Business reputation SP for a bank sample. Sample letter on the business reputation of the counterparty. Component parts of a document

Sample business reputation letter entrepreneur 01.06.2018 - Posted in: Criminal Law

Letter No. 6 With this letter, the management of Standard Quality LLC informs that joint cooperation with LLC has contributed to the development of our activities in the international market and the expansion of the client base. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the employees of LLC perform their tasks efficiently and on time. But in addition to the mandatory requirements, this company is used to working with an individual approach, taking into account the needs of each client. We recommend LLC as an initiative and responsible organization. Petr Petrov. Letter No. 7 During the five-year partnership with Result LLC, employees of this company have proven themselves with exceptional positive side. The result of their work always met the requirements of the Customer and corresponded to the professional level. I would especially like to note the responsibility and efficiency of this company in resolving any issues.

Feedback on the business reputation of the counterparty - sample

ImportantLetters from different organizations must be different, otherwise it may lead to suspicions of the employee of the banking organization performing the verification legal entity as potential client. You can diversify the text of the letter by resorting to various additions in its main part.
InfoAdditions In addition to the basic data, each of the companies that make up the letter has the right to add variable moments and nuances of interaction. These may include:
The longer the counterparties interact, the better.

  • Whether the organization providing the review is a customer of the bank. If yes, for how long.
  • Business reputation letter of a legal entity

    It is worth noting that it will be easiest for employees of a banking organization to check this data.

    There is no unified form of a business letter of this type. Free form allows you to modify the text as you wish.

    The main thing is to follow the rules and generally accepted recommendations. Norms When compiling business letters, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed.

    Business reputation of an organization sample letter

    • One paragraph should reflect a single thought.

      Sample letter on business reputation of your organization

      Its length should be limited to eight lines.

    • Each expression must be understood unambiguously.
    • Slang expressions, profanity, dialectisms are unacceptable.
    • Do not mislead the addressee.
    • Respectful tone.
    • Appeal to "you".

      Even if the employee to whom the letter is addressed is a close friend of the sender, business correspondence has its own specifics. The latter should be followed.

    The most complete design standards business correspondence reflected in GOST 6.30 - 2003.

    Specificity The peculiarity of this letter is that it is sent from a business partner of the described organization directly to the bank. the main task- give some guarantees to the bank that interaction with the recommended company can be successful.

    Business reputation letter of a legal entity (sample)

    n. one-day firms. In the future, the submitted reviews are checked for their compliance with the truth by special services of the bank.

    Letter No. 3 LLC has been a partner of Quality Standard since 2000. During the long-term partnership, employees have established themselves as high professionals, who do not allow disruption of project deadlines and are attentive to the tasks set.
    Customers have always been satisfied with the result of the work of this company. I recommend LLC as a respectable partner.

    We also want to emphasize the extraordinary creative approach of the company's employees in their work on various projects.

    Feedback on the business reputation of the counterparty sample

    There are no special legal requirements for the case when recommendations are requested by private companies before concluding a transaction. Articles will tell you how else you can check a potential counterparty:

    Feedback about business reputation: the content of the Unified / standard sample of such a review / letter of recommendation is not approved at the legislative level. In addition, paragraph 2.8 of Appendix 2 to Regulation No. 499-P, for example, expressly states that reviews are made in free form. With this in mind, the composition of the information included in the letter of recommendation / review of the business reputation of the partner is determined by the subject itself, which provides such information.

    Feedback letter about the work of the company

    Letter #1:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    organization LLC repairs were carried out under a municipal contract.

    The work was carried out in accordance with current building codes and regulations, in accordance with terms of reference and the terms of the municipal contract, with proper quality and within the stipulated time. At the same time, in the course of the work, the wishes of the Customer were taken into account as much as possible, modern Construction Materials and advanced technologies in interior decoration.

    During the course of the work, the organization LLC proved to be a highly professional company with the availability of qualified personnel, quickly and efficiently solving the tasks.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Construction company LLC when performing finishing and facade work at the facilities of our organization, she proved herself to be a reliable contractor. The work was carried out with good quality and within the terms specified in the contract.

    With qualified engineering and workforce, construction company "" ensures the quality and timing of work in strict accordance with the requirements of the Customer.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich, LLC V 2010 year on the territory according to the results of the competition performed as well.

    The customer did not reveal any violations in the preparation of estimates and the performance of work.

    Competitive documents, executive documentation were provided in a timely manner.

    Letter of review on the business reputation of a legal entity sample free download

    The work was completed on time and with high quality.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Our organization cooperates with LLC With 2006 of the year. In the course of their activities, the company's specialists have confirmed their high professional status and efficiency in solving problems. Departure of the expert on object is carried out quickly. The account managers are qualified and friendly.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Our cooperation with LLC left the most favorable impression. All tasks assigned to the organization were successfully implemented. The obligations assumed by the firm under the work contracts were fulfilled in full.

    We look forward to further cooperation and recommend "" as a reliable partner for construction projects.

    Petr Petrov

    Feedback on the assessment of the business reputation of the client sample


    feedback on the assessment of the business reputation of the client sample

    Go to the race


    Although the very concept of reputation is correlated with a system of assessments of views of expectations from. Legislation laws codes Russian Federation. X review evaluation of the client's business reputation is another credit. In the name of the court. What has changed in Law 223 of 2016, you will find out the program developed jointly by CJSC. Samples of statements of claim court. I watched an advertisement on the Internet and decided to issue a debit card space map. This article describes the structure of a business letter, the main phrases in business. Neighboring discussion letter to assess the business reputation of the client sample. According to federal law December 2013 Zero construction cycle successfully completed in less than two years. Full current text civil code of the Russian Federation report on the implementation of the work plan of the performance indicators of the Federal Judicial Service
    . The full current text of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a report on the implementation of the public declaration of the goals of the tasks of the FBS of Russia in the first half of the year. A letter of recommendation from an organization for an organization is a review of one company by another assessment of it. About feedback sample evaluation of goodwill feedback evaluation of the client's goodwill sample. Questionnaire form sample filling in the questionnaire list for resident legal entities. Review of business reputation evaluation sample business letter. It directly states the business reputation of the company is confirmed by the reviews of counterparties who are clients of that bank
    .Full texts of documents in . We inform you about the business reputation of ltd jupiter that our organization cooperates with.

    Information about business reputation

    Alexey Miller's column. The date of compilation of the recall of goodwill for the bank is a formal important requisite 2. Review of the bank of goodwill sample letter of request is a commercial business letter. Amangeldy imanov d

    We welcome the last registered name, Anastasia, a request for business reputation of the bank's accounting statements review of the business reputation assessment of the counterparty sample letter. Review of the business reputation of a legal entity sample of communication

    Letter #1: LLC is our partner in the area. During the cooperation "" confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving the tasks. All works are carried out on time, within strictly stipulated terms and with proper quality. Employees of the company competently cope with their duties.

    We are satisfied with the work "" and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:

    Firm "" while working in 2013 year on LLC "New Solutions" carried out work and established itself as an executive, highly qualified organization.

    The work was carried out with high quality and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the period of work.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3: LLC is a partner LLC "New Solutions" during 5 years. For such a long time "" proved to be a reliable and stable partner, providing a flexible approach to the needs of the Customer, high efficiency and reliability, never missing deadlines. I recommend "" as a reliable supplier and conscientious partner.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:

    I hereby confirm that LLC has experience of cooperation with LLC "New Solutions" in area. During the cooperation, the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity and efficiency in fulfilling the tasks.

    We confirm that the services LLC correspond to a highly professional profile.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:

    Our cooperation with the company "" continues from 2010 of the year. During this period the company LLC has established itself as sustainable enterprise and reliable business partner. Thanks to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with customers based on mutual cooperation and professionalism, it occupies, in our opinion, a stable position in the field.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #6:

    By this letter, the company "New Solutions" reports that during the cooperation with LLC This company has managed to establish itself as a professional and reliable partner.

    goodwill letter

    The distinguishing feature of the work "" is the efficiency and high organization of the employees of the organization, the willingness to quickly respond to circumstances.

    Based on the above, the company "New Solutions" I would like to note the high potential of the company "", focusing on further successful development and prosperity.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #7:

    For the period of work with LLC employees of the enterprise have proven themselves on the positive side. Their work meets the given level, is carried out with high quality and strictly in deadlines. I want to note efficient work specialists and efficiency in completing tasks, attentive attitude to the customer.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #8:

    By this letter, we LLC "New Solutions", we confirm that LLC is our reliable and long-term partner. LLC actively and successfully working with 2008 year, providing a full range of services. During this period, we were provided with good services. professional level. Professionalism of specialists "" ensures the high quality of the services provided.

    Based on the above, "New Solutions" characterizes LLC as a professional and reliable service partner.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #9: LLC as a supplier for LLC "New Solutions" has established itself as a reliable supplier that fulfills its contractual obligations on time, with good quality.

    The volume of deliveries for the period exceeded RUR.

    Petr Petrov

    The purpose of the counterparty's review of business reputation

    Review of goodwill: content

    The purpose of the counterparty's review of business reputation

    These issues are discussed in more detail in other materials on our site, for example, in the articles:

    • Documents for opening a bank account - a list;
    • Opening a bank account abroad.

    However, this requirement of banks is not accidental: the Central Bank obliges credit institutions to check companies even before they are accepted for service (subparagraph 1, paragraph 1, article 7 of the law “On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” dated 07.08. 2001 No. 115-FZ, hereinafter - Law No. 115-FZ).

    The content of the general norms of this law is supplemented by special provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In particular, Clause 2.8 of Appendix 2 to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia “On identification by credit institutions of clients…” dated 10/15/2015 No. 499-P (hereinafter - Regulation No. 499-P) regulates that reviews about this client from other clients of the bank or other credit institutions refer to the information that the bank may request in order to fulfill the requirements of subpara. 1 p. 1 art. 7 of Law No. 115-FZ. In addition, with the help of feedback on the company's business reputation, you can exclude the so-called. one-day firms.

    In the future, the submitted reviews are checked for their compliance with the truth by special services of the bank.

    There are no special legal requirements for the case when recommendations are requested by private companies before concluding a transaction. Articles will tell you how else you can check a potential counterparty:

    • How to check the reliability of the counterparty?;
    • How to check an LLC by TIN for courts?

    Review of goodwill: content

    A unified / standard sample of such a review / letter of recommendation has not been approved at the legislative level. In addition, paragraph 2.8 of Appendix 2 to Regulation No. 499-P, for example, expressly states that reviews are made in free form.

    With this in mind, the composition of the information included in the letter of recommendation / feedback on the business reputation of the partner is determined by the subject itself, which provides such information.

    Taking into account the purpose of this document, we can propose the following structure of a letter of recommendation:

    1. Information about the person submitting the review: name, TIN, PSRN, legal address, contact details (another option is to print the text of the review on the letterhead of the organization).
    2. Information about the subject in respect of which the review / letter of recommendation is submitted: name, TIN, PSRN, legal address, contact details. In addition, it is also not prohibited to give separate characteristics to the head of the organization, his deputy or chief accountant.
    3. A statement of facts that might characterize the quality of the relationship between the reviewer and the counterparty being audited. Although the list of such facts is not fixed at the legislative level and is usually not regulated by the organization’s local documentation, the following information is most often indicated as information about the characterized subject:
    • term of cooperation of the parties;
    • the nature of the business relationship;
    • general qualitative characteristics of cooperation;
    • some factual examples that could support the conclusions of the reviewer about the audited entity as a counterparty.
    1. Recommendation of the person in respect of whom the review is being submitted as a good counterparty.
    2. Signature of the authorized person of the subject submitting the review, seal (if any).

      Feedback on business reputation sample

    A sample of such a document can be compiled on the basis of the template we offer, which is located at the link below: Feedback on the business reputation of the counterparty - a sample.

    Such a review is usually prepared in 1 copy and sent without return to the person who requested information about the business reputation of the relevant counterparty. As a rule, the signature of the head or other authorized person of the organization on such a review and seal (if any) is sufficient to certify the information contained therein.

    The submission of this review / letter of recommendation usually does not entail any legal consequences for the person who submitted it, since the information contained in it is often of an estimated nature that is not subject to verification. However, the security service of the bank checks the very fact of the existence of business ties between these counterparties and the duration of such ties.

    If the stated facts are not confirmed, the bank will refuse to accept the potential client for service (see also the article Bank refusal to open an account for a legal entity). The reputation of the company that provided false recommendations will also be called into question.

    So, letters of recommendation / reviews about the business reputation of a potential counterparty are drawn up in any form, certified by the signature of an authorized person of the organization that submitted the review, and its seal (if any).

    The composition of the information in such a document is not regulated, but usually comes down to information about the parties to the relevant legal relationship and the qualitative characteristics of the counterparty in the role of a business partner.

    Writing a great corporate letter of recommendation in a formal style can be tricky.
    You can greatly facilitate this problem for your guarantor if you yourself present him with a layout of a letter of recommendation.

    In this case, you can initially present the content of the document in the right direction.

    2. In the first paragraph, the guarantor explains how long they have been with you. Briefly describe the type of your activity and official duties. Here it is possible to write in a few words about the company itself.

    3. The next paragraph should be more specific about your professional and career development for the entire time of work in the company, list all the main achievements, focus on the most important positive qualities from the point of view of the guarantor. Then the impression of the guarantor of joint activities with you.

    Summing up the above written, it is important to describe the personal qualities and positive traits of a person’s character. Express your opinion on what responsibilities and in what position he can bring the most benefit to the organization.

    Letter #1:

    JSC [company name] is our partner in the field (field of activity). During the cooperation, [name of organization] has confirmed its highest professional status, activity and competence in fulfilling the assigned tasks.

    All tasks are completed on time, within strictly defined deadlines and with excellent quality. The employees of the company do their job well.

    We are satisfied with the work of [company name] and are ready to recommend this company as a responsible and reliable partner.

    [Your name]

    Sample letter #2:

    The firm [name of organization], working in (year) year for [name of organization], carried out work on [name of work] and established itself as a highly qualified, executive company.

    The work was done to a high standard and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the period of work.

    [Your name]

    Sample letter #3:

    [organization name] has been a partner of [organization name] for [number] years. For such a long time, [name of organization] has proven itself to be a stable and reliable partner, providing high efficiency, reliability and a flexible approach to the needs of the Customer, never exceeding deadlines.

    [Your name]

    Sample letter No. 4:

    I hereby confirm that [name of organization] has experience of cooperation with [name of organization] in the field of [field of activity]. During the cooperation, the representatives of the company have shown a creative approach, high professionalism and efficiency in performing the assigned tasks.

    We confirm that the services of [name of organization] correspond to a highly professional profile.

    [Your name]

    Sample letter No. 5:

    Our cooperation with the company [name of organization] has been going on since [year]. During this period, the company [name of organization] has established itself as a reliable business partner and sustainable enterprise.

    Due to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with clients based on professionalism and mutual cooperation, in our opinion, it occupies a stable position in the field [field of activity].

    Sample letter No. 6:

    With this letter, the organization [name of organization] informs that during the cooperation with [name of organization], this company has managed to establish itself as a reliable and professional partner.

    The main distinguishing feature of the work of [name of organization] is the high organization and efficiency of the employees of the organization, the readiness to quickly respond to changing circumstances.

    Based on the foregoing, the company [name of organization] would like to note the high potential of OJSC [name of organization], focus on prosperity and further successful development.

    [Your name]

    Letter #7:

    During the period of work with [name of organization], the employees of the enterprise have proven themselves on the positive side. Their work meets the given level, is performed qualitatively and strictly on time. I would like to note the efficient work of specialists and the efficiency of completing tasks, attentive attitude to the Customer.

    [Your name]

    Sample letter No. 8:

    By this letter, we, [name of organization], confirm that [name of organization] is our long-term and reliable partner.

    [name of organization] has been successfully and actively working since [date] of the year, providing a full range of services in this area.

    During this period, we have been provided with services at the highest professional level. The professionalism of [name of organization] employees ensures the decent quality of services provided.

    Based on the foregoing, [name of organization] characterizes [name of organization] as a reliable and professional partner in the field of [field of activity] services.

    Since 2015, many banks, when accepting documents for opening an account for a legal entity, began to require the provision of letters of recommendation or letters of goodwill of the organization from partners, counterparties of organizations wishing to be served by the bank. This is due to the tightening of the requirements of the Central Bank and Rosfinmonitoring in the field of customer identification when accepting for service.

    Banks need to know their customer. Today it is not enough to provide a package constituent documents, it is necessary to prove to the bank that the client does not take part in combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. And banks are starting to work on studying a potential client, including studying the circle of partners.

    One way is to receive a letter from the client about his business reputation. As a rule, there is no standard form for these letters. However, there are a number of requirements that banks are encouraged to follow.

    • The letter must be official, i.e., be written on the letterhead of the organization, with the assignment of the outgoing number and date, indicating the TIN, ORGN, legal address.
    • It must be signed by the general / director, with the obligatory stamping of the organization.

    The text can indicate how long and in what area the companies have been cooperating, whether obligations under agreements / contracts are fulfilled on time, whether there are financial claims, how the parties evaluate business cooperation.

    Such a letter, of course, will not convince the bank that it has a crystal clear client with whom it is safe to start cooperation. However, it allows you to get information about the counterparty of a potential client, because according to the data that the letter form itself contains, you can study an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, see how often changes are made to the composition of participants, how often there is a change of legal addresses, CEOs. Yes, and just check for negative information in relation to the founders and the head.

    Therefore, it is important provide a letter to the bank from a company that really operates on the market, with a good reputation and a real, not nominal director.

    we were satisfied with the result of joint work and we recommend as a responsible partner.

    Src=" "="" alt="Reputation letter to your company's bank">

    How to compile and submit information about the business reputation of a legal entity for a bank (sample for download)

    In any case, do not leave the request of the employees of the financial institution unanswered: it is likely that the bank will not cooperate with your company. Feedback from the counterparty on business reputation is made in writing and in any form.

    The letter is written on behalf of the business partner and on his letterhead. The document must be stamped and signed by the director of the company. Note that the reviews of your business partners who are clients of another bank are not of interest to a financial institution.

    Here is a sample letter of business reputation of the company for review.

    Reputation letter to your company's bank

    The construction company LLC "" proved to be a reliable contractor when performing finishing and facade work at the facilities of our organization.

    The work was carried out with good quality and within the time frame agreed with the contract. Having qualified engineering and working personnel, the construction company "" ensures the quality and timing of work in strict accordance with the requirements of the Customer.

    You irrevocably ruin the reputation of your company and yourself as a specialist. The protocol of the meeting of the labor collective is a sample, for sure such a request is not uncommon in.

    A sales receipt (form) can be downloaded today without any problems, since it is on the Internet.

    Business reputation letter of a legal entity

    At the same time, the bank will ask for feedback not directly from your counterparties and banks, but from you.

    And indeed, in other words, you will need to ask for their reviews and later give them to the bank where you open the newest account.

    But not so to speak, it is impossible that one of the counterparties will finally refuse to write a review without the help of others, referring, for example, to lack of time.

    N 26-T 1.2. Risk of loss of a credit institution's business reputation (reputational risk) - the risk of losses for a credit institution due to the influence of the factors specified in clause 3.1 of these Recommendations. 1.3.

    Business reputation of a credit institution - qualitative assessment participants in the civil circulation of the activities of a credit institution, as well as the actions of its real owners,

    Letter of goodwill to the bank sample for yourself

    But not so to speak, it is impossible that one of the counterparties will finally refuse to write a review without the help of others, referring, for example, to lack of time. Moreover, banks sell such debts in bulk to collectors, and after changing the lender, borrowers must repay loans not to a financial institution, but to a collection company.

    That is, collectors have dug in very well in Ukraine, and this despite the fact that the issue of their existence has not been completely resolved by law.

    Banks of the Russian Federation will check the business reputation of customers

    » Letters of recommendation can be provided by others corporate clients banks that are partners of the company, as well as banks in which this company was serviced. » » Letters of recommendation can be provided by other corporate clients of the bank who are partners of the company, as well as banks where the company was serviced.
    » Banks will become closed clubs, which can only be entered upon the recommendation of one of the members of this «

    Feedback on the business reputation of the counterparty sample

    Be sure to make sure that the business reputation review is written on the letterhead of the counterparty and on his behalf, and not on your company.

    Accordingly, the document must be signed by the director and stamped by the counterparty (1). But this counterparty must have an account with the bank where you open a new account. The bank does not need reviews from other counterparties, since it checks the information through its already verified clients.

    A letter of recommendation to a bank is an official document recommending the bank to cooperate with a new client. This is a review of one company about another, containing an assessment of its reliability as a business partner. It includes information about business reputation, the period of cooperation, information about whether the organization is a reliable partner or not, how contractual obligations are fulfilled.

    Why should individual entrepreneurs and organizations provide this document?

    Banks are asked to provide this letter when opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs and organizations for a reason. Such actions are provided by the current legislation.

    Reference! Credit institutions act in accordance with the Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 21.01.2014. No. 3197-U and within the framework of compliance with the Federal Law "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism".

    This document The Bank of Russia obliges credit institutions to carry out customer identification before accepting them for service. For this purpose, it recommends that banks collect information and information about the client, which allow them to conduct banking operations. Among other information, the bank has the right to request from counterparties of the client or the bank where it is serviced.

    The Bank independently makes a decision to include such a letter in the package of documents for opening an account.

    Who should provide?

    If, when contacting a bank with a question about opening a current account, you are required to provide a letter of recommendation, you need to contact your partner. Preferably one with whom the company has been cooperating for a long time and has a good reputation. You can contact the bank where the organization is serviced and ask for such a letter there.

    There may be cases when the counterparty makes a corresponding request to your organization. Then it can be compiled in accordance with the instructions below.

    There are no clear rules for the preparation of such a document.. The content should indicate the name of the counterparty who needs this letter, indicate the limitation of cooperation, types of cooperation, you can indicate the agreements concluded between the partners. To prescribe information about the reliability of the partner, how they fulfill their obligations.

    Compilation algorithm

    You can learn more about the features of designing a letter of recommendation for a company, as well as see a sample document.

    How is it arranged?

    There are no special requirements for the design of a letter of goodwill. Must comply General requirements office work in the preparation of business correspondence. The letter must be issued on the letterhead of the organization giving recommendations, and contain all the necessary details of the business letter.

    Do not forget to indicate the outgoing number and the date of compilation. In organizations leading electronic document management, they will be added automatically. The letter is signed by the head of the organization. If available, a seal is affixed.

    Shipping methods

    Banks, as a rule, request original documents. Therefore, it should be sent in the following ways:

    • Transfer directly to your partner who requested such a letter.
    • Self-deliver to the bank.
    • Send via available communication channels (fax, Email) with subsequent resending by mail or courier delivery.

    Consequences for the legal entity counterparty

    If your company requires such a letter, you should choose trusted and reliable companies. It may turn out that the counterparty bank has " negative information". As you know, banks maintain lists of unreliable companies, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank and the aforementioned law on legalization.

    Important! If such a letter appears in the list of documents provided for opening a current account, it must be provided without fail. To avoid the onset negative consequences for the company in the form of the bank's refusal to cooperate.

    So, if a business partner asks to provide him with a letter of recommendation for the bank, you can compose it using the above instructions. The letter must be formal and informative.. It must contain all the details for business correspondence. Indicate in it the business reputation of the counterparty and the possibility of cooperation between the bank and the client.