Job description of the head of the procurement department 223 fz. Job description of the head of the procurement department. Retail network management models

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_____________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of organization, its ________________________________

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(name of institution)

00.00.201_ #00

I. General provisions

1.1. This job description sets out the rights, responsibilities and official duties Head of Procurement Department _____________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "company"). Institution name

1.2. The head of the purchasing department belongs to the category of managers.

1.3. The person appointed to the position of head of the purchasing department must have higher education and at least 3 years of work experience in the field of procurement.

1.4. Appointment to the position of head of the procurement department and dismissal from it is carried out on the basis of an order CEO representation enterprises.

1.5. The head of the procurement department reports directly or to the person replacing him and carries out assignments.

1.6. If the head of the procurement department is absent, then temporarily his duties are performed by the procurement manager, who is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him, he is appointed.

1.7. The head of the procurement department is a member of the expanded composition of the board of directors of the company, on behalf of the board of directors prepares materials for discussing the issues on the agenda of the board.

1.8. The head of the purchasing department should know:

- the company's requirements for the quality of goods;

— financial and economic practices that have developed in the field of procurement;

- Methods and procedure for purchasing food products;

- the procedure for concluding contracts with suppliers and monitoring their implementation;

- the procedure for settlements under contracts;

database, and other software used by the company to support the trading process;

- wholesale and retail prices for product groups from the company's assortment, including prices of major manufacturers, suppliers, as well as competing companies;

— main legislative and regulations regulating the activities of wholesale and retail food products;

- organization of the work of the company's warehouse, methods of planning, control and management of warehouse stock.

1.9. Performance evaluation criteria:

- organization of continuous and uninterrupted work of the procurement department;

— fulfillment of the company's plans for margin;

- savings in expenses spent in departments;

— absence of negative assessments from the management of the company and the management of the commercial service and unfounded claims from structural divisions;

- the ratio of running positions of goods and slow-moving (optimization of the assortment);

— compliance with the procurement budget;

- implementation of a plan that determines the cost savings for the purchase and storage of goods;

- setting an effective purchasing policy of the company.

II. Functions

The Purchasing Manager is responsible for the following:

2.1. Ensuring maximum competitiveness of prices and conditions for purchased products.

2.2. Organization and management of purchases for the entire range of goods presented by the company.

2.3. Ensuring that margin targets are met while maintaining the competitiveness of the company's exit prices.

2.4. Forms an assortment.

2.5. Sets the volume of purchases.

2.6. Participates in pricing.

III. Job Responsibilities

The head of the purchasing department performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Manages the work of the purchasing department, maintaining good working relationships among employees.

3.2. Carries out the distribution among the managers of the department of responsibility for certain product groups and for additional areas of work.

3.3. Performs work assignments from the company's management.

3.4. Carries out operations for the purchase of goods, namely:

– determines the order and procedure for the purchase of food products, criteria and norms for conducting purchase transactions;

— determines and coordinates the procedure for settlements with suppliers.

3.5. Ensures proper accounting, maintenance and storage of documentation in his department (databases, contracts, powers of attorney, etc.).

3.6. Carries out control over warehouse stocks for all assortment groups.

3.7. Optimizes the purchasing policy (order frequency, order size, order moment, minimum stock balance), taking into account changes in customer demand, seasonal fluctuations, deadlines for implementation, the situation in the production of specific food products, as well as other necessary factors.

3.8. Conducts study marketing information, commercial offers and promotional materials to identify sustainable demand for new product groups and/or changing demand for products from the company's existing range.

3.9. Systematically analyzes statistics on commodity groups and individual commodity items, determines profitable, unprofitable and unprofitable groups of goods, based on the results of the analysis, ensures the adjustment of the procurement policy.

3.10. Carries out the organization of the interaction of his department with the rest of the departments of the commercial service, the service of the general, financial and.

3.11. Makes decisions about required by the company changes in the terms of work with specific suppliers (about the necessary discounts, changes in entry prices, payment terms, delivery, packaging, and so on).

3.12. Decides on the size of further purchases or their possible termination.

3.13. Coordinates its decisions, if necessary, with .

3.14. Interacting with the financial service, organizes mutual settlements with suppliers, controls the state of the company's accounts payable arising in connection with the purchase of goods.

3.15. Prepares reporting forms and estimates that are established for the department.

3.16. Controls the correctness of information in reports and estimates, confirms (vises) their accuracy, monitors the execution of estimates.

3.17. Controls and ensures the preparation of the conclusion of contracts with manufacturers and suppliers, the coordination of conditions and terms of delivery, studies the possibility and expediency of the company's cooperation with other enterprises and organizations in order to obtain more favorable purchase conditions.

3.18. Controls the provision of the most favorable and favorable payment terms to the company.

3.19. Considers and, based on the economic interests of the company, approves the proposals of the department managers for the purchase of the commodity items assigned to them.

3.20. Together with the financial service, he develops a weekly schedule of payments to the company's suppliers, together they keep track of the company's costs for the purchase of food products, regulates costs within the allocated limit (purchase budget).

3.21. Regularly prepares alternative options for less expensive and more profitable purchases.

3.22. Organizes claim work with manufacturers and suppliers, if they have violated contractual obligations, controls the settlement of these claims, coordinates with them changes in the terms of concluded contracts.

3.23. Ensures the timely execution by all employees of the department, without exception, of orders, orders, instructions, etc. issued to the company, and also provides a mode of saving trade secret department employees.

3.24. Engaged in the development of proposals for improving the organizational and personnel structure department, as well as developing measures for professional development employees and increase their motivation.

The head of the purchasing department has the right to:

3.1. Contact the management of the company with proposals for improving the activities of the purchasing department.

3.2. Contact the commercial director with representations:

- on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of the procurement department;

- on the promotion or imposition of penalties on employees.

3.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.4. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions of the company.

3.5. Act on behalf of the company, represent the interests of the company in relations with other organizations, bodies state power on procurement matters.

3.6. Apply personally or on behalf of the company's management to the heads of departments and specialists with requests for the provision of information and documents that are necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.7. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management that relate to the procurement and marketing of products.

V. Responsibility

The head of the purchasing department is responsible for:

5.1. In case of causing material damage, within the limits determined by criminal, civil, labor law RF.

5.2. In the event of an offense being committed in the course of carrying out its activities, within the limits determined by the criminal, civil, administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. In case of non-performance or improper performance of their official duties, which are provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. In case of errors in the procurement process, which led to low sales of goods, within the variable part wages.

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The head of the purchasing department is an official belonging to the category of managers. In order for the head of the purchasing department to conduct effective managerial work, he needs to be guided by something. Especially for this, there is a job description for the head of the procurement department.

It contains everything that is necessary for the implementation of the activities of this official. Everything that is there is divided into several sections - chapters. Each chapter contains information (rules) relating to a certain narrow circle of this position.

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Rules for the design of job descriptions for the head of the procurement department

The principles and postulates underlying all activities (and the basis of the instructions) are located in the main part of the job description of the head of the procurement department. It outlines the methods for carrying out activities, the sequence of the processes performed and their features, for example, such as actions during the absence of the head of the procurement department, the procedure for concluding contracts with suppliers, the hierarchy of subordination of officials related to this instruction.

Organization and personal management of the purchase of goods for the enterprise, the formation of an assortment, the choice of volumes of supplied products, and the like - these are all the tasks of the head of the procurement department, which are usually fixed in the second chapter of the job description of the head of the procurement department.

The third, as a rule, the largest in terms of volume and number of paragraphs, the chapter defines and establishes the duties of an official (head of the procurement department). The duties of the head of the purchasing department include such as managing the purchasing department, analyzing statistics for individual goods and certain groups of goods, reviewing and approving proposals for improving the purchasing department, and so on.

Instruction specific this kind is a chapter called "Criteria for evaluating the performance of the head of the procurement department." The evaluation criteria include such items as compliance with the procurement budget and fulfillment of the enterprise plan, optimization of the assortment and setting an effective purchasing policy of the enterprise, and similar tasks related to the purchasing department.

As it has already become clear, the job description of the head of the procurement department helps to determine the degree of efficiency of the official's performance, to carry out activities based on the principles and methods enshrined in the instructions, which in turn allows you to increase the performance of the procurement department and the entire enterprise as a whole.

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General provisions

1.1. The head of the procurement department [name of organization] belongs to the category and reports directly to (Fill in if necessary) or to the person replacing him, carries out the instructions of the general director of [name of organization].

1.2. The position of head of the procurement department is appointed by a person with a higher professional education and at least [value] years of experience in procurement.

1.3. Appointment to the position of head of the procurement department and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the general director of [name of organization] upon submission (Fill in if necessary).

1.4. The Purchasing Manager must:

Key legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of [name of organization];

The current financial and economic practice in this area;

Requirements for the quality of goods;

Wholesale and retail prices for product groups from the range of [name of organization], including prices of major manufacturers, suppliers, as well as competing organizations;

Procurement methods and procedures;

The procedure for concluding contracts with suppliers and monitoring their implementation;

The procedure for settlements under contracts;

Organization of warehouse work [name of organization], methods of planning, control and management of warehouse stock;

Database, as well as other software used by the organization to support the trading process;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.5. The Purchasing Manager is responsible for the following tasks:

Organization and personal management of purchases of goods throughout product range[insert the name of the organization];

Formation of the assortment, determination of the volume of purchases and participation in pricing;

Ensuring maximum competitiveness of prices and conditions for purchased products.

Job Responsibilities

2.1. The Purchasing Manager is responsible for the following:

Management of the work of the purchasing department, distribution among the managers of the department of responsibility for certain product groups and for additional areas of work;

Determining the order and procedure for the purchase of food products, the criteria and norms for conducting purchase transactions, determining and agreeing on the procedure for settlements with suppliers;

Monitoring the state of warehouse stocks for all product groups;

Purchasing policy optimization (order frequency, order size, order time, minimum stock balance) taking into account changes in consumer demand, seasonal fluctuations, deadlines for implementation, the situation in the production of specific food products, as well as other necessary factors;

Carrying out regular analysis of statistics on commodity groups and individual commodity items, determining profitable, unprofitable and unprofitable groups of goods, ensuring the adjustment of the procurement policy based on the results of such an analysis;

Checking the quantity and quality of domestic supplies;

Implementation of timely selection of suppliers;

Organization and holding of tenders, analysis of tender documentation;

Participation in negotiations with functional units in order to achieve the most best prices and cost reduction during procurement and supply;

Evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of existing suppliers and providers;

Cost-effectiveness management by selecting the most suitable suppliers;

Monitoring the market of goods and services purchased by the company;

Statistics on commodity groups and individual commodity items;

Warehouse analysis, planning the pace of purchases;

Negotiating, preparing and concluding contracts with suppliers and customers;

Making decisions on the necessary changes in the conditions of work with suppliers, achieving optimal conditions for deliveries;

Control over the process of budgeting purchases, pricing, external logistics;

Organization of interaction of the procurement department with other departments of [indicate the name of the organization];

Control of purchasing managers (correspondence of purchase prices to the market situation);

Distribution of responsibilities for certain groups of goods among department managers;

Supervision of subordinate employees


3.1. The head of the purchasing department has the right to:

Act on behalf of [indicate the name of the organization], represent the interests of the organization in relations with other organizations, public authorities on procurement issues;

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of [indicate the name of the organization] related to the procurement and marketing of products;

Make proposals to the management of [indicate the name of the organization] to improve the activities of the procurement department;

Interact with the heads of all structural divisions of [indicate the name of the organization];

Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the departments and necessary information and documents for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks;

Sign and endorse documents within their competence;

Participate in negotiations with representatives of enterprises and organizations on issues related to the implementation functional duties;

Install for subordinate employees;

Make proposals to the management of [indicate the name of the organization] to improve the work of the procurement department and its interaction with departments;

Submit for consideration by the management of [indicate the name of the organization] proposals for the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of the procurement department, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them;

Improve your skills.


4.1. The Purchasing Manager is responsible for:

Failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this, within the limits determined by labor legislation Russian Federation;

Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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  • Entrusting management to specialists trade assortment and commodity flows, the management determines the necessary powers and areas of their responsibility, which should be recorded in job descriptions and in the system of motivation of buyers.

    The work of the purchasing department affects all the activities of the company: sales, effective use working capital, satisfaction of consumers with prices and assortment, the fullness of warehouses and the efficiency of the internal supply chain. It is connected with the work of employees of almost all departments - from accounting to the transport service. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully consider the organizational aspects purchasing logistics.

    The most complex models of organizing procurement activities are typical for large networks shops. Analysis of domestic and foreign experience makes it possible to identify the following models of purchasing logistics of retail chains.

    Model 1. Direct from the supplier

    Suppliers directly supply all stores in the network with goods. Obviously, this is the most inefficient scheme in terms of transport logistics, which is also characterized by a high level of costs.

    Model 2. Through the distribution center

    The retail trade network creates its own distribution (distribution) center. Note positive sides of this option: reducing inventory in store warehouses, increasing the turnover and manageability of inventory, ensuring the availability of goods at peak sales, ensuring the quality of goods through the organization of a centralized quality service, simplifying interaction with suppliers.

    Despite the obvious advantages of the second model, experts recommend, first of all, small retail chains to conduct a thorough analysis of the profitability of creating a distribution center.

    When using a distribution center in a small retail network the following difficulties may arise:

    • The company must invest heavily in the construction of a distribution center (taking into account the development of the network), which is far from always profitable.
    • Long payback period of the distribution center.
    • The distribution center may not be fully loaded, and the cost of its maintenance must be borne in full.
    • Maintenance and modification of a modern and rather complex warehouse information system.
    • When renting a distribution warehouse, it may not be adapted to the profile of the trading network (for example, it does not meet the requirements of temperature, humidity, fire safety).
    • The need to purchase and use your own transport, which is not always economically justified.

    If the distribution network is small and it is not planned to increase the number of stores, then you can consider working with a good wholesaler (distributor). Relying on the efficient logistics of distributors, the network can significantly reduce the cost of acquiring and maintaining its own logistics resources.

    Thus, the decision on which procurement logistics organization model to choose is made by a trading company, primarily based on its own development strategy and economic feasibility.

    Modern retail chains are developing in two directions: improving management efficiency trading network and increasing the number of chain stores (taking advantage of economies of scale).

    Retail network management models

    Specialists identify the following models for managing a retail trade network and its procurement logistics:

    Investment model

    Assumes the presence of an investing and consolidating center with independent trading facilities. This model is more often used by trading companies that are not in full sense network words. They are united either by common investors or by a common trademark.

    Advantages of this model: management tasks at the central office are simplified, local initiative is possible.

    Disadvantages: inability to take advantage of the network structure, dependence on the qualifications of store managers, lack of consolidation of purchases.

    holding model

    The center determines the purchasing policy (suppliers, nomenclature and purchase prices), but the stores are independent in operational management. For the center, the high efficiency of information about the state of retail facilities is not very important. This model is used by a significant part of Russian retail companies, and one of the main tasks of network retail is successfully implemented in it - the consolidation of the purchasing policy. Most often, this management model is chosen by retail operators who delegate the functions of operational interaction with suppliers to store managers.

    Advantages of this model: flexibility in the management of a particular store by local managers.

    Disadvantages: excessive growth of the administrative apparatus and, as a result, high costs.

    Centralized Model

    This is the most effective organization of a network trading company. A single control center delegates to stores the functions that are minimally necessary to participate in logistics operations (ordering goods, inventory, repricing). At the same time, the network can include stores of both the same format and different ones.

    Advantages of this model: cost reduction, efficient use of the control apparatus with its concentration in single center. In fact, this remote control trading facilities, which allows intensifying all business processes of a trading company, and, consequently, gaining a significant competitive advantage.

    Disadvantages: dependence on uninterrupted and effective work information and computer system.

    tray model

    This model assumes the complete concentration of management in the center and the minimization of management functions in the store (except for the sale of goods to customers). The central office has an information system and records the movement of goods, the entire network management apparatus is also concentrated there.

    Advantages of this model: big economy of technical and labor resources.

    Disadvantages: direct delivery of goods to the store is excluded, poor consideration of the local characteristics of the stores.

    hybrid model

    Some of the network's retail facilities are managed centrally, some stores can operate on a holding or, for example, a tray principle. A similar management method is found in retail companies building large national chains. At the same time, regional hives can act as subdivisions operating according to a centralized management model. Within these structures, either a centralized or a hybrid management model is applied.

    Advantages of this model: practically the only possible method of management for national and international network retailers, providing a single product policy.

    The disadvantages are similar to the disadvantages of the holding management model, however, they can be significantly reduced if the territorial clusters are managed according to a centralized or tray method.

    Functions of the Purchasing Department

    The purchasing department is a subdivision where decisions are made on the purchase of goods, contracts for the supply of products are concluded, issues of choosing suppliers are resolved, requirements for product quality are established, etc. Internal consumers of the results of the procurement service are other functional divisions of the enterprise that require purchased products.

    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this division in the structure of a trading company, just as it is difficult to overestimate the importance of properly organized procurement logistics for the operation of the entire enterprise.

    In principle, the procurement of resources in a company can be built centrally or decentralized. If a company approaches the process from a decentralized perspective, employees from different structural divisions will independently carry out purchases, each for their own department. The advantage of this approach is the fact that the user knows his needs better than anyone else. The procurement process can be faster with this approach.

    However, there are many more advantages to centralized purchasing, which is why almost all but the smallest companies use this approach to making purchases. When purchasing in a centralized way, a specific person is appointed or a purchasing department is created with the authority to acquire resources in the interests of all departments of the trading enterprise.

    The company's purchasing department is responsible for purchasing products in accordance with requests received from internal customers, or independently monitors the emergence of resource requirements. Within the purchasing department itself, the activities that make up the Purchasing business process often undergo further specialization in order to develop the professionalism of purchasing managers.

    Buying centers of large retail chains usually consist of departments responsible for the purchase of any part of the product range. The distribution of the assortment between divisions often occurs on the basis of the similarity of the characteristics of goods. This division of labor allows buyers to accumulate maximum knowledge about their product. The larger the retailer, the narrower the specialization of workers in its purchasing center.

    In a small company where the purchasing department is represented by one person, of course, there will be no separation of functions.

    Goals of the Purchasing Department

    The objectives of the purchasing department (service) of any manufacturing or trading company:

    • Purchase goods and services at the best price.
    • Maintain high inventory turnover.
    • Ensure delivery of goods on time.
    • Purchase goods with guaranteed high quality.
    • Maintain friendly partnerships with reliable suppliers.
    • Get the maximum benefit for the enterprise.
    • Collaborate and communicate effectively with other departments of the company.
    • Contribute to the achievement of the company's strategic goals, including the implementation of its logistics strategy.
    • Reduce the share of procurement costs in total logistics costs.
    • Maintain effective automated records of purchased goods and maintain other information flows that arise in the course of procurement activities.
    • Develop and stimulate activities, improve the skills of managers for the purchase of goods.

    The priorities for achieving each goal are determined by a particular company, depending on the adopted strategy of activity. For example, for a company pursuing a strategy to reduce costs, the first goal from the above list will be a priority. In conditions of a shortage of some kind of resources, it will be a priority to ensure their uninterrupted supply so that the normal course of the production or trade process is not disrupted, and during periods of saturation of the commodity market, it is especially important
    is to maintain the turnover of a trading company at the required level while minimizing investments in inventory.

    Let us consider in more detail the main objectives of activities in the field of organization and management of procurement.

    Delivery time

    Delays in purchases can disrupt the production schedule, resulting in high overhead costs, and goods purchased ahead of schedule place an additional burden on the working capital and storage facilities of the enterprise.

    Lot size

    The optimal size of the supply lot, i.e., compliance with the exact correspondence between the volume of supplies and the needs for them. An excess or insufficient volume of supplied resources negatively affects the balance of working capital, the stability of output or the stability of sales of a trading enterprise.

    Product quality

    Maintaining and improving the quality of purchased products. Purchased resources must be supplied of the required quality, otherwise the end product produced by the enterprise will not meet accepted standards. It is necessary to constantly improve the quality of procurement in order to ensure the competitiveness of purchased goods and services.

    Search for minimum prices

    Search and purchase of goods and services at minimum prices. This task is especially relevant for trade enterprises, since procurement activities require a large amount of working capital, and the lack of working capital, as experience shows, is one of the main problems. Russian business. Profits generated by purchasing at lower prices, and especially by reducing overall logistics costs, can be very significant.

    Market research

    Procurement market research. The Purchasing Department should conduct regular collection and evaluation of information in order to determine the best sources of purchases and optimize the range of purchased goods.

    When organizing the work of the procurement department, one should take into account the level of development of procurement logistics in the company. Specialists identify four main stages in the evolution of procurement logistics, the characteristics of which are given in the table below:

    The procurement department (service) is functionally separate subdivision company, which has close contacts with other structures. So, employees of the purchasing department carry out purchases by ordering goods from suppliers and transferring information about orders to the transport department. The transport department undertakes the function of physically moving the cargo from the supplier to the company's warehouses, where, upon arrival, it transfers the cargo to the warehouse employees. Warehouse stores goods. Department of operational
    accounting is engaged in information logistics. Because of these close ties, rational organization procurement logistics, it is necessary to pay constant attention to maintaining effective working relationships between the purchasing department and other structural divisions of the enterprise.

    Based on the importance of efficient procurement organization for any enterprise, it is necessary to systematically monitor and analyze procurement logistics.

    Purchasing performance indicators

    Guided by the functions of the procurement department, the effectiveness of its work, as a rule, is assessed by the following indicators:

    • reduction of purchase costs in the structure of general logistics costs;
    • the level of defective products purchased;
    • share of purchases made on time;
    • the number of situations where the required resources were not in stock, which caused disruptions in the production schedule or the fulfillment of a customer order;
    • the number and reasons for changes made to orders due to the fault of the purchasing service;
    • the number of applications received and completed;
    • the share of transportation costs in the structure of total procurement costs, etc.

    Functions of a Purchasing Manager

    Each stage of the procurement process is an opportunity for more profit for the company. This is the choice of the best supplier, obtaining optimal prices, ordering the correct quantity of goods, effective method transportation, minimizing losses from defective goods - in a word, everything where a company can reduce the cost of purchasing logistics and thereby achieve greater profits. And all the tools that the purchasing manager uses in his work exist precisely to help him make decisions. right decisions and control the flow of goods.

    The roles and responsibilities of a purchasing manager may vary from company to company. Researchers distinguish the following models of buyers (Klimenko A. Motivation or imitation? -

    Model "performer"

    When the volume of production or the volume of future sales for each item of goods is known with a high degree of certainty, the key task of the purchasing manager is reduced solely to the strict implementation of the purchase plan.

    Model "expert"

    The expert's task is to find goods that will be sold within a short period of time.

    Genius Model

    The task of the "genius" is to find a seller who is ready to provide the goods himself High Quality at the lowest prices and offer huge payment deferrals, and best of all - payment by
    the fact of sale and with the right to return unsold copies.

    Model "logist"

    Sometimes, due to the characteristics of some markets, as well as the scale and age of the company, the task of finding suppliers, finding the most low prices are not core to the department
    procurement. All suppliers are known, the conditions are agreed and are not subject to major changes. In such a situation, the main task of the purchasing manager becomes optimization, i.e. ensuring the flow of resources in accordance with the logistical rule "Seven N".

    Before introducing a system of motivation for purchasing managers, the company must develop a clear purchasing policy. Depending on the model of buyers preferred for the implementation of this policy (“expert”, “executor”, etc.), it is necessary to select personnel, create a system for its control and use the indicators of the motivation system.

    The Purpose of a Purchasing Manager is to provide the production or trading process of the company with resources (goods and services).

    To achieve this goal, the purchasing manager performs the following functions:

    • Ensures the availability of goods in the optimal quantity and assortment.
    • Provides planned indicators for the turnover of product groups.
    • Prepares orders for suppliers.
    • Tracks order fulfillment.
    • Regularly monitors the availability and sales of high-demand goods in order to prevent their shortage.
    • Studying new proposals of suppliers, market conditions.
    • Summarizes and brings the received information to the management.

    Timely informs the company's divisions about new offers and receipts of goods, ensures the availability of the necessary information about the goods in the information and accounting system of the company.

    Depending on the tasks performed, areas are determined professional knowledge and skills.

    The purchasing manager needs to know:

    • methods of managing financial flows in logistics;
    • all components of the supply contract;
    • factors to consider when choosing a supplier and carrier;
    • ways to improve the efficiency of procurement management using information technology;
    • application electronic exchange data when interacting with suppliers;
    • procurement methods;
    • operations that make up the "Purchase" business process;
    • functions performed by various intermediaries in the process of order fulfillment;
    • the procedure for drawing up the contract;
    • sanctions applied in case of failure to comply with the terms of the contract;
    • ethics of business communication.

    The Purchasing Manager must be able to:

    • reasonably choose Better conditions supplies;
    • correctly draw up the necessary documents;
    • to establish interaction of the purchasing department with other departments;
    • evaluate and select a supplier;
    • receive and analyze information about the range of goods offered by suppliers;
    • make an overview of the supplier market;
    • analyze supplier reliability;
    • analyze the terms of delivery offered by suppliers;
    • negotiate with suppliers (in terms of determining prices, terms of delivery, etc.);
    • compare offers received from different suppliers;
    • analyze and draft contracts;
    • build strong business relationship with suppliers, strengthening the image and reputation of their company;
    • fulfill all agreements with suppliers in a timely manner, do not leave any issue unresolved;
    • take measures to pay off debts in settlements with suppliers.

    For the successful performance of professional duties, it is important for the buyer to have analytical warehouse mind, systems thinking, be attentive, able to act effectively in stressful situations, control their activities, be able to plan and prioritize, have a great active lexicon and be able to convey your message clearly to people with different levels education.

    A special place is occupied by communication skills, such as persuasion, negotiation, mastery of basic communication techniques, the ability to compromise (with suppliers and other departments of the company), activity, perseverance, the ability to achieve one's goal, responsibility and decency, stress resistance, endurance and patience in conflict situations.

    The purchasing manager works with large volumes of information. This is information about suppliers, about the order of delivery, transportation and payment. The analytical activity of the purchasing manager is to compare price, quality, delivery time and select the best option; in product market analysis. At the same time, a special place is occupied by the decision-making process in a short time.

    Purchasing manager works in the office. Basically, its activities are carried out using such means as telephone, fax, Internet, computer (work with professional programs, with databases, with the Internet; writing reports, etc.).

    Difficult for most professionals in the field of procurement logistics are conflicts with the sales department ( production department), problems of interaction with difficult suppliers (for example, with monopolists in the market).

    Directions for advanced training of a procurement manager are: improving the methods of professional communication; training in negotiation skills; mastering the skills of planning the working day and organizing the procurement process; development of teamwork; improvement of knowledge in the field of production, study of types and types of products, customer demand and sales technologies, legal aspects of procurement.

    Evaluation and motivation of the purchasing manager

    An important aspect of organizing the work of a procurement manager is the development and implementation of a system of motivation for his work. During development, the company determines which indicators will affect the salary of purchasing managers, sets quantitative indicators and payroll mechanisms based on accepted indicators. After that, the company must bring its wage policy to the buyers and put in place a motivation system.

    The motivation of the purchaser should follow from his functional duties and powers. The system of motivation of the purchasing manager, as a rule, is based on the following indicators:

    • implementation of the procurement plan;
    • dynamics of the price level for purchased goods;
    • turnover of purchased goods;
    • percentage of fulfillment of requests for the purchase of goods.

    Depending on the specifics of the business, the following indicators can be added to those listed above: the percentage of defects in the delivered products, the percentage of incomplete requests for resources, the percentage of claims, etc.

    All indicators of the buyer's motivation system should be related to the results of procurement activities that he can really influence (that is, which depend specifically on his work).

    In addition, these indicators should be important for a particular enterprise (for example, a decrease in the receipt of defects, an increase in inventory turnover). As practice shows, the salary of a procurement manager is at least 50% of the total remuneration. The bonus part is calculated according to pre-established performance evaluation indicators.
    The table below shows the evaluation indicators of the purchasing manager of a retail trading company (44 - Buzukova E. Procurement and suppliers. Assortment management course in retail. P. 218–219).

    An important indicator of the evaluation of a purchasing manager is his compliance with professional ethical standards.

    The professional ethics of buyers includes such aspects of relationships with suppliers as:

    • protecting the interests of your company;
    • confidentiality of information;
    • fair competition;
    • attitude to business gifts from suppliers.

    There are the following opinions about the permissibility of gifts from suppliers:

    1. Buyers are not allowed to accept gifts, received gifts must be returned.
    2. Buyers can keep gifts advertising nature e.g. pens, calendars, notepads, etc.
    3. Buyers must decide for themselves whether the gift is a sign of attention, goodwill, or an attempt at commercial bribery.

    With any of the options chosen in the company, it is advisable to conduct conversations with buyers, during which to remind them of the existence of ethical standards in the company, explain the need to comply with them.

    As an illustration of the importance of the ethical side of procurement logistics, we present the procurement standards formulated by the Institute of Supply Management (USA) (Lysons K., Gillingham M. Procurement and supply chain management. P. 797.):

    1. First of all, look after the interests of your company.
    2. Be open to advice and consultation from colleagues.
    3. Purchasing with your company in mind and spending every dollar wisely.
    4. Actively acquire knowledge about purchased materials and production processes.
    5. Work honestly and openly, rejecting any form of bribery.
      Demonstrate a benevolent attitude towards all who deserve it.
    6. Respect and demand respect from others for their duties.
    7. Avoid conflict.
    8. Help and advise colleagues as needed.
    9. Collaborate with all organizations and specific people who are called upon to raise the status of this profession.

    Information support of the purchasing department

    To manage procurement logistics, an enterprise must have information systems for managing its performance indicators. They should provide the ability to carefully analyze and control the implementation of the "Purchase" business process.

    Significant assistance in the analysis of the process of supplying the company with resources, the formation of orders to suppliers can be obtained using the right software. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the program's capabilities to generate analytical reports. Each enterprise, using a computer information system, forms its own set of procurement reporting based on the goals and objectives formulated by top management.

    As practice shows, reports and indicators are widespread that reflect the following aspects purchasing activities:

    1. Market terms of purchases:
      • changes in prices for purchased goods;
      • changes in the supply-demand ratio in the market;
      • forecasts of the dynamics of the market of purchased goods.
    2. Inventory cost analysis:
      • investment in inventory;
      • daily (ten-day, monthly) deliveries and the ordered volume of deliveries by main commodity groups;
      • turnover by groups of purchased goods;
      • analysis of received discounts;
      • analysis of excess reserves.
    3. Efficiency of procurement operations:
      • analysis of the quality of purchased goods;
      • share of deliveries completed on time;
      • analysis of cases of absence of the necessary goods in the warehouse;
      • the number of changes made to orders;
      • delivery time of purchased goods;
      • productivity of employees of the procurement department;
      • price changes resulting from negotiations, analytical work, improved packaging, rationalization of transportation, etc.;
      • transport costs.
    4. Supplier Reliability:
      • share of overdue deliveries and refusals to deliver;
      • losses from lost sales;
      • share of incomplete deliveries;
      • quality transport services provided by suppliers and carriers.

    The above indicators of control and evaluation of procurement logistics are a necessary part information support supply chain management.

    The analytical capabilities of information and computer systems should give purchasing managers a complete and clear picture of all indicators related to procurement activities. Thus, minimum inventory standards are used to control the level of inventory and are the basis for the formation of automatic orders to suppliers. When using automatic orders, the purchasing manager spends time only on adjusting the formed orders, which significantly reduces the time spent, since he does not need to view the remaining goods.

    By using software procurement logistics processes, a systematic analysis of market conditions and the work of suppliers of goods is carried out. This provides the buying company with complete information about the conditions for purchasing the necessary goods and makes it possible to make optimal purchasing decisions.

    Computer systems must provide the ability to predict the likely shortage of goods, which can lead to disruptions in the trading process, to lost sales, and therefore to increased costs and reduced profits. Information received in advance from suppliers about possible interruptions in supplies allows you to prepare for them in advance and minimize possible losses.

    Modern computer systems should strengthen the information integration of the company with its suppliers, increase the level of cooperation between the parties included in the supply chain of products, and reduce transaction costs.

    Majority software products, automating procurement management and included, as a rule, in a computer information system, contain the "Purchases" module, which performs the following main functions:

    • Monitoring of contractual relations with suppliers and carriers. Monitoring the fulfillment of obligations to pay for deliveries.
    • Tracking the implementation of the delivery schedule with forecasting the time of receipt of goods at the warehouse.
    • Generation of documents required for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse, with automatic distribution to financially responsible persons.
    • Making claims to the supplier (carrier, freight forwarder) on the range, quantity and quality of the products supplied.
    • Automation of all operations for the receipt, consumption and internal movement of material assets in warehouses.
    • Accounting for all transactions with the help of warehouse accounting cards, filled in automatically on the basis of primary documents.
    • Accounting for material assets in various units of measurement.
    • Conduct warehouse operations in accordance with current rules accounting.
    • Maintaining a list of materially responsible persons with assignment to warehouses and groups of material values.
    • Accounting for inventory acts and generation of an inventory list.
    • Complete operational information about the quantity, quality, expiration date, storage address, supplier and carrier (forwarder) of each item of purchased goods at any time.
    • Providing information on excess and deficit stocks.

    Computer information systems provide storage and use of information about existing agreements with suppliers in accordance with which orders are placed, the product classification of purchased brands, the register of suppliers.

    To form a base of suppliers of goods necessary condition is the constant monitoring of their performance indicators. The information system of the company should allow keeping the history of each supplier and data reflecting the dynamics of performance indicators. This database accumulates information about potential suppliers for the implementation of the procedure for selecting and switching to work with another supplier.

    In the supplier database, in addition to the name of each supplier, the following must be stored:

    • contact details of specific employees of the supplier's company;
    • Bank details;
    • working conditions, discounts, bonuses and other agreements, and with the history of their development;
    • price lists, according to which purchases were made;
    • the history of all orders from the supplier with the available returns, defects, delays and short deliveries;
    • current and maximum trade credits, payment terms;
    • names of the supplied goods;
    • price or price range depending on volume discounts, payment terms, etc.;
    • packaging or other data important for the transport of goods.

    After a purchase order has been sent to a supplier, the purchasing manager must be able to monitor its progress using the information system. At the same time, all deviations in the fulfillment of obligations by suppliers are recorded so that the manager can evaluate the quality of their work. After the enterprise receives the ordered goods, new information is entered into the information system of the purchasing department. This operation includes maintaining a database of documents:

    • order log, which records all orders by numbers and displays the status of each order (completed, incomplete, not completed);
    • a purchase order register containing copies of all purchase orders;
    • a commodity register showing all purchases of each item (date, supplier, quantity, price, purchase order number);
    • a supplier register that displays all purchases made from him.

    An equally important aspect information support Purchasing logistics is the management of internal information flows circulating between departments of the enterprise.

    As an example, the table below shows the information flows that exist between the purchasing department and the warehouse (receiving department) (Buzukova E. Purchasing and suppliers. Assortment management course in retail. P. 386.)

    It should be noted that in trade enterprises information exchange becomes more complicated due to the wide range of goods, their rapid updating and the complex structure of the description of each item of goods. In this regard, the main features of the acceptance of goods in trading companies are:

    • Availability a large number suppliers;
    • different packaging conditions;
    • loading Vehicle in bulk (in boxes, without the use of mechanized means of unloading) and on pallets;
    • acceptance of products with recalculation not only of the number of places, but also by units of products in packages;
    • variety of vehicles delivering goods;
    • non-observance of delivery terms;
    • various requirements of suppliers to the procedure for receiving products, determining defective products and the procedure for filing claims;
    • different composition of the package of documents accompanying the goods.

    These features still do not allow creating a single technology for working with all suppliers, creating a single information space and achieving a single document flow, which reduces the quality of procurement logistics.

    Thus, an important direction is to improve the information support of procurement logistics, which will allow companies to create integrated supply chains that minimize costs, form a single information space and a single workflow procedure.

    I approve

    [position, signature, full name

    manager or other

    An official authorized


    [legal form, job description]

    organization name, [day, month, year]

    enterprises] M. P.

    Job description

    Purchasing Manager [name of organization]

    This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The head of the procurement department [name of organization] belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to [insert the appropriate one] or to the person replacing him, carries out the instructions of the general director of [name of organization].

    1.2. A person with a higher professional education and at least [value] years of experience in the field of procurement is appointed to the position of head of the procurement department.

    1.3. Appointment to the position of head of the procurement department and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the general director of [name of organization] on the proposal of [insert the required one].

    1.4. The Purchasing Manager must:

    Key legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of [name of organization];

    The current financial and economic practice in this area;

    Requirements for the quality of goods;

    Wholesale and retail prices for product groups from the range of [name of organization], including prices of major manufacturers, suppliers, as well as competing organizations;

    Procurement methods and procedures;

    The procedure for concluding contracts with suppliers and monitoring their implementation;

    The procedure for settlements under contracts;

    Organization of warehouse work [name of organization], methods of planning, control and management of warehouse stock;

    Database, as well as other software used by the organization to support the trading process;

    Internal labor regulations;

    Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    1.5. The Purchasing Manager is responsible for the following tasks:

    Organization and personal management of the procurement of goods for the entire product range of [indicate the name of the organization];

    Formation of the assortment, determination of the volume of purchases and participation in pricing;

    Ensuring maximum competitiveness of prices and conditions for purchased products.

    2. Job responsibilities

    2.1. The Purchasing Manager has the following responsibilities:

    Management of the work of the purchasing department, distribution among the managers of the department of responsibility for certain product groups and for additional areas of work;

    Determining the order and procedure for the purchase of food products, the criteria and norms for conducting purchase transactions, determining and agreeing on the procedure for settlements with suppliers;

    Monitoring the state of warehouse stocks for all product groups;

    Purchasing policy optimization (order frequency, order size, order time, minimum stock balance) taking into account changes in consumer demand, seasonal fluctuations, deadlines for implementation, the situation in the production of specific food products, as well as other necessary factors;

    Carrying out regular analysis of statistics on commodity groups and individual commodity items, determining profitable, unprofitable and unprofitable groups of goods, ensuring the adjustment of the procurement policy based on the results of such an analysis;

    Checking the quantity and quality of domestic supplies;

    Implementation of timely selection of suppliers;

    Organization and holding of tenders, analysis of tender documentation;

    Participation in negotiations with functional divisions in order to achieve the best prices and reduce costs during purchases and deliveries;

    Evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of existing suppliers and providers;

    Cost-effectiveness management by selecting the most suitable suppliers;

    Monitoring the market of goods and services purchased by the company;

    Statistics on commodity groups and individual commodity items;

    Warehouse analysis, planning the pace of purchases;

    Negotiating, preparing and concluding contracts with suppliers and customers;

    Making decisions on the necessary changes in the conditions of work with suppliers, achieving optimal conditions for deliveries;

    Control over the process of budgeting purchases, pricing, external logistics;

    Organization of interaction of the procurement department with other departments of [indicate the name of the organization];

    Control of purchasing managers (correspondence of purchase prices to the market situation);

    Distribution of responsibilities for certain groups of goods among department managers;

    Supervision of subordinate employees

    3. Rights

    3.1. The head of the purchasing department has the right to:

    Act on behalf of [indicate the name of the organization], represent the interests of the organization in relations with other organizations, public authorities on procurement issues;

    Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of [indicate the name of the organization] related to the procurement and marketing of products;

    Make proposals to the management of [indicate the name of the organization] to improve the activities of the procurement department;

    Interact with the heads of all structural divisions of [indicate the name of the organization];

    Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the heads of departments and specialists the necessary information and documents to complete the tasks;

    Sign and endorse documents within their competence;

    Take part in negotiations with representatives of enterprises and organizations on issues related to the performance of functional duties;

    Establish job responsibilities for employees subordinate to him;