Am I crazy or not? How do I know if I'm crazy or not? Drastic personality change

You always have in your purse:
A) Player with your favorite music
B) Phone, wallet, lipstick
B) Valerian

If your relationship with your colleagues at work doesn’t work out, you:
A) You don’t care about this: you came here to work, not to communicate
B) You will try to figure everything out and correct the situation
C) You quit with a scandal

Your friend calls you at one in the morning and sobs into the phone. You:
A) You will say that you will definitely talk tomorrow, but now you are sleeping. The morning is wiser than the evening
B) Find out what's going on. Will you try to help at least with advice?
C) You will cry helplessly with her

You have to spend the night alone in an empty country house. Your reaction:
A) You don’t care where to sleep
B) Of course, it’s a pity that your boyfriend couldn’t join, but you have the opportunity to watch your favorite movie and get some sleep
C) You won’t fall asleep all night listening to every rustle

You're walking down a dark alley:
A) Home
B) With caution
B) With an ax

The guy who smiled at you on the subway must have been:
A) Who smiled? I have not noticed
B) I appreciated your skirt
B) Maniac!

Someone stepped on your foot on the bus. You:
A) You will look disapprovingly
B) Ask to be careful
B) You burst into tears

You and your boyfriend had a fight because of you. What will you do?
A) I’ll wait until everything gets better on its own
B) I’ll figure out a way to make peace
C) I’ll slam the door and move to live with my mother

On new year party you and your friend came in the same dresses. Your reaction:
A) Just think! Nothing special
B) Funny! You can have a look-alike contest!
B) Disaster! She betrayed me! I will never be friends with her again!

Now let's find out if you're crazy. Are you ready?
A) Ready
B) Of course!
B) Let's hurry up!!!

More A:
0%. There's nothing crazy about you. People like you are popularly called “don’t care.” It seems completely impossible to piss you off. You know exactly what stability is and value it very much. Just don’t turn into a robot: keeping all your emotions inside can be very dangerous.

More B:
20%. You a common person with my little weaknesses. There are situations in your life that make you angry, but usually you brilliantly find a way out of them. You respect yourself and the people around you, you know how to adequately assess what is happening, so communicating with you is a pleasure. Keep it up!

More in:
99,9%. Congratulations, you're crazy! Or you skillfully disguise yourself as one. One way or another, you know how to throw a tantrum and get what you want with tears. A lot of things frighten and irritate you; any trifle can throw you off balance. Remember: nerve cells do not regenerate! So stop worrying about trifles.

So, you are a catatonic psycho.

Catatonia is the third stage of schizophrenia. This means you must lie quietly, look at the ceiling and not blather. Okay, as an exception, you are sometimes allowed to attack nurses. "

:))) and still I'm crazy.

try copying to Andres and press enter)

You are inadequate and unpredictable. You talk all sorts of nonsense and do stupid things, like trying to spit at the ceiling. The fact that the spit will fly back and land on you does not bother you.

I can’t reach mine while jumping on the bed.

I think it’s normal when people spit at the ceiling and at the same time jump on the bed trying to reach it) it’s normal for anyone, especially for psychos.

I'll go try it too! :):):)

You are very deeply depressed. No matter what happens in your life, you are constantly trying to kill yourself. Well, take antidepressants, the author takes them himself and recommends them to you.

How can you tell if you're crazy or not? How to recognize a psycho in yourself? Only seriously.

I, too, went crazy for a while, but so well that I actually began to doubt everything X))) And then I asked one person who understands these matters what was happening to me. He answered: “If you are thinking about the question of whether you are normal or not, then it’s just your nerves that are upset, nothing more. , because one of the signs of true insanity is a complete denial of one’s abnormality.” I’ve read a lot about addiction: usually one of the serious warning signs is the thought “I can handle everything, it’s not an addiction!” “, i.e. denial of the obvious.

Simply put, the answer is this: if you doubt whether you are para-, non-, etc. normal, then be calm: everything is fine with you :)))

How can you recognize if you are a psycho? I think this: since no one is born crazy from the start :), then by changing the attitude towards the environment. Well, or the perception of it. Or even both signs together :) Let’s say that previously a person passing along the street (a completely stranger, such an old man, let’s say) did not irritate you in any way, but recently it began to seem as if all the old people were not holding a wand in their hand, but were carrying a cleverly disguised New Year’s rocket, to launch you to Mars with its help, and therefore you begin to terribly hate them all. There is no logic, but the fear still does not disappear, and the irritation even more so. Or this situation: for some reason, when looking at the same old people, it seems that they all have blue noses, which no one had before. Everything is decent, but the noses are like those of clowns, and even then not quite, or Santa Clauses. Or even a mania begins called “blue-nosed old men are chasing me because I want to rid the world of the dominance of Santa Clauses, who speed up the rotation of the Earth, calling more often New Year to our planet and send it to Mars so that I don’t interfere with them.” And sometimes, with madness, a kind of monomania appears - painful, but at the same time often bringing some kind of wild satisfaction. You perform some kind of ritual all the time (let’s say, at exactly 4.05 in the morning you go out to feed goldfish on the neighbor’s window, and if you don’t do this, then your soul becomes despondent: oh, something bad is bound to happen! After all, fish are fish, but this one is still golden. Logic, the last treasure of brains that are not completely crazy, says: “Give me that fish, didn’t you eat canned food, or what? And not your good; the neighbor will try himself,” but my soul is still cloudy. A firm conviction came from somewhere and does not go away. This is already a disorder, although not complete madness :)))

How to find out if you are crazy or not -

brief psychological portrait

Diagnose yourself

Don't ask others -

After all, everyone must decide for themselves,

Is he crazy or not crazy?

Are you happy with the country?

Or with one wife?

And do you sleep peacefully with him*?

Are you happy with your fate?

Are you happy with yourself?

The years you have lived?

Processing test results

For each “Yes” answer, you are awarded the number of points corresponding to the table. To find out your diagnosis, add up all your scores.

  1. If you score less than 10 points, this simply does not happen in our lives. Your diagnosis is a malingerer!
  2. If from 10 to 20 points - an intermediate stage of madness. The clinical picture is not clearly expressed. They won’t take you to the yellow house yet, at most to the White one.
  3. From 20 to 30 points - the diagnosis of “psycho” is highly likely, but the details need to be clarified. Consult your treating psychiatrist.
  4. 30 points or more - the diagnosis is obvious. You have a direct path to public politics.

Interested in details? Let us clarify: since the main reason for “going crazy” for a normal person is stress, it is recommended to undergo an additional test in this regard.

And finally, to finally make sure whether you are crazy or not, try to solve our psychiatric riddle

The answer to the question: "What to do?"- you will find it in another section, a serious one.

am I crazy test

How to find out if I'm crazy or not

In the section Diseases, Medicines, the question How to understand whether you are crazy or not? How to recognize a psycho in yourself? Only seriously. the best answer given by the author of Remarque is Hmmm, they already answered me before 😉

I, too, went crazy for a while, but so well that I actually doubted everything X)) And then I asked one person who understands these matters, what is happening to me. He answered: “If you are thinking about the question of whether you are normal or not, then it’s just your nerves that are upset, nothing more, because one of the signs of true insanity is a complete denial of your abnormality.” I’ve read a lot about addiction: usually one of the serious warning signs is the thought “I can handle everything, it’s not an addiction!”, i.e. denial of the obvious.

Simply put, the answer is this: if you doubt whether you are para-, non-, etc. normal, then be calm: everything is fine with you :))

How can you recognize if you are a psycho? I think this: since no one is born crazy from the start :), then by changing the attitude towards the environment. Well, or the perception of it. Or even both signs together :) Let’s say that previously a person passing along the street (a completely stranger, such an old man, let’s say) did not irritate you in any way, but recently it began to seem as if all the old people were not holding a wand in their hand, but were carrying a cleverly disguised New Year’s rocket, to launch you to Mars with its help, and therefore you begin to terribly hate them all. There is no logic, but the fear still does not disappear, and the irritation even more so. Or this situation: for some reason, when looking at the same old people, it seems that they all have blue noses, which no one had before. Everything is decent, but the noses are like those of clowns, and even then not quite, or Santa Clauses. Or even a mania begins called “blue-nosed old men are pursuing me, because I want to rid the world of the dominance of Santa Clauses, who speed up the rotation of the Earth, more often calling the New Year to our planet, and send me to Mars so that I do not interfere with them.” And sometimes, with madness, a kind of monomania appears - painful, but at the same time often bringing some kind of wild satisfaction. All the time you perform a certain ritual (say, at exactly 4.05 in the morning you go out to feed the goldfish on your neighbor’s window, and if you don’t do this, then you feel despondent in your soul: oh, something bad is bound to happen! After all, fish are fish, but this one is still golden. Logic, the last asset of brains that are not completely crazy, says: “Give me that fish, didn’t you eat canned food, or what? And it’s not your good; the neighbor will try himself,” but the soul is still cloudy. From somewhere, a firm conviction It came and didn’t go away. Now this is a disorder, although not complete madness :))

Original source Any more questions? :)) (PS: it was written under the Gallaghers :))

hit your head against the wall and you'll be screwed.

See a specialist (psychotherapist, psychiatrist). There you will take the test, and it will become more or less clear.

go to a psychiatric hospital look at others if you think it’s fun here you’re crazy, if not then you’re a normal person

If you ask yourself this question, then you are definitely not crazy, crazy people firmly believe in their normality

Read a textbook on psychiatry and you will discover yourself from completely different sides :-))

But seriously, if you have any problem, don’t be afraid to consult a doctor.

In relation to those around you... Until they suggested that I be examined by a psychiatrist, it means it’s still tolerable.

Secondly, visit a psychologist’s office, an experienced specialist will help you figure out whether you need consultation and observation of a psychiatrist, or just go to a simple clinic where there are psychologists, and if necessary, get a referral to the clinic for examination.

who cares about your mental health? let them have a headache

Crazy people don't ask questions like that

If you think about it, we're all crazy. But everyone has their own excuse 😀

If you're asking this question. Then you are still normal, because a psycho never doubts anything.

My grandmother was treated at the clinic several times and always agreed with her abnormality. You can't guess here.


Test: How crazy are you?

Today the world celebrates Mental Health Day. Take our fun test and find out how crazy you are.

You always have in your purse:

A) Player with your favorite music

B) Phone, wallet, lipstick

A) You don’t care about this: you came here to work, not to communicate

B) You will try to figure everything out and correct the situation

C) You quit with a scandal

A) You will say that you will definitely talk tomorrow, but now you are sleeping. The morning is wiser than the evening

B) Find out what's going on. Will you try to help at least with advice?

C) You will cry helplessly with her

A) You don’t care where to sleep

B) Of course, it’s a pity that your boyfriend couldn’t join, but you have the opportunity to watch your favorite movie and get some sleep

C) You won’t fall asleep all night listening to every rustle

B) With caution

A) Who smiled? I have not noticed

B) I appreciated your skirt

A) You will look disapprovingly

B) Ask to be careful

A) I’ll wait until everything gets better on its own

B) I’ll figure out a way to make peace

C) I’ll slam the door and move to live with my mother

You and your friend came to the New Year's party in identical dresses. Your reaction:

A) Just think! Nothing special

B) Funny! You can have a look-alike contest!

B) Disaster! She betrayed me! I will never be friends with her again!

B) Let's hurry up already.

0%. There's nothing crazy about you. People like you are popularly called “don’t care.” It seems completely impossible to piss you off. You know exactly what stability is and value it very much. Just don’t turn into a robot: keeping all your emotions inside can be very dangerous.

20%. You are an ordinary person with your little weaknesses. There are situations in your life that drive you crazy, but usually you brilliantly find a way out of them. You respect yourself and the people around you, you know how to adequately assess what is happening, so communicating with you is a pleasure. Keep it up!

99.9%. Congratulations, you're crazy! Or you skillfully disguise yourself as one. One way or another, you know how to throw a tantrum and get what you want with tears. A lot of things frighten and irritate you; any trifle can throw you off balance. Remember: nerve cells do not regenerate! So stop worrying about trifles.

How to determine without a specialist that a person is mentally ill

There is no need to confuse the two concepts:

Anyone can get upset due to hormonal levels, changes in the body, a bad situation, total bad luck and many other factors and reasons.

The main indicator of “upset” is temporary.

With illness everything is much worse, here “temporality” is replaced by “timelessness”. It is almost impossible to cure mental illness.

If a person is sure that he is Napoleon, this is forever. At best, it can be stuffed with drugs, given a course of electric shock treatment and turned into a vegetable. But the vegetables are simply silent and do not move. That's why we don't know what's in their heads.

To determine in advance whether a person is sick, you need to know the main signs of the disease. We will talk about this in the article.

Drastic personality change

We all change little by little, and our environment, time, experience and interests change us. This is normal: a person loses something, gains something.

For example, the bank clerk who left work like this and came to work the next day in a Pokemon costume. Of course, this could be a joke, an answer to a lost argument, or a costume party.

Man has forgotten how to do everyday things

A bank clerk who comes to work, but when he sees the reports that he only completed halfway through yesterday, comes into complete stupor. He doesn't understand how he did it yesterday. He has completely lost his skill.

Absurd ideas

All the signs need to be taken by the company, and not pulled out one of them and draw hasty conclusions based only on it. This applies to this feature. The absurdity in an idea can be seen by the surrounding society if it is simply not mature enough to understand such an idea.

They say about many geniuses that they were born before their era. The world was not yet ready to accept their ideas.

Consequently, such people were considered not just eccentrics, but madmen, sorcerers and devils.

  • At one time, Giordano Bruno made a number of discoveries that were ahead of the era in which he lived. He said that stars are the suns of other galaxies, and there are an infinite number of galaxies in the universe. Only after 300 years, a monument was erected in honor of the legendary scientist at the place of execution.
  • Galileo was the same, but lived to be 77 years old because he renounced his discoveries in time. He denied that the earth was round and revolved around the sun, which at one time was motionless.
  • And Nikola Tesla? Only recently have people started going crazy about electric vehicles, but it was invented almost a hundred years ago. Tesla died in 1943 in complete poverty, leaving 300 inventions to his descendants.

An infinite number of examples can be given, we think that the essence is already clear. We cross out geniuses born in a different age from this attribute.

A clerk in a Pokemon costume wanders around the office, greeting every folder, report and colleague with a blank stare. And then he starts offering crazy ideas. He brushes off objections and says that he came up with a spell.

Increased anxiety

A sick person is disturbed by the whole world: leaves on trees, a yard dog, reflections in puddles.

Deepest apathy

It is common for a healthy person to fall into depression, as well as to fall out of it. The main thing is to retreat into yourself for a while and come out on time and full of strength.

Reorganization of the daily routine

It happens that a healthy person confuses day with night. There are certain reasons for this. But when a person sleeps during the day, stays awake at night, eats every 10 minutes or does not eat for days - this may be neurosis, but in combination with other signs - a mental illness.


Hatred of everything and everyone. When everything said and done, and not said and not done, enrages you.


They can be both auditory and visual. A person sees something and hears something. There are mediums, psychics and sorcerers who have this ability. They hear the voices of dead people and see ghosts. It's another matter when a person talks to an imaginary friend.

Suicidal mood

A sick person does not understand what death is. He plays. For example, he may decide that he is flying away tomorrow, so today he must say goodbye to everyone, complete all his business and distribute things.


A person goes crazy gradually, slowly, methodically, and then something “finishes” him off and he stops perceiving reality.


Each of us has our skeletons in our closet, but not everyone can be called a psychopath.

Would you like to know to what extent your brain is perverted?

This test should not be taken too seriously, but some people will still have to think about certain things.

10 most interesting psychological tests that you should go through

All these tests will help a person assess his mental health, his intelligence, temperament and other equally important things.

Luscher color test

This test makes it possible to quickly analyze a person's personality based on data obtained from the usual choice of colors. Such a quick test allows you to assess a person’s condition at a certain moment.

Rorschach test

This test analyzes the psyche and its disorders. So far no one has been able to determine how accurate the Rorschach test is. But still, this test makes it possible for psychologists and psychiatrists to find out very important information, which will further help diagnose possible mental disorders.

Eysenck test

This temperament test allows a specialist to determine a person’s temperament type and emotional stability.

Ammon's I-structure test

The author of this test is the German school of psychoanalysis and psychiatry. In Russia, it was adapted by the best minds of the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V.M. Bekhterev. The test itself is a questionnaire, and based on a person’s answers, many psychological characteristics of the individual can be assessed.

Beck test

It was proposed in 1961. It is based on clinical observations that make it possible to identify symptoms of depression.

IQ tests

There are several tests of this type:

Eysenck test - perhaps the most famous test to determine IQ level.

Raven's Test – used as a tool to help categorize test subjects according to their level of mental development. This test was developed by John Raven and L. Penrose.