Composition on the topic “Life values. The main life values ​​of people: what is most important in life and how to understand it? Life Values ​​Definition and Arguments

Each person has their own life values, on which the adoption of the most important decisions, the choice of a life path depends. Life values ​​are formed in a person depending on his character, on what he likes, what he is fond of and what is most important to him.

For some, the most important thing in life is universal spiritual values. such as family, love, creative development, search for one's purpose, well-being. For others, material goods come first: money, clothes, jewelry, etc.

Some people believe that there is nothing in life more precious than love and family. Such people always and in everything support their relatives, try to do everything possible to ensure that they are happy and healthy. They strive to create their own family hearth, almost everything they do, they do for the prosperity of their family - the dearest and closest people.

Others make career choices. They work hard, making every effort to take the next step up the career ladder, there are no barriers for them, they always strive to win a higher position. Someone works for the sake of money, for such people their financial situation is very important, they want to be richer and richer, to have the most valuable things. Such people often live in luxurious mansions, buy expensive things in famous boutiques, go to beauty salons and drive expensive cars.

With age, life values ​​often change dramatically. In youth, many consider friendship the most valuable. Then love appears, which makes the heart stop or beat faster, it overshadows the eyes and everything seems insignificant and not so significant, but, unfortunately, love is not always mutual. Disappointed in love, people seek solace in work. And for some people, both material and spiritual values ​​are important.

I would just like to become a worthy citizen of my country, get a good education, be the pride of my parents. My life values ​​are no different from the values ​​of millions of other people. I want to start my own family and be a role model for my children. I would also like to have an owl home and a decent job in order to financially support my family and raise my children in abundance.

Together with the article “An essay on the topic “Life Values” they read:


(1) Sophia, Lena and Katya were inseparable from kindergarten. (2) We went to school together and graduated together: Sophia and Lena - impeccable glamor girls with triples in physics and mathematics stretched “behind beautiful eyes”, Katya - with a gold medal, a good ten kilos overweight and an indestructible desire to be like their own in everything stylish girlfriends. (3) And then, all the same together, they entered the university, only in different specialties. (4) Lena and Sophia had a whole “herd” of fans and decent chances for a stellar career in the modeling business, so they went to lectures exclusively to demonstrate new outfits. (5) Katya told them that they would probably be expelled if they did not study, but her friends only laughed at her in response.

(6) But one day Sophia dreamed that they became dolls in the toy department " children's world". (7) A price tag with a very modest amount was pasted on Katya - to match her unsightly appearance, they asked much more for Sophia and Lena.

(8) So they began to live now - royally dressed captives of glass showcases and skillfully painted celluloid boxes.

(9) And one fine day they were bought as a gift for the girl Masha.

(10) At night, when their new mistress fell asleep, Lena and Sophia began to discuss their new life.

- (11) You know, Len, - said Sophia, - we are used to considering appearance and outfits to be the most important - and now we are dolls. (12) Perhaps this is even correct.

- (13) And Katya? Lena asks timidly.

- (14) Katya has never been like us. (15) She was interested in rags, but only because you and I could not live without them. (16) You see how the girl loves Katya: she almost doesn’t let her out of her hands, and goes to bed and eats with her, and you and I miss you on the bedside table day and night. (17) And you know what, Len? (18) Of course, I really want to be in her place. (19) But since this is impossible, at least Katya will be fine.

(20) Girlfriends silently look at the bed.

(21) Masha sniffles in an embrace with a doll, the clock tirelessly cuts eternity into slices. (22) Elena and Sophia do not notice that Katya, lying on the pillow, is struggling to raise her hand, and she finally succeeds. (23) She awkwardly removes a naughty strand from the girl’s face, gently strokes her cheek and whispers something in a neat ear.

(24) The girl shudders, opens one eye and, without looking, rakes all the dolls from the bedside table.

(25) Having comfortably settled in a cocoon of blankets, Lena and Sonya instantly fall asleep in the warm ring of the master's hands, and they have their first dream in this life. (26) They dream that they are loved - not for something, but simply because they are.

(According to I.A. Cleanrova)*

* Kleandrova Irina Alexandrovna (genus. V1981. ) is a modern Russian writer.

Finished essay 9.3 “What are life values”:

Life values ​​are what people consider important in life. These are their principles, guidelines, beliefs. Someone may have material values ​​in priority: prosperity, wealth, stable financial position. And someone chooses spiritual values: love, honesty, kindness ... But whatever a person prefers, his relationships with others, the realization of the right to choose, and the adoption of important decisions depend on it. I will prove this with examples from the life and text of I. A. Cleanrova.

In the text, we are shown the “impeccable glamor girls” Sofya and Lena, for whom beautiful outfits and an attractive appearance were a priority, and the girl Katya, who gave preference to study and friendship. And one day Sophia dreamed that they became dolls, their price was in line with the values ​​​​of life they had chosen: Sophia and Lena were expensive dolls, and Katya was inexpensive. But, despite this, their new mistress loved Katya more than anyone, because she considered the main thing not the appearance, but the inner content, the inner world.

Thinking about life values, I immediately remember the brothers Ostap and Andriy, the heroes of N.V. Gogol's work "Taras Bulba". Andriy betrayed his father, his people, his homeland. Ostap, on the contrary, until his death remained brave, loyal to his people, father, Fatherland. His life values ​​inspire admiration and respect.

Thus, everyone chooses life values ​​for himself, which serve as a guide in life, help to make the right decisions and build relationships with people around him.

Lesson topic: Preparation for an essay-reasoning on the topic “What are life values? » (15.3)

Lesson Objectives:

educational: to teach students to write an essay - reasoning on the source text within the framework of the OGE;

developing: to form the ability to understand the main idea of ​​the text read, to express their point of view on the topic covered, to give arguments, to expand lexicon, to form communicative competence;

Nurturing: to cultivate interest in the subject, the formation of the moral qualities of students, as a system of life values.

Equipment: computer presentation to the lesson, cards.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Hello guys, today we continue preparing for the exam, we will learn how to write an essay-reasoning.

2. Introduction to the topic, the formation of motivation

Let's start the lesson by reading the parable:

Once a wise man, standing in front of his students, did the following. He took a large glass vessel and filled it to the brim with large stones. Having done this, he asked the disciples if the vessel was full. Everyone confirmed that it was full.

Then the sage took a box of small pebbles, poured it into a vessel and gently shook it several times. Pebbles rolled into the gaps between large stones and filled them. After that, he again asked the disciples if the vessel was now full. They again confirmed the fact - full.

And finally, the sage took a box of sand from the table and poured it into a vessel. The sand, of course, filled the last gaps in the vessel.

Now,” the sage addressed his disciples, “I would like you to be able to recognize your life in this vessel!”

Large stones represent important things in life: your family, your loved one, your health, your children - those things that, even without everything else, can still fill your life. Small stones represent less important things, such as your apartment, your house, or your car. Sand symbolizes life's little things, everyday fuss. If you first fill your vessel with sand, then there will be no room for larger stones.

It is the same in life - if you spend all your energy on small things, then there will be nothing left for big things.

Watch your big stones - they are the only ones that have value, everything else is just sand.

Conversation on:

Guys, what can be understood from the parable? What is more important in life?

What values ​​are important in life? What does this text teach?

Guess what is the topic of our lesson?

So, today we will talk with you about such a concept as life values. and what they should be, we will collect material for the essay. ( write down the date and topic of the lesson)

Every person has different values. Therefore, there is simply no specific set of ideal ones.

Life values ​​are a set of certain useful, significant and even extremely important intangible or material things for a person that play a significant role in his life and guided by which he carries out certain actions.

You can make a whole list of them. :

Family, home, children

Work, career, business

Caring for the weak

Personal growth, self-development

Beauty, health, entertainment

Relationships, love

money, things

Sports, activities, strength, height

Education, etc.

Our list does not end here, it can still be extended.

What is more important from this list is a completely different question. Here again, everything is purely individual. You can, of course, talk about some generally accepted things “as if correct”, but from my point of view this will not be entirely true, because it’s impossible for a person to decide what is more important to him.

Everyone has their own character, their own understanding of life, their own goals, and starting from this, the basic life values ​​are formed.

For one, personal development is important, for another, career and money are important, for the third, family. And it cannot be said that someone here does not make the right accent, just everyone has their own vision. The main thing is that it should be in moderation and not exceed moral and ethical standards, otherwise everything will not be harmonious.

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

    values ​​are what is important to a person in a certain context;

    everything that is dear to a person can be called a value.

    Values ​​are what a person especially appreciates in life, to which he attaches a special, positive life meaning.

    Life values ​​are what is a priority for a particular person.

Let's pick up synonyms and antonyms for it (write it in notebooks).

Synonyms: significance, usefulness, preciousness, treasure, ideal, dignity, importance, need, advantage

Antonyms: secondary importance, worthlessness, uselessness

Why is it important to know your life values?

(They are helping

    formulate the goals of their own actions and desires;

    distinguish between good and evil;

    determine their value orientations;

    build relationships with others;

    evaluate themselves, their activities and behavior in accordance with the norms and rules established in society;


    avoid mistakes in the choice of decisions or actions;

    feel confident in any life situation, etc.)

Let's get to the task:

How task 15(3) is worded.

How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LIFE VALUES? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What are LIFE VALUES?".
Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) argument examples confirming your reasoning: one example, give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

The length of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay neat, legible handwriting

_ We have a cliche to help (Slide)

Reading the text by the teacher.

For analysis, let's take the text of Anatoly Aleksin:

(1) On that memorable day, when Kolka returned from the pioneer camp, in the center of the table was a pie bought by Elena Stanislavovna.

(2) To this day, Nelya has learned a new piece of music - bravura and solemn, like marches, with which the winners of battles are greeted. (3) And Kolka appeared on the threshold with his nose peeled in the sun and with an old, also peeling suitcase.

(4) Nelya rushed to her round swivel chair without a back, threw back the shiny lid of the piano - and the march broke out. (5) But she did not manage to play to the end ...

– (6) Where is my Blackback? Kolka shouted, drowning out the piano. (7) Blackback he called the wounded gull, which he found last summer on the lake, near the camp, and treated him all winter.

- (8) She ... was in the kitchen, - the father answered and moved towards Kolka with open arms. - (9) Hello! ..

(10) Kolka dodged his hands, threw his suitcase on the couch and ran out of the room. (11) All three - father, Elena Stanislavovna and Nelya - looked at each other, uncertainly followed him.

(12) There was an empty cage in the kitchen on the window ... (13) Kolka built this cage a long time ago with his mother's help, and it would probably be quite suitable even for a broad-winged mountain eagle, and not just for a modest seagull. (14) A bush grew inside the cage in a pot of earth so that the bird, if it were not a river gull, could sit on it and remember its native forest. (15) Now the leaves on the bush have curled up into dry tubules: apparently, no one has watered them for a long time.

(16) The cage door, which could well be called a door, was open. (17) There were a few yellow grains in an empty tin can...

– (18) Did you give her fish? Kolka asked quietly.

- (19) No ... we did not have time to mess with the fish, - answered the father. - (20) But the grains ... (21) Kolka was afraid to ask the main question, delaying it ...

- (22) But here, in the kitchen, it is dark and hot ... and it smells of gas. (23) Why did you bring her here?..

- (24) You know, Nikolai (his father always called him that - Nikolai in serious moments), you know that Nelya didn’t rest anywhere in the summer, that she worked from morning to evening, and the bird screamed, flapped its wings, something there rustled. (25) Well, in general, interfered with her ...

- (26) Black-Back, so it bothered you a lot? - still quietly, avoiding the main question, Kolka asked Nely.

- (27) Yes, it interfered! - the girl answered loudly, rattling from impending crying.

- (28) No wonder they call you Squeaky at school!

(29) Still ... (30) After all, I'm your sister!

- (31) And you are not my sister ... - Kolka blurted out.

(32) So far, Elena Stanislavovna has been silent. (33) In the depths of her soul, she believed that she should have been more sensitive to Kolka's request and should have carefully monitored the sick bird. (34) She was even ready to admit her guilt aloud. (35) But the last phrase instantly changed all her intentions.

- (36) How can you do that, Kolya? (37) Nelya sees her brother in you, she was so preparing for your arrival ... (38) And this Black Back really prevented her from studying.

– (39) Where is she now? – quietly asked Kolka, not hearing anything, except for what concerned his favorite bird. (40) Elena Stanislavovna lowered her head.

- (41) She died, - plucking up courage, the father answered. (42) Kolka swayed ... (43) He was also struck by the fact that his beloved bird, for which he brought a whole jar of fry from the camp, was gone, and that his father said about her death so directly and rudely.

- (44) She died ... but did not die. (45) Died because of you! Kolka shouted, barely holding back tears. (46) He grabbed his huge cage and, awkwardly dragging it in front of him, stumbling, ran into the yard ...

- (47) I don’t understand anything, - Elena Stanislavovna said slowly. - (48) We met him like that ... (49) Nelya prepared the march. (50) Just think, birds!..

(According to A. Aleksin)

Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin - Russian prose writer, playwright. Author of the stories "Sasha and Shura", "The Unusual Adventures of Seva Kotlov", "Kolya writes to Olya, Olya writes to Kolya", which depict the collision of children and adolescents with the world of adults.

- Who is the main character, guys?

What have we learned about him?

- What are the values ​​here?

(The boy saved a wounded seagull, treated her all winter, fed her with fish, made a spacious cage with the help of her mother and planted a bush so that the bird would be comfortable. He was amazed that no one cared for her, that her father spoke so rudely about her death. No one in the family, except for Kolka, did not care about the bird, it interfered with everyone.)

What are the values ​​of the heroes? Kolki? What is more important to him?

    mutual understanding in the family;

    respect for the feelings of others;

  • mercy;

    caring for the weak;

    mutual assistance.

And for the father, Elena Stanislavovna, Nelya?

(based on the content of the text, name 2-3 of their priorities)

(own well-being, soullessness)

- Name the style of this text. (Art).

What type of speech is used in the text? (Narration).

1. Let's write the introduction to the essay - definition (Step 1):

Life values ​​are a set of extremely important qualities of character for a person that guide his actions and actions. I believe that material values ​​are important for someone: money, luxury goods, power. And for others, priority is given to moral values: mutual understanding in the family, kindness, care for the weak, responsibility, mutual assistance. To prove my words, I will give specific examples.

Values ​​are the main goals and priorities. It is by them that the essence of each person is determined, it is they who influence his life. What a person believes in, what he aspires to, what principles and ideals he adheres to, and his values ​​​​are characterized. So everyone chooses for himself what he considers the most important and significant.

What are life values

Life values ​​and guidelines are understood as absolute values ​​that are in the first place in a person's worldview. They are connected with his behavior, desires and aspirations. With their help, the tasks are solved, priorities are set.

Each person has his own hierarchy of values. Life is built according to it: whom he chooses as friends, on what principles he chooses a profession, how much effort he spends on education, what hobbies he is interested in, how ready he is to interact with other people.

Throughout life, changes occur in the hierarchy.

Children's age puts one in the first place important events, youthfulness attaches importance to other moments, youth brings something third to the fore, mature age teaches us to appreciate something fourth, and old age teaches us to pay attention to something else. Young people and older people always have different views and life priorities.

When a person in his life is faced with certain events (happy or tragic), in his worldview, cardinal changes. There is a complete rethinking of life, setting new priorities up to the opposite of the original ones.

Such changes are natural process when the human psyche and personality develop. When conditions environment change, the ability to adapt to them is a protective function of the body, part of evolution.

Each individual needs a clear understanding of what the hierarchy of his own system is. When difficult situations knowing this will help you make an important decision, for example, choosing one necessary thing out of two. Understanding one's own paramount values, a person is able to identify what is truly important for him in order to achieve well-being.

For example, the most common life situation is next. The man is a responsible workaholic. He can not avoid delays after work to successfully complete the tasks. He loves his work, it is interesting, well-paid, promising, but never-ending.

The man is tormented by thoughts that he could work more. As opposed to work, a man has a beloved family that every evening expects her husband and father to return early. The spouse often shows dissatisfaction. This introduces a man into a state of additional discomfort. There is a delay in dissatisfaction with one's life, such a feeling turns into a chronic one.

These situations require the correct prioritization, a specific definition of what to put forward in the first place.

Awareness of values ​​will help in resolving the internal problem and stop throwing. It is unrealistic to be in time everywhere, but the choice of paramount importance must be able to be made. If you understand such cases and build a hierarchy of priorities for yourself, you can avoid personal conflicts as much as possible.

Life values ​​cannot be right or wrong. Some put a successful career in the first place, others - family relationships, and others - self-development.

It is important to be aware of priorities, to be internally consistent with them. And to understand that an internal conflict may arise if it is difficult for a person to make a decision and decide what is truly important for him.

Examples from life and literature

Consider specific examples with bad and good life guidelines. Not all good values ​​are mandatory for every person, but there are also important, basic ones.

Values ​​are the basis of a person's personality. For example, love for the family, the desire for successful career, spiritual development - all this allows us to characterize it.

  • If a person loves his family, he is responsible, loving, caring;
  • Success in the professional field in the eyes of others makes a person disciplined and purposeful;
  • A person who has chosen spiritual development for himself is highly moral;
  • The one who chooses constant learning and improvement is intellectual.

In the literature, you can find the most striking examples that characterize the basic life values ​​of a person, let's consider a few:

  • The ancient Greek myth about King Midas, who rendered a service to the god Dionysus, tells how important it is to choose your priorities in life. The king wished that everything he touched turned into gold. God fulfilled his desire, but food and drinks also began to become gold in his hands - greed is a bad life guide.
  • "The Tale of Lost Time" by E. Schwartz teaches that time is the basic and most important life value that must be used wisely. lazy people they will not notice how time will pass, old age will come - then it will be too late to strive for the heights.
  • There are values ​​that are called "eternal", that do not change from generation to generation. One of these is friendship. Its importance was perfectly illustrated by the Fox from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery - a person who has known sincere friendship feels important, necessary, escapes loneliness and boredom, is able to know true happiness.
  • In V. Dragunsky's story "What Mishka Loves", the music teacher asked the children what is most important for a person. One child listed a lot of things - "the whole world", and the second only his favorite treats. Being a versatile person who is able to be interested in and love the world around is good. But elevating material values ​​to an absolute is bad even for an adult, and even more so for a child.
  • However, not all good values ​​are universal. A vivid illustration of this is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinich". Two peasants have a different mindset - for one, a strong life is important, for another, closeness to nature, art, he can be described as a person "hovering in the clouds."

    What is bad about this? Nothing, these are different personalities who complement each other in their communication.

Behavior Prerequisites

Values ​​are what motivates human behavior.

A person who has chosen health as a vital value will behave in such a way as to preserve it: he will choose the right way of life, begin to control changes in the body, and begin to avoid any circumstances that are dangerous.

A person who is distinguished by kindness, decency will not be able to betray, commit meanness or lie.

An exception is possible in those cases when one has to change attitudes due to external influence of specific reasons: because of fear, a desire to avoid responsibility, etc. In the presence of such factors, a person commits acts that go against his existing principles.

Most often it turns out that having achieved a result, a person is not satisfied with it, because the internal principles contradicted the committed actions.

Basic life values

The conditional division of life values ​​is represented by two groups:

  1. Material - represented by the desire for money, home, comfort, financial well-being, stability.
  2. Spiritual - is divided into several subgroups and includes:
  • family: the presence of intimate long-term permanent relationships in a couple, the birth of children, a feeling of love and need,
  • friends and colleagues: the desire to feel part of society,
  • career: striving for a certain social status and respect for authoritative people,
  • doing what you love: doing business projects or hobbies in music, sports, showing talent,
  • engaging in education and development of abilities, advanced training,
  • health care and appearance: achieving harmony and good physical form, prevention and treatment of diseases.

For example, to get an education, you need to have certain money that you need to earn. Finances allow the family to feel comfortable and spend leisure time interestingly. Health and beauty also require financial investments. Determining the social status of a person comes from the material wealth that he has acquired.

From this we can conclude that material and spiritual values ​​cannot be separated from each other.

Life values ​​can be divided into two groups. One of them is represented by universal human values ​​(cultural). It includes notions of good and bad. Their laying occurs in childhood. The child's family is taken as a model. The basis of priorities is what the parents took for values. Human priorities are based on the following:

  • physical health,
  • success in life (education, career, social status),
  • family, children, love, friends,
  • spiritual development,
  • freedom
  • creative realization.

The second group is represented by individual values. Their formation takes place throughout life. Each person chooses them for himself. They may include kindness, faith in people, and the like.

How life values ​​are formed

The formation of a value system takes shape in childhood, when education and interaction with others begins. It will not work to change one's own views and beliefs in adulthood, when the personality has already been formed.

There are four main factors that influence internal attitudes:

  1. The influence of family education. It is the parents who are the main source that influences the formation of the child. Demonstration of certain behaviors by parents in most cases will force the child to behave in the same way in the future.
  2. Influence of kindergarten and school. Educational institutions have a significant impact on the next generation. Educators and teachers spend a lot of time with preschoolers and schoolchildren. What matters to children is information that comes from teachers they respect.
  3. The influence of social norms. Interaction with society is based on certain norms of behavior. If these norms are violated, other people condemn the violator.
  4. The process of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is no less important for the formation of personality and its values. The existing attitudes of a mature person can be changed only after a complex introspection. His help lies in determining the real views and beliefs that do not correspond to the stereotypes imposed by the family or society.

How to discover your values

Thanks to the developments of psychologists, there are a variety of methods that diagnose life values.

For example, online testing. To do this, you need to spend no more than 15 minutes and in a few seconds get the result by answering multiple choice questions or choosing items from a list with several statements.

In such tests, there are no right or wrong answers. At the end, the test taker receives the result in the form of a list of values.

Using these methods allows you to quickly find out your own priority hierarchy. Sometimes a person does not agree with the results that he received. In such cases, you can turn to other tests.

Testing is also good because while a person is thinking about questions, he is already choosing the most significant and secondary things for himself.

Alternatively, you can try to analyze your priorities yourself. A piece of paper is taken, on which everything that matters is written, all the most expensive, valuable things, both material and spiritual.

After the list is made, you need to take a break, for example, do something else. Then return to the list and choose from it the 10 most important things. The rest must be deleted. After that, the list is re-read again and halved again. To determine priorities, you need to imagine various situations from life. This will help you pick out important points.

After five values ​​remain on the list, they need to be written in points from 1 to 5, depending on how important it is. What will be under the number 1 is the priority. The remaining four things will be important, but not as important.

The value system of men and women

Men, as a value, represent realization in society, while women, to a greater extent, want to realize themselves in the family.

If a wife is able to create comfortable home conditions for her husband, support and understanding, this will guarantee the success of a man in many endeavors.

In the modern world, many women also choose to realize themselves in society. At the same time, creating a family and giving birth to children is no less important task for them.

General system values ​​of representatives of both sexes are factors:

Hierarchy of values

Each has a hierarchy of priorities with its own characteristics. The location of each vital value is in its place, which depends on how significant it is.

Numerous studies have shown a generalized result of the hierarchy of values. Most people put in the hierarchy:

  • family
  • children,
  • health,
  • career,
  • finance,
  • self-realization,
  • relationships with friends
  • hobby,
  • recognition in society.

This shows that the basic personal and family values ​​are at the very top, material and other values ​​are much lower.

How to instill good values ​​in your child

For many young parents, one of the most important questions is how to instill life values ​​in a child, to give the right upbringing.

Choosing a system of priorities for raising a child, each parent must understand for himself what the “correct” values ​​are.

Those things that are formed in early childhood remain in the head throughout the rest of life. If a person does not expect serious shocks, these ideas cannot be changed. These are universal values ​​- family, love, self-development, education, career, material well-being.

A child in whose family preference was given to relationships with close people will give a lot of strength to love and interpersonal relationships. The desire for career heights will form an ambitious personality out of a child with a claim to a certain status.

Life experience allows the child to build a system of values.

For example, it will not work to convince a teenager that a family should be valued if the father devotes all his time to work, and the mother is busy only with gadgets or beauty salons, not paying any attention to the child. Only your own example of parents will help to form the “right” life priorities.

Rethinking values

The beginning of the formation of the main life values ​​occurs in the first year of life. At 22, this process comes to an end.

Throughout his life, a person has to get into various situations that can lead to a rethinking of priorities. As a rule, these are moments in which a person experiences strong emotional upheavals (both positive and negative), or gets into a protracted one.

Rethinking values ​​can be caused by:

  • marriage,
  • the birth of a child,
  • the loss of someone close to you,
  • a sharp change in material well-being,
  • serious illnesses (own or someone close to you),
  • tragic events in the world,
  • falling in love with a person whose qualities differ from previously presented ideals,
  • life crises,
  • old age.

A person can come to a change of priorities without own will, but in those cases when instincts lead to the optimal way to continue the life path.

For example, a person experiencing a crisis may rethink their values ​​due to mental anguish. Depression and a sense of one's own unhappiness raise a sharp question about priorities for a person. It is necessary to change priorities in such situations consciously, with a clear desire life changes.

The opportunity to rethink values ​​allows you to take the chance to open a clean slate for a new life. In most of these cases, a person changes for the better, his life is filled with happiness and harmony.