How to come up with something new or generate ideas. How to come up with a truly bright and profitable business idea? I want to come up with something new

If you need to get your work or project off the ground, develop a new direction and increase efficiency, both personal and throughout production, generate a new concept. If you want to radically change something in your life, plan something large-scale, generate new ideas. How? There are many ways to come up with something original and get amazing results. We offer you a selection of the most popular methods.

1. Brainstorm

The effectiveness of this technique has been confirmed by many. During brainstorming, you don't need to understand whether a goal is achievable or whether a particular problem is being solved. Initially, it is much more important to convey it to others in order to discuss together all the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and limitations, etc.

During a brainstorming session, first, absolutely all the ideas that come to mind are written down, even crazy ones - you generate something new, like a dreamer who has a limitless imagination. Then you think about each of the ideas like a performer - it doesn’t matter how complex or simple they are, the main thing is that you write down all the steps for their implementation and understand all the advantages. Nothing invented is discarded.

Only then, when the flow of ideas ends, do you become a sensible executor who determines how suitable this or that idea is for you or your company. This way, the most complex and ineffective decisions are discarded. As a result of brainstorming, as a rule, a couple of thoughts of medium complexity remain, which are as relevant and effective as possible.

2. Wish cards and mind maps

To start the process of change, to come up with something new, you need to imagine what you want - create a picture of your desires or record it on paper in the form of the so-called. mindmap. A picture of desires is magazine clippings and beautiful pictures that visualize your desires after fulfillment - a happy family, three children, a Labrador near the car, a slim body, pumped up muscles, etc.

A mindmap is a key idea or topic (for example, “finding a calling,” “increasing income”) centered on a sheet of paper with branches. These are minor ideas or steps to implement the main idea, which, in turn, can also have branches.

For example, you want to build a house. Write “house” in the center of the paper. To build a house, you need (make separate branches on the sheet from the word “house” for each sub-idea) - create a layout, select a team of builders and architects, a place and materials for construction. Or maybe you intend to build it yourself? Each branch expands with detail and you see the entire process of creating a house.

Everything you want should be in front of your eyes - this way you can make changes, add or remove something, and understand where you are missing an intermediate link in implementation. An important point - after creating a mindmap, be sure to take the first tiny step towards the goal that you have defined for yourself.

3. Two in one

The essence of the method is to implement the characteristics of one object in another. To do this, he takes two ideas/objects that are not directly related to each other, and begins the search for how to implement the properties of a non-key object in a key one. Using this principle, shopping bags were created that, when folded, look like a strawberry. Here such characteristics as brightness, shape and the unambiguous attractiveness of the berry for a female audience were used. Or, for example, remember tea bags that look like people and animals taking a bath.

You can combine different features, and in this way you can find different solutions to a specific problem and choose the optimal one. On the one hand, this is a warm-up for the brain, on the other, you learn to see the hidden, find and apply non-obvious associations in your work.

4. Dissection of the whole

The essence of the method is to divide an object or general idea into several parts. All parts are analyzed separately to identify one or more strong or non-obvious characteristics. Thanks to this, you either get a new, more specific and bright idea, or you collect the discovered features into a new object or idea with a cool set of properties and details. You can do the same when solving one big problem - the best solutions to each specific small problem become a common path to achieving the goal.

5. Selling sand in the desert

The task is simple - you need to sell something, of which there is a lot and, in fact, no one needs it. For example, there is snow in winter, and sand in the desert. A frivolous, at first glance, game will turn on your imagination and push you to unusual solutions. If you play it often, you will notice that you find interesting approaches even to ordinary things. It may be difficult for you to figure out what to sell and to whom - connect your friends, write to yourself 10 likely objects to sell and practice whenever you want.

6. Invention of the wheel

It seems that everything in the world has long been invented. But no. Train your brain by perfecting one detail, part of an object or idea. So, take a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time, and those solutions that have already been proposed - and “finish” one of them. Perhaps what you once came up with is quite suitable today, both for the same problem and for a similar one.

7. Hunt for ideas

A person's working memory cannot capture all the fleeting ideas that arise during the day. In order not to forget anything, write down interesting thoughts and important details - on a voice recorder in your phone, a notepad, or just on pieces of paper. At the end of the day, collect them in one place and analyze them. Surely, you have already thought of something very original today.

8. Six hats

The essence of this method is simple: trying to come up with something impressive, a person takes turns putting on imaginary hats of different colors. This divides the thinking process into six modes. You can try on hats yourself, or distribute imaginary hats among the discussion participants.

So, white hat means analyzing all the facts and figures on a particular issue, and also checking whether there is enough information to generate a particular decision. Black – search for negative characteristics of the issue under discussion, yellow – analysis of positive features, green – generation of new ideas, modification of an existing idea, red – emergence of a bright emotional coloring, expression of emotions related to the topic of discussion. And the blue, last hat, is worn to sum up each stage and summarize the entire work. This mechanics allows you to quickly organize the process of generating a new idea, obtain a variety of objective results and introduce a game aspect into the analysis.

Hello, dear readers. In this article we will share our thoughts on how to create something new, and also analyze an interesting moment from the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Sometimes we face difficulties in life. We feel completely alone because of these difficulties. Perhaps we are not as sociable as everyone else or we may have some kind of disease. Something that makes us "different" from others.

And nowhere, it seems, is there a place where everything would suit us, where we would be accepted. So you can lose heart, thinking that “life has simply deprived me of something and that’s all.”

But what if our difference, which seems to be “punishment”, is actually gift? What if this is the problem that we need to decide(which means it’s quite normal that we are like this) and is it possible to help others with this? That is, if we are depressed, then we need to set ourselves the goal of finding a way out of depression, if we are unable to have relationships with the opposite sex, then we need to learn, and then as they say:

Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

A similar situation, in my opinion, is shown in the anime “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”, in which the main character (Haruhi) was not happy with everything, the world seemed boring and monotonous to her. Let's look at the dialogue between the main characters:

Haruhi: I thought high school would be a little better with clubs, but here everything is the same as in the compulsory education system - maybe I was just in the wrong school... There is a detective investigation club. Kyon (Haruhi's classmate): So, how do you like him? Haruhi (disappointed): ah - funny people. They still haven't investigated any real cases. The members of the circle are ordinary fans of detective stories and among them there is not a single detective, they are not even looking for such a thing. Kyon: The usual thing... Haruhi: I was so hoping for a club for the study of supernatural phenomena, but only psychos, obsessed with the occult, gather there - a nightmare, right? Kyon: What can I say? Haruhi: AAAA! - how boring! Even if there are idiots in such circles, what can we say about the rest? Kyon: Well, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it - after all, people should be content with what they have and say thank you for at least having this... As for those who are dissatisfied, they are the ones who make discoveries - invent something and contribute in every possible way progress of civilizations. Those who love to travel invent cars and trains. Those who want to fly design airplanes and spaceships... And we got all this thanks to a handful of people with a sharp rational mind. In other words, we owe everything we have to these geniuses, these eternally dissatisfied...

So, it turns out that Haruhi was interested in something, but she could not find support from others in this, so she remained alone.

But after Kyon’s words, she just decided to open something of her own (her own circle), where she could realize your ideas. Interesting, in my opinion.

It's funny what Haruhi's facial expression was before she created "Team Sos":

rice. 1

And what happened after, when she was captured by the idea of ​​​​creating her own circle:

rice. 2

So, you want to start your own business, you have all the resources to do it - all you need is a great business idea. How does an idea even come to mind? What can you do to come up with a great business plan that will actually make you money? Success is not a characteristic of a specific group of people - great business ideas can come to anyone. Anyone can experience this amazing moment, after which you begin to look at things differently. You just need to start thinking more creatively, open your mind, and start looking for the best business ideas that can change your own life and the lives of those around you. It doesn’t matter whether you dream of starting an online business, a home business, or just want to open a small company, in any case, you should find out what habits are shared by all the people who managed to succeed in their own business. There's no formula that will give you ideas, but these habits will help you develop your imagination. If you develop them, perhaps you will become a real creative genius.

Look for inspiration in unexpected places

Never limit yourself to one specific field. If you want to come up with the perfect business idea, look everywhere for inspiration. Make innovative plans, don't be afraid to try something different and think in unconventional ways. People who dream of a new business idea should observe nature and think as objectively as possible. Don't follow the field of your work, listen to all the new ideas of the people around you. Perhaps you will find something useful this way. Just listen and decide later.

Make decisions without haste

Another habit you should think about is the tendency to make decisions without any haste. Starting a business, no matter how large or small, is very serious. Don't just try to follow your plan, try to be thoughtful about it. Let the idea develop in your head. Research shows that the less you think, the smarter the decision - so don't push your thoughts! Be open to new things and never stop looking for opportunities to improve. Give yourself time to collect all the information, calculate the pros and cons, and measure the risk factors. Only then can you make a decision. Remember, once you start a business, there is no going back. Always approach the decision-making process with confidence.

Find Inner Motivation

Try to work on what truly motivates you, rather than just choosing a field that is considered trendy or has less competition. Choose what you find interesting, what gives you satisfaction, and what challenges your creative skills. As successful entrepreneurs recommend, you should start working on a business out of love for your chosen field. Research confirms that people are most creative when they feel intrinsically motivated without social pressure, deadlines, or the like. Choose a line of work that suits your personality. Only when you feel passion can you move forward.

Start from scratch

Almost every great business idea starts with innovation. Don't think about how to improve something that already exists. Offer a unique approach that no one has ever offered before - and let something like that already exist. Think of it as a completely new idea. This way you can attract the attention of clients and buyers. It will be great if you start production from scratch. This will open up endless possibilities for you and provide you with amazing chances.

Be willing to take risks

The main difference between a successful entrepreneur and a failure lies in the fact that the former is always ready to take risks. There are a huge number of successful business ideas that once seemed too risky, but now represent multi-million dollar empires. The chances of starting a great business are doubled for someone who can take calculated risks and step outside their comfort zone.

Try to constantly try something new

Here's a habit you definitely need to consider: try new things. Don't be limited by your usual routine and established schedule. Behind every successful business idea lies innovation and motivation to be different from the rest. Of course, the safest thing to do is to stick to a routine, but stop for a minute and think: are you missing an important opportunity? Try to be bolder in life. Try new menu items, take an unusual route to a familiar destination, go on vacation to an exotic location and discover that there is much more to life than meets the eye.

Look for connections between different events

People who always have great ideas are often able to find common details in seemingly different things. You should learn to find connections and combine things with one another. This habit may pleasantly surprise you. It can become the basis for new experiences and help you look at things differently. By combining your experiences, you learn to perceive life in a special way. Instead of an endless series of individual events, it turns into a chain of interconnected moments. Coming up with a great business idea is much easier with this approach. You can remember your experience from past years and apply it to the current situation.

Believe in magic

There are hundreds and thousands of new business ideas that you just need to take advantage of. You need to believe in yourself and have no doubt that you can do anything you set your mind to. Never let your passion and motivation fade. Believe in magic, in destiny, that you can turn your dreams into reality and that you will truly create a successful business. Never allow yourself to think that something is impossible. Anything is possible if you have enough confidence in your ability to make it happen!

I noticed that the most common question I received in my email was “how do you come up with new interesting ideas every week?” So I decided to try to answer this question here.

This post will be about my process for finding ideas for my games, but I think it can also be applied to almost any creative work.

Use restrictions

Once you know you want to create something, the next step is to decide what exactly to create. However, there are so many possibilities and so many choices to make to do this that it is difficult to pin down a specific idea. Because of this, many people change their decisions over and over again and end up with nothing.

One powerful tool to avoid this pitfall is the use of constraints. With restrictions, you artificially eliminate many ideas, and having fewer options means it's easier to choose an idea. So instead of focusing on your idea, try to pick constraints that you find interesting.

Here are the constraints I've used so far to make 12 games:

  • Each game should be made in approximately 7 days
  • Every game uses retro graphics that I create myself
  • Each game will follow a theme that I will determine in advance (eg: platform game)

People might think that having these restrictions makes my job harder, but in fact it's the opposite.

Get started now

At this point you should have a vague idea of ​​what you want to do, but nothing concrete. Should you therefore start brainstorming to find a great idea? Well, there's one problem: you may never find the perfect idea.

Instead of brainstorming, start implementing your bare idea right now. Do something really simple or get inspired by something similar. Anyway, since you don't know exactly what you're creating, it will probably end up with something unimportant. And that's okay, you'll worry about making your idea interesting later.

For my platform game, I quickly started coding the most basic elements of the game:

No original ideas were involved. The game was pretty bad, but I had something to play with.


Now that you have a completed bare prototype, it's time to improve it. This part may be the most difficult and time consuming to create, but it is also the most interesting.

Here's how it works: have a small idea, implement it, test it, improve it, and repeat. Some ideas will turn out to be bad, some will need a lot of fine tuning, and others will turn out to be great. Just keep iterating with new ideas until you have something you like.

I'll try to show you this process using one idea I had for my platform game:

  • Adding coins to games adds interest, so I coded the coins
  • Looked nice but was wrong because the coins weren't used anywhere
  • To fix this I changed the rules of the game: to complete the level you must collect all the coins
  • Much better, but now I had to redo some of the levels to accommodate this change

Just a small idea like “adding coins” ended up completely changing my entire game. If you want, you can play my platformer.


Summary: Use constraints, start now and iterate.

With such a system, finding ideas is actually not that difficult. It still requires work and imagination, but eventually you will have ideas and, more importantly, you will have something you like.

We are what we constantly do.
And perfection is not an action, but a habit.
~ Aristotle

Scientists have long suggested that for those with even a modicum of willpower, it takes about 30 days to form a new habit. As with any new business, the most important thing in this is to start and overcome the first awkward steps. This is 80% success. This is why it is so important to make small but positive changes in your life for at least 30 days.

You've heard the old saying: “How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time"? The same applies to changing your own life. Trying to bite off more than you can chew will only lead to choking. But by taking a few bites at a time - for example, by starting to eat a little healthier, exercising a little more, slightly reorganizing your workflow - you won’t even notice how the elephant is swallowed and the goal is achieved.

Below you will find 30 challenges that can be completed within 30 days. I can testify that each of them has the potential to create a new positive habit in your life. Yes, some of them overlap each other slightly. And no, you don't have to take on all 30 challenges at once. It’s better to choose from 2 to 5 tests for the next 30 days - but take them on with all your heart. And once you are completely comfortable with them, choose a few others for yourself for the next month.

  1. Use words that promote happiness. – Usually, when I ask someone “How are you,” they answer me something like “Fine” or “Fine.” But one sleepy Monday morning, my colleague answered a similar question with “Simply wonderful”! It made me smile and then think. I asked him what was so wonderful that happened to him, and he replied: “Well, of course - I’m healthy, my family is fine, and we live in a free country. Isn't that wonderful?" But the difference between his life and mine was very small - the attitude towards this very life. His life wasn't necessarily better than others, but he looked twenty times happier than them. Therefore, try to use more words that bring smiles to faces in the next 30 days.
  2. Try something new every day. – Variety adds spice to life. You may see or do something a million times, but the first time is only once. Our first impressions often leave an imprint on our minds for the rest of our lives. Try to learn or experience something new every day for the next 30 days. This could be anything - from a new hobby to a conversation with a stranger. And once you get the hang of it, believe me, these new experiences will sooner or later open the door to a whole world of new opportunities that can change your life.
  3. Try to do something selfless every day. “It’s not without reason that they say, what goes around comes around.” And when you positively influence someone's life, you change yours at the same time. Do something selfless, something that will make someone else happy, or at least less unhappy. I promise it will be a very enjoyable experience. Perhaps one that you will remember for the rest of your life. Of course, your choices in this regard are limitless, but if you can help someone and it doesn't cost you anything, do it.
  4. Learn and practice one new skill every day. – If you can rely on yourself in any situation, you will certainly live a happy and productive life. And in order to rely on yourself, you need to acquire as many useful skills as possible, becoming a kind of jack of all trades. And despite all those stories about jacks of all trades being good for nothing, in reality they are much better suited to life than specialists in one narrow field. Plus, learning new skills is fun.
  5. Teach someone something new every day. – We all have our own natural strengths and talents that can greatly help the people around us. What is simple for you may be quite difficult for others. We take these gifts of fate for granted, often barely realizing how much we have to offer other people, and therefore rarely share anything with them. But these invaluable gifts can help us sow happiness and the will to live around us. What do people thank you for most often? What do they most often ask you to help with? Most hobbies and inner talents can help those in their social circle in some way. For you, this may turn out to be drawing, learning mathematics, the ability to cook delicious dinners, or even becoming a teacher of some courses. Over the next 30 days, try to share your talents and experiences with others.
  6. Spend at least an hour every day doing something you are truly passionate about.. – DO NOT forget to pursue your hobbies. It could be anything. Some people enjoy participating in the political life of their city, others find solace in their faith, others participate in clubs that bring together people with similar hobbies, and for others, their hobby may be the most important thing in life. But each of these cases is actually similar to the others. All these people are doing something that they are truly passionate about. And this passion fills their lives with happiness and meaning.
  7. Be kind to everyone. Even to those who are rude to you.– If you talk kindly to someone who doesn’t like you, this does not mean that you are hiding your feelings. Rather, it means that you are truly an adult and are able to control them. Treat everyone around you with kindness and respect, even those who treat you less well - not because they are good people, but because that is the kind of person you are. Try this behavior for the next 30 days and little by little you will see how the rudeness around you slowly dissipates.
  8. Try to always maintain a positive attitude. – Truly successful people always try to be optimistic. They cultivated the ability to independently create their own happiness and the desire to create. No matter what situation you find yourself in, remember: every successful singer was once an ordinary girl who always managed to find positivity in her life. She knows that any mistake is just an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to learn something new. Those who think optimistically see the world as a place chock full of endless possibilities, especially during challenging times. Try to look on the bright side of this world for the next 30 days.
  9. Always be grateful for the lessons that life's situations teach you.. – It is important to remember that whatever you encounter is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, and so on. All this is part of that huge life lesson that we call life. Try to always be grateful for him, especially when things don't go the way you want them to. And if you didn’t get the job you dreamed of, or your personal relationship never led to anything serious, it just means that there are much better options waiting for you somewhere ahead. And the lesson you just learned is just the first step towards this better option. For the next 30 days, try to write down in your journal all the lessons that life has taught you.
  10. Pay attention to your life - and enjoy it. – When I watched the Oscars a few months ago, I realized that most of the speeches given by award-winning actors and actresses began with something like this: “This means so much to me. My whole life seemed to lead to this moment.” But do you know what the truth is? Each of our lives leads to this moment. Yes, yes, to this very moment in which we are now. Think about it. Everything you have done in your life - bad, good and indifferent - has led you to the point where you are now. Ask yourself how much are you truly living your life? And if you're like most people, the answer is likely to be, "Not enough." So try to focus a little less on achieving something and more on just living. Remember - we live for the moment. Life is here and now. So try to spend the next 30 days truly living.
  11. Try to get rid of at least one thing a day for the next 30 days.– We live every moment of our lives surrounded by a huge amount of garbage and unnecessary things - and it doesn’t matter where we are at that moment (at work, in the car, at home or somewhere else). We are so used to it that we don’t even notice how it affects us. But if you clear out the external debris, a fair amount of the internal debris will also go with it. So try to choose one unnecessary item every day and get rid of it in one way or another. In fact, it is very simple, although at first it may not seem so to you. But sooner or later you will get rid of your “squirrel syndrome”, and your decluttered mind will thank you.
  12. Try to create something new in these 30 days. – Creating something new... ah, this feeling cannot be compared with anything. Tapping into your own creativity and creating something new with your own hands gives you an indescribably satisfying feeling of accomplishment like no other. The only “but” is that you must create something that you really like. If you spend all day creating financial investment plans for your clients and hating every second of it, then it doesn't count. But if you find a hobby that you really enjoy and create something that relates to it, it can change your whole life. And if you haven't created anything with your own hands lately just because you feel like it, give it a try. Let your creativity run free – at least for the next 30 days.
  13. For the next 30 days, don't lie a single word.. – Yes, this may seem difficult, if not impossible, because “white”, “innocent” lies often pour out of us in a continuous stream. But you can. Stop deceiving yourself and others, speak, looking for words that come from the heart, speak the truth.
  14. Try to wake up 30 minutes earlier every day. – Try to wake up 30 minutes earlier every day so you don’t run around in the morning like a rabbit bitten by a kangaroo. These 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, delays, and other unnecessary headaches. Try it - at least for the same 30 days - and see how it affects your life.
  15. Get rid of 3 bad habits over the next 30 days.– Do you eat too much junk food? Playing too many video games? Are you quarreling with your relatives? In general, you yourself know your bad habits. Pick 3 of them and try to get rid of them in the next 30 days. Dot.
  16. Try to watch TV no more than half an hour a day. – Better entertain yourself with something from the real world. The best memories we have are from the wonderful events that happen to us in real life, and only in it. So turn off your TV (or computer, if you watch TV on it), and go outside. Look at the world, enjoy nature, embrace the simple joys that life has to offer and just watch it unfold before you
  17. Set one worthwhile goal for yourself and work on it for at least an hour a day.– Break your big, grandiose goal into small pieces, and focus on completing one piece at a time. Yes, taking one step at a time will get you there the fastest, but taking the first step is usually the hardest. For the next 30 days, try to spend at least one hour a day doing something you've always wanted to achieve. Take your dream and make it come true.
  18. Read one chapter of a good book every day. – Now that the Internet opens up to us an endless stream of information, articles, dialogues and discussions, people are spending more and more time reading online. And yet, none of this can replace the time-tested wisdom of some of the classic books that have shared (and will continue to share) their wisdom for many generations. Books open many doors - both in your mind and in your life. Find a list of classic books online and visit your local library. Then spend the next 30 days reading at least one chapter a day until you finish the entire book. And then choose another one. And further. And further.
  19. Try to watch or read something every morning that will inspire you to new achievements.. – Sometimes, in order to fill yourself with energy for the whole next day, you need just a little. So for the next 30 days, before you leave the house, watch a motivational video, or read something (quotes, a blog post, a short story) that can inspire you.
  20. Every afternoon, do something that makes you smile.. – Watch a funny video clip on YouTube, read your favorite comic book, or find a couple of recent jokes online. Healthy laughter stimulates your mind and replenishes your energy levels. And the best time to do this is after lunch, when you need the energy boost most.
  21. Avoid alcohol and drugs for the next 30 days.– How difficult this test will be depends only on you. If you are susceptible to alcoholism or drug addiction, it is not recommended to try to quit the addiction on your own. Visit a doctor who can help you stop using substances slowly and in a gentle manner. But if you only drink occasionally or indulge in drugs at parties, try to give it up for at least the next 30 days. Believe me, if you want to perk up, there are healthier ways to do it.
  22. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. – Your health is your life. Don't miss it. Eat right, exercise and don't forget about medical examinations.
  23. Try to put yourself in an uncomfortable, fear-inducing situation every day.– By adopting a strategy of small forays into unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory, we are often able to bypass the most serious obstacle to positive change – fear. Sometimes we are afraid that nothing will work out for us. Sometimes we fear that we will succeed and will have to deal with all the changes and growth that success will bring into our lives. Sometimes we are afraid of rejection or afraid of looking stupid. The best way to overcome fear is to face it head on. Face your fear, feel it in your mind, become aware of it and understand what to do next with it. Greet him by name if you wish. "Hello, fear." Fear can become your friend if you learn to face it fearlessly, and listen to it only when it fulfills its true purpose - to warn you of danger. Try to spend at least an hour a day for the next 30 days understanding the fear that is stopping you from moving forward.
  24. Cook one new, healthy dish every day. – Cooking is not only fun, but also healthy – properly cooked food will provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs. In general, a useful activity, no matter how you look at it. So find a larger cookbook - and go ahead and conquer the culinary Olympus! Try to cook at least one new and healthy dish every day for the next 30 days.
  25. Every day, spend 10 minutes remembering what good happened to you today.– For the next 30 days, spend 10 minutes every day remembering the small successes that happened to you today. This will help you remind yourself how lucky you are in life, and realize how much better you are today compared to the day before.
  26. Try to talk to someone every day that you don't usually talk to.. – People are very interesting creatures, and you will never find people who are exactly alike. By communicating with different people, you open yourself up to new ideas and perspectives. So, for the next 30 days, try to talk every day with someone you don't usually talk to, or even a stranger. Find out what kind of people they are.
  27. In the next 30 days, pay off your debts and do not take on new ones.. – Live within your means. Don't buy things you don't need. If you are considering a major purchase, think it over as carefully as possible. Create a budget for yourself, a savings plan, and stick to it. In the next 30 days, pay for the item in cash and think about every expense - even the penny one.
  28. Give up at least one relationship that does not bring you anything useful. – Try to keep close to you only those people who truly love you, motivate you, inspire you, make you better and happier. And if someone you know isn't doing any of the above, isn't it time to get rid of them, making room in your life for positive relationships? So if there is a person in your life who constantly hurts you and only takes from you without giving anything in return, try to get rid of him in the next 30 days.
  29. Forgive those who deserve a second chance. – Sometimes good relationships end only because of our inflated egos and isolated quarrels. And if there is someone in your life who deserves a second chance, give it to them. Try to write a new chapter in your overall story over the next 30 days.
  30. Document every day you live with one photo and one paragraph of text.. – For the next 30 days, take your camera with you wherever you go. Try to take one photo each day that best represents that day. And before you go to bed, write one paragraph in your diary that best describes your day. If you do this digitally, you can even combine the photo and text (for example, on a personal blog), making it easier to review in the future. And many years later, this collection of old photographs and recordings may well remind you of pleasant memories that you would otherwise simply forget.

As you move through these tests, remember: This is a slow, painstaking process. It cannot be forced. You need to work on it every day. Believe me, you still have enough time to become who you want. And don't settle for less than you deserve or less than what you are capable of. And most importantly, no matter what problems you encounter along the way, never give up. You are braver than you think, stronger than you look and smarter than you think. You are at least twice as capable as the maximum you have set for yourself.