Methods of material incentives for personnel and their composition. Organization of material incentives for personnel at the enterprise. Let's consider the most likely causes of demotivation typical for anesthesiology workers

Attracting and retaining qualified personnel is a pressing problem Russian business. Motivational programs that are designed to increase the efficiency and loyalty of staff to the employer company help solve this important issue. According to experts, today only 20% of Ekaterinburg companies effectively use motivational tools in their practice. How justified are the costs of such events and what mistakes do Ural businesses most often make when implementing motivational programs?

Motivation as a function of managing the process of creating internal motivation among members of the organization to act in order to achieve the goals of the organization in accordance with the responsibilities delegated to them and in accordance with the plan. Experts divide the company's approach to personnel motivation into two main types: achievement motivation and avoidance motivation. To put it simply: the stick method and the carrot method. The goal of achievement motivation is that the employee is driven by positive motives, the desire for more high salary, career growth, recognition of his merits. When a company puts avoidance motivation into practice, employees are punished in the form of fines, disciplinary action, and so on. According to experts at the Corporate Training Strategies company, it is undesirable to give preference to any one type of motivation.

Elena Pyatnikova, CEO company "Corporate Training Strategies": “There should be both. You can't just encourage and you can't just punish. We need balance."

In the form of incentive motivation, humanitarian - monetary motivation, material non-monetary motivation, non-material motivation. Ural companies, as a rule, give preference to incentive programs, and today they are actively using various options humanitarian motivation. As experts note, a number of companies are interested in Western systems.

Elena Pyatnikova, General Director of the Corporate Training Strategies company: “Enterprises set themselves strategic goals. These goals are communicated to departments, within departments to each person, and each person is assigned a number of indicators against which the effectiveness of his work is measured and, accordingly, wages are tied to this effectiveness.”

Properly developing such indicators is not an easy task. As experts note, most regional companies implementing these types of systems for the first time make mistakes precisely at the development stage.

Elena Pyatnikova, General Director of the company “Corporate Training Strategies”: “Either the indicators are too low, then people receive 200-300% bonuses, or the indicators are too high and people say that they will never achieve such indicators, or the indicators are assigned without discussion. These problems are quite common today.”

Today, one of the most common types of motivational programs is material non-monetary ones. Companies use a wide variety of tools for such motivation, for example, providing service road transport, payment cellular communications, kindergarten, education, corporate health care and even housing.

Olga Antipkina, head of the MTS contact center: “We have a good social program, we ensure delivery of all evening shifts. That is, employees who finish their work at 8–9 pm and later are delivered to their place of residence.”

A wide range of such tools is used by the Euroset company. The Ural branch employs about four thousand employees, more than 70% are employees retail chains. Therefore, when developing motivational programs, Euroset focuses specifically on retail personnel. The company conducts training for sales consultants in particularly difficult life situations financial assistance is provided, and an effective medical care program is in place.

Evgeny Bryksin, head of the insurance group of the Urals branch of the Euroset company: “In our holding there is a certain social package called Eurodiscount. It includes several products, one of them is voluntary health insurance. An employee who has worked for this company for 6 or more years has the right to purchase a voluntary health insurance policy.”

Euroset widely uses bonus programs designed to increase sales volumes. Employees are rewarded with tourist trips as an assessment of their achievements. There is an opportunity to even win a car. On October 1, the company launched a unique incentive program for sales consultants, during which employees can win new apartments.

Yana Lentach, director of people relations at the Ural branch of Euroset: “They sell certain brands of phones, and based on the results they earn certain points. This point system is then translated into square footage, and the most active, energetic and successful can get an apartment or a down payment on a mortgage.”

According to experts, the main thing is to individualize the approach to each employee. At optimal option The system of material non-monetary motivation is built on the principle of a cafeteria menu. Each employee receives from the company the type of assistance that he needs.

Elena Pyatnikova, general director of the company “Corporate Training Strategies”: “That is, a list of what the company does for its employees. Depending on the person’s position in the company, how long he has worked, and the importance of the position, different parameters are entered. A person has the right to choose from this list what he needs directly.”

A special type of motivational programs is non-material. According to experts at the Corporate Training Strategies company, which specializes in business training in the field of personnel management, when developing such systems, approaches must be divided into tools for attracting future employees. For example, a company where the system wages and career growth are built transparently, there is a greater chance of attracting highly qualified specialists. Thus, many Ural companies try to explain their prospects to employees at the initial stage. In particular, this practice exists in the Euroset company.

Yana Lentach, director of people relations at the Ural branch of the Euroset company: “There is The educational center, which, let’s say, at the very start explains the policy of behavior in the company, the policy of possible career growth, and this is positioned not only at the level of human relations departments, but also of branch managers. That is, employees understand that there is an opportunity to grow and develop.

When developing motivational retention systems, experts divide personnel into those who are loyal to the company and those who are loyal to their profession. For those who are loyal to the company, a variety of motivation programs are suitable, including professional competitions, corporate trainings, and various forms of recognition. The company’s informational openness to staff also contributes to retention. Professionals, on the contrary, are not easy to motivate, since the main incentive for such people is self-development; they may leave the company if they are offered more favorable opportunities elsewhere. professional growth conditions. As an intangible tool, experts advise involving such employees in the management decision-making process.

Elena Pyatnikova, General Director of the company “Corporate Training Strategies”: “The most important factor that works for retention is the attitude of the manager directly.”

As experts say, the Ural labor market today is close to depletion, there are practically no free human resources on the market, so companies are increasingly using the method of poaching personnel when recruiting personnel. In such a situation, the presence of clearly defined motivational programs in the company becomes particularly important. However, in only 20% of Ural companies these systems work effectively, 60% of companies have only just come to understand the need for them, and in 20% of companies there are no motivational programs or tools at all. This is often due to the fact that managers doubt the profitability of investing in motivation, and it is these companies that suffer the greatest losses from so-called staff turnover. The effectiveness of investments in personnel is always difficult to calculate, but, as experts say, by investing in people, you get the effect or you don’t get it; without investing in personnel, you absolutely do not get the results expected from them.

  • Motivation, Incentives and Remuneration


1 -1

Material incentives are a complex of various kinds of material benefits received or appropriated by personnel for individual or group contributions to the results of the organization’s activities through professional work, creative activity and required rules of conduct.

The essence of material monetary incentives for work activity


Consequently, the concept of material incentives includes all types of monetary payments that are used in the organization, and all forms of material non-monetary incentives. Today, in domestic and foreign practice, the following types of direct and indirect material payments are used: salary, various types of bonuses, bonuses, participation in profits, additional payments, deferred payments, participation in share capital.

Material monetary incentives include several elements: wages, additional payments and allowances, bonuses and profit and capital sharing systems.

In modern management practice, there is a widespread point of view that the amount of material incentives completely determines the attitude towards work and the amount of individual contribution, i.e. The higher the salary in combination with other material incentives, the higher the individual labor productivity. Indeed, material incentives are the main ones, but the following circumstances do not allow us to consider them the only effective ones:

1. Large corporations develop various kinds of benefits and privileges in their structure, as well as social programs, which do not have a direct stimulating effect.

2. The effectiveness of material incentives is associated with circumstances both internal and external to the organization of the environment, under which the relative value fluctuates significantly, therefore, in the sum of control actions it becomes inconsistent in the effect produced, i.e. It is difficult to predict how a person actually responds to a material stimulus under different conditions.

3. Material incentives are effective only in conjunction with other long-term management programs. For example, in the absence of a planned and well-functioning system for advanced training, strong financial incentives lead to higher prices work force low quality, i.e. to decrease economic efficiency social labor. In other words, the use of material incentives as a management influence should change (increase) the quality of staff work.

4. The organization never has sufficient financial resources to systematically apply material incentives to all groups of personnel. This leads to conflict situations that reduce the positive effects of incentives. In modern Russian practice, the largest material incentives are assigned by enterprise managers to themselves. The difference in pay between managers and ordinary personnel reaches enormous proportions. At the same time, benefits and privileges are also addressed to management. This situation inevitably leads to the stratification of teams and, most importantly, to a decrease in trust in management (and, consequently, controllability) in general. It is no coincidence that conflicts constantly arise at an enterprise over minor events.

5. Focusing exclusively on material incentives leads to a weakening of the connection between the enterprise and the staff, which, in particular, affects the state of turnover and the severity of demands from trade unions on employers. It has been established that where only material incentives are used, the position of trade unions is strong and tariff agreements, collective agreements and contracts are more difficult to conclude.

The central role in the system of material monetary incentives for labor is played by wage. It still remains the main source of income for the vast majority of workers, which means that wages will continue to be the most powerful incentive to improve the results of labor and production in general in the future.

Along with material monetary incentives, there are also those that have material value, but in real terms are presented in the form of special benefits and compensation - the so-called benefits or social package.

Social benefits can be either guaranteed by the state or voluntarily provided by an enterprise to its employees.

State-guaranteed social benefits are mandatory for enterprises of all forms of ownership and therefore do not have a stimulating role, but a social guarantees and social protection of able-bodied members of society who have jobs. Such benefits include annual paid leave, paid sick leave etc. These benefits are mandatory.

But an enterprise can provide its employees with benefits not provided for by law. This is done to attract new workers to the enterprise, reduce staff turnover, and stimulate efficient and high-quality work. In addition, employers, by providing social benefits to employees, also pursue goals such as reducing trade union activity, preventing strikes, and attracting and retaining qualified personnel at the enterprise.

The social package for employees is becoming increasingly important. No matter how high the salary level is, after a while it ceases to satisfy the employee. By providing social benefits, the company makes it clear to its employees that it takes into account and tries to solve their specific problems, and indirectly increases their level of income. In addition, providing a social package is a way for an organization to compete in terms of retaining the most valuable employees: when the amount of monetary compensation approximately corresponds to the market average, competition is carried out through additional benefits.

Social benefits are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. IN modern economy The condition for the success of an organization is not only the maximization of profits, but also the social security of the employee and the development of his personality.

In this regard, we can highlight the functions performed by the organization in order to voluntarily provide social benefits to its employees:

· aligning the goals and needs of the company’s employees;

· development of a special psychology among employees when they identify themselves with their enterprise;

· increasing productivity, efficiency and quality of work and the readiness of employees to work effectively for the benefit of the enterprise;

· social protection employees at a higher level than required by law;

· creation of a positive microclimate in the workforce of the enterprise;

· creating a positive image of the enterprise internally and foreign markets labor.

In the structure of material non-monetary incentives, the following groups of incentives are distinguished (Table 3.4).

Establishing a social package for employees in organizations can be based on different principles:

merit based- the higher the position and the longer the length of service, the greater the choice of benefits. For example, corporate circles are created into which employees fall depending on their position. Social packages have been developed for them, including medical insurance and setting limits on the use of a mobile phone, corporate credit card, and the presence of a personal car. For ordinary employees, the social package consists mainly of health insurance;

based on ranking the importance of benefits - protective benefits Provided to all employees: medical insurance, life insurance, pension payments; additional benefits - loans for the purchase of housing, payment for lunches, New Year's gifts, sale of company goods at preferential prices for certain categories of employees, for example, in the companies Procter and Gamble, ZM;

based on the “cafeteria” or “menu” principle - the employee independently chooses the benefits, within a set amount, that are most important to him in the current year: one will choose membership in a prestigious fitness club; the other is tuition fees; the third is additional medical insurance (the company provides its employee with a basket of social benefits for a certain amount, from which he can independently choose certain social benefits and vary them within the existing budget, i.e. create a so-called social menu for himself).

All types of material non-monetary incentives undoubtedly have a strong stimulating effect.

These incentives have material value and are thus an extension economic form stimulation. In certain situations, they form more than 20% of the family budget (for example, subsidies received for food, transportation costs paid by the company, and for top managers - allocation of cars for personal use, etc.). But these incentives, as an expression of the organization’s personnel policy, are at the same time a way of differentiating this attitude towards various official and professional categories of personnel.

The benefit also has a psychological component. Since the benefit does not relate directly to salary, it is a reward in the form of a gift, carried out with the goal of causing a positive reaction on the part of the staff in the form of special affection for the company, their workplace and their managers.

In this kind of incentives, the fact of donation, offering is of particular importance for the manifestation important characteristics personnel, determining its resource intensity, output in production and other structures of the organization. Let us note the most important of them for Russian conditions:

Experience, awareness of the care shown by the organization for personnel, regardless of rank and position occupied;

Experience, awareness of respect towards the employer;

Planning the use of free time taking into account the interests of the organization;

The need to strengthen the economic position of the organization;

Confidence in the organization, a kind of awareness of security;

Willingness to accept punishment for a crime committed;

Reducing aggressiveness and, on the contrary, increasing tolerance among staff.

A separate subgroup of material non-monetary incentives should include those whose feature is the delay in receiving material incentives.

This subgroup includes the following types of incentives:

Employee life insurance;

Life insurance for family members;

Accident insurance;

Property insurance, especially in cases where a company acts as a loan guarantor;

Insurance-based medical and dental care;

Payment for short- or long-term disability based on funds set aside by the organization or insurance;

Various paid absences from work;

Savings income with the participation of the company;

Assistance in the formation of personal savings and their use;

Pensions and pension provision;

Paid holidays;

Days off that are not provided for by collective agreements ( holidays, additional days off, etc.).

The peculiarity of these incentives is not only that they are delayed in time, but also that the employee contributes to their material support equity participant. At the same time, medical and pension provision is almost always a “program of three subjects”: the employee himself, the company and the state.

These three entities participate in the implementation of these programs on a shared basis. Moreover, the share of the organization is increasing, while the share of the state, on the contrary, remains largely stable. Since these programs are shared, it is impossible to call their material support a gift. This is a different relationship.

The relationships underlying these incentives are partnership, which is implemented in a kind of entrepreneurship carried out in partnership between an employer and an employee.

The employee partially participates with his own funds in ensuring the “three-subjects program”, and as a result he is guaranteed medical care for more than High Quality or a higher pension in due time. The employer, by participating with his own funds in the “programs of three subjects,” avoids increasing wages and, in addition, assigns the employee to his workplace for a long time, i.e. provides greater staff control.

Thus, in a certain respect, partnership in the implementation of “programs of three subjects” is beneficial, i.e. stimulates all three participants. Their actions are similar to entrepreneurial activities based on investing in certain types of projects.

Undoubtedly, the deferred form of remuneration in the form of medical, pension and other types of benefits associated with specified situations (for example, disability) is attractive for all three participants and, in this regard, the most promising in comparison with other benefits, since it is based on a combined interest, and therefore gravitates towards constant improvement and development. Indeed, deferred incentives used as rewards have developed in both form and content over the past 20 years more dynamically than wages and benefits in the form of “gifts.”

Benefits in the form of a “donation” do not require deferred payment to be secured, but payment either preventively or based on results.

Preventive payment is more often used because it is more profitable for the employer. An example would be transportation costs. They are carried out in the following forms:

Based on contractual relations with companies providing transport services;

By using your own, i.e. company-owned transport;

By reimbursing travel expenses for employees when issuing wages.

Deferred forms of incentives, on the contrary, are based on deferred, constantly accumulating funds that are in operation and are a significant source of investment.

Thus, deferred material incentives are a unique form of partnership between staff and employers acting as investors, which at the same time are payments that ensure the future of staff.

All of these types of material non-monetary incentives are currently used mainly by large, partially medium-sized and very rarely small enterprises, since the latter do not have sufficient financial resources for this. However, small enterprises quite widely use unique collective forms of benefits for their employees, such as payment for membership in professional organizations, participation in savings funds, various private and municipal funds for vocational training and advanced training.

IN modern conditions An enterprise that wants to be a market leader in the quality of goods produced and services offered must develop a social policy for its employees, which should be focused on the success of the enterprise in the market. And therefore the relationship between employee and the employer cannot be considered only as a “money for work” relationship. Social benefits that an enterprise provides to its employees must be attractive and beneficial for both parties - both for the enterprise and for the employee.

The principles that the existing system of social benefits for employees must meet:

1) it is necessary to identify the material and non-material needs of employees;

2) it is necessary to fully inform employees about the social benefits provided to them, as well as about their additional nature, in addition to state benefits;

3) the social benefits provided must be economically justified and applied only taking into account the enterprise’s budget;

4) social benefits that are already provided to employees by the state should not be applied at the enterprise;

5) the system of social benefits must be understandable to employees, and each employee must know for what merits he is or is not entitled to this or that benefit.

Russian enterprises also provide their employees with flexible benefit packages within their existing budget. Thus, the Parus Corporation conducted a survey of staff on their preferences in choosing social benefits from the general package. The following types of benefits were proposed;

Professional education;

Medical service;

Compensation for transportation costs;


Largest quantity Corporation personnel gave preference to vocational training, sports and health.

Of course, in less prosperous enterprises, preferences may relate to housing and food as the most important for the employee. Nevertheless, the provision of flexible social benefits is one of the very effective methods of stimulation, which will be increasingly developed in social and labor relations in society.

Material incentives are a complex of various types of material benefits received or appropriated by personnel for individual or group contributions to the results of the organization’s activities through professional work, creative activity and required rules of behavior.

Consequently, the concept of material incentives includes all types of monetary payments that are used in the organization, and all forms of material non-monetary incentives. Today in the domestic and foreign practice the following types of direct and indirect material payments are used: salary, bonuses, bonuses, profit sharing, additional payments, deferred payments, participation in share capital (Fig. 8.6).

The central role in the system of material incentives for labor belongs to wages. It remains the main source of income for the vast majority of workers, which means that wages will continue to be the most powerful incentive to improve the results of labor and production in general in the future.

Rice. 8.6. Material incentive structure

The essence of wages is revealed through a number of its main aspects:

1) wages are the price of labor power, corresponding to the cost of consumer goods and services that ensure the reproduction of labor power, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of the worker and his family members;

2) wages are part of the employee’s income, a form of economic realization of the right of ownership to the labor resource that belongs to him;

3) wages are a share of the net output (income) of an enterprise, depending on the final results of the enterprise and distributed among them in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor expended, the real labor contribution.

Regulation of personnel remuneration requires its appropriate organization, on the one hand, providing guaranteed earnings for fulfilling labor standards, regardless of the results of the enterprise, and on the other hand, linking earnings with individual and collective labor results. The organization of remuneration at an enterprise means the construction of a system for its differentiation and regulation by categories of personnel, depending on the complexity of the work performed, as well as individual and collective labor results, while ensuring guaranteed earnings for fulfilling labor standards.

Effective organization of remuneration presupposes adherence to certain principles (Fig. 8.7), which serve as economic guidelines in the material incentives of workers and in the organization of remuneration.

Elements of organizing wages at an enterprise include labor standards, wage conditions, forms and systems of wages (Fig. 8.8).

Labor rationing is a mechanism for establishing the required quantitative result of labor activity (or labor costs). They can be standards for the costs and results of labor, workload and number of employees, length of working hours, duration of the production cycle, etc. Labor rationing makes it possible to determine what volume of labor costs must correspond established size its payment in specific organizational and technical conditions. The labor standard determines the amount and structure of labor costs required to perform a given job, and is the standard with which to compare

Rice. 8.7. Basic principles of organizing wages in a market economy

Actual labor costs are analyzed in order to establish their rationality. The most widely used standards are time, production, service, number, controllability, and standardized tasks.

The terms of remuneration depend on the quality of work and working conditions. These include a tariff system, various options for non-tariff assessment of the complexity of labor and the qualifications of performers (analytical scoring of types of activities, jobs; certification of workers; qualification levels; labor cost coefficients, etc.). As additional tools, you can use incentive and compensating surcharges and allowances that take into account

Rice. 8.8. Elements of remuneration organization

differences in working conditions, its intensity, modes, natural and climatic conditions, etc.

Labor standards and wage conditions are only the basis for setting wages. For their practical use, a clear algorithm for the dependence of wages on labor standards and indicators characterizing the quantity and quality of labor expended is necessary. This dependence is reflected through the forms and systems of remuneration.

In organizing remuneration at an enterprise, wage systems are designed to ensure that the quantitative and qualitative results of labor are taken into account when determining the amount of earnings and the material interest of workers in improving the results of work and the results of the activity of the enterprise (institution, organization).

All remuneration systems, depending on which main indicator is used to determine labor results, are usually divided into two large groups, called piecework and time-based forms of remuneration (Fig. 8.9).

The time-based form of remuneration assumes that the employee’s earnings are determined on the basis of the time actually worked and the established tariff rate (salary).

With the piecework form of remuneration, wages are accrued to the employee based on the amount actually produced

Rice. 8.9. Forms and systems of remuneration

products (volume of work performed) or time spent on its production.

Piece-time (mixed) labor systems include elements of both piecework and time-based form. These include Taylor systems; Bart-Merrick; Gunn ta; Atkinson; Halsey.

The choice of one or another form of remuneration is determined by the characteristics of the technological process, the nature of the means of labor used and the forms of its organization, as well as the requirements for the quality of the products produced or the work performed.

Comprehensive consideration of these conditions can only be carried out directly at the enterprise. Therefore, the choice of forms and systems of remuneration is the competence of the enterprise.

As practice shows, the most effective form of remuneration in certain production conditions is that which contributes to the growth of output, improvement of the quality of products (services), reduction of their cost and obtaining additional profit, ensuring the most complete combination of the interests of workers with the interests of the enterprise team and the employer.

To the basic part of the salary, L>-payments and allowances can be established, which are integral part development of wage conditions. Their use is due to the need to take into account when paying additional labor costs of employees, which are of a fairly constant nature and related to the specifics of individual species labor and areas of its application, and in this regard is aimed at creating the interest of workers in increasing additional labor costs and compensating these costs by the employer.

Currently, more than 50 types of surcharges and allowances are used in the country's economy. Additional payments and allowances are divided into guaranteed labor legislation(mandatory for use) and optional, determined by local regulations(regulations on remuneration, collective agreement, regulations on personnel, etc.).

The most important area of ​​material monetary incentives is bonuses. The bonus stimulates special, increased results of work, and its source is the material incentive fund. The main characteristic of a bonus as an economic category is the form of distribution based on the result of labor, which is personal labor income, i.e. The bonus falls into the category of incentive systems.

The bonus is unstable; its value may be greater or less, or it may not be awarded at all. This feature is very important, and if the bonus loses it, then the meaning of the bonus as a material incentive is lost. The use of bonuses as a powerful incentive should ensure a prompt response to changing conditions and specific production tasks.

Along with material monetary incentives, there are also those that represent material value, but in real terms are presented in the form of special benefits and compensation - the so-called benefits, which together form a social package. Benefits and compensation can be either guaranteed by the state or voluntarily provided by the enterprise to its employees.

The structure of material non-monetary incentives includes several groups of incentives, the purpose and composition of which are presented in Table. 8.2.

Benefits and compensation are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. In the modern economy, the condition for the success of an organization is not only the maximization of profits, but also the social security of the employee and the development of his personality. In this regard, we can highlight a number of tasks that the organization seeks to solve by voluntarily providing benefits and compensation to its employees:

Aligning the goals and needs of employees with the goals of the organization;

Developing a special psychology among employees when they identify themselves with their organization;

Increasing productivity, efficiency and quality of work and the readiness of employees to work effectively for the benefit of the organization;

Social protection of employees at a higher level than provided for by law;

Creating a positive microclimate in work collective;

Formation of positive public opinion about the organization as an employer and strengthening its positive image among employees.

The system of material incentives is organically complemented by non-material incentives.

Table 8.2. Material non-monetary incentives

Groups of material non-monetary incentives



Complementary working conditions

Providing labor tools required at the workplace/position that are not provided for in the workplace equipment standards

Full or partial payment for cellular communications;

Providing transport or paying transport costs;

Portable personal computer;

Payment of entertainment expenses


Freeing up employee time to improve the efficiency of using working time

Delivery of employees (to/from work);

Non-state pension provision;

Compensation for the cost of children's holidays;

Compulsory medical insurance;

Providing financial assistance;

Compensation (full or partial) for the cost of food and catering;

Compensation (full or partial) for the cost of sports activities


Increasing employee status inside and outside the company

Providing a company car for travel to business meetings, negotiations, business trips, etc.;

Catering in a separate room for senior management;

Order light snacks and drinks to your workplace;

Additional medical insurance under an expanded program (dentistry, hospitalization, planned operations);

Additional health insurance for family members;

Organization and payment of expensive vacations;

Full reimbursement of the cost of paying for a fitness club membership


Attracting/retaining valuable talent

Providing consumer loans/guarantee to the bank for urgent needs;

Providing loans/guarantees to the bank for the purchase of housing;

Tuition payment;

Providing vouchers to resorts and holiday homes;

Providing office housing/reimbursing the cost of rental housing

8.3.2. Non-material incentives for staff

All moral, moral-psychological, social and organizational values ​​at the disposal of the subject of management that are adequate to the socially determined needs of the individual can be considered as potential non-material incentives. Any incentives for work activity can be classified as non-material, with the exception of monetary and non-monetary material remuneration for personnel.

The meaning of the concept “intangible stimulus” combines everything that, necessarily reflected in a person’s feelings and mental images, at the same time really affects the spiritual, moral, ethical, aesthetic needs and interests of the individual. The intangible in stimulation is based on knowledge of the psychological foundations of human behavior at work and an understanding of the significance of work activity in satisfying the highest (social) needs of a person (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3. Human needs and characteristics of motivation developing on their basis


In achieving

Do something difficult. Manage, manipulate, organize - regarding physical objects, people or ideas. Do this as quickly and independently as possible. Overcome obstacles and achieve high performance. Improve yourself. Compete and get ahead of others. Realize talents and thereby increase self-esteem

With respect

Admire and support your superior. To praise, to honor, to extol. Readily to succumb to the influence of others. Have a role model. Obey custom

In dominance

Control your environment. Influence or direct the behavior of others - by suggestion, temptation, persuasion, direction. Dissuade, restrict, prohibit

In support

Satisfy needs through the compassionate help of a loved one. To be the one who is cared for, supported, cared for, protected, loved, advised, guided, forgiven, comforted. Stay close to a devoted caregiver. Always have someone nearby to provide support

In affiliation

Closely contact and interact with loved ones (or those who resemble or like the subject), please the subject and win his affection. Stay true to friendship


Characteristics of motivation for behavior aimed at satisfying needs

In understanding

Ask or answer questions. Be interested in theory. Reflect. formulate, analyze, summarize

In exhibition

Make an impression. To be seen and heard. Excite, surprise, enchant, entertain, shock, intrigue, amuse, seduce

In autonomy

Free yourself from bonds and restrictions. Resist coercion. Avoid or stop activities prescribed by oppressive authoritarian figures. Be independent and act according to your impulses. Not to be bound by anything, not to be responsible for anything. Ignore conventions

In aggression

Overcome opposition with strength. Attack, insult, demonstrate hostility. Fight. To take revenge for grievances. Resist violence or punish

In opposition

In the struggle, master the situation or compensate for failures. By repeated actions, get rid of the humiliation of defeat. Overcome weakness, suppress fear. Wash away shame with action. Look for obstacles and difficulties. Respect yourself and be proud of yourself

Protect yourself from attacks, criticism, accusations. Silence or justify mistakes, failures, humiliation.

In avoiding damage

Avoid pain, wounds, illness, death. Avoid dangerous situations. Take preventive measures for this

To avoid shame

Avoid humiliation. Avoid difficulties or avoid situations in which humiliation, contempt, ridicule, or indifference of others are possible. Refrain from taking action to avoid failure

Show compassion and help the defenseless in meeting their needs - a child or someone who is weak, exhausted, tired, inexperienced, infirm, defeated, humiliated, lonely, dejected, sick, in difficulty. Help in case of danger. Feed, support, console, protect, take care of, treat

In order

Put everything in order, achieve cleanliness, organization, balance, neatness, neatness, accuracy

Acting “for fun” - without other goals. Laugh, joke. Seek relaxation after stress through pleasure. Participate in games, sporting events, dancing, parties, gambling

The main areas of non-material incentives for personnel are moral incentives, organizational incentives and free time incentives. The priority of choosing one or another direction of non-material incentives in the practice of working with personnel depends on the situation in which and for what purpose they are used, as well as to what extent the goals of management bodies correspond to the interests of employees.

Moral stimulation of work activity is the regulation of employee behavior on the basis of objects and phenomena that reflect social recognition and increase the employee’s prestige.

Stimulation of this kind triggers motivation based on the fulfillment of the need to express gratitude and be recognized. The essence of regulation is the transfer and dissemination of information about the results of work, achievements in it and the employee’s merits to the team or organization as a whole.

Methods of moral stimulation of personnel are presented in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4. Methods of moral stimulation of personnel

Groups of methods of moral stimulation

Methods of moral stimulation

Systematic informing of personnel

Extended meetings:

Workforce meetings;

Presentations of successful projects;

Organized internal PR;

Purposeful ideological work;

Local corporate media (newspaper, magazine, website, local information network);

Corporate identity (business accessories with branded symbols, branded clothing), etc.

Organization of corporate events

Professional competitions;

master classes;

labor competitions;

corporate events;

event activities;

team building events (team building), etc.

Official recognition of achievements

Nomination for state, professional and public awards;

rewarding deserving employees with certificates, diplomas, corporate awards, valuable gifts, vouchers, sums of money (status bonuses);

mention at meetings, public events;

Hall of Fame

Regulating relationships in a team

Usage democratic style manuals;

scientifically based selection, training and periodic certification of management personnel;

recruitment of primary units taking into account the factor of psychological compatibility;

the use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of skills of effective mutual understanding and interaction among team members, etc.

At their core, all of the listed methods of moral stimulation are of an informational nature, being information processes, in which the source of information about the merits of employees is the subject of management, and the receiver of information about the merits of employees is the object of stimulation (employee, group, collective of the organization). The communication channel is the means of transmitting information (visual, verbal).

The forms of evaluative information about a person and the methods of its transmission determine the content and effectiveness of the use of a moral incentive. Moral stimulation should form positive motivation, create positive mood, a favorable attitude towards work, the team, the organization, increase the significance of work in a person’s life and the value of the organization.

Organizational (labor) stimulation is the regulation of employee behavior based on changes in the sense of job satisfaction. Satisfaction with work as an evaluative and emotional attitude of an individual or a team to the work performed and the conditions for its progress is formed due to the interrelation of private satisfaction with individual aspects of working life: satisfaction with the organization, content and productivity of work, decent working conditions, satisfaction with the quality of working life, remuneration, relationships in the team, etc.

Of particular importance in this regard is the content of labor as a comprehensive characteristic of labor (professional) activity, reflecting the diversity labor functions and operations performed in the course of work. Work activity can intrigue a person with the unknown, the mystery of the final result (for example, the result of an experiment for a scientist or research for a geologist) or the complexity of the problem being solved, which seems to challenge a person’s self-esteem (“Can I or can’t I?”). A professionally interested person experiences pleasure not only by solving a difficult problem, but also by spending effort on the solution process, on finding the most productive option. In this case, work is carried out for its own sake and is not only a means to achieve an external goal.

Having experienced pleasure from the process and result of performing work (task), a person anticipates the possibility of such pleasure in the future, which will encourage him to perform this activity again. The employee expects rewards in the form of intense positive emotions, joy and pleasure from work as interesting looking activity, and his work enthusiasm is manifested in a feeling of complete (mental and physical) involvement in the activity, full concentration of attention, thoughts and feelings in action. A person knows how to act at a given moment of work, because he clearly understands the goals of the activity and is not afraid of possible mistakes and failures.

Methods of organizational stimulation of personnel are presented in table. 8.5.

The methods of organizational stimulation listed in the table are aimed at changing the feeling of satisfaction of employees with their work in a given organization. The peculiarity of work as the basis of a person’s lifestyle is that satisfaction with work largely determines satisfaction with life and is an integral indicator of a person’s social well-being. By replacing a person with a machine in routine, low-intelligence operations, enriching and enlarging work, promoting workers at professional and official levels, involving them in the process of managing their work and the organization as a whole, the employer forms a more developed socially stable personality of the 21st century employee.

One of the pressing problems of a modern working person is the total lack of free time. The active development of the economy, competition in the labor market for many professions, the growth of information flows - all these objective factors increase the value of such an incentive as “free time from work” and force us to look for ways to compress work time, look for reserves - for development, mastering the latest technologies, professional and personal growth, for creating a family, for friends, hobbies, recreation, sports. Therefore, the relevance of using such an important incentive as free time in the system of managing the motivation and incentives of the organization’s personnel is obvious.

Stimulation with free time is the regulation of employee behavior based on changes in the time of his employment. The essence of incentives is to provide the employee with real opportunities to realize professional interests without compromising his personal life, family, health and recreation. The growth of the material well-being of society, the level of development of world science, culture, art, information technologies determines the expansion of the range of interests of modern man, finding

Table 8.5. Methods of organizational stimulation of personnel

Groups of organizational stimulation methods

Methods of organizational stimulation

Improving the quality of working life

Improving labor organization;

enlargement of the volume of work;

expansion of the content of the corpse;

intellectualization of labor functions;

professional development and staff training;

improving working conditions and workplace equipment;

ergonomics and room design

Career management

Planning, motivation and control of individual professional development and job growth of employees;

organization of obtaining the required level vocational training;

search and support of talents;

encouraging creativity and initiative;

assessment and analysis of results and methods of activity, personal and professional qualities employees

Involving personnel in the management process

Formation of self-governing autonomous teams;

encouraging voluntary associations of workers into groups to solve problems of the organization;

providing opportunities for group discussion of upcoming decisions;

operational change (rotation) of jobs and operations;

combination of professions;

delegation of authority;

organization feedback;

reduction of labor regulation;

providing freedom to manage resources (equipment, materials, finances);

equity participation of personnel in the ownership of the enterprise (ensuring participation in ownership);

using idea reward schemes (the scheme is effective if people know how to make suggestions, believe that their suggestions are expected to be noticed, considered and rewarded)

Organization of labor competitions

Professional competitions;

professional skills reviews;

competitive master classes by leading specialists;

blitz tournaments;

competition between teams - work groups, teams, departments, branches, business units, divisions - for achieving great results, saving time or resources

working outside the plane of professional work activity. Many workers today need free time to take advantage of everything that life in a modern highly developed society gives them, to combine work and personal life without compromising the latter, etc.

The purpose of incentives with free time is to encourage employees for high labor productivity and labor productivity, for achieving labor successes by providing special conditions employment: providing additional rest time, establishing flexible working hours, using flexible forms of employment (Table 8.6).

Management activities in the field of non-material incentives should be aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Attracting highly qualified personnel and young specialists to the organization, providing the organization with personnel of the required quality, quantity and at the right time;

Reduced staff turnover;

Formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate and a productive working environment in primary teams and in the organization as a whole;

Formation (strengthening) of the organization’s image as a favorable employer;

Formation and maintenance of organizational culture.

Table 8.6. Methods of stimulating free time

Groups of willows are stimulated by free time

Methods of stimulating free time

Providing additional rest time

Unscheduled one-day paid leave;

Adding additional days to vacation;

Additional paid leave;


Additional leave without pay

Establishing flexible working hours

Permission to self-regulate the general duration of the working day. working week, working year, subject to mandatory compliance with the general standard of working time;

Application of work division methods;

Shift-expeditionary work form

Application of flexible forms of employment

Temporary and seasonal employment;

Home work;

Agency work;

Administrator's work on home phone;

Self-employment, etc.

Material and non-material incentives should actively complement each other in the personnel incentive system, which will become effective if it is based on a combination of legal norms, securing management methods and means of influencing personnel in order to strengthen the motivation for lawful behavior and encourage the development of forms of relationships necessary for the organization (and/or society).

Any stimulation more efficient work employees of the organization has clear goals, for example:

  • the need to increase labor productivity, output volume and speed of work;
  • improving the quality of services provided or products produced;
  • increasing the productivity of working equipment (for example, quick elimination of equipment breakdowns, no downtime, high-quality maintenance and careful handling of equipment);
  • minimizing defects in production.

Typically, all these goals are achieved through various types of incentives for employees - and incentives do not necessarily have to be material. Moral support for the work of staff (as well as the environment surrounding employees at work) largely affects the efficiency and quality of performance of work duties.

What do incentive and motivation methods include?

There are several types of employee incentives - and the classification is not limited to material and non-material incentives. Incentives can also be individual (applicable to only one employee) and collective (aimed at the entire staff of the organization as a whole).

Material incentives are not always monetary. Monetary incentives for work performed may be as follows:

  • wage;
  • compensation;
  • additional payments;
  • bonuses;
  • allowances.

Non-monetary material incentives can be expressed in the issuance of vacation or sanatorium vouchers, the provision of housing, and personal services.

Non-material incentives do not include any monetary or household compensation, but affect the social, psychological and creative aspects of work.

For example, non-material incentives can be expressed in:

  1. providing opportunities for career growth, business trips, flexible work schedules;
  2. praise;
  3. presentation of orders, medals, certificates, commendations, diplomas;
  4. providing the opportunity to participate in making decisions that are important for the team;
  5. creating comfortable psychological working conditions;
  6. organizing corporate events;
  7. providing the right to choose how to solve a work problem.

Almost any team uses several methods of stimulating staff. It is important that not only intangible methods are used, but also material ones, and it is better if the latter predominate.

How is the system of motivation and stimulation of personnel implemented in the organization?

The most effective scheme for creating a motivation system for employees includes three stages:

  1. determining the staff structure and fixing a fixed amount of incentives for work (meaning constant wages);
  2. determining the most effective aspects in the functioning of the staff for calculating additional payments and bonuses (non-fixed increases in wages are calculated);
  3. development of labor incentive mechanisms.

Directors and other persons at the head of the organization usually participate in the development of such decisions. They develop adequate wages and bonuses (the material component predominates more than the moral one).

To receive additional payments, employees need to work efficiently and effectively. The work group is more responsible for the moral component of stimulation - it creates in the team the necessary conditions so that employees who follow these conditions can receive financial incentives.

Material and non-material incentives for labor: rules

As the practice of enterprises shows, there are unspoken rules that are best applied by the employer when forming a system for stimulating the work of personnel at the enterprise.

For material awards the criteria are:

  • the reward scheme should be clear to employees, the relationship between the task completed and the reward for it should be clearly visible;
  • the amount of payments or non-monetary incentives must be economically justified;
  • the incentive system should be flexible (issued as early as possible and in an amount that corresponds to the work performed);
  • the distribution of incentives among staff must be fair;
  • material incentives should increase employees’ interest in performing their duties.

For non-material incentives, other criteria are provided:

  1. the choice of the type of non-material incentive must be justified;
  2. moral incentives must correspond to the level of development of the company;
  3. non-material incentives should not affect a specific employee, but the entire staff as a whole;
  4. stimulation should be aimed at solving currently relevant problems for the organization;
  5. incentives must change and adjust to remain relevant.

The most important aspect when drawing up employee incentive schemes in an organization and encouraging high-quality and effective work is the adequacy of the incentive in relation to the task performed.

The reward should not be too large or too small.

The ratio of material and moral incentives also matters - it is better if both types of incentives are present, but the first - to a greater extent than the second.

1. None of the material and non-monetary incentives has such universality as a material-monetary incentive;

2. Many material and non-monetary incentives are of a one-time nature. The cycle of reproduction of needs is, for the most part, long. Thus, there are material and non-monetary benefits, the need for which is practically insatiable, since it is reproduced immediately after the act of previous satisfaction. The need for a number of other goods is reproduced periodically, no more than once a year. The third goods satisfy needs that are reproduced over a number of years. The activity of an employee who has received a specific material non-monetary incentive can in the future be supported only with the help of other incentives. Otherwise, it decreases;

3. Material and non-monetary incentives do not have an important property of money – divisibility. At the same time, it is difficult to organize them in their entirety into a single stimulation function due to their natural diversity in quality. The qualitative diversity of the needs satisfied with their help makes it difficult to compare them with each other and hierarchize them. Theoretically, only some indirect, very approximate ordering is possible with the help of other, more universal values, such as money, prestige, time.

4. Material and non-monetary incentives, apparently, are more suitable than monetary ones for the most part for use in a reinforcing form of incentive organization. They cannot be traditionally associated with certain types of activities, since each of them has unequal value for different people and this variation is too great, especially since the value of many goods cannot be accurately measured and unambiguously assessed.

Material and non-monetary benefits can be used as incentives because the receipt of any of them can be associated with the results of labor activity and social activity of employees. It has the ability to distinguish the person being encouraged from the environment, attracts the attention of everyone and is the subject of evaluation and discussion among employees.

Moreover, the general tendency is that the less often an object (material object, service, advantage, benefit) that performs the function of a stimulus is distributed in the environment, the higher the other equal conditions its prestigious component.

Most material and non-monetary benefits have their own monetary component of authority, that is, they can be measured in rubles. On the other hand, the group of incentives under consideration is universal in the sense that a person always needs something from material - non-monetary benefits. In general, the corresponding needs for benefits of a material and non-monetary nature are satiable, urgent and effective. The problem lies in their skillful use as a basis for stimulating labor and social activity.

Features of material and monetary incentives require a specific form of organization of this type of incentive. First of all, knowledge on the part of the management subject of the current needs of employees is necessary. A managerial ideal would be to present annual surveys of demand for goods and services to business management.

Another indispensable requirement for the development of labor stimulation is the manifestation of initiative and enterprise by managers and each employee in identifying the needs of the latter and building on their basis an individual logic for stimulating him. Effective use the enormous motivating potential of material non-monetary benefits is literally unthinkable without an individual approach.

The use of a number of material and non-monetary benefits as incentives for work requires serious moral justification and in the future - great job on the restructuring of consciousness. It is in the interests of the leader to create an environment in which a person

In every sense, it is profitable to work well and unprofitable to work poorly. This order of satisfying needs is fully consistent with the principle of distribution according to work, and seems more fair than the order of simple priority.

It is necessary to immediately set a time interval after which the employee can be rewarded. It must be at least two months of work. Exceptions may include particularly active and enterprising newly arrived workers, who can offer other opportunities that provide not only an increase in the quality of work, but also the efficiency of the entire production. In the very first days, they reveal and put into action their potential, and their qualifications allow them to competently present their achievements.

3.2. Ways to improve labor incentives at an enterprise.

All types of labor incentives that exist at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "IMZ" in the motor transport workshop 57 are shown in Table 20:

Table 20

List of existing incentive labor systems in the workshop 57

Form of incentive Main content
Salary (nominal) Remuneration of the employee, including basic (piecework, time-based, salary) and additional (bonuses, allowances for professional skills, additional payment for working conditions, part-time work, for teenagers, nursing mothers, for work on holidays, for overtime work, for leading a team, payment or compensation for vacation, etc.) wages.
Salary (real) Ensuring real wages by: increasing tariff rates in accordance with the minimum established by the state, the introduction compensation payments, indexation of wages in accordance with inflation.
Presentation of certificates.
Payment of transportation costs or servicing with your own transport Allocation of funds for: payment of transportation costs; purchase of transport: - with full service (transport with a driver) - with partial service for persons associated with frequent travel.
Catering Allocation of funds for catering at the company; payment of food subsidies
Scholarship programs Allocation of funds for education (covering education costs on the side).
Personnel training programs Covering the costs of organizing training (retraining). Payment for additional education, organization of training.
Health care programs Allocation of funds for these purposes
Programs related to the upbringing and education of children Allocation of funds for the organization of pre-school and school education of children and grandchildren of enterprise employees
Life insurance Life insurance of an employee at the expense of the enterprise and, for a symbolic deduction from his family members. Using funds withheld from the employee’s income, in the event of an accident, an amount equal to the employee’s annual income is paid; In the event of a fatal accident, the amount paid is doubled.
Continuation of table 20
Temporary disability payment program At the expense of funds withheld from the employee’s income, in the event of an accident, an amount equal to the employee’s annual income is paid.
Health insurance Both the workers themselves and their family members
Deductions to Pension Fund such An alternative to the state supplementary pension fund can be either at the enterprise itself or under an agreement with any external fund.

For better and more efficient work in the workshop, to better stimulate the work of workers, it is necessary to introduce the following incentives presented in Table 21:

Table 21

List of necessary stimulating systems

Loan associations Preferential loans for housing construction, purchase of goods, services, etc.
Bonuses One-time payments from the profit of the enterprise (bonuses): for absence of absenteeism, export, for merit, for length of service, target.
Profit sharing Profit sharing payments are not a one-time bonus. The share of profit from which the incentive fund is formed is established. Applies to categories of personnel that can actually influence profits (most often these are management personnel). The share of this part of the profit is correlated with the manager’s rank in the hierarchy and is determined as a percentage of his income (basic salary).
Labor or organizational incentives Regulates the employee’s behavior based on measuring his sense of job satisfaction and assumes the presence of creative elements in his work, the opportunity to participate in management, promotion within the same position, and creative business trips.
Stimulating employee regulatory behavior based on the expression of social recognition Presentation of not only certificates, but also badges, placement of photographs on the honor board, announcement of thanks.
Sale of goods produced by the organization or obtained through barter Allocating funds for a discount on the sale of these goods.
Housing programs Allocation of funds for own housing construction. It is planned to allocate an interest-free loan in the amount of 12,685 thousand rubles per year.
Stimulation with free time Regulation of employment time: by providing the employee for active and creative work additional days off, vacation, the ability to choose the time of vacation, etc.; by organizing flexible work schedules; by reducing the working hours due to high labor productivity.


Labor incentives are based mainly on material means of reward, encouragement and sanctions, which are wages. Remuneration is associated primarily with labor and economic behavior, and not with conflict, deviating from the norm.

In a socio-economic system based on commodity-money relations, the importance of wages for a worker is normal and indisputable. However, this does not mean that any remuneration is also an incentive. Observations and research by specialists suggest that there are many situations in which wages, for objective and subjective reasons, do not have a stimulating effect on the work itself. labor activity of people .

In the incentive system, wages occupy a leading place.

When organizing wages at an enterprise, it is necessary to be guided by a number of principles:

1) wages must be calculated in accordance with the results of the work performed, its efficiency and quality;

2) the employee must have a material interest in the high final results of the work performed;

3) wages should not be limited;

4) it is necessary to index wages in accordance with inflation;

5) the growth rate of labor productivity should outpace the growth of wages;

6) the wage determination system should be simple and clear for employees.

Summing up the results of the work done, it must be said that employee incentives are ensured by increasing profits by increasing the efficiency and quality of work.

“Labor efficiency” and “labor quality” are key factors in increasing enterprise profits in the long term.

The incentives for employees are influenced by the social policy pursued by the enterprise.

Social benefits are a form of employee participation in the economic success of an enterprise.

It is advisable to proceed from the following principles for building a system of social benefits for employees:

1) it is necessary to identify the material and non-material needs of employees;

2) it is necessary to fully inform employees about the social benefits provided to them, as well as about their additional nature, in addition to state benefits;

3) the social benefits provided must be economically justified and applied only taking into account the enterprise’s budget;

4) social benefits that are already provided to employees by the state should not be applied at the enterprise;

5) the system of social benefits must be understandable to employees and each employee must know why, for what merits he is or is not entitled to this or that benefit.

The manager must take into account some psychological tendencies that appear during stimulation. First, the likelihood of effective employee behavior is higher, the higher the value and regularity of the reward received as a result of such behavior; secondly, when the reward is delayed, it is lower than when it is immediate; thirdly, effective work behavior that is not deservedly rewarded gradually weakens and loses its characteristics of effectiveness.


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