Business plan for delivery of sushi and rolls. How to start a sushi delivery? Open takeaway rolls

Register a business best as an LLC to simplify work with large suppliers and give the company credibility. Required codes OKVED: 55.30.— “Activities of restaurants and cafes”, 55.40. - “Bar activities”, 55.52. — “Supply of catering products.”

Other permissions

  • Certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • Permits from SES, Rospozharnadzor;
  • Certificate from Rospotrebnadzor allowing to open a cafe;
  • License to sell alcohol from the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market;
  • Medical records for all employees.

For preparation of a package of documents from scratch it will take several months and about $1,500.


A small bar of oriental cuisine should be opened in a crowded place. Rolls and pizza are great as a snack, so good locations are near universities and office centers.

Another profitable option is placement near parks and shopping and entertainment centers. These are the most “passable” places in both big and small cities.

Premises requirements

  1. Ceiling height from 2.5 meters;
  2. Hot and cold water, sewerage and ventilation system;
  3. Availability of an emergency exit and fire extinguishing system;
  4. The kitchen walls must be covered with tiles, the flooring must be wear-resistant and non-slip;
  5. A bathroom is required.

Detailed requirements and conditions are described in SNiP 2.04.01-85 and SP

For a cafe, it is enough to rent 70 square meters. Of these, 40 are allocated for the guest room (designed for 10 tables), 20 for the kitchen, 10 for the bathroom. Renting a room in the central area of ​​the city will cost $1000-1200 per month.

Investments in repairs and finishing are approximately $3,000. This includes interior design development, themed decoration, and sign creation.

Menu and services

What should you offer to reach the largest number of customers?

  • Rolls (at least 10 types);
  • Sushi (at least 5 types);
  • Noodles;
  • Pizza (at least 5 types);
  • Hot and cold drinks;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Good income comes from take-out and delivery dishes. To do this, you need a website with a full menu and your own delivery service.

To get started, one courier with a personal vehicle is enough.

Equipment for sushi bar (prices, brands)

All equipment is divided into several parts: machines for making sushi and pizza, standard kitchen equipment, furniture for the hall.

Equipment for sushi and pizza

  1. Rice Washing Machine– about $300. The most famous manufacturer is Titan;
  2. Industrial rice cooker– 200-300 $. JEJU, Rice Cooker Auto Electro, Satsuki, Cuckoo;
  3. Professional sushi making machine– 4000-8000 $. Good sushi robots are produced by SUZUMO, Autec, FTN, Satsuki, Sushi Machines Pty Ltd, Zhengzhou Known Imp. & Exp. Co.;
  4. deep fryer for baking rolls – about $600. SUZUMO, Satsuki;
  5. Sushi case– 900-1000 $. This is a display case for the hall in which sushi is stored at optimal temperature and humidity. Koreco, Hoshizaki;
  6. Thermoses for storage ready-made rice – $150. Kocateq;
  7. Pizza oven for two departments – $1000-1200. Chuvashorgtekhnika, ERGO, ABAT.

Kitchen equipment and furniture

  • Industrial refrigerator and freezer– 1000-1200 $. Polair, Marikholodmash, Ariada;
  • Electric stove– 300 $. Apach, Atesy;
  • Electronic balance(maximum permissible weight – up to 5 kg) – $20. Redmond;
  • Cabinets and shelving for storage, 2 tables for cooking – $300-400. ATESY, Cryspi;
  • Washing– 80-100 $. NEVkom, Hessen;
  • Kitchenware(knives, dishes, gastronomy containers, etc.) – about $500. BOK, MAC.PAN, APS;
  • Dishes for clients– 600-700 $. Monin, APS, RONA;
  • Tables, sofas and chairs for the hall – $3000. “Equivalent”, “Restaurantia”, “Bar Line”, Delacosa;
  • Bar counter, reception desk and cash register – approximately $500.

How much does it cost to fully equip a Japanese sushi bar? Within 18 thousand dollars.


The establishment itself must be served by at least eleven people. These are four waiters (working in shifts of two), four cooks, a bartender, an administrator (also takes delivery orders by phone), and a cleaning lady.

In addition, we need an operator to process online orders, a courier, and an outsourced accountant. About $5,500 will be needed monthly for labor costs.

Costs and profits

Additional costs include website creation, menu development, and advertising.

Average bill for a sushi bar– 8-9 dollars. With a minimum occupancy of the establishment (20-25 people per day) and the presence of 8-10 daily delivery orders, monthly revenue will be 9-10 thousand dollars, and net income - 2-2.5 thousand. After six months to a year of active work, this figure reaches $4000-5000.

To properly organize your own catering business, You will need a clear business plan and financial reserves.

Be prepared to work for about a year to achieve payback, but then the business will bring in a stable, growing income.

Sushi... It seems that this word is known to every modern person who visits public catering establishments at least a couple of times a month.

Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that is prepared on the basis of rice with the addition of certain seafood, depending on the purpose of the dish.

Surprisingly, for the first time, residents of South Asia, in particular, residents of India, Nepal and Pakistan, began to prepare such a delicacy. It was they who came up with the method by which fish was preserved by wrapping it in rice. The fish was first cut, thoroughly salted and wrapped in boiled rice. Then this whole mass was put under the press for a while, then covered with a lid. After such simple procedures, the fish retained its fairly pleasant taste throughout the year.

This recipe reached Japan around the 7th century AD. But sushi, which is similar to the current one, appeared around the 17th century. A little later, the Japanese came up with a trick - adding rice vinegar, which speeds up the process of marinating fish. But even this did not help prepare sushi quickly! It was only in the 19th century that Yohei Hanai began preparing sushi from raw fish. This is truly a huge breakthrough in Japanese cuisine.

In the 20th century, sushi bars began to open throughout Japan, where chefs prepared the dish literally in front of the visitors. Over time, sushi spread throughout the world and reached Russia. Russians quickly switched from pizza to sushi, and now, according to the latest surveys, more than 80% of the country's residents are inclined towards Japanese cuisine.

For us, as people who seek benefits everywhere, this data is very important. After all, it turns out that you can make good money on sushi delivery if you open not a sushi bar, but simply sushi delivery.

How to make money on sushi without opening a restaurant?

Russian entrepreneurs unusually quickly filled all cities with their sushi bars. But more and more often they are faced with requests from visitors to prepare delicacies “to take away”. And it’s not even that we don’t have good equipped public catering facilities. It’s just that most Russians live in a frantic pace, where work takes a lot of time, and if a tired person wants to eat something like that, then, of course, it will be easier and more convenient for him to open a ready-made box of food and have dinner at home.

Turning to the same survey, we see that more than half of lovers of Japanese delicacies prefer to eat at home. This means there is a need for sushi delivery to your home (work). Many sushi bars do not deliver ready-made dishes to your home. Some consider this business unprofitable, others that opening an extra vacancy for a driver is quite energy-consuming and unprofitable. After all, the business, in any case, must make a profit, and orders for delivery may come rarely, while the driver must be hired for a full working month and paid a decent salary. And you also need to buy and maintain a car... Let them continue to think like that! But you have a chance to become, if not the only one, then one of the first to deliver sushi to your home! And most importantly, such a business does not require huge investments.

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How to open a sushi delivery service?

The main thing is to understand what the essence of our business idea is. You are not required to open a catering establishment that produces sushi and rolls. Your business is an intermediary between sushi producers and their consumers.

With your activity, you are killing two birds with one stone: you are helping sushi bars sell more goods, and helping consumers to eat at home, rather than in public catering.

First, we should study all the existing establishments in the city that serve sushi. Study the prices, talk with the management of the establishment about such an interesting cooperation. Try to explain that this option is very beneficial for their establishment. After all, they do not spend a single ruble on maintaining the driver and the car itself. In addition, with such an additional service as delivery, the circle of customers will constantly expand. This will cause both the catering business and your business to take off.

Having agreed with several establishments, you have practically secured your bread.

Now all you have to do is purchase the necessary equipment for the job. To start your own business in this area, you need a car, possibly a used one. The cost is 70-85 thousand rubles. It’s quite possible to fit in. A refrigerator must be installed in your car. Typically, portable refrigerators are used for such purposes. They are necessary especially in the hot season, when delivery can turn into a painful stand in traffic jams. Seafood spoils very quickly and, as a rule, gives off a terrible smell. Therefore, refrigeration equipment must be present in any case. The cost of a suitable refrigerator is 10-13 thousand rubles, depending on capacity. If you have agreed with 2-3 establishments, then you should not clutter half the salon with refrigeration equipment. The minimum volume is sufficient.

If you don’t know the city well, then a navigator is simply necessary in your case. The cost of such an “assistant” ranges from 4-7 thousand. The money is relatively small, but this device will help you significantly save time, plan your route in order to deliver the treats to the consumer as soon as possible.

Competition in the field of affordable exotic food is extremely high, but still new outlets specializing in Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine in the “take away” format are opening with stubborn regularity. People order sushi for their office, so as not to waste time on lunch in the nearest cafe, for home, so as not to cook dinner, for holidays or romantic evenings - to pamper guests or their beloved girlfriend. In short, any type of food, being a necessity, will always find its consumer.

When ordering sushi online or by phone, you don’t have to wait for a table in the restaurant to become available and for the chef to prepare the requested dish. Therefore, the demand for these services continues to remain consistently high, and a beginner who correctly presents himself as a consumer can count on not immediate, but impressive profits.

Before you start

There are two options for starting your own delivery business in the “take away” format. The first is to sign an agreement with an existing restaurant serving Asian or Japanese cuisine and offer their products to customers. Many food establishments do not offer delivery, as this means additional costs for courier labor and vehicle maintenance. Therefore, cooperation with you will be beneficial for them. This option is the most economical for you, especially if you already have a personal car - then you will only need to purchase a portable refrigerator. And, of course, you need to be meticulous in choosing a supplier. It must produce high-quality products and, as a bonus, already have a good reputation among consumers.

Another option is a delivery service with its own production workshop. Its opening will require more significant costs, but it will bring greater profits. In addition, you will be able to monitor the production process at all stages - from the purchase of “raw materials” to the packaging of sushi for delivery and, thus, be completely confident in the quality of the product. It is this option that we will consider in this article.

Documents and licenses

It is necessary to submit documents to the tax department to register a legal entity - in this case, individual entrepreneurship is best suited. The list of documents required for registration of an individual entrepreneur includes an application of sample P21001, the applicant’s passport and his TIN, as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles). The most convenient tax payment scheme for this type of business is a simplified taxation system, in which the entrepreneur pays either 6% on income or 15% on income that decreases by the amount of income (the latter is suitable if you are still going to engage in resale).

It is not necessary to obtain licenses from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service, but it is necessary that the premises fully comply with all the requirements of these departments - this will save you from problems that may arise if their representative comes to your workshop with an inspection.

Location and rental

The territorial location when choosing a premises in your case does not affect the profit, as well as the walking distance of the stop and the frequency of traffic - after all, it is not your clients who will come to you, but you to them.. The main thing is that from here it is possible to get to remote areas of the city during the time specified in the delivery advertisement.

The recommended room area is 25-30 square meters. The point should include a preparation workshop (about 12 square meters), a utility room and a bathroom (8 and 2 square meters, respectively) and an unloading and loading area (8 square meters). The rental price varies from 15,000 to 50,000 (in ascending order from medium-sized cities to megacities and the capital).

As mentioned above, it is necessary to bring the premises into compliance with the standards required by the SES (separate sinks for dishes and hands, the presence of a hood in the production workshop, the impossibility of locating a factory building) and fire protection (availability of a fire evacuation plan and emergency exits, fire extinguishers at entrance to the room). Additional costs for this may amount to about 10,000 rubles. General renovation of the premises and the purchase of necessary furniture can cost you up to 300,000 rubles.


The average cost of a complete set of equipment for a sushi delivery service is about 70-80,000 rubles. This includes an electric stove (15-25,000 rubles), a microwave oven (8,000 rubles), a refrigerator (20,000 rubles), a deep fryer (5,000 rubles), a rice cooker or multicooker (20,000 rubles) and a hood required by SES requirements (10 000 rubles) and various kitchen utensils. Do not give in to the temptation to skimp on quality and buy overly cheap equipment offered by dubious manufacturers - in this case, there is a risk that you will have to spend additional money on repairing or replacing devices that fail early.


Separately, the attention of novice entrepreneurs should be focused on purchasing products for sushi production. Quality and freshness are of decisive importance here, since competition in the Asian fast food industry is fierce, and the consumer chooses those sellers whose products are the most delicious and do not cause digestive problems. Delivery services that bring their customers cold, weathered sushi with a token amount of fish and stale filling quickly earn a bad reputation and leave the market. The opposite example is that a customer makes an impulse order after seeing a flyer in their mailbox or following a contextual advertising link, and he likes the sushi you brought so much that he becomes your regular customer. It is this category of customers that brings most of the revenue to deliveries, so you should fight for every customer - therefore, any of your orders should be a masterpiece of Japanese cuisine.

Conduct a thorough analysis of proposals among suppliers. When purchasing a batch of sushi products for the first time, break the overall order into small batches and order several versions of each type of product from different suppliers to compare the quality - this way you can choose the most economically and qualitatively successful option.


The ideal work schedule in your case is 24-hour delivery. Otherwise, profitability decreases by 2-4%. Based on this, your staff (cooks, couriers and operators) must be prepared to work in shifts, including at night.

The minimum list of workers required for the full functioning of the delivery service includes three cooks (salary - 20-30,000 rubles), three order-taking operators (15-25,000 rubles depending on the region) and three courier drivers (20-45,000 rubles). It is advisable to outsource accounting and security - this will cost you monthly 5,000 and 20,000 rubles, respectively.

The main distinguishing quality of your couriers and operators should be friendliness. Impolite and inattentive order takers, as well as unsmiling or rude couriers, usually discourage the buyer from using this delivery service again, even if he liked the product itself. And vice versa - if the operator reacts to every call sincerely, as if every customer is his long-awaited guest, then there is a high chance that you will want to call this number again.

As for chefs, there is probably no point in pointing out the obvious: they must be professionals. The products they produce must not only meet quality standards and be amazingly tasty, but also look beautiful. When deciding on an employment relationship with a particular chef, be sure to pay attention not only to the quality of his cooking and his attitude to occupational health. A hair stuck to the fish or a piece of plastic stuck in the filling will not add to your popularity.


Promotion of a delivery service begins with the creation of a website (the simplest one will be developed for you for 10-15,000 rubles) and representation on social networks (at least on the super-popular VKontakte, but do not forget about Instagram, the number of adherents is now rapidly increasing). The site and the group should have easy navigation so that a potential buyer can fully appreciate the menu and special offers, and in the case of the site, also place an order online by simply clicking on the item they like. Ease of ordering is what determines an impulse purchase, and we have already discussed its importance above.

Also, to increase spontaneous orders, it is necessary to allocate funds for contextual advertising and SEO optimization. It will also be useful if a link to your site is displayed by search engines among the first few positions - this can also be achieved on a commercial basis.

Promotion of your delivery service can and should be taken to the offline environment. Advertising in transport and elevators, distributing leaflets with notifications of promotions or flyers entitling them to discounts, bonuses and free offers for regular customers, discounts for self-delivery of orders - these and numerous other marketing “tricks” will work to increase your profits.


If you do not have the desire or ability to independently draw up a business plan for a project, or if you want to invest money in a guaranteed successful enterprise, then it makes sense to choose a franchise business, that is, acquire the right to use a trademark and business technologies of a well-known brand (for example, federal networks "Sushi WOK", "Sushi City" and "Sushi Shop"). In this case, the franchisee (that is, the buyer of the franchise receives the full support of his patron-franchisor - an already promoted brand that makes the business much more competitive, marketing technologies, advertising at the federal level, a ready-made menu with recipes from chefs, recommendations for choosing premises and production methods products, a ready-made business plan, franchisee training and staff training.

The scheme of cooperation with the franchisor is simple. You pay the owners of the trademark a one-time lump sum payment (in this area it is approximately 300-400,000 rubles), as well as a monthly payment (royalty), which is 2-6% of the profit. In return, you get a ready-made business plan and a much shorter return on investment.


The price of an “entrance ticket” to the sushi delivery business starts from 1,000,000 rubles (for opening a point and purchasing everything necessary). Average annual costs, depending on the region, range from 5,000,0000 to 6,500,000 rubles (rent, purchase of products, staff wages, utility costs, gasoline, advertising promotion). The projected average annual income is 500-750,000 rubles. The profitability of this business is 20-25%.

Today, Japanese food is at the peak of popularity in our country. There are many chains and single establishments that offer rolls and sushi. But the market for delivery services for such food is still far from saturation. Therefore, this business can be very profitable if organized correctly.

Possible ways to organize a business

Before drawing up a business plan, think about what type of business you want to open. There are several ways to organize it:

  1. Delivery of rolls and sushi

Your only task is to accept the order and deliver it to the client. This is an ideal business to start from scratch with minimal investment. You need to enter into agreements with several popular establishments and organize the delivery of their food.

  1. Independent production with subsequent delivery of rolls and sushi

In this case, more start-up investments will be required. But in this case you get a greater guarantee and profit.

  1. Takeaway rolls and sushi

This can only work as an additional business to an already operating sushi bar. But you need to carefully calculate the business plan for such a service. It doesn't always turn out to be profitable. After all, in addition to the actual production of rolls and sushi, you need to purchase disposable containers in which they will be offered for takeaway, pay for the work of the courier, operator, and transportation costs. That is why there are separate companies that take care of delivery issues.

Case registration

To organize the delivery of rolls and sushi, you need to officially register your company. The easiest way to do this is to choose the “individual entrepreneur” form of organization. In this case, registration will cost 800 rubles. and five working days of waiting. When preparing documents, you must select the taxation form of the simplified tax system and OKVED 55.52 “Supply of public catering products.” If you wish, you can give this issue to a lawyer to resolve.

While the documentation is being prepared, it’s worth visiting nearby establishments that produce Japanese food and offering your delivery services. Be prepared that most of them, especially those who have been on the market for a long time, will refuse you. As a rule, they already have partners. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to those who are just starting out.

We are looking for premises

Next, your plan should include finding suitable premises. To open a Japanese food delivery company, it is not at all necessary to look for a nice premises - clients will not come to it, so their number will not increase due to the presentability of the establishment. Even if you are planning to open a small production facility or a takeaway bar, you only need to find a 30 sq.m. premises. m. It will accommodate:

  • space for loading and unloading products – 8 sq. m;
  • bathroom – 2 sq. m;
  • utility room – 8 sq.m. m;
  • production premises – 12 sq.m. m.

The expenditure plan for equipping the premises will require about 300 thousand rubles, plus 10 thousand rubles. to bring it in accordance with the requirements of the SES and fire inspection. The rental amount for premises depends on the region where you plan to open your business. For example, in the capital you will need about 50 thousand rubles, and in the regions – 20 thousand rubles.

Business equipment

If you organize your own production with take-out food services, you need to include in your spending plan the purchase of the following equipment:

In addition to basic equipment, include in your plan the purchase of additional equipment:

  • pots;
  • frying pans;
  • grindstone;
  • Japanese knives.

In total, about 100 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment. Please note that you will need a refrigerator not only for storing raw materials. Japanese food is a perishable product, which in the summer heat must be delivered exclusively chilled.

You will also need a vehicle: a bicycle, scooter or car. It all depends on what region you plan to open in. You can buy used vehicles, since your business will gain little from its appearance. To save on purchasing a vehicle, you can take a courier with your own car or bicycle.

We are looking for employees

If you offer takeout food, your staffing plan should include the following items:

  • 3 order managers;
  • 3 couriers;
  • 3 cooks.

How much to pay them depends on the prices that are established in your region.

Please note that you are required to issue a health certificate for each employee if he does not have one. This is about 2 thousand rubles. expenses for everyone. In general, about 4 million rubles need to be spent on personnel per year.

Remember that chefs must not only cook deliciously, but also work quickly. The success of your business depends on speed without sacrificing quality. The operator and courier must be polite, and the courier must also be neat.

Service promotion

When preparing an advertising campaign, keep in mind that your target audience is young people aged 18-35. Therefore, advertising on social networks and on various websites will be the most effective. Offers with discount coupons that are sold on special websites work well. At the same time, it is necessary to use more traditional advertising methods: leaflets, booklets, advertisements in transport and elevators.

It is advisable that the phone number for orders is simple and easy to remember. It can be placed on the delivery vehicle.

However, the main conditions for successful promotion of your company will be:

  1. The quality and freshness of the food delivered. If you cook yourself, work only with reputable suppliers of raw materials. If you organize delivery to other sushi bars, sign contracts only with those who cook with high quality.
  2. Delivery speed. The faster the food is delivered, the more trust your customers will have in you. Naturally, there are different situations. In this case, it is important not to lie to the client, warn him immediately about the delay and offer some kind of compensation.
  3. Incentives. Come up with some promotions for regular customers. This will help you retain them and secure regular orders.

Cost and profit calculations

So, with the simplest organization of delivery of rolls and sushi, the main costs will go to:

  • payment for courier work;
  • purchasing a mini-fridge;
  • gasoline costs;
  • purchase of a vehicle.

Initial costs will require about 150 thousand rubles. Over the course of a year, the average cost will be 5-6 million rubles. 35 orders are usually processed per day with an average cost of 500 rubles per order. That is, in a month you can earn about 500 thousand rubles. The profitability of the business remains at 20%. According to experts, with a competent approach, the business will pay for itself in a year and a half.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


According to experts, bars or shops offering sushi are the most profitable destination. They are distinguished by a wide range, main dishes are simple and quick to prepare, and no expensive equipment is required. All the nuances of opening a sushi store with home delivery, what documents are needed, where is the best place to open a sushi bar and what is needed for this. Help in drawing up a business plan and much more on the site

Opening a sushi bar: where to start?

Any business activity begins with a business plan, where each key point is described in detail and costs are calculated. It includes developing the concept of the establishment and analyzing the market for similar bars in the city. Followed by:

  • Preparation of the necessary documentation for opening a point.
  • Selection of staff and purchase of equipment.
  • Preparing the selected premises and conducting an advertising campaign.

After the above activities, you can begin work.

Let us dwell in more detail on the legal side of the issue and the list of required documentation:

  • You must register with the tax authorities and obtain the status of a limited liability company (if it is intended to sell alcohol) or an individual entrepreneur, and choose a taxation option. This may be a single tax form or a simplified system. A mixed form of taxation is chosen if it is assumed that there will be a hall and orders will be delivered to your home.
  • The sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products will require special licenses.
  • Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Fire Supervision Service conduct an inspection in the selected premises for its compliance with all necessary standards. If everything is in order, the relevant documents are issued.
  • One of the important conditions for opening a sushi bar is availability of health records from employees.
  • You can’t do without a sanitary log either. . It will note all the activities carried out in the premises - inspections, disinfection, and so on.
  • It is necessary to conclude a number of agreements with organizations that will take over the functions for the removal of garbage, organic waste, will deal with the disposal of solid household waste and will provide utility services.
  • Agreements concluded with suppliers refer to a separate item.
  • Rental agreement also included in the package of documents.

Legal subtleties seem to many to be the most difficult. This is where an experienced lawyer can help. The service is of course paid, but the result is error-free and fast. There is a greater chance that the opening will take place on the exact date planned.

What do you need to open a sushi store with delivery?

Although a sushi shop is a less expensive option to start with than a sushi bar, nevertheless, even this option requires a careful approach to all details. Let's look at each point in more detail:

Menu development

What are sushi and rolls? These are variations of rice, shrimp, any kind of fish and vegetables. For variety, you need appetizers, Japanese salads and other dishes from traditional oriental cuisine. When developing a menu, you need to focus on the target audience. Fans of Japanese cuisine can be divided into two categories:

  1. The first category includes people who want to eat a satisfying and tasty meal, and most importantly, quickly. They have little interest in oriental identity and view sushi as fast food. Therefore, specially designed rolls like “Philadelphia” or “California” are suitable for them. This category of buyers includes managers, office and store workers, and taxi drivers. They place orders for delivery at lunchtime or come into the store themselves to buy food to take away. The menu must include “sets” - sets of sushi and rolls.
  2. The second category can be called “Easterns”. They understand not only Japanese cuisine, but everything related to Japan. T Some will become regular customers only if the store inspires their trust. In addition to the variety of sushi names, the store’s assortment should include goods involved in the preparation of sushi and attributes for tasting it.


The success of a sushi shop will largely depend on top-notch products and the skill of the chef. It is he who plays an important role in choosing products, preparing dishes and updating the menu. He must have at least one assistant - a sushi chef.

In addition, the store staff usually consists of the following employees:

  • Administrator, which accepts orders for delivery and sells dishes in the store.
  • Kitchen worker. He is responsible for auxiliary work in the kitchen.
  • Waiter, if there are several tables in the room.
  • Cleaners, accountant and courier carrying out delivery.

This is the minimum required at first. Of course, a lot depends on the number of clients.


A sushi shop requires a special approach when choosing equipment. It is important to take into account the specifics of preparing dishes. The list of equipment consists of the following items:

  • A rice cooker that allows you to cook authentic Japanese dishes.
  • Plates if the menu includes soups and desserts.
  • Refrigerator and freezer for ready meals and semi-finished products.
  • Cutting boards (each type of fish needs a separate one).
  • Professional knives.
  • A machine that wraps rolls.
  • Special thermoses. They are indispensable for deliveries.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Furniture for the trading floor.

There is nothing unusual on the list. Particularly expensive equipment can be rented.

Renting premises

Renting a room is the best solution. For a store selling sushi, a room with a small area is suitable - 40-60 square meters is enough to accommodate a kitchen, a sales area with several tables for those who want to taste dishes, and a utility room. It is necessary to choose a room located on the ground floor of the building and take into account compliance with certain conditions (ceiling height, ventilation, and so on). The place must be noticeable, because you can make a profit not only from delivery, but also from visitors. Therefore, a business part of the city or a residential area will be suitable (a market analysis will help you decide here), preferably away from similar points.

Advertising and Marketing

All entrepreneurs know what the profitability of an enterprise depends on - advertising and marketing. The more people know about the sushi shop, the more successful it will be. First, you need to develop your logo, acquire high-quality photos of dishes, make business cards, flyers, and so on. A bright, noticeable sign will also serve as advertising. Other advertising methods include:

  • Handing out flyers on the street. They can be distributed among offices and residential areas.
  • Creation of your website and its promotion.
  • Advertising in print media.

Forming a client base is an important aspect. This will allow you to directly notify customers about the new menu, discounts and other innovations. We should not neglect the development of a system of discounts for regular customers. People like to save on any purchase.


The profit of the store directly depends on the quality delivery of sushi, focused more on the fact that the client orders food to his home or office. It is better to buy a car equipped with a refrigerator or take care of a mobile refrigerator. For hot dishes you will need a thermos. At first, it is not profitable to purchase a car - the costs at the start will be too high. Experts recommend hiring a courier with a personal car. By the way, transport, properly decorated, can be an excellent mobile advertisement.

Purchase of disposable tableware

Everything in sushi must be perfect - the ingredients, the preparation and the dishes in which the sushi is placed. That is why purchasing high-quality disposable tableware is not the last aspect in organizing the work of a point selling sushi with delivery. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the plastic is environmentally friendly, intended for cold and hot products. There are special containers for sale for sushi.. If the customer doesn’t like the dishes in some way, he simply won’t re-order.

We are drawing up a business plan for a sushi store with delivery - an approximate calculation of costs and payback periods

First you need to decide on the initial costs. They consist of such costs(assuming that alcohol and cigarettes will not be sold):

  • Obtaining permits (registration) - 2,000 rubles.
  • Purchasing a license for alcohol - 40,000 rubles.
  • Payment for renting the premises is 30,000 rubles.
  • Repair work and room design - 120,000 rubles.
  • The cost of purchasing equipment is 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising events - 30,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products (initial batch) - 200,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 8,000 rubles.

This means that to open it you will need about 530,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will be:

  • For rent and taxes - 31,000 rubles.
  • For utilities - 7,000 rubles.
  • The purchase of products will cost at least 100,000 rubles.
  • For advertising up to 10,000 rubles.
  • The total salary expense will be 95,400 rubles, of which: the salary of a chef - 35,000 rubles, a sushi chef - 15,000 rubles, a sales administrator - 15,000 rubles, a kitchen worker - 7,000 rubles, a waiter - 8,000 rubles, a cleaning lady - 7,000 rubles, accountant - 9,000 rubles, courier (plus gasoline costs) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Current expenses - 10,000 rubles.

The final monthly cost is 253,400 rubles.

The planned daily revenue is 12,000 rubles, which means the estimated monthly income is 360,000 rubles. Minus monthly expenses, it will be 106,600 rubles. The owner's salary and loan payments (if a loan was taken out to open a store) should be taken away. There remains 55,200 rubles of net income. Dividing the initial expenses by the amount of net income, we get the term payback In this case it is equal to nine months. A fairly quick period to recoup a business from scratch.