Commercial offer of an individual. Commercial offer: how to make, samples and examples of successful commercial proposals. After the preparation of the CP, everything is just beginning

Making a commercial offer for the provision of services is quite simple, but the manager should take into account a few important nuances. The letter should arouse interest and encourage at least a simple action - a call, sending a counter offer, clarification of details. Detailed instructions on drafting, as well as real examples can be found below.

Before you start drafting, it is important to clearly set 1 or more goals that you want to achieve by sending a proposal. On the one hand, it is obvious that such a message should lead to the potential partner becoming a real client and purchasing the service. However, this process usually takes quite a long time, and one offer may not immediately lead to a purchase.

In fact, often the purpose of such a letter is:

  • interest the client;
  • induce him to a simple, non-committal action;
  • make contact with him;
  • arouse the desire for cooperation and in the future - making a purchase.

Thus, the main goal of the KP is not to sell the service itself (which is hardly possible to do so quickly), but the desire for a meeting, call or other form of contact. Subsequently, when this small goal is achieved, it will be possible to set other tasks, but they are achieved by other methods - a personal meeting, negotiations, etc.

From the point of view of the addressee, 2 types of CP can be distinguished:

  1. Personalized offers are the most successful option, since such a letter is sent to a specific person. It will be even better if the manager finds out as many facts about him as possible or applies on the recommendation of another person with whom the addressee is familiar.
  2. Non-personalized letters make up the main stream of CP. Usually they have a standard form and are sent in bulk to organizations. However, even in this case, it is necessary to personalize the letter, if possible, so that it solves the problems of a specific client, and not a "virtual" client.

According to the form of presentation, 2 varieties are also distinguished:

  1. Ordinary emails that are sent by email.
  2. Paper letters.

The latter are used much less frequently due to the high cost and significant time spent on delivery. However, it is a paper letter that should be delivered especially important client. It is best to print it on a beautiful company letterhead using expensive glossy paper. Such letters are always striking because they compare favorably with the general flow of paper correspondence.

How to compose: step by step instructions

In general, the letter has the following structure:

  1. A headline with the name and details of the company is usually a logo with a trademark image or just a name printed in large print with artistic design elements.
  2. The title of the letter (subtitle) should be catchy, original, personalized if possible.
  3. The main text - it should begin with a description of the benefits that a potential partner can receive. Then you can go directly to the description of the services of your company.
  4. At the end, they indicate contact details and prescribe a short, well-aimed phrase that encourages action. Standard options are allowed - “Contact us, we will be happy to help!”, “Come to our office”, etc.

The text of the CP should primarily revolve around the client's problem, A Not descriptions of your company. A potential partner is only interested in their own problems, as well as ways to solve them. The main catchy points in any proposals can be:

  • decision speed;
  • simplicity;
  • minimum costs;
  • quality result;
  • guarantees;
  • reviews of other clients you can trust (mostly companies that are known to the addressee).

Schematically, the structure of the CP can be represented as follows.

Ready-made examples of commercial proposals for different occasions

It is obvious that in practice the most different situations, therefore, a single scheme for compiling a CP can be significantly adjusted. The following are some examples of real-life sentences that you can use as a template. At the same time, it is advisable not to copy them, but to rework them in accordance with your needs.

Transport services

Legal services

Security services

Construction services

Repair service

TOP 5 mistakes when compiling

Despite great amount training and practical materials for compilation, sales managers and other employees often make serious mistakes that lead to the loss of a large number of potential customers. These errors are varied, but the most common of them can be identified.

Using Template Phrases

Cliches, standard expressions, standby phrases - this is the main problem that can ruin even a very good CP. The recipient is unlikely to show interest in a letter that contains ordinary phrases that essentially do not say anything, for example:

These phrases cause mistrust and sometimes even irritation. They do not provide any specific information, for example: "We deliver letters door-to-door from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back no later than 1 business day."

Client Intimidation

This creates the impression in him that without the services of your company, he will not be able to develop his business normally and may even get into an extremely unpleasant situation. Even if this is true, it is better to find other words and keep only a positive style of presentation. You need to show what benefits the partner will receive thanks to your services, and the losses can be mentioned in passing, with general hints, for example: “so as not to get into unforeseen situations” or “so as not to risk too much”.


On the one hand, spelling and punctuation errors are bad manners. The recipient may get the impression that the manager is either illiterate or at least inattentive. However, exact, “boring” adherence to grammatical norms is also perceived negatively. It is best to present in a conversational style, as if you are conducting real negotiations with a partner live.

Letter volume

On the one hand, it is clear that brevity is the sister of talent. And it is really best to fit the entire letter within 1 page of A4 sheet (literally 3-4 small paragraphs look visually beautiful). On the other hand, everything should not be reduced to a minimum, i.e. not to provide essential information about prices, features of the service, additional services and so on. At the same time, here you need to look for a middle ground - you should not lay out all the trump cards in one letter at once: you can let in a pleasant intrigue about some additional bonuses.

Evgeny Malyar

# Business nuances

Sample commercial proposals

A commercial offer is usually divided into two categories: “cold” - intended for mass mailing, and “hot”, addressed to specific managers of firms theoretically interested in services.

Article navigation

  • The main task of the commercial offer
  • The Role of Templates
  • How to make a commercial offer for the provision of services, examples
  • Commercial offer for transport services
  • Commercial proposal for design
  • Commercial offer for cleaning services
  • Commercial offer for the manufacture of furniture
  • Car service, cooperation offer
  • Offer for special equipment services
  • On rendering legal services
  • Building maintenance
  • For garbage disposal
  • For the manufacture of metal structures
  • Commercial offer for the protection of the object
  • Proposal for the provision of accounting services
  • Commercial offer for the provision of educational services
  • KP for sewing curtains

All commercial products fall into two categories: goods and services. You need to sell both, and one of the most effective promotional tools is considered to be a letter containing an offer.

The article will consider the rules for compiling texts that promote services, and give examples of them with comments.

The main task of the commercial proposal

In many enterprises, writing a commercial proposal is entrusted to the most qualified specialist. It is believed that it is he who knows everything about the proposed product, and therefore will cope with the task best of all. This approach is justified in a number of cases, when it is known for sure that the letter will be read by people who understand all the intricacies of the case. For example, a generator for a power plant cannot be offered to a large energy supply company. in simple words". But to conclude a contract for services (or rather, their provision) is most often obtained after reading the text of the head of the company, who does not delve deeply into the nuances.

A common situation: the director received a letter offering cleaning of the premises, legal support, or, for example, refilling a cartridge with a visit to the client. The head calls the head of the department (supply manager, chief lawyer or someone else) and offers to evaluate the usefulness of the proposal for the company.

The main task of the compiler of the CP is to ensure that his message is not thrown into the trash (or deleted in the mailbox trash) without reading the contents.

The Role of Templates

Today, downloading a sample commercial offer for any service is not a problem. After changing the details of the enterprise and other individual information, a text will be obtained that meets the main requirements for letters this kind. Here is an example:

Everything is clear, understandable and concise. However, a universal filling pattern has not yet been invented, and, most likely, it never will be. The sample must certainly be creatively reworked to give it individuality. In order not to spoil a good selling text, you need to know the rules by which it is compiled.

How to make a commercial offer for the provision of services, examples

Just like any car, regardless of the brand and price, consists of certain components and assemblies, so the correct proposal contains indispensable functional blocks, without any of which it “does not work”. And it's not just a beautiful letterhead or a sweeping signature. It is important that the letter:

Offered benefits: a potential customer of the service is not very interested in the glorious history of the company and the degree of friendliness of its team. He wants to know what benefits he will get (savings, quality, speed).

Unobtrusively "pressed" on terms: Every product has an expiration date. The offer to provide services must also have a deadline that defines its conditions: “Until 06/24/2018, the prices are the same, and after (by default) it will be more expensive.”

Called to action: after realizing how good the conditions set out in the first part are, and having received a slight push from the second, the likely client may want to talk about concluding a contract. The actions proposed to him should be as simple as possible. Any commercial product is successfully sold when access to it is facilitated. Just "call this number" or "answer this email".

These triune rules are not always observed by the compilers of commercial proposals. In this example, there is no deadline. If all conditions are met, the letter promises much greater effectiveness.

Now it's time to consider concrete examples of commercial proposals.

Commercial offer for transport services

Commercial offers are usually divided into two categories:

  • "cold" - intended for mass mailing;
  • "hot", addressed to specific managers of firms theoretically interested in services.

Based on this classification, it should be understood that in order to increase efficiency, it is desirable to “warm up” the offer, which many sales managers do not want to do. This means that it is still better to call or visit the selected company before sending the letter. In this case, it is not at all necessary to seek a conversation in person with the leader. You can talk nicely with the secretary (or other employee who owns the information), and if the employee is professionally suitable, then find out:

  • Does the company use the services of any transport company, or she has her own fleet;
  • what are the volumes of traffic;
  • Is the fee expensive?
  • whether the director is satisfied with the existing cooperation;
  • if there are complaints, then about what unpleasant moments;
  • Need freight or passenger delivery.

The work of a marketer is generally very similar to the hard lot of an illegal intelligence agent, and the more he learns, the better.

From the information received, it becomes clear what to focus on when drawing up a commercial proposal. At the same time, even using a template, you should remember about the mentioned deadline. However, when negotiating with a particularly valuable client, it will be possible to forget about him later.

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General rules: depending on the profile specifics, the requirements for transport services may be as follows:

  • trading companies are interested in prompt delivery and safety. If, along with transport, security services are also offered, this can be a decisive factor;
  • a budgetary organization that announces a tender for the transportation of goods is more often attracted good price backed up by the quality of the delivery service;
  • Everyone loves discounts.

It should be remembered that the most enviable transportation customers are already working with someone, and they will have to be lured away with significant advantages.

Commercial proposal for design

Typically, design organizations in the main profile specialize in providing construction services, and at the same time engineering documentation is included in the total estimated cost. The rules for preparing a commercial offer are the same as in other cases, but Special attention it is recommended to give:

  • high quality materials at a reasonable price;
  • the speed of design, installation, repair or finishing work.

In this case, at the beginning of the letter, it is considered useful to mention the objects already handed over and the clients who were satisfied. Since the volume of the text is limited, only the main thing should be stated: specialization construction company, use of directly imported materials, warranty, etc.

Public organizations are more interested in the benefits pricing policy, but this does not mean that the quality is allowed to be low.

As for purely design organizations, it is useful for them to provide images of buildings built according to the documentation developed by them in the proposal. It is better if these are photographs of houses that you can be proud of.

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Commercial offer for cleaning services

Commercial offer of a cleaning company subject to the necessary compliance general rules has a number of specific features reflecting the advantages and benefits. You can attract clients:

  • discounts for regular orders or signing a long-term contract;
  • the use of environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and safe for health detergents;
  • application modern technologies, reducing cleaning time and improving quality;
  • the ability to perform particularly difficult surface cleaning tasks.

Cleaning services can be offered not only to legal entities, but also to ordinary citizens who want to save time and are ready to pay for it. In this case, the method of "cold" mailing demonstrates effectiveness, if, of course, the offer is made correctly.

Commercial offer for the manufacture of furniture

On present stage furniture business also has its own characteristics, and they consist in the fact that the prevailing share of products is mass-produced in large factories with high technological capabilities. Laser cutting with markings, special equipment for trimming edges, perfect fastening methods - all this is very expensive and inaccessible to small manufacturers.

However, they have a certain market niche - the implementation of individual orders in cases where mass-produced samples do not fit into the interior. On this factor, the concept of a commercial offer for furniture manufacturing services can be built. The potential client is offered:

  • unique design, corresponding to his wishes and features of the room;
  • no hassle (departure of the measurer at a convenient time, delivery, assembly);
  • the ability to view the result in a 3D model on a computer, followed by order approval;
  • fulfillment of the most unusual wishes regarding the color, shade and shape of furnishings (the notorious "any whim");
  • embedding of any technical means in furniture cases;
  • high-quality harmless materials with ISO certificate;
  • warranty and post-warranty service if necessary;
  • affordable prices.

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In fact, in the offer of a furniture manufacturing service, it is advisable to focus on the advantages implied by an individual approach and emphasize that the quality of the products practically does not differ from large-scale samples.

Car service, cooperation offer

Car service is a broad concept and includes services ranging from a car wash to a high-tech service station equipped with sophisticated diagnostic equipment. The peculiarities of a commercial offer for car repair are that a potential client must understand what services they can be offered at the enterprise. If a company specializes in a running gear or a particular brand in general, then this should be clearly indicated. In particular, information is needed:

  • on cooperation with vehicle insurers;
  • availability of own expertise;
  • on specific types of work. In particular, this may be the possibility of restoring expensive body elements, bumpers, SUV load-bearing frames, aluminum parts, argon welding, etc.
  • prompt diagnosis and troubleshooting;
  • the presence of a heat chamber for drying the body after painting;
  • a large stock of auto parts.

If there are other advantages that can attract clientele, then they must be listed, accompanying the text with appropriate images.

For motorists, the ability to easily find a business with or without a navigator is especially important. A map is required.

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Offer for special equipment services

Features of the use of special equipment are that it is dictated by extreme necessity. When it is impossible to do without an excavator, aerial platform or other means, the client is only left with a choice between possible service providers, and as a rule, there are not many of them. Based on this circumstance, the offer for special equipment is relatively laconic and consists mainly of an offer, which indicates the parameters (characteristics) of the proposed equipment and prices.

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For the provision of legal services

Legal Market services is characterized by high competition and literacy of its participants. It is really very difficult to stand out in a number of law firms and consulting firms, therefore, the preparation of a commercial proposal should be treated with particular care. You must first study the conditions of other similar firms and determine the possible advantages. Standard features include the following:

  • high probability of a favorable decision. Every lawyer knows that a 100% guarantee in this matter is impossible;
  • support and guarantee in various instances on a contractual basis;
  • the possibility of saving on the reduction of the staff of a lawyer by the enterprise;
  • high qualification and guarantee of legal integrity of all outgoing and internal documentation of the company;
  • speed of resolving issues in various instances;
  • the possibility of receiving free of charge certain types of services, for example, consultations.

In all other respects, each law firm decides for itself what advantages it will use to attract new clients.

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Building maintenance

As a rule, commercial proposals for the support of individual houses, housing estates and cottage settlements are classified as "warm" and "hot", that is, agreed in advance. They are rarely sent by mail, especially electronic, and more often delivered personally after an oral agreement.

The text of the proposal is tied to a specific facility, which the contractor claims to service, and is accompanied by a table with the prices of each service per month and the total amount. Usually the document is addressed to the tender commission. The figures indicated in the proposal are decisive. The style of the letter is not so important.

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For garbage disposal

This service, in the case of its regular provision on a contractual basis, is included in the nomenclature of the already considered Maintenance buildings. The exception is one-time episodes when a large number of garbage is generated after repair, construction and emergency work. In the commercial offer, the offer contains information on tariffs and types of additional services (loading, disposal of hazardous waste).

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For the manufacture of metal structures

In this case, it is desirable that the commercial offer contains information about the enterprise, its production capabilities, equipment that allows you to perform structures of any complexity, progressive software and other details. It is worth mentioning that only the highest quality rolled metal is used. For the customer, when ordering structures, more often quality is more important than the price - he will have to use these products for a long time.

Prices are not included in the text. The cost of metal structures is calculated according to the estimate, and it is individual and is part of the project.

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Commercial offer for the protection of the object

It is not customary to save on security, therefore, in the offer of security services, emphasis is usually placed on the effectiveness of the measures taken. It is possible to ensure high quality of service by applying many years of experience and perfect technical means. The listing of protected objects belonging to the most famous partners will be very helpful.

  • personal,
  • information,
  • fire department
  • territory of the enterprise from the penetration of unauthorized persons.

Mention may also be made of monitoring the access of personnel and ensuring that trade secrets are kept.

Despite the secondary importance of the price of the service, it should not be forgotten either: competitors, perhaps no less qualified and with no worse equipment, are not asleep.

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Video surveillance

This service belongs to the already considered security activities, and it can be singled out only if it is provided separately, outside the complex of other measures that ensure security. For example, a proposal to install video intercoms in residential complex is issued in the form of a letter indicating the prices for the entire entrance and for a separate apartment. It is desirable to list the technical advantages of the mounted system.

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The subject of the contract can be any work for which the use of internal resources for any reason is unjustified:

  • catering for company employees;
  • washing bed linen for a hotel that does not have its own laundry;
  • accounting for a small company;
  • legal service;
  • supply of components for assembly;
  • services for the creation of the organization's website and its ongoing maintenance.

In general, the meaning of the term is expressed by the translation of the word outsourcing - an external source. The task of the creator of a commercial offer is to convince a potential client of the benefits of outsourcing cooperation, and specifically with his company.

In many cases, companies with extensive experience in providing a service can provide cost savings.

For example, the creation and maintenance of a corporate website requires a qualified specialist in this field on staff. An ordinary system administrator may not be able to cope with this task, or he will make the resource unsuccessfully. In this case, the proposal should include several options, based on potential customers different levels solvency.

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Proposal for the provision of accounting services

Is it possible to imagine a company without a full-time chief accountant? To some, this idea will not seem very successful, but in practice, third-party finance and accounting specialists are attracted quite often. Accounting, conducted on the basis of an outsourcing agreement, saves the company's management from troubles in the form of fines and penalties due to mistakes made due to the inexperience of the employee. A third-party audit is in some cases simply necessary.

The market of accounting services is oversaturated, therefore very high requirements are imposed on the commercial offer. It must be persuasive, and the text must correctly place emphasis on the merits and advantages of this company.

Reputation and experience are paramount. Of particular note are the measures taken to preserve trade secrets.

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Commercial offer for the provision of educational services

Regardless of the type of proposed educational service(training at a university, college, private gymnasium, courses, tutoring, etc.) the main advantages can only be the qualifications of teachers and the quality of the knowledge gained.

A sentence begins with a title that accurately describes its essence. It is necessary to express in a few words what the educational institution is preparing for. Also worth mentioning:

  • individual approach;
  • availability of unique techniques that have proven their effectiveness in practice;
  • tuition fees (per semester, year, full course);
  • if possible, a short list of graduates who have made successful career(if there were any).

KP for sewing curtains

At the end of the article, the requirements for the offer of such a common household item as curtains will be considered. As you know, they are different both in quality and in price, but every housewife, regardless of financial capabilities, wants them to be beautiful.

The commercial offer should be such that you want to read it completely and, if you do not respond to it immediately, then certainly keep contacts for the future.

The purpose of any commercial offer is a sale. In this case, we are talking about finding customers for a particular service. On the one hand, a person in need of certain services is looking for those who can provide them with it, and on the other hand, having received an offer that suits him, he will not only solve his problem, but may also want to cooperate with you in the future. So this document requires a serious approach.

We consider the features of drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of different types services. You can also get acquainted with specific examples of commercial offers of security, transport, legal, construction, repair services.

Do not forget about the basic requirements for the CP

Any commercial offer, including a commercial offer for the provision of services, is primarily a “selling” text, therefore it must contain all the elements required for this type of presentation of information:

  • captivating headline;
  • offer - briefly and succinctly stated the essence of the proposal (“do this, you will get this”);
  • substantiation of benefits for a potential client;
  • call to action and contact information;
  • use of graphic design elements: subheadings, lists, various fonts, possibly illustrations.

As in other KPs, when offering services should be avoided:

  • a detailed description of your company with details, especially at the beginning of the quotation;
  • uninformative headings, the most ineffective would be the phrase "commercial offer";
  • complex, confusing wording in the presentation of the offer;
  • epithets that do not carry a semantic load and are not proven by facts, such as “highly qualified specialists”, “high level of skill”, “successful implementation”;
  • phrases that lengthen the text, which can easily be removed from it without changing the meaning, for example, “We will be very glad to cooperate with you”, “We will gladly come to your aid”, etc.: they will get acquainted with your proposal - business and busy people who do not need to waste precious time on "water" in commercial texts.

Features of KP "At your service"

What is the difference between commercial offers, the task of which is to encourage the use of a particular service? Let's consider their main features.

  1. Purpose of the proposal:
    • if a “cold” quotation is drawn up, that is, sent to all potentially interested customers, then its goal is to talk about an opportunity that may someday come in handy, and it is better to satisfy this need with this particular company;
    • for “hot” personalized CPs, the goal is to inform about the nuances and encourage cooperation, highlighting the most positive aspects and strengths of interaction.
  2. The target audience: commercial proposals for the provision of services are placed on the table for managers and senior managers who decide on their organization and payment.
  3. KP style: businesslike, without familiarity, rather restrained, keeping dignity.
  4. Additional points:
    • it is important that the CP is drawn up in such a way that the client immediately understands that it seeks not only to sell the service, but also thoroughly understands it;
    • great if the text of the CP will focus on solving pressing problems target audience or specific addressee;
    • a clear and concise designation of resources to solve the customer's problem and the benefits of choosing your company.

Examples of texts of commercial offers

In these examples of commercial proposals for the provision of various types of services, the emphasis is on the content, the aspect of printing design (illustrative material, use of color, fonts, etc.) is left to the discretion of the developer. The examples are conditional.

Commercial offer for the provision of security services

Console protection of any objects

You have unwanted guests, and they can be dangerous?

Unexpected trouble will never take you by surprise if your office or shop is equipped with a panic button. No matter what happens, within five minutes after clicking, the rapid response team will be with you and will immediately solve the problem of any complexity.

Security agency "Panther-plus" organizes console security of retail, office, industrial premises, as well as apartments and private houses. We will provide:

  • round-the-clock monitoring of the object entrusted to us from a centralized control panel in the duty unit;
  • upon receipt of the signal, the arrival of an armed group within 2-5 minutes.

At our disposal:

  • 15 completed groups in cars dispersed in different parts of the city;
  • more than 200 licensed employees aged 25 to 40, each of whom has received special training and has experience of serving in the armed forces or law enforcement agencies;
  • service firearms permitted for use in security organizations: PKSK and Izh-71 pistols;
  • communication equipment.

Additional services

By contacting the manager of "Pantera-Plus" or by reading the information on the official website htpp://, you can get acquainted with the full list of services provided by the security agency:

  • installation and maintenance of video surveillance systems;
  • installation of office and home intercoms;
  • all work related to security and fire alarms;
  • armed security of the facility;
  • access control;
  • safety during events;
  • information and consulting services concerning lawful protection.

Call 555-55-55, and Ivanenko Petr Sergeevich, customer service manager, will consult you on any issues of cooperation. You can also leave a request on the site htpp://, and we will contact you.

The first 5 clients - 10% discount on the provision of services. Flexible discounts for regular customers.

Security agency "Panther-plus"


Commercial offer for the provision of transport services

Cargo transportation without problems at anti-crisis rates

Your cargo in the right place without noise and dust

Your company does not need to spend time and effort on organizing the delivery of cargo to any point in the country. Contact the company "Podorozhnik" and entrust your care to professionals.

Plantain has been operating on the domestic market since 2003. We have successfully delivered over 150 million tons of various cargoes to all cities of our country. We do not need intermediaries: our own resources will fully ensure the safety of your cargo and its timely delivery.

Turning to us, you get:

  • the resources of our fleet, equipped with cars and trucks of various carrying capacities;
  • the possibility of transporting cargo from 1 centner to 60 tons to any region of the Russian Federation;
  • cargo transportation insurance;
  • tracking the movement of cargo through a geolocation system.

Prices that please

Thanks to the use of internal resources and the absence of intermediaries, Podorozhnik is able to set minimum prices for its services. For our clients we have provided:

  • the possibility of transporting goods on credit;
  • providing a cumulative discount for regular customers and business partners;
  • the possibility of preferential prices for loading and unloading.

Attention, action! For the first 5 customers in January, loading is free!

We value your trust

We are responsible for the professionalism of our employees. If our drivers delivered the goods more than 24 hours late, you will be refunded 30% of the cost of services.

Call, write, come

We will answer any of your questions by phone. 123-22-22.

We accept letters to the email address pod [email protected], we answer around the clock within two hours.

Come to our office at: Moscow, st. Guards, 93, we are open 7 days a week from 8:30 to 18:00.

Commercial offer for the provision of legal services

Pay your lawyer 20-40% less
Legal support of entrepreneurial activity

The salary of a full-time lawyer is a serious expense item for any entrepreneur. Meanwhile, competent legal support is a component of the success of any business.

Experienced professionals of Legolas LLC, who have been successfully operating in the legal field for more than 10 years, can handle any tasks.

Services for entrepreneurs:

  • quick registration or liquidation of an organization of any form of ownership;
  • changes in registration data;
  • full legal service of the company;
  • financial statements;
  • lawsuits and challenging decisions;
  • information services on civil, tax, land law;
  • assistance in the preparation and execution of business documentation.

The customer is always right

10 years of experience and reviews of more than 1000 satisfied customers speak of our professionalism and ability to guess the client's wishes. Spend time growing your business, not studying regulations.

Put your legal issues on the shoulders of Legolas LLC and forget about them forever.

If as a result you remain dissatisfied with our cooperation, we are ready to return up to 60% of the amount you spent.

We cooperate with entrepreneurs from any region of the Russian Federation.

Flexible payment system

We provide discounts for regular business partners

For customers who ordered more than 2 services, the third will be provided at half the cost.

Full list of services and prices - on our website

Dial 222-33-44 and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.

We are waiting for you from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 in our office at the address: Moscow, st. Cow shaft, 9.

Commercial offer for the provision of construction services

Company "Archistroy" - we build something that you will be proud of!

Short terms, high-quality materials, a few days

Do you need to build a building and don't know where to start? " Construction company"Archistroy" will embody all your expectations in the following areas:

  • drawing up a project for a future structure;
  • a full cycle of construction services, from foundation to finishing;
  • landscape design of the territory;
  • repair of premises of any complexity.

Why is it profitable for you to conclude an agreement with the company "Archistroy"?

  1. Absolute guarantee of compliance with deadlines, fixed officially. If the construction object is not ready by the appointed time, we will return 30% of the amount as a penalty.
  2. Using only certified materials produced by European companies (we cooperate with manufacturers).
  3. Prices Consumables without intermediary markup.
  4. Staff of specialists of all profiles with special education and trained and certified in International school builder in Vienna (Austria).

It is convenient to cooperate with us!

  • having concluded the contract, you make an advance payment in the amount of a quarter of the amount, the rest is paid after the delivery of the object;
  • we purchase materials only with written consent or in the presence of the customer;
  • the possibility of paying in installments within 12 months after the conclusion of the contract;
  • we do not increase the estimate without the client's request.

Interested in cooperation?

Call 365-48-48 or leave a request by e-mail [email protected].

Sergey Eduardovich Kotenko, Client Relations Director, will advise you on any issue that has arisen.

We provide a 12% discount to customers who said the code phrase: “Vivat, Archistroy” when contacting.

Thank you for your attention!

JSC "Archistroy"

Moscow, st. Vanguard, 12

[email protected]

Commercial offer for the provision of repair services


In a few days you will enter a completely renovated room!

Have you moved into a new house or apartment?

Want to get started in a freshly renovated office?

Do you need to freshen up and update the room, make redevelopment?


The Masterovoy company will be glad to implement it for you!

All types of work - in one company!

We perform:

  • repair and finishing works of any kind;
  • plumbing and electrical work;
  • installation of metal-plastic windows;
  • installation of air conditioners and ventilation systems;
  • removal of construction debris, cleaning of premises and territory;
  • assistance in the preparation and approval of design documentation for redevelopment;
  • technical supervision over all actions performed;
  • post-warranty service.

At the request of the customer:

  • additional services of an interior designer can be provided;
  • assistance in the delivery of materials and bringing them to any floor;
  • full supply with materials of recognized trademarks is possible.

What is a commercial offer. What is it used for. How to fill out a quotation template for the provision of services in 2019.

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Main Feature market economy is healthy competition. In such conditions, each enterprise should be able not only to produce high-quality products, provide services or perform work.

It is important to present your product to the client in such a way that he is interested in it, since similar offers will be presented to him on the market. Before making a choice, he will weigh his benefits.

Basic moments

Attracting the attention of the client is the main task of marketing a company and a brand. The main and final goal in this case is to expand the customer base by attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

For this, various tools are used, among which are:

  • stock;
  • discounts;
  • assortment renewal;

It is important to inform the client about most of them so that he gets the opportunity to evaluate the benefits.

But the most effective information method today is considered to be a commercial offer. Mistakes made in the preparation of proposals can lead to the failure of the transaction.

Required terms

A business proposal is a business letters drawn up on behalf of the company or its leaders with an appeal to potential client or a partner with the presentation of favorable terms of cooperation.

There are three types of commercial offers:

These types differ in the form of appeals and structure, but they all have one purpose - the level of sales of products, services or work of the company will hang.

What is the purpose of the document

A commercial offer allows you to create a foundation for further negotiations on the terms of beneficial cooperation. Its main task is to interest the addressee and call for dialogue.

Through commercial letters, customers are informed about the appearance new products, changing the terms of cooperation for existing customers and offering benefits to potential ones.

The letter of offer should have a certain call and message for cooperation, for which it is necessary to present information about the usefulness, quality and availability of the product in the most accessible and concise way.

It is these three indicators that consumers usually pay attention to. An offer letter for the provision of services is one of the stages in concluding a cooperation deal.

After the addressee has read the document, his task is to contact the sender. They can agree on a preliminary meeting, at which the interests of the parties will be discussed in more detail.

Regulatory regulation

The preparation and use of commercial offers is an individual decision of the company or brand. This issue is not regulated or controlled by the authorities.

How to write a commercial proposal form for the provision of services

Depending on the purpose of the appointment, commercial letters are distinguished:

Presentation CP Informs the audience about the appearance of a new service
Promotional KP Provides information about discounts and other temporary benefits
Festive CP Describes the provision of discounts for an event, can be individual or mass
thanksgiving Sent to customers who have used the services, it necessarily contains a call for re-contact
Invitation letter Contains information about an upcoming event organized by the company that the client should attend

With frequent use of letters of commercial proposals for the provision of services, it is advisable to create a template that will then simply be filled out. But it is worth noting that any part of it can change depending on the purpose of use.

Document structure

The commercial offer has a structure consisting of the following elements:

  • footer or header. Contains information about the sender: logo, company contacts, including address, email, phone number, for contractors it is important to specify and .
  • this item is defined not as an appeal, but as a description of the person to whom the document is intended.
  • the heading for counterparties may look like a representation that this is a "offer". For clients, it is necessary to choose a phrase that would arouse interest and call for further reading of the information.
  • the main text consists of the following paragraphs:
Lead This is the first paragraph of the text, it should become a logical continuation of the title and continue to interest the reader to receive more information posted in the document
Offer expresses the main point commercial letter, that is, what you want to offer the client
Benefits They should go immediately after the proposal so that the reader positively accepts the appeal and is ready for cooperation. It is advisable to highlight this paragraph with a subheading that indicates to the reader that the offer is really profitable. It is important that the benefits are real, they should not be invented. Before prescribing them, it is worth analyzing what is interesting to the client, and whether you can give it to him
Objection avoidance No matter how profitable the offer was and how well it was drafted. In any case, the client may have doubts, they must be foreseen and prescribed why the doubts are in vain
  • call to action - can consist of just one sentence or phrase, which should encourage the client to still contact you.
  • postscript - may contain important information, which was not indicated in the main text, but is of great importance and will push the client to the actions you need.

Before compiling an offer, it is imperative to analyze the audience to which it will be addressed, or a specific client.

This will allow you to more correctly identify and indicate benefits, objections and other important points.

Using different analysis tools, you can also find out in what form certain items should be displayed - directly or veiled.

How to compose

One of the advantages of a sales letter is that it does not require additional costs for its preparation.

Depending on the form in which it is sent, they can be reduced to a minimum. To send a letter, you can use the most convenient method.

This can be a printed document that is sent using a courier company or delivered to the client by the sender himself.

Also effective is a commercial offer submitted to in electronic format to the client's email.

This method is the least expensive and is most often used by companies that use Internet resources to communicate with customers.

Before proceeding with the preparation of a commercial proposal, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis that will identify the strengths and weak sides its activities.

When composing a letter, it is necessary to focus on strengths.

Unlike a letter for the supply of goods, a supply proposal may have slightly different parameters during execution and depends on who the dialogue is with.

When communicating with legal entities that see a partner in the face of the company, the following parameters are used:

  • use of letterhead;
  • lack of additional design;
  • one font style;
  • highlighting the title in bold.

Such a letter may take the form of a formal address. If the target audience to which the proposal is sent are individuals who are presented not as partners, but as clients, the letter will have a peculiar form of advertising.

In this case, it is worth using not only a well-chosen text, but also an attractive design.

For design, it is best to use the corporate colors of the company, it is necessary to place a logo or other visual attribute.

In the letter, you can use a variety of fonts to highlight important points, as well as headings.

By special equipment

The performance of services using special equipment is of interest to a certain target audience. It depends on what functions this technique performs.

In this case, it is quite easy to analyze interests and highlight them when writing a letter.

Please note that you can describe the special equipment that is involved in the performance of work or the provision of services.

But at the same time, it is not necessary to go into details about it. technical indicators. It is more important to determine what benefits it provides.


Transport services are divided into passenger and freight. Depending on this, the benefits and offers that they can offer their customers vary.

For passenger transport, the quality of services is expressed in the arrangement of comfort during the trip, the experience of the driver, which ensures safety, etc.

Video: what a selling commercial offer should look like

At freight transport the accuracy and attentiveness of the driver, the technical capabilities of transport are important, which will ensure the safety of the cargo.

It can also be about providing repair work regarding transport. In this case, it is important to focus on a wide range of services.


The target audience in this area depends on the specialization of the company. As a rule, individuals apply to the company once, so it is not always advisable to offer them repeated cooperation.

And here legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can apply for services regularly, as their work is related to the execution of contracts and other documents, as well as accounting operations. Therefore, they may be interested in your suggestions.


When describing the benefits of construction services, it is important to note quality and speed. The target audience in this area is very diverse.

But in general, customers pay attention to the main factors:

  • speed;
  • quality;
  • price.

They need to be emphasized.


The commercial offer of cleaning companies can be varied. This is what makes it special. This service is in demand among both individuals and legal entities.

For each sector of the target audience, in this case, it is best to draw up your proposal. There are seasonal services about which it is also worth informing customers.

Sample Fill

For clarity, we suggest you consider a sample commercial offer for the provision of car service services:

Letter #1

The company "Stroy-Master", specializing in minor repairs, invites you to familiarize yourself with our services:

  • locksmith work;
  • electric installation work;
  • carpentry services;
  • installation and replacement of windows;
  • purchase of building materials;
  • complete renovation of the apartment and house.

We guarantee high professionalism and efficiency in work.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #2

Repair studio "Kreativ" is in a hurry to offer you a full range of services for the creation of individual design projects for residential apartments, houses and premises for any purpose.

We also carry out the organization of cosmetic and major repairs, legalize new redevelopment and electrical projects, re-profiling the premises into non-residential fund.

The main proof of our reliability is a free two-year warranty after we have repaired or created a design project.

We will be glad to answer your questions.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #3

The company "Stroy-Master" carries out any repair and construction work. Cooperating with each client, we always take into account his desires and financial capabilities.

Even before the start of work, we will calculate the total cost of the repair and agree it with you. Call our company and our employees will inspect your property as soon as possible for a free assessment.

We will be glad to cooperate with you!


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #4

LLC "Stroy-master" invites you to familiarize yourself with the list of our services that we provide in Moscow and the region.

Painting and plastering works.

Leveling the surface of walls and ceilings.

Firmware plasterboard walls.


Laminate and linoleum flooring.

Parquet laying.

And much more.

Behind additional information please call 220-00-06.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #5

LLC "Stroy-Master" began to operate in 2005 as a company specializing in the construction of residential and industrial buildings. From the very beginning of our activity, we carry out a full range of construction works, including interior work and assembly of metal structures on their own, turning to subcontractors only for the implementation of specialized work.

Our main task is to organize High Quality both in construction and manufacturing. Therefore, we have carried out a thorough selection process to select suppliers of materials and raw materials.

The activity of Stroy-Master is carried out on the basis of the main corporate principles:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • efficient and economical use of funds and resources;
  • cooperation with reliable contractors;
  • maximum responsibility for the work performed.