Breeding rabbits as a home business. Breeding rabbits as a business: profitable or not. What do you need to get started

Rabbit breeding as a business has long been popular with agriculture, therefore, novice entrepreneurs are wondering whether such production is profitable or not?

Rabbit breeding as a business is profitable only if the entrepreneur takes into account possible risks, thought out a business plan in advance and offers high quality products, explaining in detail to the consumer what the advantage of rabbit meat is and why it is so important to eat it.

Statistics show that a rabbit business may well bring good profits, but you should not expect big money to appear immediately after the sale of the first batch of the product. As a rule, payback is achieved within two to four years, and in different local regions this period can vary significantly.


The foreign consumer has long understood the full value of rabbit meat, because this product in the Western market is in high demand. In the United States of America, constant developments are being carried out, the purpose of which is to obtain new breeds, the meat of which will bring even greater benefits to humans, while reducing the cost of the product to a minimum.

Several decades ago, Russia also actively developed rabbit breeding, the state supported the farms as much as possible. However, already in the nineties, most of these farms went bankrupt and disappeared forever, the consumer lost purchasing power, many organizations went bankrupt.

As a rule, the average citizen simply cannot afford the rabbit meat that is on the market, but the business is still starting a new stage, the consumer will gradually understand the value of this meat, and the growth in the number of farms providing such products will normalize the cost and return interest. .

Profitability today depends on many factors:

  1. Temperature conditions in which animals will be raised.
  2. Low labor productivity associated with their slow growth.
  3. Infectious diseases to which they are exposed in the absence of care and treatment.

Prospects for breeding rabbits are determined by the fact that the animal is able to reproduce offspring with high speed, due to which the natural increase provides an increase in production volumes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive features of entrepreneurship include:

  • Fast payback compared to other types of meat.
  • High profitability of this industrial process.
  • Obvious benefits for a person from products.
  • The many opportunities that the household owner gets.

Negative sides:

  1. Animals require constant care and attention - the cages must be kept in perfect cleanliness, only in this way it is possible to obtain population growth and high quality meat.
  2. Rabbits are very shy and get used to a particular owner. The same person must deal with animals, otherwise there is a risk of death of an individual from fright.
  3. The population of rabbits depends on human attention - if there is no water in the bowl, the rabbit can eat her own cubs, endangering the entire business.


A thousand individuals will fit in a standard summer cottage, while a separate branch in budget savings is occupied by the independent creation of conditions for the life of animals, including the manufacture of cages, drinking bowls and other necessary paraphernalia.

But before creating your own farm, it is important to decide on legal regulations entrepreneurial activity- in the future it will help to avoid huge amount problems and allow the business to quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Note! When setting up their own enterprise, farmers, as a rule, choose from two types of activity - it can be both individual entrepreneurship and personal subsidiary farming. The form directly depends on the capabilities of the farmer and the goals he pursues.

Personal subsidiary farming involves reducing the cost of paperwork and is selected if the owner plans to sell products within the same region. In this case, control is exercised by local governments, and taxation tends to zero.

If you want to expand your own capabilities, then IP becomes the best option. Here you will have to spend additional funds on paying taxes, preparing documentation for sales and storage, while the possibilities for selling goods become an order of magnitude greater.

Where to begin?

Experienced experts say that the first step is to obtain necessary knowledge, allowing you to optimize the process, get more profit and minimize the cost of production, advertising and costs.

The first step without fail will be the study of the characteristics of rabbits, the conditions of their maintenance and nutrition, and the tolerance of climatic conditions. An important point will be the study of possible animal diseases, since such a risk remains even for entrepreneurs with extensive experience.

It is important to choose a breed in advance, familiarize yourself with it distinctive features and study the additional needs of animals - this way you will save yourself a lot of problems in the future.

For animals, it is necessary to prepare a site and specialized cages, which will be equipped with everything necessary.

Breed selection

One of key features, which determines the benefit, is the breed of animals. The profitability of this process is directly related to the following points:

  • The quality of the meat that the consumer will receive.
  • The rate at which each individual gains weight.
  • Accurate calculation of the amount of compound feed for gaining each kilogram of animal weight.

Hybrid breeds of rabbits are very popular today, allowing you to get the most high quality product, weight gain and the number of rabbits in the family. It is necessary to choose the right females that will bear offspring - the growth factor of the farm depends on this.

In Ukraine and Russia, it is almost impossible to find centers that purposefully select rabbits, so you will have to turn to a foreign manufacturer. At the same time, you can easily choose the right breed, especially since there is a large choice today, and the quality of the product will fully meet any, even the most serious, expectations.


Today, there are several systems that provide work and profit in rabbit breeding. Among them are the following:

  1. Cellular system.
  2. Aviary system.
  3. Semi-enclosure system.

Despite the obvious convenience of each of the farming systems, the main attention should be paid to the cellular system. Most farmers are sure that only in such conditions it is possible to obtain high-quality meat and provide animals with rapid reproduction.

A rabbit breeding plan based on keeping animals in cages allows you to independently distribute the actions of animals. This makes it much easier to ensure that the animals are fed on time, to simplify the cleaning of the cages and send the animals to mating.

It is important to think over the plan of the rabbit farm in advance - you should pay close attention to double cages in which the animals will feel comfortable. The animal houses themselves should be at a height of eighty centimeters from the ground.

The fastest way to set up production is to purchase ready-made cages for keeping animals. So you will provide all the conditions for rabbits and avoid possible mistakes that are often present with beginners. If desired, and with skill and knowledge, cells can be built independently.


You can avoid mistakes at the stage of acquiring animals by adhering to the following simple recommendations:

  • Close attention should be paid to the ears of animals - they should not have wounds and scabs. The presence of such damage indicates an unpleasant and dangerous disease that can harm the entire brood. The ear mite provokes in females the refusal to feed their cubs, as a result of which a lot of effort is required to raise animals.
  • Animals for breeding should be selected from different litters - this is the only way you will get healthy offspring capable of full reproduction.
  • Pay attention to appearance and the state of health of the animal - only a full-fledged rabbit can give healthy offspring and will not jeopardize your business.
  • The weight of the animal should be normal, obese individuals lose their ability to reproduce.
  • Choose the right rabbits from the mass of offers - an adult or pregnant animal may turn out to be sick and old, since an experienced farmer is unlikely to sell a healthy full-fledged individual.


For successful development product, you must first secure a customer base among those individuals and organizations that will purchase meat on a regular basis.

Here it is possible to use all available resources - for starters, tell close relatives and friends about your product, who, in turn, will convey this information to their surroundings. At the same time, it is recommended to describe in detail the benefits of rabbit meat, discover its benefits and leave your contact details for further communication.

If you have all the necessary veterinary documents, you can make deliveries to restaurants. At the same time, the institution will certainly determine whether such an acquisition is profitable, so you should not overestimate the price - be sure to pay attention to pricing policy competitors.

Pay attention to the products that remain after slaughter - rabbit skins are recommended to be preserved for subsequent sale, however, the cost of such a sale is quite low.

Calculation of profitability and payback

If all conditions of care and maintenance are observed at the maximum level, one female can litter about ten times a year.

At the same time, the number of animals on farms of different sizes will be different, as will the profit:

At the same time, it should be understood that about half of the profit will be regularly spent on production costs, which include:

  1. Acquisition of feed for the full nutrition of animals.
  2. The cost of transportation and transportation of meat.
  3. Electricity costs.
  4. Salary for employees (if any).
  5. Cell content.
  6. Veterinary services, vaccinations.

Costs can be significantly reduced if you have the necessary skills - it is quite possible to create cages for keeping animals, take care of them and vaccinate them.

Video: rabbit breeding as a business from A to Z.

Business plan

The schedule and plan for such a sale should be thought out in advance, so you will avoid a lot of trouble in the future.

The peculiarities of a certain region are a separate point - there may be peculiar prices, high competition and low purchasing power, and it is recommended to calculate possible losses in advance. The list of initial costs should include the following:

  • Acquisition of land on which to be located farming. It is worth choosing depending on the number of rabbits purchased, often the site is not large in area.
  • A separate financial cell is occupied by the execution and further maintenance of documentation for the sale of products.
  • Making a land plot for the life of rabbits, creating amenities.
  • Acquisition of specialized inventory and equipment.
  • Materials for self-creation of cells or the cells themselves with additional equipment.
  • Consumables.
  • Buying rabbits.

Costs can either increase or decrease depending on the region in which business activities are planned, what is the demand for products, and climatic conditions. The experience of the farmer is also important - if there are other animals on the farm, and the plot allows the introduction of an additional business, expenses are significantly reduced.

Creating a rabbit farm is a process that takes time and effort. With certain efforts and skills, already through short term you can make a lot of money, while spending only a few hours a day on work. With the desire and availability of buyers, production is quite easy to expand due to the fertility of rabbits.

Gradually, the consumer will understand how many positive qualities are in rabbit meat. Vitamins of tender meat make the dish not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy, because this business very promising and can lead the farmer to new level for a short time.

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Rabbits are very cute animals that are easy to breed. Care and observation of these cute animals helps relieve stress and improves mood.

Where to begin

First of all, you should decide why you breed rabbits. There are meat breeds, there are meat-skin and self-skin.

If you breed animals to provide yourself with meat, you should pay attention to breeds such as, Russian ermine,. They are quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

When breeding rabbits for the sale of meat, choose special meat breeds, for example, California, Burgundy breeds.

Breeds that give high-quality skins - Chinchilla, Vienna Blue, Silver, downy rabbits - Angora and White downy.

How to choose the right rabbits

After you have decided on the breed, you need to choose healthy animals. A person who is just starting to breed rabbits can make a mistake and acquire a sick or rejected animal.

Signs of healthy specimens:

This method of keeping is considered the most optimal, as it allows you to control the state of health of animals, their reproduction, helps to properly breed and feed rabbits.

The advantages also include ease of maintenance, the ability to automate many processes, facilitation, care.

However, a number of requirements must be met in order for rabbits to really be comfortable and well in cages.

It is better to install cages in a barn called a shed (read:). Being outdoors does not protect from wind, frost, precipitation. The walls and floor of the shed can be made of bricks, logs, wooden planks. The main condition is that they should not have slots and holes in order to avoid drafts that have a detrimental effect on rabbits. At the same time, the room should be well ventilated and lit. The lack of light and fresh air causes a deterioration in the condition of the hairline.

Cell requirements:

  • Slatted or mesh floor.
  • Size for a rabbit with rabbits: length - 890mm, width - 780mm, height - 420mm.
  • Cage size for individual content: length - 720mm, width - 600mm, height - 420mm.
  • The front wall is mesh, the side and back are deaf, wooden.
  • The cage is equipped with a feeder and drinker.
  • In cages intended for with cubs, a uterine house is placed, made of plywood or thin boards.

This method is suitable for those who want to breed rabbits for meat, while spending a minimum of effort and money. For breeding breeding animals and obtaining high-quality skins, this method is not used at all. Rabbits - giants are also not kept in pits.

Pits can be made both in villages and in the conditions of the city. Soils with low groundwater penetration and lack of rocks and stones under a thin layer of earth are suitable. Pits can be arranged in the basement or cellar, even in an urban apartment building.

The approximate size of the pit is 2 meters long, 2 meters wide, 1 meter high. The size is given for approximately 20 rabbits. The floor can be left earthen or made slatted or meshed, under which a ramp or a feces and urine tray is placed. Straw spreads on the earthen floor, which should be removed after a few days, it will have to be replaced with a clean one.

Along the walls there are feeders of different directions and drinkers. They try not to put them near the entrance to the holes dug by rabbits, otherwise, they quickly and heavily get dirty.

In the pit, you definitely need a window that allows sunlight. The norm of artificial lighting is 40 watts per 10 square meters. For rabbits, the duration of daylight is much more important than the brightness of the lighting.

Advantages of pit content:

  • Low cost - one pit can last for a very long time, it does not wear out, unlike cages.
  • No problems with pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Rarely develop various diseases.
  • Great space saving.
  • Ease and convenience of feeding.
  • Remarkably passes the process of reproduction - often, easily. Rabbits are born and develop stronger and more resilient than when caged.
  • In winter, the floor and water in the drinking bowls do not freeze.


  • Inbreeding. It causes smallness and congenital deformities of animals.
  • The inability to control reproduction.
  • Animals eventually run wild, it becomes difficult to catch them for vaccination.
  • The skins are damaged, especially in males, which are constantly fighting with each other.
  • Difficulty cleaning manure.


A pair of rabbits is selected - healthy and puberty . The female must be in a state of sexual hunting, otherwise she simply will not let the male near her.. How to define sexual desire?

In a normally developing female, hunting occurs about once a week. In summer, the interval is reduced to 5-6 days, in winter it increases to 17-20. October and November are the most unfavorable months in this respect.

During the hunt, the female becomes restless, begins to rush around the cage, pluck out her fluff, carry a bundle of hay in her mouth, her appetite sharply decreases or disappears altogether. If a female is patted on the back, she will instinctively lie down on the floor and raise her rear part of her body. For a more accurate determination of the period of sexual hunting, the genitals are visually assessed (popularly they are called a “loop”).

In the normal state, the loop has a pale pink color, during the hunt it becomes a pronounced pink color. In addition, she is somewhat swollen. The duration of the hunting period can be 3-5 days.

The male must be young enough, not obese, not emaciated. It is undesirable to allow more than 4 coatings per day in a male.

In summer, mating is best done in the morning or evening, in winter - in the daytime. This is due to the most suitable air temperature. In heat and cold, animals show less activity.

For mating, the female is placed in the male's cage. Otherwise, he will be confused and, instead of having sexual intercourse, he will settle down in a new room. First, you need to remove the feeders, drinker, and any other items from the cage. Cages are usually cleaned and disinfected before mating.

For a more guaranteed result, it is worth waiting for the female to cover twice, and then move her back to her native cage.

Definition of pregnancy in rabbits

Experienced rabbit breeders carry out control mating 5-6 days after the first coating. Most often, an already pregnant female is not given to a male for repeated mating.

After 2 weeks, you can try to feel the belly of the covered female. The animal is taken out of the cage, turned to its head, holding the female by the skin in the area of ​​the sacrum with one hand. Another at this time, the stomach is probed, in a pregnant rabbit in the back half, you can feel the embryos as one or two chains parallel to each other. The size of the embryo at this time is 2-3 cm. Probing is done very carefully so as not to harm the babies and not cause artificial labor.

When 5-7 days remain before birth, the female begins to prepare a nest and bedding for the cubs. To do this, she uses straw and grass from the manger. A day before birth, the rabbit plucks her own fluff and lines the nest with it.

Feeding before mating

A complete diet provokes the activation of the sexual activity of animals. Undernourished or obese females most often do not fertilize, males develop low-quality seed.

Mandatory feed before mating will be legume hay, silage, oats, carrots, a mixture of cake with bran, salt, meat, bone and fish flour. You can give branches of trees, germinated grains of barley and oats.

IN winter period females are given high-quality hay, silage, root crops, grain mixtures (corn grains, legumes, oats), bone and meat meal, bran, salt, boiled or raw potatoes. Fish oil is also introduced into the diet - 2g per day, chalk - 2g. The number of feedings - 3 per day.

Feeding pregnant and lactating females

At this time, proper varied nutrition is especially important, because underfeeding causes disturbances in the normal development of the embryos, reduces the production of milk in a lactating female.

In summer, the female is given a large number of dried grass, in winter - high-quality hay. In addition, the diet includes silage with the addition of meat and bone meal and concentrated feed, root crops. Nursing women are given daily milk -100g, chalk - 2g, salt 1g.

You can not feed moldy and frozen food, so as not to provoke a miscarriage.

5-10 days before birth, the amount of roughage (dry leaves, hay) is reduced and silage is completely stopped. There must be water or snow in the cage in winter! Otherwise, the female, experiencing a lack of water, can eat her entire litter.

The number of feedings for a pregnant and lactating rabbit is from 3 to 5 times a day. When the rabbits begin to leave the nest, increase the amount of food.

When breeding rabbits, novice breeders can make mistakes that can cause disastrous consequences. Lack of experience and lack of knowledge are the main reasons.

  • A pregnant female may experience a spasm of the uterus, which will cause the death of the animal. Strong fear and stress often act as a provocateur. Therefore, an experienced breeder approaches the nest, trying to make as little noise as possible.
  • With the wrong location of the uterine house, the female will drag the rabbits from corner to corner, eventually causing their death. It is necessary to reduce the area of ​​the house.
  • With an excess amount of milk in a rabbit, the cubs can die of starvation due to the fact that the glands become very dense and the rabbits cannot grasp them. In this case, it is necessary to massage the mammary glands and timely decanting excess milk.

The amazing fertility of rabbits and their enviable ability to produce their own kind into the world have long been noticed by the people and even immortalized in folklore. If you think about this physiological feature of the long-eared, you can easily come to an inspiring conclusion: rabbit breeding as a business can bring huge profits, because, in fact, the product for subsequent sale - the rabbits themselves - appears by itself! And the speed of such impromptu "deliveries" staggers the imagination, instilling hope in the soul for the coming enrichment.

Seriously though, raising rabbits for sale can be a great income-generating activity for those who live in rural areas. The main thing is not to forget anything at the start-up stage and to properly organize the business.

Point one. We calculate profitability

So, it's decided. We raise rabbits and sell their meat. With the money we get, we get even more rabbits, they multiply exponentially, automatically enriching their owner. But is such a business plan for raising rabbits really flawless, or are there many nuances, the neglect of which will ruin our entrepreneurial initiative? Worth sorting out.

For preliminary calculations, let's imagine that we purchase 60 rabbits (of which 40 are females). It will cost us about 30 thousand rubles. Rabbits will need cages (50 thousand rubles) and food (100 thousand rubles per year, if you count together with the purchase of vitamins and medicines). Total 180 thousand rubles - our costs at the initial stage.

Now we turn to the calculation of income. On average in the country, a kilogram of rabbit meat can be sold for 250-300 rubles. From the 60 rabbits we bought, you can get about one and a half tons of meat, or, if you convert it into money, 300-380 thousand rubles. Thus, even just by growing and fattening the purchased rabbits, we recoup the costs and remain “in the black”.

However, the rabbit breeding business would not be called a business if one could stop there. Not at all! Rabbits need to breed. As a rule, 20 rabbits can be born from one rabbit per year. The weight of each young rabbit is up to two kilograms. In total, through the sale of offspring, you can get revenue in the amount of 375 thousand rubles. In addition, if the skins are sold at a price of 20 rubles per piece, then we will be able to receive additional revenue in the amount of 160 thousand rubles. Total - half a million per year at a cost of 180 thousand. Not bad, isn't it?

Point two. Starting a business

Unfortunately, all the above calculations, which clearly demonstrate how profitable the rabbit raising business is, are very arbitrary. They do not take into account the most important components of the expenditure part - overhead costs. If you really want to get into rabbit breeding, these mistakes should not be made.

And what is really possible and necessary is to register as a business entity. At the initial stage, the ideal option would be registration with a choice as a tax regime. As an alternative, you can consider the possibility of registering a KFH (peasant farm). In essence, this form is no different from the usual individual entrepreneurship, however, the owner of a peasant farm has the right to accept equity holders into its composition. One way or another, after an entry appears in the USRIP that you are now - no less than - an entrepreneur, you can start breeding rabbits.

Point three. Starting preparations

However, no. Before the actual breeding of rabbits, a lot still needs to be done so that the long-eared ones have the physical opportunity to breed. In particular, it is necessary to find a suitable land plot and equip it properly. On average, renting a plot that is large enough to accommodate a rabbit farm there costs 70-100 thousand rubles per year (a plot of 6-7 acres). It is not required to obtain a special permit for raising rabbits, however, certain norms are prescribed in the legislation, according to which the distance limit from the farm to residential buildings must be observed. The specific parameters of this limit are set municipal authorities management, and therefore it is advisable to seek advice on this matter in advance.

After a suitable site is found, it must be equipped. The best option creating a mini-farm, if you start raising rabbits as a business from scratch, you will use the so-called shed system. Shed is an ordinary barn with a wooden or metal frame. It contains cages with rabbits - all under one roof. It is best to build such a barn on a hill, since high humidity can form in the lowlands, which is harmful to the long-eared.

The floor in the shed is best concreted. The cells themselves are optimally built in two tiers. They are made from galvanized mesh. Each cage must be made "two-room": with a feed and nest compartment. In addition to the shed with cages, a warehouse with compound feed should be located on the site. You should not spare a place for him: rabbits are distinguished not only by their fertility, but also by their enviable appetite.

In order for your rabbit mini-farm to function successfully, it is necessary to install utility rooms on your site (for building materials and inventory), as well as a building with refrigeration equipment. Attached to this building is a slaughterhouse equipped with an incinerator and a blood drawer. This will ensure continuous manufacturing process: after slaughter, the rabbit carcass is immediately butchered and frozen.

The last thing you need to equip your farm is a manure collector. It is the most common pit, the walls of which are concreted. Of course, such a pit should be located as far as possible from the main farm, in a remote part of the farm. By the way, if you find distribution channels, you can sell rabbit dung as fertilizer and thus receive additional income.

Point four. Sales market

Finding the places where you will subsequently sell the meat of the rabbits you have raised is perhaps the most important part of the business plan. Even some unique technology for raising rabbits does not play such an important role as having ample opportunities for marketing. That is why you need to take care of who will buy your rabbit meat long before even registering as an individual entrepreneur. In principle, there are three main options for marketing: meat processing plants, restaurants and supermarkets. You can, of course, sell meat to private individuals, but their search is a rather laborious and lengthy process, the profitability of which, alas, is usually low.

Since in our country, unlike the enlightened Western Europe, rabbit meat is not very popular, it is very likely that at the initial stage you may incur some losses. You need to be prepared for this: illiquid assets, at least at the beginning of the journey, will certainly be. There is only one way out: to search - and to search again! You should constantly be on the lookout for new opportunities for marketing products, even consider non-standard options, for example, export to other regions. Ultimately, the profit will not keep you waiting.

Point five. Summing up

So, breeding rabbits on a rented land plot can really become good business bringing in a good income. However, this type of activity cannot be called easy. In addition to hard work and the notorious entrepreneurial acumen, the owner of the farm must have a noticeable thirst for learning. In particular, it is very useful not only to know how to breed rabbits, but also to constantly improve in this direction. Otherwise, the long-eared can become victims of a general epidemic, and their owner will receive not only moral trauma caused by the loss of a source of income, but also a lot of problems associated with disposal.

It is reasonable to assume that running such a farm alone is at least irrational. The farmer needs help. Animals must be under constant supervision and receive proper care. Accordingly, at least two assistants will have to be hired (if your family members are not suitable for such a role, of course) and pay them wages. This item of expenditure must also be taken into account when calculating future profits from rabbit breeding.

And finally, another important point is certification. It is easy to guess that your future customers will want to have a guarantee of the quality of your products. It is very likely that in some cases (for example, when selling meat to private individuals), you can be taken at your word, but this is more the exception than the rule. One way or another, it is unprofitable to totally certify all manufactured products, as well as production itself, especially at the stage of entering the market. It's easier to talk to buyers privately: get familiar with the requirements put forward by them and get only those certificates that a particular buyer needs.

Commercial rabbit breeding in Russia is only gaining momentum. There are more and more lovers of dietary meat, and the sales market is growing steadily. However, in 2010-2015 rabbit meat sold 80% less than beef.

The rapid growth of livestock is a good help for maintaining rural business. In addition to meat, the rabbit farm produces skins and fluff. Selective breeding is another resource for profit.

Rabbit products and sales market

The rabbit breeding business provides the market with dietary meat, inexpensive fur and down. Development in this direction requires careful selection of the breed.

Profitable meat breeds of rabbits:

  • gray and white giant;
  • Belgian Flandres;
  • Californian;
  • german sheep.

Down rabbit breeds:

  • angora;
  • arctic fox;
  • Central Russian, etc.

Breeding work with rabbits is time-consuming, requires a lot of attention and experience. Pedigree animals are bred in Russia on amateur level, so manufacturers prefer to buy in Europe.

To sell products, you will need certificates from the village council on the belonging of animals to a personal subsidiary farm (LPH) and certificates of vaccinations from a veterinarian.

Possible sales market for products:

  • meat– city markets, supermarkets, shops, public procurement, network Catering, meat processing plants, dumplings and sausage shops;
  • skins- factories for tailoring fur products, ateliers, private craftsmen, tanneries;
  • live rabbits– other breeders, individuals, pet shops.

Breeding guinea fowl at home as a business: profitable or not? The answer is contained

Rabbits as a business: pros and cons

Advantages of commercial rabbit breeding:

  • absence of competitors;
  • rapid growth of livestock;
  • minimum investment at the first stage;
  • government support for business;
  • loyal taxation;
  • payback period from 6 months to 1 year;
  • due to fast turnover - high profit;
  • low running costs.

Disadvantages of commercial rabbit breeding:

  • susceptibility of animals to infectious diseases and changes in the regime of keeping;
  • limited market;
  • lack of breeding centers;
  • high mortality among rabbits;
  • lack of highly specialized veterinarians;
  • strict sanitary requirements for the content.

Legal aspects: individual entrepreneur or private household plot?

The beginning of the campaign to create a rabbit farm begins with the legal registration of rights to commercial activity. And this is at least

An individual entrepreneur is obliged: income, pension, insurance contributions, etc. But an organization can participate in public procurement and sell products in bulk to institutions and shops.

A profitable option for individual entrepreneurs is the transition to the ESHN taxation system, when only 6% of the profit is paid to the treasury. To register with the tax authority, you will need: a passport, an application of a generally established form. A fee is paid to the treasury, a receipt is presented when applying. Then the same

Application form P210001 for opening an individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation.

Production of personal subsidiary plots is not taxed, but it is not easy for a private trader to obtain support from the state. In addition, wholesale food companies, shops do not work with household plots due to lack of documents.

But nothing will prevent the owner of private household plots from selling products at competitive prices to private individuals and setting aside monthly interest on profits for retirement.

Private household plots are registered in the village council, where all livestock are registered for the current date.

Breeding rabbits at home: where to start?

To create a rabbit farm, you will need the following steps:

  1. Market research and search for potential buyers.
  2. Acquisition of land or rural house with water and electricity.
  3. Legal registration of IP or LPH.
  4. Purchase or erection of cages for rabbits (sheds, mini-farms, aviaries, barn).
  5. Creation of a stock of dry fodder, hay.
  6. Acquisition of young.
  7. Finding a veterinarian.
  8. Ensuring sanitary requirements and conditions for keeping rabbits.

Possible difficulties

The difficulties faced by novice rabbit breeders are the creation of living conditions and the right diet. Animals are shy, do not tolerate drafts and do not respond well to communication with humans. Among rabbits, cases of infectious diseases are not uncommon, which are quickly transmitted from one individual to another, and lead to mass death of the livestock.

On a large rabbit farm, a veterinarian is hired, and on small farms, examination and treatment carried out by a rural specialist.

Sanitary requirements for rabbit farms

Before starting work, please read sanitary requirements for a rabbit farm. According to these rules, the cells should be clean, dry and relatively warm.

Required regular disinfection of premises. Sick animals and rabbits with suspected infectious disease are isolated in separate cages or aviary.

Project Selection: Rabbit Sheds and Mini Farms

IN industrial scale rabbits are kept in sheds - metal cages, installed one above the other in 2-3 tiers. Sheds for rabbits are installed under a canopy or in a large room with general lighting and heating. Daily cleaning, filling of feeders with food and water is required.

In household plots, rabbits are kept in aviaries, makeshift cages, pits, and sheds.

Breeding rabbits according to the Mikhailov method

IN last years Mikhailov's mini-farms are popular. With this method, accelerated rabbits live in groups in isolated cages, where there is everything necessary for the growth and development of animals. Breeding rabbits according to the Mikhailov method is also suitable for industrial production.

Cage care is minimal - an automatic control system regulates the microclimate, the supply of water, food, lighting and ventilation. Despite the high equipment costs, one mini-farm pays off in 1 year and generates income due to minimal loss of livestock.

Purchase of breeding rabbits

Buy hybrids obtained by crossing a valuable breed with an ordinary Russian rabbit. This will give a "start-up" business with livestock adapted to the harsh climate and strong immunity. By breeding ordinary rabbits, a novice farmer will recoup some of the costs, gain experience and switch to breeding other breeds.

When buying rabbits, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The ratio of females to males is 30:1.
  2. Choose animals without signs of disease, with a bright and uniform coat.
  3. Buy adult animals from 8 months to 1 year old - their offspring will already be adapted to the conditions of keeping in a new place.
  4. Do not buy rabbits in the markets and pet stores.

Income calculation

1. Income from the sale of rabbit meat (based on an average carcass weight of 2.5 kg) - 750 r.

2. Income from the sale of skins (depending on the quality of the fur) - 300 ... 1500 rubles.

Total income within: 1050 ... 2250 rubles.

Net profit from one rabbit is: 115 ... 1315 rubles.

Net income for the first year from 10 mini-farms: 80500 ... 920500 rubles.

Profit in subsequent years: 290500 ... 1130500 rubles.

Taking into account the depreciation of equipment, worth 45,000 rubles. per unit, a rabbit farm for 10 cells will pay off: a maximum of 2 years, a minimum of 5 months.

Profitability of rabbit breeding

The net profit of the breeder is from 500 thousand rubles annually, taking into account all costs. An enterprising farmer establishes connections, expands the sales market, increases the number of livestock, and improves the quality of animals.

Rabbit farms are only increasing their turnover every year, even taking into account the high mortality of young animals. Therefore, over time, the profitability of the business tends to 80-90%. At the first stages of development, a rabbit farm brings the owner from 20 to 60% of the possible profit.

Breeding rabbits as a business: profitable or not? Today China occupies the first place in the production of rabbit meat in the world (600 thousand tons per year). According to Rosstat, in the territory of the Russian Federation for 2010. In total, about 800 tons of dietary meat were produced, and 3,000 tons were sold.

The market potential has only grown over 5 years, and the average annual growth rate was 80%. This suggests that there is a demand for products, there are no domestic producers capable of competing with importers in terms of quality and quantity of meat.

Breeding rabbits at home: where to start and how to succeed? Watch the following video for tips:

* Calculations use average data for Russia


This business plan considers the creation of a rabbit farm in order to profit from the sale of meat and fur raw materials. Rabbit breeding will be organized in the countryside, on the territory of its own land plot of 1000 sq. meters. The productivity of the farm will be up to 1000 head/year. The farm will raise meat California rabbits. Advantage of the rabbit farm project:

    useful properties of meat (considered dietary, easily digestible, does not cause allergies);

    high rabbit productivity: the young generation grows up every 3 months;

    low starting investments regarding the breeding of other agricultural animals;

    lack of serious efforts to maintain the farm (one employee is enough).

The starting capital for opening a farm will be 635,500 rubles. The annual turnover of the farm is 920 thousand rubles, net profit (per year) is 549 thousand rubles. Profitability of sales - 59%. The conditional life of the project is 3 years. Payback period - 18 months.


The history of rabbit breeding as an industry in our country began in 1927, when, by decree of the USSR government, about 15 thousand thoroughbred rabbits from Europe were brought to the western republics. By 1961, the USSR became one of the world leaders in rabbit breeding: 56.7 million rabbit skins and 41.2 thousand tons of live weight were harvested. 95% of the country's production was provided by the previously popular domestic rabbit breeding, and about 400 farms provided the population with breeding breeds. The collapse of the USSR led to the almost complete disappearance of rabbit breeding as an industry. Most enterprises closed, and it became unprofitable to breed rabbits on an industrial scale. Now the breeding of rabbits is gradually being revived, and the volume of production is gradually growing. According to the AB-Center expert-analytical center, the volume of rabbit meat production increased by 21.5% over five years and amounted to 17.5 thousand tons, of which household households account for 13.5 thousand tons. products. It is the commodity sector that demonstrates the highest growth rates, the volumes of which have grown by 60% over five years. The number of livestock grows accordingly. According to Rosstat, the number of rabbits in Russia has more than doubled since the early 2000s and exceeded the figures for the 1990s (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Dynamics of the number of rabbits in Russia in farms of all categories (1990 - 2015). Rosstat

Most of the rabbit population, according to data at the end of 2015 (see Fig. 2 of the business plan), falls on the households of the population - 82.8%. The share of agricultural organizations is 11.3%, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms own 5.79% of the livestock.

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Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of rabbits in Russia by types of farms (1990-2015). Rosstat

Industry experts emphasize that the domestic rabbit breeding market is in the process of formation and demand will grow for a long time. Unsatisfied demand, according to rough estimates, exceeds 320 thousand tons. If we take today's production volumes, it turns out that each Russian has only 119 grams of rabbit meat per year, while Europeans eat 2 kg of rabbit meat per year.

After the collapse of the USSR, most of the production began to come from abroad. However, the share of imports began to decline every year. If in 2006 it was 97.2%, in 2010 it was 72.2%. In 2015, after the devaluation of the ruble and the imposition of sanctions, the share of imports is estimated at about 9%. This situation aroused the interest of big business - in the near future Russian market several major players are expected to emerge to close the unsatisfied demand created by the disappearance of products from Hungary and China from the shelves.

Despite the increase in the share of large players, the market is far from saturation, so the business of small and medium-sized farms will be around for a long time. current direction in entrepreneurship. Unlike large companies, they work for local demand: the entrance to large retail chains due to low production volumes, it is closed. In addition, the main method used for keeping rabbits is open keeping with the help of sheds, while large enterprises use closed keeping, automatic systems microclimate maintenance, water and feed supply, manure removal.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The farm planned for opening will operate using the most common shed technology today, the use of which is justified by the small planned production volume and low cost of creation. The farm will be opened in the countryside, on its own land plot of 1000 sq. meters. Shed area will be 360 ​​square meters. meters (3 sheds) and will allow you to get up to 1000 young animals per year (up to 1000 skins and about 2000 kg of meat).

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