What do you need to open a shawarma business plan? Business plan for opening a shawarma. Business profitability and product calculation

Modern people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. In this bustle, there is not always time for a full lunch, so most people eat fast food. You can save time and have a quick snack in almost any part of the city; you don’t even have to go to a cafe or restaurant. Mobile fast food stalls are located right on the street and attract customers with the amazing smell of freshly prepared food.

In the previous publication, we talked in detail about how, in today’s article we will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of a fast food business. We’ll also talk about how to open a shawarma stall.

Shawarma is a popular Turkish dish that consists of a mixture of vegetables and fried meat wrapped in pita bread. The popularity of this type of food is quite high, which makes opening a shawarma stall a profitable and promising business.

Shawarma business plan

To organize a fast food business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. This is necessary in order to avoid making critical mistakes during the implementation of the idea and achieve profit in a short time.

In a business plan for opening a shawarma stall, it is necessary to outline such important nuances as the profitability of the idea, financial investments, payback periods and expected profits.

How to open a shawarma stall?

The primary question that every novice entrepreneur has is where to get the money to open their business. Even beginners understand perfectly well that funds are needed to implement a project.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma?

It is quite difficult to answer this question with precision. It all depends on the region where you are going to start a business, competition in the chosen field of activity, as well as on the organizational issues that you will encounter when opening a shawarma point.

There are several ways to get money to start your own business. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Bank loan. Surely the first thought that came to your mind was getting money for your business from the bank. In this case, everything is simple, you need to contact the appropriate bank and apply for a loan. But be careful and vigilant when signing the contract. There are always risks, and no one guarantees you quick success. Therefore, before taking out a loan, weigh all the pros and cons and only after that make your final decision;
  • Investment. Finding an investor who will agree to finance your project is, of course, a tempting offer, but not in this case. No one will sponsor the opening of a shawarma stall; small projects are not of interest to rich people. Thus, in your case, the only option is to find yourself a partner with whom you can pay all the costs of opening a retail outlet;
  • Financial assistance from the state. There is a financial assistance program for beginning entrepreneurs. To participate, you must be registered with the employment service as unemployed. In addition, you will need to submit salary certificates from your previous place of work, as well as a detailed business plan for consideration by the commission. After going through all the stages, you will be able to receive one-time financial assistance from the state for the development of your business.

Business registration

The first step is to decide on the material and legal form of the activity. In this case, there is no point in registering as a legal entity; it is quite enough to choose individual entrepreneurship as a form of activity with a simplified taxation system (single tax on imputed income).

To locate a retail outlet, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and fire services.

The preparation and trade of food products are subject to strict control by the Santrant. Therefore, all standards and requirements for food preparation and food storage must be observed. Be prepared for frequent checks.

Shawarma stall location

A favorable location of a retail outlet can lead to success and quick payback of the business. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place to sell fast food very wisely.

It is very important to place a retail outlet in crowded parts of the city. You can sell shawarma both in the center and near the station, in the park, in the area of ​​educational institutions and hospitals. In general, there, in places with high traffic of people eager to have a snack on the go.

A kiosk selling shawarma can be opened indoors by renting the necessary space. But in my opinion, it is still more profitable to open a mobile stall on wheels and sell fast food on the street. This is much cheaper financially, and the payback for this business will come much faster.

Equipment for a shawarma tent

The bulk of the funds will be spent on purchasing equipment for selling fast food.

Necessary equipment:

  • Grill – approximate cost from 10,000 rubles;
  • Shawarma making machine – from 7,000 rubles;
  • Refrigerator – from 10,000 rubles;
  • Hood – from 5000;
  • Production tables - approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Washstand from 2000 rubles.
  • In addition to the basic specialized equipment, you will also need other tools for preparing shawarma: kitchen knives, a board for cutting food, containers for fillings. You will also need disposable tableware and napkins.

Purchase of products

It is very important to buy high-quality and fresh products. Do not purchase goods in large quantities; it is better to agree with sellers on the market about the wholesale purchase of products. Remember that spoiled and stale food significantly affects the reputation of the establishment and can lead to dire consequences in the form of poisoning. Don't risk people's health.

You can purchase fresh meat for shawarma at a favorable wholesale price in a butcher shop. Alternatively, you can open your own meat stall. Read more about this on our business portal.

Costs and profits

Your main expenses are purchasing equipment, renting a kiosk, and purchasing food for preparing shawarma. Constant financial expenses will include: paying taxes and rent, paying salaries to staff, purchasing products.


As noted above, profit depends on the advantageous location. Therefore, study the demand and competition very carefully and choose a suitable location for your shawarma kiosk.

A little advice. Shawarma, as a rule, is prepared with meat, but today, many people have completely abandoned the use of this product. Therefore, I recommend that you offer vegetarian shawarma to your customers. This way, you will attract additional customers and ensure greater profits.

Advertising campaign

Opening a fast food outlet in a crowded place is the best advertising. But despite this, a bright sign will not hurt you. Therefore, I recommend that you definitely use such an effective way to attract clients.

If you are thinking about opening your own small business, but don’t have a lot of money in your pocket, think about opening your own shawarma stall. Recently, this product has become very popular and in demand among buyers. Shawarma is an inexpensive and tasty dish that both students and adults are willing to buy.

Advantages of opening a shawarma outlet

A shawarma business will not require large investments from you. At the initial stage, the investment amount ranges from 300–400 thousand rubles. Shawarma production as a business has its advantages compared to other projects:

  • Despite the fact that there is a lot of competition in the market, everyone has the opportunity to attract buyers and make their business profitable.
  • To open such a retail outlet, no complicated business registration is required. In addition, government agencies are less likely to conduct inspections in such establishments.
  • Compared to other projects, shawarma production is quite simple and does not require large investments in products and equipment.
  • In order to increase your income during the holidays, you can purchase a special van. On it you can make sales in crowded places, for example, in squares and thoroughfares during the holidays.

Opening a shawarma shop is half the battle. In order to increase your sales income, you need to pay attention to several points. One important factor is your location. Choose a place for a retail outlet where there is a lot of foot traffic. This way you will have more potential buyers who will definitely come to you.

Another important factor is the ratio of price and quality of dishes, the possibility of purchasing related products. Offer your customers delicious shawarma, accompanied by carbonated drinks, juices or tea. Try to make the price of the product reasonable. It is also worth forming an assortment of products taking into account the time of year. For example, in the summer, chilled drinks are actively purchased, and in winter, the demand for hot tea or coffee grows.

If the customer likes the service and quality of the food, he will definitely come back to you. Therefore, always be polite and smile at the client. If you hire a third party to sell, then pay his attention to this point.

Selecting the type of outlet and its design

How to open a shawarma from scratch? There is nothing complicated about this issue. The main thing is to choose a room or a van, as well as register your business and obtain the necessary documents. By law, every retail outlet or other form of business must be registered. And the shawarma tent is no exception.

The entire registration process consists of three stages:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs and choice of taxation system.
  • Obtaining a work permit from the fire inspectorate. In order to obtain permission from this service, you need to study all the basic requirements for the premises, the location of furniture, equipment, and fire extinguishing equipment.
  • The conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological service is the last stage. It is necessary to maintain the cleanliness of the equipment and point of sale, as well as comply with the standards and shelf life of products.

A shawarma kiosk is the basis of your business. Quite easily on the market you can buy a doner stall or a van in which you will sell your products. It is important to choose the optimal location. You need to pay rent for the land on which your retail outlet will be established. And its cost directly depends on the location you choose. In central areas or popular locations, the price of land will be higher than in a quiet area. But you won’t be able to get a good income in a quiet place.

Opening a shawarma shop is optimal in the following places:

  • On the market square, near popular shopping centers.
  • Near office buildings, educational institutions, clinics or hospitals.
  • On central streets where there is a lot of traffic.

It is also possible to place a shopping area in parks, but the income in this case will depend on the attendance of the place. You will earn more on weekends and holidays, but you won’t be able to make good money on weekdays.

If you choose a popular place, then most likely there is already another shawarma shop there. Consider this factor when starting your business and try to make your stall attractive to customers among other competitors.

Disadvantages of Opening a Shawarma Stand

Like any other business, opening a shawarma stall has its drawbacks. And if you approach the matter correctly, then they will be less noticeable for you. So, the main disadvantages are:

  • Keeping a small business afloat is quite difficult, since competition in the market is high.
  • Raw materials quickly become unusable.
  • Lack of opportunity to earn a lot of income.

The profitability of shawarma may be lower, since products with a short shelf life are used for its preparation. Meat, vegetables, sauce - all this has a limited shelf life. Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring not only the quality, but also the expiration dates of the ingredients. For example, it is enough to study sales statistics and formulate the optimal amount of raw materials for purchase.

It is also possible to survive with competition in the market. Prepare delicious shawarma from fresh ingredients, keep the stall clean - and customers will come to you again and again. One more thing - you won’t have to count on getting a high income if you have one point. Shawarma is an inexpensive product, and you won’t be able to sell a thousand pieces in a day. A good way to increase your income is to open a few more outlets.

Shawarma on wheels can also increase your income. With a van you can independently choose a suitable place for trading with a high flow of people.

How to cope with competition in the market

Competition is one of the main disadvantages of any business. There are practically no unoccupied niches in the market now. But it is possible to keep your business afloat and make it profitable.

Your shawarma shop will become profitable and popular if:

  • You have a significant range of products. Offer your customers not only shawarma, but also hot dogs or kebab. Offer your outlet's assortment of drinks, chewing gum, and chocolates. Increasing the range will increase revenue.
  • You have polite salespeople and clean premises. Buyers always pay attention to the terms of sale and the politeness of the seller. And if you treat a customer rudely, if your tent is dirty, that customer will no longer come to you.
  • Your shawarma is delicious. Add more fresh vegetables to the dish, buy only fresh good meat for the base, change the frying oil more often. Definitely do not try to save on raw materials by using stale meat and vegetables.
  • Your prices are reasonable. Do not try to raise the cost of products. Remember that shawarma is not eaten by people with high incomes.

What costs are expected at the stage of opening a shawarma stall?

What do you need to prepare and sell shawarma? Stall or van, shawarma installation, equipment, raw materials. If you have found a place to sell, the next step is to equip it with the necessary inventory.

What equipment is needed to make shawarma?

  • You need to buy a machine for making shawarma. You will fry the meat on it and cut it for the filling.
  • Buy several refrigerators to store meat, vegetables and drinks.
  • To work, you also need to equip your workplace: install shelves, a table, and places to store other products.
  • You will also need small equipment: knives, plates, containers, cutting boards, napkins.

Buying a machine for making shawarma is not everything. It is also important that your outlet has a sink and water for washing hands, meat, and vegetables. Also take care of purchasing special detergents for your equipment and utensils.

How to open a shawarma stall and what investments are needed?

Let's look at the main initial costs:

  • You will spend between 15-20 thousand rubles on paperwork.
  • Buying a trade stall or renting a place will require you from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. A used van for trade can also be bought for 150–200 thousand rubles.
  • The price of equipment for shawarma will be around 80 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses, including those for ingredients, range from 100–120 thousand rubles.

Thus, you can buy equipment for the production of shawarma, a stall or van and other equipment, spending an average of 300–400 thousand rubles. This amount is not too high for starting a business.

How to open a shawarma franchise? Franchising is a good way to open a retail outlet. You will be able to sell products under a well-known brand, while saving yourself from searching for suppliers or stores selling equipment. But the franchise requires you to pay an entry fee, as well as a certain percentage of the proceeds. Each network has its own franchise conditions and the amounts vary from company to company. If you opened your own business and your business has become successful, then you can also earn additional income by offering work under your franchise.

The business plan for opening a shawarma also includes ongoing monthly expenses.

The main articles are:

  • Raw materials for cooking and related products – 50–70 thousand rubles per month.
  • The salesperson's salary is 15–40 thousand rubles per month (Depends on the region).
  • Utility costs – 5 thousand rubles per month.
  • Payment of taxes – 10 thousand rubles per month.
  • Other expenses – within 10 thousand rubles monthly.

Based on the presented expenses, we can calculate that selling shawarma will cost you an average of 100 thousand rubles monthly or 3,500 rubles daily. The average revenue of one shawarma outlet is 6 thousand rubles per day. Thus, your net profit for the month will be from 50 thousand rubles. The average annual turnover of your point will be more than 2 million rubles.

How to make your stall popular

Advertising is one of the key aspects of doing business. Every year, large companies spend millions of rubles on advertising their products or services. Attracting clients is also necessary for you. But don't waste money on advertising on TV or radio. Good advertising means a client who is satisfied with everything. Additionally, you can introduce yourself to the market with the following advertising:

  • Write reviews about your establishment yourself on popular forums in your city or groups on social networks. You can also involve relatives and acquaintances in this matter.
  • Order advertising leaflets for your shawarma shop from the printing house and hand them out to passers-by.

Such advertising is cheap and quite effective. Cook deliciously, offer reasonable prices and monitor the quality of the products - and then your business will generate significant income. In the future, you can open several more similar establishments, which will increase your income.

Street food all over the planet is represented by a great variety of options. In Russia, a huge number of dishes of this direction are known. Shawarma can be called one of its brightest representatives.

Reasons for the popularity of shawarma and business features

The dish itself came to us from Turkey. Born on the shores of the Black Sea, it is particularly easy to prepare. It combines delicious meat, fresh vegetables, pita bread and sauce. Such healthy, simple and at the same time inexpensive food could not go unnoticed by entrepreneurs. In order to set up a shawarma stall, you don’t need a complicated business plan, since the simplicity of creating the dish is miraculously combined with the absence of any difficulties in creating your own business.

Another reason for the popularity of this dish is the increased calorie content. So, one serving of shawarma can easily replace a full meal.

Depending on the region, the dish may have certain differences. These include:

Replacing Armenian lavash with tortilla;

Sauce options (from tomato to balsamic);

Various meats (there are recipes for pork, lamb, beef, chicken).

So, in order to open a shawarma, the business plan must include the specific taste preferences of the selected region. This is a must.

How to draw up a primary shawarma business plan with calculations

The first step is to designate the area in which the product will be sold. It should be understood that we are talking about a dish that people prefer to eat as a replacement for a full lunch. Therefore, the optimal location for implementation will be areas with large concentrations of people. For example, in large cities this could be:

Areas near educational institutions;

Squares and embankments;

Places where people gather, whose way of working involves frequent purchases of fast food (bus terminals, etc.);

Playgrounds near any sports facilities.

Having chosen a place, we add it to the finished business plan, for which shawarma is the basis for further calculations. The next step will be to analyze the flow of people - this will help determine the possible daily profit. Please note that in some places trade may be seasonal. So, for example, the embankment will be the most relevant place for sale in the spring and summer.

If you are thinking about how to open a shawarma shop, a business plan, the costs of which must be strictly planned, should include renting or purchasing premises. Most of the existing sales points rely on operating in a kiosk. Its design allows you to create compliance with SanPIN requirements, as well as wisely use space, minimizing the cost of renting space.

The next stage is equipment

How to create an up-to-date shawarma business plan? The sample, on the basis of which a calculation can be made based on the characteristics of each area by making various adjustments, will always include several main points. However, it should be clarified: the equipment in almost all cases will be standard.

The main list includes:

- Spit for roasting meat. This equipment, although highly specialized, is available for purchase in all cities. There are spits from different manufacturers, but the design principle of this type of stove is always the same.

- Waffle iron. This conventional term is a device used to press the finished shawarma and then fry it. The ribbed surface of the waffle iron creates the signature grill-like pattern on the pita bread.

- Fridge. The refrigerator will store meat, vegetables, sauces, etc. It is necessary to clarify the possibility that in terms of the correct storage of products, the inspection authorities do not have questions. If it is necessary to create a distinction, you will need to purchase two refrigerators.

and inventory

All of the above equipment is not sufficient to create a full-fledged shawarma stall business plan. In addition, you should add the following kitchen utensils:


Cutting boards;

Storage containers;

You should also consider the delivery method. In most cases, it occurs by packaging in a disposable cellophane bag, which is supplemented with a napkin. In other cases, the finished dish is served on a plate. It should be understood that full serving will be impossible, since we are talking about a dish that is mainly consumed on the go.

Communications and creation of conditions

To prepare shawarma, in addition to the simplest equipment and a few related supplies, you only need electricity. Other communications are connected upon request. When talking about a full-fledged production process, one should take into account the water supply - without it, it will not be possible to work with food on site. Fortunately, in the modern world, establishing communications is quite simple. Connecting electricity, of course, is much faster than connecting water supply, but both manipulations are performed at fairly affordable prices and in a short time.

Design features

Since the main direction that the business plan follows is shawarma, emphasis should be placed on stimulating appetite. If we consider this issue from a psychological point of view, the color red has an amazing effect on perception. It makes you feel hungry, increasing your desire to shop. It’s not for nothing that the word “red” means “beautiful”!

A little advice: under no circumstances should you copy brands that are already well-known in this area. In addition to foolishly trying to live up to someone else's ideals, you can get sued for using someone else's work for your own personal gain. Since the only thing our business plan considers is shawarma, it would be appropriate to create an attractive sign that showcases the delicious product sold at this location. It is worth hiring a team of professional photographers and designers to create your own style - such costs will be fully repaid, since its future fate will depend on the initial external attractiveness of the business that you are presenting.

Drawing up a list of expenses

So, the business plan (shawarma is the product that we will produce and sell) consists of the above parts, the cost analysis of which can reveal the secret of the complete list of costs for implementing the business. The main parts of a standard calculation will be as follows:

Rent a stall - 10-50 thousand rubles per month, depending on the location;

Purchase of a stall - 130-250 thousand, depending on the area, as well as the place of trade;

Land rent - 2-5 thousand rubles per month;

Purchase of basic equipment: frying oven - 100 thousand, waffle iron - 35 thousand, refrigerator - 30 thousand, kitchen equipment - 5 thousand;

Additionally, you may need to purchase furniture (countertops, chairs), the average cost of which varies from 10 to 40 thousand rubles;

Communications - 5-10 thousand rubles.

Additional costs may include:
- design creation - from 5 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the idea being implemented.

You should immediately be ready to purchase the necessary raw materials (about 5 thousand rubles). If you plan to hire staff, you should take care of the upcoming salary (about 20 thousand rubles) in advance, since the first month of work will be in test mode and, most likely, the profit will be insufficient to fully cover expenses.

Thus, the most budgetary opening plan involves expenses of 227 thousand rubles. The maximum option, which includes not renting, but purchasing a stall, will include 600 thousand rubles.


Calculating payback is an extremely difficult task, since everything is tied to providing up-to-date data regarding the possible level of popularity of the business. As an evaluation criterion, you can take as a basis an already existing business in this area, operating for a certain period of time in a place whose traffic is similar to yours. When calculating, you should remove about 20 percent, since this amount is profit from regular customers. The new business will accumulate them for about a year.


The effectiveness of this business depends entirely on an integrated approach. Its implementation will be successful only if the calculations for creating the start are guaranteed to be correct, as well as if it meets quality standards. If you produce truly delicious shawarma, customers will turn a blind eye to the not-so-thought-out design, as well as the flaws in the interior decoration of the stall. Act smart and you will succeed!

Thus, the fast food dish Shawarma can be a brilliant start to creating a surprisingly productive business. As for the prospects, in the future it is possible to open a network of kitchens in which shawarma, already loved by many, will be produced. And by adding a twist to your dish, you can truly win the hearts of lovers of this oriental dish, which takes its roots from the distant shores of the Black Sea.

Fast food was invented by the Americans, but the Turks managed to promote a tasty and satisfying dish to this fertile field - grilled meat wrapped in pita bread with spices and seasonings, shawarma. You can only get to know the true taste of this dish in Turkey, however, it flourishes all over the world. shawarma business, adapting a simple meat dish to the tastes of a particular region and making great money.

How to open a shawarma stall in Russia

Since its appearance in Russia, the shawarma business has enjoyed a controversial reputation and is under the close attention of regulatory authorities of all ranks: fire inspectors, sanitary doctors and tax police. In order to open a shawarma tent, you will have to overcome the same bureaucratic barriers as if you were opening a cafe or restaurant, but at the end you will provide yourself with a guaranteed decent income. So, having registered a business activity, it is necessary find a good place. Your clients are working people, students, visitors who need a quick and tasty snack. Therefore, it is best to open a shawarma stall at the crossroads of busy streets, near a high-rise office building, an educational institution, a train station and even a market. If it turns out that an ATM or payment terminal is installed near the location you have chosen, it means that your intuition was correct: financiers never make mistakes and do not install equipment in unpromising places. The next stage of entering the shawarma business is obtaining permits in Gospozhnadzor and SES. These two bodies will become your constant companions in business, and therefore it is better to open a shawarma tent at the start in strict accordance with the requirements for fire hazardous premises, so as not to expose yourself to constant fines in the future. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service will closely monitor what conditions you have created for the preparation and storage of perishable foods. Having paid everything state duties and having received permission to operate in the catering sector from the fire supervision and SES, you can consider that you have passed half the way to opening a shawarma stall. All that remains is to purchase equipment and raw materials and work can begin.

Equipment and raw materials for preparing shawarma

To start a shawarma business you will need the following equipment:

  1. Grill, gas or electric.
  2. A set of replacement grill burners, which is recommended to be purchased at the same time as purchasing the grill.
  3. Spacious refrigerator for storing perishable foods.

I must say that on the market you will find widest range of equipment for preparing shawarma from foreign and Russian manufacturers. The design of the grill and burners is simple and domestic proposals are practically not inferior in quality to foreign ones, but their cost is half and sometimes three times lower. You can open a shawarma tent, equipping it with domestic equipment for 30-40 thousand rubles or similar imported equipment for 100-120 thousand rubles. The final choice depends only on your budget and ambitions. Meat, spices, vegetables, seasonings and pita bread for shawarma can initially be purchased at the market or wholesale grocery stores, receiving discounts on large volumes. As your shawarma business develops, you need to create your own database of direct suppliers and constantly work with them. This will allow you to save on purchasing products, as well as guarantee their quality and freshness.

Income, expenses and profits of a shawarma business

To open a shawarma business you will need 250-300 thousand rubles, which includes:

  • equipment - 40 thousand rubles;
  • cost of products for 4 months - 30 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises for 4 months - 60 thousand rubles;
  • state duties - 60 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills for 4 months - 40 thousand rubles;
  • salespersons' salary for 4 months - 40 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses (production risks) - 60 thousand rubles.

On average, one shawarma stall sells 100 servings of shawarma at a price of 50 rubles per 10-12 hour working day. That is, with a monthly revenue of 150 thousand rubles, the net profit will be 60 thousand rubles and in 4-5 months you will fully recoup your investment.