Event ideas. Event industry trends. How to create a fashion event. Mixing offline and online

The concept of the event must not only meet company standards, but also be creative and original. When choosing, you should also take into account its compliance with modern trends. Especially if you want to impress the media or partners. Even better is to create your own trends, which will have a positive impact on the company's image. But in order to stay ahead of trends, you need to be aware of current trends.

What was fashionable in 2017 and will remain so in 2018? The main trend is an emphasis on employee training, team building and events with benefits for the company. Such formats have replaced simple drinking and entertainment. In this article we will talk about the hottest trends in the event industry.

Seasonality of events

There is a clear seasonality in holding corporate events. The high season begins in the summer and lasts until the new year. Tenders for the new year begin from the beginning of summer. The agency must have a good understanding of trends in order to offer something that will be relevant in winter in the summer. In December-January New Year's corporate parties In summer, quests, outdoor activities, and sports competitions are most in demand.

Main trends

Useful action

The general focus is that traditional corporate parties and large celebrations with drinking have been replaced by spending time for the benefit of employees and the company. Team building, games, training, business tourism - this is what is relevant now.

Particularly popular:

  1. Quests - these can be interactive games or indoor tournaments, even in the office itself. Participants are given props and the rules are explained. Another option is a quest in a specially equipped room or room designed for a specific concept. Real-life quests are very interesting, when the organizers equip several locations in the selected area for the game.
  2. Thematic games - you can develop analogues of the Mafia or Monopoly games, or use other game formats related to the company’s activities.
  3. Business trips - for example, to training seminars, conferences, meetings with partners.
  4. Sports competitions - suitable for young teams, you can organize an analogue of the Olympic Games, hold a sports relay race.
  5. Excursions - you can choose an interesting historical place or organize a joint visit to a museum.

For top managers of PepsiCo, we organized an away quest and at the same time a tour of Tuscany in Italian vintage cars

Non-standard sites

Conventional banquet halls with a stage are becoming a thing of the past just like traditional parties and parties. It is fashionable to hold corporate events at non-standard venues. For example, in such locations as yacht clubs, train cars, factories, training grounds, bunkers, creative spaces - places that were not previously even associated with holding a holiday. They come up with original concepts and ideas.

Global concepts are popular when the idea of ​​an event goes beyond the site: online and offline, for example, parks or points of sale.

New technologies

Corporate events are becoming technologically advanced. Of course, modern people can no longer be surprised by the performances of artists or tricks from the stage. Interactive stands, video games, glasses virtual reality- similar entertainment can be seen at almost every major holiday. They are usually used as an additional element to entertain guests during a meeting or during breaks in the main program.

The concept may involve the following technologies:

  1. VR/virtual reality - for example, virtual reality attractions that help holiday guests to be transported into the atmosphere of a themed action or horror movie. Video games and virtual reality glasses should only complement the main program, because people gather at the event to communicate, and not just to visit the virtual world.
  2. AR/augmented reality differs from virtual reality in that virtual objects are superimposed on the real world. For example, you can make a stand where participants can take pictures in different images, trying on virtual costumes. Or organize an interactive quest in the spirit of the acclaimed game Pokemon Go.
  3. MR/mixed reality is a hybrid of virtual and augmented reality. Instead of simply projecting virtual objects as in AR, the technology allows you to create truly new objects based on the received data. A special helmet makes it possible to control created objects using your hands and voice. A person simultaneously sees space and holograms, hears the sounds of the game and the real world. As a result, what happens is as realistic as possible.
  4. Interactive stands and gadgets - interactive installations with dynamically changing information will help entertain guests. You can create a stand for recording music, drawing, a photo stand and much more.
  5. 3D mapping or video mapping - projection shows, creation and projection of 3D images onto relief, volumetric surfaces: people, cars, buildings, specially created structures, almost any moving or stationary objects. They differ from ordinary light shows in the volume of images and the use of a projector instead of a laser.
  6. Artificial intelligence at events - for example, virtual assistants/hostesses who greet guests in the welcome zone.

New technologies are also used to film events. Panoramic photos in 360 degrees, go-pro, drones - everything that humanity has come up with for photo and video shooting is used Lately. This is how you can get beautiful pictures and videos that cannot be made with a regular camera or when filming from inside an event.

Nike has built a 200-meter running track that looks like the shape of a running shoe's sole from above. With the help of LED displays along the perimeter of the entire track, participants can compete with themselves for the fastest lap. This is how Nike promoted a new shoe model

Mixing offline and online

The trend towards digitalization of corporate events is obvious - mixing online and offline. Old formats are combined with digital solutions. Live broadcasts from events on the Internet and streaming are relevant - streaming broadcasts in real time. They help to impress those who are not present at the scene: clients, partners, potential employees, which has a positive effect on the image of the company as a whole.

It is not uncommon to engage visitors online before a corporate event, for example, holding competitions via the Internet, developing special websites, and sending invitations by email. Also on a separate site or in a group in in social networks collect videos, photos, reviews, reports about the event so that its participants or anyone interested can familiarize themselves with them.

Interaction technologies

At large-scale events, technologies are used to simplify interaction between guests. They are especially relevant if the holiday brings together employees who do not know each other, for example, they work in different departments of the company or even come from different cities. The MeYou dating app at events and conferences will help make it easier for guests to meet and communicate. It allows participants to get to know each other and talk about themselves. The service shows guests, their competencies and contacts.

Interaction between hosts and guests can also be organized in real time. To do this, they use survey services that display results immediately after guests enter their answer options.

Immersive performances and interactive films

Immersive performances and shows differ from ordinary ones in that the viewer is maximally involved in what is happening and is a participant in the production. The actors are among the audience, and the latter also become actors. The only point that limits the use of this format at corporate events is the complexity of preparation and the impossibility of holding it with a significant number of invitees. The format is suitable for a small audience, for example at an event for top managers. It is advisable to use a specially prepared site. The production itself can be both a performance and an exciting quest.

The highest involvement of guests in an event is achieved when the guest himself is the main character of the event

Interactive movies are reminiscent of a video game. The actions of the heroes can be controlled by guests, which affects the development of the plot. Such a film involves employees in the holiday, and can also become a means of communication between participants in the action. For example, guests can choose where the hero will go and what he will do through voting or discussion as a team.

Interactive cinema for Raiffeisenbank

New opportunities for analyzing the effectiveness of events

There are more opportunities to collect statistics and analyze guest engagement. For example, surveys by mail and social networks, interactive formats can be used to assess employee engagement and satisfaction. As well as systems for calculating ROI - return on investment ratio, allowing long term evaluate the effectiveness of investments in corporate events. It is still difficult to predict how technology will develop further in this direction, but it looks promising.

Immersion of the agency in the client’s business

Previously, the process of interaction between a company and an event agency was that the client contacted the contractor and received a concept that could be creative, but was usually divorced from the business itself. Now more common comprehensive solutions with deep involvement of eventers in the client’s business and its features. Agencies are trying to understand how business processes work and what type of activities are best suited in a particular case.


So, the following features can be seen in the trends for 2018:

  1. Shifting the focus from entertaining employees to benefiting their professional and team development.
  2. Application latest technologies: from artificial intelligence to virtual reality.
  3. Selection of non-standard platforms and creative concepts, bringing the event online, digitalization.
  4. Shows and performances with maximum involvement of event participants in the action taking place.
  5. Deeper immersion of eventers into the client’s business, selection of the most suitable concepts taking into account the specifics of the company.

Now you know how to choose a concept and what will be trending in the coming year - this information will help you choose the best agency. And in the next article we will tell you how to interact with the selected event agency in the process of organizing an event and how to control the work so that everything goes perfectly.

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Today I propose to consider ideas for events based on the example of those we have already held, and also to understand the reasons for the success/failure of various events.

What makes an event successful? On the part of the participant and on the part of the organizer, the opinion of success may be very different, but events are made for the participants, so we must always proceed from their interests.

I would highlight 3 main components for every successful event:
The first is organizational, described in, there is a fairly mechanical part here, people just need to understand what to do and how.

The second is ideological/emotional, this is the basis for the success of the event. Emotions are something that you must hold, warm up or cause yourself as an organizer. Even an event that is lame in its organization, but with a great idea that brings a lot of fun, will be successful.

The third is personal, here about the personality of the presenter himself. This is the conductor, he must be the ringleader and the DJ. In many ways, the skill of the facilitator can compensate for the failure of the first two components, but the more compensation, the more work. Here you need to strike a balance of instructions for players, jokes to lighten the mood, and punishments for those who bother you. It is important for the host to feel the flow of the event and the state of the participants; if the event drags on and people get bored, then the event needs to be shortened on the fly, the number of tasks removed, etc. If the silence in the vehicle has been prolonged and everyone is working diligently to solve the puzzle, then it’s time to give a hint or defuse the situation with a joke))

If you succeeded with each of the three points, congratulations, you made a great event!

And concluding the introduction, I will say about criticism of events - remember that it is impossible to please everyone, if the majority likes the event, then it is already successful. There will always be dissatisfied people, be prepared for this.

Ideas for events (according to Cognitive Dissonance)

Hide and seek
- there has already been an article on the topic of this event. The guys expanded the basic idea of ​​the search and added great ideas. Keep in mind that the organization will require several people.

In our version, only one person was hiding, in one place in Outland. The task of finding it as quickly as possible was given to 2 teams. The use of macros for searching was allowed. The target moved in a small area of ​​one zone. Under such conditions, excellent knowledge of the area will be your advantage. It works out great if you can hide so that you can be targeted with a macro, but it’s not clear how to get to you.
After finding the target, points were credited to the team that found it, and the one who found it had to hide.

Cons - the video is unlikely to be spectacular. In individual versions of hide and seek (when they search one by one and not in teams), people are greatly stretched across the distance and the feeling of playing together disappears.

Relay race- hide and seek option. 2 teams send one participant each to look for a person hiding within the location. When a team member finds him, he gives him a unique item crafted by him. (rod, shirt, etc. with the signature of the crafter) He returns to his team and gives the item to the team, after which the next “runner” starts looking for the “target”. The task of each team is to collect the required number of issued items; it is better that it exceeds or is equal to the number of players in the group.

In our case, Kalimdor was flightless and we held the event on the southern island, outside the map. The “target” was hiding under water and running around the islands. Seeing a participant, the “target” stopped and gave the item to the first person to throw a trade at her. after which it moved, since the teams were allowed to share information about its location.

Disadvantages - while 2 people are running, their teams stand, they get bored. Here you can come up with something else. In our case, the teams themselves realized that if a person carrying an item accidentally gives it to a member of the opposing team, then they will not give it back. Or you can interfere with giving away an item by bombarding a person with trades, delaying time for your “runner”. The video is unlikely to be spectacular.
Pros - easily changeable and scalable event, simple preparation.

Jumping- we jump in different ways under different sauces.

Option “rain of bodies”
. originally used for educational purposes after wipes))
The point is to gather a group on flymounts on maximum height, choosing a target for the drop (mailbox, player, bank, etc.) and simultaneously removing yourself from the mount. The long flight and massive loud death cause excitement and laughs. People playing with sound really get scared. It is advisable to have a gunner on the ground who will conduct informational subversive actions, coordinate your falls and throw engineering smoke. It is advisable to change clothes to avoid expensive repairs.
Pros - it is done quickly, very quickly, no preparation is needed, you can write bad words on the ground with skeletons.
Cons - you have to be a little frostbitten to have fun: this has never been a problem for us.

Option “jump to Dalaran” . Above Dalaran there is the Storm Peaks area. in which there is a very high mountain, on the top of which stands the throne of Thorim. The task is to jump from the upper ring using levitation and get to Dalaran. It can be made more complex and divided into groups, where buffing magicians and priests must levitate their group.
Pros - it works quickly. no preparation needed.
Disadvantages: speed of execution; alternatively, it may not be a separate event, but a part or condition of a larger event.

The “just like that” option. If you're bored, just jump in!

Kites - we drag a large and scary mob from one location to another, preferably to a city, look at the reaction of the people, troll.

Variant of “Kite Jaina”
- I don’t know if it’s possible to kite it now, since Theramore is destroyed for many who did the quests. For others it should be available. With the release of Kata, we tried to kite her again, but she became evasive and quickly killed the raid. I think it shouldn’t cause any problems with the current gear. If anyone has tried it, write in the comments.

Option “Kite of Anachronos” - the most harmless dragon, did nothing, kited simply, but for a long time, since he did not go through the lift in Thousand Needles, he was led through the wasteland in a large circle. This lizard stood at the entrance to the caves of time. After Kata he disappeared.

Races- running from point A to point B with various kinds of obstacles.

Option “Last Gnome Stand”
- our first event. The gnomes of the first level run to Ironforge, mischief there, then to the Storm Gate via the subway. Storm Gate is the starting strip. The task is to be the first to reach the gates of the Gurubashi Arena on foot. The first one to get there gets the first prize. Then a general mixture of all against all is organized. The last dwarf standing is declared the winner. The initial task was to try to kill a defenseless level 80 BE, and at first all the gnomes tried to kill her, but then things went spontaneously, and so the condition for the survival of the last gnome turned out.

Option “Gnomoclysm” - an inter-server event held with the information help of Wovol. The essence is the same as in the event above, we just managed to gather more people.

Pros - suitable for cross-server events, capable of involving any number of players. It will make a great video.
Cons - demanding on organization and communication: if hundreds of people come to you, your voice server may crash. Our bed. And this brought confusion to the management, they corrected it as best they could. For such cases, keep spare troops.

Molesters- an event, the essence of which is to pester ordinary players under a fictitious pretext in order to provoke their response and catch the lulz.

Option “Metrosexual Parade”
- perhaps our most famous event. It is a parody of a gay pride parade, where a group of players parade through the main gates into the city, dressed in pink and provocative outfits, carrying flowers. Periodically, RL selects a target, marks it, and the whole company jokes about the target in /c and spams the macro /hug /kiss and stuff like that. Continue until the required intensity of idiocy is achieved.

Pros - always fun, quick to organize with the necessary equipment.
Disadvantages - you can’t do it often (people get used to it), it requires courage and the ability to joke about yourself, you need to keep everything within the bounds of decency and not cross the line, you can get a ban for harassment.

“Trololo” option - Level 1 troll horns gather and go to the city to cause mischief. A guild is being created for the event; it will provide a common tabard and a general chat, since you cannot join a raid with a 1st level charm. Don't forget about the obligatory voice at events. The principle is the same - a target is selected, guys in stealth approach it, everyone exits it at once and presses the macro /point / with Trololololo. /lol driving guys crazy or forcing them to leave the location. I recommend that such a crowd move from one city to another and change victims more often, otherwise they will start complaining. Several participants received a chat ban.

Pros - always fun, quick to organize, suitable for cross-server events.
Disadvantages - you can’t do it often (people get used to it), you can get banned for harassment and spam.

Death's Grip- one of two PvP events held by us. The idea was borrowed from European players. The point is to create a group/raid of DKs (death knights) and use the kite grip as often as possible to drown an enemy player into the water. You can troll people by taking them to other locations, etc.

In our case, we tried to drown players by keeping them underwater for as long as possible. Previously, the time for underwater breathing was less than now, but despite this, the idea is still applicable.
We collect DK for a raid. The number of maximum level DKs dressed in PvP determines how brazenly you can behave in enemy territory. We assign a rotation of who drags after whom, so as not to immediately drain everyone’s CD on the ability. We carefully hide behind a tree, behind each other, one walks and gently pulls one of the duelists scurrying around the gate towards him. Then everything depends on you. After some time you will encounter serious resistance, at this moment it is better to change the scene.

Pros - fun, looks good, one of the best PvP events.
Disadvantages - they can hit you with cabbage soup, gaining a bunch of DC can be a problem. (although, who am I kidding!)

Events within events- WoW is an excellent game, it already has events dedicated to Halloween, Harvest Festival, Thanksgiving and other holidays known around the world. As part of these events, you can create themed events using specialized items and mood.

“Boyfest” option - the simplest event, the essence of which is - under the control of the hosts, drink to the point of nausea with in-game alcohol and try to jump onto a pole on a ground mount. After the cata, the column was removed, but I think you can easily find a replacement for it. The second half of the video was about climbing under Orgrimmar, not relevant now.

Option “Pirate Day” - We put on a buff pirate costume, get drunk in the trash, go to the enemy city, rowdy, cut out the boss, troll everything and everyone, chaos and vandalism! After which we go and drown ourselves en masse in the fountain. We take some photos, then organize an auction where we sell the slaves. We write in the chat and laugh out loud. Don’t forget about the voice) You can actually sell someone for a while and get gold. Usually people have very funny requirements for “slaves”)

Pros - fun, looks good, holiday themed, can cause a stir and join the people around you
Disadvantages - relevant only on holidays, it won’t work often.

Statue- an event based on experiments with a potion of petrification and a potion of illusion. The first allows you to freeze, the second allows you to take the form of another player.

This event requires quite a lot of players (from 10 people for effect) and it resembles a regular flash mob. The organizer tells who and where to sit, stand, take off, and then drink the potion. You can arrange a garden of sculptures, towers of players, etc., turning them all together into bright models (potion of illusion), you can cause a stir in a crowded place. In the second part of the video, we came to the gates of the storm to troll people and build a joint tower of mounts. After which they committed suicide.

Pros - looks funny, not difficult to carry out.
Disadvantages - inactive (people from outside may get bored and leave you, creating holes in the constructed structure), you need people, you need reagents.

Race- a type of event where you need to get from place to place in the shortest possible period of time.
There is quite a large field for imagination: And time trials on a circular track, and rally-type races with checkpoints and just races.

“Biker ride” option - everyone jumps on motorcycles and other wheeled vehicles, takes motorcycle chicks with them and follows the leader into the sunset, getting drunk and bawling theme songs. For variety, you can combine some of the events above the list.
Pros - nothing is required for organization; with proper information loading into the vehicle, it can be very interesting. For example, if you combine it with an ENT excursion.
Cons - not very eventful. someone might get bored. It's unlikely to make a good video.

Option “Rally” - it is better to perform on land means of transport, it is easier to control the participants. You choose a route, along the route there is a network of checkpoints, each with an organizer with a notepad. and a stopwatch. The stopwatch is turned on at the start of each participant separately. Participants ride along the same track one after another. When riding against the clock, it is better not to draw a clear route, but to designate the start, finish and checkpoints. Let the riders choose for themselves how it is more profitable for them to ride. Prize based on the results of the race. We made a route crossing Thousand Needles, now it’s fun to go around there on a ground mount, it adds to the adventure. Don't forget about the sweepstakes and prizes.

Cons - requires a significant number of organizers for control and checkpoints. It's unlikely to make a good video.

“Race” option -people in a cheerful crowd rush along the designated track for several laps, the first places win. The route must be long enough for people to stretch out, otherwise it will not be clear who is first. Don't forget about the sweepstakes and prizes.
Pros - competitive spirit, race, bets, wars
Cons - driving in circles is not that interesting.

Quests- assume the presence of stepped tasks for teams of participants, involving the collection of resources, long-distance movements and the ability to use Wowhead in half with intelligence.

Option “Quest football” - there are 3-5 quest givers (they are also organizers). The first is led to by a riddle published on a forum, a chat letter, etc. The first gives a quest, the people complete it, after which they give a riddle for visiting the second, and so on until the last. These could be quests for collecting items, small crafting, searching for mobs and surrounding areas, anything. Look for places where it is difficult to get to, especially if the condition requires you to throw a trade to the quest giver to receive instructions. No-fly zones, such as the area around Silvermoon, are suitable. Team task. Try to distribute the magicians evenly; portals in this type of event are a good advantage.

Pros - with proper preparation - these are the most interesting events, full of excitement and work for the brain.
Disadvantages - it requires lengthy preparation and synchronous management of all groups of participants, it requires working out scenarios for delays, for lack of solutions from the team, etc.

Tournament- a knight's tournament held in honor of the eighth of March. From the point of view of the organization, it was a failure, since it dragged on for a long time and there was no way to shorten it. Later we formulated a rule about the time frame. This event lasted 4 hours. And in fact, it was possible to hold 3 separate events.
The tournament was divided into three large blocks. All participants, then the “knights,” chose one of the watching ladies as their lady of the heart, in whose honor this knight fought. As a result, the competition was not only between the heroes fighting on the lists, but also between the watching ladies.
1 Block - Pokemon . Fighting a duel with the help of pets, the player himself does not interfere. Mostly the competitions were between classes: Khanty against Khanty, DK against DK, but there were also funny battles - druid ancients against magician copies, etc. Let me remind you that the event took place more than two years before the appearance of pet battles within the game.

Block 2 - fist fights . Duels between fist fighters. The fighters are divided according to the weight of their equipment - fabric, leather, plate. Equipment allowed were boots, bracelets and belts. (your choice here)

3 Block - tournament Horse duels of “knights” to knock out. The battle in honor of the lady began with each knight praising his lady in poetic and other forms. The knight who defeated everyone declared his lady the queen of the tournament, and he himself became its champion.

At the end there were some prizes. (here optional)

Pros - great atmosphere of a knight's tournament, small RP, many types of martial arts, a lot of positive emotions
Disadvantages - a drawn-out event, since there were many participants, and the battles were back-to-back, you had to wait a long time and a bunch of standing people formed, which, according to the rules of the event, should not be standing, since according to the rules of the event, everyone should have a paddle at every minute of the event. But then these rules did not yet exist.

Failed PvP event- this is the second PvP event and, as the name suggests, it did not work out. Its essence is trolling the fighters of Alterac Valley. We assemble a raid, put on healing gear, those who cannot heal take bandages. We get up to Alterac. We heal, we don’t fight, we heal. We bring a blizzard to chat and voice, whipping up idiocy. This is the most peaceful PvP event in the history of WoW)) In the end, the event did work out, but we had to wait in line for a long time and install special addons, we didn’t take this into account at the planning stage, so it was delayed. Due to the long wait, we decided to kite Jaina, but that time it was not successful, but it resulted in the separate event already mentioned above.

Pros - true PvP socialism.
Disadvantages - you need to take into account the mechanics of collecting Alterac and possible long queues, it’s hard not to break down and start mauling the enemy.

Frostbitten and other mini-events

Killing the Raid Manikin - we dress nicely, slowly walk through the whole city in a chain to the most popular raid dummy, on command we change clothes and break into his cabbage soup so that he doesn’t get into trouble.

Revenge on the offenders - we are looking for the elites who bothered you at quality, or just go to the Fel Reaver and break into the cabbage soup. Or to Hogger.

Korovan - we take mammoths or camels, make a “corovan” and walk in circles. We're waiting for someone to rob us.

Funny nicknames - you can pester people with funny nicknames. I saw SanyaDemon, Mechvlitso, etc. in the game a couple of times.

Brake haze - make a bunch of engineering smoke and spam the entire space in a crowded area, let the computers slow down.

Guild Recruit Campaign - we come up with funny barkers and chants. We put up guild standards, wear guild colors, tabards, and cloaks. We hang out near them, set off fireworks, hand out gifts, invite people.

Forum event - Where was this filmed? A black and white screenshot of the location is published, the task is to find this place, take it and post the same one, but in color, indicating the location. The winner posts his screenshot, etc.

Portal roulette - the magician places all his portals in one current and offers to use roulette. The person names the place he wants and tries to click on the desired portal. You can place bets, or just like that. We ended the raid with a tape measure.

Another point - when you describe the event, be brief, the participants should immediately understand what it is about. Remember that with every word you read, there are fewer readers.

As you can see, most of our events do not require much preparation or effort. Just your desire is enough. Good ideas must multiply, so take good ideas, experiment, combine and hold your own events. May everyone have fun.)

Rays of substances in the comments are welcome