How much money does it take to open a taxi? How to open a taxi

The taxi service has a rather complex infrastructure, the organization of which requires considerable initial investments and ongoing maintenance costs. Therefore, it is advisable to “fence the garden” only if taxi transportation immediately begins to generate considerable income, allowing you to quickly recoup costs.

You will need

  • 1. Certificate of formation of a legal entity
  • 2. License for passenger transportation
  • 3. Vehicle fleet (minimum 10 cars) or an agreement with a number of drivers engaged in private transportation
  • 4. Office (control room), equipped with a radio station and multi-channel telephone
  • 5. Shift dispatchers working on a permanent basis
  • 6. Various means of advertising and attracting customers


Choose one of two paths followed by all ordering services - organizing your own or working with drivers who have vehicles. In the first case, of course, you will need initial capital, many times greater than the funds required to organize a dispatch service that would simply coordinate the work of taxi drivers on their own cars. But it will be easier to create a recognizable “face” of the company and control the level of quality of services provided if you have your own fleet of cars.

After receiving documents on state registration of an individual entrepreneur or enterprise, obtain statistics codes from the territorial department of Rosstat, open a bank account and make a stamp.
After this, from a formal point of view, you can work fully. But the material and technical base and the costs for it depend on your capabilities and ambitions: will you purchase and maintain your own taxi fleet and paint the cars in branded colors, or will you limit yourself to collecting orders and distributing them among third-party drivers for your percentage of each trip? hire staff or would you prefer to cooperate with drivers who have the status of an entrepreneur, will you work with Taxi hundred who have their own cars or rent their own and much more.

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Today services Taxi are in demand in almost any city. Trip to Taxi often saves time and money. If you are tired of handling private transportation yourself, and you want to put passenger transportation on a professional and legal basis, open a service Taxi. Organizing the work of such a company begins with drawing up a detailed business plan.


Helpful advice


  • Opening a business: taxi service

If you decide to open a control room service Taxi, then you have two options. The first is with cars owned by the organization. This is a more complex and expensive method. The second is to open only the control room and accept drivers with their own cars. This is an easier and faster way with the least risk. Many entrepreneurs have recently chosen it.

You will need

  • -program for working with orders;
  • -program for drivers;
  • -room;
  • - cabins for dispatchers;
  • -computers;
  • - telephones;
  • -CCTV.


Open a company. It is better to register a private enterprise providing information services. In the organization, list as many different types of activities as possible. This may be necessary if your idea with a control room does not bear fruit or to expand the list of services provided.

Decide on the program in which orders will be accepted. Their choice is quite large, there is no need for programmers to order its writing. This program should display all the necessary information. The date of the call, the cost of the order, the time of arrival, the operator who accepted the order, the driver who completed the order, the make of the car and much more. Test several program options before settling on one.

It would be better if the program distributes orders between drivers and sends SMS notifications to the client. The program doesn't have to be complicated. Distribute the rights to work in it to different employees. For example, dispatchers should not have the right to amend a completed order. But the situations are different. Therefore, all actions must be allowed for one or two employees.

Do not use walkie-talkies, it is unprofitable and inconvenient. Select and purchase a program for drivers in which they can work. This program must be installed on a cell phone. In it, drivers need to perform several basic actions. Go to the line, check in at the point, confirm the order, work with it, leave the line. With this program you will save a lot of time and...

Choose an office and equip it for work. One room should be for dispatchers. If you plan to develop, make it large, install separate cabins for dispatchers. Connect a telephone line to each one. It would be good if it is possible to install video surveillance. In the future, this will help you control their work.

Hire staff. Even for those without your own fleet, you will need some employees. Be sure to hire an accountant, maybe a visiting one. Hire the head of the dispatch service, a HR employee, a marketing specialist, an employee to work with drivers, and a system administrator. At first, it is better to perform the function of director yourself.

At first, you can accept only 4 dispatchers. Invite people without work experience for interviews and train them to suit you. Make 4 shifts, one person in each shift. Give them a shift schedule. Learn how to use the program.

Post advertisements for drivers with personal cars. For the first time, it is better to make gentle conditions. For example, a small percentage for each completed order. Now you will not be able to provide them with work, so it is better not to set a daily or weekly payment. Conclude a formal agreement with the drivers for the provision of information services. Download the program to their phone and teach them how to use it.

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Helpful advice

Carefully monitor the work of dispatchers and drivers. The number of regular customers in a taxi depends on them.


  • Business plan for opening a dispatch service

You will need

  • registration, premises, employees, equipment, drivers, advertising


Register as an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity. This is done by submitting an application for registration and other documents (for individual entrepreneurs - only passports and receipts for payment of state duties, for a company - personal documents of the founders, its constituent documents and receipts for payment of state duties) to the tax office. Registration takes five business days.

Rent a small space for a control room. Where it will be located does not matter, because clients will not come to you. Purchase or rent a minimum set of office furniture and computers.

Rent frequencies from an operator licensed to provide radio communication services. It will be cheaper than obtaining such a license yourself. Hire dispatchers and set a schedule so that your service operates around the clock.

Recruit drivers. This will be quite a difficult task, since you are unlikely to be able to offer them a high income (at the level of more popular companies). At first, you can try searching through friends. It is important that the income in the service Taxi the driver had the main one, otherwise he may not stay with you.

Customers will choose your service Taxi, if you serve them better than others. Quality for service Taxi is determined primarily by the feed speed of the machine, i.e. how much time passes between the receipt of the application and the arrival of the car. Ideally, the client should not wait more than 20-30 minutes. It is equally important that drivers are not late and know how to avoid traffic jams (especially on the way to, to the train station, etc.).

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Service Taxi- a very attractive business. Despite the fact that there is competition in it, like in all others, if you carefully study the market and prepare a competent business plan, you can count on a decent profit.

You will need

  • - office space;
  • - office equipment;
  • - fully staffed;
  • - advertising campaign,
  • - initial capital.


First of all, study the market and the activities of competing companies. Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Then develop a business plan and calculate upcoming expenses.

Choose a name for your company. It should reflect your activities and be sonorous and easy to pronounce.

Register a legal entity (LLC) or individual (IP) entity. Choose a tax system. Many small companies prefer to work according to the simplified system (STS). It involves two ways to pay taxes. You can pay 15% of income (after deducting expenses) and 6%.

When the documents are ready, you can start searching for premises. The office can be located in any area. Rent a room, equip it with the necessary equipment, hire dispatchers with competent speech and a pleasant voice, and enter into contracts with private cab drivers.

Purchase 3 lines to receive calls. To do this, you only need one phone number. Buy 3 computers and programs for O-taxi, Maxima or Infinity services. Special programs will help you keep track of calls, stay in touch with drivers and automatically determine the cost of a trip.

At first, you need to stand out from your competitors. So think about how you can interest potential customers. Offer special prices at certain times of the day. Give discounts on your second and subsequent trips.

There is another option for developing this business, but it involves a substantial investment. In addition to opening a dispatch service, you can organize your own. In this case, you will need to purchase cars, hire drivers and technicians who will carry out maintenance of the cars.


On September 1, 2011, a law came into force according to which passenger taxis can transport passengers only with a special permit. Legal entities and private entrepreneurs can obtain it from the authorized body.

Gone are the days of unorganized private cab drivers. Every day new taxi dispatch services appear, which, with proper management, can bring in good income. How to organize one?


Find out how much demand there is for services in your city. When drawing up a business plan, take into account all the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. In addition, please note that drivers are not the most organized personnel, especially since many of them will work part-time for you.

Register a legal entity. Indicate several types of activities in the organization's charter (for subsequent expansion of the list of services due to high competition).

Sign contracts with local telecom operators for the provision of services or rent a room with a dedicated multi-line telephone in a call center for the first time. In addition, you can work as an information center for the dispatcher program of your choice. In the field of the order form, the operator will enter data (date, car number, driver’s name, etc.), determine the route and control the location of busy and free drivers. The program must be installed on their cell phones. If you can’t afford such expenses yet, use walkie-talkies at first.

If you decide to work independently of call centers, find premises and equip cubicles for dispatchers. Purchase all necessary equipment (computers, phones, office equipment) and supplies.

Calculate tariffs for services. If you plan to provide delivery services along with private transportation, enter into agreements with relevant enterprises and retail outlets for uninterrupted customer service. Indicate the tariffs for delivery services even if the client wants the driver to simply bring him a set of products from the store.

Place advertisements in the media for hiring dispatchers, as well as drivers with personal cars. Of course, if possible, you can rent a fleet of cars and only then invite employees to work for them. But this path is more expensive and, moreover, requires high driving skills and responsibility from drivers. Hire dispatchers. Do psychological testing with them. Conclude employment contracts with employees. At first, drivers must work on a percentage of completed orders. And only after the probationary period can you transfer their fixed salary. Teach you how to use the program (if you decide to introduce modern technologies into your enterprise).

Business Taxi- one of the fastest-paying types of business. Therefore, in every city in our country there are a great many small private companies specializing in Taxi-transportation Open an enterprise providing public services Taxi not difficult. However, as in any business, there are some peculiarities.


Potential passengers Taxi today they have a choice. Therefore, the reputation of a particular enterprise becomes the main factor in obtaining orders. And the reputation is based on the quality of customer service, his safety while traveling, the external and internal appearance of the car, the speed and efficiency of responding to calls and fulfilling orders. Therefore, when opening your own business Taxi-transportation, carefully calculate your own funds. Don't expect quick profits. The company will need time to establish smooth operation, and your Taxi must prove themselves as the most convenient and fastest among competitors.

Register with your local tax office as a sole proprietor and employer. Also register with extra-budgetary funds, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund.

Select and purchase equipment for Taxi, beautiful telephone number, automatic telephone exchange, communication equipment, navigators, walkie-talkies, etc. In addition to all this, you need to purchase certain software, computer equipment, hire a specialist to debug the system and monitor its smooth operation. Your success depends on this Taxi.

Next, create a vehicle fleet for your company. These may be your own machines, which will require additional capital investment plus investments in equipment and washing to monitor the technical condition of the machines. Many entrepreneurs work with drivers using their own cars, concluding an agreement with them. It all depends on the amount you can spend on opening a business.

You can open your own business in any direction, the main thing is to have the desire and start-up capital. Setting up a taxi company takes little time, brings good profits, and does not require large expenses.


Register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur and you will be issued a certificate. Based on this document, you can start organizing your own taxi business. This type of activity does not require licensing, so all calculations can be carried out using a simplified taxation system.

Agree on renting the premises. You will need to place several dispatchers, at least two people. You can buy an apartment or organize accepting applications from clients at home. If you decide to make an office, connect a telephone line, carry out all communications and enter into contracts with the relevant services. Set up tables and chairs.

Engage in personnel selection. You will need taxi drivers and dispatchers. In addition, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with an insurance company. This will give you additional guarantees against unforeseen situations. Drivers can start working either with their own car or by renting yours. In this case, you need to purchase several cars.

Equip your cars with a special device - a walkie-talkie. Using it, the driver will be able to accept requests and perform work. Aim for 1-2 cars per district in the city. Register persons invited to work in accordance with labor legislation.

Decide on the salary amount. You can set a salary; most often, drivers work for a certain salary and percentage from each trip, but you can organize piecework work. Dispatchers may receive a fixed salary, but this is at your discretion.

The taxi business is one of the most profitable on the market, and proof of this is at least the fact that there are a lot of similar services in any city. And if you know how to open a taxi that will not be afraid of competition, you can count on profit in the first months of operation.

Where does a taxi start?

Like many other types of business, a taxi service requires mandatory registration of the enterprise. It is the key to its uninterrupted operation, as well as the safety of clients, so it is worth targeting at least an individual entrepreneur, but often in such a situation an LLC or CJSC is registered. True, in the latter case you will have to have an authorized capital, pay more taxes and hire an accountant. If an entrepreneur wants to open a taxi from scratch with minimal costs, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur.

After registration, you will definitely need to obtain a license to transport passengers, and for this you need to prepare cars and drivers in advance. Preparation requires:

  • equipment of cars for work in the taxi service - they are equipped with “checkers”, taximeters and lights
  • selection of professional drivers who must undergo a medical examination
  • technical inspection of each car - for this you need to conclude an agreement with a certain service station for scheduled maintenance
  • selecting a parking space - it should be a covered garage or box with a compartment in which an office can be equipped

To obtain a license, you must have at least two cars in your taxi fleet. If a businessman does not want to comply with these standards or cannot afford large expenses, he can open a taxi by hiring drivers with cars that meet these requirements. However, in this case, each driver needs to be helped to obtain a license individually.

What can't you do without?

A taxi service is not only about the cars themselves. No less important equipment is the radio station, through which dispatchers and taxi drivers will communicate. It must be registered at the radio frequency center, after which the service receives its radio wave. In this case, it is better to immediately select three waves - for communication between the dispatcher and the driver, for communication between drivers and each other, and a backup one.

In addition to the station, you will also need to purchase walkie-talkies - they can be issued to employees for a rental fee - for example, 15 rubles. per day for using the radio wave. This is normal practice for taxi services.

And, of course, the main thing you need to open a taxi is staff. The number of drivers in this situation should be equal to the number of cars in the taxi fleet, and dispatchers will need to be taken care of separately. There may be few of them - usually 1-2 people. The more popular the service, the more dispatchers will be needed. To communicate with clients, you will need a multi-line telephone (possibly several). If there are more than three lines, you will need to spend money on a mini-PBX.

And, of course, in order to open a taxi from scratch and succeed, you should take care of the name of the service in advance - it should be attractive to customers and appropriate to the specifics of the work. True, in such a situation you will have to pay additionally for the trademark.

How much money will you have to invest?

When wondering how much it costs to open a taxi, an entrepreneur should immediately understand that this will not be the most budget-friendly type of business. The smallest item of expense is registering an enterprise (you will need to spend up to 800 rubles, plus a license may cost 1200-1500). Other purchases will cost much more.

Here's what you need to open a taxi:

  1. Radio station - 15 thousand rubles (this is the cheapest option, and it is still better to focus on good stations that cost more - from 40 thousand). Sublease of radio waves will have a separate price - about 16-18 thousand rubles
  2. Office software – 4-5 thousand.
  3. Telephone number – 2.5 thousand.
  4. Equipment for one car - 2.2-2.3 thousand rubles (this price will include the cost of a taximeter - 2 thousand per unit, walkie-talkie - 1 thousand rubles per unit, flashlight with checkers - 200-300 rubles per unit)

There may be 10 cars in the service, and this means that you will need to spend 22-23 thousand on equipment. The cars themselves may also have different prices, and this will also need to be included in the budget, but if a businessman decides to hire drivers with their own cars, these expenses can be saved.

Another 6-7 thousand will need to be paid for trademark registration if you want to open a taxi with a company logo and name.

There will also be monthly expenses:

  • 10 thousand rubles – monthly fee for using the radio frequency
  • 1.2 thousand – utility bills
  • 20 thousand (minimum) – wages for two operators

And, of course, here you also need to add the costs of renting a garage for cars and an office - prices may vary depending on the area where the service is located and the locality.

Regardless of how much it costs to open a taxi in a certain city, the profit from the work will be approximately the same everywhere. The average income from one car per day is 2.5-3 thousand rubles, per month – 75-90 thousand (provided the car works seven days a week). A certain percentage of this amount remains for the driver - for example, 30%, the rest is the net income of the entrepreneur. As a result, he will be able to achieve full payback already in the first six months of work, and if he had to open a taxi with the purchase of cars for the service, in 1-2 years. This time will be enough for good promotion of the company, and within a few months it will have regular customers, the number of which will increase along with the profit of the enterprise.

Very often the problem of a beginning businessman is that he simply does not know in which direction to start developing. The considered step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to open a taxi and what you need for this. Many entrepreneurs believe that at the initial stage it is important to invest in personnel and transport, forgetting about promoting their own taxi service. It is very important from the very beginning to decide on the type of services provided: will it be a regular taxi service or a cargo service? The instructions below are a complete guide to help you understand how to open a taxi service from scratch. It is very important from the very beginning to understand the principle of organizing a taxi service, begin to competently build a business, and, of course, correctly organize the work of dispatchers.

As a rule, a well-organized taxi service is a type of business where the owner of the company must organize the transportation of passengers, which will be based on a competent system for receiving and distributing received applications. It is important to correctly distribute responsibilities and delegate the receipt of applications to a centralized team of dispatchers. At the same time, a person who wants to understand how to open his own taxi dispatch office must find the most responsible and polite drivers; only accredited specialists must fulfill all applications. As for the transport itself, all taxi cars must have special equipment. Each car must have checkers, a taximeter and a walkie-talkie.

First steps to opening your own taxi service

A businessman who wants, but does not know, how to open his own taxi from scratch, needs to familiarize himself with a small but competent list of steps that absolutely everyone who wanted to open a private taxi service went through. In fact, private drivers began transporting people for money many years ago. Several decades later, the process changed, everything became more centralized, people came up with technical innovations, and wisely organized the joint service of all personnel. In order for a taxi service to work as smoothly as possible, it is necessary that the driver, dispatcher and other employees function in a tight coupling. Only this principle will help satisfy the end consumer and make the client happy.

An entrepreneur who is thinking about how to open a taxi business from scratch can learn about the Skuterino and Uber service from the global network. The newest scheme for opening a private business will help organize the process in the shortest possible time. However, there is an equally effective standard plan for opening a taxi service. Using the recommendations below, you can easily open your own business both in a small town and in a more populated metropolis. It is worth noting that some drivers, especially in cities such as Moscow, make money on car sharing by renting out their vehicle.

Determining the most profitable business format

Before you understand how to open a taxi service, you should answer several important questions for yourself. So, first you need to learn about all the existing advantages and disadvantages of this business sector, and competently research the market volume. At the same time, you need to correlate your capabilities with the expected reality, for which you need to decide on the amount of the maximum possible initial investment. It will be much faster to open your own business with a businessman who has studied business management techniques in advance.

If an entrepreneur knows how to open a taxi company, he can try his hand at business, making his desire come true. Firstly, you can try to personally start transporting people in your own car, having first purchased the appropriate permit. Secondly, if finances allow, you can invest in a dispatch service, whose employees will regularly receive orders from clients and simultaneously monitor their execution. Thirdly, you can organize a personal taxi fleet, which will include several cars.

As practice shows, the most profitable type of such business is opening at least a small private taxi fleet. In view of this circumstance, you will have to spend a lot of time setting up the control room. In addition, it is very important to train staff, which in the future will be the key to the smooth operation of the entire taxi staff.

Step-by-step instructions for starting an auto business

Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to open a taxi, what you need to do first. In particular, you should initially legalize your activities. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need to select a taxation form and collect a whole package of necessary documentation.

Among the important documents, a person who is interested in how to open a taxi service from scratch must collect: a registration card, in which everything will be filled out accordingly, photocopies of the decisions of the founders who agree to open a new entrepreneur. All important documents, as a rule, are drawn up exclusively in 2 copies. In addition, photocopies of the personal documents of the company owner are required. You should take care of making a company seal in advance.

Obtaining a license by the company owner

Every entrepreneur who is interested in how to open a taxi dispatch service should definitely. It is worth noting that this document can be valid exclusively in one region, while an open company can operate for 5 years.

However, if a businessman decides to open a taxi service that will transport people between several regions, this should also be included in the license. It is important to understand that not only the traffic police inspector, but also any other passenger can ask the taxi driver for the appropriate permission.

If you open a taxi service, you need to competently approach the collection of documents and issue all the necessary permits. The list of required documentation should include:

  • State registration extract;
  • a copy of the personal data of hired employees who have direct contact with clients (drivers). This list includes honey. certificates and driver's licenses;
  • those. passports for all cars at the company’s disposal;
  • copies of employment contracts;
  • documents that confirm the fact of purchase and installation of taximeters in cars.

If an entrepreneur does not know how to open a taxi service from scratch, he must understand that the most important document for starting this type of activity is a license, which requires the fulfillment of a whole list of necessary conditions. First of all, all vehicles that transport people must pass the test every six months. At the same time, any taxi fleet vehicle must have certain insignia, such as lights and “checkers.” At the same time, the car in which clients are transported must have only a working taximeter.

As a rule, a businessman who is interested in opening his own taxi service can make money in several ways:

  • find experienced motorists who are ready to work on their personal vehicles;
  • buy cars, hire specialists who know not only the metropolis itself, but also the immediate surroundings.

What is good and bad about each of the proposed methods?

Let's consider both options, which can bring good profits to its owner. If you open a taxi company with drivers’ personal cars, such a company will be budget-friendly and economical for the pocket of its owner. The owner of the company will only have to spend time searching for a more optimal structure and organizing the work of dispatchers. Since the drivers will work for the interest they receive, the profit will ultimately be small.

As for the second possible type of company, having opened a taxi service with purchased cars and cars, you will have to invest much more money into the business. In this case, absolutely all cars will be considered the property of the company, which will allow the owner of the organization to earn many times more. If, in addition to everything else, you have your own Internet resource, the company owner will be able to receive additional income and the functionality of the dispatch service will be optimized. When opening your own taxi service, you should not forget about the loyalty system, which applies to all regular customers.

A businessman who wants to understand how to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch should know about the list of parameters according to which consumers evaluate the work of all taxi fleet personnel: the speed with which the car arrived after contacting the service, the ability to go to the point indicated by the client, polite and sensitive attitude on the part of the staff and accuracy of the driver. Some clients appreciate taxi services where they can order a car around the clock.

Business payback

Many entrepreneurs who are just planning to open their own taxi service are interested in how long it will take for them to recoup the business and return the funds invested in it. Most often, such a company pays for itself in six months.

As a rule, to organize the process, even a large taxi company does not need a very large room for dispatchers; a room of about 30 m2 is sufficient. Equally important is the quality of telephone communication, as well as a stable Internet signal. As for cars, they must have working radios. All equipment, as a rule, has a guarantee and quality certificates. A unique feature can be no less intriguing for customers; such a feature could be an unusual dress code or interesting offers for consumers.

We register a taxi service company correctly

People who are interested in how to open their own taxi, where to start and where to go next, should know that this type of activity falls under UTII, which is why this type of activity can be registered to a simple entrepreneur. In the future, an agreement must be concluded with all service personnel, in particular with drivers, according to which employees receive a fixed percentage of their revenue. If the newly opened taxi service provides, it is advisable to contact an outstaffing company, whose employees will help with the selection of personnel.

So, in order to understand how to open your own taxi dispatch office, you should have your own permit for each car, allowing you to carry out road transportation.

Rental of premises

To open a taxi service, you will need an office of 30 m2, in which dispatchers will be located, for the implementation of which they will only need a small set of furniture. It is important to understand that it is best to locate the taxi service office in a high part of the village, which will help optimize the functionality of the radio station.

Expenses inevitable when opening your own taxi service

All businessmen who open a taxi service will have to pay monthly wages to hired personnel. In addition, they will have to take into account the cost of paying taxes. Almost any taxi service has an administrative staff, which includes a director and an accountant. The dispatch department may consist of three people who could work every other day. Drivers should only recruit those people who have worked for at least three years. In addition to wages, you will have to spend money on a cleaning service every month and undergo periodic technical inspections. Huge payments for telephone and internet.


Many may think that opening your own taxi service is very difficult, since it is difficult to find qualified, polite drivers, and purchasing vehicles requires an incredible amount of money. However, as practice shows, it is much easier to open your own business in which there will be a lot of cars. It is a large number of machines that helps a business quickly pay for itself. If you open a taxi service in a large city, wanting to quickly recoup your investment, you should have about 50 cars at your disposal.

The best prices and conditions for the purchase of new cars

Credit 6.5% / Installments / Trade-in / 98% approval / Gifts in the salon

Mas Motors

Thus, by expanding your own staff, even creating a full-fledged taxi fleet, you can significantly increase your income. How can a partner make money from drivers if the commission is only 5% and taxes are 7%? With such prices, a partner will not last long in the market, because by and large, he will constantly be in the red. The question is extremely incorrect and it is very difficult to assume that the intermediary will provide generally preferential working conditions, which means that the issue is most likely something else. Most likely, the partner will simply ditch the naive driver and that’s all. After all, think for yourself how a taxi company can function normally if it takes a “measly” 5% from the driver, and at the same time pays two percent more, that is, 7%, in tax. This is absurd, so we would strongly recommend that you carefully read the agreement with this intermediary before signing it.

How to open a taxi company with Yandex Taxi?


You need to find software that will allow you to receive calls, calculate the cost of the trip, send notifications to drivers, and show which driver took the order. It should also be able to save all order information in the database:

  • client call time
  • the cost of travel
  • route
  • taxi driver arrival time
  • duration of the trip
  • trip end time
  • etc.

With this, you don't need to load your head too much. Just rent the programs for 10,000 rubles per month or buy.

They will have everything you might need and even more. Connecting with the Driver Most taxi software assumes that the driver will have an Android tablet or smartphone. You must decide for yourself whether you will force drivers to buy gadgets with their own money or whether you will issue them yourself.

How to become a Yandex taxi partner: affiliate program


This will cost you another 15,000 rubles. Considering that you do not plan to purchase your own transport in the first two years of work, you also do not need to hire drivers. It is enough just to find at least ten drivers with their own transport, who have the appropriate permits and are registered as individual entrepreneurs, so that you have the opportunity to cooperate with them by signing the appropriate agreement. A project oriented as a taxi dispatch service will not require the creation of many vacancies. However, it is important to consider that in such a situation you can count on approximately 30% of the income from each car.


If you receive a taxi license, your share may increase to 70%. Marketing The information provided in the article will definitely help you in such a difficult matter as opening a taxi. Step-by-step instructions should make your task as easy as possible.

Connecting IP to Yandex. taxi in 2018

If we enlarge our business plan and discard all the small issues, it turns out that the taxi fleet consists of two parts: Vehicle fleet - organization of work with cars and drivers Dispatch room - organization of work with advertising and clients A full-fledged taxi service cannot work without these components, but it is not necessary must create and maintain them independently. There are options when a taxi company has only a dispatch center, but does not have its own drivers and cars at its disposal. Or vice versa, a fleet has drivers and cars, but it has no customers.

Then he can offer his cooperation to a taxi fleet with a control room and a flow of customers. Therefore, if you do not want to make a large investment, but want to break into this market, you can start by opening your own fleet or control room. We open a vehicle fleet in Yandex Taxi Investments Profitability Number of cars From 3 million.

How to open a taxi company, vehicle fleet and taxi dispatch office

It is also worth noting that the number of potential customers is fully influenced by the rating of the taxi company with which you cooperate. Therefore, choose your partner extremely carefully, having familiarized yourself with his current reputation, reviews and the rating itself in Yandex Taxi. Requirements for drivers and cars Before becoming a partner of Yandex Taxi (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities), you need to meet a number of requirements.
The most important condition for work is that the driver has a transportation license. Without it, connecting to the portal is impossible. If you have any problems obtaining a license, then, as an option, you can seek help from ROSGOSTAXI, where employees (for a fee, of course) will help you prepare all the necessary documents.

How to become a partner

When investments have not yet paid off, you must monitor how you are doing and, if necessary, make adjustments. To make your business pay off faster, you must work around the clock. Therefore, you will have to hire 6 dispatchers who will work 2 people per shift.
Specialty Salary rub. per month 6 dispatchers 90,000 Accountant 15,000 System administrator 20,000 Cleaner 8,000 Total: 133,000 Advertising If you want to open a taxi service and earn at least some money, you must allocate a monthly budget for advertising and promotions. The key to the success of an advertising campaign will be a memorable name and logo. It is recommended to use the word “taxi” in the name, as it immediately indicates your type of activity.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner? requirements for connecting to Yandex Taxi

Your responsibilities to Yandex.Taxi First of all, your taxi fleet must be completely legal, and all drivers must have a special license. If you have any problems with the tax component of the company’s work, or not all drivers are officially employed, then, first, you will have to solve all the problems with your organization, and only then turn to cooperation. In addition, a non-disclosure agreement with the service is concluded for the entire period of joint work, as well as five years after that.

It is prohibited to violate the signed clauses. The number of cars in your fleet is determined according to the size and population of the city. Not all cars will be included in the cooperation program. Procedure for submitting an application form If you are satisfied with the conditions and nuances of working with this service, then you can submit an application form on the Yandex.Taxi website.

How to become a Yandex taxi partner and connect drivers

There you can also use the all-inclusive service - you paid and they will do everything themselves: license, individual entrepreneur, connection to the Yandex Taxi service. Also, before becoming a Yandex Taxi partner, you should know that some conditions of cooperation with the driver also apply to the condition of his car. Car requirements:

  • a foreign car not older than three years;
  • the presence of any device on the Android, iOS or Windows platforms that support the Yandex Taxi application;
  • driving license of category “B”;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • presence of at least five online drivers (for taxi companies);

Once all the requirements have been met and the documents have been properly completed, you can safely begin work.

How to open a taxi from scratch: what you need for this, step-by-step instructions

People are becoming more and more accustomed to technology and, accordingly, to this method of ordering a taxi.

  • Business efficiency can be increased, and Yandex Taxi is committed to helping.

Support from Yandex Taxi A reputable company always provides training and support to partners. This package of Yandex Taxi obligations includes:

  • Organization of training webinars.
  • Consultations with a personal manager not only before, but also after the launch of a taxi fleet.
  • Support in the selection and hiring of qualified drivers.
  • A business plan is developed individually for each partner, taking into account the characteristics of the region.

Possible risks are questionable. Let's analyze them.
Typically, all these points should be analyzed at the stage of writing a startup business plan. Let's give a clear example. To organize a taxi in the dispatch service format, consider the following cost items:

  • resolving bureaucratic issues – from 15,000;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​506,000;
  • advertising – 50,000;
  • other expenses - 129,000.

Without purchasing your own vehicle fleet, you will spend at least 700,000 rubles to launch your startup. Now let's look at the level of annual investment in the business. Here the list will be like this:

  • office rent – ​​120,000;
  • radio wave sublease – 216,000;
  • staff salary – 2,148,000;
  • taxes and deductions – 300,000;
  • other costs – 216,000.

So, you will have to spend approximately 3,000,000 on the functioning of the service. Now let’s calculate how profitable the business will be.

How to open a taxi company in Yandex Taxi from scratch

As mentioned above, all you need is to issue a certificate of individual entrepreneurship at the local tax office and obtain a license. If you are ready to invest money in your future work, then it is better to shift all this trouble onto the shoulders of professionals (ROSGOSTAXI, etc.) - quickly, efficiently, but expensively. This method eliminates the need to officially get a job in an existing taxi company, and cooperate with it under a concluded agreement, giving the organization an agreed percentage of profits.

As for the license, the standard form is issued only for one car and is valid for no more than five years. To issue a document, you must have a certificate of registration with the tax office and paid UTII (single tax on imputed income) for at least one month. To summarize, the minimum intermediary rate in Yandex Taxi is 9%.