. Reflective umbrellas.
  9. Flashes with wireless synchronizers.
  10. Nozzles, diffusers, filters, etc.

Note: Buy cameras and lenses from the same company so that they are interchangeable. This way you will save on equipment in the future by changing only the “carcasses” and not the optics.

Additionally, you will need to purchase furniture - a couple of sofas, armchairs, chairs, tables. In the dressing room you will need a large mirror, a manicure set, a table, a hanger, and an iron.

Be sure to provide Internet access to the studio, purchase several computers and the appropriate software for photo processing.


Who to hire for your studio? It all depends on the size of your business and your preferences. There is a photo studio in which the owner takes care of everything - he takes pictures, deals with taxes, looks for clients and processes photographs. But this approach is only possible if you have few clients.

The photo studio must be large enough

The second option is to hire third-party photographers. This is usually done if the studio receives a lot of orders for events, but cannot cope with them itself.

To open your own photo studio that consistently generates income, you will need a detailed business plan.

It is necessary to outline the format of the business, analyze its competitiveness, calculate start-up and monthly expenses, outline the work schedule before opening, and also calculate possible risks.

Business format

Studios are classified by type of activity. They are:

  • Full (interior). The maintenance of such an establishment is within the power of experienced entrepreneurs who have tried their hand at a smaller type of activity. Starting a business will require considerable investment, which can only pay off within two to three years. For work, you can use a redesigned apartment, each room of which will have a different stylization. To create a client base in the initial period of activity, it will be necessary to conduct thematic filming, for example, for Valentine's Day or Ivan Kupala. Recently, such a service has become widespread, when a group of people receives the same type of photographs of the proposed topic (corporate New Year).
  • Mini format. This is the best alternative for beginners, because equipment, personnel, decorations, and services will have a minimum amount. To organize, you need to select a small area, purchase several suits, hire 1 photographer and 1 administrator.
  • Children's. Such establishments will have clients of a certain age limit. You will need a spacious room with a design in the style of fairy tales and cartoons. Emphasis will need to be placed on the purchase of various children's costumes, accessories, and selection of scenery. Advertising should be carried out on playgrounds, kindergartens and schools. It will be possible to establish cooperation with the latter to organize on-site filming.
  • Homemade. In other words, this is work from home. Having a small living space, you can open a mini-studio or photo salon. This format may also imply the design of a home working workshop, in which photographs taken on the road will be created.
  • Separately, we can highlight photo salon. This is the least expensive type of activity, for which a small room and little equipment will be enough. Employees can be involved at a minimum or take on all responsibilities. The salon mainly produces photographs for documents. Advertising can be done through free ads in newspapers.

You can learn more about the idea of ​​opening your own photo salon from the following video:

Level of competition

Competition for professional photo studios mainly comes from single photographers. Less often – the same studios specializing in a specific type of activity. For example, they conduct shooting for glossy publications or private photo sessions. Having collected information about the number of similar establishments in the city, you need to analyze:

  • direction of their activities;
  • dispersal across the territory;
  • coverage of customer categories.

Based on the data obtained, it will be easier to choose the location and format of the business.

Calculating possible costs

Expenditures typically fall into two categories:

  • start-up investments for preparatory activities before the opening of the studio;
  • current expenses, items of which will be repeated from month to month, that is, they will be of a permanent nature.

In order to roughly calculate the amount of investment, you need to know exactly the area of ​​the premises, staff and other data. For an establishment that rents an area of ​​100 sq. m., pays for the services of an administrator, accountant, stylist, designer, print operator and photographers and works on an eight-hour work schedule, start-up costs will be 580 thousand rubles.

ArticleAmount (thousand rubles)
Repair work80
Payment of rent before opening 3 months150
Special equipment200
Site development25
Printing equipment25
Computer technology25
Arrangement of the administrator's workplace30
Advertising campaign costs45

If the entry threshold of 580 thousand is unrealistic, the amount can be reduced by 2-3 times. How to do it?

  1. One solution is to reallocate funds for a future period. For example, you can try to attract photographers with your own equipment for a while. The same goes for the stylist and designer. You can agree to reimburse them for the resources spent on filming after the order is completed. Thus, the item for the purchase of equipment can be removed, thereby reducing the budget by 200 thousand.
  2. Another way is to carefully search for premises. If the interior condition is satisfactory, you can save on repairs and schedule them for a later date. Thus, expenses were reduced by another 80 thousand, while the time to prepare for the opening was reduced by at least 2 months. This allows you to reduce rent and advertising payments for two months, that is, another minus 65 thousand.
  3. If among your friends there is a person who can help create an Internet resource for a smaller amount or for a service, you can take away another 25 thousand.

In total, the amount of starting expenses will decrease by 370 thousand rubles, which is 64% of the required amount.

Operating costs can be flexible, meaning they can be adjusted as orders are completed. In 1 month they will be approximately 180 thousand rubles.

ArticleAmount (thousand rubles)
Payment of wages:80+% of order
accountant (part-time)10
to the stylist% of order
designer% of order
print operator10+% of order
2 photographers20*2+% of order
Communication services7
Consumables 10

Opening schedule

In accordance with the presented calculations, two scenarios can be assumed:

Preparation for opening 3 months in advance

Scheduled eventsJan. 2015Feb. 2015March 2015Apr. 2015
Order an interior project
Purchase building materials for interior decoration
Site development
Equipment purchase
Installation of purchased equipment, lighting fixtures
Start of an advertising campaign
Coordination of documents in the fire service and SES

Preparation 1 month in advance

Purchase of equipment

The choice of special equipment must be approached seriously, giving preference to professional and expensive models.

  • First, you will need equipment for photo shoots outdoors and indoors: a camera, special attachments, flashes and accessories, backgrounds (white, black and color).
  • You also need to buy several computers, software for image processing, printing equipment and a scanner.
  • You will need props, clothing and interior items for several thematic selections.


The number of people who will support the studio’s activities will depend on the chosen format. For example, to maintain home business 1 person is enough. And to operate a full-fledged studio you will need a staff of 6-7 workers:

  • administrator, who will exercise general control over the activities of employees, accept orders, distribute the load;
  • accountant, working part-time part-time;
  • photographers, the number of which can be determined by the amount of work, at the time of opening one will be enough;
  • stylist, involved only in thematic filming, receiving a salary in the form of a % of the order cost;
  • designer, responsible for processing images in a graphics editor;
  • print operator, who will be responsible for the quality of the images.

They may receive a fixed salary plus a percentage of the order value. You can select professionals yourself or entrust the matter to a recruitment firm.

Marketing plan

Advertising of services should begin a month and a half before the start of work. Everyone needs to attract customers possible ways, for this purpose, from 7% to 10% of funds are included in the project budget to pay for advertising. If the business has a mini format, you can get by with your own ideas, for example, advertise in a newspaper, local television or radio.

For a large company, it is necessary to provide various marketing solutions aimed at a specific target audience.

Don’t forget about the possibilities of disseminating information via the Internet. Having launched the studio website, you need to fill it with contact information, a range of services and monitor its traffic and progress.


Average company professional photography can make a profit in three directions:

  • reportage photography (approximately 1000 rubles per 1 hour);
  • professional photo in the studio (RUB 1,500 per 1 hour);
  • rental of premises and equipment (from 800 rubles hourly).

If the studio reaches an eight-hour work schedule by the third month after opening, then the time in it can be distributed as follows: 3 hours of studio work, 3 hours of reporting and 2 hours of rental. The total income received per day will be 9,100 rubles. With a six-day schedule, monthly income will be 218,400, minus current monthly expenses of 180,000 net income will be 38,400 rubles. For the year, net profit will be 460.8 thousand rubles. excluding taxes. This indicator is realistic already by the second or third year of work, when the initial investment will pay off and the work will reach a stable level.

Possible risks

There are several indicators to take into account:

  • Close proximity of competing firms with more low prices or better advertising. The way out of the situation is to recruit more qualified personnel and increase public awareness.
  • Staff turnover. In this case, it is worth strengthening the corporate spirit and introducing a system of bonuses and bonuses.
  • Equipment theft. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to provide a security guard on staff or equip the building with an alarm system.

If you like the art of photography, but for some reason you don’t want or can’t become a freelance photographer, then opening a photo salon might be a great idea for you.

Such a business has clear advantages: firstly, it does not require large start-up costs; secondly, if the owner has the desire and capabilities, a small photo studio can grow into a large, well-known photo studio. What does it take to open a photo salon and how much will it cost?

The initial investment in a photo studio can be quite modest, and minimum amount It will especially please those who do not have a lot of capital. For example, an office will not require huge areas, so the cost of renting the premises will be low. Regarding the renovation of the room and furniture, you can also get by with an inexpensive, acceptable option. What you shouldn't skimp on is photographic equipment. It must be professional and of high quality, since the quality of services that your salon can provide will directly depend on it (of course, in conjunction with the skills of the photographer).

In general, the start-up costs of opening a photo studio may look something like this. Please note that all these figures are indicative only and may vary depending on different conditions:

  • Company registration: $70.
  • Room rental: $400.
  • Cosmetic renovation of the premises: $300.
  • Equipment (photo equipment, computer, printer): from 2 thousand dollars.
  • Software license: $200.
  • Furniture: $300.
  • Advertising campaign: $100.
  • Supplies (paper, disks): $100 initial purchase.

At high flow clients, this business can pay off in just 5-6 months, with an average of up to a year. To ensure good client turnover, you need to take into account many nuances of business organization. More details about some of them below.

How to open a photo salon from scratch

Company registration

There are two options for the registration form for a photo salon - these are individual entrepreneur and limited liability company. If you are opening a small photo salon, the main service of which is photo for documents, then it is definitely better to stop at. The LLC option will be more acceptable if you open a large photography company that provides all types of photographic services and related ones. If in the future your business expands to just this, you can always switch to a different legal form.

When registering a company, pay attention to the OKVED codes that you will indicate in the documentation forms. If, in addition to photography itself, you are going to provide other services (for example, photocopying, printing from electronic media, selling photo accessories, etc.), then the codes under which all these types of activities fall must be indicated.

Premises and location

You should first look for premises where there is a large concentration of potential clients every day. It doesn't have to be the city center. We know many examples of successfully operating photo salons in residential areas of the city, the main thing is that the area is densely populated.

The nearby passport offices can help you make your business successful, recruitment agencies, visa departments and other companies that require their clients to take photographs for documents. Clients of such services will automatically become your clients if you are lucky enough to be nearby.

As for the room itself, its dimensions can be no more than 10-12 square meters. This is quite enough to provide photo services for documents. If you plan to provide artistic photography services, then you also need to design the interior in which it will be performed. The size of the room for art photography can also be small. And some even make do with the same room for different types shooting, changing backgrounds and various interior items.

The design of the sign at the entrance to the photo salon deserves special attention. Here we should take into account a certain amount of laziness, which is inherent in most people. If you limit yourself to just the word “photo salon,” you risk losing a significant part of your potential clients, because not everyone will bother to go inside and find out whether the photo services they need are provided here. Therefore, place on the front door or on a street stand a list of all the services that can be obtained in your photo salon. And, naturally, the sign should be bright and catchy, since, in essence, it will be your effective advertising. Advertising of small photo studios on radio and television is not justified either in terms of financial costs or in terms of effectiveness.

Services provided by photo salons

What services can a photo salon provide? In fact, there are quite a lot of them. You can start with the simplest and most popular ones, if the size of the premises and the quality of the equipment do not allow you to immediately begin providing all possible services. Work for the future, and with the growth of popularity and profit, increase the number of services provided. Their list might look like this:

  • Photos for all types of documents (including “urgent”).
  • Artistic photography in the interior (strict photo for a resume, holiday photos with children, romantic photos, etc.). Printing photographs in various formats, on paper of different thicknesses and qualities. Framing photographs.
  • Photocopying, scanning, lamination.
  • Printing photos and documents various formats from electronic media.
  • Printing photographs from films.
  • Photo editing and retouching.
  • Production of photo collages, thematic photo albums.
  • Print photos on clothes, fabric bags, dishes and other items.
  • Sale of related products: photo frames, photo albums, batteries and covers for photographic equipment, films, etc.).


Availability good equipment– a very important moment in organizing the entire business. This is not to say that success will depend only on equipment, because the skills and creative approach of the photographer also play a huge role. However, it is better not to skimp on the quality of equipment, and after working for a few months, you will understand why: people will return to you for services if they are satisfied with the quality of the photographs. Equipment for a photo studio:

  • Digital camera.
  • Tripod.
  • Lighting devices.
  • A computer with programs for editing, processing and retouching photographs.
  • Color photo printer.
  • Xerox, scanner, laminator.

It is also necessary to install display cases for the goods put up for sale; reception desk, full-length mirrors, sofas for waiting in the hall, hangers for outerwear. Some photo salons have a classic men's jacket and tie in stock for those cases when the client urgently needs to take a photograph for documents, but he did not have time to prepare for this.

Consumables that are necessary in the work of photo salons:

  1. Photo paper. The most common are glossy and matte, but for some types of products semi-gloss, satin, and silk are also used. Also make sure to have paper of different weights and formats.
  2. Ink.
  3. Cartridges.
  4. Plain paper of various sizes.
  5. Consumables for lamination.
  6. When providing printing services on items, it is advisable to have plain white cups and plates, plain T-shirts and fabric bags available. The client will not always be able to bring you his product, which should be photographed, so it is better to provide for all options.


Very often, photo salons are opened by those people who plan to independently photograph clients, that is, already professional photographers. If this is your case, then you only need to hire an administrator and a cleaning lady. The administrator's duties will include providing information about services, recording clients, and answering telephone calls.

If you yourself are not a photographer and are planning to hire a specialist for this position, then you need to pay attention to the following. Of course, this is work experience and skills. When the photo salon gains popularity and there are many clients, the photographer will have to work quickly and deftly so as not to delay those waiting. If a photo salon provides artistic photography services, then the photographer’s creativity and ability to find an approach to each client are very important. When selecting a photographer, carefully study his portfolio and reviews of his past and current clients.