Didactic games theme profession preparatory group. Card index of didactic games "all professions are needed, all professions are important." Who develops the manual

The topic “Professions” is an important part of the course of familiarization with the outside world, which, in turn, focuses on several educational areas at once: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. “Professions” are considered starting from junior groups and up to the preparatory group. In this regard, it is important to choose a way of organizing the material that would allow not only to summarize the information, but would also open up opportunities for replenishing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the children of different ages. The “Professions” lapbook allows you to make all this.

Who develops the manual

The author of a lapbook is usually a teacher. But if for the younger preschool age The teacher is involved in both the selection of material and its design, but in the middle group, parents can get involved in the design and search for information.

For example, in my practice, as part of the discussion of the topic “Professions,” I give students and their parents a project task to write a story about the professions that we cannot do without. Or compile a manual with pictures, riddles, games dedicated to one profession.

In older preschool age, children take an active part in the selection of materials for designing a lapbook: they find illustrations, cut them out, and glue them. As in the middle group, mothers and fathers are actively involved in the search for materials, for example, they compose crosswords, puzzles on the topic, or collect a “data bank” about the professions of the future (city farmer engaged in landscaping megalopolises, developer of home robots, etc.).

Parents and children can offer materials for a group lapbook, and the teacher selects the most suitable and necessary information on the topic

How the “Professions” lapbook is developed

There are no restrictions on the flight of creative thought when preparing a manual; there are only a number of subtleties identified experimentally:

  • the manual must be strong, as it is intended for active use, which means it is better to choose plastic folders or hard cardboard (for example, from packaging household appliances) for the base;
  • materials - cards, pictures - must be laminated or covered with tape;
  • pockets for storing materials must be firmly attached to the base (with glue or double-sided tape);
  • the contents of the lapbook can be organized with separate cards, folding books or a window with a retractable tape (for example, for the game “Tell me what you want to become” - the child moves the tape and an image of a particular profession appears in the window, which needs to be told about and commented on whether the child would like to become a specialist in this profile).

As for the content of the manual, it must comply with the program material on the topic “Professions”, as well as the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard regarding the knowledge, skills and abilities that children of a particular age should possess.

Table: nuances of choosing the content of “Professions” lapbook blocks in different groups

Material blockWhy is it included in the manual?Peculiarities of consideration in different groups
InformationalTo familiarize yourself with the topic. The information block is the basis of the manual, on which the rest of the materials are focused (visuality, games, etc.)In the first younger group The children get acquainted with the professions, with the results of the work of specialists with whom they encounter in everyday life: the cook prepares food in the kindergarten, the driver drives the bus on which mother goes to work, the doctor treats if they are sick.
In the second junior group, children expand their knowledge about a person’s occupation (teacher, hairdresser, accountant, etc.), and also consider the topic in the context of the professional occupations of their loved ones (“My mother is a teacher,” etc.).
In the middle group, children learn to correlate a profession with the tools and materials that are needed for specialists in this profile (a car for a driver, a pointer for a teacher, a white coat, medicines, a phonendoscope for a doctor, etc.).
IN senior group The children form a generalized concept of “profession”, expand their ideas about labor activities, about specialties that were, are and will be relevant in the world.
In the preparatory group, children generalize their existing knowledge, and also form primary ideas about the importance of choosing a profession in a person’s life, and get acquainted with the professions of the future.
Literary (stories, poems)To form images of professions, instill respect for work.Younger preschoolers can be introduced to the topic using “Tales of Missing Professions,” which focuses on the importance of having specialists in each field, as well as by drawing on excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s work “Doctor Aibolit.”
In the middle group, you can include in a lapbook the poem “What do you have” by S. Mikhalkov, building on its basis a conversation on the topic “Why the professions of our mothers and fathers are important”:
  • Where is you mom work?
  • How does her work benefit her?
  • Is it possible to do without this profession?
For older preschoolers, the selection can include:
  • A. Platonov “Still Mom” (story about a teacher);
  • A. Barto “Yesterday we played with the herd” (about the profession of a teacher, a shepherd);
  • V. Raskin. “How Dad Was Little” (about the teaching profession).
PuzzlesTo consolidate and repeat material.In early preschool age, it is better to select tasks with rhyming answers, since it is still difficult for children to work with the “classic” version of riddles. For middle and older students, this block includes riddles about things directly related to the profession.
VisualTo add aesthetics to the manual and better assimilation of the material. In addition, the manual includes cartoons on the topic.In the younger group, the visual block includes pictures depicting representatives of different professions to illustrate the teacher’s stories; in the second youngest group, the kids themselves describe the pictures in 3-4 sentences. In the middle group, based on the pictures, children compose a generalized story about the profession in 4–5 sentences, and in the older groups they supplement the story with their opinion regarding a particular specialty, try to imagine how our life would change without this profession (in 6–8 sentences) .
Creative (coloring, sculpting)To consolidate materials, develop creative abilities and expand cognitive interests.In early preschool age, children work with pictures that do not have large quantity details. In the middle and senior groups, children paint specialists in their surroundings professional activity(doctor examining a patient, teacher in class). Starting from the middle group, this block can include step by step instructions on modeling on topics related to professions.
Block with puzzles and crosswordsTo work with this block, children need to have an understanding of letters and also be able to write, so it is used only in lapbooks for older preschoolers.
For toddlers and middle preschool children, you can use “Find the Differences” pictures.

Video: cartoon presentation of professions for younger preschoolers

Video: cartoon “In the world of professions” for preschoolers

How to make a lapbook “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Let's look at the procedure for completing a lapbook for the middle group.

Bright letters of the title of the manual and pictures attract the attention of children


  • two folders (cardboard or plastic);
  • transparent plastic envelope for paper;
  • self-adhesive paper (two shades of green);
  • double-sided and wide tape;
  • colored paper (yellow, light green);
  • thin cardboard (purple, yellow, white);
  • drawing pin;
  • pictures for the design of the manual;
  • selection of materials.


  1. We fold the folders so that we get a double central part and a fold on the left and right.

    These pictures can be used to decorate the cover of a lapbook and envelopes with materials.

  2. We cover the base with self-adhesive, laying a darker shade along the folds.

    Envelopes can be the same color or multi-colored, but must be combined with the shade of the base

  3. Let's proceed to the left wing.

    On one flap you can place a couple of pockets and one booklet

  4. We glue an envelope with a book with poems about professions. Glue the leaves together and make the spine of the book using tape.

    The pages of the booklet can be made multi-colored so that each profession is represented in its own color

  5. We place an envelope with the game “Fold the picture”.

    For the game “Fold the Picture” for younger and middle-aged children, it is better to cut up animated images of specialists in different professions, and for older preschool children, the images can be real photographs

  6. We attach the envelope with the puzzle “Who owns these items.” To prevent the pieces of pictures from getting lost, we make a closed envelope: for a “tab” in the shape of a flower, we make a small slot in the pocket.

    Envelopes and pockets with games must be signed

  7. We design the central part. We glue an envelope with thematic pictures “All professions are important” to compile descriptions of professions.

    In a block with thematic pictures for the older group, you can add illustrations of modern professions: web designer, photographer, promoter, etc.

  8. Below we attach a pocket with pictures “Who needs what for work”, in which the children list a set of tools for each profession they are studying.

    In the older group, children discuss items that are necessary for representatives of different professions, for example, pliers for a car mechanic and mechanic, a simple pencil for an artist and designer

  9. We decorate the right wing inside. As with the design of poems, we make a small book with riddles on the topic.

    We draw up riddles in an ordinary book or an accordion.

  10. We have a resealable envelope for the game “Operational clothes for a paper doll”: children choose an outfit for the doll and name their profession.

    After dressing the doll, the child describes a representative of this profession

  11. We place a pocket for thematic pictures with tools necessary for representatives of different professions.

    In the senior and preparatory groups, the set of illustrations for each profession should be expanded to 3–4

  12. On the outside of the right door we place a drum with an arrow for the game “Who Works Here”: cut out a circle from purple cardboard, put an arrow on it, put a flower made of yellow cardboard on top, pierce it with a button, bend it on the back side. We attach the resulting drum to the base. Children turn the arrow and say who is working in the environment shown in the picture where the pointer stops.

    In the senior and preparatory groups, children not only name their profession, but give reasons for choosing this particular profile

  13. We design the back of the laptop.

    At the top you can place a generalized definition of the concept “profession”

  14. We attach a transparent plastic envelope with the “Professions” lotto (for older preschoolers): children name all the items and explain why this specialist needs them.

Photo gallery: materials for the game “Add the Picture”

Based on the collected pictures, the children study the main attributes of a particular profession. Having collected the pictures, the children can give a brief description of the depicted professions. Using the material of this game, you can practice the skill of working in pairs. In the middle and senior groups, you can collect pictures at speed

Photo gallery: materials for the puzzle “Who owns these objects”

In older groups, you can invite children to reflect on the topic of what kind of character a representative of a particular profession should have. Having named the depicted attributes of an artist, the children try to determine whether it is possible to single out something most necessary among them. Having considered the attributes of the profession of a doctor, children can supplement this list by naming depicted musical instruments, the guys complete the list with those that are still known to them. When talking about the profession, the kids can name friends of their family who are engaged in it. Children can supplement the story about the profession with what they know about it from their own experience. The kids name each of the depicted elements. Connecting the profession with attributes. , children describe its role in human life

Photo gallery: themed pictures “All professions are important”

The work of an accountant requires a thorough knowledge of mathematics. Talking about the teacher in kindergarten, children are sure to name those personality qualities that a specialist in this profile should, in their opinion, have. The teacher helps children gain knowledge and shows how it can be applied in life. The profession of a web designer has become especially popular due to the growing number of Internet users. Rescuers very often risk their lives to save other people Firefighters are very brave people The work of a salesperson requires polite treatment of customers Doctors help us to be healthy The work of a clown is that he must make others laugh, even if he himself is sad To be a good artist, you need to transform in their characters, in other words, other people. Without the work of scientists, the development of most other professional fields is impossible. When talking about mime, it is necessary to mention the main differences between this profession and the profession of a clown: mimes do not speak, their art is aimed more at adults, and besides, they usually perform on the street, and not in the circus. The profession of a postman is no longer so relevant today, although in some parts of the country one cannot do without it. There will be no drivers. public transport: buses, trolleybuses, trams, and people without personal cars will not be able to get where they need to go. A sailor is a risky profession that requires physical endurance

Photo gallery: pictures for the design of the game “Who Works Here”

The profession of a postman is needed for those who do not have the Internet. Children can guess the hospital by the red cross and a bottle of drops. Not only a salesperson can work in a store, but also a cashier, an accountant. Even children of the second junior group can relate a farm to the profession of a farmer. Thanks to builders, we are surrounded by so many of a variety of buildings. Children guess that we are talking about a school and a teacher by the colors and backpacks of the kids.

Photo gallery: illustrations for lotto “Professions” (for older groups)

It is important to focus the children’s attention on the fact that the chef not only cooks, but also designs the dish.
It is worth drawing children's attention to the fact that a doctor is one of the oldest professions. When considering a doctor's tools, it is necessary to mention that hundreds of years ago doctors did not have the devices that they have today. You can ask children to name the cook's tools that we use in everyday life. life Before receiving a card with a picture of a specialist of a suitable profile, children describe how he uses the tools shown in the picture. Senior preschoolers try to assess the relevance of a particular profession in the future

Photo gallery: samples of finished lapbooks on the topic “Professions”

The older the children, the more materials can be included in the lapbook. All materials and design details must be strong, so it is better to laminate the cards and reinforce the pocket cuts with tape If the manual does not have voluminous pockets or books, then the lapbook can be made to close. Often lapbooks are made in the form of sliding folders. A laptop on the topic of professions can be a project task for children and parents. Children are attracted by the bright design of the materials in the lapbook.

Video: video review of a laptop on the topic “Professions”

A selection of materials for the laptop “Professions”

When choosing materials, the teacher is guided by the program, the Federal State Educational Standard and the level of development of children in a particular group.

Information block

As text to illustrate thematic pictures, you can use descriptions of modern professions (Teacher, Manager, Hairdresser, etc. and Accountant, Cook, Seller, etc.). And for older preschoolers, it is worth including information about the professions of the future in the lapbook.

To summarize professions by area of ​​application, you can make a “Profession Country Map”, distributing specialties in several areas: “City of Services” (hairdresser, salesman, etc.), “City of Knowledge” (scientist, teacher, etc.), etc. Based on the description of each city, children lay out pictures depicting the corresponding specialists.

The guys write a separate story-description about each “city”

To facilitate the task of telling about a profession using a picture, children in the middle and older groups can be offered a visual plan.

A plan with illustrations helps to create a story about the profession even for those who cannot yet read


In a block with rhymes for younger preschoolers you can enable:

  • Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you.
  • In the morning the sun shines brightly, the milkmaid carries the milk. Warm, cow, good for children's health.
  • Give me scissors and a comb, He will do your hair. The hairdresser will certainly give you a modern haircut.
  • A hammer is needed for work, and a carpenter is friendly with a saw. He sawed the planks and made a birdhouse.

For middle and senior preschool age, a selection can be compiled based on materials from the collection published.


Proverbs, sayings

A lapbook for middle and older age should include proverbs and sayings about the importance of work:

  • The craft does not hang behind your shoulders.
  • The cook is always full of spirit.
  • The cook lives better than the prince.
  • It will be a disaster if the shoemaker starts baking pies.
  • You won't get bread by self-indulgence.
  • Not all chefs have long knives.

Game block

This block can be entered in the form brief description conditions or a selection of visual materials to include all types of games.

Table: examples of games for the “Professions” laptop

What is the name of the gameThe essenceOn what age group oriented
Didactic games
"Clap your hands if..."
  1. Children need to clap their hands when they hear a word or phrase that matches the profession.
  2. For example, for a doctor: haircut, cold, scales, " Ambulance", sewing machine, seeing patients, fashionable hairstyle, washing powder, white robe, snow blower etc.
To the second youngest
"Correct the mistake"The teacher says a phrase, and the children correct the mistake:
  • The cook treats, and the doctor cooks.
  • The janitor sells, and the seller sweeps.
  • The teacher cuts the hair and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.
  • The musical director does the laundry, and the laundress sings songs with the children.
To medium
"Continue the sentence"The teacher begins the phrase, the children finish:
  • The cook cleans... (fish, vegetables, dishes...);
  • The laundress washes... (towels, bed linen, bathrobes...);
  • The teacher is with the children in the morning...(does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes...);
  • A janitor in the yard in winter...(shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths...), etc.
For seniors
"Let's show how it is"Children are offered a list of situations that they act out in skits:
  • at an appointment with a dentist (senior groups);
  • conductor and orchestra (in the middle group);
  • kindergarten teacher (second junior group).
“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”
  1. One child remains in the group. Everyone else goes to the waiting room, comes up with some action and shows it without words.
  2. The presenter asks the children: “Where were you, what did you do?” The children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did,” and show the intended action.
  3. The presenter guesses the person's profession based on the children's movements.
For middle, senior
Outdoor games
“All professions are important” (for the gym)The teacher describes the profession, the children perform the following movements:
  • The profession of a geologist is very interesting. This profession is chosen by people who love nature and long travel. The geologist enters caves (crawling with emphasis on the palms and knees under the arc module), climbs mountains (straighten up, arms up, rise on toes), walks through swampy places looking for minerals (walking on “bumps” placed in a checkerboard pattern , variable step).
  • Circus performers perform miracles. And the jugglers are the most dexterous among them (throwing a cotton ball up and catching it with a cap (5 times).
  • The military protects our homeland. The military profession is very dangerous, complex and requires daily training (crawling while lying on your stomach on your belly and crawling under the module).
For seniors
Examples of finger games on the topic “Professions” can be found in the publication of N.V. Kochetkova.

Photo gallery: puzzles, crossword puzzles and “Find the Differences” themed pictures for the “Professions” lapbook

Answers: stylist, cook, steelmaker, astronomer, miner, understudy, livestock breeder, journalist, gold miner, archer, spooner, crabber, mower, cattle breeder, crusader, carpenter, key keeper, spy Solving a crossword puzzle, children practice their knowledge of letters Answer: postman In the pictures with children need to find 5 differences as fishermen. In these pictures the children are looking for 5 differences. In these pictures children need to find 10 differences.

Photo gallery: templates for coloring and instructions for modeling on the topic of profession

An additional task for coloring the Chef can be to come up with a story about what he is preparing. Despite the number of small details, even kids can color the ballerina: filling with color is only needed for the ballet tutu. Coloring the Builder with a fragment of a brick wall can be used already in the second junior group to practice neat coloring rectangles of masonry When considering the profession of a hairdresser, it is important to emphasize that both women and men can engage in this activity. Considering a topic related to professional development person, it is worth paying attention to specialties that for many are a hobby, in particular photography. Based on the coloring book “Seamstress”, you can invite children of the preparatory group to reflect on the relevance of this profession in the future Among important professions, without which we can’t do, we definitely need to pay attention to those that are related to saving people’s lives in extraordinary situations. When considering the topic “Professions of the Future,” we definitely need to mention the profession of a scientist. To add brightness to the image of the Artist, you can use wax crayons for coloring. In the older group children can work with the modeling instructions themselves, no explanations from the teacher are needed

How to use a lapbook in kindergarten and at home

The manual is universal: it can be used in classes both in kindergarten and at home. Lapbook is convenient:

  • to present new material on the topic;
  • to practice acquired knowledge;
  • for consolidation and repetition of material.

Based on the directions of use of the manual, we can conclude that an entire lesson can be built on its basis: update knowledge on the topic with poems, use knowledge in practice by solving riddles, playing, and consolidate the material covered by solving puzzles, solving crosswords and coloring.

Children can work with a lapbook both independently and in a group.

Prepared by:

Senior teacher

MDOU No. 3 “Fairy Tale”

Preschool children know very little about professions. Cultivating respect for people, interest in the natural and man-made world in which a child will live is the only possibility of developing a conscious attitude towards work and a desire for creative activity.

Children are greatly influenced by an adult’s emotional attitude to work. Introducing children to the work of adults is not only a means of developing systemic knowledge, but also a significant socio-emotional means of introducing them to the world of adults, and children gaining experience communicating with people.

Children get the opportunity to expand and clarify knowledge about professions and vocabulary. A casual conversation between adults and children ensures the development of children's thinking, the ability to establish the simplest connections and relationships, and arouses interest in labor activity adults. Kindness, an interested attitude towards children's issues, and encouragement to speak up in dialogue help overcome isolation, shyness, and indecisiveness in children.

Targeted observations and excursions outside the group, introducing children to the work of adults, contribute to the accumulation of vivid emotional impressions. During excursions to the kindergarten kitchen, to the medical office, to the post office, to the store, to the pedestrian crossing, to the store, children show active dialogue and interest in professions. While communicating with cooks, a salesperson, and a traffic police inspector, children pay attention to their uniforms, talk about what the salesperson, the cook need so as not to get their clothes dirty, and the inspector so that drivers can see him from afar.

The educational effectiveness of familiarization with work depends not only on what kind of work is observed, but also on which aspects of it the children’s attention is directed to. When children have the opportunity to actively act themselves, they receive more accurate and complete ideas about the work of adults and begin to imitate them.

The work of adults deserves respect and gratitude, and the objects and things they make must be protected.

All this is crucial for instilling in a preschooler a value-based attitude towards the work of adults, promotes rapprochement between children and adults, and a greater understanding by the child of the world of adults.

  1. "Talk about professions."

Target: introduce children to the professions of the past and present, diagnose children’s ideas about the work of adults.

Plan :

Introductory part Motivation.

Main part Conversation about professions of the past.

Result Generalization of knowledge.

The teacher tells the children that she found an unusual stick (shows). Suggests she might be magical. He asks the children: - Do you think this wand could be magic? (children's statements) The teacher suggests using a magic wand to travel back in time.

There is such a game “On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor...” ... In the old days there were few professions, and all of them, together with the king, could fit on one porch. Letters and books have been preserved from those ancient times. Here are the professions they call: shooter, cook, baker. Tailor, gardener, huntsman, pipe maker, miller, gardener, carpenter, merchant. What do you think people in these professions did? In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. In ancient cities, streets were often named after professions: Armory, Kuznetsk, Myasnitsky.

A profession is something that is done every day and that is useful to others. Any profession needs to be learned. Every business has its own rules. Every profession has its own tools.

What professions do you know? Based on the name of each profession, the child is asked to tell: What tools does a person in this profession use? What is this person doing?

View the presentation “When you become an adult.”

  1. "Labor in nature."

Target: introduce children to the profession of gardening, develop a positive attitude towards work, work skills, and teach them to play creative games.


Introductory part Motivation.

The main part of the conversation about the profession of gardener

Result Generalization of knowledge. Reflection

Why do you think they say this:

“On uncultivated land only weeds grow”? (Children's answers)

Looking at an illustration of a gardener. A gardener is a person who cares for plants and loves nature. People began to grow the first gardens a very long time ago. At first they looked after wild trees and plants. Then they began to select trees and plants with the largest and most delicious fruits and plant them separately. Gradually, people learned to breed new varieties and properly care for them. The profession of a gardener is associated with physical labor. He needs to take care of the garden: dig and loosen the soil, weed, cut off excess branches, water the plants, fight pests, harvest fruits and berries. You have to take care of the garden regardless of weather conditions. A gardener needs to know a lot about plants in order to properly care for them and get good harvests. A gardener must love nature and be an observant, patient, persistent and responsible person.

The gardener will tie up and water all the trees.

The spring garden is in full bloom

It will float above the ground.

There will be cherries and jam,

There will be jams and compote.

There are also professions close to the profession of a gardener - vegetable grower, forester (forester), fish farmer, florist.

Plot - role-playing game“Florist” Children are asked to choose plants that need care. You need to water the plant, loosen it, remove dust from them.

Children answer the question:

What will the plants be like after they have been cared for? Coloring a picture of a gardener.

  1. "Work in everyday life"

Target: diagnostics of children’s ideas about household work, formation of the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order in their belongings and group premises.


  1. Manual labor. Profession clown.

Target: arouse interest in unusual circus performers, develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, fine and gross motor skills, cultivate initiative, independence, cooperation skills in the classroom, conduct diagnostics of manual labor skills.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part Conversation about the profession of a clown

Manual labor.

Didactic game.

Summary Reflection

Presentation "Circus".

Why do we love the circus?

Is it sad or fun at the circus?

What mood do the artists' performances evoke?

What artists can we see in the circus? Children's answers.

Guess the riddle, about whom can this be said?

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

What's that merry fellow called...? Clown

That's right, it's a clown. Everyone loves clowns. When they perform in the circus arena, both adults and children always laugh merrily. It just seems that clowns are clumsy. In fact, in order to perform tricks and make the audience laugh, they must be dexterous acrobats, jugglers, magicians and even... good musicians.

What is unusual about a clown costume? (It’s bright, colorful, big bows, funny nose and mouth, awkward).

Today we will decorate a clown's costume. Children perform appliqué using the Mosaic technique.

And now, guys, I invite you to play. Didactic game "Collect a picture"

What did you like about the lesson?

  1. Excursion to the store.

Target: introduce people working in the store to the professions and cultivate respect for working people.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part

Tour and observation of people working in the store.

Have you ever been to a store?

What are the people who sell goods called?

What are the people called who come to the store to do shopping?

So, you and I will go to the store. But not for shopping, but to observe the work of the seller.

In a store, at a market

And finally at the buffet

Everywhere, wherever you go,

The salesperson greets you.

He will sell kefir to the old lady

And a whistle to the mischievous man,

A bright ribbon for a girl

And a cheesecake for the fat man.

A fishing rod for Uncle Petya,

And for Aunt Vera - a brooch.

You will always be greeted so kindly - You won’t leave without buying something,

He knows math

Well, of course, by five - He will quickly count the money,

To give change correctly.

Buyers in crowd

They go to him all day

You and I really need a hard work Seller!

In each department there are people who help you choose a purchase - sellers. The seller knows everything about the quality of the goods sold in his department, about the price of the goods.

The sales profession is divided into several specialties. There are sellers food products- that is, products (vegetables and fruits, confectionery, sausages, etc.), and there are sellers of non-food products (clothing, shoes, equipment).

Why does a salesperson need to come to work early? Well, the store opened, customers came. The seller greets customers with a friendly smile, he is happy to help! It is from a friendly seller that you want to buy something.

It is very important that the seller is neatly dressed and combed. The seller knows his product well. Remembers where and what is. For this he needs good memory. As soon as the buyer has chosen the product, the seller escorts him to the checkout.

The cashier sits at the cash register (we fix the word). Who is a cashier? The cashier is also a seller, but he does not walk around trading floors. His place is at the cash register (we fix the word), he “punches” the check and takes money from customers for the goods. Let's think about who else can work in the store?

Drivers work in the store, their task is to bring new product to the store.

There are also loaders (or workers) working in the store - they accept and help unload new goods.

A merchandiser (a new word) works in the store, this is a person who monitors the quality of the goods sold in the store, he knows how to distinguish a good product from a bad one. Tries to come to an agreement with the best factories and factories to purchase the necessary goods. He is responsible for all the goods in the store. This is a very important and responsible job.

Of course, there are cleaners working in the store (we fix the word) who monitor the cleanliness of the store. And if any of the buyers accidentally breaks or spills something, they will immediately clean it up. You need to try not to litter in the store, you need to protect the work of the cleaners.

And finally, the most main man in the store - the store director. The store director makes sure that all other employees do their jobs correctly and well.

Well, that's the end of our walk through the store. What new have you learned?

  1. Story-based role-playing game "Shop"

Target: develop in children interest and respect for the sales profession, cultivate an attentive attitude towards customers, and a culture of communication.


  1. "On the work of builders."

Target: expand children's understanding of the work of builders, clarify knowledge about the professions of a painter, carpenter, mason, and develop a respectful attitude towards the work of builders.


Preliminary work.

Introductory part.


Main part.

Didactic game.


Reading fiction. B. Zhitkov “What I saw” D. Rodari “What crafts smell like” Examination of illustrations. Today we will talk about the work of builders. It takes a lot of work to build a house. Workers need to work very conscientiously and in a friendly manner.

Who works at a construction site? (bricklayer, carpenter, painter).

It's a hot time at a construction site,

The signal has already struck.

Today is a mason in the morning

Started work.

He's turning twenty

And he is already a hero:

Lays bricks fastest

Young builder.

And every hour, every day

The new house is getting higher and higher.

What do you know about the work of a mason?

How do bricks get to the upper floors? Which machine helps the mason?

How does a mason lay out a wall?

What are the bricks held together with?

Do you think a mason's job is difficult?

Is this work necessary?

Game "Let's help the bricklayer."

Children choose two masons, divide into two teams and pass the bricks, standing in a chain, while the “bricklayer” builds a wall out of bricks.

The winner is the “bricklayer” who lays the wall correctly and quickly.

It's time to paint the rooms - they invited a painter. But not with a brush and a bucket, our painter comes to the house.

Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical pump. Paint splashes on the wall, the sun shines in the window.

The walls became blue, like the sky above. New house is already ready to welcome residents for the holiday.

What kind of work does a painter do?

(plasters, whitewashes ceilings, paints walls, frames, window sills, doors, floors)

It is only in a fairy tale that a house is built at the behest of a pike, and in one night a crystal bridge is erected across the river.

But in life this is hard and painstaking work:



crane operator,




Everyone who is called: - Builder!

View a presentation about construction professions.

  1. "Fire Tamers"

Target: expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the work of firefighters, introduce them to fire extinguishing means - a fire extinguisher, and cultivate respect for the work of firefighters.


Preliminary work.

Introductory part Motivation.

Main part

Meeting with a firefighter.

Game situation.

Examination of illustrations about firefighters;

Reading the works of S. Marshak “Cat’s House”, “Fire”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”.

Firefighters have specially equipped fire trucks at their disposal. Look at the pictures. The cars are bright red with a folding fire escape on the roof. As they rush through the streets, all other cars give way to them after hearing the loud sound of a fire siren. The vehicles are equipped with a walkie-talkie for communication with the fire department and other vehicles. (drawing of a fire truck.)

The teacher names a profession, the children name an action.

A doctor treats, a cook cooks, a pilot flies, an artist paints, etc.

Guess the riddle:

He will tie it with a belt.

The helmet is strong on him.

He enters a burning house,

He fights fire. (firefighter)

You probably guessed that today we will talk about a fireman. Since ancient times, man has learned to make fire. People turned the hot flames into their friends and helpers. They realized that fire is warmth, light, food, protection from enemies. But fire can be not only good, but also evil. If the fire gets out of human control, a fire will occur. The fire will destroy everything in its path: forests, people's homes, and livestock.

The power of a raging fire is very difficult to cope with. And then people whose profession is to defeat fire and save people in trouble come to the rescue.

And this profession is called firefighter.

Firefighters are fearless, strong, trained people.

Today a real fireman came to visit us. (a fireman's story about his profession)

Guys, if you smell burning, see smoke or fire, immediately call “01”, calling a fire brigade.

You can't fight the fire on your own.

This work is not for children.

Without wasting time,

“01” call quickly.

Type wisely.

So that not everything burns!

Firefighters constantly train, conduct special exercises, work out in gyms, so that during a real fire they can demonstrate dexterity, strength, and dexterity.

“We are firefighters” relay race.

Children are divided into two teams and line up in front of their “cars”.

1. Who will crawl into the tunnel faster? (climb under the gymnastics bench).

2. Unravel and roll up the fire hose (run to the chaotically folded rope, stretch it and carefully roll it up near the “fire truck”).

3. Rescue of victims (running in a chain, holding a rope. A rescuer with a rope runs to the other end of the hall to the victims. The first child takes the rope with his hand, and both return to the starting point.

4. Extinguishing a fire (throw a “blanket” over a “burning object” - a cube.) -

Today, guys, we got acquainted with another profession of adults - firefighter. The profession of a firefighter requires fearless character, dedication, agility, quick reaction, strength and good health.

Perhaps, when you grow up, one of you will choose the profession of a firefighter - difficult and dangerous, but honorable and necessary for people.

  1. “About professions in riddles.”

Target:consolidate children's knowledge about professions, develop logical thinking, replenish children's active vocabulary, and introduce them to works of oral folk art.


  1. "Acquaintance with the work of the grain grower."

Target : expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the work of adults, introduce them to the profession of grain grower, expand and clarify children’s knowledge about agricultural machinery, introduce the words: agronomist, seeder, combine, elevator into children’s active vocabulary.


Introductory part.


Main part of the conversation.

Examination of illustrative material.

Presentation “Bread is the head of everything.”

Didactic game “Which machines help harvest bread”


Why do they say: “It’s a bad lunch when there is no bread?”

Today we will talk about how bread gets to our table. Maybe someone knows how? (children's answers).

When the snow melts, tractors come out to the fields. The land is plowed and then harrowed.

What do you use to plow the ground? (plough). What do they harrow the earth with? (harrow). They harrow in order to crush large clods of earth. It will then be easier for small sprouts to break through the ground.

What do they do next? (then the seeds are sown).

Before sowing a field, an agronomist must check the soil. An agronomist, like everyone else who works in the field, is responsible for a good harvest. (show). He checks whether there is enough moisture in the soil for seeds, whether the sun has warmed it. The agronomist also checks the seeds for germination.

When rye or wheat ripens, the harvest begins for grain growers, i.e. - harvest.

And now another mystery:

He walks, cuts a wave, grain flows from the pipe.

This machine is used to harvest bread. Afterwards the grain is transported to the elevator.

Trucks take him away. The car follows the combine and the cleaned grain is poured directly into the body. (show).

Bread travels a very long way before it reaches our table; grain growers work day and night so that we always have fresh, fragrant bread. To obtain bread and other grain products, grain is taken from elevators to flour mills or mills, where it is ground into flour.

We will wake up when you are sleeping,

And sift the flour in a sieve.

Let's heat the oven red hot,

To bake bread in the morning.

Agricultural machines are located on the board. The child chooses a picture at will and explains his choice. For example: this is a tractor, a tractor is an agricultural machine, a tractor is used to plow, harrow, etc.

How should you treat bread?

“You should take as much bread as you can eat”

“You should always finish your bread”

“You shouldn’t throw bread on the floor”

View the presentation “How bread came to the table”

  1. “We baked pies and rolls in the oven.”

Target:to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread as a product that is especially revered by people, to develop a desire to work and interest in work activities, to develop skills in working with salt dough, tools (a stack, a rolling pin) and additional materials.


  1. “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”

Target:introduce children to the professions of military personnel; to educate preschoolers in the spirit of patriotism, love for the Motherland, to develop the desire to be strong, courageous defenders of their country.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part of the conversation.

Meeting with a military man.


Guess the riddle:

We are the defenders of the country,

Trained, strong,

Border guards, tank crews,

Sailors, artillerymen.

We serve everywhere: on land and on water. (military personnel)

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. This is what military personnel are called - defenders of the Fatherland.

Today we will talk about the soldiers of our Russian army, about its invincible strength, about its powerful equipment, about what a special honor it is to serve in its ranks.

A soldier's story about his profession.

View a presentation about military professions.

Game "On the Border".

“Children-border guards” do not allow “violators” to cross the border.

Would you like to become a military personnel? In order to become a military man, you must play sports, train yourself, be strong and courageous.

This is the only way you will become true defenders of your Motherland!

  1. "Once upon a time there was an airplane"

Target:consolidate knowledge about the military profession, develop fine motor skills, cultivate neatness, learn how to make origami crafts, and help each child achieve the desired result.


  1. Excursion to the children's clinic.

Target:introduce people working in a children's clinic to the professions, expand their vocabulary, cultivate respect for working people, teach them to play role-playing games.


Introductory part. Motivation.

Main part of the excursion.


We will go on a tour of the clinic to see how doctors work, as well as the people who help them.

We enter the clinic and the first person we see is the receptionist. This is very the right person in the clinic. His office is called the registry. He books all patients for an appointment with a doctor and issues a special sheet - a coupon. The coupon states when the patient needs to see the doctor and which office to go to. At the reception you can call a doctor at home or get a certificate. All medical records are also stored in the registry.

We are going to the pediatrician. Who is a pediatrician? This is the doctor who treats children, in other words - pediatrician. He watches the child from birth, monitors his height and weight. If a child is sick, he examines him, listens to him, takes his temperature, then prescribes the necessary medications, making sure that the treatment is successful.

Our next ticket is to an otolaryngologist, but this name is very complicated, so this doctor is often called an ENT specialist. This doctor treats the ears, nose and throat. Usually, when children are sick, they first go to the pediatrician. And, if the disease is not complex, the pediatrician treats it himself. But if the disease is serious, then the pediatrician issues a referral to an ENT specialist.

Next is the next doctor, he is called an ophthalmologist. In the ophthalmologist's office, there is a poster on the wall with pictures and letters for vision testing. This profession is also called such a complex word as ophthalmologist. This is a doctor who treats our eyes. He helps you choose glasses, checks your eye health using various devices, and in case of serious illnesses, prescribes treatment and prescribes medications.

And the last doctor is a dentist. A dentist is a dentist. He treats teeth and gums; corrects the bite if the teeth have grown incorrectly; helps, gives advice on what to do to prevent teeth pain. A dentist teaches adults and children how to brush their teeth correctly. There is no need to be afraid of this doctor, but we need to visit him regularly and our teeth will always be beautiful and white.

There is one more medical worker- nurse. Every doctor has a nurse. A nurse is the main assistant to any doctor. She helps the doctor, and sometimes spends more time with the patient than the doctor himself. The nurse takes tests, gives injections, gives vaccinations, issues certificates and referrals to other doctors, fills out sick leave. Follows all doctor's orders.

Well, our excursion to the clinic is over. Let's remember all the doctors we met today.

View the presentation "Children's Clinic".

  1. "About the profession of a veterinarian."

Target:introduce the veterinarian profession, expand knowledge about animal care, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards people and animals.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part of the conversation.

View the presentation.

Bottom line. Role-playing game

Guessing riddles.

They jump briskly through the trees,

They're fooling everyone at the zoo

They only see flaws in others,

And their name is ... (monkeys).

Huge, gray, with a good disposition,

Walks majestically through the jungle

And with a long nose, like a hand,

He can lift you and me (elephant)

The belly hangs to the ground,

This is fat... (hippopotamus)

Eats grass and drinks water

Crosswalk. (zebra)

There is a mane, but no hooves,

And he doesn’t neigh, but growls. (a lion)

Long neck and long legs,

This animal walks in anxiety,

Nibbles leaves. Noticeable to the enemy

He is afraid of being caught by a tiger and a lion (giraffe).

A teacher's story about the profession of a veterinarian. A veterinarian is a doctor for animals. His the main task- this is an examination of animals, prescribing treatment and necessary vaccinations. A person in this profession must be very kind and love animals, because in order for an animal to allow him to treat itself, it must feel that the person does not want to harm it.

View the presentation "Veterinarian".

Role-playing game "Zoo"

  1. Role-playing game "Hospital".

Target : develop interest and respect for the noble profession of a doctor, help children establish interactions in joint play.


  1. Profession "Cook".

Target : expand knowledge about the profession of a cook, cultivate respect for people's work, and enrich their vocabulary.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part Viewing the presentation and conversation.


Didactic games.

Walks around in a white cap

With a ladle in hand.

He prepares lunch for us: Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. Who is this?

Today we will get acquainted with the profession of a cook.

Presentation "Cook".

A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. The cook prepares soups, main courses, confectionery, and other food. Knows how to properly store food, prepares various dishes according to recipes and knows how to decorate what has been prepared.

Today we will watch the cook at work. Cooking is not an easy task! It’s easy to cook two or three bowls of soup and fry some potatoes. But to make many servings of soup boiled in a huge saucepan tasty, cook for real Eating a delicious meal is very difficult for many people. It’s no wonder that chefs spend a long time studying to cook well.

Observing the work of the cook.

"What's extra" cards.

Game: invite children to look carefully at the cards and determine what is superfluous on these cards, explain why.

Word game “Cooking compote”. I will name the berries and fruits, and you will tell me what kind of compote they will make (strawberries - strawberry, raspberries - raspberry, etc.).

Modeling of vegetables and fruits from plasticine.

  1. The plot-role-playing game "Cooks".

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of cooking, the sequence of food placement, develop dialogic and monologue speech, cultivate a sense of collectivism and goodwill.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part. Game "Cooks"


Guessing riddles.

Admire, look - the North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there. (Fridge)

Four blue suns

In grandma's kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and went out.

The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.

No need for sun until tomorrow. (Gas stove)

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

Among spoons I am a colonel. And my name is... (Ladle)

There are four legs under the roof,

Above the roof - soup and spoons. (Table)

Hard, full of holes, prickly, clumsy. What will they put on her back?

She will immediately devour everything. (Grater)

When it boils, steam comes out,

And it whistles and bursts with heat, the lid rattles and knocks. - Hey, take me off! - shouts. (Kettle)

What profession does a representative need these items?

A hoop is placed in the center of the group room, representing, at the request of the children, a saucepan, kettle, frying pan, leaf, etc. Two cooks are selected. They announce what dish they are going to prepare. The “product” children run up to them one by one and ask: for example:

- “Do you need salt?”

- “Do you need potatoes?”

- “Do you need meat?”

If these products are needed to prepare this dish, the cooks answer:

- “Yes, we need it.”

If not, then the child - the “product” returns to its place.

When the set of products is assembled, everyone says in unison:

- “Cooks, don’t yawn! Start cooking pilaf!”

The cooks start cooking:

They take the first product and run around a hoop with it - a “pan”, then take the second one by the hand, etc.

The “cooks” run around in a single circle with each one. When they run around with the last one, they stop and stand around the hoop.

Everyone says in unison: - Let's say two magic words! Top! (stomp their foot). Clap! (clap their hands) and done (with an inclination, spread your arms to the sides).

After this, the players change roles or start preparing a new dish.

Drawing on the theme “My favorite dish.”

  1. Getting to know the designer's work.

Target: To acquaint children with the history of clothing, to arouse interest in the process of changing and transforming adult clothing. Introduce the profession of fashion designer.


Introductory part

Main part.

Conversation about the profession of designer.

Manual labor.

Exhibition of children's works.

Bottom line. Reflection

Guys, today I want to introduce you to a very interesting profession- the profession of a designer. He creates beauty: in clothes, in houses, in books, and even in cars.

He is an artist, but he draws more often on the computer.

Draws what clothes, a book, a car, furniture, a room, and even a refrigerator will look like. Every item has its own design - how it will look when it appears.

Guys, the profession of a person who comes up with new beautiful styles of clothes, decorates clothes, makes them elegant and beautiful is called a fashion designer. He creates stylish, unique clothing collections.

Look around quickly, How many different trousers are there in the world, Skirts, dresses, fur coats, coats, Hats, blouses, coats. Who came up with all this? What kind of smart person is this?

Today I want to invite you to decorate paper clothes using the Ebru technique.

Children create an image on the water and, with the help of the teacher, transfer it to paper blanks.

What did you like most today?

  1. “There are many good and necessary professions”

Target: expansion and clarification of ideas about people’s professions, consolidation of ideas about the need and importance of the work of adults, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Professions”.


Introductory part Motivation.

Main part.

Competition "Verbal duel". Guessing riddles.

Ball game "Who does what?"

Competition "Who needs what"

Drawing competition.

There are different professions

But they are all so important.

Cook, carpenter and driver,

Teacher, painter, fitter.

All professions are important, all professions are needed.

Today we will try to remember all the most interesting things about professions.

Children are asked to take turns naming as many professions as possible.

Children are invited to guess riddles about professions and tools.

The teacher throws the ball and names a profession, the children catch the ball and list the actions that people of this profession perform.

From the proposed illustrations, children choose those that depict everything that is needed to prepare soup.

Children are asked to draw what they would like to become in the future.

Irina Sycheva

Didactic game« Professions»

Didactic board game on the topic: « Professions» .

for children 4-7 years old

Target: expand children’s ideas about a variety of professions, their names and type of activity. To introduce the tools of labor and tools needed by these people professions, correlate them. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Progress of the game: Participants are asked to take turns naming professions that they already know and the tools that these people need professions, then try to correlate people's actions with their profession, form corresponding verbs from nouns (educator - educates, builder - builds, etc.).

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that unusual chests appeared in the group, different people professions, but they are empty, all the tools are mixed up, and people cannot work. Give the children a chest each. Then the adult invites one participant at a time to his table (everyone can sit at the round table). He takes the card and says what is shown on it. The rest of the children must name someone, this item is needed for work, and put it in the chest. If the children find it difficult to answer, explain what it is like with children, remember where they saw such an employee.

Required: 20 matchboxes, tape, printed pictures (can be laminated with tape). I wish you success!

Publications on the topic:

Didactic lotto game "Professions in kindergarten." younger age Objectives: 1. Didactic: - introduce children to the professions of a teacher.

Didactic game “All professions are important” for middle and older children Game task for the child: - select the necessary cards with subject pictures that correspond to the profession depicted on the large one.

Travel game “All professions are important, all professions are needed” State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 45, Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg Deputy head.

Game-activity using ICT “Professions” Game-activity "Dunno gets to know the professions" This manual was developed for children of primary, middle, and senior preschool age.

Goal: to clarify and generalize children’s ideas about professions Program objectives: to understand the significance of professions in people’s lives; bring up.

Summary of physical education leisure in the senior group “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Goal: To develop in pupils the need for physical activity and physical improvement. Integration of educational areas:.

Summary of the integrated educational activity “All professions are important, all professions are needed” in the middle group GCD theme: “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” Direction of education and development (educational field): cognitive development(.

No. 1. “Who do I want to become? How will I work?

Target: develop the ability to make choices in accordance with one’s own interests and abilities; realize the importance of any profession.

Material: Pictures depicting people of different professions.

Progress of the game: 1. Conversation on the topics: “How many professions can a person master?”, “What determines the name of a profession?”, “Why does a person strive to master a profession?”, “Which profession is the best? Why?”, “Who do I dream of being? What do I have to learn for this?”

2. Discussion of the topic: “What professions are called female? Male?”, “Does it happen that women master a male profession, and men a female one?”

3. The conclusion to which the teacher leads the children: the main thing is to love and know your job well.

No. 2. “Catch and Tell.”

Target: consolidate knowledge about adult professions.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the leader, throwing the ball to the children, names their profession. The person who catches the ball throws it to the leader, calling what a person of this profession does.

Example: doctor - heals, artist - draws, cook - cooks, fireman - extinguishes, carpenter - planes.

No. 3. “About Olya and Kolya.”

Target: teach children to correctly use the conjunction “because” in speech.

Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to listen to the beginning of the sentence, they must finish it. Then the children come up with the beginning of the sentence themselves.

Sample: Kolya gave way to Olya because... he is a boy.

Olya loves to sew because... she is a girl.

No. 4. “Helpers.”

Target: to form an idea of ​​the household responsibilities of women and men, the need to provide assistance to loved ones.

Material: cardboard flower with removable petals.

Progress: Children take turns tearing off flower petals, naming the duties they perform at home (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, caring for pets, putting away toys, etc.).

Game option: children list household chores that their mothers and fathers perform.

No. 5. “Guess the profession.”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about professions. To form an idea of ​​the division of professions into male and female.

Material: cards with images of people of different professions.

Progress: The teacher takes turns listing the actions of a person engaged in one activity or another. Children name a profession, one child chooses a card with the corresponding image. Then a conversation is held about this profession.

No. 6. “Say it in one word.”

Target: learn to enrich objects with one word, enrich vocabulary.

Material: pictures depicting a piano, violin, drum, saw, axe, plane, sewing machine, scissors, needles, etc.

Progress of the game : Group these items.

Questions: how can these objects be called in one word? Why can it be grouped this way? Come up with your own for any group symbol

No. 7. “Who wants to become who?”

Target : use of difficult verb forms

Children are offered story pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a model of an airplane) What do they want to become? (They want to become pilots). Children are asked to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

No. 8. “Name the words - actions.”

I name a profession, and the children say words - actions that people of this profession perform

The doctor listens, writes a prescription, looks at the throat, measures the temperature, prescribes medications.

The seller weighs, shows, cuts, wraps, counts.

Cook - cuts, peels, cooks, fries, bakes, tastes, salts.

Hairdresser - combs, cuts, washes hair, does hairstyles, shaves beard and mustache.

No. 9. “Who needs these items.”

Scales, goods, counter (for the seller).

Scissors, fabric, sewing machine (for a dressmaker).

Ladle, saucepan, food (for the cook).

Tires, bus, steering wheel (for the driver).

Syringe, cotton wool, bandage (for the doctor).

Bricks, cement, trowel (for the builder).

Paint, brush, bucket (for the painter).

No. 10. “Who needs this item?”

(On the carpet there is a helmet, a rod, a sewing machine, a syringe, a hammer, a wrench, a colander, a comb, a newspaper, a molar brush, a notebook, and a plane).

Children move in a circle to the music, the music stops - the children take objects and say:

What is the name of this item?

What profession do people need it for?

What does a person in this profession do?

No. 11. “What are the objects for?”

Children stand in a circle, throw the ball and name the object. The child who has the ball must quickly say what is being done with this object.

Knife - cutting

Sweep with a broom

Saw - sawing

With an ax they chop

Ladle - pour

Shovel - digging

Needle - sewing

Scissors - cutting

Thermometer - measure temperature

Comb - comb your hair

Brush - paint

Boil in a saucepan

In a frying pan - fried

On the scales - weighed

No. 12. “Let’s make a delicious vegetable soup.”

Target: introduce children to the process of preparing vegetable soup, showing and naming the actions that the child performs; continue to form an idea of ​​the profession of a cook; develop imagination; activate speech. Cultivate respect for kindergarten workers.

Progress of the game:

There is a stove in front of the children. On it there is a saucepan, a frying pan (toys, quite large, or real dishes); next to it is a set of vegetables (natural), a bowl of water, a knife, a spoon.

Educator: - I will teach you how to cook delicious soup from vegetables! Is there (show) on the stove...?

Large saucepan.

There is water in this pan. Look (scoops up water with a spoon and pours it back). The water will boil soon, so it's time to peel the potatoes.

The teacher asks one of the children to find and give him potatoes, washes them in a bowl, and peels them. Children name the actions and repeat the names.

The teacher asks what the potatoes look like now.

It is white, clean, without skin.

Should I throw it whole into the pan or...?

It needs to be cut.

The teacher puts the onions in the pan. Then the children bring cabbage and carrots and watch as the teacher washes and chops the vegetables. Separately, he fries the onion in a frying pan (the children name the vegetable and the action with it).

Educator: “Listen,” says the teacher, “how the oil sizzles in a hot frying pan: sh-sh-sh. How does it sizzle?

The teacher puts the onions in the pan and stirs the soup.

Speaks: “It’s a pity that our stove doesn’t light up. But now we’ll cook vegetables, vegetable soup, on a real stove.”

When the cook arrives, the teacher hands him the pan. He is interested in what is in it, listens to the children, approves and clarifies their answers. He promises to cook soup.

Note . It is advisable that a vegetable be prepared for lunch on this day Noah soup. This will bring joy to the children.

No. 13. “Who does what?”

Target: develop the ability to correlate a person’s actions with his professional activities; cultivate respect for working people.

Educator distributes cards to children with pictures of representatives various professions. Then he shows object pictures depicting the object of their activity, while asking questions: “Who builds houses?”; “Who sews dresses?”, “Who sells milk?” etc. Examples of children's answers: “A builder builds houses,” “A tailor sews dresses,” “A salesman sells milk.”

No. 14. “Who needs what?”

Target: systematize knowledge about the professions of a cook and a doctor; about the objects of their labor.

The teacher calls two children. One puts on a chef's cap, the other puts on a doctor's cap (with a red cross). He seats them at the table facing the rest of the class participants. Invites a third child to the table. He invites him to take the thing out of the box and, naming it, hand it over to its destination: either the cook or the doctor. The one who received the thing must name it and tell what it is used for, for example: “This is a meat grinder, you can turn meat, bread, onions and make cutlets.”

During the game, the composition of its participants changes once or, if time permits, 2 times.

No. 15. “Parsley goes to work.”

Goals: To teach how to classify objects according to their functional purpose (satisfying labor needs); cultivate a desire to help adults.

Equipment: Pictures depicting items necessary for play and work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts (garden, kitchen, room)

Progress of the game: A letter arrives from Petrushka, in which he says that he is visiting his grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (put away toys, wipe off dust, vacuum). However, Petrushka got confused in the tools and asks the guys to help.
The teacher offers the children models of the garden, kitchen and room and explains that they need to take one picture, look carefully, name the object, tell how to use it and what kind of work it is needed for, then put the picture on the corresponding model. For example, a vacuum cleaner is needed to clean a rug, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so a picture with a picture of a vacuum cleaner needs to be placed on the room layout. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put in a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are arranged correctly.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he needs to complete his grandmother’s tasks.

No. 16. “Professions.”

Target: develop an understanding of professions, enrichment and replenishment vocabulary words; development of imagination, thinking, word formation skills.

Inventory: Not required.

Progress of the game:

The presenter describes various professions. The children's task is to name their profession.

Wears a white cap and cooks delicious food. Who is this?


Drives a car...

Driver! and so on.

No. 17. “Tableware store.”

Target: form the names of dishes, continue to form knowledge about the profession of a seller, cultivate respect for the work of people of all professions, develop thinking, speech, memory, perception, attention.

Material: Shelf with utensils: two sugar bowls, bread bins, napkin holders, a cookie dish, a rusk bowl, a salt shaker. (items can be changed).

Organization: Educator:

We have a kitchenware store. To buy dishes, you need to know exactly what you want to buy. Know what item it is and what it is needed for. You must have money to buy. If you name it incorrectly, the seller will not understand you and will not sell the desired item. First, let's look at what kind of utensils are in the store: here are the ones you know... (bread bowl, sugar bowl, napkin holder). The teacher points to objects, letting the children know that they need to be named. - Here is a special dish for crackers, this is... (crusk bowl). Here's the cookie platter. It has no other name. Just a dish. Don't make the mistake of naming them when you're a buyer. Please, anyone who wants to buy any dishes, come, the store is open. The teacher puts the “purchased” dishes on the table, explaining that a special machine will deliver the purchase to your home.

No. 18. “Fabric store.”

Target: to develop the ability to identify fabric depending on its origin, to consolidate the skills of identifying the type of fabric, and an understanding of the profession of a seller.

Equipment: shelf with various types fabric, meter, scissors.

Progress of the game: The teacher creates the following situation: -Guys, imagine that we are in the “Fabric” store and we need to pick up fabric for Tanya’s doll. The teacher opens a display case with strips of fabric. - How many of you buy fabric for a summer dress? Children choose a fabric, explaining: - for a summer dress you need thin fabric so as not to be hot. Here it is. It is made of cotton. This is a cotton fabric, the threads for it are made of cotton. When selecting fabrics for winter clothes Children have this opinion: you need woolen fabric. Fluffy, warm. It is made from wool shorn from a sheep.

No. 19. “Shop.”

Target: continue to consolidate knowledge about the sales profession, with different types of stores and products; cultivate a sense of respect and gratitude for the work performed.

Progress of the game: In front of the children is a store with “Shoes” and “Clothing” departments.
“Dear children! - says the teacher. In our store you can buy clothes and shoes for your dolls. What can you buy? Today on sale: red dress with white collar and pockets; beautiful plaid trousers with a black belt; brown fur boots with embroidery (it’s enough to name and describe 3-4 things. There are twice as many of them in the store). The teacher-seller calls the child and asks: “What do you want to see?” (“What should I show you?”). He replies: “Please show me the blue sundress with flowers.” Or: “I want to see a white shirt with a checkered tie.” The teacher puts the item purchased by the child (5-6 of them are sold) into a bag, and the bag into the back of the truck. At the end of the lesson, the teacher delivers the purchases to the recipients. Handing over the package, he asks the child’s first and last name and specifies in which department of the store the purchase was made.

No. 20. “Where can I buy this?”

Target: the game reinforces children's knowledge of what miscellaneous goods sold in various stores: grocery stores, department stores, bookstores (there are different grocery stores: “Vegetables - fruits”, “Bakery”, “Milk”, manufactured goods: “Shoes”, “Clothing”, “Fabrics”, “ Child's world", "Sporting goods"); teaches children to distinguish stores by their names and navigate their surroundings; fosters a desire to help parents and make simple purchases; communicate in joint activities.

Didactic material:objects depicted in small paintings, on large cards.

Progress of the game: The game is played like a lotto. The winner is the one who closes all the cards first and never makes a mistake. At the beginning of the game, the teacher has a conversation with the children about whether they know where their mothers buy food, necessary things, items, what stores they know, what are the names of stores that are close to home. Do they help their parents in buying milk, bread and other products. After the conversation, the teacher shows large cards. Where are the shops shown? Children can see what kind of stores they are by looking at the windows.

Educator: Now, children, let's play. I will give you small cards, and then you will have to say where on the big card to put the small card, bring the card and put it on the big card, at the store where you can buy it. Take your time, look carefully at the picture! Having distributed the cards, the teacher gives the signal: “Start the game!” Children come to the table and place their cards on the squares of a large map. Where the “Milk” store is depicted, cards are placed with images of packages of milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. The teacher checks the correctness of the children’s actions and rewards those who correctly found the right store. The game helps children learn that everything people need is bought in stores; there are different stores. You need to know what actions and words you need to say in order to quickly buy the necessary goods.

No. 21. “Toy Store.”

Target: The game teaches children to describe an object, find its essential features, recognize an object by description, strengthens communication skills in in public places. Strengthen knowledge about the sales profession.

Didactic material: Toys.

Progress of the game: children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with toys. The teacher, turning to them, says: “We have opened a store.” Look how many beautiful toys it contains! You can buy them, but to buy a toy, you need to fulfill one condition: do not name it, but describe it, and you cannot look at the toy. Based on your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you. A seller is chosen with a short counting count. The teacher buys the toy first, showing how to follow the rules of the game: - Hello! I want to buy a toy. She is round, rubber, can jump, and children love to play with her. The seller hands the ball to the buyer. -Thank you, what a beautiful ball! - says the teacher and sits on a chair, holding a ball in his hands. The seller names the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy he chose to buy: -Sell it to me. Please, such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes.
The seller gives a toy - a fox. The buyer thanks and sits down.
The game continues until all the children buy toys and play with them in the room or on a walk. The teacher also brings toys to the store that the children have not played with for a long time, in order to awaken interest in them and remind them how interesting and beautiful they are.

No. 22. “Who will tell you more about the profession.”

Target: relate people's actions to their profession.

Organization: The teacher clarifies the children’s understanding of the words “profession” and “action”.

Educator: - Children, I work as a teacher in a kindergarten. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, I play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put you to bed... What do you think is the profession of Oksana Alexandrovna, who cooks dinner for us? That's right, cook. What other professions do you know? (Children's statements). Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What does a cook do? (The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables...) - What does the doctor do? (The doctor examines patients, listens, treats, gives medicine, gives injections, operations).
- What does a tailor do? (The tailor cuts, bastes, flogs, irons, tries on, sews). The teacher also names the professions of builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name the actions of people in these professions.

No. 23. “Writer”.

The child is asked to portray a famous writer who came up with a “story” about a profession, an attribute of this profession - depending on the material being studied. Then one of the children comes out to the applause of their friends and tells their “invention.”

No. 24. “Excursion”.

Children sit on chairs arranged in two rows, like seats on a bus. The “Chauffeur” sits on one chair in front. He holds an imaginary steering wheel in his hands. One child is dressed in a traffic light costume.

Children: We boarded the bus together
And they looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal
And the bus started running.
(Children sway rhythmically. The driver “turns the steering wheel”)

Traffic light: (shows a large photo)
Stop! Red light for cars.
There is no way further for you.
Look through the windows
And think a little:
What kind of building is in front of you?
Answer quickly, yourself.
(What kind of street is in front of you? What kind of monument is in front of you? etc.)
Children : This is the Winter Palace.
Traffic light: I turn on the green light
And I’m sending you onward.
This is how children “travel” around the city and return to the street.

No. 25. “The most important one.”

The teacher gives the children object pictures and tells a fairy tale about how representatives of different professions argued about which of them was the most important. Children describe the object shown in the picture in the first person and end their story with the words: “I am the most important.” At the end of the game, the teacher concludes that all participants in the dispute are necessary and useful.

No. 26. “Guess the profession based on the result.”
The teacher invites the children to take turns taking pictures depicting an object - the result of someone’s activity. Taking a picture, children must name the profession and action that a person in this profession performs (pictures: dress, house, pie, photography, etc.).

No. 27. “Define a profession based on the subject.”
Children take turns taking out from the bag objects (a ladle, cotton wool, coins, a comb, a whistle, a pointer, paints, threads, a hammer, etc.) that are necessary for one or another professional activity. For the subject, children must name the profession in which the subject is used.

No. 28. “What’s extra?”
The teacher lays out four pictures depicting objects - assistants (for example, a syringe, cotton wool, iodine and binoculars). The child must name the extra item and explain his choice.

No. 29. “Say a word”
We play in the profession
We choose them according to our liking,
And we dream faster
Mom and dad become more mature,
So as not to just dream,
And who to be is decided and become.

Sasha is proud of the plane
Lucky on a string.
He's getting ready to fly
So it will grow...(by pilot)

The pilot Borya has a friend
Paints everything around.
It's raining on the window,
So it will grow...(artist)

The artist has a sister
He can sing very loudly.
The birds sing along with Nastya,
So it will grow...(singer)

He composed a sonnet for them,
So it will grow...(poet)

The poet has a brother - Stepashka,
He taught the bug all year
Jump from a glass into a ladle.
Styopa - young...(trainer)

Trainer with friend Dima
We spent the whole day looking for the mine.
Dima jar under the fence,
I buried it to become...(sapper)

The sapper has an older brother,
He is always happy to help everyone.
Cat remover from tree,
Leva is the future...(rescuer)

Our rescuer walks in pairs
With a kind girl Tamara.
She treats animals with a decoction,
Wants to be...(vet)

At Tom's veterinarian
The mice have all left the house.
He will find them by interviewing everyone,
Tim, local...(detective)

Our detective on the couch
I found Anya's hairpin.
Anya learns the role of Alice,
To become big...(actress)

For actresses - applause
And flowers and compliments.
He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”
Slava - cinema...(director)

The director abandoned the theater
He and Danka were vacuuming the floor.
The world around us is expensive
Danka. He will...(ecologist)

No. 30. “Find the mistake.”

The doctor is making soup.

The cook drives the car.

The teacher cuts his hair.

The dressmaker heals people.

A policeman weighs food.

The hairdresser treats people.

All kinds of professions are important for people: teacher, accountant, hairdresser, cook, builder, fireman, driver, engineer, veterinarian salesman - they all benefit humanity, and without them it would be very difficult for us.

Already in childhood, children know exactly what they want to become in the future. They imagine themselves as astronauts, pilots, dream of beautiful and the right thing own life. Subsequently, this passion passes, and the child can choose a completely different profession. But it is very important for children to know what its representatives do and what difficulties they will encounter.

Pictures for children will help tell children about professions.

How to work with the material?

Here you can download free pictures of various professions for children. They are suitable for thematic classes, both at home and in early development clubs, in junior schools. Your child will get to know such professions as: secretary, carpenter, cook, reporter, tour guide, policeman, director, welder, courier, nun, psychic, inspector, dentist, pharmacist, drummer, driver, artist, stylist, district police officer, waiter, nurse, flight attendant, bellhop, pilot, architect, nanny, doctor, singer, guide, cashier, musician, ceramic artist, fireman, hairdresser, photographer, salesman, engineer, veterinarian, teacher, accountant, builder.


Consider with your children the people depicted on the cards. Tell us what this or that person does, what his profession is. If the child knows the professions, then let him first tell what he knows about these jobs, and then you will complement him. Help your child tell stories about professions in pictures.

Pictures and discussions on the topic of professions for children as a whole can be downloaded here:

What do crafts smell like?


Answer questions about professions.
Read the words and connect with a line, who is in what profession, what does they do?

Questions for conversation

Ask leading questions about professions, such as:

  1. What is the name of the person in this profession in the picture?
  2. What is a person wearing at work?
  3. Does it have a special form?
  4. What does he do at this job?
  5. Where he works?
  6. What does he need for work (tools, special devices)?
  7. Why is this profession needed?
  8. How does it benefit people?

What's the best way to tell it? (With examples)

  1. For example, let's talk about the profession of a doctor. The doctor is very necessary profession. The doctor is dressed in a white coat and has a special cap on his head. This is a doctor's form. The doctor treats children and adults from diseases. The doctor works in the hospital. For his work, he needs special tools, such as a phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, etc. The profession of a doctor is needed in order to protect and treat people from various diseases. With the help of these profession cards in pictures, your child will expand his horizons, learn a lot of new things, develop speech, especially important for 3 years old, and memory. You can download professions in pictures here completely free of charge - click on the image below to download for free:
  2. A seller, for example, sells goods in a store. This profession requires communication skills and accuracy. The seller must also be able to count well, and the child’s attention should be focused on this.
  3. Engineer - complex technical profession, requiring good knowledge of mathematics and technology. An engineer can find a use for himself in a factory, when creating new technical developments.
  4. A driver is needed everywhere. This is not just a person who drives a taxi. Drivers are required at enterprises, at construction sites, for intercity cargo transportation, etc. This profession requires endurance, attention and, of course, the ability to drive a car.
  5. A veterinarian treats animals. He must have medical education. And, of course, the veterinarian must love our little brothers.
  6. The cook loves to cook, but he does it according to culinary standards and requirements. A cook is needed not only in canteens or restaurants, but also in organizations, schools, and kindergartens.
  7. The builder participates in the construction of houses. This profession requires physical strength. Construction is a very necessary profession.
  8. The hairdresser does our hair. A hairdresser must have dexterous hands and a subtle artistic taste.
  9. An accountant calculates costs and profits at enterprises, firms, and organizations. An accountant must have an economic education and have mathematical abilities.
  10. A teacher is a rather difficult profession. It is necessary not only to be able to present the material in an interesting way, but also to organize the children’s work. The teacher must have moral restraint and tact, and know his subject well.

Pictures for children on our website will help children learn more about professions and feel what their future recognition will be. The main thing is to instill respect in children for any type of activity. Whoever it is - a fireman, a teacher, a doctor, a builder, a driver - the work of any person must be treated with care.


Whom I want to become?
