Personal growth training in corporate training. Self-development courses. People were seriously afraid of being expelled

Modern society places special demands on its members. It is no longer enough for a woman to be the keeper of the home, and for a man to be the breadwinner. You need to be successful, financially and psychologically independent, fulfilled individuals in your areas. It is not surprising that many people become desperate because they realize that they cannot meet such high standards. Training will be a real help in such a situation. personal growth.

According to many clients, one of the best personal growth trainings in the Russian-speaking space is the author’s development of Konstantin Dovlatov.

Find out all the details in the free webinar" The most realistic way to become happy in 30 days for an ordinary person".

Psychological training for personal growth – what is it?

To understand how to develop the potential for personal growth, you need to understand what it is. According to the general definition, this is the direction of the individual’s capabilities for a qualitative improvement in life, for successful solution complex life tasks, opening new perspectives.

Therefore, the personal growth training program opens up the potential of the individual, teaches to form qualities of character that allow one to adequately look at reality. This makes it possible to quickly adapt and reach new level and position in society.

Opponents of training programs say that it is impossible to learn this, that the formation of these qualities is only possible. But we get it only in the most difficult situations, for the passage of which we pay with stress, health, nerves. Why subject yourself to such tests if a personal growth coach can model the circumstances in lessons? Teaches us to overcome problems with maximum efficiency, and at the same time, our health remains with us.

Since men and women on their path in life find themselves in different situations, then the programs and exercises of personal growth training are different for them. Let's figure out what the difference is between men's and women's trainings.

Very often there is a situation when a person knows and can do everything, but for some reason does nothing.

We invite you to a free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov " Tired of lying in the direction of your dreams? 3 super exercises that will get you off the couch. A recipe for moving towards a goal from true achievers".

Personal growth and self-development – ​​trainings for representatives of different genders

Women have been fighting for their rights for a long time. Their independence led to the fact that they received the same responsibilities as men, but no one relieved them of their natural role. Many women are on the verge of despair, because they need to run a household, raise children, and at the same time be a fulfilled, interesting and independent person. The task seems overwhelming, but personal growth training for women can open up potential in a woman that she didn’t even know she had.

For example, one of the leading trainers in Russia, Konstantin Dovlatov, offers online personal growth training, a comprehensive personal development program. You can use it in your personal life to achieve balance and move to another, more comfortable level, and for work and successful career advancement.

Personal growth training for men is a program that, first of all, teaches how to develop the potential of your personality in order to leave all competitors behind. A developed personality is a person who is confident in himself and his abilities, who knows how to conduct a dialogue, adapts to any society, and can support a conversation on any topic. For this personal training Konstantin Dovlatov provides a special module on, because only those who obtain information in sufficient quantities can use it competently. There are also separate personal growth trainings for teenagers.

The best personal growth trainings

Since these programs are in great demand today, specialists and independent experts compile ratings from time to time. Getting to the top position of the list is very difficult, since it takes into account a large number of factors. Free personal growth training has a better chance of getting to the top, since it has more students, and therefore more reviews. But everyone knows the expression about free cheese. Personal growth trainings online and in Moscow can be conducted by famous coaches, but these events need to be monitored and waited. The reality of our time is that you have to pay for everything, but how much and for what is an important question.

When it comes to whether personal growth training is successful, the program plays the most important role. According to many experts, at the moment the most progressive modular program is the online school of personal growth by Konstantin Dovlatov. This eminent coach was able to draw up a scheme for passing all the blocks in such a way that development occurs. An important role is assigned to spiritual growth and development. Only a strong spirit solves problems with dignity and emerges victorious from any situation.

Interestingly, the main program is supplemented with useful models, such as, for example, ultra-reading, which was already discussed above. Completing this module allows a person to read great amount books and, at the same time, fully absorb the information.

Recently, Dovlatov updated his course and improved it, based on the results of previous streams. Now the student can not only apply his knowledge and skills in his own life, but also teach it to others. In Moscow, his personal growth trainings were included in the ranking of the best.

Self-development. Everyone understands this word differently. For some, this is to master new profession and start earning a bigger salary. Someone will consider it self-development to read several books in one week. The third will be proud that he was able to reach a new level in computer game and boast that he is engaged in his self-development.

BroDude has his own opinion on this matter, which is not surprising, since every day we engage in self-development, work on ourselves, improve ourselves and develop new personal qualities. The bottom line is that self-development is filling your consciousness with new knowledge and skills, and the prefix itself means that you achieve this yourself, without the help of experts. This, by the way, is much more productive, because you will have to delve into the essence and thereby receive more information. This is not for you to sit through a lecture playing on your phone. Self-development is impossible without your desire, which means it allows you to concentrate on gaining knowledge.

Where to start? Of course, with online courses to improve your skills. Fortunately there are a huge number of them now. We have selected a few, which we will now talk about.

1. Programming Basics

It’s easy to predict that programming is the future. It has already arrived. Nowadays it is impossible to imagine an advanced person without a smartphone or computer. Social media, numerous useful services, even the coffee maker is programmed for the morning and will make a cup of coffee itself at exactly 7:00.

Even if you are a humanist and decide to quickly skip this point, then take your time. Of course, programming requires knowledge of mathematics and even physics. But now the way of writing programs that people used ten years ago no longer exists. Now there are a huge number of convenient tools that highlight, suggest, or even correct your inaccuracies in real time.

One of the most useful courses on this topic is from Geekbrains. This is exactly what you need at the initial stage of getting to know this profession. Even a beginner will be able to find a lot of interesting things for himself. If you doubt that you will succeed in the end, then don’t worry, everything is free. It would be more offensive not to try and regret it all your life.

The course lasts one and a half weeks and includes 3 lessons of 2 hours, each of which talks about the specifics of various nuances. After completing the courses, you will receive the coveted certificate with a seal. As a bonus, you will have access to all the videos of this course, and you will also write your first program, which you can brag about among your friends!

2. Marketing Basics

All the goods that surround us will not be sold and make a profit without a properly constructed marketing plan. Can't create New Product without thinking through its promotion and advertising.
If you create the new kind chocolate that will be of high quality and at the same time cost 10 times cheaper, then you will not sell it if no one knows about it. Without proper advertising, you can burn out even with a brilliant idea. In the market, it is important to correctly present your product and that is why marketers are now worth their weight in gold. Good specialists are generally priceless.

It is safe to say that these courses will not be in vain for you, and you will not waste your time. Marketing is not all the knowledge you will receive if you want to develop yourself. There is programming, design, and project management.

By the way, when we went to the Netology website, we discovered a pleasant promotion. Its meaning is that when you complete one course, you will receive a second one as a gift. The promotion is valid until August 15. Really nice. If you don't like marketing, master design. This is the meaning of self-development - the constant search for new knowledge.

3. Basics of speed reading

The flow of information that now surrounds us is truly enormous. Often our brains can’t even cope with the mass of text that enters your brain throughout the day. If you count the time it takes just to read information, you will understand that it is spent on a huge scale. If we consider that time is the most valuable resource we have, then we need to take care of it with special care. This is why there are reading acceleration courses. They are aimed at a thematic study of information and highlighting the most important points, discarding the so-called “water”, which just takes up your precious time.

The average person reads at an average speed of 200-250 words per minute, while the brain is capable of processing about 500 words in the same period of time. As a result, we spend almost 2 times more time absorbing information than we could.

Courses to accelerate the perception of information are very popular in Lately. One of these is Legentas. After completing it, you will be able to increase your reading speed by the same two times and work several times faster. More precisely, spend half as much time on perceiving information. What is this if not self-development?

The freed up time can easily be used to improve more necessary skills. Think about how much you spend reading a regular article and divide that time by two. Now calculate how much time you can save during the day. You can spend it usefully and self-development will be much more productive.

4. English course in real life

Globalization is in full swing. One of the connecting components of this very process is the English language. He will allow you to get more high paying job, go on vacation to any European country and just understand this world a little more than others.
There are a huge number of methods by which people learn English. Some claim that you only need desire, while others say that you need to go to an English-speaking country and live there for at least six months. We are sure that before rushing to extremes, you need to prepare yourself and acquire the basics. Without them, you won't be able to master a single task. First, you need to determine your level of language proficiency. For this, there are many tests that will determine your knowledge and give you a characteristic. Next, you need to decide on a study methodology. It would be right to try several at once - audiobooks may not suit you, but you will learn English easily by watching TV series with subtitles or in another interesting way. You have to start somewhere. There is no other way.

RealStudy. Here you can receive training at exactly the level that matches your knowledge. Simply put, if you are just starting to learn a language, then you will start from the very basics. If you have established that your level corresponds to a higher one, then you can start training immediately from the third or fourth level. Luckily there are six of them here.

There is nothing wrong with starting with the first one, only to realize that you have outgrown it and move on to the second one right away. This will not only help you repeat the knowledge you already have, but will also stroke your pride, which is directly related to the inspiration to conquer new knowledge. This course has many advantages - more than 230 video lessons, more than 300 dialogues for speaking practice and more than 1000 useful tasks.

5. TED

Nothing inspires self-development like clear example a person who has achieved considerable heights in life. We are looking at successful people and try to come up with excuses for ourselves. We assure ourselves that they did not achieve their success on their own, they were helped, they were promoted. But you, without connections and funds, are not able to invent something or come up with a new product. This is all nonsense. Numerous life stories prove that more than half of successful and famous people achieved success by engaging in self-development. Indeed, when you listen to or watch the speeches of successful people, you want to believe that you are no worse, you just need to believe in yourself. It's inspiring, believe me.

If you know at least the basics in English or have completed the course we suggested above, then for inspiration you need to go to the world famous TED project. Here you can watch speeches by people who have something to tell. You can't copy any success story. You won't invent a new iPhone and you won't create a new TESLA. But this does not mean that you cannot be inspired by the stories of people who were able to achieve certain heights.
TED publishes interesting and instructive lectures almost every day.

You are offered to attend wonderful personal growth courses on every corner, promising deep personality transformation and pleasant changes in life in a short time. , success, love of the opposite sex, fulfillment of desires... just come to the courses and a miracle will happen.

Let’s not say that personal growth courses are completely useless. There are people whom they really helped (by the way, they are the ones who are later promoted as advertising), but there are not so many of them. Efficiency is determined by statistics, and if out of 100 students of personal growth courses, at least 50 actually achieved success, then this article would be called differently, for example, “the phenomenon of the amazing effectiveness of personal growth courses.”

Most of the clients of such courses really get excited after the first visits, but then get disappointed and return to their old life. And all because the “personal growth” industry resorts to typical marketing tricks in the competition.

You can achieve anything you want if you believe in yourself!

People like to achieve their goals. Our hormonal system is seriously working on this feeling. The feeling of satisfaction when achieving a goal is caused by a whole bunch of hormones, but it is believed that dopamine plays the main role here. The same hormone also stimulates movement towards the set goal, being a kind of doping.

Can you achieve anything you want if you believe in yourself? In general, yes. To many talented people You really don't have enough self-confidence to make a leap to success. But most often, magical self-belief alone is not enough. This sounds too boring for magic courses, so they try not to talk too much about it, but... you need to work. Work towards your goal.

In addition, self-belief of a near-religious nature borders on destructive self-confidence, and self-confidence is blinding. As a result, you cannot sensibly assess your strengths and abilities, and therefore you begin to do things that, if not doomed to failure in advance, have very little chance of success. So, for example, at 30 years old it’s too late to study rhythmic gymnastics on professional level, and you can’t conquer Everest if you’re bad. And no amount of self-belief will change that.

It's easy to change!

It is easy to change only in words. People find it so difficult to change that many people have the saying “people don’t change.” And probably in 95% of cases this is true. No positive changes come easy. Often you have to give up something and sacrifice something. For example, if you want a good figure, you will have to give up cheap fats and fast carbohydrates (no! not pies and cakes!), and if you want to earn good money, you will have to give up evening beer and TV and finally do something to no longer go to your low-paying job, but earn decent money.

They really work, but somewhere in the upper layers of the subconscious. Any serious stressful situation will bring you face to face with everything that is repressed into the unconscious - fears, phobias, self-doubt, etc.

You can't just tell yourself "I'm confident" a thousand times and become confident. It doesn't work that way. Kharzima and confidence, just like spiritual weakness and self-doubt, come from the deep, poorly conscious layers of the psyche. Making an insecure person into a strong, charismatic person is a serious challenge for any professional psychologist. This includes working with childhood traumas and self-analysis, and re-experiencing repressed contents and much more. Such a transformation is a serious spiritual and emotional experience, and everything that happens on the surface, such as affirmations and self-hypnosis, remains there.

Do you know why the first rule of a psychologist is not to give advice? Because if the advice helps, the person becomes dependent on the adviser, and if it doesn’t help, then the adviser will share part of the responsibility (and in the mind of the person being advised, sometimes all of it) for failure. In the end, everyone loses: both the one who gives advice and the one who listens to it. Never give advice or listen to other people’s advice, and if you come to a personal growth course where they give you advice, know that the value of such courses is equivalent to the teachings of grandmothers near the entrance, but at least the grandmothers near the entrance are not trying to make money on you.

Hi all! Today I want to present to your attention the best trainings on personal self-development. External changes begin immediately after internal ones. Therefore, working on oneself is mandatory for every person who strives to live happily and to the fullest. Realize your desires and make your dreams come true.



The practice is more suitable for women, as it is focused on revealing femininity and sensuality. Doing the exercises, you will be able to make changes in your relationship with your partner. And if he is not there yet, then you will feel desired, seducing and attracting men. They take literally five minutes in time, but the effect is amazing.

It won't hurt anyone to stop and listen to themselves. It is at such moments that a person feels that he is alive and notices what is really happening to him. No masks, no rush, no forced smiles, etc. Get in touch with yourself. And over time, you will feel how energy and vigor fill you.

Igor Safronov

An interesting video course “How to get rid of fears and blocks and start living” offers Igor Safronov. Thanks to his program, you will be able to establish a connection with your subconscious. Accordingly, solve the problems that prevent you from living in peace. The techniques are aimed at attracting money, fighting excess weight, and fears that limit. Resolving internal conflicts, getting rid of negative attitudes, etc. Every person will find something valuable for themselves.

Pavel Kolesov

School of luck invites its participants to take the reins into their own hands and finally become happy. And you will learn exactly how to do this completely free of charge by subscribing to the course. It consists of 27 educational videos and will help you find your true purpose, or, more simply, the meaning of life. It will teach you how to attract money and luck to yourself, as well as get what you want, solving complex life problems as quickly and easily as possible.

Tony Robbins

Forbes magazine included Tony in the list of 100 most influential personalities and in general, he is considered one of the 6 best business leaders in the world. Among the participants who have completed his program are such celebrities as Andre Agassi, Bill Clinton and even Mikhail Gorbachev. I suggest you familiarize yourself with his audio training “Absolute Excellence”. After listening to it, you will be able to clearly define your goals and move forward confidently, without stopping or going off course.

Yitzhak Pintosevich

Isaac is a personal growth expert. He has helped thousands of people believe in themselves, discover their resources and opportunities. And not just discover them, but also use them to achieve your goals. For those who for some reason cannot attend his trainings in person, online courses have been specially developed.

They are convenient because they allow you to save time, which is sometimes not so easy to find. And also because you can engage in self-development in comfortable clothes and a comfortable, cozy environment. Since the only condition is access to the Internet, which almost every modern person has. And if you can’t get in touch at the agreed time, they will send you a video so that you are sure to be aware of what happened during the lesson.

The topics are varied, everyone can find a suitable seminar for themselves.

Konstantin Dovlatov

Konstantin has many courses. And here is one of them: big money code. This is a 12-month marathon to improve your well-being. You can also see this one free webinar, to understand whether this person resonates with you?

Suitable for those who are trying to change their life, but for some reason fail. Or for those who lack energy, motivation, strength, or anything that does not allow them to be active and take action.

Radislav Gandapas

Leadership specialist. By studying his seminars, you will improve your level emotional intelligence, memory, motivation. And you can even become an excellent speaker by overcoming your fear of public speaking. Radislav was elected three times best business trainer in Russia. He has written 9 books to date and released 14 films. In which he talks about how to win the recognition of others and ensure that they listen to you.

Sergey Azimov

His seminars will help you improve your sales skills. Useful for managers, entrepreneurs, consultants and all those who are involved in trading and want to earn much more than they currently can. You will learn to clearly argue and defend your point of view. Negotiate and complete transactions in your favor, as well as everything that is necessary for a successful business.

Nicholas Vujicic

Nick is known throughout the world for his desire for a fulfilling, happy and eventful life. Despite his physical limitations, he helps others, those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances or have lost faith in a wonderful future. Born without arms and legs, he managed to achieve tremendous success in life. Create a wonderful family and build a career.

This man proves to each of us that all limitations are in the head. And it is important to allow yourself to think more broadly, then you will go beyond the boundaries of the possible. In general, if you feel that you have lost your way and cannot find the meaning of your purpose, resources, motivation - you should contact Nicholas