New specialties in the labor market. New professions of the 21st century. The most affordable way - professional courses

Just 5-10 years ago, HR managers could not even imagine that they would be “hunting” for IT doctors, bioethicists and gaming practitioners. The labor market is constantly changing. Very soon, robots will replace humans in almost all popular activities. And if you don’t want to connect your life with robotics, then what specialty should you choose to be “in trend”? After all, you hardly want to change your profession after 3-4 years of successfully building a career. We analyzed experts' forecasts and studied the labor market. Based on the results, new modern professions of the 21st century were selected that will not lose relevance until at least 2030.

How is the labor market

Today in Russia there is an obvious oversupply of specialists in the humanities: too many lawyers, psychologists, linguists and economists. At the same time, there is a shortage of engineers, specialists in the field agricultural technologies and medicine.

The statistics are disappointing: more than 80% of young specialists who received a humanities education cannot find a job in their specialty.

The areas most in need of personnel are:

  • medicine;
  • heavy industry;
  • mining industry;
  • commercial activity.

There is also a shortage of new personnel government agencies– for example, education and social services. But if most teachers and social workers are not ready to work in conditions of frankly low wages, then there simply is not a sufficient number of qualified engineers. There is also a management crisis - many large corporations They even announce competitions for solving current business problems, preparing to hire almost a “man from the street” for leadership positions.

However, trends should not become a guide to action: if you are close humanitarian sciences, you shouldn’t torture yourself with physics and become an engineer.

Best to choose current profession within your range of interests. If you are attracted to words, you don’t have to become a philologist. It is enough to choose a related, but more in-demand profession - copywriter and so on. Remember that achieving success in a job you don’t like is extremely difficult, no matter how relevant and paid it may be.

What new professions have appeared in Russia

The Russian labor market is changing rapidly. Professions that were relevant and in demand 5-10 years ago today find themselves at the bottom of the ratings. It is difficult to predict the future picture, but stable trends are emerging. This is how the IT sector is developing rapidly, which today already demonstrates high relevance and competitiveness with global segments. Experts unanimously say: the country lacks qualified programmers, managers, and agronomists. At the same time, there is an oversupply of lawyers, psychologists, designers and lawyers.

Among the most promising industries Analysts include the following areas:

  • medicine;
  • engineering;
  • mining industry;
  • robotics.

As for innovations, new modern professions have appeared in Russia, which most ordinary people had not even heard of 10 years ago. Roboticist, scrum manager, bioethicist, cosmogeologist, gaming practitioner, digital linguist, SEO specialist - the holders of these specialties still cannot explain to most people they know what they do. But understanding on the part of others should not be put at the forefront - the main thing is to get a profession that in the future will help you find a highly paid and sincerely loved job.

Modern professions: TOP 10 most in demand

When compiling the rating, we considered relatively new specialties that have become especially in demand in the labor market only in the last 5-10 years. At the same time, we included in the list only those professions that are really relevant in Russia. Of course, the work of a cosmogeologist or bioethicist is extremely important, but it is extremely difficult for these specialists to find employment in the regions. Therefore, we included in the rating modern professions of the 21st century that are in demand and decently paid throughout Russia.


The dominant profession is software engineering. However, it is important to understand that she has a lot of specialties in the area of ​​work (front-end, back-end, mobile development) and proficiency in programming languages. It is quite difficult to give their rating due to constant ranking, changes in salaries and changes in the degree of relevance of industries. However, programmers are among the TOP 10 owners of the most high salaries in Russia.

Average salary: 70 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI, MISiS.


The specialty is becoming increasingly in demand even in the regions of Russia. There is an acute shortage of professionals not only in the “traditional” industry, but also in the field of Internet marketing. University graduates who are ready to establish a marketing system in a company and ensure its competitiveness are welcomed with open arms. At the same time, it is important to own modern tools, English language, have a higher professional or related education.

Average salary: 54 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Russian Academy National economy and civil services under the President of the Russian Federation, RGPU, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University.

Cyber ​​Security Specialist

A new modern profession that has already become extremely in demand. Universities most often train “specialists in the field of information security,” but enrollments are also open for direct specialization in “cybersecurity.” There are vacancies in all banks and companies without exception that conduct any kind of activity on the Internet. Specialists are also in demand in government agencies - not only in the FSB and the police, but also in other organizations developing platforms for remote information and provision of services to the public.

Average salary: 77 thousand rubles.

Where to study: MEPhI, MIREA, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Interface designer

We said above that there is an oversupply of designers in Russia. This does not apply to web designers, interface designers and virtual environment designers. There is a shortage of qualified specialists in these areas. The rapid development of technology forces virtual environment designers to constantly improve, learn new tools, and meet the requirements of changing areas. This is only possible with permanent job and regular professional development.

Average salary: 64 thousand rubles.

Where to study: MIREA, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State University industrial technologies and design.

IT medic

An important modern profession that has already become quite widespread. The possibility of providing medical consulting services via the Internet has long been discussed at the state level. Specialists working in this field undergo mandatory training and multi-stage licensing. For now, it is recommended to study at regular medical universities, at “traditional” faculties. However, it is additionally worth studying Internet technologies and focusing on methods of remote provision of services.

Average salary: 50 thousand rubles.

Where to study: State Medical University named after. Sechenov, National Research Medical University named after. Pirogov, St. Petersburg State University.

SEO specialist

Search engine promotion specialist. Previously, it was possible to obtain this profession only by independently studying technologies and algorithms. There were simply no corresponding specialties at universities. Many SEO gurus have studied own mistakes, mastered the art of promotion by developing their own strategies. Today, in addition to online courses, specialized educational programs are appearing in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Average salary: 52 thousand rubles.

Where to study: MIRBIS, Institute of Business Development and Law, International Higher School of Brand Management IHSBM.


The tasks of this specialist include changing the properties and characteristics of living forms using technological, physical and engineering tools. Bioengineers are in demand in the agricultural and livestock sectors. They are also expected in industry and production, in research institutes. In the future, the relevance of this profession will only grow, experts say. And not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Average salary: 60 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, MSHA, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin.


We have already said that in Russia there is an acute shortage of competent and talented managers. However, there is an overabundance of people with the relevant specialty in the diploma. Companies and government agencies need managers highly qualified ready to manage and cope with crisis challenges. These are the specialists who quickly build successful career, receive guaranteed employment and maximum salaries.

Average salary: 59 thousand rubles.

Where to study: REU im. Plekhanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MAI.


The trend for “eternal youth” is becoming more and more relevant. The need to correct wrinkles, facial and body contours is no longer a whim, but a necessity. That is why over 100 cosmetology centers have opened in Russia over the past year. In the future, the trend will only intensify and the need for highly qualified cosmetologists will become especially acute. Therefore, this profession is worth purposefully acquiring now.

Average salary: 50 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Moscow educational complex "West", Capital College of Service and Hospitality Industry, Moscow Regional Medical College No. 4.

Drone operator (UAV)

Drone operator aircraft– a modern and extremely in-demand profession. Drones are used not only in the military sector: they are used in industry, in the mining sector, and even for private aerial photography. Becoming a UAV operator is not as easy as it might seem - you need to take special courses. It is worth considering the area in which you plan to work. If you want to create a business in private photography and video shooting from above, then it makes sense to additionally master the profession (or video operator).

Average salary: 47 thousand rubles.

Where to study: The educational center ZALA AERO.


Experts recommend that applicants choose not only modern, but also important professions. You can easily find high paying job provided that the specialty is relevant in your region and you have sufficient qualifications. It is also worth considering that in modern professions the quality of education and practical skills come to the fore. Even if you obtain the most relevant specialty, it is impossible to build a successful career without sufficient qualifications. Therefore, try to choose a reputable university and devote maximum time to additional education.

Evgenia Kuziner

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, employee of the Center for Youth Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, specialist in vocational guidance.

New professions of the 21st century

The rapid development of the socio-economic sphere has led to a change in the range of professions in demand in the labor market. The content of work in some professions is changing, new ones are emerging, and the names of familiar professions are simply changing.

  • · Brand manager- a specialist who manages the sale of a certain group of goods of a certain brand. Unlike a sales manager, a brand manager deals not so much with the sales themselves, but with the promotion of the brand name. Unlike a “pure” marketer, a brand manager must understand the sale of a given group of goods not only at the level of an economist, but also at the level of the manufacturer.
  • · Developer- This is one of the specializations in real estate transactions (realtor). He orders a project, buys or leases a plot of land, “ties” the project to the plot, coordinates the provision of all communications, and builds a facility - for example, a large office building. He can then sell the property he owns. The main thing is to recoup all costs and make a profit.
  • · Declarant- a company specialist in customs work: monitors the preparation of documentation and the movement of goods.
  • · Jobber- specialist intermediary on the stock exchange. The main tasks are buying and selling shares (at your own expense, as opposed to a broker).
  • · Distributor(English - distribute - distribute) - a person (company) engaged in direct sales, usually the company sells goods through a whole network of employees (distributors). A distributor is an official representative of the “parent company”, with which he is bound by a contract and undertakes to sell only the products of the mother company.
  • · Interviewer- a person who conducts interviews, surveys, including for sociological and other social research.
  • · Coordinator- coordinates the interaction between suppliers and customers, monitors the movement of goods, and maintains financial reports on deliveries.
  • · Copywriter- a person who develops creativity in advertising. The tasks of a copywriter include creating a concept for an advertising company, advertising texts, slogans, press releases, etc. The main requirements are a high level of development of creative abilities, originality of thinking and good knowledge of languages.
  • · Coach- a specialist who reveals the personal potential of company employees (usually a top manager): increases their productivity and efficiency, helps develop the ability to move at the right pace and direction, and activates a person’s motivation systems.
  • · Logistics- from “logistics” - applied Science, the subject of which is the management of information and material flows. Logistician is a customs and transport manager who manages supplies, organizes cargo flow, works with cargo carriers and shippers, and monitors the acceptance and delivery of cargo.
  • · Marketer(English - market - market) - researches the market: studies, forecasts and creates demand for goods and services, determines sales prospects, monitors competitive environment etc.
  • · Manager(English - manager - manager). Organizes and coordinates, evaluates and stimulates the activities of lower-level personnel of organizations. Distributes the amount of work between employees, trains, explains, transmits orders from management, and communicates between the board and employees. A senior manager conducts commercial negotiations, is involved in marketing and formation product niches, determines the strategy and tactics of competition, carries out activities to improve the efficiency of product sales, and manages the implementation of the organization’s business plan.
  • · Merchandiser- product promotion specialist retail. Controlling the location of goods on shelves, maintaining the image of the product, controlling advertising and prices for goods - all these are the main tasks of the merchandiser.
  • · Office Manager- a person whose main task is to ensure the operation of the office. This includes managing telephone and reception secretaries, drivers, couriers, calling specialists to repair office equipment, purchasing Supplies etc.
  • · Promoter(English - promoter - supporting, promoting, promoting) - sales representative of the company: maintains the company's image, promotes for sale all the goods produced by the company, works with a chain of stores, promotes product sales.
  • · Receptionist(English - reception - reception) - a lower-level employee working on the initial reception of clients by phone or in person; meets and greets clients and refers them to the appropriate employees of the company; registers visitors and telephone calls, sorts correspondence; in the future he may become an office manager.
  • · Realtor(English - real - real estate (about property)) - real estate sales specialist. Works individually or in a company, makes civil transactions in his own name and at his own expense, or in his own name, but at the expense and on behalf of an interested person land plots, buildings, structures, structures, residential or non-residential premises and rights to them (real estate valuation services are not real estate activities).
  • · Salesman(English - salesman - seller) - walks around the tents and offers the company's products to traders.
  • · Sales manager- sales manager: monitors the demand for goods sold, controls transactions carried out by the company's sales representatives, searches for clients - buyers (wholesale or retail companies) (see manager).
  • · Public Relations Specialist - specialist working in the field of production and large trade: maintains the company’s image, is responsible for information promotion of the company’s projects, for working with funds mass media, for maintaining public relations. labor economic demand profession
  • · Supervisor(English - supervisor - observing, controlling) - develops routes, monitors and controls the activities of sales representatives.
  • · Trader(English - trade - trade) - a specialist in the organization and control of internal and foreign trade, represents the interests of a bank, company or manufacturing company. A stock trader is an employee of a brokerage firm who is directly involved in stock trading and concludes transactions.

Because new territories are being developed both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. People are starting to become interested in something completely different, creating other fields for creativity and, accordingly, for earning money.

In this article we will talk about the profession of the 21st century, consider where to go to study, how you can earn money without education, and also find out what futurologists tell us. If you are interested in professions that have appeared in the 21st century, then this post will be of great interest to you.

Where to go to study?

Before telling you where you and your children can go to study, I would like to put special emphasis on which professions are definitely not worth mastering. So, you will waste money and, what is more offensive, years of your life if you decide to become an economist or a lawyer. The market for such specialists is currently crowded not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Modern university graduates have to get a second higher or other additional education in order to settle down at least somewhere. Therefore, the demanded and popular professions of the 21st century do not include these specialties in their lists.

Although, if we put the question differently - who do girls and boys most often go to study, then the answer will be connected precisely with lawyers and economists.

But in the coming decades, demand for specialists is expected technical professions. If you have an interest or inclinations, then you can apply for engineers, electricians, technicians of various directions. You will see that immediately after receiving a diploma, you will simply be “taken away” with arms and legs. However, these tips are more advisory in nature, and in any case, you decide. Now let's talk about such a phenomenon as professions of the 21st century. The list could be huge, but we will only touch on those options that may be of interest to the average resident of our region.

Sales and purchasing

Buying and selling has been of great importance in human life since ancient times. Throughout almost all of history, we never have what we want. The purchase and sale relationship allows you to purchase the product you are looking for, so it is not surprising that salespeople have entered the most popular professions of the 21st century, albeit under a more fashionable name.

Today, many companies are recruiting buyers to join their teams. This word is derived from the English “to buy”, which means “to buy”. Bayer is engaged in meeting the company's needs for goods, purchasing what is needed - food, office supplies, furniture, clothing... Such a specialist must understand the product, determine the quality “by eye”, be able to find the most profitable offer. Education "commodity expert" will be enough to become a buyer.

A shopper is the same buyer, but more individual. A wealthy family can hire a shopper to purchase everything they need - food, interior details, clothing. If in the work of a buyer you need to be an experienced person, then here an understanding of psychology, of what thing is suitable for a particular person, is much more important.

A media buyer is the same specialist, but the goods he purchases are more specific. This person is in charge of purchasing advertising space and developing a strategy. advertising activities companies. Here you cannot do without economic and marketing education, as well as an instinct for which advertising and where will bring the greatest consumer demand for the product.

Advertising and direct product promotion

Today you can earn good money from advertising. A huge advantage of this opportunity is that you do not need to have any special education in order to rise to the position of head of the promotion department.

A promoter is a person who promotes a product through consultation, tasting, and various “enticing” promotions. To become a promoter, you do not need to have an education, but what is definitely needed is communication skills, the ability to clearly convey your thoughts and gently convince people.

Merchandiser is the one who is responsible for placing goods and putting products on supermarket shelves. Such specialists are not needed in small stores, whose employees can display the products themselves. But if we are talking about hypermarkets, which pass through tons of products every day, then you cannot do without assistants from manufacturing companies. The merchandiser does not need to be able to “talk down” visitors, his work consists solely in If we talk about the 21st centuries that are popular today, then the merchandiser is one of them.

A brand manager is a person who is engaged in “promotion”, maintaining the name of the product in the hearing of consumers. This is where education is needed, preferably marketing. The brand manager creates and develops conditions for trademark was in demand.

Working on the Internet

Once upon a time, the Internet was more of an intranet and was considered a military development. Today this is a mandatory “springboard” for almost each of us. It's not just about reading the news and watching movies - we share with friends interesting information, upload a photo, “check in” to boast about being in a pretentious place. The Internet has also provided a lot of opportunities for earning money.

Of course, not all 21st-century Internet products are effective - some are designed simply for you to donate your funds. Thus, the “professions” associated with working on stock exchanges are very dubious. Of course, this is not about you if you are an expert in economics and have “eaten the dog” in the sale of currency. Otherwise, be careful - no matter how you are deprived of your savings by the new professions of the 21st century. The list we provide below will be of interest to those who want to master a profession and earn money without leaving home.

A blogger is a person who keeps his diary on the Internet. If his blog turns out to be interesting a large number subscribers, then he gets the opportunity to earn money from advertising, which he will place on his pages. To become a successful blogger, you need to write about what is close to you and what you are good at.

A copywriter is a person who deals with All content on the Internet is the creation of copywriters, people who write from scratch or rewrite ready-made texts. You can work without having an education, however, without a “sense of style” and literacy you cannot write much.

An SEO optimizer is a person who makes websites more popular by promoting them to the top of search engines. Those sites that the user sees on the Internet first are used most in demand. The more people visit a site, the more popular it is and the more attractive it is to the advertiser.

A web designer is a person who specializes in creating the visual content of a website. You can get this kind of education through special courses.

Working with society

Event manager is a person who organizes events and holidays. There are a lot of enterprises on the market today that specialize exclusively in this activity. Some companies also need to have a couple of such experts (for example, a hotel or restaurant). The manager must come up with an entertainment program, order artists, and also discuss payment with them based on the available budget.

PR manager is a person involved in public relations. For many, “PR” carries a negative connotation. As soon as a star makes a scandal or disgraces himself, this act is immediately called PR. In fact, any “communication” of news to the people is the activity of a PR manager.

What are you preparing for?

We figured out what newest professions The 21st century is now in trend, and what kind of education do you need to get in order to work successfully? What about the near future? What will be relevant in ten to twenty years?

Futurologists predict even more significant improvements in telecommunications and media in the coming years. In addition, the climate and people's living needs will change noticeably. Let's try to predict, based on the conclusions of futurologists, what kind of 21st century awaits us in the foreseeable future.

Personal Trumans

Remember the movie "The Truman Show"?

If not, then we suggest you remember the show “House 2”. As practice shows, people like to watch the lives of their own kind, and it is better if these are real, living people, and not characters from TV series and films. So, there is an assumption that selfie films will soon become popular, which anyone can take by simply attaching a camera to themselves.

Development of new lands

Futurist Stuart Brand predicts that the melting ice of Antarctica will lead to climate change within our lifetimes. As a result, the newest professions of the 21st century will emerge. For example, there will be a demand for “Colombians”, people who will explore new territories, including space.

Networking within corporations

It is no secret that corporations rule the world. Often it is the desire of the management of such companies that determines the policies of countries in the foreign and domestic markets. A corporation is a closed system, a kind of life.

And according to marketing specialist Seth Godin, in the near future other lines will be added to the new professions of the 21st century. The list will be supplemented by specialists in supporting the vital functions of corporate structures.

Thus, the agency recently completed an interesting order - the development social networks for clients. Therefore, programming and information Technology are more relevant than ever if the question arises about where to go to study.

Human Improvement

James Kenton believes that all professions of the 21st century will be tied to making a person as perfect as possible. Laboratories and medical institutes will "design" animals and plants and work to create the "ideal man." The futurist suggests that the time is not far off when it will be possible for a lonely person to go to a special data bank and request the contacts of people who are most compatible by DNA. Couples, before having a child, will be able to “calculate” how the future baby will be born. Whatever it was, medical education, according to Kenton, would not hurt.

6 professions

Just 5 years ago, the profession of a content manager, web designer or copywriter was perceived as something alien. Today these names no longer surprise anyone. Many quickly and completely independently learned new crafts, leaving their diplomas in economics and management lying peacefully on bookshelves. Today, these relatively new professions are being followed on the heels of very young people, who also almost do not require the applicant to have a “crust” of 5-year higher education.

1. Shopper

They are also called professional style consultants, personal stylists and buyers. The profession was born in Hollywood and smoothly emigrated to other world capitals. The work of these representatives fashion industry consists of going shopping with clients and choosing a fashionable wardrobe for them.

Where they teach:
Higher professional education in this direction they are not yet giving. But there are a lot of courses for image makers, stylists, buyers, where they promise to teach the intricacies of style in 2-3 months.

Required skills:
In this profession, it is not so important to understand fashion trends as to be a good psychologist and be able to select wardrobe items in accordance with the individual characteristics of the client.

How much do they get:
Hourly rates range from $10 to $500.

2. Taster

These quality controllers evaluate wines, coffees, teas, chocolates, cheeses, perfumes and more. At the same time, tasters do not choose the best option, their task is to give their professional description of the products offered. It is thanks to the fine taste of tasters that manufacturers understand exactly how they should improve their products and how best to teach their benefits. Tasters are also in demand in restaurants, they determine the quality of the products supplied and help to come up with new culinary masterpieces.

Where they teach:
Universities also do not provide education as a taster, only courses and constant personal training.

Required skills:
Sense of smell and taste buds are in perfect condition, excellent memory.

How much do they get:
30-45 thousand rubles/month. And this is subject to far from permanent employment.

3. Food stylist

Today, becoming a successful photographer is practically not difficult. A professional camera can even replace the lack of imagination and any creative flair. But those who decide to move on and develop in photography can try their hand at the interesting and rare profession of food stylist. Here you will need not only good camera, but also the ability to constantly generate creative ideas and even the skills of an inventor. The task of a food stylist is to photograph food in such a way that just the picture will arouse your appetite. Food stylists are a bit of illusionists. Every experienced professional in this field has a whole bag of personal tricks on how to give greens a freshly picked look and imitate the steam of hot dishes.

Where they teach:
Experienced professionals confidently assert that for a food stylist, education is not so important as self-education. Unless photography courses are useful for constructing the correct composition and understanding the setting of light. And education as a designer will help you learn to feel the richness of the picture as a whole. By the way, many modern culinary bloggers have a good chance of bearing the proud title of food stylist.

Required skills:
Culinary abilities may be completely absent. School physics/chemistry lessons will also come in handy. But the main thing is imagination and a sense of beauty!

How much do they get:
Depends on the degree of popularity and professionalism of the food stylist. An average shooting day of work costs 10-15 thousand rubles.

4. Groomer

A groomer is almost a make-up artist, only for cats and dogs. Professional care for small pets has become so popular that the profession of a groomer has now acquired cosmic importance. Not a single exhibition or social outing in the company of a four-legged friend is complete without a visit to this wizard of animal beauty. Haircut, styling, cosmetic procedures, baths and other amenities for four-legged animals - this is the job for a groomer.

Where they teach:
Clients really appreciate this specialist’s education and other diplomas and certificates. But completing a 2-month course and getting a diploma is not enough. According to experienced groomers, the profession requires lifelong learning.

Required skills:
You have to be a zoopsychologist, a bit of a veterinarian, and also a hairdresser and cosmetologist. This is such a difficult profession!

How much do they get:
Monthly income for an experienced groomer can reach 80-200 thousand rubles.

5. Head Hunter

This is not an ordinary personnel officer, but a real “headhunter.” And he hunts for exclusive specialists. Head hunters are being hired large companies, for example, to lure valuable “heads” from competing companies. But the specialist himself can hire a head hunter so that he can choose the most suitable one from a whole variety of career offers. In the personnel environment, head hunters stand apart; their secret methods of persuasion and search for employees are legendary. They, like secret agents and spies, can obtain any information about the right person and establish contact with any client.

Where they teach:
The profession of a head hunter is aerobatics for good old recruiters and HR managers. In addition, the profession requires you to be a good psychologist.

Required skills:
Knowledge of psychology, ability to persuade, establish connections and search for information.

How much do they get:
Typically, the head hunter's remuneration is based on the percentage of the employed employee. Wage such a recruiter-scout can reach 300 thousand rubles. per month.

This is what they are, these exotic professions, success in which depends solely on personal skills and aspirations. So if you suddenly decide to dramatically change your profession, then know that the choice of new interesting activities today is huge, everything is entirely in your hands!

I always want to accept correct solution so that you can subsequently find yourself in the labor market without any problems. Moreover, you need to think strategically for several years ahead, because obtaining an education, changing qualifications and acquiring new skills takes time.

The biggest difficulties arise if a person has no personal preferences. In such situations, it is customary to rely on market conditions, which is not entirely correct. After all, work should bring pleasure.

Popular and always needed specialties

There are professions that are in demand regardless of the historical period, fashion and other factors. These are the types of activities that help implement social function states. These positions include:

  • doctors and health workers;
  • pharmacists;
  • teachers and professors;
  • firefighters;
  • police officers;
  • workers employed in the housing and communal services sector.

The most in-demand professions are not always the ones that are highly paid. IN last years public policy structured in such a way that people employed in these areas receive a decent income. Having made a choice in favor of such professions, there is no doubt that you will find a use in the labor market.

Latest trends

In order to make a decision about entering a particular profession, you can study the results of labor market research. Sociological data show that the TOP options among vacancies posted by employers include the following specialties:

  • Engineers and specialists in technical professions, which are usually needed for companies and organizations engaged in construction, high-tech types of production, and in industry. In recent years they have been the highest paid.
  • IT specialists, whose knowledge is needed to organize the work of offices, and to build an Internet business, and to promote the company.
  • Environmentalists and specialists in the field of labor protection. The state is increasing the requirements for conducting activities that can cause potential harm environment or workers' health. In order to avoid paying huge fines and organize internal activities correctly, organizations need appropriate specialists. It is useful to know which enterprises in the city have already attracted young employees in order to understand whether it is worth retraining.
  • Teachers and kindergarten teachers. Basically, the low demand from applicants for these positions is associated with low wages. But few people know that when building a career in this system, you can quickly switch to new level. This will allow you to earn more than, for example, in trading. If we remember about nice bonus from the legislation on almost two months paid annual leave, it becomes clear why such positions are increasingly in demand among young people.
  • Medical staff. These are far from highly paid positions, but they are necessary for organizing the treatment process. Such positions are suitable for those who have no education but want to have social guarantees and perform good deeds to a certain extent.
  • Chemists and physicists who can perform applied or fundamental tasks. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself. After all basic research lead to the acquisition of completely new knowledge, which is then in demand in many areas of activity. Having such experience, a specialist can easily find employment in the market.
  • Logisticians who allow you to optimize warehouse space, transportation of goods and goods so that the organization receives higher profitability of its activities.

Specialties that are at risk of disappearing

Experts involved in studying the processes of the personnel market are making forecasts regarding which professions may soon disappear altogether. Even from the job classifier.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives does not see any point in focusing on the following positions in its forecasts:

  • Notaries, since most of the processes are transferred online, and distribution digital signature makes their activities irrelevant.
  • Postmen, who can be partially replaced by courier services. It is customary to write letters more via the Internet, so soon one will only be able to read about this profession or hear about it on excursions.
  • Cashiers. It is believed that their job functions will be able to be performed computer systems, and the transition to bank cards will allow you to do without such specialists. But you need to understand that this will not happen soon. After all, the share of those who like to pay in cash is still too high.
  • Printers and printing workers. The most unique specialists in the field of printing are forced to retrain due to the low demand for printed publications. The development of technology makes it possible to produce products with fewer employees. The abundance of online books has also led to the fact that formerly highly paid specialists are forced to find other uses for their strengths.
  • Travel agents are also included in the TOP of irrelevant professions in the future. It is believed that with the help of online booking systems, customers will be able to work directly with tour operators or with market participants in the hospitality industry. The need for intermediaries will disappear by itself.

Who is needed in the future?

Looking into the future is not as difficult as it seems. Quite easily, specialists conducting research on employment issues can establish where the attrition of personnel will occur due to age, creating dependencies between economic development and the market. What professions will be popular in five or ten years?

The most non-standard and popular among them:

  • Urbanists. These are specialists who are busy creating the city's appearance and infrastructure.
  • Biotechnologists and bioengineers, who will bear the burden of finding means to extend life, remove harmful substances from the body, rejuvenation, fight against cancer, etc.
  • Engineers in the field of non-traditional energy. There will be fewer and fewer sources of energy, and to save humanity we need to learn to use alternatives.
  • Workers in the security sector, including information security. The availability of digital data and the ease of penetration into foreign territory increases the demand for countermeasures. Such specialists will find application both in the field of company security and in the development field. household appliances and protection schemes.

The TOP of those who will find application in the future also includes:

  • 3D designers;
  • marketers and promotion specialists;
  • content managers;
  • Internet developers and programmers;
  • specialists in the food industry;
  • pharmacists;
  • engineers;
  • nanotechnologists;
  • operators of automated devices, including those for cleaning premises.

Where can I get information about the necessary specialists?

To conduct market research yourself and find a job you like, you can use the following tools:

  • get acquainted with materials that are provided in the public domain recruitment agencies or magazines and websites dedicated to personnel;
  • study the reports of ministries responsible for employment functions;
  • look for ratings of competitions for specialties among applicants to universities and colleges, as well as their reports on the employment of graduates;
  • analyze vacancy databases on employment portals or employment centers;
  • attend industry conferences, where they always talk about the problems of personnel shortages, if they exist.

It must be remembered that popular and in-demand vacancies may not always be of interest to a specific person. It's always better to choose what you like to do. Otherwise, psychological discomfort will arise and you will not be able to maintain a job position.

It is useful to listen to the opinions of other people involved in a certain field, or to the older generation. Their wisdom and experience are the most invaluable sources of knowledge for decision making.

What do you need to consider so as not to make a mistake when choosing a specialty?

Regardless of what forecasts are made for the future, a person must understand that people with certain qualities can always find employment in the labor market. Their development needs to be given attention. Then you can find a job without any problems.

The following employees are in demand among employers:

  • sociable;
  • able to work independently and in a team;
  • proactive;
  • honest;
  • responsible;
  • executive;
  • creative;
  • ready for change;
  • striving to achieve results;
  • thinking and analyzing.

People with these qualities will be able to stand out and start career in companies. It is not necessary to have all the characteristics on the list. The choice depends on the area in which growth and development is expected to continue.

There is no need to be afraid that the choice of training program will be made incorrectly. After all, people often cannot find a job in their specialty because they do not look for it or do it incorrectly. You can become an excellent specialist in any profession. Then the largest companies will "hunt" for such an employee.

Also, don’t think too much about the prestige of the position. After all, even working professions allow you to earn income, sometimes much more than the position of an official in the local government system.