Qualitative assessment of personnel. Methods and goals of personnel assessment: how to turn employees from a tool into the brain center of the company. It is possible to promote excellent students based on assessment results. If it is thoughtful and comprehensive

What is personnel assessment?

Personel assessment– assessment of the existing state of knowledge, skills and abilities by the company’s personnel for the purpose of designing and developing measures to optimize them.

Purpose of personnel assessment at the enterprise – carrying out targeted and coordinated changes current system personnel management, which should ensure an increase in labor productivity, product quality, production culture (operation and maintenance of equipment), corporate culture, etc.

Goals of assessment in the “wide” use of the procedure

  • Recruitment, competition for filling a vacant position
  • Formation personnel reserve
  • Personnel rotation
  • Determining staff readiness for changes during reorganization
  • Staff reduction
  • Determination of development potential
  • Determining training needs
  • Formation of a motivation system with encouragement

Objectives of assessment in the “narrow” use of the procedure:

  • Grade current activities employees.
  • Agreeing on goals for the next period.
  • Staff development.
  • Administrative decisions
  • Help heads of company departments evaluate human resources and the effectiveness of their use.
  • Help employees understand the requirements for their position and get the opportunity to find out exactly where they meet these requirements and what needs to be developed.
  • These assessments are designed to assist in making strategic decisions, improve the organizational structure and adjust job responsibilities.
  • The assessment allows you to answer the questions: “What to teach?”, “How to teach?”, “Who to teach?”, plan training for certain employees, identify the most promising of them, in whose development it will be profitable for the company to invest.
  • Conducting an assessment should help make relations within the company’s team more business-like and transparent; eliminate misunderstandings between managers and subordinates.

The introduction of a system of certification and assessment of professionally important qualities is an important mechanism of the personnel management system, allowing to monitor the state of vocational training, functional skills of enterprise employees. The implementation of a comprehensive mechanism for certification and evaluation of enterprise employees allows the use of a wide range of tools for material and administrative incentives, professional and personal-social motivation

The assessment of the company's personnel is the basis for:

  • Systems of material and non-material financial incentives personnel
  • Personnel selection and adaptation systems
  • Personnel training systems
  • Personnel development systems
  • Formation and work with personnel reserve
  • Self-motivation and development of leadership qualities of staff
  • Performance Improvement Systems

Based on many years of experience in conducting assessment activities by A-Range Solutions experts, in order to implement a comprehensive personnel assessment system, we suggest that you carry out its clear regulation, providing appropriate procedures and documents, which will minimize personal and subjective factors when assessing personnel. At the same time, it makes sense to immediately develop two areas of assessment: official certification (in accordance with legal requirements once every three to five years) and qualification assessment to determine areas for personnel development and mobilization, analyze the results of their activities, focusing on shortcomings and existing problems (annually). In addition, it is necessary to streamline and regulate the procedure for assessing candidates for vacant positions.

When does it become necessary to evaluate personnel?

Even before the development and implementation of a personnel assessment system begins, in order to clearly measure the quality and quantity of work in the assessment process, it is advisable to answer several questions:

  • How to measure indicators? How to build a rating scale?
  • How to collect reliable information in order to build an assessment?
  • Who will be the appraiser? Are appraisers sufficiently competent to carry out the assessment procedure?
  • What to do with process instability?
  • What to do with the immeasurability of a number of the most important aspects?
  • How to avoid “bazaar relationships, “I love you - I don’t love you”, and being tied to payment for each step?
  • How to link a score to a fund wages in conditions of uncertainty of future payments, from a “pilot project” to implementation throughout the company, avoiding overexpenditure of the payroll?

Most often, an enterprise thinks about developing and implementing a personnel assessment system if:

  • There is a stable staff turnover
  • There is no personnel assessment system in the company at all
  • Must be accepted management decision in the field of HRM of the company.
  • Investments in development are planned key directions activity of the enterprise
  • A change in the company's management team is planned (or has already occurred)
  • A change in the company’s strategic goals is expected (or has already occurred)
  • It is necessary to form a project team to solve a strategic business problem
  • The legal basis for relocating employees within the company is a high priority
  • Reduction of staffing levels, staffing structure
  • Introduce optimization processes at your enterprise
  • Enterprise restructuring is being prepared
  • Formation of a company personnel training plan requires an understanding of the level of personnel competence
  • It is required to formulate a personnel development plan and form a personnel reserve at the enterprise
  • There is a downward trend in labor discipline indicators
  • Noticeable decrease in labor productivity
  • There are constant conflict situations
  • Employees' complaints to the inspection authorities were recorded
  • The need has “ripened” to form or change a personnel incentive system at the enterprise.

What methods of personnel assessment are there?

  • Document analysis- study of resumes, written recommendations, reviews, documents on education, etc. The reliability of the presented data (education, qualifications, work experience, responsibilities, functions, achievements) is assessed.
  • Analysis of established standards and regulations— there are certain requirements for processes within the company, such as standards and requirements for product quality, technological schemes production. The company's personnel adheres to established procedures, development and production standards. Standard assessments are being developed to meet these requirements.
  • Psychological testing— allows you to obtain the results of assessing personality traits in quantitative and descriptive form. Quantitative results allow you to compare employees on certain qualities. A specially instructed specialist can conduct an assessment using personality questionnaires, and only a specialist who knows how to use a specific questionnaire can process the results and make recommendations.
  • Work behavior assessment and assessment interview
  • Professional tests— are developed for a specific position and test the key knowledge and skills for it. They can be created by the immediate supervisor to evaluate the employees of his department, as well as by external experts from consulting companies and specialized specialists.
  • Business essay method - h and for a certain time, the person being assessed must describe a real-life problem and propose an algorithm for solving the problem/task. This assessment method allows us to identify the presence of an integrated approach to solving problems and a strategic vision.
  • Rating scales— characterize the desired parameters of skills and competencies and a description of each division of this scale. Scales are selected for a specific rating system.
  • Ranging– comparative analysis of personnel within a division and between divisions of the company, building a “chain” of ratings according to pre-developed criteria.
  • Competency assessment— a set of individual characteristics expressed in behavioral indicators and determining the quality of work performed in a given position in a given organization
  • 360 degrees— this is obtaining data about the actions of an employee in real work situations and about the business qualities. Information is obtained from people who communicate with this person on different levels: boss, colleagues, subordinates, subordinates, clients.
  • Assessment center— A comprehensive method for assessing competencies is multiple process assessment, reflected in 5 core properties: a group of participants perform a variety of exercises under the supervision of a team of trained observers who evaluate each participant on a set of pre-determined, directly related to work behavior patterns. Decisions are made through joint discussion of all received data
  • Management by Objectives(MBO from Management by Objectives) - begins with a joint (employee and his manager) determination of the employee’s key goals for a certain period (from 6 months to 1 year). There should be few such goals and reflect the most important tasks of the employee’s activities for the next period and be: specific, measurable, achievable, significant, time-oriented.
  • KPI(Key Performance Indicators) – assessment by key indicators efficiency - to this type assessments worked not only to control results, but also to increase the efficiency of employees, it must, on the one hand, take into account strategic goals company, on the other hand, to be clear and understandable for every employee.
  • HR audit- diagnosis of the current condition human resources and the effectiveness of the functioning of the personnel management system for compliance with the strategy, goals and objectives facing your enterprise, identifying risk areas and development areas
  • Certification- this is a procedure for a systematic formal assessment of the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with the standard of work performance at a given workplace in a given position
  • Test - cases is a structured description of an economic, social or work situation, proposed for its analysis and search for possible solutions for the purpose of training or assessing subjects according to given parameters. Determining the current state professional knowledge, abilities, skills in the subject area and the level of expression of professional subject competence and personal properties.

How is personnel assessed?

Standard list of work carried out by expert consultants from A-Range Solutions:

  • introductory meeting with the customer. Definition of the problem situation
  • preliminary assessment of the conditions for conducting personnel assessment work: approval of goals and objectives, deadlines, labor intensity of work, as well as the budget and composition of the team of expert consultants. When determining the cost of work, the amount of the project is compared with the expected effect from the implementation of measures to improve the system of selection and adaptation of personnel
  • formation and approval of a work plan, approval of contact persons on the customer’s side
  • determination and approval of the methodological part, including the selection of assessment methods and tools. Includes work on issuing internal regulations, orders regulating this work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personal notification of the employees being assessed before the start of the assessment.
  • obtaining permission from the customer to collect and process information, conducting interviews with enterprise personnel. Collection and systematization of information. If necessary, by prior agreement with the customer, questionnaires and questionnaires are developed by A-Range Solutions' expert consultants.
  • development and approval of a personnel assessment structure. To implement these works, it is important that the customer provides verified, reliable information reflecting the research problem, ensuring comparability of data.
  • carrying out the assessment procedure itself
  • development of recommendations based on the results of the work performed, a preliminary draft report of the work performed is generated for discussion and agreement with the customer.
  • generation of the final report. The entire progress of work on conducting personnel assessment of the enterprise, the results obtained, as well as conclusions and recommendations are described.
  • selection of experts who implement the implementation of personnel assessment results at the enterprise.

What is the result?

Depending on the goals, objectives, issues, you acquire a systematic, structured view of the state of human resources in your company:

  • understanding the current state of knowledge, skills and abilities of company personnel
  • compliance of the qualification level of human resources with the strategic and tactical objectives of the company
  • assessment of the professional contribution of the employee(s) to the company’s performance
  • compliance of the qualification level of employees with the level of their remuneration
  • compliance of the employee's job responsibilities with the assigned area of ​​responsibility
  • functional imbalance of the enterprise (in terms of human resources)
  • development zones and risk zones of your company’s human resources
  • analysis of the management staff of the enterprise (in terms of HRM)
  • analysis of existing procedures regulating the personnel assessment system
  • description of possible legal risks (the emergence of labor disputes, penalties from inspection authorities) with reference to the regulatory legal act
  • recommendations for eliminating violations
  • priority of tasks in subsequent work with the personnel evaluation system
  • work plan for implementing the results of personnel assessment at the enterprise.

Personnel assessment using various principles makes it possible to clearly identify any aspects related to the employees’ performance of the tasks assigned to them, to determine the characteristics and personal qualities of the organization’s employees.

The principles of personnel assessment are based on a study of common criteria, 25 of which are sufficient to identify a person’s qualities. Among them may be the ability to generalize orally or in writing, management, careerist motives, internal standards, including ethical principles, a person’s self-esteem, his organizational and creative abilities, organization, reliability, etc.

Often, the personnel assessment system at an enterprise involves the use of the assessment center method or a universal comprehensive method. If the goals and objectives of personnel assessment are correct, then you can effectively evaluate the work of employees, taking into account:

  • ongoing monitoring of work results;
  • the possibility of conducting certification activities;
  • results obtained in the process of ongoing monitoring and certification.

It is very important to communicate the results of ongoing monitoring and certification to each employee in a timely manner.

The concept and objectives of personnel assessment are associated with a focused process that allows you to determine whether all the qualitative characteristics of an employee, including his skills, motivation, abilities and character, correspond to the requirements of the role he performs.

Personnel assessment and development allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • identify the level of professionalism of the employee (knowledge, skills, abilities);
  • explore psychological preparedness (motives of a person’s behavior and its direction, employee’s temperament);
  • evaluate the employee’s labor efficiency related to productivity and quality of work, the desire for rationalization and invention;
  • develop appropriate recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities workers;
  • identify the degree of correspondence between the level of remuneration and the efforts of employees, the level of performance and the expected result;
  • establish directions for personnel development;
  • create an effective mechanism for motivating employees.

Methods on the basis of which an employee is assessed

Qualitative (descriptive) methods allow you to evaluate employees without using quantitative ones. The most common among them is the matrix method, which is based on comparing the characteristics of an employee with possible ideal criteria corresponding to the position he occupies.

You can highlight the achievements of the stronger and the mistakes of the weakest workers by using the method of a system of arbitrary characteristics, which involves comparing these indicators with each other. Using the elementary method, the activities of an employee of the organization as a whole are assessed. Often, the use of the “360 degree” method allows an employee to be assessed from all sides by other employees, from management to the company’s clients. The prospects and performance of a particular employee are discussed on the basis of a discussion method conducted by experts and management.

Mixed or descriptive methods are based on quantitative aspects. For example, testing or a method of summing up assessments. Each of the characteristics is assessed according to a specific scale, followed by determination of average indicators for comparison with ideal ones.

Quantitative methods make it possible to assess the qualities of an employee with the greatest objectivity, recording each result in numbers. The rank method is the most common quantification, which is a rating of employee characteristics compiled by several managers. After this, the ratings for all employees are reconciled and those at the bottom of the table are reduced. If the scoring method is used, the employee can receive in advance a certain amount of points - they are summed up based on the results of the entire period.

Indicators of comprehensive employee assessment

Using personnel assessment criteria, it is possible to obtain characteristics of indicators that are equivalent for all employees. Since information about the employee must be reliable, this will require objectivity and accuracy of indicators. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of personnel performance is carried out on the basis of clearer criteria.

A criterion or a certain threshold affects whether the indicator will be satisfactory or unsatisfactory in relation to the established requirements of the organization for employees. They can be either planned or standardized.

Personnel assessment technologies involve the use of groups of the following criteria:

  1. Professional.
  2. Business.
  3. Moral and psychological.
  4. Specific.

Professional criteria include characteristics related to knowledge in the field professional activity, skills, abilities, availability professional experience in humans, etc. Among the business criteria are: responsibility, organization, efficiency, initiative.

Moral and psychological criteria are related to fairness, honesty, psychological stability, and the employee’s ability to self-esteem. The constituents of specific criteria are the qualities of an employee that characterize his authority, state of health, and personality traits.

A system of indicators should be formed based on:

  1. Indicators of all 3 groups, which are equally important. If the criteria of a certain group are recognized as priority, this will lead to employees neglecting other types of activities.
  2. Indicators that should not only cover all necessary parties labor activity, but also not to create an overly cumbersome system that will require a lot of time and money.

Personnel assessment automation system

The enterprise has a subsystem that facilitates the work of the HR manager, labor engineer, heads of departments organizational development and personnel management. The work of employees is assessed by the above-mentioned specialists and department heads on the basis developed by 1C - a personnel assessment program based on special methods.

The product includes the following modules:

  1. Professional and psychological testing.
  2. Competency models.
  3. Assessment of labor results according to KPI.

The functional areas of the 1C: Enterprise program in the “Personnel Assessment” subsystem are:

  1. Personnel certification and analysis of labor results.
  2. Monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team in the process of implementing new or risky management decisions.
  3. Research on the strengths and weaknesses of project and management teams.
  4. Creation of teams of professionals taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of each employee.
  5. Selection and admission of candidates based on an analysis of assessed qualities, holding personnel competitions, personnel rotation, taking into account the compliance of employees with job requirements.
  6. Implementation of a system of personnel competencies, forecasting employee behavior in typical situations in order to identify potential risks associated with the activities of workers.
  7. Launch of automated processes, including assessment and certification of personnel.
  8. Evaluation of employee labor in the system of performance indicators (KPI).

The algorithm for all actions for employee assessment and certification is presented in the figure (IMAGE 1).

Rules for developing an organization's personnel assessment system

A personnel evaluation system can be developed as follows:

  1. An assessment system that was adopted in another organization was copied.
  2. An assessment system has been developed independently.
  3. Consultants were invited to develop a system that meets the selected requirements.

If management has instructed a personnel management specialist to develop an evaluation system, then it may not get the desired result due to the fact that absolutely identical organizations practically non-existent. At the same time, this moment can have a positive impact on the further advancement of personnel along the career ladder.

If at one enterprise the requirements for employees are high, then at another they are average. Overall construction effective system Personnel assessments in any organization will allow each employee to improve their status and qualifications. All specialists of the same profession and equal qualifications in different organizations perform different tasks, have different needs, etc.

If an organization needs to evaluate the results of the work of those specialists or workers whose activities are regulated by established standards and regulations, then clear indicators can be obtained. These include the number of customers served, sales volume, etc.

Comprehensive personnel assessment is associated with establishing not only the required level of indicators, but also certain conditions behavior of employees, allowing each performer to achieve a high level of efficiency of their own work. If there are no clear indicators for assessing labor results, then they are work goals established on the basis job functions employee.

Since tools are selected to carry out the assessment and procedures are defined that allow the work of the organization’s employees to be assessed, various enterprises may develop and present completely different requirements. This affects the effectiveness of the obtained indicators: they will be appropriate only if the staff correctly perceives their work results.

To get the maximum benefit from the evaluation system, it is necessary to correctly determine its goals, since very often it comes down to issues related to bonuses and wages.

Stages of building a personnel assessment system

The main goal of conducting personnel assessment procedures is to obtain objective information about the following indicators:

  1. Employee performance results.
  2. The effort required of them to achieve these results.
  3. Employee satisfaction with working conditions.
  4. Employee satisfaction with the rewards they receive.

Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in the context of the strategic objectives of the company.

During the assessment, the employer compares the employee occupying a particular position with a specialist ideally suited for this position.

In the West, formalized assessment appeared in US companies at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the 1960s, a new methodology appeared - management by objectives (MBO - Management by objectives) - the personal achievements of each employee were assessed.

In the 1980s, a technique called Performance management (PM) was created - performance management. Not only the result is evaluated, but also the ways to achieve it. Assumes large-scale feedback with an employee. It can serve as a tool for predicting the further professional development of an employee and planning his career in the company.

In the 1980s - 1990s, the objectivity of assessment increased with the advent of new technology- “360 degrees”, which involves a systematic survey of people (manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients) with whom the employee works.

At the same time, the Assessment Center, which provides a comprehensive assessment of competencies, is beginning to gain popularity. It was mainly used in the assessment of senior managers for the purpose of appointment to these positions and for inclusion in the personnel reserve of companies.

In Russia, the traditional method of assessment is certification.

Modern assessment methods in Russia appeared recently, with the advent of Russian market Western companies. The number of companies using RM, Assessment Center, including internal, “360 degrees” is growing, but not as fast as we would like. The main obstacle is the Russian mentality of continuity of Western technologies, distrust in them, as well as a craving for stability and conservatism.

Let's consider the main methods of personnel assessment used in Russian companies.


The procedure for conducting certification is set out in officially approved documents. If there are none, the organization must have an approved in the prescribed manner“Regulations on certification” of company personnel. The procedure and all regulations are agreed upon and approved by the top officials of the company.

Certification is a right of the company administration, which can be exercised in relation to all or certain categories of employees. Employees who have worked for less than one year, pregnant women or those with children under three years of age, and representatives of top management may be excluded from the assessment.

Certification is carried out once, twice or three times a year. It may be regular or extraordinary by decision of the administration.

Certification evaluates qualifications, work results (evaluation sheet or on recommendation from the manager), level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of a standard exam), business and personal qualities.

The evaluation criterion is the professional standard of specialties and positions.

An attestation commission is created from representatives of middle management, employees personnel services, trade union members. The number is usually determined by an odd number of participants ranging from 5 to 11. The commission, in the presence of the employee, reviews all the data and makes a decision on the future fate of the employee in the organization.

The results may be grounds for dismissal of an employee in accordance with Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
In case of disagreement with the decision certification commission, the employee has the right to appeal to the labor dispute commission at the enterprise or go to court. The commission must provide reasons for its decision.

It consists of the joint setting of tasks by the manager and the employee and the assessment of the results of their implementation after the reporting period (usually the end of the financial year).

The assessment affects all categories and positions of the company.
1) A list of tasks is compiled:
a) the manager sets the tasks himself and then communicates them to the employees. Then adjustments take place taking into account the employee’s suggestions;
b) the manager and employee set tasks independently of each other, and then agree on them during the interview.
2) The criteria for completing tasks are determined (coefficient, weight as a percentage of overall success for each task) in accordance with the company's strategy.
3) The success of the task is determined. The opinion of the manager is considered priority or a higher manager is involved in the decision.
4) Measures are being outlined to improve the quality of work.

Evaluates the results, methods and competencies of employees, identifies areas of development, and plans the employee’s career. All categories and positions of the company can participate. The emphasis is on feedback from the manager to the subordinate in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).

Interviews on setting tasks and a final interview (carried out jointly by the manager and subordinate) take place once a year, where the employee is provided with feedback on his work and ways to develop his success and quality of work are developed. The results of work on tasks and competencies are assessed, areas are identified and plans are drawn up for employee training and career development.

"360 degrees"

A competency-based assessment performed by people who regularly work with the employee.

Can also be used for individual personnel tasks, and as an addition to the main system. The employee himself can initiate this assessment method to identify his own areas of development.

Opinions about an employee are made by four parties: the manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients (above, below, next to and around) in the amount of 7 - 12 people. It is desirable that people evaluate not only positively, but also critically.

Competencies assessed:

People management
Communication skills
Organizational skills
Decision making ability

Data from completed questionnaires and forms is collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to achieve complete confidentiality) or processed online (automatically). Only the manager can show his assessment, thus providing feedback.

The results of the assessment (usually on a five-point scale) are received by the employee and his supervisor.

Assessment Center

1) Preparatory stage:
- determination of assessment goals;
- development (updating) of a competency model. The model must be consistent with the overall company strategy and include the competencies required to perform a specific task. To develop competencies, business leaders and preferably the top person of the company must be involved. Competencies are prescribed by level.

2) Development of the Assessment Center procedure:
- development of a scenario plan (timing and logistics of the event);
- modeling and/or adaptation of exercises;
- determination of the set and sequence of assessment methods;
- training of experts, training of observers;
- familiarization of assessed participants with the Assessment Center program.

3) conducting Assessment Center:

- conducting business games, cases, group discussions, in which the selected competencies are manifested. The topic can be anything, and does not necessarily have to correspond to the content of the employee’s work. Each case provides an opportunity to evaluate several competencies in different combinations. Exercises are performed in a group or in pairs. The behavior of employees is monitored by specially trained observers - external consultants, HR department employees, representatives of business units;
- individual interviews, tests (intelligence, personality) with each participant based on the results of the game;
- overall assessment of the game participant (integration session)- consolidation of assessments. All observers express their opinion about the person’s behavior during business games and discuss the overall assessment of each competency;
- drawing up a report based on the results of the Assessment Center;
- providing feedback to Assessment Center participants. It is very important that consultants/observers providing feedback be extremely tactful and careful. Ambitious employees with high self-esteem are often assessed in Assessment Centers. After giving feedback, they should be left with a positive impression.

Also, evaluation methods can be informally associated coaching, which is non-core, but provides more detailed information about the employee - his potential, motivations, intentions, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Coaching is a powerful method that motivates and initiates employee responsibility for their activities; therefore, at all stages of an employee’s work, it can be used as an assessment method, as a development method, and as a way to motivate an employee.

Comparative characteristics various methods, stages of implementing an assessment system in a company, as well as difficulties arising during this process.

Determining the need for personnel assessment
The company must evaluate, and the consultant can help with this by informing (the pros and cons of each valuation method) which valuation method is acceptable for the company and whether it is necessary at all, based on the analysis the following factors:
Date of the last assessment event.
Company age.
How financially prepared the company is to implement the assessment exercise.
Having a strategy and mission.
How developed corporate culture company and what are its features.
Company size.
The scope of the company’s activities, the nature of the products manufactured or services provided.
Social and psychological atmosphere in the company.
Stage of work of employees subject to evaluation and other factors.

To determine the actual need for an assessment, the consultant and the customer need to understand the reason for contacting a consulting company, because wishes for an assessment can be very different, from a real need to identify the company’s level of success to conducting an assessment as a tribute to fashion. The last wish is not a need for an assessment, and its implementation may trigger an irreversible process of the company's collapse. Therefore, the process of determining true intentions, where a clear goal, result and specific objectives of the company are built, is the first and most important stage in conducting the actual personnel assessment.

Each stage of an employee’s work in the company involves the use of certain assessment methods

Can only be used in combination with other methods
+ - can be used separately

At the end stage probationary period Apply assessment interviews and tests for knowledge of the subject of activity.

Benefits of conducting an assessment

Benefits of valuation for a company
1. Determination of work results, level of knowledge and skills of company personnel.
2. Possibility of personnel rotation and creation of a personnel reserve.
3. Creation of a targeted personnel development program.
4. Staff motivation.
5. Building a corporate culture.
6. Organizational development.

Benefits of assessment for an employee
1. Determining the place and role of each employee in the company - horizontally and vertically.
2. A clear understanding of the assigned tasks, criteria for the success of their implementation, and the dependence of wages and bonuses on labor results.
3. The opportunity to receive feedback from your immediate supervisor.
4. Guarantee that achievements will not be ignored (if the system works effectively).
5. Opportunity for professional and career growth.

Place of personnel assessment in the personnel management process
Training. Personnel assessment helps to identify the training needs of employees, as well as determine the effectiveness of the training programs used.
Personnel planning. The assessment of performance indicators allows us to determine both current and future quantitative and qualitative personnel requirements.
Personnel selection. Information on performance assessment is used to improve the methods used to attract and select personnel.
Employee development and career planning. Assessing performance indicators allows you to assess an employee’s potential and outline ways to perform more complex and responsible work.
Stimulation and motivation of work. Performance appraisal helps improve the effectiveness of the motivation and incentive system by providing employees with feedback, assessing their contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and department.
Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it. Assessing the work and working behavior of employees is the basis for forming a reserve and determining the effectiveness of its training.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system in the company

The implementation of an assessment system in a company occurs in several stages:

1) Making a decision to create an assessment system in the company by top management and the company’s HR department. Actions at this stage:
Determine the goals of the assessment and its impact on employee motivation (preliminarily conduct a survey of employees).
The HR function should make a presentation to senior management on the advantages and disadvantages of various appraisal methods.
Making a decision on the implementation of an assessment system in the company as a whole and on its method of implementation.
The decision to create a working group.

2) Creation of a working group, which will include representatives of middle management, HR department, legal and PR services, possibly external consultants and company employees. The Group provides senior management with detailed plan actions to create and implement the system, and a budget, if necessary.

3) Selection of assessment methods and development of the first version of the system. Stages:
a) development of a system of corporate competencies.
b) to be specified organizational structure companies and line reporting to clarify the cascade of hierarchy.
c) the assessment system correlates with the company’s business planning system and KPIs
d) the evaluation system must fit into the entire range of HR tools.
e) review and clarify job descriptions.

The result is a final decision on the assessment method, the structure of the assessment system, a set of competencies, a rating scale, options for forms and forms.

4) Finalization of the system and preparation of documents by the HR department: assessment regulations, assessment forms, instructions for the manager and employee.

5) Information support systems within the company, conducting training for managers (evaluators) according to the plan: explaining the benefits of evaluation for the company and employees, a clear description of the sequence of evaluation, the structure of evaluation forms and how to fill them out, training in setting tasks and correlating them with the business plan, a story about the consequences results for employees and the company, training skills for conducting assessment interviews with employees.

6) Refinement of the system taking into account the wishes of middle managers.

7) Conducting training for staff.

8) Conducting an assessment.

9) Summing up, analyzing successes and failures.

Errors and difficulties in implementing an assessment system
Inconsistency in the method for assessing the company's maturity level.
Negative attitude of employees towards any assessment of their work.
Assessing the personal qualities of employees in isolation from job responsibilities and competencies.
The assessment system is not connected with the system of material and non-material motivation.
Managers believe that they do not have time to conduct assessments.
Employee participation in setting tasks is minimal.
Managers give bad feedback, and employees don't know how to take it.
Low or high self-esteem of employees.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment


1 -1

The effectiveness of an organization largely depends on the effectiveness of the people who work. Currently exists great amount different methods that help to form in employees loyalty to their organization, motivation for results, and also to develop highly qualified professionals who can create competition in the market. In this article we will look at modern methods personnel assessments to create and maintain an effective personnel reserve. Read also the article ⇒ “ “

Necessary personnel assessment criteria to determine effectiveness

To develop any personnel assessment system, the employer must determine the main criteria on which this entire system will be based. The choice of criteria determines the specifics of the work, as well as the goals of the organization. There are three main evaluation criteria that an employer can use as a starting point when developing a personnel policy:

  • Grade personal qualities employee. This evaluation criterion can be formed from both internal and external sources. This assessment is important for employees who work with people constantly. These criteria may include: stress resistance, communication skills, appearance etc.
  • Assessing the level of qualifications and competence of an employee. In this case, the employee’s suitability for the position held is assessed, as well as the ability to apply his qualification knowledge in practice. Typically, assessment is carried out through testing or solving specific problems that correspond to the required skill level.
  • Employee performance assessment. The assessment is carried out based on the results of completing the assigned tasks, with what result the task was completed, in what time frame, the effectiveness of the use of expended resources, etc.

Qualitative method for assessing personnel in an organization

The qualitative method is not based on numbers, quantitative indicators, it is more of a descriptive method. It is suitable for a certain type of employee for whom behavioral and personal qualities are much more important than numerical indicators.

Approaches within this method Description
Model approach The competence of the ideal candidate (a list of job and personal characteristics can be used) is compared with the actual person holding the position
Evaluation of an arbitrary characteristic Data is collected on the employee’s results in the workplace: all his victories and failures. And based on this, a conclusion is made about the employee’s effectiveness
Evaluation of work performed (results) One of the simplest approaches is when a conclusion about an employee is made based on the work he has performed.
Colleague survey The conclusion about the employee is made by interviewing his colleagues and employees from other departments
Personal conversation with an employee The assessment is carried out on the basis of a personal conversation between the manager and experts directly with the employee himself

Quantitative method for assessing personnel in an organization

It is considered one of the simplest and effective methods assessment, which is based on quantitative indicators. A certain level is set for employees, below which they cannot fall, and for significantly exceeding they receive certain bonuses. The method is quite transparent and understandable for all participants labor relations. The only aspect worth mentioning is the development of effective and balanced indicators that will actually work, a complex and time-consuming process. It is often difficult for an employer to maintain a balance between overestimated and underestimated indicators, since the former cause dissatisfaction among the employees themselves, and the latter reduce motivation.

Point system A fairly simple assessment system, where employees gain points over a certain period of time. The employer establishes a point scale by which the performance of each employee is assessed at the end of the period
Rating system Within this system, employees compete with each other for a place in the ranking. At the end of the evaluation period, the best employees are selected within the framework of this rating
Free scoring system For each achievement, employees receive points, which are subsequently summed up and employee ratings are formed based on these amounts.

Combined method of personnel assessment

This method includes the two previous methods and is a set of indicators by which an employee is assessed from different angles. This may include work performance and the ability to work in a team, the number of sales and communication skills, etc.

Assessment methods Approaches within these methods Description
Combined methods Average rating system The employer compiles a set of characteristics, for each of which points are assigned on a certain scale. All these scores are then summed up and an overall average score is calculated to evaluate the employee.
Grouping system Employees are divided into groups based on the results of the work performed. Each group is assigned a specific rating from “unsatisfactory” to “excellent”

Approaches to assessing the qualifications and competence of organization employees

The qualifications and professionalism of an employee are the basis on which the manager’s trust is based. But at present, in view of the rapidly changing scientific and technological progress, market, as well as legislation, the requirement for the knowledge and skills of employees is increasing. Therefore, to adequately assess the effectiveness of personnel, employers have to use special approaches to assess the qualifications and competence of employees:

  • Employee certification is one of the effective methods for assessing the professionalism and motivation of an employee, as well as confirming the employee’s qualifications. There are a number of specialties for which annual event certification is a mandatory procedure. For others, this is an excellent opportunity to understand what they lack to be competitive and maintain a high level of professionalism.
  • The Competency Assessment Center is one of the most modern approaches to employee assessment, which is carried out in several stages and uses diverse approaches to assessing participants. Based on the results, the employee receives a report, the so-called feedback, which includes, in addition to the results, a set of proposals for improving his professional competence.
  • Testing, filling out questionnaires designed to determine not only the employee’s level of competence, but often also the employee’s personal qualities. This approach is often used when selecting candidates for vacant position to determine the best applicant.
  • An interview is one of the simplest approaches, but there are a number of psychological approaches to conducting interviews to identify the psycho-emotional state of an employee and his reaction to possible situations.
  • Involvement of experts from third-party organizations for independent assessment. Probably one of the most difficult assessment methods for an employee, but nevertheless the most objective.
  • Simulation of various situations - this can be like business games in which employees are asked to complete a certain case taking into account limited resources, or the creation competitive environment in the current work process to identify stronger employees.